What can I do to prevent each folder from opening in new windows? How to quickly open a folder in a new window

From time to time a situation arises when you need to open one of the folders visible in Explorer in a new window. This may be required to, for example, compare the contents of two folders or perform drag-and-drop operations. We will also tell you how to open the command line immediately with the address current folder and an easy way to quickly copy the full path to a file or folder.

Agree that it is quite inconvenient to first minimize open windows, then launch a new Explorer window and look for the path to the desired folder in the directory tree, as dummies do, since this method is quite long and inconvenient. Luckily there is a much simpler and quick way open the folder in a new Explorer window. Just click on the desired folder right click mouse and select “Open in new window” in the context menu that appears.

Now you can place open windows as you wish and continue working with them. By the way, you can read how to quickly open an application window to half the screen.

How to start the command line with the current folder address

If you've ever launched the command line in Windows, you've probably encountered a situation where it opens with home folder current user and then you have to manually navigate to the desired folder. This situation can be solved in one click if you see the folder you need in Windows Explorer. Just right-click on it with the Shift key pressed and select “Open command window” from the context menu.

By this you are saying operating system open the folder on the command line, so command line will start with the address of this folder.

Hint, if you perform these steps in “My Computer” over a logical drive, the command line will launch with the address of this drive.

How to quickly copy the path to an object

Sometimes you need to copy and paste the full path to a folder or file somewhere. Of course, you can first copy the path to the folder in the address bar of Explorer, and then add the file name to it. However, this method is quite inconvenient. Everything can be done very quickly, just right-click on the object with the Shift key pressed and select “Copy as path” in the Explorer context menu. Now the clipboard contains the full path to this folder or file.

Regarding questions from computer users, I understand that this question is very common and I decided to write a short article. Many of my friends and others asked me what to do if every open folder opens in a separate window.

When I asked these users why such changes occurred and what they did before opening folders in a separate window, there was basically the same conclusion. Many of them tried to change or delete something in the browser Internet Explorer, so these changes took place. What is most interesting is that this problem mainly affected users who had the Windows 7 operating system installed.

I would like to add that the problem of opening folders in separate windows is not the main reason for the user's action. The reason may also be virus attack, which can change anything or delete files responsible for the properties of our folders.

I would like to give one example of one of my acquaintances, with whom I figured out why he began to open each folder in a separate window. He decided that he didn't need Internet browser Explorer and decided to remove it Uninstall program Tool with which you can clean the registry. After removing the browser, he cleaned up the registry for the remains that belonged to Internet Explorer. When I restarted the computer, the folders began to open each in a separate window.

There is more than one such case, but I will not list them, but rather I will show how this whole matter can be corrected. At least, this method helped with Windows 7.

Before all the actions that will now be shown, check whether the checkbox (Open folders in the same window) is in the folder options. To open folder options, open (My Computer - Tools - Folder Options). The folder settings path is for Windows 7.

The first thing we must do is log in as an administrator so that we can work in the command window. Next, open any folder in empty space right-click and hold Shift key, choose from context menu(Open command window).

There is another way to open a command window under an administrator account.

Click (Start menu - All Programs - Accessories - Command Prompt), then right-click on the command line shortcut and select from the list (Run as administrator). Once you have opened the command window, we need to enter a couple of commands to fix our problem with opening folders.

Here are the commands for Windows 7 x32:

Copy one of the commands.

regsvr32 "%SystemRoot%\System32\actxprxy.dll"

Paste with the right mouse button into the command window and press Enter.

Copy the following command.

regsvr32 "%ProgramFiles%\Internet Explorer\ieproxy.dll"

We also paste it into the command window and press Enter.

Here are the commands for Windows 7 x64:

regsvr32 "%WinDir%\SysWOW64\actxprxy.dll"

Copy, paste and press Enter.

regsvr32 "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Internet Explorer\ieproxy.dll"

We copy and paste the same thing and press Enter.

Then we restart the computer and enjoy opening folders in one window.

Graphic Windows shell 7 has a lot of settings with which the user can adapt it to his needs and habits. Set, for example, how directories should open - in the same window as the previous ones, or in a new one. Cluster open windows can clutter up the desktop and is more of a nuisance than a help, so many people prefer to open new folders in the window of the previous ones. But there is one problem: sometimes the system stops obeying the owner’s wishes and starts opening each folder in its own window, despite the settings. Let's figure out how to fix this.

How to customize the way you browse folders in Windows 7?

basic settings appearance folders in Windows 7 are collected in the Folder Options control panel applet.

Folder browsing options are selected on the General tab. By default, the opening method “in the same window” is active.

Here you can change this setting - make sure that folders open in separate windows. Then you get the following:

To apply the parameter, just click OK at the bottom of the settings window. It will take effect without rebooting the system, at the same moment.

Solving the problem of opening each folder in a separate window

The failure in which the function we discussed stops working occurs when various reasons. Here is a list of the most typical:

  • viral infection;
  • incorrect software installation;
  • the result of using programs to optimize and speed up the system;
  • various “decorations” - third-party design themes, gadgets of unknown authorship on the desktop, etc. also contribute to this problem.

That is, when you select any browsing method, the folders open each in their own window.

This problem is directly related to work dynamic libraries, belonging to Internet Explorer. What does this browser have to do with it? Despite the fact that in Windows 7 everything system components, which he is, are closely interconnected. And disruption of one leads to problems with something else.

You can solve the problem (more precisely, you can try to solve it) in several ways. Let's look at them in order of complexity. Each subsequent option should be used when the previous one turned out to be ineffective.

Method 1. Re-register dll

The following components are responsible for the function of opening folders in one window: 32-bit libraries actxprxy.dll And ieproxy.dll. The first of them should be located in the C:\Windows\System32 folder (in the 64-bit version of the seven - in C:\Windows\SysWOW64), and the second - in C:\ProgramFiles\Internet Explorer (in the 64-bit version - in C :\ProgramFiles(x86)\Internet Explorer).

Most often, to eliminate the failure, it is enough to register the library data in, since without this the system will not see them and simply will not use them. Registration is done using system utility regsvr32.exe (registration server) via the command line. U account The user performing the operation must have administrative privileges.

  • Expand the Start menu and search bar enter "cmd".
  • Press the key combination Chift+Ctrl+Enter - this will launch command console on behalf of the administrator.
  • Type the following commands one by one into the console:

[box 1]

pressing Enter after each one. If you have a 64-bit system, the commands will be slightly different:

[box 2]

If the operations are successful, you will receive the following message:

  • Restart your computer and check where and how the folders open after that - in one general window or each in its own way.

If nothing has changed, try the next method.

Method 2: Automatically register 89 Internet Explorer libraries

If for some reason reason Windows 7 did not accept the previous registration option, you can offer it another one - using the Fix IE Utility utility, which automatically registers more than 89 Internet Explorer libraries. The utility is very simple and is controlled by two buttons, the first of which is for launch, the second is for exit. For use Fix IE Utility also requires administrator rights.

Download the application from the developers site and click "Run Utility". After completing library registration, click “Exit”. Restart your computer.

Method 3: Reinstall Internet Explorer

This is the most labor-intensive of the options considered, but also the most effective. It not only re-registers the libraries, but also installs them again, after removing the old ones. After all, they could have been damaged or worn out, and therefore did not work.

Before starting the reinstallation, you need to download Internet Explorer from the Microsoft website.

The latest, eleventh version of this browser is downloaded from here, the tenth from here, and the ninth from here. Versions 10 and 11 require pre-installation Service Pack 1 for Windows 7.

  • Open Control Panel and launch the Programs and Features applet.
  • Click View installed updates.
  • Confirm your consent to deletion. After completion, restart your computer.

And the final stage - reinstallation Internet Explorer.

  • Launch the pre-loaded browser as an administrator suitable version. Click Install.
  • Wait for the installation to complete and immediately restart your computer.
  • Make sure that as a result of replacement and re-registration our libraries (which was done when reinstalling Internet Explorer), the folders began to open as needed.

Although the description is long, almost all of these operations take only a few minutes. And they are guaranteed to solve the problem of opening folders in separate windows.

We give another small one, but helpful advice about how to correct the situation when, when opening folders in the operating room Windows system 7, all folders open in new windows. The word “fix” here, of course, is not entirely appropriate, since this is not a malfunction. You can also set this option yourself in the folder parameters.

But, nevertheless, many are accustomed to the fact that any new folder opens in the same window as the previous one. I think a bunch of open windows is not very convenient for a computer or laptop user. Let's present 2 ways to solve the problem of opening folders in new Windows windows.

Method 1: Eliminate opening new windows for folders in Windows 7

Click the START button -> CONTROL PANEL -> FOLDER SETTINGS (in old XP folder properties) and look where the button is in the GENERAL tab in the BROWSING FOLDER section. We install the button on the first line (if it is on the second), where it says OPEN FOLDERS IN THE SAME WINDOW. Next, click OK and check. If this method does not help and the folders still open in new windows, then move on to the second, more effective method.

Method 2: Eliminate opening new windows for folders in Windows 7

Press the START button - ALL PROGRAMS - STANDARD. In the list we find “COMMAND LINE” and by right-clicking on it, select “RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR”. Once you do this, a command prompt should open in which you will need to type the following:

  • For Windows 7 x32: regsvr32 "%SystemRoot%\System32\actxprxy.dll" (and press Enter) regsvr32 "%ProgramFiles%\Internet Explorer\ieproxy.dll" (and press Enter)
  • For Windows 7 x64: regsvr32 "%WinDir%\SysWOW64\actxprxy.dll" (and press Enter.) regsvr32 "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Internet Explorer\ieproxy.dll" (and press Enter.)