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If you have already started creating a website, then you have probably come across such a term as “ keywords" The term “key” in the definition itself was not chosen in vain. This perfectly conveys the importance of keywords, which, in fact, are one of the main factors influencing the ranking of a site by search engines.

Therefore, the faster you can understand keywords and understand the simple secrets of their correct use, the sooner your site will begin to attract the attention of Internet users.

What are keywords?

The definition reads: “Keywords are words (or a set of words) that describe a site's topic or text, and are used by search engines to ensure the exact match (relevance) of search results.”

In other words, it is with the help of keywords that you should describe your site, and search engines Google cars, Yandex, Bing, etc., based on such a “description,” will include your site in search results when processing user requests that match your topic. To make it easier to understand the essence of keywords, they can be compared with those used on Instagram or Twitter.

Difficult? In fact, working with keywords is quite easy and even interesting. And with our tips and tricks, you'll soon become a real keyword expert!

Why are keywords important?

Imagine that you provide custom-made kitchen furniture services. Your production facilities are located in the city of Tula, so services are limited to a certain region. You have created a very nice and modern website and, as expected, you hope that it will bring you many new customers.

Ideally, residents of Tula and the region who want to order kitchen furniture should come to your website. Thousands of “miracle masters” interested in self-production furniture, visitors from Transbaikalia and many other “irrelevant” visitors are unlikely to bring you any benefit. But how can you attract your own person to the site? target audience?

I think you can already guess... Writing keywords allows you to clearly identify your site in the eyes of search engines. Correctly selected “keys” used in the right places guarantee that the search engine will include a link to your site in all relevant queries.

How to choose keywords for my site?

Surely you have already heard the word SEO. This English abbreviation means " search engine optimization». This concept includes a wide range of techniques aimed at increasing the site’s ranking in search results. So, correct selection and the use of keywords will be the key to successful SEO optimization of your website.

Compiling a list of keywords is a fairly simple and interesting process. Returning to our furniture example, try to imagine yourself as your potential client. Make a list of queries that your potential client might ask. This will be the initial list of keywords for your site, for example:

    kitchen to order in Tula

    Furniture for kitchen

    kitchen corner Tula

The number of options is limited only by your imagination. Please note that a keyword can consist of several words. As a rule, 3-4 words in the query are the golden mean when preparing keys.

Ready? Congratulations, the smallest part of the job is done! Let's move on to a more painstaking process.

The next step is to determine how well your initial list of keywords matches actual search queries. After all, it is quite possible that your potential clients They will enter, say, “kitchen furniture” into the search bar, and the search engine, not finding such keys from you, will simply not include your site in the search results.

Fortunately, convenient services To select keywords, we offer the most common ones Google and Yandex. With their help, you can easily get real statistics on the initially compiled queries and find out how high their competition is. You can link your request to specific geographic regions, and also get various combinations“keys” for the specified set of words.

Don't be upset if you find that some key from a previously prepared list is in search bar appears only 5 times a month. Just choose other combinations of words, the statistics for which will meet your expectations.

Note: keywords that are characterized big amount average monthly requests are usually highly competitive. And this means that to get into the leaders search results By this request, it will clearly not be enough for you just internal SEO optimization and selection of keywords.

To begin with, it’s worth competing with the requests of the average and low level competition, where correct use corresponding keys on your website, you can immediately appear in the top ten search results.

Once the final list of keywords is ready, all that remains is to use them correctly, or as promotion specialists say, “execute internal optimization site."

Where should you use keywords?

There are several areas of your site where you need to place your collected keywords:

    Headings and description of the site (and each page separately)

    Subheadings H1

    Text descriptions to images

The Wix Editor makes it easy to fill out titles and descriptions for every page on your site. Don't neglect this opportunity and use keywords. This will make your site more attractive in the eyes of search engines. Here's a couple useful links: You can read more about filling out headings, we wrote about adding descriptions to images, and if you are not familiar with the term “H1 Heading”, here you go.

Remember, the secret to using keywords successfully can be summed up in one phrase.

What are "keywords"

A person formulates his question to Yandex or Google. It is called search query.

The search engine selects from the list of web pages known to it those that can provide an answer to the user. In other words,

We will call the words from the proposed question that are on the page of our website or in links leading to the page of our website "key". It is thanks to them that we inform the search engine for what query our page should be shown, what questions our article answers.

The list of key phrases of all pages of our site is called "sematic core".

Classification of search queries

Are they entered by real users?

Types of requests

  1. Navigational (aka vital), when users search for a specific site: “in contact”, “tanks game”, “selection of keywords in Yandex”. You should not advance through them, people will not reach our site, they are not interested in it.
  2. Information: " ", " ", "creating a website with your own hands."
  3. Transactional, when a person wants to perform some action (buy, call, order, download a file): “download windows”, “call a taxi”, “flower delivery”, “site optimization price”. The most expensive.

By unambiguity

  1. Single digits. For example, “website promotion inexpensively.” No options, you need a page for a company that provides this service.
  2. Ambiguous. For example, “site promotion”. It is not clear whether the person is looking for a performer, or whether he himself wants to learn how to promote his resource. Or, request “freight transportation”. Is it necessary for a web project of a small company that transports within the region? Is this query being asked by someone who not only wants to transfer cargo from one city to another by truck, train or plane? Should we limit ourselves to the city: “freight transportation Samara”?

By number of impressions

By region

Where to look for keywords

  1. They will show what queries are already leading to the site.
  2. Analyzing site search statistics ( / ) will provide food for thought, including a small number of keywords.
  3. Google AdWords allows you to find new keywords and find out the price of placement advertisements on them. Selects requests for the entered URL, including competitive ones, breaks them down and sorts them into groups If you enter a phrase in square brackets, you can see the number of impressions for the exact phrase.
  4. More than a half search queries, which users ask Yandex during the month, are unique [official data]. They are not included in the Wordstat list. You can parse their list from search suggestions using Alexander Lustik’s programs (both paid and free). IN search suggestions the exact order of words is taken into account (“online fairy tales”, “online fairy tales”).
  5. By analyzing huge amounts of text, search engines are able to identify closely related terms. That is, they see that the words “meow” and “cat” are used in more than 100,000 documents that describe feeding a pet. This means that if you include them in , then these pages will be considered . Additional options you can peek at the bottom of the issue

  6. allows you to find out some of your competitors’ keywords.

How to choose the right keywords

So now we have a certain set keys. It needs to be sorted into groups and the unnecessary ones eliminated:

  1. not our area
  2. navigation,
  3. fictitious and ambiguous. You need to test them first, for example, launch an advertising campaign with their list in Direct, and see the conversion.
  1. driving untargeted traffic.
Target visitors- these are visitors interested in information, services and products located on the site. For this page, they come from queries like: “how to find out keywords.”

Non-target visitors. For this page, they come from queries like: “how to write the word entered”, “how to spell the word key”.

How to Insert Keywords into a Web Page

Types of keyword occurrences

If the occurrence of words in a passage is too monotonous, there are many cognates that are not typical for this blog, then this can be considered search engine like spam. The way out: using synonyms.

Keyword occurrences can be divided into:

  1. Exact entry. Key phrase unchanged, for example, “Mishutka candies.”
  2. Direct entry. The key phrase contains punctuation, for example, “Would you like to buy some candy? “Mishutka” will give you and your children the joy of anticipation of the New Year.”
  3. Diluted entry. The key phrase is diluted with other words. For example, “I really like sweets, especially those under the Mishutka brand.”
  4. Morphological occurrence. Keywords are conjugated and declined. For example, “I want Mishutka sweets.”
  5. Synonymous occurrence. Keywords are replaced by synonyms, abbreviations, and jargons. For example, for MSU it will be “Moscow State University”.
  6. Reverse entry. The order of words changes. For example, “Mishutka candy.”

Where should the keywords be?

The weight of keywords increases if they are contained in:
  1. (90% success)
  2. words highlighted in bold or italics: , tags And , , And ,
  3. : http://site/2010/07/keywords.html
  4. meta tag "keywords" in

    As you can see (at the time of writing this post), this request is quite popular. It has 69297 impressions per month. That is, users enter these words into the search bar exactly this number of times.

    All requests can be divide by frequency: high frequency, mid frequency and low frequency. This classification is used by optimizers to determine the approximate cost of work to promote a query to the TOP of search results. Of course, the higher the frequency, the more difficult it is to make this promotion because there is a very high level of competition.

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    Why are there keywords in the text?

    Keywords are used in the text in order to increase the relevance of the page, and as a result, promote it in search results. Of course, there are a lot of other factors that influence positions in search engines (incoming links, behavioral factors, domain age, resource traffic, trust and much more), but keywords and basic page optimization are not unimportant.

    Keywords for a copywriter

    A copywriter must be able to use keywords correctly. That is, you must write these words organically so that the reader’s gaze does not stop at them. Keys should not “stop” reading the text. You can't insert a key just for the sake of inserting it.

    Number of keys

    Depending on the volume of text, it will have a DIFFERENT number of keys. The dependence is directly proportional. From my experience I can say that in a text of 2000-3000 characters it is enough to use 2-3 key phrases.

    Another tip is to look at successful competitors. If their sites are in the TOP for your queries, then search engines like the texts. Estimate how many occurrences of a specific keyword are on the page of a competitive site, what is the length of the text. In order not to sit for hours at this work (try “breaking through” the entire TOP10 for dozens of queries), you can connect to the work of an optimizer assistant - the SeoPult service. First, it will select the right words for your site, and then with the “Competitor Analysis” tool, you will conduct research and get the necessary data on competitors in just a few minutes.

    Over-optimized texts

    People don't like spammy text that has a lot of keywords. By the way, search engines don’t like such content either. If previously such texts were ranked well, today the price is determined by completely different factors, and not the number of keywords on the page.

    I try not to take such orders. Agree, there is little pleasure in cramming 100 keys into 10,000 characters of text. I once had such an order at the beginning of my activity. It was quite difficult to write a readable text. But the customer didn’t want to listen to anything: “It’s necessary, that’s all!”

    Nausea text

    The number of keys in the text is determined by its “nausea”. Nausea is calculated based on the occurrence of each word in the text. The “percentage of nausea” should not exceed 3-5 percent. Typically, SEO text customers specify this parameter. Check your work after writing.

    Gluing keys

    When there are a lot of keys, they need to be used a large number of times - glue them together (of course, if the customer does not object).

    Example: the last request contains all of the above keywords:

    • how to promote a website
    • how to promote a website for free
    • how to promote a website yourself
    • how to promote a website for free yourself

    Make the most general occurrence of all keys in one phrase. That is, there is no need to use every key phrase separately. This “nesting” ensures better readability of texts. Again, I repeat, check with your customers for details. Some do not allow gluing.

    Direct and diluted entry

    It is necessary to distinguish between direct and diluted entry of the key. Direct is the gender and case in which the key is indicated. Diluted (modified) - the use of a phrase with the addition of new words, changing the case, number. Example: tours to the Czech Republic (direct entry), and diluted - high-quality Czech tours, a lot of tours to the Czech Republic. I hope the meaning is clear to you.

    How to use keywords

    I provide a more detailed manual on working with keywords to the participants of my marathon on making money on websites: .

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