Mirroring pages in Word for printing. Making a mirror image of photos and text

The function of setting mirror margins in Microsoft Word documents is an indispensable option, especially if you need to print and then staple an essay or diploma, or make a brochure from your document. It is no more difficult to work with than any other MS Word option.


  • In order to print text with the effect of mirrored fields, you first need to adjust the fields themselves. When using Word 2007 or 2010, go to the “Page Layout” section in the main menu. Click on the “Fields” item and select the “Mirror” line in the drop-down list. If you want to change the margin sizes, select the bottom line “Custom Margins”. A separate window will open where you can change the margin size values.
  • If you need to set up mirror printing to print text as a booklet, under Custom Margins, select Booklet. In this case, the document orientation will automatically change to landscape, and the margins will become mirrored.
  • If you are working with Word 2003 and earlier versions, go to the “File” tab, select the “Page Setup” menu item and in the window that opens, enter the settings you need (“Mirror Margins” or “Booklet”), then click OK.
  • In Word 2007 or 2010, go to the “File” section. Here in the menu on the left you will see the “Print” option. By selecting this item, you will see the print settings page. Here you can specify the number of copies you need, select a printer, designate the pages you want to print, and select the type of printing - single-sided or double-sided. The second may require manual feeding of sheets into the printer. In the field next to the print menu you will see what your document will look like when printed.
  • In Word 2003 and earlier versions, click on the printer icon in the control panel (quick print) or in the “File” tab, select the “Print” line. In a separate window that opens, you will have the opportunity to select the printer, the number of copies, one-sided or two-sided printing, and so on. To preview what the printed document will look like, click the Preview icon in the control panel.
  • In the process of preparing some material, we may need to make a mirror image of the images placed in the document. Today we’ll talk about the possibility and ways of making a mirror image of an image in Word.

    The image we select is located on the sheet in the place where we placed or left the cursor. An image placed on a sheet is instantly captured by markers, and a special tab appears in the top menu containing various options, tools and templates that allow you to edit this image.

    So let's get started.

    Let's place an image on the sheet (page):

    As we said, the image was captured by markers, and the “Working with Pictures” functionality appeared in the top menu, containing the “Format” tab. This tab is collapsed, and we do not see the options it contains:

    Simply click on the tab name to expand it:

    Now we have at our disposal a large number of different options and tools with which we can edit the image this way and that.

    Since today we are talking about mirroring an image, we will turn our attention to the section of the “Drawing Styles” tab and the “Drawing Effects” tool contained in it:

    By clicking on the name of this tool, we will reveal its functionality and look at the effects that we can apply to the image. Among the many effects, there is also the “Reflection” effect we need in this case. By hovering the mouse over the name of this effect, we will see reflection options:

    And by hovering the mouse over the reflection options, we can immediately see what the reflection of a particular option will be like when we select it:

    We can further edit the selected reflection option, that is, change it at our discretion. We can make the reflection less or more transparent, or blur it, or all three. Or we can move the reflection away from the image.

    To start editing the reflection itself, you need to select the image again - it must be captured by markers. Then follow the already known path to the reflection options offered by Word and below the list of these options, select the “Reflection Options” option:

    As soon as we select this option, the “Picture Format” window will immediately open, which contains, so to speak, levers of influence, or parameter controls:

    By grabbing one or another slider with the mouse and moving it left and right, we influence the reflection. By moving a slider, such as “Blur,” we immediately see the changes taking place. It may happen that the window with the slider controls opens in such a way that it completely obscures the image. In this case, you need to grab the window with the mouse by its upper part, where the window name is located, and move (move) it to any side convenient for work.

    For example, I'll move the blur slider a little to the right and we'll take a look at what the reflection looks like:

    If we are satisfied with the selected option—preparing a reflection—then, of course, there is no need to change additional reflection parameters. In the case when we changed our minds and decided not to make a reflection of the picture, then to delete it we again go to the reflection options and select the “No reflection” option:

    Let's consider the possibility of making a reflection yourself, without using the blank options offered by the Word program. This process is simple. All we need to do is copy the image and turn the copy made 180 degrees, and then place it below the original image.

    Let's get started.

    I suggest this copying method: Aim the mouse cursor at the center of the image, and then press the “Ctrl” key and hold it. Then, press the left mouse button and, holding it down, drag the copy of the image a little down:

    You can “throw” a copy at this place:

    If at the moment of moving the copy it has shifted a little, then you can help yourself with the arrow keys of the computer keyboard.

    Of course, you can make a copy of the image in another convenient way.

    Let's continue.

    Grab the top middle copy marker with your mouse and drag it down. This action of ours is turning a copy of the image “upside down” (180 degrees):

    When flipping a copy of an image, it is not necessary to try to visually achieve the size of the original image.

    And when we saw the copy upside down and slightly narrowed in height, let’s release the left mouse button - stop holding the marker and look at what we got:

    Now, grabbing the copy with the mouse or using the arrow keys of the computer keyboard, we will place the copy on the original image approximately in the middle:

    Then, using the mouse to grab one marker and then another, we will combine the copy with the original:

    From now on, we will call the copy of the image a reflection.

    We can apply effects appropriate to the reflection. In order to do this, we need to select the reflection again if it is not selected. Let's do this by left-clicking with the cursor on the reflection body. Reflection was captured by selection (editing) markers, and the “Format” tab of the “Working with Pictures” functionality appeared in the top menu. Click the mouse to expand the contents of the tab. Now we can take advantage of the options and tools it contains.

    For example, by selecting the “Artistic Effects” option, we can apply one or another suitable effect to the reflection:

    Let's choose, for example, the “Blur” effect from the proposed options. Already when you hover your mouse over this effect, we can see the reflection change:

    To apply the selected effect to the reflection, you need to left-click on the effect icon. We can strengthen or weaken the applied effect, or, in other words, edit it. To do this, you need to reopen the window with effect options and select the “Art Effects Options” option:

    As a result of this choice, the effect settings window called “Picture Format” will open. In this very window we make our own parameter settings:

    All we need to do to change the effect is move the slider. You can not use the slider, but set some of your own parameters using the arrow buttons. To cancel the parameter we have set, click the “Reset” button. In the same window we have the opportunity to change the initially selected effect to another effect:

    And change its parameters in exactly the same way.

    To quickly open the window for changing parameters (the window is called, as we remember, “Picture Format”), we just need to right-click with the cursor on the reflection body:

    We can also open this same window by simply clicking on the small arrow in the lower right corner of the “Picture Styles” section:

    We don’t have to limit ourselves to just one artistic effect applied to the reflection. So applying the “Blur” effect:

    We turn to the “Correction” tool and add one of the options with adjusted brightness and contrast to the already blurred reflection:

    The parameters of the last applied option can also be changed, and we already know how to do this.

    If we want the reflection to not have a clear lower border and smoothly merge with the sheet, then in this case the “Shapes” functionality, which is located in the “Insert” tab of the top menu, will help us.

    Let's expand the “Insert” tab with a regular mouse click and with the same regular mouse click we will expand the contents of the “Shapes” functionality, where we will select the rectangle drawing tool:

    After this choice, the mouse cursor will turn into a crosshair of two lines - now you can start drawing a figure.

    Our task is to place a rectangle on top of the bottom of the reflection without going beyond the edges of the reflection; in other words, the rectangle should be in the foreground. It's not difficult to do.

    Let's draw this rectangle. To make it easier to draw a rectangle, click the mouse to select the reflection. He was captured by markers. These markers are our assistants in drawing a rectangle. We draw a rectangle as if we were connecting the middle left and right side markers, with the left and right lower corner markers together.

    As a result, we should get something like this:

    In automatic mode, the rectangle is colored blue. In our example, the Word sheet is white. For this reason, we need to color the rectangle white. To achieve the desired effect, let’s not just paint the rectangle with white, but fill it with a white gradient, then make adjustments to the fill settings.

    Let's get started.

    As soon as we drew a rectangle, the “Format” tab of the “Drawing Tools” functionality immediately appeared in the top menu. If this tab is collapsed and we do not see the options and tools it contains, then simply click on the tab name to expand its contents and select the “Shape Fill” option:

    From several filling options, we will select the “Gradient Fill” option we need in this case, and inside the gradient fill, the very first option from the proposed light options:

    You can choose any other fill option, since we will completely change all its parameters.

    So, the rectangle is filled with the selected gradient. If we reset the selection with markers (a regular mouse click on a blank sheet of paper), we will see the outlined outline of the rectangle. Select the rectangle again. We don’t need the outline stroke, let’s remove it by selecting the “Shape Outline” option in the top menu, and then the “No Outline” option:

    We can get rid of the outline immediately after we have drawn the rectangle. We do what is convenient for us.

    Let's continue working with the gradient.

    After we have filled the rectangle with a template gradient, again in the top menu we will select the “Shape Fill” option, and then the “Gradient” option and then “Other gradient fills”:

    The “Shape Format” window will open in front of us, informing us about the parameters (settings) of the gradient fill of the selected blank option. We need to change these parameters:

    The main parameter changes include changes to the fill angle, color, and transparency. The sequence of changes made can be changed at your discretion.

    Let's get started.

    The first step is to change the fill angle. Clicking the up arrow button will change the angle from 45˚ to 270˚. To change a parameter more quickly, the button can be held down:

    Now let's work with the gradient.

    Click the mouse to select the middle ink tank to remove, and then press the button with a red cross:

    In the same way, fill the right inkwell with white and look at the result - the rectangle is completely white:

    The final step in achieving the desired effect is to increase the transparency of the right ink tank. Click the mouse to select the right inkwell, if we reset its selection, and move the transparency slider to the right, setting the value to 100%:

    So we have achieved the effect of smooth merging with the leaf. To enhance this effect, move the left inkwell slightly to the right:

    We can further enhance the effect by changing the height of the rectangle.

    Let's grab the middle top selection handle with our mouse and drag it up, while watching how the effect changes:

    With a regular mouse click on a free field of the sheet, we will reset the selection with markers and look at the final result:

    Although the process of creating a hand-made reflection can be considered labor-intensive, there is still one big advantage over using blank templates. This advantage is determined by the ability to work with reflection individually, applying various effects and simulating reflection on various surfaces without affecting the image itself.

    A huge number of text documents are created in Word every day all over the world. For some, this is a work report, a dissertation, an essay, a term paper. And every second user is faced with adding pictures to a document. Although many, to the best of their ability or ignorance, omit this point. It just seems like inserting a picture takes a long time. And if you suddenly need to make a mirror image of a picture, then the older generation will probably ask a friend or loved one for help, or maybe skip this step altogether, citing lack of time. Let's figure out the problem that has arisen together.

    Reflection of the image "mirror"

    You can mirror your drawing using the following steps. Initially, insert the image into the Word document:

    To display an image you need:

    Horizontal reflection of the picture

    There are situations when it is necessary to change the direction of the drawing. In this case, it is necessary to change the direction of Santa Claus to the left. To flip the image horizontally you need to do the following:

    Note. If you need to place two pictures next to the original result as in the screenshot above, you need to copy the picture and then set the desired reflection.

    Setting to Mirror a Pattern

    To achieve the desired effect when reflecting a photo, you can adjust all the parameters manually. Click on the photo and go to the “Format” tab.

    In the “Picture Format” window, set the desired type of “Blanks”, for example “Medium... touch”.

    Note. You can mirror a photo with a shift of several points from the original picture; to do this, you need to select the “Reflection at 4 pt or 8 pt” option.

    Any shift can be observed even with the active Format Picture window open. To do this, move the parameters window to the left or right of the image that is located on the Word document sheet.

    Often when designing an image there is a need to reflect a picture or text. This can be done in several ways that will not take much time.

    Why do you need the mirror function?

    Let's say you need to make a beautiful composition for a website, where a pretty girl will be reflected in the mirror against the backdrop of nature. Or you just need to make a mirror image of a picture downloaded from some site so that it is not too similar to the original image. Or the photo turned out not very good, but if you turn it in a mirror, it will be better.

    This is not a complete list of reasons why mirroring is done. Even if this function is not needed, it does not mean that it will not be needed tomorrow. You can mirror an image in any editor and in almost every image viewing program. This is done very simply: you just need to open the editor or program, find the “mirror” or “flip” button (choose horizontally or vertically as necessary), after which the photo will go into the state we need. The only difficulty is that this function is located in different places in different programs, so let’s look at the most popular utilities for viewing and editing graphic files for this function.


    Almost all graphic file viewers have a mirroring function. Except for the built-in Windows Photo Viewer utility, which does not have this capability.

    Microsoft Office Picture Manager

    This viewer is included in the Microsoft Office software package. It has a small set of functions: remove red eyes, adjust brightness and contrast, crop and flip photos. You can mirror it as follows: launch the utility and open the photo (or open the photo using the picture manager), in the top toolbar click on “Picture”, where from the drop-down list select “Rotate and flip”. Now in the panel on the right we determine exactly how to reflect it and save it.

    FastStone Image Viewer

    Quite a powerful viewer of graphic elements, which has a lot of different functions and effects, among them “Mirror reflection”. We go two ways:

    • open the utility and find the desired image in the file tree;
    • open the photo using this program directly.

    Now right-click anywhere in the picture, find the “Change” item and select “flip horizontally” (vertically).


    The drawing tool known to everyone from an early age can also turn a drawing upside down. The procedure is the same as with other programs: launch the painter and open the picture (you can drag it) or open it “with help”. Now on the top toolbar we find an icon with two triangles and a rotating arrow (located next to the “Select” function). Click on the triangles and click on the items “Flip horizontally” or “Flip vertically”.

    Using the Adobe Photoshop graphics editor

    Photoshop is perhaps the most famous graphics editor. This is all thanks to its impressive features for editing and creating graphic files. Of course, this utility will be able to reflect photos without any problems.

    Open the image using Photoshop and go to the “Image” tab. In the list that appears, find the item “Rotate canvas”. We point at it and see how another list appears, in which you need to click “Flip canvas horizontally” or “Flip canvas vertically”.

    Reflecting text

    In addition to reflecting a picture, many text and graphics editors are capable of mirroring text. We will not consider all programs; we will focus on the most popular ones - Microsoft Word and Adobe Photoshop.

    You can mirror text in Word as follows. Open the document and go to the "Insert" tab in the top toolbar. Here we find the “WordArt” tool, click on it and select the template you like. Next, write the required text. Now we have two ways to reflect what we have written:

    • Click on the text, as a result of which dots appear around it to change the size. We clamp one such point, which is located in the middle on either side, and drag it in the opposite direction;

    • Click on the text, after which the “Format” tab appears in the toolbar, highlighted in a certain color and labeled “Working with WordArt objects.” Go to it and find the “Rotate” tool (with the image of two triangles with an arrow).

    Adobe Photoshop

    We proceed in the same way as with the image. But first you need to write the text. In the toolbar, click on the “T” button (or the Shift+T combination), click on the sheet with the cursor and type the text. Then go to the “Image” tab, “Rotate Image” and “Flip Canvas”. But before you make a mirror image of what you have written, you need this particular layer to be selected, otherwise something else will be reflected.

    Sometimes a Microsoft Word user is faced with the task of rotating text, or rather mirroring it. To solve this issue, you need to consider the text as an object and with the help of a few steps you can easily make a mirror reproduction of it.

    First you need to create a text field. It can be found by going to the "Insert" tab.

    Next, in order to change the text in Word so that it appears mirrored, the user needs to rotate the text field. To do these actions, you need to go to the “Format” tab and select the item that is needed to format the figure (shown in the screenshot).

    Next, in the window on the right called “Shape Format”, you need to select the tab called “Shape Options” and after that the function for rotating a three-dimensional figure will be available. If you need to make a mirror view of the text vertically, set 180 degrees in the field where you need to set the rotation around the X axis, and if the user needs to align it relative to the horizontal, enter a similar value in another field called “Rotation around the Y axis.” The screenshots below show these two options.

    After these steps, the text field will have a gray background by default. In order to give it transparency or make other adjustments you need to:

    1. Select the material "Wire"
    2. Set the color white to match the page background.