Popular programs for windows 10

Open Windows 10's Add or Remove Programs and you'll probably see something from this list there. At best, you don't need these apps. At worst, they not only take up space, but also add vulnerabilities to the system. Remove them without hesitation.

1. Flash Player and other outdated technologies

Once upon a time, web pages required plugins such as Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight or Java to play videos or display various applets. Now that most modern websites have moved to HTML5, these things are no longer needed. Moreover, security holes are constantly being discovered in Flash or Silverlight.

Adobe plans to stop supporting it completely by 2020. Silverlight support will continue for a year longer. And Java may have been a revolutionary technology when it was released in 1995, but a lot has changed since then.

So remove Flash Player, Shockwave Player, Silverlight and Java. They won't be needed anymore.

Alternative: not required. Nowadays, most sites show videos perfectly without third-party plugins.

2. “Amigo” and other junkware applications

If you install a lot of programs and do not carefully study what they offer to install in addition, you will find yourself with a lot of uninvited guests.

First of all, these are panels and extensions for the browser. “[email protected]”, “Yandex.Elements”, panels from Yahoo, Bing... All these gizmos not only clutter the interface, but also try to replace your home page and default search engine.

This also includes “Amigo”, “[email protected]” and other programs. Slipping this to users is simply a crime. Wipe everything to hell and carefully look in the future at what the installers are trying to push into you.

Alternative: normal browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Opera or Vivaldi. Download applications from trusted sources and install unwanted software. will help you with this.

3. CCleaner and other system cleaners

Many people cannot imagine life without programs like CCleaner or IObit Advanced SystemCare. But they don’t do anything that the built-in Disk Cleanup of Windows 10 is not capable of. In addition, many cleaners, tweakers and optimizers settle in the tray and take away system resources.

Do you really need to clear cookies from your browser every few days? And by deleting “extra” keys from the registry, you may well harm the system. Yes, CCleaner can help remove some programs that Windows cannot get rid of, but you can do without it. The same applies to other optimizers.

Alternative: standard system tools. If you want to free up space, use Windows Disk Cleanup. If you want to defragment your disk, run Disk Defragmenter. There is no need to once again go into the registry and delete keys with obscure names from there. The system knows better what it needs.

4. Pre-installed software

Whatever laptop you buy - HP, Dell, Toshiba, Lenovo - you will find in it a set of pre-installed software from the manufacturer, which is of no use. For example, on my HP laptop, HP Lounge, HP 3D DriveGuard, CyberLink YouCam, HP Support Assistant and the HP panel for the Windows 10 taskbar were found.

All these applications are designed to update something and protect from something, but in practice they only consume system resources and take up space. Uninstall pre-installed software.

Alternative: not required. Windows 10 itself is capable of installing updates and drivers.

5. Windows 10 Metro apps

Microsoft is diligently pushing a lot of so-called Metro applications on us. These are 3D Builder, Xbox, “Maps”, “Weather”, OneNote, “News”, “Sports”, “Finance”, “Mail”...

Metro applications have very limited functionality and a unique interface. They may be appropriate on a tablet running Windows 10, but on a laptop or desktop computer they simply look superfluous. You can easily find a more suitable replacement for them. Fortunately, they are quite possible.

6. Edge and Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer 11 is the latest version of this “legendary” browser. No one has been using it for a long time, however, Microsoft leaves it as part of Windows 10.

To disable Internet Explorer (you can’t completely remove it), type “Turn Windows features on or off” in the search, open what you found and uncheck the box next to Internet Explorer 11.

As for Edge, it certainly looks like a normal browser... but only compared to Internet Explorer. Microsoft is sincerely trying to make Edge popular, but so far it has not been very successful. As with many of Microsoft's new apps, Edge's interface is more suited to tablets than PCs. So you can delete it too. True, as is the case with pre-installed Metro applications, this will require some unnecessary gestures.

Alternative: a lot of them. Most users use Edge and Internet Explorer just to go to Chrome, Firefox or Opera sites and install a decent browser. Do the same.

7. Skype Click to Call

A rather useless browser extension that is installed with Skype. It allows you to call phone numbers that appear on web pages. Often, Skype Click to Call mistakes sets of numbers for phone numbers that are not numbers. Remove it, it won't harm Skype.

Alternative: most likely not required. And how often do you make Skype calls to landline numbers?

8. Windows Media Player and QuickTime

Do you still use the standard player from Microsoft? There are many much more convenient and functional alternatives. You can disable Windows Media Player through “Turn Windows features on or off.”

QuickTime may have installed on your computer if you use iTunes for Windows, but iTunes no longer needs QuickTime to function. QuickTime support for Windows was discontinued by Apple in 2016. All media formats supported by QuickTime can be easily opened by third-party players if necessary.

Alternative: other audio and video players such as AIMP, foobar, KMPlayer and VLC. They support many more file formats, and their interface is nicer.

What applications are on your hit list?

  • Upgrade dieses PCs auf WindowsВ 10 mithilfe des Tools (zum Anzeigen von mehr oder weniger Informationen hier klicken)

    Diese Anweisungen gelten für folgende Fälle:

    • Sie besitzen eine Lizenz zur Installation von WindowsВ 10 В und fГјhren auf diesem PC nun ein Upgrade von WindowsВ 7 oder WindowsВ 8.1 durch.
    • Sie mГјssen WindowsВ 10 auf einem PC neu installieren, auf dem WindowsВ 10 bereits aktiviert wurde.

    Wenn Sie WindowsВ 10 auf einem PC mit WindowsВ XP oder WindowsВ Vista installieren oder wenn Sie Installationsmedien erstellen mГјssen, um WindowsВ 10 auf einem anderen PC zu installieren, lesen Sie den folgenden Abschnitt .

    Hinweis: Überprüfen Sie vor der Installation von Windows 10, ob Ihr PC die erfüllt. Weiterführende Informationen zu aktualisierten Treibern und Hardwarekompatibilität finden Sie auf der Website des PC-Herstellers.

    1. Wählen Sie Tool herunterladen und anschließend Ausführen
    2. Wählen Sie auf der Seite mit den LizenzbedingungenZustimmen aus, wenn Sie mit diesen einverstanden sind.
    3. Wählen Sie auf der Seite Was möchten Sie tun?Jetzt Upgrade für diesen PC ausführen und anschließend Weiter aus.
    4. Nachdem Sie das Tool heruntergeladen und installiert haben, folgt eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung zum Einrichten von Windows 10 auf Ihrem PC. Alle Versionen von Windows 10 sind verfügbar, wenn Sie Windows 10 auswählen, mit der Ausnahme von Enterprise. Weitere Informationen zu Enterprise finden Sie im .

      • Falls Sie keine Lizenz zur Installation von Windows 10 besitzen und zuvor kein Upgrade auf WindowsВ 10 durchgefГјhrt haben, kГ¶nnen Sie WindowsВ 10 unter erwerben. .
      • Falls Sie auf diesem PC bereits zuvor ein Upgrade auf Windows 10 durchgefГјhrt haben und das Betriebssystem neu installieren, muss kein ProduktschlГјssel eingegeben werden. Ihr Windows 10 wird spä¤ter mithilfe Ihrer digitalen Lizenz automatisch aktiviert.
    5. Sobald WindowsB 10 installiert werden kann, erhalten Sie eine Zusammenfassung Ihrer Auswahl sowie der Elemente, die nach dem Upgrade beibehalten werden. WГ¤hlen Sie G„ndern der zu behaltenden Elemente aus, um festzulegen, ob Sie wГ¤hrend des Upgrades Persönliche Dateien und Apps behalten, Nur persönliche Dateien behalten oder Nichts behalten mГ¶chten.
    6. Speichern und schließen Sie alle geöffneten Apps und Dateien. Wählen Sie dann Installation aus.
    7. Die Installation von WindowsIn 10 kann einige Zeit dauern. Der PC wird mehrmals neu gestartet. Schalten Sie den PC nicht aus.
  • Verwenden dieses Tools zum Erstellen von Installationsmedien (USB-Laufwerk, DVD oder ISO-Datei) fГјr die Installation von WindowsВ 10 auf einem anderen PC (zum Anzeigen von mehr oder weniger Informationen hier klicken)

    Befolgen Sie diese Schritte zum Erstellen von Installationsmedien (USB-Laufwerk oder DVD), mit denen Sie eine neue Version von Windows 10 installieren, eine Neuinstallation durchführen oder Windows 10 erneut installieren können.

    Vor dem Herunterladen des Tools muss Folgendes vorhanden sein:

    • Eine Internetverbindung. (Es fallen GebГјhren des Internetdienstanbieters an.)
    • Ein Computer mit ausreichend verfГјgbarem Speicherplatz, ein USB-Laufwerk oder eine externe Festplatte fГјr den Download.
    • Einen leerer USB-Speicherstick mit mindestens 8GB Speicherplatz oder eine leere DVD (plus DVD-Brenner) ist zum Erstellen von Medien erforderlich. Wir empfehlen, ein leeres USB-Speichermedium oder eine leere DVD zu verwenden, da sГ¤mtliche gespeicherten Inhalte gelГ¶scht werden.
    • Wenn beim Brennen einer ISO-Datei auf eine DVD gemeldet wird, dass die DatentrГ¤gerabbilddatei zu groГџ ist, mГјssen Sie eine doppelschichtige DVD (Dual Layer, DL) verwenden.

    ГњberprГјfen Sie einige Punkte auf dem PC, auf dem WindowsВ 10 installiert werden soll:

    • 64-Bit-oder 32-Bit-Processor (CPU). Sie erstellen entweder eine 64-Bit- oder eine 32-Bit-Version von WindowsВ 10. Welche Version Sie benГ¶tigen, kГ¶nnen Sie in den PC-Einstellungen unter PC-Info oder in der Systemsteuerung unter System ermitteln. Die entsprechenden Informationen finden Sie unter Systemtype.
    • Systemanforderungen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der PC die fГјr WindowsВ 10 erfГјllt. WeiterfГјhrende Informationen zu aktualisierten Treibern und HardwarekompatibilitГ¤t finden Sie auf der Website des PC-Herstellers.
    • Spracheinstellung fГјr Windows. Bei der Installation von WindowsВ 10 mГјssen Sie eine Sprache auswГ¤hlen. Um Ihre aktuelle Spracheinstellung zu ГјberprГјfen, rufen Sie in den PC-Einstellungen die Option Zeit und Sprache Region auf.
    • Windows-Edition. DarГјber hinaus sollten Sie die gleiche Windows-Edition auswГ¤hlen. Wenn Sie ГјberprГјfen mГ¶chten, welche Edition derzeit ausgefГјhrt wird, rufen Sie in den PC-Einstellungen die Option PC-Info oder in der Systemsteuerung die Option System auf. Suchen Sie dort nach Windows Edition. WindowsB 10 Enterprise ist im Medienerstellungstool nicht verfГјgbar. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im .
    • Microsoft Office-Product. Wenn Sie gerade ein neues GerГ¤t mit OfficeВ 365 erworben haben, sollten Sie den Product Key fГјr den Download und die Installation von Office vor dem Upgrade auf WindowsВ 10 einlГ¶sen (installieren). Informationen zum EinlГ¶sen Ihres Product Keys fГјr Office finden Sie unter Herunterladen und Installieren von OfficeВ 365 Home , Personal oder University auf Ihrem PC. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter DurchfГјhren eines Upgrades auf WindowsВ 10 auf neuen GerГ¤ten, die OfficeВ 365 enthalten .

    Wenn Sie Office 2010 oder eine frühere Version verwenden und eine Neuinstallation von Windows 10 durchführen möchten, benötigen Sie Ihren Product Key für Office. Hinweise zum Ermitteln Ihres Product Keys finden Sie unter So finden Sie Ihren OfficeB 2010-Product Key oder unter Suchen des Product Keys für OfficeB 2007 .

    Erstellen von Installationsmedien mithilfe des Tools:

    1. Wählen Sie Tool jetzt herunterladen und anschließend Ausführen aus. Sie müssen dieses Tool als Administrator ausführen.
    2. Wählen Sie Zustimmen aus, wenn Sie mit den Lizenzbedingungen einverstanden sind.
    3. Wählen Sie auf der Seite Was möchten Sie tun? die Option Installationsmedien für einen anderen PC erstellen und anschließend Weiter aus.
    4. Wählen Sie Sprache, Edition und Architektur (64-Bit oder 32-Bit) für Windows 10 aus. Diese Tabelle hilft Ihnen, die richtige Edition von Windows 10 auszuwählen:

      Ihre aktuelle Windows-Edition Windows 10-Edition
      Windows 7 Starter
      Windows 7 Home Basic
      Windows 7 Home Premium
      Windows 7 Professional
      Windows 7 Ultimate
      Windows 8/8.1
      Windows 8.1 with Bing
      Windows 8 Pro
      Windows 8.1 Pro
      Windows 8/8.1 Professional with Media Center
      Windows 8/8.1 Single Language
      Windows 8 Single Language with Bing
      Windows 10 Home
      Windows 10 Pro
      Windows 10
      Windows 8/8.1 Chinese Language Edition
      Windows 8 Chinese Language Edition with Bing
      Windows 10 Home China
    5. Wählen Sie aus, welches Medium Sie verwenden möchten:
    6. Nachdem Erstellen wenden Sie das Installationsmedium mithilfe der folgenden Schritte an.
    7. Nachdem Sie diese Schritte zur Installation von Windows 10 durchgeführt haben, vergewissern Sie sich bitte, dass alle erforderlichen Gerätetreiber installiert sind. Um jetzt nach Updates zu suchen, wählen Sie die Schaltfläche „Start“ aus und gehen Sie dann zu „Einstellungen“ > „Update und Sicherheit“ > „Windows Update“. Wählen Sie dort „Nach Updates suchen“ aus. Bei Bedarf erhalten Sie zusätzliche erforderliche Gerätetreiber auch auf der Support-Website Ihres Geräteherstellers.

      Hinweis: Treiber für Surface-Geräte finden Sie auf der Seite .

    • Verwenden des erstellten Installationsmediums (zum Anzeigen von mehr oder weniger Informationen hier klicken)

      Vor der Installation von WindowsB 10 sollten Sie alles speichern, woran Sie arbeiten, und ein Backup Ihres PCs erstellen. Dann können Sie loslegen. Wenn Sie mithilfe des Medienerstellungstools eine ISO-Datei für Windows 10 heruntergeladen haben, müssen Sie diese zunächst auf eine DVD brennen und anschließend die folgenden Schritte durchführen.

      1. Schließen Sie das USB-Laufwerk an den PC an, auf dem Sie Windows 10 installieren möchten, oder legen Sie die DVD in das Laufwerk dieses PCs ein.
      2. Starten Sie Ihren PC neu.

        Falls Ihr PC nicht automatisch mit den USB- oder DVD-Medien startet, mГјssen Sie mГ¶glicherweise ein StartmenГј Г¶ffnen oder die Startreihenfolge in den PC-, BIOS- oder UEFI-Einstellungen G¤ndern. Um ein StartmenГј zu Г¶ffnen oder die Startreihenfolge zu Г¤ndern, mГјssen Sie fГјr gewГ¶hnlich sofort nach dem Einschalten Ihres PCs eine Taste drГјcken – etwa F2, F12, LГ¶schen oder ESC. PrГјfen Sie die Bedienungsanleitung Ihres PCs oder besuchen Sie die Website des Herstellers, um zu erfahren, wie man auf ein StartmenГј zugreift und die Startreihenfolge Ihres PCs Г¤ndert. Sollte Ihnen das USB- oder DVD-MediengerГ¤t in Ihren Startoptionen nicht angezeigt werden, wenden Sie sich an den PC-Hersteller. Er wird Ihnen erklГ¤ren, wie Sie “Sicheres Booten" in Ihren BIOS-Einstellungen vorГјbergehend deaktivieren kГ¶nnen.

        Falls Sie das Startmenü oder die Startreihenfolge nicht verändern können und Ihr PC sofort in dem Betriebssystem hochfährt, das Sie ersetzen möchten, wurde Ihr PC möglicherweise nicht vollständig heruntergefahren. Um sicherzustellen, dass Ihr PC vollständig herunterfährt, tippen Sie auf das Netzschaltersymbol auf dem Anmeldebildschirm oder im Startmenü und wählen Sie “Herunterfahren".

      3. Wählen Sie auf der Seite Windows installer Ihre Sprach-, Zeit- und Tastatureinstellungen und anschließend Weiter aus.
      4. Wählen Sie Windows installer aus.
    • Weitere Methoden zum Installieren von WindowsВ 10 mithilfe der ISO-Datei (zum Anzeigen von mehr oder weniger Informationen hier klicken)

      Wenn Sie eine ISO-Datei fГјr WindowsВ 10 heruntergeladen haben, wurde diese Datei lokal an dem von Ihnen ausgewГ¤hlten Speicherort gespeichert. Wenn auf Ihrem PC ein DVD-Brennprogramm von Drittanbietern installiert ist, das Sie zum Erstellen der Installations-DVD verwenden mГ¶chten, kГ¶nnen Sie das Programm mГ¶glicherweise Г¶ffnen, indem Sie zum Speicherort wechseln und auf die ISO-Datei doppelklicken. Andernfalls klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf die ISO-Datei, klicken auf G–ffnen mit und wählen Ihre bevorzugte DVD-Brennsoftware aus.

      Wenn Sie zum Erstellen einer Installations-DVD den Windows Disk Image Burner verwenden mГ¶chten, wechseln Sie zum Speicherort der ISO-Datei. Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf die ISO-Datei und wählen Sie Eigenschaften aus. Klicken Sie auf der Registerkarte “Allgemein” auf G„ndern Гњbernehmen aus. Klicken Sie anschlieГџend mit der rechten Maustaste auf die ISO-Datei und wГ¤hlen Sie DatentrГ¤gerabbild brennen aus.

      Wenn Sie Windows 10 ohne DVD oder USB-Laufwerk direkt aus der ISO-Datei installieren möchten, können Sie das tun, indem Sie die ISO-Datei bereitstellen. Dadurch wird ein Upgrade des aktuellen Betriebssystems auf Windows 10 ausgeführt.

      So stellen Sie die ISO-Datei bereit:

      1. Wechseln Sie zum Speicherort der ISO-Datei, führen Sie einen Rechtsklick auf die Datei aus und wählen Sie Eigenschaften aus.
      2. Klicken Sie auf der Registerkarte “Allgemein” auf G„ndern... und wГ¤hlen Sie Windows Explorer als das Programm aus, mit dem Sie ISO-Dateien Г¶ffnen mГ¶chten. WГ¤hlen Sie dann Гњbernehmen aus.
      3. Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf die ISO-Datei und wählen Sie Bereitstellen aus.
      4. Doppelklicken Sie auf die ISO-Datei, um die darin enthaltenen Dateien anzuzeigen. Doppelklicken Sie setup.exe, um das Setup von WindowsВ 10 zu starten.

TOP 15 best programs for Windows 10

Individual applications and programs collected in this TOP 15 best programs for Windows 10 will help simplify your work on your computer or tablet.

Using one thing to perform all the necessary functions is not always convenient.

Attention! Applications are optional. They only improve the operation of the system without changing it.

360 Total Security

First of all, any computer could use some protection. This is especially important when work takes place via the Internet.

Most scam sites make copies of familiar social networks or popular sites.

360 Total Security antivirus will help protect your computer from Trojans and viruses. Scanning your computer and monitoring programs will help you avoid threats.

Using the antivirus sandbox, you can check new applications that raise doubts for the user.

It is also possible to check the behavior of new viruses, but these viruses will not be able to harm your computer.

All personal data will be securely protected. Any possible fraudster attempting to copy this information will be blacklisted by the program.

A personal account in 360 Total Security is created via Facebook, VKontakte or mail. The scanning function can be not only automatic, but also when pressed. A computer scan can be done either full or selectively.

Yandex browser

Some users prefer Chrome Browser or Microsoft's browser. But the convenience of Yandex is in speed and design. The settings are simple and clear, there is nothing superfluous.

For better performance, it is enough to synchronize several devices with one browser. Using Yandex disk and cloud storage you can save a lot of time.

In addition, access to tabs is possible without an additional window. All information about traffic jams, movies or news is always updated.

Service with official films, TV series, books and games. Once you create your account, you can download any available files. You can also upload something of your own.

Every time you turn on your PC, MediaGet turns on automatically. All downloaded files are absolutely safe and have no advertising when viewing, reading, etc.

The search is performed in the top line, and it produces a lot of results. Downloadable files are located in "Downloads". Any download can be paused, canceled or restarted.

Downloaded data can be viewed in the “Media Player” or in the downloads folder in the computer’s memory.

The application may support third-party files from the Internet. Downloading occurs through the MediaGet server.

It is possible to download a large number of files one by one. The approximate download completion time and the percentage of material already downloaded are shown.

If the Internet is slow, the program reports this and offers to pause the download process.


If it cannot completely replace Skype, then at least it will definitely supplement it with some functions.

A separate registration for this service is not required. You can log into your account using Facebook or Google accounts.

During a conversation, the echo is suppressed and there is no interference for the listener. The sound becomes as clear as possible. This does not affect traffic, so no need to worry.

Conversation without interference is now possible; background sounds and microphone quality will not affect the dialogue.

Due to the lesser popularity of ooVoo, network congestion is almost impossible.

The technology invented by the company automatically checks the quality of the connection and adapts to the user to avoid abrupt connection interruptions.


Changing images has never been an easy job.

With IrfanView you can view large images with minimal loading time.

Slideshows and full-screen viewing mode help you focus on the details of the photo or simply enjoy the display of selected photos.

Work with the image is carried out here. Enlarge, reduce, crop, straighten and much more completely free.

Thanks to high resolution support, it is possible to create your own desktop wallpapers or photos for websites.

For average users, there is automatic color adjustment, correction and enhancement of photos in one click. Analyzing the image, the program selects darkening and highlighting independently. The improvement can always be undone.

The interface is available in many languages.

Viewing video and audio files is available in IrfanView. This may require an additional plugin. Downloading it through the program will significantly save time and protect you from a possible virus on a third-party site.


This is where the artistic processing of photos takes place. Detailed layer settings and painting.

  • Color correction: levels, curves, brightness (bleaching), contrast, shadows, tone, color balance;
  • Possibility of filters: cloning objects (taking into account perspective), leveling the horizon, distorting optics, removing defects, simulating color filters, reducing shadows on a specific object;
  • Drawing: scalable brush, multiple drawing objects, hand dynamics;
  • Screen filters: color blindness effect, gamma and contrast correction;
  • Interface settings: complete reconfiguration of commands on keyboard keys, any windows move independently of the others, rearrangement of dialogs.

To simplify the work, the use of a graphics tablet is supported.

With the help of such a variety of tools, you can create and remake them automatically or completely independently. The program is similar to Photoshop, but with more primitive settings.

The maximum number of layers for one project is 22.


Free simple audio editor. Consumption of computer resources is minimal.

Playback and recording are possible using computer memory. This will speed up the process without overloading the application's virtual disk.

It is convenient to work with several sound files at once. Bookmarks can be moved in order of their playback. At the same time, multitasking hardly slows down overall productivity.

Files are searched through all open lists. Full information about any file is shown when you hover the mouse. Changing covers or deleting them is possible when working with music.

The audio editor allows you to save music in any format (MP3, ACC, WAV, etc.). Change any audio file or change the title, group tag and much more.

Phonetics allows you to sort music according to various parameters (group, name, size). It’s not difficult to reconfigure hot keys. Rearranging all functions or changing the action of one keyboard button is available in the settings.

Visualization makes changing tracks easier. It is done using two scales that change in real time.

Use boost, cut, tempo, and more to manipulate audio. Most popular plugins are compatible with AIMP.


A complete set of programs needed in the office and for working at home.

1 Word processor. odt format. Working with text files and tables. Editing and creating text, lists, etc. Preview documents before printing or downloading.

2 Table processor. ods format. Simulates paper tables. Using a two-dimensional array helps to perform the necessary calculations. Organizes data and calculations.

3 Preparation of presentations. odp format. Create, edit and display presentations on large screens and projectors. Allows you to spend less time on large projects.

4 Vector editor. odg format. Creating and editing vector-type images on a computer screen. Save in various vector file formats.


Menu with video

Used to broadcast audio and video files. When playing, no additional plugin installation is required.

In addition, VLC Player supports DVD discs and Internet radio. It is possible to record audio and video passing through sweat.

Videos or music that are corrupted during loading are played without glitching.

Large menu buttons make the application much easier to use. User-friendly interface with no unnecessary additional features.

With VLC Player alone, you can transfer data from multiple computers over a shared network. Once transferred, they are easy to separate and find.

After receiving a DVD on one computer, broadcasting to others is easy. However, no other data will be downloaded or shown to other users.

Advanced System Care

Easy to use optimizer. Helps to improve the functioning of your PC, removing (if necessary) malware.

Important! Advanced System Care cannot replace an antivirus.

Basic protection is performed automatically. Optimization helps to achieve maximum productivity of the computer system.

When data is shared, it is verified. Optimization is updated in real time, the PC speed will not drop. All settings are made based on the operation and use of programs.

Any unauthorized attempt to view personal information about the user is immediately blocked.

After scanning, installation programs that do not perform any functions in the computer are cleaned. If you wish, you can return all this data.

Advanced System Care has been translated into almost 40 languages.

Let me present a list that includes the most popular programs for Windows 10 for your computer, which will help optimize your work with this operating system.

These free apps will make your life even more interesting.

A strong and effective antivirus that helps optimize your work. Able to resist all the latest viruses. Combined high technology scanning and virus detection.

To enhance security and performance, it has 2 anti-virus engines and three protection levels that guarantee complete, and, very importantly, constant protection of the computer.

Emsisoft Internet Security tirelessly monitors active programs, their behavior, as well as the presence of various malicious elements and viruses in them. A firewall will provide protection against hacker and online attacks on your computer.

Another positive point is the absence of annoying updates.

You can learn more about how this antivirus works by watching the following video

Emsisoft Internet Security 11 review

Popular and most common file manager. In it you can find all the necessary functions, thanks to which this program has been occupying a leading position for many years.

It provides all the functional elements for viewing various graphic files, archive unpackers, and the option to download multiple streams of information.

The functions of encoding/decoding, cutting and merging large files will come in handy. There are elements for setting up and controlling the working processes of the system and archivers.


The free program for Windows 10 provides comprehensive information about all components of your PC: the operating system, connected devices, programs and the network. AIDA64 is one of the best programs for optimizing Windows 10.

Includes a huge set of tests to check the stability and performance of your computer. AIDA64 Extreme Edition easily supports more than one hundred and forty different devices.

Thanks to the operation of sensors, it monitors the temperature, rotation speed and voltage of the cooling fans. With detailed analysis, you can monitor the performance of the processor, monitor, motherboard, etc.

If you have any questions, this video will help you find the answers


AIDA64 - installation, getting started (video tutorial)

PROMT Professional 11

The best free translator developed today. An indispensable assistant when working with foreign languages. Guarantees high-quality translation of any text.

Modern PROMT technologies and a constantly updated vocabulary database will provide you with easy work and high-quality results. Just install it on your computer and use it regardless of external factors.

For your convenience, we provide you with a video

PROMT Professional 9 + dictionary + activation key

TOP 10 free programs for Windows 10

Glary Utilities 5

A set of programs for cleaning your PC system from all kinds of garbage: deleted files, irrelevant system registries, Internet usage history.

With its help, you can correct the operation of your browser, find and remove duplicates of unnecessary elements.

In addition, the program provides easy access to disk defragmentation, system scan and recovery, and archives information. The development has received many world-class awards.

Watch the video and see the usefulness of this program

PC Maintenance Using Glary Utilities

This video tutorial will review the excellent program (utility) Glary Utilities.

Adobe Flash Player

A must-have plugin on every computer. With it, you can play games online, watch high-quality videos, create web applications and presentations.

As a rule, this program is installed one of the first after installing Windows. This player is used to build a lot of videos and other content on various sites.

Widely used for developing entertainment and advertising on the Internet.

Interesting! By installing this program, you can get rid of problems with Skype. Some of the functions of this communication tool are related to the player.

To install Adobe, watch the video

How to install Adobe Flash Player on any computer

Video tutorial on how to properly install Adobe Flash Player on your computer.


A set of video and audio codecs from the creators of Shark007. Installed on the Windows 10 operating system to optimize its performance. Includes new versions of codecs, ensuring the production of any videos on the Internet.

If the need arises, you can easily change the installed components. Excellent support for streaming information in all browsers. This program does not have the function of playing audio files.

Instead of Windows 8.1, Microsoft has prepared a new version of the operating system for its users. The peculiarities of this system are that it is intended not only for desktop computers, but also for smartphones, XBox One consoles, tablets and other devices.

The company suggests that its users do not download Windows 10 for free, but simply update their old versions. And every third person who used Windows 7 before took the risk of taking such a step. And I was right.

Essentially, Windows 10 is a mix of the best practices that the company has combined into one operating system. So we can safely talk about the quality of the operating system, which is characterized by high performance. She borrowed this parameter from Windows 7; the interface was taken from the eighth version of the OS (however, there was still room for some updates, which primarily affected the main Start button and the toolbar). You can download Windows 10 to your computer for x86-bit and x64-bit systems.


What will this software please us with? It contains:

  • Personal assistant Cortana. This assistant has artificial intelligence.
  • The Start menu allows you to quickly access the programs and documents you use frequently.
  • Virtual desktops. In this version of the program, you can create several desktops, configuring each of them for quick access to the applications you need.
  • Microsoft Edge browser. It was created literally from scratch. At the same time, new engines have appeared, as a result of which this product is characterized by high page processing speed. The clear interface is also captivating.
  • Biometric authentication. The system installed on devices with cameras will allow you to gain access through biometric scanning. Perceives fingerprints, iris or face.
  • A more modern Windows Defender that interacts with the Microsoft Active Protection Service cloud service and works in real time.
  • Application traffic control.
  • Simplified work with windows.
  • DirectX 12 support.

System requirements

If your computer works without problems with Windows 7 or 8, then you can update the versions and get to know the 10th version better. At the same time, during the update you do not have to worry about the safety of your files.

As a rule, for work you will need more than 1 GB of RAM for a 32-bit system and 2 GB for a 64-bit version.

The hard drive must have more than 16 GB. If you only have 17 GB, then most likely after you download the updated versions of Windows 10 for Windows 7, 8 and 8.1, you will not be able to install anything on the C drive.

You will also need a 1 GHz or higher processor. And if earlier there were problems when installing on Core 2 Duo, now this problem has been solved.

The video card must support DirectX 9.0c. If the version is lower, then this may cause problems.

Requires a Microsoft account and internet access.

Program installation

If you already have a license for Windows 10 and are going to update to versions 7 or 8.1, then first make sure that your computer meets the system requirements.

It wouldn’t hurt to visit the computer manufacturer’s website to find out everything about updated drivers and hardware compatibility.

After this, you can start the installation process. During this process, you are required to agree to the terms of the license agreement by clicking on “Accept”. In the "What do you want to do" window, select the "Update your PC now" option.

The installation may take some time, so do not rush to turn off the computer, let the system complete the installation.

Microsoft offers Windows 10 owners special features (virtual keyboard or screen magnifier, etc.). Downloading these features will allow you to update the system to the latest version completely free of charge.

Users with disabilities can upgrade to Windows 10 for free

Installation with Microsoft's Media Creation Tool

You can download Windows 10 from the official Microsoft website using the Windows 10 Installer application.

The official Media Creation Tool from Microsoft allows you to update your computer to the latest version, perform a clean installation of the system, download a Windows 10 ISO image and create installation media.

Creating installation media

To create media, select “Create installation media for another computer.” Click “Next”. Select: language and architecture (x64 or x86) of the loaded system. Select the file recording medium for installation: USB device, or ISO disk image (DVD).

Available in Media Creation Tool

  • Windows 10 (in one distribution includes Home and Pro versions, edition is selected during system installation) 32/64-bit
  • Windows 10 Home for one language 32/64-bit

Installation video

Video: installing Windows from a flash drive

Windows 10 and Android

Many users still decided to download Windows 10 in Russian for smartphones. However, here you need to know that there are dozens of emulators. Of course, all of them will not represent a full-fledged version, but if all you need is to copy dozens of interfaces, then they will cope with their role.

In order to install the full version of Windows, you will need to completely reflash the device. And inexperienced users may have problems with this, since not all processor chips support the Microsoft product. Only processors with ARM and i386 architecture will not have problems.

Another point to consider is that this operating system will take up much more space on the smartphone than the Android OS. Therefore, it is worth thinking carefully about the feasibility of such changes.

However, there is an option when you can install Windows without flashing it, but by superimposing one system on another. So, you will need to download the sdl.zip archive and the special sdlapp program, which is presented in .apk format.

After which the application is installed on the smartphone, and the data is extracted to the SDL folder. The system image file is also copied here in the future.

Now all that remains is to launch the Installation Wizard and wait until the process is completed.