How to turn a sheet of paper in Word. How to turn a page very quickly in Word. How to flip all sheets of a document horizontally. How to correctly turn a sheet of paper in Word: changing the page orientation

This question interests, perhaps, every second user of the Word text editor. After all, sometimes changing the position of a page is a necessary measure. For example, this is required when it is impossible to place any object on a sheet of paper in a vertical position: be it a diagram, table, graph or drawing. In our article we will look at several ways to flip a sheet in Word.

By default, in the Word text editor, all pages are arranged in vertical orientation. Also, the program functions allow you to place them horizontally. Even a novice user can do this – we’ll tell you how now. The methods that we will discuss allow you to turn the sheet over both from a horizontal position to a vertical one, and vice versa.

It is worth noting that Word users often do not change the orientation of the sheets on the computer, but do this when printing the document. Currently, almost all printers allow you to change the orientation of sheets while printing documents. The truth in this case is that all sheets will be rotated, and the quality and appearance of the document may suffer.

How to flip a sheet in Word: Word version 2003 and earlier

To make a horizontal or vertical orientation of a sheet in Word versions 2003, 1997 and 2000, the user will have to perform the following algorithm of actions. Firstly, first you need to go to the “File” tab, which is located on the toolbar, then you need to select the “Options” item. Then, in the "Margins" section, in a line called "Orientation", the user will be offered two page orientation options: portrait and landscape. If you need to make a horizontal orientation of the sheet, choose landscape, if vertical, then choose portrait. Then click OK.

Is it possible to flip only one sheet in a document?

If the user needs to flip only one sheet in the entire document to a vertical or horizontal position, then the following steps should be performed:

  1. First you need to select the part of the text whose orientation you want to change.
  2. Then go to the “Options” item.
  3. Next, we need to select the horizontal or vertical orientation we need.
  4. In the tab called “Apply”, select the “to selected text” option.
  5. Afterwards we confirm all actions by pressing the OK button.

How to flip a sheet in Word? Option for version 2007 and newer

If you prefer to use the text editor Word 2007 and newer, then this section is for you. In it we will tell you several options for how you can flip a sheet, making landscape or portrait orientation in the entire document or a separate part of it.

The first thing that is required from the user is to go to the tab called “Page Layout”. Then go to the “Orientation” section. As we mentioned above, by default the text editor sets portrait orientation. If we need a bookstore, then we choose the option we need. Then click OK. The pages will automatically turn.

If you need to turn only one page from the entire document, then the method completely copies the one described above for Word 2003. First, select the part of the document that needs to be turned over. Then you need to go to “Options” and select the desired type of orientation. In the tab called “Apply”, select the “to selected text” option. Afterwards we confirm all actions by pressing the OK button. The differences in the described methods are only in the different location of the settings button on the tab with all the parameters.

To summarize, I would like to note that in practice, portrait page orientation is usually used for drawing up reports, letters, writing scientific papers, etc. Landscape orientation is best for creating tables or laying out diagrams. Typically, a horizontal page is used in scientific papers written by students of technical universities, due to the fact that the text contains a large number of tables and calculations.

In our article, we looked at several ways to flip a sheet in Word. As you already understand, there is nothing complicated about this. The main thing is to carefully and clearly follow the specified algorithm of actions. In this case, the result will please you, and the process itself will not cause any difficulties or hassle.

Microsoft Word seems to be one of the most popular text editors, which, due to its versatility, has become widespread. By default, it uses the “portrait page” orientation method rather than landscape orientation, which is not always convenient. In a number of situations, users are interested in how to flip a sheet horizontally in Word.

After all, quite often, you need to make a landscape sheet in Word, since the document format requires horizontal positioning of the sheet. It is also called Landscape orientation. Since the need to make a landscape page in Word seems to be one of the most popular functions, we will look at how to flip a sheet in Word in different versions of the program in more detail.

How to flip a sheet in Word 2016

First of all, it is worth noting that the user has the opportunity to either rotate 1 sheet in Word or perform this procedure for all pages of the document. The second option is much simpler, as it literally takes a couple of mouse clicks, while making a single landscape sheet is somewhat more difficult.

In order to rotate all sheets in Word, you should follow the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Find the Page Layout category at the top of the window, which contains all the parameters we need;
  2. Click on the Orientation item, which will open for the user two options for positioning the sheet;
  3. Change the standard orientation to landscape, which will change the position of all sheets in the document.

IMPORTANT! Such manipulations are extremely simple, but they do not allow you to make one page landscape. Therefore, we recommend sticking to a more complex but functional algorithm in cases where the user needs to change the orientation of only one sheet.

This method is somewhat more complicated and involves placing the boundaries (breaks) of the section, which is why it takes a little more time. To make ONE landscape page in Microsoft Word, you need to:

  1. Open the Home tab and select a category with an icon that resembles an inverted P;
  2. Since you only need to turn one sheet, you need to place breaks at the beginning and end of the page. You can do this by using the Page Layout tool, selecting the Breaks category and clicking on Next Page;
  3. Once both sheet borders have been set, you will need to follow a similar procedure to when you wanted to flip all the sheets in a Word document.

This operation allows you to quite successfully make a sheet horizontally in Word by changing the orientation of the sheet and, as a result, a finished landscape page. If this could not be done, most likely an error was made when delimiting the page.

How to rotate a page in Word 2010

If you need to turn a sheet in Word 2010 or all pages of a document, you will have to follow the procedure described above. The fact is that this function has not undergone major changes and starting from version 2007 and higher, to turn a page horizontally in Word you will need to perform the same steps. As a rule, the difference lies only in the appearance of the panel and design details, while the algorithm itself remains unchanged.

This release generally seems to be borderline, since the horizontal position of the page here changes in the same way as in later versions of this office suite.

How to rotate a page in Word 2007

As we wrote earlier, it is possible to rotate one sheet in Word 2007 using the standard method, but to change the entire document, you will need to perform a number of other manipulations. First of all, you need to find Page Setup at the top of the window and click on the arrow icon.

After this, you need to open the Margins tab and select the page orientation at the bottom of the window. By default, the user is set to portrait orientation, which will need to be changed to landscape to achieve the desired result. The horizontal orientation changes to portrait in a similar way, allowing you to experiment with different orientation styles. Thus, it will not be difficult to expand a page horizontally in Word.

How to flip a sheet in Word 2003

This release of Word is perhaps one of the oldest and is rarely used by users. However, we will look at how to make the page position vertical.

ADVICE! If you need to change the entire document, just use the instructions for the 2007 edition of Office.

However, if the user needs to rotate one sheet in Word 2003 horizontally, he will need to select the desired part of the text, then go to the Orientation menu, change to Landscape and apply the changes to the selected text. Thus, making a landscape page in Word 2003 is not difficult. A similar method is used in earlier versions, which allows Word to flip a sheet horizontally even if there have been no program updates for many years.

Video to help

Hello all readers. Sometimes you may need to make a landscape sheet (or several sheets) in a Word document in normal portrait orientation (to accommodate a larger table or large image), and at the same time continue to number the pages. How can this be done? Today you will find out.

Let's do this through a partition break

We will use section breaks to achieve this goal. For a better understanding of how to make a landscape sheet in Word, I will use the following document as an example to show you how you can change the rotation of page number 2. I will work in Microsoft Word 2007, but the same method will work in other versions of the program .

Let's make the first section break at the end of page 1. You can do this where you want to flip a sheet horizontally (or multiple sheets).

To insert a section break, on the Ribbon, on the Page Layout tab, under Page Setup, click the Breaks button. From the drop-down list, click on "Next Page". See the picture below:

If you want to see where the section break is, press Ctrl + Shift + 8.

Place your cursor at the end of the next page you are going to rotate to landscape and insert a break there too.

Now that the breaks are inserted in the right places, place the cursor on the desired page (between the break sections), and then from the Ribbon, on the Page Layout tab, under Page Setup, click the Orientation button. From the drop-down menu, select Landscape. The portrait page will become landscape. This can be done for a single sheet, or you can expand it to any number of pages by placing the cursor on the page and pressing the Enter key on your keyboard.

I only changed the orientation of one page, number 2, as in the screenshot. And you can have as many of them as you like. I think you understand the principle itself.

If you do not set a gap in the document, then the orientation of the entire document will be changed.

Changing the orientation of one page using “Margins”

I won’t dwell on the second way to do this for long. If you managed to do as described in the first method, then you can handle the second. Here are a few simple steps.

Step 1: Select the entire page that you want to change from portrait to landscape.

Step 2: Click Page Layout - Margins and select Custom Margins

Step 3: Click Custom Fields to open the Page Setup window. Select the orientation you want, select the "Apply" to "Selected Text" section, and then click "OK" to apply the changes.

  1. If there is too much information on the sheet for which you changed the orientation, then everything that does not fit on the new sheet format will move to the next page, which will take the orientation of the previous one.
  2. If you don't select any sheet, you can change the appearance of the entire document or sheets after the one your cursor is on when you use this feature.
  3. This method will help you easily turn horizontally only those sheets that you have chosen.



Well, I hope I wrote it as clearly as possible. And if you have any questions, write them in the comments, I will answer them. Don't forget to share this page on social networks with your friends as a sign of gratitude.

Most users who work with the Word text editor know how to change the sheet orientation from vertical to horizontal and vice versa. This does not cause any problems, since all you need to do is press one button.

But when it becomes necessary to expand only one sheet horizontally, most users encounter difficulties. In this article we will look at two ways to do this. The article will be useful to users of modern versions of Word, such as Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

How to rotate just one sheet using section breaks

The first way is to use section breaks. In order to expand horizontally only one sheet, you need to separate this sheet from the rest of the document using section breaks. One gap should be placed before the sheet and one gap after the sheet. After this, this sheet can be expanded horizontally and the rest of the document will not be affected.

So, let's say you have a sheet that you want to expand horizontally. To do this, place the cursor immediately above this sheet, that is, at the end of the previous sheet. After that, go to the “Page Layout” tab, click on the “Breaks” button and select “Next Pages”. This way you will set a section break before the sheet that needs to be expanded horizontally.

After this, place the cursor at the end of the sheet that you want to expand horizontally, and again click on the “Breaks” button and select “Next Page”. This will place the section breaks above and below the desired sheet.

To make sure that the breaks are set in the right places, go to the “Home” tab and click on the “Show all characters” button. This will allow you to see the placement of section breaks and correct them if they were placed incorrectly.

In the screenshot below you can see what a section break looks like at the end of the page.

After setting the section breaks in the desired positions, you can begin to rotate the sheet into a horizontal orientation. To do this, place the cursor on the sheet that you want to expand horizontally, go to the “Layout” tab and change the sheet orientation from “Portrait” to “Landscape”.

If the gaps were placed correctly, then only one sheet should unfold into a horizontal orientation, while the rest should remain vertical.

How to rotate only one sheet using Page Options

You can also expand only one sheet horizontally through the Page Setup window. This method is a little more complicated, but it can also be used.

To begin, you need to position the cursor one page above the sheet that you want to expand horizontally. After this, you need to open the “Page Layout” tab and click on the small “Page Options” button. The location of this button is marked in the screenshot below.

This will open the Page Setup window. Here you need to select the “Landscape” option, apply this option “To the end of the document” and save the settings with the “OK” button.

As a result, all pages below the selected one will be rotated to horizontal orientation. In order for only one sheet to remain in horizontal orientation, you need to move the cursor one page down and repeat the procedure. Only this time you need to select the “Portrait” option.

If everything is done correctly, you will get one sheet in horizontal orientation, and the rest in vertical orientation.

In the lesson " How to turn a page in Word 2007» we will learn how to turn pages in a popular text editing program - Microsoft Word 2007. The lesson will discuss options turning all pages in a document and turning one page without changing the orientation of the others.

Our task: learn to turn pages in the program (change page orientation between portrait and landscape).

What do we need: Installed Microsoft Word 2007 and the necessary document in which we will change the orientation of the pages.

What are the solutions?: Change the orientation of one page in an entire document, and change the orientation of pages in an entire document.

In this lesson, let’s agree that instead of the expression “turning the page,” we will use the more competent expression “changing the page orientation.”

Let's assume we have a document in which we will perform manipulations:

Fig 1. Microsoft Word file in a folder

We open our document by double-clicking with the left mouse button, we will see a program window in which the contents of the file will open:

Fig 2. Document contents

Let's look at options for changing page orientation.

Change the orientation of all pages in a document

We need to make sure that all pages in the document are not in portrait orientation but in landscape orientation. In this case, everything is simple: At the top of the program there is an area with tabs “ home», « Insert», « Page layout», « Links" etc.

Click on the tab " Page layout» left mouse button and in the field « Page settings" looking for the item " Orientation»:

Fig 3. Location of the “Orientation” menu

Left-click on the menu item “ Orientation", after that we will see a pop-up window with orientation options. Click on the option “ Landscape»:

Fig 4. Options for changing the orientation of pages in a document

After clicking on orientation " Landscape"The pages in our document will change their position and become in landscape orientation. In this case, we have changed the orientation for all pages in the document, but if we need to change the orientation of only one page in the middle of the document... There is a solution to this problem.

Change the orientation of one page in a document

In this case, we need to change the orientation of only one or several pages in the document; the orientation of the remaining pages must remain the same. In this way we will change the orientation of individual pages in Word and maintain the sequential numbering of the pages.

Let's assume that we need " turn over"Only the third page in Word. To do this, open our document (document.docx) and place the mouse cursor at the beginning of the first character on the third page:

Fig 5. Required page for changing orientation

At the top of the program we see an area with tabs “ home», « Insert», « Page layout», « Links" etc. Find the tab “ Page layout", click on it with the left mouse button, after which we see its contents:

Fig 6. Open the “Page Layout” tab

In order for us to succeed “turn” one page in a Word document, we need to indicate to the program about the “section break”. To do this, in the “Page Layout” tab, find the item “ Breaks" and click once with the left mouse button, after which a pop-up window will appear. In this window we find the item “ Next page"and click on it once with the left mouse button:

Fig 7. Contents of the “Breaks” tab of Microsoft Word 2007

After clicking on the item " Next page"The program will perform the necessary actions almost instantly. Our document is divided into 2 sections, now we can perform a “page spread” in landscape orientation. To do this, click at the beginning of the first character of the third page, as we did earlier in the “ tab Page layout"(located at the top of the WORD program) click on the item " Orientation" and in the pop-up window, left-click on " Landscape»:

Fig 8. Changing the page orientation to “Landscape”

After these operations, the program will change the orientation of all pages (starting from the third) located after our third page, i.e. 4, 5, 6 and other pages.

If we need landscape orientation to be only for one, the third page of the document. To do this, go to the end of the third page and place the cursor after the last character on the page:

Now we perform the familiar actions with a section break. To do this, in the tab " Page layout"click on the item " Breaks" and in the pop-up menu select " Next page»:

Now we have achieved the required goal: changing the orientation of only one page in a WORD document:

Fig 13. Landscape and portrait page orientation in WORD

As a result, all pages in our document except the third are located in portrait orientation, and the third page is located in landscape orientation. If we also need to selectively change the orientations of other pages, then the above operation must be repeated the appropriate number of times.