Secrets of iphone 6 plus ios 10. Increase battery life. Return to the top in any application

The Internet project “Be Mobile” has prepared a guide to the hidden functions of one of the most popular smartphones in demand among users around the world. Apple iPhone. I think that reading this list will give you a lot of new and useful things.

Do you know all the features of your iPhone? For the most part - yes, you say. But there are some functions and features that can be activated in a non-standard way. The main thing here is to know where to press and how to shake the device.

The selection will be of interest to both novice users who are just getting acquainted with iOS, and advanced users.

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1. Password with letters instead of numbers


Go to Settings -> Password. Turn off the "Simple Password" option. After this, a window will appear asking you to create New Password using a QWERTY keyboard.

2. Ability to view the time of sending and receiving SMS


One of the prices I had to pay for a clean iOS design- total minimalism. By default, the SMS time is not displayed, but if you drag the screen to the left... Isn’t it interesting?

3. Return to one level using a swipe


iOS 7 added a feature that lets you go back one step using a swipe right gesture from the edge of the screen. There is no need to reach to the upper left corner to the “Back” button. This command simulates virtual button“Back” to quickly return to the previous menu. The swipe right gesture works in Settings, Messages, Mail, and some other apps.

4. Removing text by shaking


You can erase text you just wrote by simply shaking your phone. He will offer to delete the written text. If you change your mind, shake it again and put it all back.

5. Calendar detailing in one motion


Simply turn your iPhone horizontally and your calendar will show you more details about your scheduled events.

6. Quickly View Tweets with Links in Safari


Safari in iOS 7 lets you quickly view tweets in your feed that contain links. Just launch Safari, click the bookmark button (the book icon) and go to the “@” tab. In this section, you can view the URL in the message feed of the Twitter account added in the OS settings.

7. Hidden level


Everyone knows that the iPhone has a compass app, but not everyone knows that there is also a level there. You can use the level meter in the compass application, you just need to drag the screen to the left. Will open additional application, very stylish, by the way.

8. Head movement control


In the menu Settings -> General -> Universal access -> Switch Control -> Switches -> Add new there are special options, allowing you to configure head gestures to the right and left to perform certain commands. For example, by tilting your head to the right you can turn up or down the volume, and by making a gesture in the other direction you can bring up the multitasking panel or return to main screen. The menu is hidden far away in the settings operating system.

9. Camera flash for reminders


Flash on back side your iPhone is not only suitable for taking photos in the dark, it can also be used to signal a notification, just like on most BlackBerry smartphones. To activate the feature, go to General settings, there find the “Accessibility” section, and turn the slider to turn on the flash during reminders.

10. One-click continuous shooting


Hold down the photo key. A counter will appear, and the phone will take a bunch of photos in one session, so you're sure to take the photo that gets the most likes.

11. Taking pictures with the volume key


You can take a photo by pressing the volume key. The key on the headset will also work for this.

12. Smart keyboard


The keyboard has many small Easter eggs. For example, you can hold down the dot key Safari browser, and immediately select one of several proposed domains (.com, .net .ru, and so on). Or double-tap the space bar to automatically add a period. Or hold down the hyphen and select a line of the desired length.

13. Personal vibration


In the Contacts application, you can not only set different ringtones for certain numbers, but also select a special vibration signal. This way you can identify people by vibrations in their pants. How do you like this?

14. “Airplane mode” for fast charging


In that iPhone mode charges twice as fast, which is very useful when time is limited.

15. Child protection


In the General menu, find the Restrictions tab. There you can block access to the application, purchases in the AppStore, and delete data. You can also disable all in-app purchases with one button. Useful if you have children.

About 40 non-obvious functions of a tablet iPad, judging by the reviews, the article turned out to be useful to many and even received a request to write something similar for iPhone. We listened to the request and prepared a selection secret capabilities iPhone and iOS 5.

Camera and Pictures

Want more from camera and picture apps? Then you definitely need to read this section to find out all the known and not so known details of these two functions of an iPhone based on iOS 5.

1. Use the volume up button as a shutter. Taking pictures with a camera while holding an iPhone in one hand - good way avoid the need to focus the image. Using both hands, secure the phone in horizontal position, and then put the finger of one hand on the volume up button and use it as a shutter - isn’t it convenient?

2. The same trick can be done with the volume control on your headphones. This is especially convenient if you are using a portable tripod for iPhone (for example,).

3. Creating a new photo album. If you feel like your photos section doesn't look as organized as you initially would like, go into the Photos app, click on the "Edit" function in the top right corner and click the "Create a new photo album" button that appears in the top left corner of the screen. Now all you have to do is come up with a name for it and add photos that you think are necessary.

4. Quick view photographs taken. Want to see the most recent photo you took? Open the Camera app and slide your finger across the screen from left to right to see the photo you took last.

5. Photo double click . If circumstances are such that you need to take a photo without unlocking your iPhone, press the “Home” button twice. You'll see a small camera icon next to the screen unlock slider. Click on it and you will enter shooting mode.

6. Photo editing. The red eye effect ruins it nice shot? iOS features can fix this. In viewing mode required photo Click on the “Edit” button and you will be presented with a whole range of image editing tools. It is not very extensive, but it is enough to correct gross flaws in the photograph.

Text and Mail

We all have to type something on our iPhone, be it a text message or an email. Email. So why not make the process a little easier. Below are some tips on how to do this.

7. Expanding text. Have you ever typed the same word or phrase a million times? To save yourself from this, go to Settings, then to General, from there to Keyboard, then scroll down the list a little and you will see the “Abbreviations” section. Simply enter a phrase and define an abbreviation for it. The next time you enter text, type the abbreviation and it will be converted to the long equivalent. For example, you type “omw” and it expands into the phrase “on my way,” or you write “brb” and it automatically expands into the phrase “be right back.”

8. Emoticons. If you want to represent your emotions in a message in the form of yellow round faces - emoji - invented by the Japanese, add a virtual Emoji keyboard. To do this, go to Settings, then to General, then to the Keyboards section, where you activate the appropriate layout.

9. Special symbols . Are you typing a phrase in French and want the apostrophes above the letters to be placed according to the rules? Just hold down the required letter over which you want to place an apostrophe, and you will see the entire row possible options his productions.

10. Entering in CAPITAL LETTERS. If you're just crazy and want to emphasize this in your message, activate Caps Lock double click on the corresponding keyboard icon. Enjoy!

11. Defining the meaning of a word. If you don't have the slightest idea about the meaning of that word in your favorite book on iBooks. Surprised that your friend used this word in his message? Don't be ashamed and look up its meaning in iOS dictionary. To do this, simply select the word whose meaning you want to know and select the “define” function.

12. Mark the letter. If you are one of those people who marks every message that comes to them as important, email, make your OCD happy new opportunity quick flagging for emails added in iOS 5. To do this, go to your Inbox, click the Edit button and select the emails you want to flag. Then select the "Tag" tag in the lower right corner, and then select "Tag".

13. RTF text of the letter. Now the text of the letter can be highlighted in bold, italics or underlined. To do this, highlight the word or sentence you want to highlight, click the arrow in the menu, and then click B/U depending on the function you need.

14. Delivery reports in iMessage. iOS 5 brought us the iMessage app and a very convenient feature of notifications that come when the recipient of your message reads it. To enable this option, go to Settings, then go to the Messages section, where you activate the “Send read receipts” line.

Voice Siri assistant changed the way we interact with iPhone. This is one of the biggest innovations of the iPhone 4S. If you have this model, here are a few settings to help you handle your new assistant.

15. Do entries in your microblog using Siri. Imagine how cool it would be if you could dictate Siri new tweets? And it's possible! However, you will have to work a little to enable this option. First, sending new tweets via SMS on the Twitter website. When you're done, add Twitter to your contacts list and use the service as if you were just sending a message to a regular subscriber. If Siri yells at you for using the word Twitter, simply change the caller's name to something else. Do the same with Facebook.

16. Activate Siri by holding your iPhone to your ear. Not everyone knows about this, but there is another way to activate Siri that does not require pressing the main button. Go to general settings, find the Siri section there, in which you need to activate the “Pick up to call” field. Now the photocell on your iPhone will detect when you put it to your ear and activate voice assistant. This practical way to make sure that when using Siri public place, you didn't feel like an idiot.

One of the most best sides The iPhone, when it first came out, was very user-friendly interface web surfing, in which users could see the full content of the page, and not garbage optimized for mobile phones. If you want to get the most out of your iPhone internet usage, here are some tips that will make this process more comfortable.

17. Private browsing . Want to make sure that information about your browsing activities isn't leaked online via Safari? There is an easy way to do this. Go to settings, there go to the “Safari” section and activate the option called “Private Browsing”. Now all your activity on the web is secret.

18. Reading list. If you don't use services like Read It Later or Instapaper, but still want to read the contents of a web page without advertising banners, try using the Reader built into Safari for these purposes. Click on the Reader icon in the web address bar and the page will be reformatted into clean, easy-to-read text.

19. Return to top. I don't want to scroll for too long long web page down and then back to the URL bar? Just click on the top of the screen, where the clock is. Safari will return you to the address bar.

20. Saving images. If you find a picture or photo on the site that you don’t want to miss, or maybe you want to set it as wallpaper or an icon, hold your finger on the image for one or two seconds. A menu will pop up from the bottom of the screen where you will be asked to save the illustration or copy it. The image is saved in your Photo Library, where you can perform any operation with it.


There's a lot you can do in iOS just by fiddling around with the settings a little.

21. iOS update. The good thing about the settings is that you can use them to check whether your system needs an update. Go to General Settings, select the Software Settings option. There you can check if you have the latest iOS version, or it needs an update.

22. You've probably already configured notifications somehow, but in general setting up notifications applications is very flexible, with its help this function can be brought to perfection. To start setting up notifications, go to Settings and find the Notifications section there. In it, you can select the contents of the Notification Center, and also set the OS to what extent you want any application to notify you about something.

23. Custom Setting vibrations. One setting in iOS 5 that everyone forgets about is creating selective vibration. In general settings, you need to go to the "Accessibility" section and turn on the Custom vibration option in listening mode. Then go to the Sounds section in the settings. Scroll down and you'll see the Vibration Patterns line. Click on it, and now you can create a custom vibration yourself. Simply press your finger on the display and create the pattern you want by holding your finger down for as long as you want to stretch the note. Then you can use the resulting composition to call the subscriber, or for some system alerts.

24. Use your camera flash for reminders. The flash on the back of your iPhone isn't just for taking photos in the dark, it can also be used to signal notifications, just like on most BlackBerry smartphones. To activate the feature, go to general settings, find the “Universal Access” section, and turn the slider to turn on the flash during reminders.

25. Setting reminder sounds. Do you want your iPhone to sound like everyone else? We are sure not. To customize your unique sound, go to Sound Settings, where you can change the sound of everything from calendar reminders to Ringtone.

. If you use multiple iOS devices, there is one good option to sync your music, books and apps collections to them. To set it up, go to the “Store” settings section and enable the types of files that you need. Now all your devices will work in harmony. Zen.

27. Fun with AirPlay. If you have an iPhone 4S, then iOS 5 added the feature to your phone mirroring screen contents to TV from using Apple TV. To activate the option, call the menu running applications, then press right twice. Click on the AirPlay button and choose what you want to stream to your Apple TV. Now what happens on your iPhone screen is mirrored on your TV screen.

28. Change built-in reminder times. If you use Calendar apps, you know that some types of reminders are built into the system by default. You can change them by going to the “Mail, Contacts and Calendar” section in the settings, and there you need to find the “Default reminder time” option and configure it as you wish.

29. Changing the size of your iCloud storage . If you find that you are close to the limit of your allocated iCloud places, you can increase the capacity of your box with using iPhone. Go to Settings and find there iCloud section, and in it - the line “Storage and backup”, and in it select “Buy more space”, and then select the degree of increase. You can also reduce the size of your storage if you don't think you need as much.

30. Post This on Twitter. Twitter is now integrated into iOS, so if you ever get a little tipsy and decide you need to send a photo to your grandma, you'll have a chance to do so. First, set up your account in

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Smartphones developed by Apple, have long taken a confident position in the market mobile phones. Nevertheless, the operating system of Apple phones still has untapped capabilities that you didn’t even know about.

website shares with you some amazing tricks you can do with your iPhone.

Timer for music playback

Now, before going to bed, you can enjoy your favorite tunes without worrying about not falling asleep and leaving the music playing all night. Just set the timer for the time you need, which is located on the “Clock” tab. In the “When finished” section, instead of the specified ringtone, select “Stop” and fall asleep. Your phone will do the rest of the work for you. A real find for audiobook lovers!

Creating a Unique Vibration

Instead of standard scheme vibration for text messages you can easily create your own template.

  • Go to your phone settings, then “Sounds” > “Ringtones” > “Vibration”. Select the section labeled “Create Vibration.”
  • Start recording and tap the screen in time with the desired vibration rhythm. After this, stop recording and save your template. It will be stored in the “Vibration” subsection (ringtone menu), in the “Custom” list.

Additionally, you can create a personalized vibration for each contact in your phone book.

Cleaning the device's RAM

To make your iPhone run faster, try clearing the device's RAM. You can do this with a few simple steps:

  • Press and hold your device's power button until the power off slider appears.
  • Without making the usual swipe on the shutdown slider, press and hold the “Home” button.
  • After a few seconds, you will see a slight flicker on the screen and then be taken back to your desktop. At this point, operational iPhone memory or iPad will be cleaned and the device will start working faster.

Time to send the message

You can easily find out exact time send a message in a few simple steps:

  • Go to the Messages app.
  • Now open a conversation that has a message you're interested in.
  • Swipe from the right edge of the screen to the left.
  • The date and time it was sent or received will appear next to each message.

Character counter for SMS

To avoid manually counting characters used in a message, turn on iPhone standard counter function:

  • Open the Settings app and find the Messages section.
  • In the “Messages” section, opposite the “Number of characters” item, activate the slider.

Ready! As soon as you start typing your message, you'll almost immediately notice a character counter on the side that shows how many characters you've already entered.

Shooting video with the screen off

If you want to prevent others from noticing you taking photos or videos, do the following:

  • On the locked screen, press the “Camera” button and raise the “curtain” that appears halfway.
  • While continuing to keep the shutter half-open, switch to video mode if necessary and press the record button.
  • Double click on the “Home” button three times.
  • Hold the “curtain” until the screen goes completely dark and remember that recording is already in progress!
  • If you want to interrupt video recording, activate your device in the usual way and stop recording in the menu.

Rewind audio and video

You can change the rewind speed by moving the slider. So, the yellow area is used for fast rewinding, the red area rewinds twice as slow, and the green area takes even longer.

Call an extension number

If you would like to call additional number from iPhone, dial the main number and then press star for a few seconds. A comma will appear on the screen after the main number, enter the extension number and press “Call”.

Changing the panorama shooting direction

Easily change the panorama shooting direction on iPhone by simply tapping the arrow on your phone screen.

Removing numbers in a calculator

If you notice an error in the number you typed, delete any outer digit by swiping your finger to the left or right in the input field.

Quick ambulance call

If you fill out your “medical record” on your phone in advance, anyone can provide doctors with information that is important to save your life in a critical situation. We recommend that you include at least your blood type and information about what medications you may be allergic to.

Recovering closed pages in Safari

To see the latest open tabs in the Safari browser, just click on the “+” icon at the bottom of the screen.

Offline maps

If you have previously downloaded the necessary card, then by writing “OK maps” in the search, you will be able to use the viewed maps offline.

Hidden "Field Test" application

Available on iPhone service codes, with which you can get various information about the gadget, mobile operator and cellular networks. With a simple call to *3001#12345#* you can call hidden menu with information about the SIM card, cellular operator network, signal strength, etc.

Increase Wi-Fi speed

  • Return to the previous menu and scroll down to “Keyboard Shortcuts.” Turn on the only item “Zoom” (check the box opposite).
  • Press the “Home” key three times in a row and tap on the joystick controller that appears. Bring the slider to minimum value and open the “Select Filter” function.
  • Set the Low Light filter and hide the controller.
  • Disabling tabs in Apple Music

    Appearance Apple service Music has significantly expanded the horizons of preferences for music lovers, but a number of extra tabs somewhat complicates interaction with a familiar program. You can remove tabs that you don’t need (provided that the service itself doesn’t interest you) using a few simple steps:

    • Go to Settings > Music.
    • Turn off the "Show" slider Apple Music».
    • Go to Settings > General > Restrictions. Enter the set password.
    • Disable the "Connect to Apple Music" option.

    Surely there are situations when your phone freezes or simply “acts up” and refuses to work properly. Give your iPhone a little time out. To do this, hold down the “Home” and “On/off” buttons until iPhone screen will not go out. This may take up to 10 seconds. Your phone will then restart and the Apple logo will appear on the screen.

    In iOS 12, notifications are finally grouped by application and context. When you receive multiple notifications from the same app, they will be combined into one group. This function will help you cope with the busy Notification Center.

    By default, notification merging may not work in all apps. For some you need to enable the function in Settings -> Notifications -> (Select application) -> Grouping. Here you can choose from the options: Automatic, Programmed and Off.

    2. Improved Do Not Disturb Mode

    If you tap the Do Not Disturb mode icon in Control Center using 3D Touch (or a long press), you can only activate it for 1 hour, until the evening or until you leave your current location.

    3. Manage notifications

    Now you can manage notifications for specific apps directly from the lock screen. You can turn off notifications from specific application, hide them from the lock screen, etc. For all this, you don’t even need to go to Settings. If you haven't used an app in a while, Siri will prompt you to turn off its notifications.

    4. Screen Time, Program Limits and At Rest

    Function Screen time provides detailed reports about how you use your device. You will find out which applications you use most often, how often you pick up your smartphone, etc. Data is synced across all your devices. In addition, you will automatically receive weekly reports.

    When you find out how much time you spend on different applications, you will be able to set restrictions on their use. When the time is up, you will receive a notification and will not be able to continue using the application. You can ignore the notification to get additional time.

    At rest - incredible convenient feature. Once you set a schedule for it, it will automatically protect you from almost all applications on your smartphone. They will only work important applications, like a telephone. This great way get rid of the habit of using your smartphone for a long time before bed.

    5. Memoji

    You can create your own Animoji characters. If you've ever used Bitmoji, you know what we're talking about. You can create an animated version of yourself by choosing your skin tone, eye and hair color, etc.

    6. FaceTime conferences

    The FaceTime platform has finally been updated. She got new design and support for conferences in which up to 32 users can participate simultaneously. This feature will be available later this fall.

    7. Siri commands

    Apple has integrated the Workflow app into iOS, and it's now called Teams. The interface remains almost the same as before. You can create commands that can perform multiple actions. You can come up with a command, then activate it, and Siri will do whatever you need.

    In section Siri settings and Search, a separate section has appeared for Commands, where you can create commands for actions. This way you can write a message to someone, open a specific site in Safari, etc. The best thing is that you can save your phrase, which Siri will recognize and understand.

    All the beauty Siri commands is that you don't have to create your own commands to use them. Siri will automatically remember your habits in your favorite apps and start showing recommended commands on the Spotlight page. When you open the search, you may see an offer to call a specific contact back, return to a conversation you just closed, or open the site you usually use at that time.

    This also applies to third-party applications. Recommendations will appear to start a timer, open a specific album in Photos, etc. Just click on the recommendation to perform the action. To perform an action again, you can enter its name in the search. You don't need to configure anything yourself.

    10. Gestures in style iPhone X on iPad

    If you swipe iPad screen down from right top corner, Control Center will open. If you swipe across the dock, it will open home screen. Gestures are slightly different from iPhone gestures X, but will still seem familiar. To switch between recent applications, just swipe left and right along the bottom of the screen.

    11. Do not disturb at night

    Do not disturb mode now has new option, thanks to which you can set up a schedule for it. At night, the screen will dim, the lock screen won't show notifications, and it won't light up for every notification.

    12. Hidden weather widget

    If you use Do Not Disturb mode at night, you can access a new weather widget that will appear in the morning.

    13. Live Listen

    iOS 12 has new feature universal access With great potential. It creates an audio bridge between your iPhone's microphone and AirPods headphones. The feature should help users with poor hearing, but it can be used for other purposes.

    14. Promotions

    The Promotions app has been redesigned to include more information about the state of the market. Also added interactive charts. You can view the latest business news directly from Promotions.

    15. Books

    The iBooks application has been renamed and its design has also been changed. Now the main section is the section with the books you are currently reading. The design of the book and audiobook store has also been changed. He became like App Store. A new dark mode has appeared.

    16. Roulette

    In the new Roulette app, you can measure the size of objects using augmented reality in the camera. Simply point the camera at an object, and the smartphone itself will detect its edges and measure the distance.

    You can also save, edit and share screenshots of measurements.

    17. Website icons in Safari

    Now in Safari settings You can enable the display of site icons on tabs.

    18. New dictionaries

    New ones have appeared in the dictionaries available options in English.

    19. Voice recorder

    The updated Voice Recorder app now works on both iPhone and iPad. Now it's easier and more convenient to record and edit audio. Default deleted audio recordings do not disappear, but end up in the recently deleted folder.

    To completely delete entries, go to Settings -> Dictaphone -> Clearing deleted and select one of the options.

    21. Second person for Face ID

    In iOS 12, Apple added the ability to register a second person. This feature is intended for cases when Face ID does not recognize you with glasses or a beard. However, the function can also be used to add a completely different face.

    22. Use iCloud Keychain to enter passwords

    If an application or website has fields for login and password, you will see an icon in the form of a key above the keyboard. Click on it and you can insert the password automatically, as well as the login, if they are saved. When you log in for the first time, the system will prompt you to save your input data.

    23. Share passwords via AirDrop

    Now you can easily share passwords with nearby devices. Can be shared between iOS and Mac devices, as well as iOS and Apple TV. Passwords are transferred securely via AirDrop. Information appears in iCloud Keychain on the recipient's device.

    24. Battery statistics

    The Battery section in Settings now displays graphs with statistics. In the graph, you can view the charge level and energy use over time. You can view data for the last 10 days. In addition, you can interact with the charts. Click on an element to view detailed information for a given period of time.

    25. Virtual trackpad

    In iOS 12, the 3D Touch virtual trackpad appeared on all models, even without support for the technology. Simply hold down Spacebar to turn your keyboard into a trackpad.

    26. Search songs by text

    Now in Apple Music you can find songs by their lyrics. Just enter the words of the song you remember into the search, and the application will find that song.

    27. Chapters in Podcasts

    Podcasts now have chapter divisions that are easy to navigate with one click.

    28. Auto update

    If you didn't like installing system updates manually every time and always dreamed of automating this process, we have good news for you.

    In the Software Update section there is a new Auto Update option, which is disabled by default.

    29. Turn it on flashlight through Siri

    Personal assistant Siri has learned a new trick. Say, “Hey Siri, turn on the flashlight,” and Siri will do it. You no longer have to fiddle with your phone in the dark.

    30. Conveniently close applications on iPhone X

    In iOS 11, closing apps on the iPhone X was time-consuming and inconvenient, but now the process has been simplified. Simply open the app switcher and swipe up on the app.

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    Apple has finally given us the features we've been waiting for almost a decade. Combined notifications? Eat. More do not disturb options? Certainly. FaceTime conferences? Yes, but a little later. Additionally, iOS 12 will significantly improve the performance of devices. The update contains great amount little things that make it very convenient.

    1. Improved performance old devices

    Apple has been working hard to bring new iOS 12 features to all smartphones that support iOS 11, including the iPhone 5s! This time the company has truly improved the performance of the devices. On iPhone 6, apps launch 40% faster, the keyboard opens 50% faster, and the camera is 70% faster.

    2. “For You” tab in Photos

    The New Tab is a cozy place for your memories, shared albums, and Siri recommendations. Here you will also find recommended effects, other people's photos of themselves, etc.

    Now, when you enter the first letters in the search, the Photos app will immediately offer you options for categories, events, people, places and dates.

    5. Search by places and events

    You can find photos by the location where they were taken. Will work and general definitions. A search by events has also appeared. Moreover, the search now supports multiple keywords.

    6. Support formatRAW

    You can now import and manage photos in RAW format right on your iPhone or iPad. If you have iPad Pro, you can even edit them.

    7. Improved import in Camera

    Importing in Camera has become faster and is also supported new mode big previews.

    8. New types of media files in Photos

    Want to find separate album with screenshots or portrait shots? Now on the Albums tab there is a whole new section with different types media files.

    9. Share photographs throughiCloud

    iCloud users can now generate links to multiple photos or an entire album and then share them through Messages.

    10. Improved portrait light

    Portrait lighting has gotten better in iOS 12. The Camera app now applies a mask to a person's face, which recognizes and then separates the person from the background. Previously, the mode did not cope well with the edges of faces, but now everything has become better.

    11. BacklightQR-codes

    When the Camera app recognizes the QR code, it will light up and make it easier to scan.

    12. Segmentation portraits

    New APIs for third party developers Allows you to separate photos into layers. For example, the background can be separated from the foreground.

    13. NewAnimoji

    Four new Animoji characters have been added: ghost, koala, tiger and dinosaur.

    14. Language recognition inAnimoji

    Now you can stick out your tongue and the Animoji character will repeat after you. Blink recognition has also appeared.

    15. Memoji

    You can create your own Animoji characters. If you've ever used Bitmoji, you know what we're talking about. You can create an animated version of yourself by choosing your skin tone, eye and hair color, etc.

    16. Camera effects

    When you open Camera from Messages, you'll see an effects icon in the bottom left corner of the screen. With it, you can add filters, stickers, Animoji or Memoji to your photos. This is very convenient way send funny photos and videos, especially if you use Memoji.

    17. More long video WithAnimoji

    You can now record Animoji videos up to 30 seconds long, up from 10 before.

    18. IntegrationFaceTimeV Messages

    Now you can start group call via FaceTime from Messages. Users will be able to join via a link in the message.

    19. Screen time

    Screen Time provides detailed reports about how you use your device. You will find out which applications you use most often, how often you pick up your smartphone, etc. Data is synced across all your devices. In addition, you will automatically receive weekly reports.

    20. Program limits and At rest

    Once you know how much time you spend on different apps, you can set limits on how you use them. When the time is up, you will receive a notification and will not be able to continue using the application. You can ignore the notification to get additional time.

    At rest - an incredibly convenient feature. Once you set a schedule for it, it will automatically protect you from almost all applications on your smartphone. Only important applications like Phone will work. This is a great way to break the habit of using your smartphone for a long time before bed.

    21. Parental controls + Program limits

    Program limits are integrated with parental control, so parents can set restrictions on their child’s device through their device. You can set general available time and time for individual application categories. In addition, you can set a limit on adult content.

    22. Do not disturb at night

    When Do Not Disturb is active at night, the screen will not turn on with every notification. If you tap the screen, a darkened lock screen will appear. In the morning, notifications will be hidden until you pick up the device.

    23. Do Not Disturb icon in Control Center

    You can now tap the Do Not Disturb mode icon in Control Center with to turn it on certain time. For example, you can turn it on only for an hour or for the duration of a meeting that is saved in the Calendar.

    24. Shutdown mode Not bother

    In iOS 12, Do Not Disturb mode can be turned off automatically based on a set time, location, or calendar events.

    25. Combined notifications

    Apple has finally updated the notification system: now they are grouped not only by application, but also by correspondence and context. To view all messages in a group, you just need to tap it.

    26. Setting up notifications

    Now you can manage notifications for specific apps directly from the lock screen. You can turn off notifications from a specific application, hide them from the lock screen, etc. You don’t even need to go to Settings for all this. If you haven't used an app in a while, Siri will prompt you to turn off its notifications.

    27. Deliver without sound

    The new Deliver Silent feature displays notifications immediately in Notification Center and also makes them silent. You can activate it for any app by swiping left on a notification from it and selecting “Manage.”

    28. TeamsSiri

    Siri commands are one of the most interesting features iOS 12. It allows you to perform chains of actions using a single voice command.

    Siri recommendations are now distributed throughout the system. When Siri remembers your habits, personal assistant will recommend the things you need in right time. Recommendations will appear on the lock screen and in search.

    30. New Teams appSiri

    Apple has integrated the Workflow app into iOS, and it's now called Teams. The interface remains almost the same as before. You can create commands that can perform multiple actions. You can come up with a command, then activate it, and Siri will do whatever you need.

    31. Section « Teams» V settingsSiri

    In the Siri and Search settings section, a separate section for Commands has appeared, where you can create commands for actions. This way you can write a message to someone, open a specific site in Safari, etc. The best thing is that you can save your phrase, which Siri will recognize and understand.

    32. Add VSiri

    Siri can execute commands in third-party apps thanks to the new SiriKit API. Using the "Add to Siri" button, you will be able to use some features of third-party applications through Siri. In addition, actions can be activated through any devices, including HomePod.

    33. Improved translation

    Siri Translator now supports more than 40 languages. Previously, only a few were available.

    34. New knowledgeSiri

    Siri has become better at understanding many things. Now your personal assistant can answer questions about anything, including motorsports. You can find photo memories and passwords through Siri. You can also find out statistics and results of sports matches and fights.

    35. Fact checking

    You can check facts about celebrities, such as their birthplace. You can also ask questions about food, including calories.

    36. More natural voice

    37. New voiceSiri when translating text into speech

    38. New phraseSiri

    Siri now understands the following phrases: “where is my phone”, “where is my watch”, “turn on the flashlight” and “turn off the flashlight”.

    39. 2.0

    The new version of the ARKit platform better recognizes volumetric objects, better tracks faces, displays reflections, etc.

    40. MultiplayerAR

    Now one augmented reality can be viewed by several users at once different devices. You will be able to play augmented reality games in multiplayer mode.

    41. New format supplemented reality

    Apple has made the creation process easier volumetric objects in augmented reality. The company created new format USDZ, with which objects can be easily viewed in augmented reality. The format is easy to share via Mail, Messages and even through a browser.

    42. Saving

    Now developers will be able to add saving and reloading to games with augmented reality.

    43. Object Detection

    New tools have been added to detect and track moving objects.

    44. AR Quick Look

    AR Quick Look brings augmented reality to the entire iOS system, allowing you to view virtual objects in the News, Safar and Files applications, as well as share them through Messages.

    45. New Roulette application

    In the new Roulette app, you can measure the size of objects using augmented reality in the camera. Simply point the camera at an object, and the smartphone itself will detect its edges and measure the distance.

    You can also save, edit and share screenshots of measurements.

    46. ​​ConferencesFaceTime

    The FaceTime platform has finally been updated. It has a new design and support for conferences in which up to 32 users can participate simultaneously. This feature will be available later this fall.

    47. Apple Cards

    The Maps app has been updated in iOS 12. It now displays trees, pools, buildings, sidewalks and other elements more accurately. Display has been improved traffic, real-time traffic conditions, road works, etc. Maps updates apply to Northern California only. They will be released for other US states in the future.

    48. Improved Do Not Track

    iOS now prevents sites from tracking your activities without your consent. Safari also prevents advertisers from collecting data about your device.

    49. Ad blocking

    Apple continues to protect users from targeted advertising. iOS 12 prevents websites from learning unique information about your device.

    50. Improved password management

    iOS will offer more reliable and unique passwords and will not allow the use of identical passwords.

    51. Old passwords

    Old passwords are now stored in Settings.

    52. Share passwords easily

    Now you can easily share passwords with nearby devices. Can be shared between iOS and Mac devices, as well as iOS and Apple TV. Passwords are transferred securely via AirDrop. The information appears in iCloud Keychain on the recipient's device.

    53. Autofill passwords

    Developers of third-party applications can add password autofill to them, which will work without various extensions and switching between applications.

    54. Autofill codes

    This feature will be especially useful for users with two-factor authentication. Now iOS automatically enters received messages into SMS one-time passwords and codes. You don't even have to copy or memorize anything.

    55. Siri and passwords

    Siri supports password management.

    56. ApplicationApple Books

    The iBooks application has been renamed and its design has also been changed. Now the main section is the section with the books you are currently reading. The design of the book and audiobook store has also been changed. He became like.

    57. “Reading now”

    The Now Reading section makes it easy to refer back to the book you're reading, as well as find great recommendations.

    58. “I want to read”

    59. Bookstore

    The store makes it easy to find interesting new books and view the most popular books, as well as recommendations just for you.

    60. Audiobook store

    The new audiobook store makes it easy to find captivating stories from your favorite authors. You can also find audiobooks narrated by your favorite actors and celebrities.

    61. Search songs by text

    Now in the Music application you can find songs by their lyrics.

    62. New page With performers

    The artist page is now easier to view. You can open all songs of one artist.

    63. ButtonPlayFor performers

    Now on the artist page there is a Play button, clicking on which will play a random song from that artist.

    64. Songs of friends

    You can listen to a playlist with songs from your friends, which will be updated periodically.

    65. Top 100 songs

    A playlist with the top 100 songs of the day in your country and around the world is available.

    66. ApplicationAppleNews

    View news in special application it became easier and more convenient.

    67. New lateral menu oniPad

    There's a new feature in the News app on iPad sidebar for navigation.

    68. Promotions Application

    The Stocks app has been redesigned to include more market information. Interactive graphics have also been added. You can view the latest business news directly from Promotions.

    69. Shares oniPad

    The Promotions app has been added to the iPad. It also has a side menu with the most important information.

    70. Voice recorder

    The design of the Voice Recorder application, which is also available on iPad, has also been updated. The interface for editing audio recordings has also been changed.

    71. Automatic deletion of entries

    Now deleted entries in Voice Recorder do not disappear immediately, but are sent to the Recently Deleted folder, as in Photos. Entries can be deleted after 7 days, 30 days or instantly.

    72. SynchronizationiCloud

    iCloud syncs your audio recordings across all iOS devices.

    73. New Voice Recorder settings

    New options have appeared in the Voice Recorder section of Settings. You can choose the audio compression quality, change default titles, etc.

    74. Improved supportiPad

    The Voice Recorder app is now available on iPad in both portrait and landscape modes.

    75. Chapters in Podcasts

    You can browse chapters of the podcasts you listen to. By clicking on a chapter, you can jump directly to it.

    76. Rewind setting

    Now in Podcasts you can select the rewind interval from 10 to 60 seconds.

    77. Headphone support

    Podcasts support rewinding via headphones or in the car.

    78. “Listening Now”

    You can manage notifications about new episodes in the “Listening Now” section.

    79. Auto update

    In the Software Update section there is a new Auto Update option, which is disabled by default.

    80. Special Alerts

    Appeared new type alerts with important information, like reports from your doctors. They will come even with Do Not Disturb mode.

    81. Easily close applications oniPhone X

    In iOS 11, closing applications was long and inconvenient, but now the process has been simplified. Simply open the app switcher and swipe up on the app.

    82. TabsSafarioniPhone X

    Safari now displays tabs in landscape mode just like they do on a computer.

    83. GesturesiPhone XoniPad

    If you swipe down on the iPad screen from the top right corner, Control Center opens. Swiping across the Dock will open the Home screen. The gestures are slightly different from the iPhone X, but will still seem familiar. To switch between recent apps, simply swipe left and right across the bottom of the screen.

    84. Scan iconQR-codes

    Appeared in Control Center new icon, which opens the Camera and scans the QR code.

    85. Website icons inSafari

    Now in Safari settings you can enable the display of website icons on tabs.

    86. Battery Statistics

    The Battery section in Settings now displays graphs with statistics. In the graph, you can view the charge level and energy use over time. You can view data for the last 10 days. In addition, you can interact with the charts. Click on an element to view detailed information for a given period of time.

    87. Support two personsFace ID

    In iOS 12, Apple added the ability to register a second person. This feature is intended for cases when Face ID does not recognize you with glasses or a beard. However, the function can also be used to add a completely different face.

    88. Swipe up to try againFace ID

    In iOS 12, you don't have to wait for a Face ID authentication attempt to retry after a failed one, just swipe up on the screen.

    89. New widget with music

    The music widget on the lock screen and in the Notification Center is now dark.

    90. New Trophies in the Activity app

    The achievements section of the Activity app has been completely updated.

    91. More colors V instrumentsMarkup

    Markup tools for editing screenshots and images now support 6 colors instead of big set different colors.

    92. Virtual trackpad for everyoneiPhone AndiPad

    In iOS 12, the 3D Touch virtual trackpad appeared on all models, even without support for the technology. Simply hold down Spacebar to turn your keyboard into a trackpad.

    93. Hidden weather widget

    If you use Do Not Disturb mode at night, you can access a new weather widget that will appear in the morning.

    94. New dictionary

    The dictionaries now have new available options in English.

    95. App notificationsTV

    Receive notifications about new movies and TV series in the TV app.

    96. Sharing

    Now you can share your favorite movies, TV shows and sporting events using universal links.

    97. Air quality index

    The Weather app now displays the Air Quality Index, but not for all cities.

    98. Limitations connections throughUSB

    iOS 12 includes a new security feature that requires a password to grant access when connected via USB if the device has been inactive for more than an hour.

    99. AirPods Live Listen

    iOS 12 has a new accessibility feature with great potential. It creates an audio bridge between your iPhone's microphone and your AirPods. The feature should help users with poor hearing, but it can be used for other purposes.

    100. Easy access

    If you use this feature, you can now swipe up to exit Easy Access mode.

    101. New dictionaries

    iOS 12 introduces three new dictionaries.

    102. Third party applicationsCarPlay

    Now you can use CarPlay third party applications with navigation like: Google Maps, Waze, etc.