How to open the Application Manager on Windows 7. Manually editing the registry. What to do if it doesn’t open

Hello friends, if Task Manager does not start for you, then this material will help solve your problem. This article will be about how to enable task manager, what it is, why it is needed, how to open it and much more.

Today I want to tell you in detail about one quite interesting and useful program our computer Task Manager, which can be launched by absolutely anyone. Last time we talked about.

Basic moments:

  • What is task manager?
  • Six task manager tabs.
  • Why do you need a task manager?
  • How to open task manager.

Personally, I have the task manager running all the time, I can’t live without it. I constantly need to monitor the operation of my computer. No matter where I am or what computer I work on, I always turn on the standard Windows program, called Task Manager.

Let's start in order and consider each of the four subparagraphs of our article today.

What is Task Manager

Task Manager is one of the standard programs line of operating rooms Windows systems Microsoft Corporation. It can be used on Linux, Mac OS, and others.

Task Manager is computer utility(program) diagnostics, which shows on the computer monitor running processes,services, applications and the resources they consume in real time. Using it, you can monitor your computer's performance, shut down a specific process, service or application that is not working correctly, hangs, or simply slows down your computer.

If you are on any network, using the task manager on the special “Network” tab, you can monitor the parameters and status of its operation. When several users connect to your computer, it is possible to see the names of these people and what tasks they are running.

Six dispatcher tabs Windows tasks.


The appendices show running programs and tasks.

If any program is frozen and its status is “Not responding”, you can remove this task, or force close it yourself.


This shows a list of all processes that are running on this moment. You can see the name of the process, who started it, the CPU load (central processing unit), the allocated memory of the desired process, and finally its description (that’s what I call it - from where the legs grow).

If necessary, you can forcefully terminate any of the processes. Here I sometimes remove viruses that are running on the computer.


This tab shows all running services your computer at the moment.

I almost never come here.


This is probably my favorite Windows Task Manager tab. This shows basic information about your computer.

CPU load, its chronology - you can see what percentage your processor is currently loaded at. Allocated memory, how much is used and how much is left free. Also shown exact time after the computer was last turned on.

You can go to the resource monitor and go to the Overview, CPU, Memory, Disk and Network tabs.


In the network tab, everything is very accessible and there is nothing superfluous.

The adapter that is being used, the network usage as a percentage (usually less than a percentage), the speed of your line and the connection status are shown.


Here you can see all the users who are connected to the computer, their code, status, client name and session.

You can disconnect any user, log out and send a message.

The bottommost line shows the number of processes, CPU load in percentage and used physical memory computer at the moment.

Using the Windows Task Manager, you can also launch a new task or process. I used this feature if I had a blank desktop and nothing else was loading. I launched Task Manager, went to “File” >>> “New Task” and launched “explorer”.

It always helped, but of course cases are different. If you have problems starting or loading Windows, then you can use or .

Why do you need a task manager?

So why do you need a task manager, you ask me? It is needed to monitor the operation of your computer. It's quite easy to use and with clear interface a program that monitors the performance of probably the entire system.

Most often it is used because useful function, which makes it possible to close (terminate) processes and applications. If your computer is frozen and you roughly know the reason for this, then the task manager is exactly the program that will help solve your problem.

How to open task manager

There are several ways to open the task manager. I will show you the most popular ones:

Using the keyboard

The first method is probably the fastest and easiest of all.

To do this, press the combination Ctrl keys+ Shift + Esc, you can also use the following combination Ctrl+ Alt + Delete and select the task manager, which is located at the very bottom of the list.

Second way.

Let's go to command line, via Start >>> Run (for XP) or you can press Win + R (checkbox on the keyboard plus the “R” button) and type the command “taskmgr”.

Using the mouse and taskbar

Third way.

We go to the very bottom of our desktop and to free space right-click on the taskbar. From the pop-up menu, select “Launch Task Manager”.

In rare cases, if there is no free space on the taskbar, you can click on or near the clock, which is located in the lower right corner of the desktop on the monitor.

Turn on the task manager

Let's assume this situation. When you press Ctrl + Alt + Delete, or in any other way, your task manager does not want to start and displays something like this: “Task Manager has been disabled by the administrator.” This can be caused by several reasons, a popular one being someone infiltrating your computer.

If you have a lot of viruses, then I recommend using a reliable antivirus; if this does not help, then you can or. They start along with the operating system (probably in startup) and block some processes and applications, including the task manager.

What will your actions be? Something is probably wrong, I’ll try to restart the computer, maybe after a reboot everything will start. I’ll say right away that this will hardly help. If you still want to use convenient tool control the operation of the computer Task Manager, then we need to launch the task manager on our own.

You need to follow simple steps

Go to the Start menu >>> Run or Win+R.

Recruiting a team and click OK, the Local Editor appears group policy.

Go to User Configuration >>> Administrative Templates.

Go to Status >>> System.

Features Ctrl + Alt + Delete. For Windows 7 - Action options after pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete.

Double-click on the “Delete Task Manager” line.

In the next window you need to select “Not configured” or “Disable” and click OK.

After you have completed all the steps described above, the Windows Task Manager should be unlocked.

And now I propose to consolidate our knowledge and look short video lesson.

How to enable Task Manager | website

Let's sum it up

In this article, we talked in detail about the Windows Task Manager. We found out what it is, why it is needed, how to open it and how to enable task manager- Task Manager.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them below in the comments to this article. I'll probably end here. Have fun working on your computer and remember, any problem can be solved, you just need to think a little, or contact a specialist for advice.

Thank you for reading me on

Probably everyone knows what the Task Manager is and everyone knows how to call it. But it may also happen that some virus disables Ctrl + Alt + Del and takes it hostage, so how else are you going to open the task manager? In this article we will look at six ways to free our “task manager” from being held hostage by some damned virus.

1) Ctrl + Alt + Del
Probably the first option will be the most familiar to you - Ctrl + Alt + Del. Before Windows Vista you could press Ctrl + Alt + Del and it would directly call the Windows task manager. But since Windows Vista, when you press Ctrl + Alt + Del, you will be taken to Windows Security, which allows the user to select five various options further use systems.

2) Right-click on the taskbar
Perhaps the most quick way to bring up the Windows Task Manager. You just need to right-click on the taskbar and select "Start Task Manager". It's just two clicks and voila!

3) Run taskmgr
Another way is to launch the "Task Manager". Click the "Start" button, then "All Programs" --> "Accessories" --> "Run". You can also press the "Windows" key + R on your keyboard or enable the command - "Run". In the window that pops up, just type "taskmgr" and press Enter.

4) Ctrl + Shift + Esc
Ctrl + Shift + Esc is another quick and reliable way call " Windows Manager". When using this method, you will not be transferred to "Windows Security", but will immediately call the "Task Manager"

5) Go to taskmgr.exe
This is definitely the most a long way opening the task manager, but if you can't open it anymore, then this is better than nothing at all. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to C:\Windows\System32. Find the file "taskmgr.exe" there and double click mouse to activate it.

6) Create a shortcut to taskmgr.exe
And finally, you can go through Explorer to the same path C:\Windows\System32, find the file "taskmgr.exe" there and create a shortcut on the desktop. Using this method, our “Dispatcher” will always be at hand.

OK it's all over Now. Some methods are more effective than others, but if you are in a difficult situation, for example fighting a virus or something like that, then these methods will become simply irreplaceable.

Microsoft developers have provided many built-in utilities that help solve the most different tasks. One of the most useful and frequently used programs in the Windows operating system is the Task Manager. At times you cannot do without this utility. It provides the user with extensive capabilities for monitoring computer parameters and managing processes. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to open Task Manager in Windows. Let's figure it out. Go!

Most often, the help of the Task Manager is resorted to when an application or game on the computer freezes. How, then, to call the Manager window? There are several options for how this can be done.

How to start Task Manager in Windows

The first way is to use the key combination Ctrl+Alt+Del. It is very good if the PC is frozen and you can’t control it with the mouse. After pressing the combination, a menu will open where you need to select the appropriate item.

The second method allows you to open the utility window directly. It also consists of using a key combination, only now it is Ctrl+Shift+Esc. In this case, you will not see the menu, but will go straight to the main Manager window.

The third option is to call special menu by simultaneously pressing the Win+X buttons. The same can be done by right-clicking on the “Start” button. Select the desired item from the list that appears. This method works not only with the Start button, but also with the taskbar. Just right-click on it to open a special menu.

The fourth option is to launch Task Manager through the Start menu. Once you open Start, go to the All Programs list. Then find the "System - Windows" folder. It is in this folder that the desired application is located.

The fifth option is to use the “Run” field. Press Win+R to open desired window. Then enter taskmgr. You can also enter this name in the command line or PowerShell, and after pressing Enter, the Task Manager will launch.

Task Manager Features

Now let's talk a little about the utility itself and how to use it. After launch, a list will appear active processes, next to which the status of each of them is displayed. Highlight required process and click "End" to stop any program from running. In addition, you can give the process more high priority. To do this, select the one you want, click on it right key mouse and select “Priority”. Select the one you need in the pop-up list.

To obtain Additional information, click "Advanced". After this, several tabs will appear in which you can view basic system parameters, for example, load level central processor, random access memory, networks, see startup applications, list of active services and much more useful information about your computer.

Now you will always know how to access the Task Manager if necessary. As you can see, there are many ways to run it, so use the one that is most convenient for you.

Sometimes programs don't work exactly the way you want them to. They can work with a bunch of errors, not respond (not respond to your actions) and eventually “hang” with the words “Not responding” in the title bar.

Such “hanging” programs cannot always be brought back to life or closed. in the usual way using the cross in the upper right corner. This is where we need to launch the task manager.

Task Manager (taskmgr) - standard utility, included in all Windows versions. The main tasks are to display a list of current processes and applications, as well as display information about the load on computer resources.

Most people know only one way to call the task manager, but in fact there are six such ways!

Let's take a closer look at how to call the task manager in different ways.

Method #1: Ctrl + Alt + Del

Ctrl + Alt + Del. This method will probably be the most familiar to you. Up until Windows Vista, by pressing these three treasured buttons, you could directly turn on the Windows Task Manager.

However, starting with Windows Vista, this tradition was violated. Now, when you press this key combination, you will be taken to Windows Security, which will allow you to choose from five different options for further use operating system Windows.

That is why other methods of launching the task manager may be more relevant.

Method number 2: through the taskbar

By right-clicking on any “free space” on the Windows taskbar. This is perhaps the fastest and convenient way to call the dispatcher. You just need to right-click on the Windows taskbar and select context menu"Launch Task Manager." These two actions will bring up the Task Manager.

Method number 3: via the command line

Launch using the taskmgr command. By running this command in Command Option Windows line, you will launch Task Manager. To do this, click the “Start” button, then select the “All Programs” menu item, then the “Accessories” sub-item, and then select the “Run” sub-item. The same can be achieved simply by turning on the Run command or pressing the Windows key combination + R on your keyboard. In the window that appears, type the command “taskmgr” and press the “Enter” key to execute it.

Command line - universal method solutions to many issues. For example, you can use it to define or find .

Method #4: Ctrl + Shift + Esc

Ctrl + Shift + Esc. This key combination will open the Windows Task Manager. This launch method will not take you to “Windows Security”, but will immediately launch the Windows Task Manager.

Method No. 5: directly launch the taskmgr.exe file

This method of launching the Windows Task Manager is the longest of all available, but if there is no other way to call it, then this method is better than no method at all. In this method, we open the folder where the dispatcher is located and launch it directly.

To do this, you need to open Windows Explorer, Total Commander or any file manager that you have, then go to the C:\Windows\System32 directory and find the "taskmgr.exe" file there. Double-click on it with the left mouse button and launch Windows Task Manager.

Method number 6: by creating a shortcut to taskmgr.exe

Create a shortcut to taskmgr.exe. This method is extremely inconvenient for a beginner. In order to create a shortcut that will launch the Windows Task Manager, you need to go through Explorer to the C:\Windows\System32 folder, find a file called “taskmgr.exe” there, right-click on it and send the shortcut to the desktop . By using this method The Windows Task Manager will always be at your fingertips in a visible place.

That's all known methods launch a program called Task Manager in Windows. Some of them are more convenient and effective than others, but if you have no choice, you find yourself in a difficult situation, for example, you have caught some kind of virus, or something like that, then the above methods will become simply irreplaceable for you . Study them carefully and remember them. Choose one method that is most convenient for you to launch Task Manager and use it.

In the traditional way, the task manager opens in fast mode keyboard shortcut CTRL+ALT+DEL. There are other methods for calling the process and resource manager, so let's look at how to start task manager via command line.

Of course, the method is not in demand, but still used by ardent fans of working with cmd. The article will cover:

  1. about launching the task manager window from cmd - opening occurs by entering a command, after which you will see a window with graphical interface, tabs, buttons.
  2. about opening information about running Windows system processes - some of the manager’s capabilities are launched and processes are displayed on the command line.

Using the Taskmgr Command

1. Click on “start”, go to “all programs”, then find “standard” in the list, right-click on the name “command line” and run it with administrator rights.

2. B cmd window type taskmgr and press ENTER. After which the task manager should start. If you enter incorrectly, you will see an error (shown in the screenshot).

Situations arise when, after entering a command, a warning appears about disabling the task manager (see the screenshot below). This is due to the fact that the administrator has limited your access or the system may have been compromised malware. In this case, you will need to get rid of the virus and enable the task manager, either in Group Policy settings or through system registry.

That's how you are launch task manager from command line. Next, let's look at control via cmd.

Using the Tasklist Command

Tasklist allows you to display running processes on your or a remote computer in a command line window. Has its own syntax, which you can find by typing Tasklist/? (shown in the picture).

If you enter Tasklist without parameters, information on executing processes on your computer will be displayed, and you will see the following structured data, divided into columns:

  1. The image name is the name of the executing process. In the main list you will see the names of programs, system files and services, with the extension (.exe).
  2. PID is an identifier that is assigned upon creation and has a unique set of numbers.
  3. Session name – names of elements by which you determine what started the process. Services means that the launch was carried out by services or system files. Console – processes enabled by the user.
  4. Session number – has values ​​from 0 and above, is the user session number.
  5. Memory - everything is clear here. Next to each image name is a numerical value in kilobytes (KB) indicating how much RAM is currently in use.

Thus, you can obtain information and monitor the system status, as well as terminate processes from the command line.

It is possible to call the command line in Windows 7 and other operating systems through the task manager. Launch it and click "file" -> " new task».

Type cmd and press ENTER (see picture).

Here's how you can launch task manager via command line and vice versa. And by studying the Tasklist command, you can monitor the status of your PC and remote computers, with the ability to terminate the process from cmd.