Download the traffic rules checking program. Download traffic rules. A textbook for driving schools. Driving

“Traffic Rules Examination Tickets 2019 (BC)” is a software simulator for mastering traffic rules. The program is designed to prepare users for a successful theory exam in the traffic police to obtain a license (category “BC” / category “B1” / category “C1” ). You are provided with tickets (80 in number), in each ticket you will have 20 tasks. You can be sure that the information provided fully complies with the examination requirements of the traffic police. Free downloadExam tickets for traffic rules 2019 (BC) are possible without registration. The program installation occurs correctly on all versions of Windows OS.

The program provides 2 options for preparation:

  1. Workout option. You can study materials according to the tickets or according to the topics. All questions have comments; the system analyzes the answer and, in case of an error, notifies the user to try again.
  2. Exam option. The user is given a fixed time interval (20 minutes and 5 minutes/5 additional questions are added). A random method of generating tasks from 4 blocks by topic is used. Each contains 5 tasks.

IN Exam tickets for traffic rules 2019 You are allowed to make one or two mistakes (depending on the topic). Each mistake you make will cost you 5 additional questions on the relevant topic. If more than 2 errors are made, 2 in one topic or in one of the additional questions, then this means failure to pass the exam. If you have answered all the questions or if the time has run out, the exam is considered complete. You will receive the test result. You will also receive explanations for incorrect answers.

Registration of the program (mobile payment or payment in the electronic payment system) is required. If the program version is not registered, then in this case there are limitations in functionality:

  • You have access to your first 5 tryout tickets.
  • The exam lasts 1 minute.

The program offers to master the 2019 traffic rules both using a standard document and using a simulator with tickets, which certainly contributes to intensive acquisition of information as opposed to regular reading and cramming. Therefore, this application is an advanced learning tool for anyone who has access to a computer and does not have extra free time.

For comfortable work with the program Traffic rules 2019 Preferably a display resolution of 1024x768 or higher.

This is a special training tool for Android, designed to prepare drivers to pass the exams required to obtain a driver's license in the traffic police. This application is needed by everyone who wants to prepare well for the driving test and pass it with flying colors; you just need to download the application for passing the traffic police exams for free and install it on your device.

Screenshots Traffic Rules Exam 2018 - Traffic Police Tickets →

The software product contains official and, moreover, the latest data regarding traffic rules, and also contains a complete set of tickets with ready-made answers and explanations. You can download Traffic Rules Tickets 2018 for Android for the exam on this page for free and without registration.

  • A complete set of traffic rules and exam tickets.
  • Various preparation modes, including a simulation of the traffic police exam, taking into account the time allotted for answers.
  • Ready answers to the questions posed in the tickets.
  • Detailed and clear comments and explanations for the answers.
  • Ability to analyze and work on errors when performing tasks.
  • Filtering questions according to driving school assignments.
  • Marathon mode, in which the subject continues to answer questions only until the first error.
  • A complete visual set of traffic signs.
  • Ability to work offline, without an Internet connection.

No less important and useful functions of the application are maintaining detailed statistics of errors made when answering, as well as adding the most difficult topics to favorites for subsequent re-reading. Thanks to these features, learning the rules and preparing for exams will be much easier. The program has a clear graphical interface in Russian and well-thought-out usability, which makes it convenient to use on all types of devices. You can download Traffic Regulations Exam 2018 - Traffic Police Tickets for Android for free from our resource.

Traffic rules exam tickets are needed to prepare for theoretical and practical exams in the traffic police and, accordingly, obtain rights of categories A B C and D.

In order for testing at the traffic police to be successful, you need to thoroughly study all the canons by which road traffic occurs and the issues associated with it. Understand the essence of prohibitions, restrictions and warnings, the role of road markings and signs, and not just memorize all the traffic rules cards. This is exactly what the traffic rules exam with answers 2016 from Positron System is for.

Description of the program "Road Rules"

The application has a convenient system for collecting statistics, that is, they will not just tell you whether it is right or wrong, but will indicate why you should not do this in a given situation, and what you should have done. After completing the traffic rules course, you will have a clear idea of ​​your chances of passing the exam on the rules of driving a car of any category. The right approach to implementing the program has a positive effect on the rapid assimilation of the rules.

The Traffic Regulations 2016 application has several modes that differ in the learning algorithm:

  1. The exam completely recreates taking a real test at the traffic police.
  2. Training - tests your skills against randomly selected cards.
  3. Preparation - training takes place on random questions and topics.
  4. Training - methodical oral study of tickets.

In order for the training to be as comfortable as possible, you should familiarize yourself with each of the modes in detail.

Unlike online versions of the application, the product can work without access to the Internet.

Traffic rules tests: Let's get to know each other in more detail...

In the “Settings” menu, you can select the time during which the exam will last (1 – 20 minutes), personalize program tips for each mode separately, reset learning results and select the cards you need (depending on the category you want to receive ). There is an application for Android, you can get it on your phone on Google Play.

Important! The new version of the utility contains all changes to traffic regulations that are relevant for 2016.

The latest version provides a new testing algorithm, which began to be practiced in 2016; each examinee is required to pass 20 minutes. test conditions, consisting of 20 cards and at the same time make a maximum of 2 mistakes. Any mistake, in turn, adds 5 new questions and 5 minutes of time for the test.

Program components:

  • application automatic traffic rules exam;
  • visual help system, supplemented with innovations for 2016;
  • traffic rules cards of categories AB and A1 B1, as well as category M with additions that were accepted on September 1, 2016;
  • traffic rules cards of types CD and C1D1 with changes that were adopted on September 1, 2016.

How to download traffic tickets to your computer

Traffic tickets are educational material and therefore, naturally, are provided free of charge. Just press the key and download the latest official version in Russian.

Developer: Positron System

Official website:

This program was created with one sole purpose - to prepare driving school students to successfully pass traffic knowledge exams. For convenience, the application has several question modes. In the first mode, the user has the opportunity to carefully study all the tickets (40 pieces) that will be used in the exam. In the second mode, you can test your theoretical knowledge by completing a test task, during which the program will ask you to answer twenty random questions. The third mode is to solve random tasks. which are selected automatically by the program, while the user can set the number of traffic rules 2015 questions independently.

The application's user interface features original graphic design and a convenient navigation menu. All questions are accompanied by corresponding pictures, thanks to which it will be easier for the user to navigate the traffic situation. This training program will be equally useful for all categories of drivers, both beginners and experienced. It is also worth noting that the application can generate random themed tickets, which, in fact, is an analogue of a real standings. After completing the test task in a special control mode, all errors made will be displayed. You can download the Traffic Rules program for free on our website via a direct link.

In general, the application completely simulates the situation that will occur during the exam: within a certain time, the user will have to cope with solving the questions received. Thus, both an experienced driver and a driving school student have the opportunity to increase their level of theoretical knowledge about traffic rules.

Key features of the Road Traffic Rules 2017 program:

  • Built-in library of current issues;
  • Several modes of working with the program;
  • Ability to use hints;
  • Intuitive user interface;
  • Ability to pass automatically generated tests;
  • Minimum system requirements for computer resources.

The Road Traffic Rules 2017 program is developed entirely in Russian, which greatly facilitates working with the main menu and basic settings.

Exam tickets for traffic rules 2017 will be an excellent basis in the process of self-preparation for the future exam. The program will help you fully study the theoretical material on all traffic rules and successfully pass the traffic police test, which will be your first step in obtaining licenses of categories A, B, C, M and D.

Successfully passing an exam does not always lie in cramming; it is much more important to correctly understand the basic principles, and only then, based on them, solve absolutely any problems. It is for this purpose that you can download traffic rules 2017 tickets for free to your computer without registration and any restrictions. A direct link has been prepared for you on Cyclone-Soft so that you can immediately download the program without wasting time downloading via torrent.

You can now view all current traffic police tickets and take the 2017 traffic rules exam on your PC, and you don’t have to be online to do this. Traffic rules can be filtered, for example, by category B, or you can filter out categories AB/BC/SD if you need to take the exam in several areas at once. Exam tickets, as a rule, come with answers, so the user can always review them in case of errors.

The application will help you understand the principles on which traffic on the road is based, fully understand the meaning of all restrictions and prohibitions, and also understand all road signs and types of markings. This is much better than ineffective memorization, because the ability to solve traffic rules is important, first of all, for you personally.

The application integrates a convenient system for analyzing decisions and maintaining general statistics. It is she who will help the user in analyzing difficult sections, and will also point out traffic rules that were not learned enough and advise them to repeat them. Self-assess your preparation using a flexible testing system that no book can offer you. After all, it is much better to pass the traffic rules exam in an interactive environment, where the required category, as well as the test mode, can be immediately indicated.

Such an algorithm will undoubtedly give excellent results. In addition, you will be able to master tickets in the shortest possible time, analyze the answers to traffic rules and study all the additional theory, which together will help you confidently pass the real test. The program has several preparation modes at once and, starting from the first stage of training and preparation, you will soon be able to move on to training, and then to the exam, which completely emulates taking a real test.

  • Training is an opportunity to study in detail the required topic that you choose from the catalog.
  • Preparation – user training mode using a random list of questions from all existing tickets.
  • Training is a test of knowledge of traffic rules based on tickets randomly selected from the general catalogue.
  • The exam is an emulation of a full test at the traffic police.

Before you start using the application, of course, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the features of each mode so that your training is as correct and effective as possible. So, for example, if you wanted to download 2017 Air Traffic Regulations tickets, then the emphasis should be on studying these modules, because they will become the basis of your testing.

The settings item will help you set all the necessary parameters, indicating the exact duration of the exam (1-20 minutes) and setting the settings for comments and displaying incorrect answers in various modes, as well as selecting a database of exam questions for the category of your driver's license. The user will be able to quickly view the test results and statistics, and if desired, reset the data and start over.

Choose the categories you need and study them, constantly improving your knowledge of road rules. So, if you were looking only for traffic rules SD 2017 tickets, you can only process them by setting the required configuration in the program settings. The software fully implements all the new rules for conducting a theoretical exam at the moment, which are based on the user completing a task of 20 questions in 20 minutes, making a maximum of 2 mistakes. Accordingly, for each mistake, 5 questions on the same topic are added, as well as 5 additional minutes to answer them.