Disable roaming on Beeline. How to activate roaming on Beeline and choose the best options for making calls

Many people know that roaming is used to reduce the cost of communication in other regions of Russia or in other countries. This allows you to always stay in touch. As a rule, Beeline roaming is connected automatically, but disconnection requires the intervention of the subscriber. But not everyone knows how to disable roaming on Beeline. This is exactly what the material below will be about.

Disabling automatic roaming

To get rid of automatic activation, customers will simply need to dial a couple of combinations on their mobile device, namely * 110 * 9990 # and after entering, make a call. Thus, deactivation is carried out. When Beeline roaming is turned off, the client will receive a confirmation message.

Disabling via technical assistance

If you cannot use the service team, you can deactivate it by calling technical support. To do this, the client should dial 0611, and then follow the prompts to press the required numbers, which will lead to disconnection. Also, through this number you can call a “live” operator, who, after presenting your passport data, will remove the service from the phone independently.

Disabling via menu

Many people know that disabling can be done through the SIM card menu, but not many know how to remove roaming. To do this, you need to go to the menu and go to the “My Beeline” tab. After this, you should go through the section with other services and find roaming. Next, instructions on disabling and other actions will be provided. By following them you can remove the service.

Disabling additional services

Before traveling, some subscribers additionally enable options that reduce the cost of communication in a certain region or country. But such services should ultimately be disabled, and this can be done in the following ways:

  1. You can call the operator on 0611 and ask him to turn off everything you need;
  2. Use the standard SIM card menu and follow the recommendations to disable unnecessary options.
  3. Deactivate services yourself through your personal account or mobile application.
  4. Take advantage of special combinations that are inherent in each option.

Deactivation of services through your personal account

In addition to the methods described above, disabling through your personal account is the easiest way, but which requires separate consideration.

Initially, subscribers will need to go through a short registration and receive a password to log in. If the password has been forgotten, you can use the command * 110 * 9 #. After entering such a request, a message with a password for authorization will be sent to your phone.

After logging into your account, you need to go to the section with services and their management, and then click on the tab with a list of active options. This section provides information on all connected options. If you check the box next to the unnecessary option and press the disable button, you can get rid of any service.

Other methods for deactivating roaming

Of course, every subscriber can take advantage of the help of employees of Beeline branded salons. Specialists will quickly turn off roaming, but to do this they will need to present a passport or driver's license.

You can also use the ussd menu, which allows you to disconnect via a mobile device. To do this, you will need to dial the request to open the menu * 110 * 09 # and make a call. After this, follow the instructions provided.

Bottom line

This material provides all possible methods for disabling roaming and options that reduce the cost of communication outside your home region. But before using roaming options, you will also need to know important features:

  1. For example, if the trip is outside Russia, then there must be more than 300 rubles in the account in order to be able to make calls.
  2. To connect to international roaming, your mobile phone bill must be more than 600 rubles.

As you know, in order to stay connected even when traveling within the country or abroad, cellular operators offer their subscribers roaming services and separate roaming tariffs. Most of them today already have very tolerable conditions, which can often even be called profitable.

Each user has the opportunity to choose the most suitable roaming option for themselves, which can be connected depending on their communication needs. However, the problem is that upon returning home, not all subscribers remember how to disable roaming on Beeline, and not everyone remembers that it generally needs to be switched to a deactivated state.

That is why today we propose to understand how to disable all currently relevant roaming services on Beeline.

How to disable the “Most profitable roaming” service on Beeline

This option attracts a huge number of operator subscribers, if only because of its name. However, the truth is not far from the name. Indeed, in this package, subscribers have the opportunity to both make calls and send text messages for a very affordable 200 rubles per day.

One of the main advantages of this option is also that there is no need to connect it additionally - it is available for use by all Beeline subscribers who have gone abroad. Making any call during the day will automatically activate a package of minutes for the subscriber, and sending a message will automatically activate a package of messages.

However, the absence of an activation procedure does not deprive users of questions regarding disabling the service. After all, most subscribers are worried that upon returning home, fees for using communication services will be charged according to roaming tariffs.

We hasten to assure you that this assumption is incorrect. There is no need to disable the “Most Profitable Roaming” service; it stops working as soon as the subscriber returns within the borders of the Russian Federation.

How to disable the “My Country” roaming service from Beeline

If you used national roaming while traveling around the country as part of the “My Country” service, and upon returning home you want to return to the standard conditions for using cellular communications, then for this purpose you need to remember a short and simple number 0683 . By calling the specified number, the service will be immediately deactivated.

How to turn off the Internet while roaming for traveling in Russia

The service, which provides Internet access to subscribers in national roaming, is offered for use in two variations: for 7 days and for 30 days. The services, of course, have different terms of use, as well as financial aspects. But we are not talking about this, but about how to successfully deactivate them, and therefore suspend the charging of user fees when the subscriber returns to his home region.

And here, as in the case of “The most profitable roaming”, there is no need to worry too much. After all, both the junior and senior variations of the service do not have an automatic renewal function, and after 7/30 days from the moment of connection, the options are automatically deactivated.

How to disable “Our Country+” roaming on Beeline

This option is in demand among subscribers who are going on a trip to the Crimean peninsula. When the service is activated, both incoming and outgoing calls begin to be charged under very favorable conditions.

This service, unlike the previous one discussed, needs to be disabled. And you can deactivate it by entering a USSD request *110*0050# .

How to disable “Unlimited Internet” while roaming on Beeline

As part of this offer, unlimited Internet access in roaming is provided for 350 rubles per day. However, without speed limits, only 100 megabytes can be used per day, and these can be regulated by Beeline partners in the host country. All traffic over 100 megabytes is provided in unlimited mode, but the speed is reduced to 128 kilobits per second, which is 16 kilobytes per second - which is quite a bit. For example, it will take you about 10 minutes to download one MP3 ringtone.

It is worth understanding that this option works until the user disables it. Therefore, upon returning home, it must be deactivated to avoid unnecessary communication costs. However, given the speed at which the Internet operates after using 100 megabytes of traffic per day, you may think about deactivating the service before you return home.

 → Help for clients

Any resident of Russia someday leaves his hometown for a certain period of time. This can happen for various reasons, for example, a person needs to go on a business trip, on vacation, or simply visit his relatives living in another city.

A resident who is a Beeline subscriber can stay in touch with his family and friends without changing his number. To do this, he needs to connect the roaming service to his phone. This service is activated automatically when the SIM card is activated and when a person is abroad, this service is activated if the balance is more than 600 rubles, but if the balance is 300 rubles, this service is disabled.

Is roaming necessary at all?

Of course, this service is necessary, especially for subscribers who often travel to other countries. In addition, roaming is very popular when you are going on vacation and, as a rule, such a trip involves leaving the territory of Russia. In any case, no matter what you plan, you should take care to ensure communication when traveling outside your region.

How to activate roaming on Beeline?

First, you need to find out which tariff plan the subscriber is currently connected to. This can be done using the Beeline service. To do this you need to dial a number 0611 or use the Beeline menu provided to any subscriber. This menu can be found in the functions of your mobile phone, in settings or applications (this depends on the model of the device itself). You can also find out your tariff through your personal account on the Beeline operator website.

After the subscriber finds out his tariff plan, he needs to make sure that the tariff includes the presence of a roaming service or that it is possible to enable roaming on his phone. It is also necessary to find out whether the tariff has the ability to prepay all outgoing calls, and whether the roaming service is activated abroad throughout Russia.

If the subscriber's tariff that is currently connected allows you to pay the bill after using the service, roaming can only be activated if there is a certain amount of money in the account. As a rule, this amount is 1500 rubles.

To put it simply, to use the roaming service, the subscriber’s account must have an amount of money that changes depending on where the user is.

Connecting roaming in Russia

The Beeline operator offers its subscribers to connect to the roaming service depending on where they are located. The service is divided into national roaming and intranet roaming. The latest roaming is activated automatically and is available for use if the balance is above zero. National roaming operates according to slightly different rules. It is not available in all regions of Russia. This roaming makes it possible to stay connected even if the subscriber is in the coverage area of ​​another operator. In this case, the service provided depends on the connected tariff plan: post-planned or prepaid.

Connecting international roaming

If a Beeline subscriber uses a postpaid payment system, he has access to online roaming. It connects automatically if the balance is above zero. That is, the subscriber can control the balance of his account in real time. In the case when online roaming does not imply active networks, in order for the subscriber to be able to provide communication, he must have at least 600 rubles in his account.

For those subscribers who use a post-paid payment system, it is necessary to ensure in advance that they have a connection abroad. To achieve this, you need to find out if there are any outstanding bills. This can be found by typing *110*04# m press call. Next, you should make sure that the balance on your mobile phone matches your data plan.

If all of the above parameters have been fulfilled, you need to dial to connect roaming on Beeline *110*131# or call the toll free number 067409131 . After this, the subscriber should receive a system message stating that this service is activated. In addition, you can activate roaming by contacting any office of this company. The entire connection procedure will take a little time, but it will work the same as if the subscriber had connected it himself.

The roaming service allows you to use cellular communications in all corners of our planet without the need to purchase a local number - each roaming subscriber retains a number linked to his SIM card. Many subscribers want to know how to disable Beeline roaming - such an operation may be required in a variety of situations. In our review, you will consider all the issues related to disabling and connecting this useful service.

Types of roaming

The Beeline operator has four types of roaming:

  • On-network - turns on when people travel across Russian regions. It is the cheapest type of roaming. Works wherever there is Beeline;
  • National is a rare type, available when there is no Beeline network in the selected region (works only in the Russian Federation). More expensive type compared to the intranet one;
  • International – enabled when registering a mobile phone in foreign cellular networks. In some areas, this type of communication is insanely expensive;
  • Crimean roaming – despite the entry of the Crimean Peninsula into the Russian Federation, special conditions for providing communications for guest subscribers still apply here. This type works when entering the territory of Crimea.

There are also some other types of roaming that solve problems that are too narrow to be mentioned in our review. Most often, users of cellular networks encounter the above-mentioned varieties.

Roaming connection

When considering how to disable roaming on Beeline, you should find out how it is connected in general. Intranet is connected to all subscribers by default. That is, when we buy a new SIM card, it is already connected. Therefore, we can safely move around Russian regions and enjoy inexpensive intranet communications. In addition, in the last year or two, tariffs have appeared that provide communication services on the same terms as in the home network.

Here we should mention the tariffs of the “Everything!” line, where special roaming conditions apply for persons who move from one region to another.

There is no need to activate intranet roaming - it will work automatically if you have any amount on your balance. This applies to subscribers of both payment systems. By the way, postpaid users also have national roaming enabled, so they do not need to take any additional actions - they will be in touch wherever at least one Russian cellular network is available (in Russia, of course).

International roaming is connected differently:

  • For postpaid customers, you need to activate the “International Communications” service. Be sure to check the availability of this service if you are going to travel outside the Russian Federation;
  • For prepaid customers - to activate international roaming, you need to ensure that the amount on your balance exceeds 600 rubles. As soon as the balance drops below 300 rubles, access to communication services will be disabled.

As for Crimean roaming, it is connected to all subscribers by default - no additional actions need to be taken to obtain it.

How to disable roaming on Beeline

In order to disable roaming in Beeline, you must first decide what exactly needs to be disabled and what payment system the network client is on. First, we will figure out how to disable roaming in Russia on Beeline. Since it is automatically connected to all subscribers, no commands or tools are provided to disable it. Actually, it does not require additional costs, so there is no need to disable it - upon returning to the home network, standard tariffs will apply.

If you still want to disable intranet roaming on Beeline, contact the nearest service office, remembering to take your passport with you. If you're concerned about incoming toll calls when you're on a guest network, you can disable them in your phone's settings (call settings menu).

The situation with national roaming is the same as with intranet roaming. If you are concerned about accidentally receiving voice calls, disable them when you are in other networks and regions. You can also look into the operator's office. But looking into the “Personal Account” is useless - there are no tools here that allow you to disable the roaming service on Beeline.

The exception is special roaming services that allow you to reduce communication prices when you are on guest networks - they are provided with a subscription fee, so they need to be disabled.

  • Prepaid subscribers - in order to disable roaming, they need to contact the nearest service office (for example, you live in a border area, and your phone is constantly registered in the cellular networks of a nearby country);
  • Postpaid subscribers - their international roaming is turned off when the balance drops below 300 rubles. If you want it to always be disabled, please contact your service office.

You can provide additional information on how to disable roaming by calling the help desk at 0611.

When going on a business trip or vacation, it is very important to stay in touch with business partners or loved ones. For those subscribers who want to not only keep their usual phone number while leaving, but also make calls at a cost-effective rate, it will be beneficial to connect Beeline roaming.

The roaming service in Russia is available to any Beeline subscriber, on all tariff plans and can be used immediately after purchasing and activating a SIM card. To save on calls, you can connect the appropriate Beeline services before your trip, or change your tariff plan to one specifically designed for roaming. The first option is more profitable, because upon returning home the subscriber will again enjoy the benefits of a long-familiar tariff plan.

First of all, you need to find out the details of your tariff plan, the cost of calls in roaming, the ability to access the Internet and send SMS messages outside your home region, and compare them with other offers. To do this, you can contact the operator at 0611, or go to your Beeline Personal Account. If the current tariff does not provide favorable conditions for roaming in Russia, the easiest way is to activate one of the options to reduce the cost of calls, SMS and Internet traffic.

Roaming within Russia at competitive prices is possible with. All operators have a similar offer, for example, MTS calls it “Like Home Everywhere.” To activate the option, you need to pay a one-time fee of 25 rubles, after which incoming calls throughout Russia are charged only for the first minute, and outgoing calls are paid per minute at preferential rates.

You can activate the Beeline “My Country” service using the command *110*0021#, through your personal account “My Beeline” or through technical support at 0611. You can disable the option using a short request *110*0020#.

This service for roaming in Russia replaced the outdated one - “Roaming on the Light”, which provided the opportunity for free incoming calls without restrictions, for a fixed subscription fee, and outgoing calls were cheap throughout the country. At the moment it has become archived and you cannot connect to it.

Those subscribers who need mobile Internet when traveling around Russia will benefit from the Beeline service for Internet roaming. It allows you to use it under the same conditions and for the same price as in your home region. The service comes in two types and can be provided for a week or a month.