Cloud storage iCloud Drive. Redesigned “Notification Center”

NewiOS can be a relatively minor update with a bunch of new apps.

We are absolutely confident that Apple will launch new iPhone in 2014, it is quite possible that it will be the iPhone 6. It is almost certain that a new version of iOS will be released with it, especially for the flagship smartphone. We are going to look at the proposed iOS features 8 and the release date of the update.

The public is looking forward to new smartphone this year, not least because the 2013 models are merely upgrades of the 2012 iPhone (5C) and 2012 iPhone (5S).

Obviously, the list of potential features in this article is based on rumors and speculation collected on the Internet. No one except Apple knows for sure what will happen in iOS 8 - we have collected rumors and highlighted the most likely ones, solely for your convenience. We also plan to update this article as new rumors, pictures and leaks emerge.

iOS 8 Release date

If history is anything to go by, Apple is releasing a new version operating system along with new hardware, and we'd be very surprised if it wasn't iOS 8.

Most likely, Apple will announce iOS 8 at WWDC (annual developer conference), which starts on June 2. In fact, the company has already confirmed that it will talk about new iOS at this event. Less likely, but still possible, the iPhone 6 will be discussed there.

Using the past as indications for the future, if iOS 8 is announced in June, for free download The new version of iOS will be available to existing users in a few months, possibly in September. Whether the aging iPhone 4S will be compatible with iOS 8 is still unknown. iPhone owners 5, 5C and 5S can be sure that they will see the new OS on their devices. Thus, to summarize, the most likely date iOS release 8 - September 2014.

iOS 8. New programs

iOS 7 was not accepted in the best possible way. The redesigned interface was not universally popular, and some low-contrast menu elements became a problem for some users with low vision. Whether Apple intends to address criticisms of its interface design remains to be seen.

If there's one feature that's keeping you waiting for iOS 8 to arrive, we think it would be the health and fitness apps. The iPhone 5S has already received an M7 processor, but Apple has not yet developed its own own application to use it.

Free, you can install the Fibit app, but we'd like to see Apple products, focused on workout tracking and sleep monitoring.

There are rumors that the app will be called Healthbook.

The application was leaked online via a screenshot of a Weibo account, which also feeds the network with new rumors about the Apple iWatch.

Other images shared by 9to5mac show that the Healthbook can offer comprehensive tracking and monitoring, including not only step counting and calorie burn estimates, but also heart rate. arterial pressure, blood sugar, breathing rate, oxygen saturation and weight. There are also references to sleep monitoring, hydration and nutrition, suggesting you'll be able to track what you eat and how much (how well) you sleep.

The current iPhone does not have sensors that can monitor heart rate, blood pressure and other similar indicators. iPhone 6 may well get new sensors, or they will go to a partner, for example, iWatch, and maybe others third party devices, which will collect data and send it iPhone app via Bluetooth.

The image also showcases the Preview, TextEdit, and Tips apps. The first two will probably become mobile versions existing Mac applications. Preview will therefore most likely allow you to view email or web link attachments, be they pictures or PDF documents.

TextEdit is simple text editor, which will occupy its niche somewhere between the existing Notes app and the Pages app.

The Tips application is unknown to the village. It may be built-in reference system for new ones iPhone users and iPad, although this may be something completely different.

iOS 8. New features

Many people believe that iTunes Radio(which is still not available for Russian users) will be cut from iTunes and placed in a separate application.

This speculation stems from rumors surrounding a collaboration between Apple and Shazam, possibly to integrate new technologies into Siri. You will be able to ask the assistant “What song is playing?” and get the answer using the Shazam recognition module.

TouchID capabilities will likely be expanded to support multiple services and retail, allowing you to use your iPhone and maybe even your iPad to make purchases with the tap of a finger.

iOS 8. Multiple user accounts

It's almost certain that Apple won't introduce support for multiple user accounts when iOS 8 releases, despite the feature being widely available on Android devices and to some extent on Windows Phone 8.

Although we and millions of parents around the world are waiting for this feature, Apple is pursuing an economic policy of not making life easier for family iPad and iPhone users. After all, why limit yourself to selling one iPad when you can sell five?

Having user accounts - or profiles - will mean that you can choose which apps and other tablet/smartphone content your children can access. Currently parental control in iOS it is implemented very superficially and is often ineffective, so it is simply disabled.

iOS 8 positions itself as the biggest operating update ever Apple systems for game and program developers. And to say that this is of little use to users is stupid, because it is ordinary users who will benefit from the appearance of better and more functional applications V App Store. Apple, as always, is not known for its modesty and claims that it is not trying to create the most impressive mobile platform, but a platform for “the best experience.” In other words, the emphasis is on content consumption and its quality...

In iOS 8, the system design did not undergo major changes, but the update introduced new functions and capabilities great amount. The system has taken a really big step towards its development... What awaits us in the update? I suggest you look at the superficial iOS review 8 and a list of what the new version of Apple’s mobile operating system will offer us.

What's new in iOS 8

First, let's briefly go over the main changes and new features:
  • Major improvements to the Photos app and new photo storage solutions;
  • search the entire photo and video library by date or location of shooting;
  • Smart Composition tools for Camera;
  • intelligent photo editing settings;
  • integration of third-party application filters into the Camera application;
  • new mode cameras: time-lapse video recording;
  • transferability voice messages via iMessage;
  • simplified sending of captured video;
  • group conversations in iMessage;
  • sending your coordinates in messages using the “Where are you?” function;
  • convenient viewing of all conversation attachments in iMessage;
  • send multiple media files at the same time;
  • quick response to messages from the notification;
  • added panel favorite contacts in the multitasking panel;
  • new gestures for managing letters;
  • Tab mode in Safari for iPad;
  • the keyboard will suggest words for you even before you write them;
  • support for third-party keyboards;
  • added the ability to share content thanks to the “ Family Sharing»
  • location of relatives on the map;
  • iCloud Drive– full-fledged cloud storage;
  • new Health app;
  • V Spotlight search Wikipedia, news, nearby places, etc. are now integrated;
  • iPhone calls are now accepted by Mac and iPad;
  • smart Instant Hotspot modem mode;
  • increased level of security;
  • personal actions of third-party applications for files and documents;
  • third-party application widgets in the notification center;
Impressive? And this is far from full list changes in iOS 8. Now let's take a closer look at the main innovations.

Photos and videos in iOS 8

iCloud Photo Archive. Now all your photos and videos that you take are automatically sent to the photo archive (including photos in RAW format) and are available from any device logged in to yours or through the official website of the service.

At the same time, photos and videos now do not take up much space on your iOS device! Since they are all stored in the cloud, you only see smaller copies of the images on your iPhone or iPad. By changing a photo on one device, it will automatically be available, already changed, on all others. Let me remind you that iCloud provides 5 gigabytes of storage for free.

Photo search. The Photos app now includes a search bar that lets you search for photos based on the date they were taken, the album name, or the location where the photo was taken.

Also, the search form will offer you answer options; Apple calls these results recommendations.

Smart Composition Tools. In iOS 8 it is now possible to edit a photo not only as a whole, but also individual fragments. Photos can also automatically level the horizon and crop the image.

Smart settings. The application now has the ability to automatically adjust the light, color, brightness and more in the most optimal way... Or you can make the adjustment manually.

Photo filters. From now on, app developers for iPhone and iPad will be able to integrate their photo filters into the Photos app.

Time-lapse video shooting. This is a new shooting mode that allows users to create videos with the effect fast playback.

Messages (iMessage)

The Messages app, of course. we're talking about about iMessage, has received a very major update and can now compete well with messaging services such as Viber or .

Transfer of voice messages. You can record any sound and send it even easier than sending a photo. You just need to press a new one virtual button and swipe it up the moment you go to finish recording and send the sound.

Convenient video sending. In exactly the same way as recording sound, you can now record a video and send it to your interlocutor by swiping up. Simple and fast!

Support for group conversations. How long have we wanted this? By starting a conversation with multiple iMessage users, you can discuss your time together or work with friends in the same message feed.

"Where are you?". On this question in iOS8 it’s as easy as shelling pears to answer by sending the coordinates of your location on the map. The interlocutor will see where and where you are moving. Paranoid people can set a timer, after which your friends will no longer be able to track your location.

View all attachments. If the conversation has gone on for a long time, then there has already been a lot of content in it, which can now be viewed with just one tap.

Keyboard and QuickType in iOS 8

The iOS keyboard has remained virtually unchanged since the operating system appeared. iOS 8 was not radically redesigned visually, but received serious improvements, including the QuickType function.

QuickType function. When you start typing, the feature predicts words (and even phrases) and offers a panel above the keyboard to instantly add them to your message. Your typing speed will increase significantly.

Predictive text input (QuickType) finds words and phrases that best suit your style. The system understands who you are communicating with - a relative, a friend, or in a business form by mail.

Third party keyboards. Now you can enter text by sliding your finger across the keyboard from letter to letter, that is, without interruption, and this is just an example. Third Party Developers got the opportunity to officially implement the developed keyboards in iOS.

Family Sharing in iOS 8

Family Sharing will allow Apple owners ID to share games, programs, books and other content for iPhone, iPad with your family members. You no longer need to create a shared account for everyone; you can connect up to 6 people to the Family Sharing feature Apple accounts ID.

Imagine that your child purchases a game on the App Store. To you a notification will come about what he wants to buy and payment will occur only after your confirmation. You can generally make purchases of all six Apple IDs from one device and one plastic card.

It is possible to create a common “Photo Stream” to which family members can send photos, view and leave comments. In addition, you can share your location and watch the movement of other family members on the map. Family members can also maintain a joint calendar.

Cloud storage iCloud Drive

When Apple first introduced iCloud, many were disappointed that we were not offered full-fledged cloud storage. But now the situation has changed, iCloud Drive appeared in iOS 8. Cloud service supports any file types. A client for PC and Mac will also be released.

It is very comfortable. For example, you can edit a photo first in one application, and then open it in another and continue working. We can say that iCloud Drive is a kind of file system for iPhone and iPad, and not just an integrated cloud service.

Health app

The Health application was created to combine the indicators of all third-party applications for maintaining healthy image life. This is a kind of aggregator of information about your body - pulse, number of calories burned, blood sugar, cholesterol and much more...

In the application, you can create a small medical card, in case of trouble, and enter your blood type and other indicators into it, which another person can access directly from the screen iPhone lock, iPad.

Other functional changes in iOS 8

Quick response. In iOS, you can receive all notifications about messages and letters quickly and without going to the corresponding application. Just imagine, you watch a movie, you get iMessage and answer it without looking up from watching.

Favorite Contacts. The multitasking panel now has another panel that displays photos of your favorite contacts. This panel quick access allow you to instantly call or write a message to a selected contact.

Improved experience with the Mail application. Added the ability to quickly mark emails with a flag and quick way switching between letters and drafts.

Mode Safari tabs on iPad. Is it convenient for you to use tabs on iPhone? A similar system for providing access to open pages now available on iPad. Also in the iPad version there is a new side panel for quick access to bookmarks, Reading List and Shared Links.

Instant Hotspot feature. This function simplifies the process iPhone settings for other iPads and Mac computers. If the setting is enabled, other devices will automatically see the Wi-Fi network created by the iPhone.

Hando function. Thanks to Handoff, if all your devices are linked to one account Apple records ID, you will be able to continue working in the created documents on other devices. For example, if you start typing an email on a Mac, you can continue on your iPad. All synchronization occurs automatically and works in the following applications: Mail, Safari, Pages, Numbers, Keynote, Maps, Messages, Reminders, Calendar and Contacts.

Continuity of communication. iPad and Mac now accept SMS, MMS or incoming phone calls sent to your iPhone. You will be able to answer them on the device that is most convenient for you. this moment. And by clicking on a phone number from an iPad or Mac, you will begin SMS, MMS correspondence, while all data will be transited through your iPhone.

Spotlight search is no longer useless. Wikipedia, regional news feeds, search for places on maps, Search App Store, iBooks Store and iTunes Store.

Spotlight also now searches for movie showings at nearby theaters and is partially integrated with web search.

Improved security. In iOS 8, Apple has seriously worked on improving. Mail apps, Calendar, Reminders, Notes and Messages received a data protection function, and “Mail” received enhanced encryption capabilities.

What will developers of games and programs for iPhone and iPad be able to do with the release of iOS 8?

As I said above, iOS 8 has done a lot for developers. Apple is indeed allowing developers to integrate into iOS more and more. Soon, there will be even fewer people willing to jailbreak... Let's briefly highlight some opportunities for developers:

New interfaces. More than 4,000 new programming interfaces have been added with many new features and even more opportunities for iPhone and iPad game developers.

Advanced export options. Developers can now implement more options for exporting content from applications - videos, links, photos.

Integration with the Photos application. Developers can integrate created photo filters and photo editing tools directly into standard application Photos on iPhone and iPad.

iOS keyboard integration. The keyboard also received similar integration. Developers will be able to offer their alternatives with other layouts and text input methods.

Work with any files. With the advent of iCloud Drive, you have the opportunity to store absolutely any files in cloud storage from Apple and access them using applications from the App Store.

Widgets for Notification Center. In iOS 8, developers can add widgets for their apps to Notification Center. This can be not only the weather, but also news, price information and much more.

New personal actions. When you select "Action" for defined by file, you have the opportunity to print a document, send by email, etc. Now developers of applications for iPhone and iPad will be able to add their own actions. Apple cites watermarking or text translation as examples.

Touch ID integration. The ability to use a fingerprint sensor in any games and programs. Your fingerprint now protects not only the device itself, but also application data.

New Metal technology and updating old ones

Metal- This is a completely new low-level technology that is optimized for joint multi-threaded operation of the CPU and GPU A7 and older. Tests show that rendering speed is up to 10 times faster than Open GL in some cases. The advantage of the technology is that it allows developers to work directly with GPU without resorting to third party libraries.

For us, ordinary users, this promises a way out more number games for iPhone, iPad with more advanced graphics.

SpriteKit. The technology designed to create 2D games has been greatly improved. Animation of objects has become smoother, and it is now even easier for developers to create special effects and lighting effects.

SceneKit. The technology is designed for creating simple three-dimensional scenes and contains a full-fledged physics engine. SceneKit has also been significantly updated in iOS 8.

Swift. New language programming, whose task is to simplify the process of writing code. Cumbersome lines of code are easily replaced short commands. This language programming allows you to optimize the programmer’s time, but ties his projects to the iOS platform.

Other iOS 8 changes

In addition to all of the above, in the new iOS versions there are many minor changes, which Apple doesn't talk about. Below is a list of some of them.
  • Added several new wallpapers;
  • interface has been adjusted standard application"Weather";
  • the “Clear” button in the notification center has received an updated look;
  • You can now hide purchases directly in the App Store;
  • when starting selection Siri language, it is possible to choose Russian, although instead of Siri you will be content with only Voice Control;
  • added the ability to automatically save photos and videos received in messages;
  • now with incoming call the subscriber's photo is displayed in full screen;
  • The Podcasts app is now pre-installed;
  • monochrome camera and microphone buttons in iMessage;
  • a menu for selecting font sizes appeared;
  • in the settings, the icons in the “Privacy” section have been updated;
  • The design of the Control Center has been completely redesigned;
  • there is a new application "Tips", where you will find useful and obvious information about using iOS 8;
  • text dictation has been improved, now the received information is processed in real time, and not after completing the phrase;
  • new statistical information about battery usage;
  • iCloud got new icons in settings;
  • added a pinch gesture to open tabs in Safari on iPad;
  • The Safari app now automatically blocks redirected links.

iOS 8 compatibility

iOS 8 will work with the following models Apple phones and tablets:

IPhone: 4s/5/5c/5s
iPad: 2 /3rd generation /4th generation /Air /mini / iPad mini with Retina display
iPod: touch 5th generation

iOS 8 is biggest update since the launch of the App Store. Includes hundreds of new features, including Messages and Photos features, QuickType keyboard And new program Health, Family Sharing and iCloud Drive. And much more!

New features in iOS 8

  • Message Improvements
    • Send a recording of your voice, video or photo with a simple swipe gesture.
    • Send messages to a group, with options to name it, add or remove contacts, and leave the conversation.
    • New verbose mode with the Do Not Disturb function, the ability to share your location and view attachments.
  • Photo improvements
    • Smart editing tools to adjust lighting and color with a swipe.
    • Precise editing tools for adjusting exposure, brightness, contrast, highlights, shadows and more.
    • Search by date, place or album name, smart suggestions function.
    • Smart albums for slow-motion videos, series of photos, panoramas and time-lapse videos.
    • Support for third-party filters and editing tools right in Photos.
    • Your photos and metadata from iPhoto will be transferred to the Photos app. Books, magazines, and slideshows will be converted to albums containing only photos. iPhoto for iOS is not supported on devices running iOS control 8 and newer.
  • Camera Improvements
    • Time-lapse mode.
    • Shooting timer.
    • Adjust exposure with a simple shift gesture, allowing you to lighten or darken your photo before shooting.
    • Mode burst shooting to the front iPhone camera 5s.
    • Panorama mode on iPad Air and iPad mini with Retina display.
  • QuickType keyboard
    • Predictive input that is customized for your writing style, recipient, and program.
    • Predictive input is available in the following languages: English (Australia, UK, Canada, USA), Spanish, Italian, German (Germany, Switzerland), Portuguese (Brazil), Thai, French (Canada, France, Switzerland).
    • Support for third party keyboards.
  • Health
    • New Health program with convenient viewing health and fitness data.
    • Ability to send health data to programs for enhanced health and fitness monitoring capabilities.
    • Adding a medical record with information about allergies, diseases and other data with the ability to make it available on the locked screen.
    • Available on iPhone and iPod touch.
  • Family Sharing
    • Share purchases from the iTunes Store, iBooks Store, and App Store with up to six family members.
    • Pay for family purchases with a single credit card and approve purchases made by children with the "Purchase Request" feature.
    • Simplified general access to family photos, family calendar, location data and other information.
  • iCloud Drive
    • Storing all your documents in iCloud gives you access to them on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac and PC.
    • Availability of one file in several compatible programs.
    • Edits made on one device are updated on all your other devices automatically.
  • Continuity features that improve collaboration iPhone work, iPad and Mac.
    • The Handoff feature allows you to start working on one device and continue from the same point on another device.
    • Making and receiving calls, sending and receiving SMS messages and MMS on iPad and Mac.
    • Instant Hotspot allows you to use your cellular connection for automatic connection your other devices to the Internet.
    • AirDrop compatible with OS X Yosemite.
    • Available on iPhone 5 or later, iPad (4th generation), iPad Air, iPad mini, and iPod touch (5th generation).
  • Spotlight improvements
    • Show suggestions from Wikipedia articles, nearby places, movies (US only), popular websites, App Store, iTunes Store, and iBooks Store.
    • Safari also supports Spotlight Suggestions, in addition to Best Matches and Search Suggestions.
    • Support for local languages ​​in the USA, UK, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Italy, Canada, Netherlands, France, Switzerland, Japan.
  • Mail improvements
    • Easily navigate between drafts and inbox by simply swiping down on a draft.
    • Smart suggestions for Calendar and Contacts events.
    • VIP themes.
  • Siri improvements
    • Improved response speed, reliability and accuracy.
    • Voice command “Hey Siri”, after which Siri uses only your voice while the device is connected.
    • Voice recognition in streaming mode.
    • Collaborating with Shazam to answer the question "What song is this?"
    • Purchasing content from iTunes stores Store.
  • Safari improvements
    • Support search engine DuckDuckGo.
    • Private access mode for individual tabs.
    • Subscribe to RSS sources in General Links.
    • Scanning and data entry credit cards using the Camera.
  • Map Improvements
    • Panoramas of cities in Flyover mode.
    • Displaying cards from Phone and Contacts on the map.
    • Built-in maps and travel time notifications for Calendar events.
  • App Store improvements
    • New Browse tab for easier browsing of categories.
    • Popular search trends on the Search tab.
    • Scroll through search results.
    • Video reviews of programs.
    • Editor's Choice stickers.
  • Quickly access key contacts while multitasking.
  • Interactive Notifications for Messages, Mail, Calendar, Reminders and included third party programs.
  • New Tips tab to help you get the most out of your iOS devices.
  • iBooks built into iOS now includes an automatic night mode and new book series organization.
  • Podcasts app built into iOS.
  • Information about battery usage by each program.
  • Ability to use saved website passwords in Link iCloud keys for simplified entry into related programs.
  • Waiting for FaceTime audio calls.
  • Formatting text in Notes.
  • Detect and play AirPlay streaming data.
  • Corporate functions
    • Data protection is now available in Calendar, Contacts, Messages, Reminders and Notes, as well as Mail and third-party apps.
    • Control by email S/MIME for each message.
    • Improved interface to help users understand the system more easily remote control their devices.
    • Automatic replies for Exchange.
    • View Free/Busy labels for Calendar invitations.
    • Books managed through MDM can be automatically delivered to users.
  • Accessibility features
    • Updated Zoom feature with one-handed operation and multiple zoom modes, including picture-in-picture mode.
    • Built-in timer and Touch support ID in Guided Access mode.
    • Screen Loud feature lets you listen to screen content using a gesture or Siri command.
    • VoiceOver improvements, including Alex voice option and braille input support.
    • Multi-device support, allowing MFi hearing aids to instantly switch between paired iOS devices.
  • Features for China
    • Vector based maps.
    • Step-by-step navigation.
    • Lunar calendar support.
    • Improved predictive input.
    • Improved weather data.
  • Expanded language support
    • Dictation support for 22 additional languages: Hungarian, Vietnamese, Dutch, Greek, Danish, Indonesian, Catalan, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Finnish, Croatian, Czech, Swedish .
    • New keyboard layouts: English (Indian), Bengali, Marathi, Slovenian, Urdu.
    • Localization into Hindi language.
    • Definitions of some words in additional languages: Russian, Portuguese (Brazil), Thai, Turkish.
    • Spanish-English bilingual dictionary.
    • Spell check in Turkish.
    • Hebrew support for Text-to-Speech and VoiceOver.
  • New features for developers, including the following.
    • Extensibility, providing new export capabilities from programs and the ability to create widgets, photo filters and editing tools in Photos, as well as support for third-party keyboards.
    • Metal - new graphics technology, allowing game developers to create console-quality 3D games for mobile devices.
    • SpriteKit and SceneKit for enhanced 2D and 3D gaming.
    • HealthKit - Health and fitness programs can now share data.
    • HomeKit - new way Control supported devices in your home using Siri.
    • Touch ID support, allowing you to log in third party programs using a fingerprint.
    • CloudKit is a full-featured, scalable server solution that helps developers eliminate the need to write server code and maintain servers.
  • Bugs fixed.

Some features may not be available in all countries and regions.

I won’t delay with the most important thing - already this Monday, October 20, the first big update eighth firmware. All the changes that we learned about in the last two beta versions ( and ) are only a small part of a rather large list of innovations iOS 8.1. Below is a complete list of new features and a list of bugs that are likely to be fixed in the new firmware.

First, a little about what we know about iOS 8.1 thanks to beta versions - the return of the Camera Roll to the Photos app, the ability to turn off dictation separately from Siri, a redesigned iBooks icon, and larger app icons in the Notification Center. Now add two here useful features iOS and OS X integration system called Continuity. This is the availability of SMS on all devices and Instant Hotspot, the launch of which was postponed just before emergence of iOS 8.1.

With iOS 8.1 it will be possible to carry out correspondence through regular text messages (SMS) directly on the iPad or on a Mac, which, of course, should work on the recently released . Essentially, SMS correspondence will be synchronized between all devices, so you won’t have to run to your iPhone once again to respond to an SMS or simply send a message.

iOS 8.1 will also feature Instant Hotspot, where your Mac automatically connects to your iPhone's hotspot when it's close to your computer. No settings, no switches - just select your iPhone from the list of available ones Wi-Fi networks and you're done, you're already online. At the same time, right in Wi-Fi menu the Mac will display the signal strength and iPhone battery charge.

Also, this Monday it will be possible to use an advanced version of Photo Stream, where all your photos and videos will be stored. You can read more about this service in the article by Yura Milosh.

At a recent presentation Apple Tim Cook proudly stated that he already supports more than 500 banks payment system. The latter can be used via iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus immediately after the release of iOS 8.1 and pay for smoothies at Starbucks or new beats headphones straight from your smartphone screen. It is unclear when this function will be available in Russia, although people...

website Picture from The Verge website I won’t delay with the most important thing - already this Monday, October 20, the first major update of the eighth firmware will become available. All the changes that we learned about in the last two beta versions (first and second) are only a small part of the rather large list of innovations in iOS 8.1. Below is a complete list of new features and a list...

Sadly, not everyone will be able to upgrade to iOS 8. So iOS 8 on iPhone 4 and iPad first there won't be a generation. On the other hand, why be surprised here? These devices are already 4 years old. Android smartphones are updated much less frequently!

iOS 8 will be available on iPhone 4s, 5, 5s and 5c. At the same time, iPad 3, 4 and Air will receive iOS 8. And, of course, both iPad minis, including the Retina version. And yes, the fifth generation iPod touch will also get a new update.

You can download iOS 8 from our catalog:

  • download iOS 8 beta 1 for iPhone 5 (model A1429);
  • download iOS 8 beta 1 for iPhone 5c (models A1507, A1516, A1526, A1529);
  • download iOS 8 beta 1 for iPhone 5s (models A1457, A1518, A1528, A1530);

The instructions for updating to iOS 8 are as follows:

  1. Extract the IPSW file from the downloaded DMG image.
  2. Make sure you have iOS 7.1.1 installed.
  3. Connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer.
  4. In iTunes, in the control section, click on the Check button for Updates, holding Shift key(on Windows) or Option (on OS X).
  5. Specify the path to the IPSW file and the firmware installation will begin.

Until September 2014 of the year iOS 8 is only available as a beta version.

iOS 8 for iPhone 4

You won't be able to download iOS 8 for iPhone 4 - its time has come. Many people were surprised a year ago that iOS 7 was released for this smartphone. But with iOS 8 it was obvious that he wouldn't get it. It has a single-core processor, 512 MB random access memory– all this is already outdated hardware. The iPhone 4S looks more modern, so there won't be any problems with it.

iOS 8 for iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s

It's actually very nice that Apple doesn't forget such old products. The iPhone 4S was released back in 2011, even before the death of Steve Jobs himself, and this smartphone is the best-selling iPhone in history. And now you can download iOS 8 for iPhone 4S.

Of course, the iPhone 5 has not been forgotten either - this smartphone is more than relevant, especially since last year’s iPhone 5c copies it completely in terms of hardware - they have the same characteristics, but the body is different. We won’t be surprised if the iPhone 5 is not forgotten even with iOS 10! Although, of course, they may forget.

Of course, there will be no problems with the iPhone 5s. You can download iOS 8 for it using the links above. Instructions for iPhone update 4S, iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s before iOS 8 can also be read above.

iOS 8 for iPad 2, iPad 4, iPad Air, iPad mini

The iPad 2 is even older than the iPhone 4S, although it hasn’t been forgotten either, which is cool. Everyone else will, of course, also receive iOS 8. The update guide is posted above.

iOS 8 release date

The release date for iOS 8 can hardly be considered June 2, 2014 - it was announced on that day. Yes, it is available as a beta version for developers, but this can hardly be considered the beginning full use. Moreover, iOS 8 beta 1 is still not very suitable for everyday work.

It is still difficult to answer the question of when iOS 8 will be released. The actual release date for iOS 8 will likely be some date in September, probably September 19, 2014. Then the announcement of the iPhone 6 is expected. However, Apple usually releases the system a week later after that. So you will most likely have to wait until October 2014.


So, it happened - iOS 8 is with us. There have been quite a few innovations in it, but this is all pure evolution. However, the “revolution” was with the flashy-bright interface of iOS 7. From the “eight” one could only expect improvements to already added functions and corrections of various shortcomings. This is what happened, don’t you think?

In addition, the system has noticeably improved from the developers' point of view. They will now be able to create much more advanced applications that are well integrated into the OS. Just look at the cost of installing another keyboard!

In general it looks good, but at the same time it’s all a “game of catch-up”. Not in everything, of course, but much of what has been added for a long time has been in Android. It’s good that Apple is “not proud” - it doesn’t think about how to differentiate itself, but how to make it more convenient for its supporters. Otherwise, she would definitely lose them.