Where to find out the settings of your computer. Quickly view information that interests us. No software installation

Hello friends! Today I will tell you about how to view the characteristics of a computer on Windows 7. The post is short and, in principle, there is nothing interesting here. I think everyone knows and understands how to get the necessary information about their computer. Specifically in this post, I will consider all the standard ways to obtain the characteristics of a computer running Windows 7, although they are also suitable for others. Well, shall we get started?

1. System window

What can you find out? You can find out the name of the processor that is installed in your system unit. Volume random access memory, aka RAM. System type, as well as processor bit size, respectively. By the way, I recently wrote a post about this, I highlighted the link. Next come other characteristics, I have listed the main ones. So how do you open the “System” window? This information is given below, which consists of several methods. You can use any of them and see the characteristics of your computer.

First: I think absolutely everyone has a “My Computer” shortcut on their desktop. Using it, you can literally open the “System” window in 3-5 seconds and find out some characteristics. To do this, right-click on it, thereby calling context menu. Then click "Properties" and you're good to go!

By the way, if the shortcut is created artificially, then the window that you would like to see will not open. How to determine? It’s easy to determine: if the shortcut actually has a shortcut icon, then, alas, nothing will work. If the shortcut appears as *. exe files, then everything will work out. To create such a shortcut not a shortcut, use the fourth method. There I described a little what and how it’s done.

Second: You can open it using the Control Panel. There are several ways to open the Control Panel. For example, through the Start menu or enter the command control in cmd. After opening, you need to click on “System and Security” and click on “System”. This is if you have a display in the form of “Categories”, but if there are “Large” or “Small” icons, then immediately find and click on “System”. This will open the properties window.

Third: Through a search in Start. Open and write the word "System" and select required result search.

Fourth: Again through the Start menu. You need to open and right-click on the word “Computer” and select “Properties”. By the way, there is a “Display on desktop” option, if the “My Computer” shortcut is created artificially, then click. Will appear on the desktop new icon, and the old one can be deleted. This is the same information that I promised in the first paragraph.

2. Device Manager

Device Manager is windows component, which includes information about connected devices. Using it, you can update or remove the drivers of these devices, determine and change the operating parameters of any device. You can also find out whether the connected components are operating correctly. In a word, good stuff.

How to start? This is almost a rhetorical question, since I answered it in the first paragraph. That is, you will need open window“System” in which on the left you need to click on the “Device Manager” link. You can also open it using the Start menu by searching for “Device Manager.” More this component launched using the command mmc devmgmt.msc in cmd or in “Run” (Win + R).

3. System information

System information is a Windows component (msinfo32.exe) that includes information about software(drivers inclusive) and system components. You can also see hardware configuration information.

How to start? I answer. As always, through the “Start” menu by typing “System information” into the search bar. Via the command line by typing the command msinfo32 or in “Run” (Win + R) by typing the same command there.

4. DirectX Diagnostic Tool

Also a good option, and most importantly standard. What does standard mean? I use this word often. If we're talking about about windows, then standard means already available. IN in this case this applies to programs. They are already available and there is no need to go online and download anything.

So how to launch? Very simple! IN command line aka cmd or in “Run” (Win + R). Command to run: dxdiag. I won’t go into detail about what information you can get, since everything is visible in the screenshot above. Besides, you can run in and look there yourself.

5. Using third-party programs and more

I like this option better because it gives better results. The methods above can also be useful. For example, if you need to look at the characteristics of the computer at your work place, but there are no programs at hand. Although who is stopping you from downloading in advance? portable version some program and put it on a flash drive for further use. Also not a bad option, but I think no one carries storage drives with them. Although if the work requires it, then of course yes, but if not, then I don’t think so.

I will not talk about this or that program. I’ve already given up because it’s easier to give a link. Therefore, if anyone is interested, take a look. There I reviewed 3 programs, namely: Aida64, Speccy, CPU-Z. Although I considered it rather rudely, I rather mentioned them and provided download links. Follow the link that I indicated just above in this paragraph. You will get right where you need to go and there will be no need to go down the article. What you need will open.

There is another way to get information, but only specifically about Windows 7. I didn’t highlight a whole point on it, since there’s nothing there at all. In general, launch the command line (cmd.exe) and enter this command there: . I screenshotted the result, see below. Perhaps this will be useful to someone.

This is where I will end my post. Thank you for reading to the end. If you have any questions or want to add anything, be sure to write in the comments. No one will be left without an answer. If you don’t want to miss the news from my blog, you can subscribe to it.

I was with you, bye everyone.

There are situations when you need to know exact model video card or any other component. Not all necessary information can be found in the device manager or on the hardware itself. In this case, they come to the rescue special programs, which help not only to determine the model of components, but also to obtain many additional useful information. In this article we will look at several representatives of such software.

Both advanced users and beginners can use this program. It helps not only to obtain information about the state of the system and hardware, but also allows you to carry out some configuration and check the system with various tests.

Everest is distributed absolutely free, does not take up much space on your hard drive, and is simple and clear interface. Get general information can be done directly in one window, but more detailed data is located in special sections and tabs.


This representative is one of the oldest and is considered the progenitor of Everest and AIDA64. The program has not been supported by developers for a long time, and no updates have been released, but this does not prevent it from properly performing all its functions. Using this utility, you can instantly obtain basic data about the state of your PC and its components.

More detailed information is located in separate windows, which are conveniently sorted and have their own icons. You don’t have to pay anything for the program, and the Russian language is also present, which is good news.


This tool is intended to help in diagnosing components and performing performance tests. popular program. It combines all the best from Everest and AIDA32, improves it and adds several additional functions that are not available in most other similar software.

Of course, you will have to pay a little for such a set of functions, but this will only need to be done once; there are no annual or monthly subscriptions. If you can’t decide on a purchase, a free one is available on the official website trial version with a period of a month. Over such a period of use, the user will definitely be able to draw a conclusion about the usefulness of the software.


This utility does not have such large set functions like previous representatives, but it has something unique about it. Its main task is not to show the user all the most detailed information about its components, but to allow them to monitor the condition and temperatures of the hardware.

Displays voltage, loads and heating specific element. Everything is divided into segments to make it easier to navigate. The program can be downloaded absolutely free from the official website, but there is no Russian version, but even without it everything is intuitive.


Perhaps one of the most extensive programs presented in this article in terms of functionality. It combines a lot of different information and ergonomic placement of all elements. Separately, I would like to touch upon the function of creating a system snapshot. Other software also has the ability to save test or monitoring results, but most often this is only in TXT format.

It’s simply impossible to list all the features of Speccy, there are really a lot of them, it’s easier to download the program and look through each tab yourself, we assure you that learning more and more new things about your system is a very interesting thing.


CPU-Z is a narrowly focused software that is focused only on providing the user with data about the processor and its state, conducting various tests with it and showing information about RAM. However, if you need to get exactly this information, then additional functions simply won't be needed.

The developer of the program is the CPUID company, whose representatives will be described in this article. CPU-Z is available for free and does not require a lot of resources and hard drive space.


Using this program, the user will be able to obtain the most detailed information about the installed graphics adapters. The interface is designed as compactly as possible, but at the same time all the necessary data fits in one window.

GPU-Z is perfect for those who want to know everything about their graphics chip. Distributed by this software absolutely free and supports the Russian language, however, not all parts are translated, but this is not a significant drawback.

System Spec

System Spec - developed by one person, freely distributed, but there were not enough updates for a long time. This program does not require installation after downloading to your computer, you can use it immediately after downloading. She provides a large number of useful information not only about the hardware, but also about the state of the system as a whole.

PC Wizard

Currently this program is not supported by developers, and therefore no updates are being released. However, the latest version can be used comfortably. PC Wizard lets you find out detailed information about components, track their condition and conduct several performance tests.

The interface is quite simple and clear, and the presence of the Russian language helps you quickly understand all the functions of the program. You can download and use it absolutely free.

SiSoftware Sandra

SiSoftware Sandra It is distributed for a fee, but for its money it provides the user with a wide range of functions and capabilities. What’s unique about this program is that you can connect to your computer remotely, you just need to have access to do so. In addition, it is possible to connect to servers or simply to a local computer.

This software allows you to monitor the state of the system as a whole and find out detailed information about the hardware. You can also find sections with installed programs, various files and drivers. All this can be edited. Downloading the latest version in Russian is available on the official website.


A narrowly focused utility whose purpose is to display data about installed battery and monitoring its condition. Unfortunately, she can’t do anything else, but she completely fulfills her task. Available flexible setup and a number of additional functionality.

All detailed information can be opened with one click, and the Russian language allows you to master the software even faster. You can download BatteryInfoView from the official website for free, and there is also a crack with installation instructions.

Is not full list all programs that provide information about PC components, however, during testing they performed quite well, and even a few of them will be quite enough to receive all possible detailed information not only about the components, but also about the operating system.

Each user has some idea about the characteristics of the hardware (hardware) of their personal computer. However, for installing games, or some specialized software products need to know exact values parameters, information about the manufacturer and model of the board or chip.

To determine detailed information, we suggest using the following standard methods:

  1. Info window "System".
  2. PowerShell utility Msinfo32.
  3. Device Manager.
  4. Command processor (command line).
  5. PowerShell dxdiag utility.

Most popular third party software:

  • Everest;
  • CPU-z.

Step 1. To launch the information window, expand any directory on your personal computer, for example, the “Pictures” folder.

Step 2. On the right side of the directory window there is a link “This computer”. By right-clicking on it, or using the key system command“Menu”, expand the context menu. From the list, select “Properties”.

On a note! To open the information window, you can also use the key combination “Win"+"Pause/"Break"Break").

Step 3. The information window that opens contains indicators of such hardware parts of your computer as:

  1. Manufacturer central processor.
  2. Name of the central processor.
  3. CPU operating frequency.
  4. Amount of RAM.

To determine the possibility of installation utilities, the specified data is quite enough.

Determining hardware data through Device Manager

Step 1. Repeat steps one through three previous method. In the left frame, click on the "Device Manager" link.

Step 2. In the information window that opens, find the section of computer devices that interests you. The “Processors” list is selected as an example.

Step 3. Expand the list to gain access to each item. The name of the central processor, its generation and operating frequency will be reflected on the screen.

Step 4. For more detailed information, please complete double click left-click on the section you are interested in.

Step 5. In the device properties window, switch to the Details tab.

Step 6 In the drop-down list you can find more detailed information on the hardware part you are interested in.


Step 1.

Step 2. In the query line you should enter the command “msinfo32”, and to execute it use “Enter” (on the keyboard) or “OK” (in the “Run” window).

Step 3. Information about the hardware is summarized in lists. By opening them, you will gain access to the data you need.

Important! This software environment is a large one. For example, start page makes it possible to collect information about system board, a central processor unit (or several, if there is more than one). You can see summaries of the video controller in the “Display” section of the “Components” list. Information about network adapter located in the “Network” section and the corresponding subdirectory.

Determining hardware data through a command handler

Step 1. To connect to the software environment, use the key combination “Win+R”.

Step 2. In the query line you should enter the command “cmd”, and to execute it use “Enter” (on the keyboard) or “OK” (in the “Run” window).

Step 3. The command processor will provide information about the hardware of your personal computer by entering the “systeminfo” key and pressing the “Enter” key.

Step 4. There is another command that can provide the necessary information - “winsat cpu –v”. The "-v" switch allows you to display the most detailed information, including:

On a note! The same command can be used inWindowsPowerShell instead of a command processor. This opportunity appeared only in the operating systemWindows 8, and moved from it toWindows 10

Determining hardware data through the utilityPowerShelldxdiag

Step 1. To launch the utility, use the key combination “Win+R”.

Step 2. In the query line you should enter the command “dxdiag”, and to execute it use “Enter” (on the keyboard) or “OK” (in the “Run” window).

Step 3. Operating room feature Windows systems 10 is to display a request from the DirectX diagnostic tool (checking the driver signature). If you answer the request with consent, the results of the check will be displayed, if you answer with refusal, the utility will start by default.

Step 4. Mostly software interface By default, the utility opens the “System” tab, where data about:

Step 5. To move between sections, you can use the " Next page", or simply switching between bookmarks.

On a note! To save an array of data there is special button. All information will be placed in Text Document, and can be opened using a standard corporation toolMicroSoft – “Notepad” (data format – .txt).For fast switching between utilitiesWindows 10 has a dedicated System Configuration tool.

Video - How to find out what characteristics a computer has

Determining hardware data through the programEverest

This program is paid, but provides the opportunity to take advantage of a thirty-day trial period.

Step 1.

Step 2. Use the drop-down lists to access the data you need. For example, a block of information about the motherboard is located in the list of the same name.

Step 3. To go directly to the description of the hardware, select the “Motherboard” list item, which is located to the left of the application information board.

Determining hardware data through a C programpu-z

The Cpu-z software environment does not require a paid license, and the developer is not responsible for its incorrect work(principle of distribution “As is”). However, do not be alarmed, the application is stable, critical errors(for version 1.83) not detected.

Step 1. After installation, launch the application.

Step 2. Navigate through the tabs and get everything necessary information about the hardware. For example, a data block dedicated to the motherboard is located in the “Mainboard” tab.

Video - How to download and install the CPU-Z program to determine computer characteristics


This publication reveals the features of determining data about the hardware of a personal computer. A total of seven methods are considered, five of which are initially available with the Windows 10 operating system. Data on the features of each method are summarized in a table.

NameCommand Handler/PowerShelldevice ManagerCPU-zEverestProperties of the systemdxdiag utilityMsinfo32 utility
Delivery principleWith operating systemWith operating systemAs it isUpon paymentWith operating systemWith operating systemWith operating system
Multilingual platformYesYesEnglish onlyYesYesYesYes
Information about processor frequency and manufacturerYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Information about the amount of RAMYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Video System InformationYesYesYesYesNoYesYes
System board informationYesPartiallyYesYesYesYesYes
Network adapter informationYesYesNoYesNoNoYes
Interface convenience (from 1 to 5)4 5 5 5 5 5 5

A situation often occurs when a user buys, for example, a small powerful laptop, but the first glance at the purchased model is not enough for him. I would like to know information about all the stuffing that is installed in it (both software and hardware). It is clear that the seller will tell you what kind of laptop it is; the instructions also contain basic information about all components. But the user himself wants to make sure that everything stated is true. There are several basic methods that allow you to obtain information about absolutely all device parameters literally within a couple of seconds, regardless of which OS modification is installed in each specific model.

Laptops: model characteristics. What should you pay attention to?

Naturally, first of all plays a role visual inspection. Whether it's a small powerful laptop or gaming system Quite impressive in size, a potential buyer first pays attention to the screen. It is important to know the diagonal and screen resolution.

Then questions begin about installed processor, amount of RAM, graphics adapter, sound system etc. The most inquisitive buyers try to find out what connectors the device has, what software components installed, etc., etc. So it turns out that specifications laptop includes information about both software and hardware. The following offers several methods that allow you to obtain comprehensive information about all parameters of any laptop model or desktop computer. All of them apply to systems from XP to 10.

How to view the characteristics of a laptop using the simplest method?

The simplest method that most users are accustomed to using is to view the minimum specifications, identifying the model and type of processor, RAM and installed version(modifications) operating system.

You can find out such laptop parameters in a standard way, which consists of calling up the context menu by right-clicking on the computer icon (or on the corresponding line in Explorer for Windows 10) and using the properties section. But here there is only a minimum basic information. Detailed characteristics You can't get much out of this section, as they say.

Using system information

Speaking about how to view the characteristics of a laptop in an expanded version, you should use a special system utility Msinfo32.

Call this section you can use the command of the same name, which is entered in a special “Run” console, and it is completely optional to run it as an administrator. There is more information here. Not only are there basic parameters laptop, but also some additional information, including the system build number, BIOS version, information about the motherboard, Hyper-V mode, etc. The categories of hardware resources, components and software environment, in which you can even get information about device driver files. However, for the most part, few people pay attention to this. However, we can immediately advise you to look at the section of devices with problems. It can help identify some problems even before purchasing a laptop.

But as a rule, such technical characteristics of a laptop are needed only by specialists knowledgeable in the operation of computers, who can immediately indicate whether the stated parameters correspond to the actual ones or predict how well this model will behave in operation.

View installed devices

In the question of how to view the characteristics of a laptop or desktop PC, viewing the installed hardware components (roughly speaking, computer hardware) plays an important role.

In this sense an indispensable assistant is the “Device Manager”, which is called from the “Control Panel”, the computer administration section or through the devmgmt.msc command in the “Run” console (Win + R).

It must be said right away that not all components are displayed in the main list, so you should use the display command hidden devices. In the presented list, you can not only view devices by name, but also determine some of their characteristics, including conflicts or installed drivers. In addition, it is noteworthy that all components that for some reason do not work or function incorrectly can be immediately identified by highlighting them in the list with a yellow marker. As they say, it doesn’t take anyone to realize that there are problems with such devices and they will have to be fixed.

DirectX Platform Tools

Few ordinary users realize that in solving the problem of how to view the characteristics of a laptop, calling the DirectX bridge dialog (dxdiag in the application execution menu) can provide invaluable help.

The basic page provides information on the processor and RAM, installed OS and its build, DirectX version, etc.

The screen tab looks more interesting. Only with her help, unlike others standard means, you can find out the amount of allocated memory discrete video card(such models are mainly found on mid-range laptops price category and installed). You can also see the screen resolution with current settings update frequency and not to mention the version and name of the driver.

Command line

Finally, you can even get the necessary configuration information using the command line (cmd) by entering the systeminfo command.

In this case, the information presented will not tell the average user anything special, but for knowledgeable people such information can be very useful.

Third-party utilities and online monitoring

You can also use some third-party programs to view the characteristics of a laptop or PC.

Among the most popular are CPU-Z/GPU-Z, Speecy, HWMonitor, AIDA64, PC Wizard, etc. The information in them is broader and includes parameters such as processor temperature, fan (cooler) rotation speed, etc. .

Many laptop models also have online support. For example, DELL devices with active connection to the Internet can be fully tested on a special page. Based on the result, it will be possible to immediately determine whether changes have been made to the configuration and whether it complies with the standard of the manufactured model.

Finally, some important information can even be viewed in BIOS settings(processor model and hard RAM, hard drive operating mode and much more).

Thus, you can obtain information about the characteristics of a particular laptop or desktop PC model using any of the above methods. But in order for the picture to be as complete as possible, you should not limit yourself to just one method, you need to apply them together.

In order to measure computer performance using tests, it is not necessary to download any third-party applications and utilities.

It is enough to use the resources already built into the operating system.

Although to get more detailed information the user will have to find a suitable program.

Based on the test results, you can draw conclusions about which part of your PC or laptop requires replacement sooner than others - and sometimes you can simply understand the need to buy a new computer.

The need to perform a check

Computer speed testing is available to any user. The verification does not require any specialized knowledge or experience with certain versions Windows OS. And the process itself is unlikely to require spending more than an hour.

Reasons why you should use the built-in utility or third-party application refers to:

  • Unreasonable slowdown of the computer. Moreover, not necessarily the old one - the check is needed to identify problems with new PCs. For example, the minimum results and indicators of a good video card indicate incorrect installed drivers;
  • checking the device when selecting several similar configurations in a computer store. This is usually done before buying laptops - running a test on 2-3 devices with almost identical parameters helps to find out which one is better suited to the buyer;
  • need to compare possibilities various components gradually modernized computer. So, if the HDD has the lowest performance value, then it should be replaced first (for example, with an SSD).

According to the results of testing, which revealed the speed of computer execution various tasks, you can detect problems with drivers and incompatibility of installed devices. And sometimes even poorly functioning and failed parts - for this, however, you will need more functional utilities than those built into Windows by default. Standard tests show minimal information.

System check

You can check the performance of individual computer components using the built-in capabilities of the Windows operating system. Their operating principle and information content are approximately the same for all versions of the Microsoft platform. And the differences lie only in the method of launching and reading information.

Windows Vista, 7 and 8

For versions 7 and 8 of the platform, as well as Windows Vista, the performance counter of computer elements can be found in the list of basic information about the operating system. To display them on the screen, just right-click on the “My Computer” icon and select properties.

If testing has already been carried out, information about its results will be available immediately. If you are running the test for the first time, you will have to run it by going to the performance test menu.

The maximum score that Windows 7 and 8 can achieve is 7.9. You should think about the need to replace parts if at least one of the indicators is below 4. For a gamer, values ​​above 6 are more suitable. For Windows Vista is the best the indicator is 5.9, and “critical” is about 3.

Important: To speed up performance calculations, you should turn off almost all programs during the test. When testing a laptop, it is advisable to plug it into the network - the process significantly consumes battery power.

Windows 8.1 and 10

For more modern operating systems, finding information about computer performance and starting to calculate it is no longer so easy. To run a utility that evaluates system parameters, you should do the following:

1Go to operating system command line(cmd via menu "Run" caused by pressing keys simultaneously Win + R);

2Enable evaluation process, leading the team winsat formal –restart clean;

3Wait for the job to complete;

4Go to folder Performance\WinSAT\DataStore located in the Windows system directory on system disk computer;

5Find and open in text editor file "Formal.Assessment (Recent).WinSAT.xml".

Among the multitude of text, the user must find the WinSPR block, where approximately the same data is located that is displayed on the screen of Windows 7 and 8 systems - only in a different form.

Yes, under the name SystemScore hides the general index calculated by minimum value, A MemoryScore, CpuScore And GraphicsScore indicate indicators of memory, processor and graphics card, respectively. GamingScore And DiskScore– performance for gaming and for reading/writing the hard drive.

The maximum value for Windows 10 and version 8.1 is 9.9. This means that the owner office computer you can still afford to have a system with numbers less than 6, but for full-fledged work For PCs and laptops it should reach at least 7. And for a gaming device – at least 8.

Universal method

There is a method that is the same for any operating system. It consists of launching the task manager after clicking Ctrl keys+ Alt + Delete. A similar effect can be achieved by right-clicking on the taskbar - there you can find an item that launches the same utility.

You will be able to see several graphs on the screen - for the processor (for each thread separately) and RAM. For more detailed information It’s worth going to the “Resource Monitor” menu.

Using this information, you can determine how heavily loaded individual components PC. First of all, this can be done by the loading percentage, secondly - by the color of the line ( green means normal work component yellow– moderate, red– need to replace the component).

Third party programs

By using third party applications It's even easier to check your computer's performance.

Some of them are paid or shareware (that is, they require payment after completion trial period or to improve functionality).

However, these applications conduct more detailed testing - and often provide a lot of other information useful to the user.

1. AIDA64

AIDA64 includes tests for memory, cache, HDD drives, SSD and flash drives. And when testing a processor, 32 threads can be checked at once. Among all these advantages, there is also a small drawback - you can use the program for free only during the “trial period” of 30 days. And then you have to either switch to another application, or pay 2265 rubles. for a license.

2. SiSoftware Sandra Lite


4.PCMark 10

The application allows you not only to test the operation of computer components, but also to save test results for future use. The only drawback of the application is the relatively high cost. You will have to pay $30 for it.


The test images consist of 300 thousand polygonal images that add up to more than 2000 objects. And the results are given in the form PTS indicator - the larger it is, the more powerful computer . The program is distributed free of charge, which makes it easy to find and download it on the Internet.

6. ExperienceIndexOK

Information is displayed on the screen in points. Maximum amount– 9.9, as for the latter Windows versions. This is exactly what ExperienceIndexOK is designed for. It is much easier to use such a program than to enter commands and search for files with results in the system directory.


To test a disk, select the disk and set the test parameters. That is, the number of runs and file sizes that will be used for diagnostics. After a few minutes, information about average speed reading and writing for HDD.

8. PC Benchmark

Having received the test results, the program offers to optimize the system. And after improving performance, a page opens in the browser where you can compare the performance indicators of your PC with other systems. On the same page you can check whether your computer can run some modern games.

9. Metro Experience Index

10.PassMark PerformanceTest


Usage in various ways Computer Performance Checker allows you to check how your system is performing. And, if necessary, compare the speed of individual elements with the performance of other models. For preliminary assessment You can also carry out such a test using built-in utilities. Although it is much more convenient to download for this special applications– especially since among them you can find several that are quite functional and free.
