Bad camera on the phone. How to Take Good Pictures with Your Phone Camera

Previously, you could only dream of a good camera on your phone. Times have changed and today top smartphones can be put on par with good cameras in terms of the level and quality of photographs. Alas, users are not always happy with the camera, and why do they often ask if it can be improved somehow?

Let's consider several possible options:

  • Problem with the camera in this device
  • Software errors
  • The camera shoots exactly as it should.

In the first case, we are talking about marriage, when it is not possible to take a picture the way it should be. This could be severe blur, streaks or spots in photos, etc. In this case, you need to return the phone to the store where you bought it. After checking, which may take several weeks, you will know whether it is really a defect or not. If there is a defect, you will either receive a refund or be able to exchange the device.

The second case is errors in the software. In this case, you can try to restore the phone to its original state, and if this does not help, then update the firmware.

Finally, the last case when the camera shoots exactly as it should. There’s nothing you can do about it, although we know quite a few models where, with a firmware update, the quality of the photos changed significantly for the better. It might make sense to wait for the update to come out.

You can also try using third-party applications. Of course, you shouldn’t believe that they will significantly improve the situation, but they often have a much larger range of settings, including various filters, and the latter can hide defects in photographs. For example, this could be the Retrica application, which is especially popular among girls:

Or Focal (Beta):

In fact, there are a great many such applications on Google Play. And which one to use is up to you. Just remember that the app may not help you improve your camera.

Smartphone cameras have come a long way over the past few years. Now, to take a good photo, you just need to take out your favorite gadget and make a couple of taps on the screen. Although, if you look at some photos on Instagram, you can understand that not everyone succeeds even in this.

In fact, there are many ways to improve the quality of photography, and if you think that you have already reached the maximum professionalism in this, then I have bad news for you. Every smartphone camera is different, so sometimes even small changes can dramatically change the picture.

Our colleagues at interviewed a variety of photography experts to narrow down their top tips on how to improve your smartphone photography. Take a look at them, perhaps tomorrow you will become a popular Instagramographer.

Use light correctly

This advice applies to all phone models: the subject should be facing the light source, but not the camera. The main problem with smartphone cameras is working with a small amount of light. Therefore, our main task is to give the camera the maximum amount of light. You may have to think a little about how to place the object, but you'll love the results.

Clean the lens

Stupid? But no. By wiping the lens before shooting, you will rid yourself of photographs with subtle but unpleasant spots and dots. If you like to touch your phone with greasy hands, then this tip will come in handy.

Avoid Zoom

Use physical zoom. How? It's very simple: if you need to zoom in on an object, walk up to it. That's all. As a last resort, if you cannot get close to the subject, you can simply crop (crop) the photo in the editor. Thus, you will achieve the same result without losing anything. And a photo taken with digital zoom will be ruined forever.


Most photographers recommend turning off the flash on your smartphone altogether and using it only as a flashlight. However, in a situation where you need to take a photo in the dark, flash can still come in handy. Just put it in “Auto” mode and the smartphone will decide when to turn it on.

If a situation arises in which you doubt whether a flash is needed, then the best choice would be to take two photos: one with a flash, the other without, and then figure out which one turned out better.

Understand the settings

Of course, if you are the proud owner of an iPhone, then the only setting available to you is to turn the grid on/off. However, if you're using an Android device or a third-party app, the number of settings can make you nervous. But you will have to figure them out, especially if you want to improve the quality of your photos.

Check the resolution

Most smartphones allow you to choose the resolution of your photos. Needless to say that for the best quality it should be maximum?

Turn on image stabilization

When you press the button to take a photo, you move the phone slightly. This also applies to breathing and various involuntary gestures, which can also blur and ruin a photograph. Therefore, if you are not a sniper who knows how to control your breathing, then it is worth looking in the settings for image stabilization and turning it on.

Adjust white balance

In most cases, modern cameras determine the white balance themselves. And it’s quite good. But in a situation with little light, even they can mess up and turn your photo into something terrible and suitable only for friends on Instagram. Sometimes the camera takes a few seconds to detect the amount of light. For example, if you suddenly entered a room from the street or vice versa. Giving her those few seconds will reduce the chance of taking a bad photo.

Adjust exposure

Exposure determines the amount of light that hits the lens. It's worth playing around with this setting yourself, as it is highly case-dependent. The longer the exposure, the more light hits the lens, and the photo becomes brighter and lighter.

Adjust color rendering

If adjusting the white balance and exposure does not give the desired results, you can try adjusting the color rendition. For example, in or in a smartphone application.

Make the photo black and white

If all else fails, then you will have to be like the hipsters and make your photo black and white. In most cases, this filter hides major flaws in a photo and makes it more interesting.

Some smartphones support real-time filters, so you can immediately photograph an object in black and white. We do not advise you to do this, as there will be no turning back.

Make your photo look less mediocre with filters

We left this tip for last so that you try the other methods first and use this one only when absolutely necessary. Some filters really make photos unusual and beautiful. But you don’t eat bad breath with chewing gum in the morning, do you?

You don't need to apply all these tips to every photo. A little experimentation and you will find your style and the tips that work best with your photos. If you have your own tips that we forgot, please share them in the comments!

Everyone has wondered how to improve the camera on a smartphone or tablet, because there are always some problems with the quality of photos, or someone wants to record videos of better quality at 60 FPS, familiar?
Of course, you won’t be able to improve the hardware, since the structure of a smartphone or the same tablet is not block-based, you can’t just take and replace a certain block (for example, Google had such a concept, it seems, Project Tango).

What's the problem?

In fact, the main problem is the “noise” in pictures that appears in poor lighting. It is logical that more light is needed. How to do it? Simply point the existing light source at the object being photographed, or shoot in sunny weather. By the way, the sun is the best source of light (natural and free).

First, clean your lens before shooting. For what? This will allow you to get rid of subtle dots and glare in your photos.
Secondly, don't zoom. The best way out is to crop it after you've taken a photo or shot a video. Or come closer - this is generally an ideal option; you can move the object (if the situation allows).
Thirdly, you should not use the flash where it is necessary and where it is not necessary. LED flashes are not the best solution; previously, some Nokia smartphones used xenon flashes - this is a completely suitable solution, but it should not be used in all situations.
Fourth, download some other camera apps (there are a lot of them). There are multifunctional programs that not only provide the most from the hardware, but also offer a built-in editor.

That's all, now you know how to improve the camera quality on Android. Perhaps you know some other interesting ways that will improve the quality of photos or videos?

The cameras of modern smartphones are not yet capable of completely replacing a good point-and-shoot camera, not to mention professional cameras. But nevertheless, you can achieve a passable image even from a budget smartphone with the help of a few secrets, programs and a couple of simple tricks.

Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of not just terrible photos on social networks, but ones that are generally embarrassing to show. Moreover, the “authors” usually do not stop, but use dozens of all kinds of “popular” filters that they can find, believing that this can really correct a deliberately incorrect composition.

We want to convey that really good pictures can be taken with a not very high-quality camera. Of course, their quality will not be perfect, but it will not be a shame to show the photo on the same social networks.

Part one. Learning to take photographs

To take a really good photo, you need to know and understand the basic photographic techniques that are sure to make your photos incredibly beautiful, no matter how many pixels your camera has.


Of course, when shooting with your phone's built-in camera, there's no question of using professional lighting equipment to sharpen your photos and improve color. But don't despair - you can always use sunlight or artificial light to your advantage. But it’s still better to rely on natural light. It matches much better with almost any camera and provides a natural color palette.

Artificial lighting can often ruin your photography. Incandescent lamps, as you know, will give off a yellowish tint; moreover, they will not be able to sufficiently provide the required level of illumination. Fluorescent lamps, on the other hand, can provide overly bright and harsh light, which is also not a good aid for photography. Natural light sources will provide you with warm shades that can highlight the subject and not wash away the details. This is why, if possible, avoid using camera flash.

So, you've found the perfect light source for your photograph, positioned your subject to make the most of the light, and ensure that the light illuminates the subject of the photograph, but does not hit the camera lens, otherwise you will end up with an overexposed image.

Experiment, don’t be afraid to shoot from different angles, with different lighting brightness - morning, afternoon, evening. Advice is, of course, good, but it will give you absolutely nothing without practice - only through personal experience can you understand how it all really works.


Exposure, in its simplest sense, is the effect of the amount of light entering the camera sensor on the overall brightness of the image. In conventional cameras, you can change this parameter by experimenting with the shutter speed, aperture and ISO value. This combination will determine how much light hits the camera lens and how sensitive it is to light. The better the lighting, the lower the sensitivity should be selected. And vice versa - in poor lighting, more light-sensitive settings are needed, although this, of course, can result in a grainy image.

The “native” Android camera is mostly deprived of customization options, and in most cases it only allows you to adjust the exposure with a moving slider. More advanced applications allow you to carry out almost the full range of manual settings - change ISO, aperture, etc.

Sleight of hand and no fraud

Of course, we will talk about focus, because a well-chosen exposure and good lighting are not everything. Before you take a photo, you need to make sure your subject is in focus. Fortunately, almost all modern smartphones can adjust focus and most have quite “smart” autofocus, but even the fastest ones require from one to several seconds to adjust. During this time, it is important to hold your hand as firmly as possible, otherwise you will get a smeared photo.

Also, most cameras offer the ability to randomly focus - focus in an area that you select by tapping on the screen. There are also many different automatic effects that would be quite difficult to achieve manually on such a camera (for example, background blur - “bokeh”).

Image composition

Now that you know some of the intricacies of the photography process, you can apply them all to get a high-quality picture, just remember to practice. But even with all these subtleties, your photo will only be as good as the correct composition. One of the main principles of photography is the “rule of thirds.” It divides the image area into nine equal parts using horizontal and vertical lines. The main concept of this rule is that the subjects (or object) should be located along the lines or at their intersection.

Unfortunately, in reality, natural lighting will not always be ideal, the moment may be fleeting, the subject itself may be constantly moving, etc. All these nuances make you rely more on memory than photography. Luckily, there are many software options for enhancing a photo you've already taken.

Part two. Programs for processing and shooting

No, we won’t be talking about Instagram filters and other “popular” things on the Internet. We want to get the most out of the resulting photo, so we will try to do everything manually, because this is the only way we can get a result that will suit us.

This application is installed by default on most Android smartphones. It has a simple user interface and minimal settings, but it has several unique photo modes, as well as several effects.

With Google Camera, you can overlay a grid on the camera interface, adjust exposure, and it can also provide you with an HDR mode that will allow you to pull out a good picture even in less than ideal conditions. You can also create 360-degree panoramas with this camera.

This application provides you with a number of settings that not every professional camera can boast of. With it, you can manually adjust exposure, ISO, focus mode, white balance, etc.

This camera also has several night shot modes, HDR time-lapse photography, and a self-timer. Using this camera will allow you to experience the power of manual photo adjustments, allow you to practice with different shooting modes, and with this application you will be able to take really high-quality photos.

Of course, you can’t do without Photoshop even on Android. This application will allow you to customize and improve the photos you take right on the screen of your phone without the help of a computer.

Of course, this application does not have even a tenth of the settings of its “big brother”, but this is quite enough for you to eliminate red-eye, adjust contrast, exposure, adjust color, brightness, shadow and much more. And of course, everyone’s favorite filters are available here.

Do you often take pictures with your smartphone camera? Are you passionate about selfies and like to apply various effects to your photos? This guide will, first of all, be of interest to Android users who, for a number of reasons, are dissatisfied with the Android system camera. By installing camera apps from Google Play (the best ones are here), you will definitely kill several birds with one stone:

  • you can significantly improve the camera on your phone or smartphone
  • add dozens of colorful eye-catching photo effects, nice filters
  • add a number of functions useful when shooting with your phone and when controlling the camera manually
  • improve camera control by adding new gestures (by the way, owners of monopods will be interested in things like Selfishop Camera)
  • if the camera does not work on Android - you can fix this common error on your smartphone and tablet

Review participants

How to improve the camera on your phone or smartphone?

Since most Android phones and smartphones have a camera installed, it’s a sin not to use it: actively take selfies, take pictures to record information, photograph friends, family, etc. But often the power of the standard Android camera is not enough to fully appreciate all the possibilities: there are no effects, filters, or flexible settings. Of course, you cannot improve the physical characteristics of the camera on an Android smartphone: to radically change the situation, it is better to find a phone/smartphone/tablet with good camera technical characteristics.

However, you can make the camera on your smartphone noticeably better - using software. The user needs to download and install free applications that replace the regular Android camera with something more interesting. It is these applications that will be discussed in this review. We will first look at the top cameras for Android, according to Google Play statistics, as well as user favorites that have earned more than 4 stars in reviews.

Camera Zoom FX - a spectacular camera for your smartphone

ZOOM FX is a paid camera, which, however, is worth the attention of Android users along with free applications. With fast performance and exclusive customization options, Camera ZOOM FX reaches an audience of 400,000 users.

This smartphone camera app is one of the feature rich ones. ZOOM FX includes photography functions for the Android platform. All this is under a simple and intuitive interface. Judge for yourself: using the small panel of the ZOOM FX Camera, you can quickly switch the shooting mode, activate the stabilizer, timer, enable sound activation of the shutter, HDR.

Camera Zoom FX Settings

While most of the program's functions can be considered basic, there are plenty of free extension packs for decoration and customization. Particularly interesting is the ability to vignette photos and add captions.

The advantages of the Camera Zoom FX program, thanks to which it has won a number of high ratings in the media, include:

  • excellent camera performance on Android;
  • 90 > overlay effects, decoration and photo processing;
  • hardware control of zoom, flash, front camera of a smartphone;
  • you can bind controls to the device buttons, adjusting the zoom, for example, with the volume control;
  • automatic adjustment of white balance and lighting level;
  • shooting by sound, timer, motion, at time intervals;
  • image stabilization when shooting;
  • creating collages;
  • posting photos on social networks with one click of a button;
  • many effects and filters, including the capabilities of the Photoshop graphic editor.

ZOOM FX works in editor mode - you can easily make your photos truly unique. The price of the program is low, about 5 dollars, and the possibilities are very encouraging.

Summary. In general, Camera Zoom FX is the best camera for Android with photography capabilities and quick processing of the resulting images. The only thing that scares me about Zoom FX is some limitations of the free version. If you have a fairly modern smartphone, then you will have to pay a modest $4 for the ability to work with 0.8 megapixel + photos. If you are not ready to pay $4, look at other similar applications that I have already written about - Camera360 or.

Camera FV 5 is a camera app for serious photographers

Camera FV 5 is designed for serious photographers in the sense that you can get the most out of your Android camera by manually controlling your shooting settings. At the same time, fans of “vanilla photos” and Instagram filters will not be interested in the FV 5 Camera due to the lack of such add-ons (for such purposes we recommend installing ).

The process of shooting with the FV 5 Camera

Camera controls are located on the main panel of the fv 5 application. These are white balance, focus mode, metering mode, ISO and exposure compensation. Camera FV 5's additional tools include an interval timer and exposure bracketing.

Another interesting feature of the Camera application is the setting of camera parameters, simulating the settings of a regular camera. The user of Camera FV 5 pro can set the aperture, sensitivity and exposure time in order to prevent blurry photos when shooting with a phone (which often happens even among experienced amateur photographers).

The FV 5 Camera app supports gestures, especially zooming in when taking photos. Not to mention that shooting modes are quickly switched in a few simple touches, and, accordingly, it is easier for the user to switch settings of the FV 5 - for example, change the focus mode, white balance, turn on the grid, focus, change the viewfinder, etc.

Summary. The Camera FV 5 program for Android is noticeably superior to the standard tablet camera, generously sharing all the options with the user and giving freedom of customization. The main advantage of FV 5 is the program's extreme flexibility when shooting.

Photo and video camera B612 (Selfie from the heart)

Camera B612 will give new pleasant sensations to lovers of selfie photos on the phone: it’s not for nothing that it’s called a “selfie from the heart.” With the help of the B612, taking photos of yourself will not only be fast. In this mobile application you can literally take perfect photos with your smartphone or tablet camera:

  • The B612 camera supports not only the front, but also the rear camera on Android, switching is done with one swipe of a finger across the screen. This option will be useful if one of the cameras on Android does not work.
  • Shooting short selfie videos in the b612 is done by simply pressing a button;
  • adding surprise to selfies: a choice of effects is available in random mode;
  • apply special effects for the Android camera without much effort: the b612 application has vignettes, frames, and blurring the edges is possible using a filter;
  • shift, tilt, and light defocus modes of the b612 camera to add softness and vibrancy to photographs taken on the phone;
  • interval shooting, preliminary pause to select the best angle.
V612 camera interface: shooting video and photos

The v612 camera is free, but adds its logo to the resulting photos. This nuisance is not very annoying when shooting and processing photographs, since the set has more than a dozen options, among which there is one that will not spoil the feeling of the photo and will suit the style and location.

Summary. B612 is a good camera for Android, attracting attention with its simple, casual settings and excellent capabilities for taking selfies.

Camera MX is just a good camera for Android

Application Camera MX included in the top cameras for Android. More than 9 million people around the world have already installed it on their phones. The Camera MX program is distributed in more than 100 countries, is constantly being improved and allows you to post your photos and videos in online storage and share them with friends. Even working in editor mode is supported if the tablet or other gadget does not have a physical device for receiving images.

MX Camera interface on a mobile smartphone

The functionality of the MX Camera program includes:

  • a rich set of effects, including shifting, tilting, texture mapping and artistic filters;
  • Using the functionality of Camera MX, you can process photos or videos after they have been saved to the smartphone’s memory;
  • pre-configuration of effects or a set of them is provided, they are applied automatically when shooting;
  • posting and placement in network storages;
  • automatic settings designed to create almost perfect pictures in a certain genre or mode - for example, “selfie”, “sunset”, “landscape”.

The MX Camera interface is simple and intuitive. The developers managed not only to implement many possibilities for various image processing, but also to simplify camera control as much as possible. In Camera MX, everything is done literally with one finger - selecting scenery, effects, a shooting template, switching the flash mode and other useful functions. The program is in beta testing, free and available for download to your smartphone.

Snap Camera - the best HDR camera on Android with effects

Snap Camera is one of the few HDR cameras that, moreover, is constantly updated and acquires interesting shooting functions.

Briefly about what HDR is. This feature makes it possible to take photos in dark and illuminated spaces. Two photos are taken, after which they are mixed, and as a result you get a full-fledged HDR photo. The final result (an image in HDR format) can be edited in the built-in Snap Camera editor.

The design of the Snap Camera HDR could not be simpler: all control is carried out thanks to two buttons and a wheel that allows you to quickly change photography modes. Naturally, gestures are supported: zoom, photo preview, photo adjustment. The volume buttons can be used to focus or zoom.

Other camera features:

Summary. Thus, if you are primarily interested in a good camera with effects on Android, then the Snap Camera app is the best choice among other mobile cameras. You can download the application via Google Play or 4pda.

Candy Camera – camera for selfies and Instagram photos

Just looking at the icon of this application, you can guess that girls will like it. Why? Candy Camera delights with a whole scattering of vanilla effects that change the image in real time, making the color scheme warmer.

Appearance and settings of the Candy camera for Android

Not surprisingly, Candy Camera greets its user with a front camera mode and shows a panel with filters. Most photographic filters are nothing more than changing the color scheme so that the photos look vanilla (like on Instagram). Some will like it, others will be put off by the relatively small number of Candy Camera settings that you can use to regulate the shooting process on your phone or smartphone. On the other hand, if your Android doesn’t have a very good camera, this can be compensated for by filters and effects - and, as already mentioned, there are more than enough of them in the Candy Camera app.

Thus, we recommend downloading Candy Camera if you need a selfie app with nice filters. As the developers write, “your skin will look amazing” (even if you are a pimply teenager or a brutal and battered type).

Selfishop Camera - selfie app for Android

If you have a selfie stick, a tablet with a good camera and you just need a camera for your phone with support for monopods, Selfishop Camera is an excellent solution for the Android OS. The application is optimal for taking selfie photos on wired and wireless (bluetooth) monopods.

Selfishop Camera is a great app for taking selfies

There are no decorations (effects, presets) in the Selfishhop mobile application - everything is strict. On the other hand, most selfie apps have a different focus, the main emphasis is shifted towards control: you can significantly improve and expand the capabilities of the Android camera by using the potential of monopods to their fullest. You can configure certain actions on the selfie remote buttons (taking a picture, zooming in, changing the device’s camera), etc.

In addition to its selfie focus, the Selfishop application is valuable for its flexible shooting settings, including: autofocus, rotation photo, white balance lock, exposure, burst shooting, customizing the actions of the selfie buttons.

Finally, two interesting selfie shooting modes should be noted: incognito (without attracting the attention of others) and normal shooting mode, in which Selfishop Camera is convenient to shoot without a monopod.

Thanks to all this, Selfishop Camera is considered one of the best selfie cameras for Android. We recommend this program to all happy owners of selfie sticks and tablets with a good camera.


Shell VSCO Cam– not the most convenient Android camera on our list. Despite the minimal user interface, finding the right menu takes some time. But this is one of the best cameras for Android - thanks to the number of settings it offers and the quality of adjustments and other camera settings when shooting.

The VSCO Cam app combines the camera itself with editing tools. Sharing features provides an experience similar to Instagram, only more powerful. The option to “decorate a photo in one click” is present here; you can also adjust the temperature, hue, contrast, and sharpness of the image.

The application provides free integration into a unique social environment where many photographers are already registered. You can follow profiles, view images, enjoy the best selections, and post your own collections. Benefits of VSCO Cam include:

  • many professional-level effects;
  • precise adjustment of work with photography;
  • careful use of tools, allowing you to make minimal changes to the picture;
  • the ability to compare the original and the result;
  • proprietary set of effects;
  • convenient library, with navigation, the ability to operate vsco cam filters;
  • creating your own albums and collections;
  • connection with the VSCO community, access to the work of thousands of people; the ability to post images on other social networks.

The VSCO Cam camera will be the best choice for those who prefer to take meaningful, high-quality and interesting photos. Clear, precise and neat operation of the tools, professional level of filters, high quality image processing - all this will help make your photo perfect on Android.

A Better Camera

Better Camera– in fact, exactly what is included in the name of the application: an excellent photo camera for Android as an alternative to the standard built-in “Camera” application. Better Camera brings a number of interesting features, including the Bestshot function - taking a series of photos and then selecting the best photo - the clearest, sharpest and highest quality overall. It's a simple idea but works very well.

A Better Camera app interface on Android

A Better Camera also includes immediate post-processing, something missing from the camera apps in Sony and Samsung. You can record real-time HDR videos. Unfortunately, many of the app's best features are only available through an In-App Purchase. This means that most of the application's functions will be available only in trial mode.

However, if you take a lot of photos and have a small investment, A Better Camera certainly lives up to its name as a decent Android camera.

Camera 360 Ultimate

Camera360 is a very popular application on Google Play, which can serve as a replacement for a standard camera when shooting for Android. Camera 360 Ultimate is installed on devices of more than 400 million users.

The 360 ​​Camera app offers a complete set of android camera app tools. When taking a photo, a lens filter is applied, and these filters can be applied before the photo is taken. That is, you do not have to wait for the result to appear when applying a filter - it is available in preview mode. In addition, the Camera 360 application offers a solid set of options and presets that are useful in various shooting modes, including selfies. Even if not all functions are uniquely useful, it is interesting to “play around” with them.

Camera360 app installed on Android

Camera360 is easy to use, presents the most important shooting settings on one screen, and you can adjust multiple settings at once. Actually, this is something that other cameras clearly lack.

What other features does Camera 360 offer to Android OS users:

Additional features of the Manual Camera mobile application:

  • Adding geo-tagging
  • Photo timer
  • Guides for composition control
  • Sound control
  • Adjusting screen brightness

Also, the Manual Camera on Android will allow you to save pictures in uncompressed RAW format, which gives new prospects for further post-processing of the image.

If you are serious about taking photos with your phone or smartphone camera, the Manual Camera mobile app will be an excellent camera for Android OS. Please note that the phone camera only works stably starting from Android 5.0 Lollipop.

ICS Camera

Mobile app Camera ICS– an expanded version of the official Android camera, which is included in Ice Cream Sandwich. This camera will appeal to owners of both smartphones and tablets, since the interface here adapts to the size of the screen, as well as to the needs of the user.

The application has 3 operating modes:

  1. Camera
  2. Panorama
  3. Video recording

It should be noted that Camera ICS is a free application and free of advertising. You can download the apk distribution from the link below.

Google Camera

Application Google Camera offers a simple and intuitive interface with several manual settings (no ISO, white balance or filters, for example). Google's camera also has photosphere and panorama modes. Google Camera for Android has something called Lens Blur, a filter that creates a depth effect. First, you take a photo, then slowly lift the device - the application creates a blurred background for the subject in focus, highlighting it in the frame.

The results of the photosphere range from interesting to very impressive. In fact, with the camera of an inexpensive tablet you get a 360-degree panoramic interactive photo that can be freely rotated.

Google's Android camera has some problems on various devices. However, we recommend installing the Google Camera on your mobile device - if this works, then everything will be OK and you can safely take interesting photographs with excellent quality.

Paper Camera - a “cartoon” camera for Android

If you've never heard of a “paper camera,” here's your chance to download the app Paper Camera from our website. This camera gives you the opportunity to see hand-drawn effects live. For example. you can place your subject on a piece of cardboard or a pencil line. While Paper Camera can be resource-intensive, the results are well worth the expense. Additionally, this camera takes both photos and videos.

Paper Camera - paper camera for android Paper Camera app settings

Answers on questions

1. I click “take photo”, and the phone not only does not save the photo, but also goes to the main menu. Samsung Galaxy A3 phone. Please help, I’m nowhere without a camera on Android.

2. The camera on the phone has disappeared. It's not in the app. Is it possible to restore the camera? When I turn on the application, it only shows the front camera in the settings (there is no “switch to main” option). I tried to reboot - it was the same again. And the camera shows an inverted image.

Answer. It is likely that this is a software conflict. The simplest solution to the problem is to download an alternative camera for Android on Google Play: Google Camera, Manual Camera, Candy Camera and others. There are many options, choose according to your taste and color. Many applications outperform the standard camera. What's the best way to improve the camera on your phone?

The second way to fix the camera (if a standard one is really necessary) is to change the Android firmware.

When I turn on the camera on my phone (Android OS), the system tells me that the “Camera” application is not available. What to do?

Answer. There are several options for correcting the error: radical and softer. The problem may be related to the firmware of your phone - it may be problematic. In this case, it is best to reflash your mobile device if you know how to do it.

A milder option for fixing the Android camera (if the Camera application does not launch) is to install one of the alternative cameras from the list. In addition to the bug fix, you get an app with more interesting settings, effects, and photo modes.

Such a problem. From the phone, or rather from the memory card, the photo application for the camera on Android, from the Camera section, disappeared. The size of the remaining memory on the flash drive has not changed, but the photo is not visible, the phone itself does not take photos either, the sound of the camera is heard, etc., but it is not in the gallery. If you disconnect the flash drive, everything goes to the internal memory.

Answer. In the settings of any software camera, you can specify the location for saving photos. If this method does not work, instead of the standard one, try downloading the camera for Android from the list.

Check if there are problems with saving data to the memory card in other applications. If they are observed, format the SD card.