Recuva how to recover photos on your phone. Necessary settings and programs. Recovering deleted photos using standard Samsung Galaxy tools

Hello, friends! Today we’ll talk about a situation that, perhaps, has not spared anyone. So... Did you accidentally click “Delete” and confirm your choice? The child played with the phone, and now those photos that “were only there” are missing? Cold sweat and nervous trembling of fingers. Don't panic! Deep breath. Not everything is lost! This article will tell you whether it is possible to recover photos deleted from your phone and how to do it.

Synchronization and autoloading

They say that people are divided into two types: those who make backups (a backup copy of data), and those who will soon do it.

Modern mobile devices on Android make it easy to set up copying information. Just turn on “Startup” and “Synchronization”, all your data will be linked to your account.

Google Photos is used to store images and videos, thanks to which you can view pictures from any other device by logging in with your account. And if you accidentally delete a media file, you can simply restore it from the service recycle bin. All these operations can be performed as from android, and from a computer.

“How simple!”, you say. Indeed, it’s easy to be careful when setting up your account, and the safety of your data is guaranteed. However, there is a fly in the ointment here too. The free memory capacity of Google services is 15 GB (this includes letters, files from disk, etc.). If you want to increase the space for backup storage, you can purchase one of the tariffs: 100 GB or 1 TB.

Android Data Recovery

If you belong to the second category and already vow to create a backup storage, because you have lost “everything that you acquired through back-breaking labor,” then there is an opportunity for you to return the data.

This will help application for android Android Data Recovery. Here are the situations in which the program offers recovery:

  • device firmware;
  • accidental deletion of information;
  • restore to factory settings;
  • failure or damage to the device.

Manufacturers claim that even if the SD card is not visible or is infected with viruses, data can be extracted from it.

You can download a trial version of the program here The site also provides complete step-by-step instructions for restoring information.

Now let's look at a short guide to returning lost photos:

  1. The phone is connected to the PC using a USB cable (connection option: as a data storage).
  2. A superuser login request will appear, which you must accept.
  3. You can select the type of information required for recovery (for example, Photos).
  4. The program will scan the phone and display files, among which you can find deleted or damaged ones.
  5. Then all that remains is to restore what you are looking for.

Dr. Fone

A program for iOS devices, Dr.Fone, also has similar functionality. Even the sequence of actions is identical: the device is connected to the computer, scanned, and the user selects the necessary files from the results.

Detailed instructions and a demo version can be obtained on the official website ( There is also a version of the program for Android devices.

Data loss loses all its tragedy when you are armed with knowledge and determined to get the information back. Read our blog and learn a lot more useful and interesting things about modern devices.

Hello everyone, dear readers! Today I will tell you in detail how to recover deleted photos on Android, be it Samsung, or Lenovo, as well as Xiomi. We will do this both using a computer and an Android phone. Go?

Is it possible to recover deleted photos on Android?

Friends, everything is possible, the main thing is how much time has passed since the files were deleted. The fact is that all files stored on a flash drive or in the phone’s memory remain for some time even after deletion. And they are deleted after the information is written on top, in a second layer. If it’s not clear, ask in the comments, I’ll describe it in detail.

The most important thing to understand here is that you shouldn’t install new applications, download videos and photos right now. This may superficially overwrite your deleted files. Now do you understand the point? Therefore, I suggest turning off your phone or tablet until you finish reading the article to the end.

How to recover deleted photos on Android using PC

I would like to warn you right away that we will work through the program on a PC; to do this, you need to connect your phone to the computer via a USB cable. Don’t forget to turn on debugging mode to do this, google how to do this, I don’t have an article on this yet.

WonderShare Dr. Fone for Android (root)

This program is the best of its kind, but it also requires root rights. At the very beginning of its work, the program scans and determines what model your phone is, and then installs the driver for it. Now, in order...

Recuva program (No root)

Advice from me: With this program you can recover not only deleted photos on Android, but also various files on your computer.

Recovering deleted photos using Android apps

To begin with, the program requires root rights, google how to get them, and then in order. In order to obtain and restore all the photos, we perform the following machinations.

Remember, ten years ago we kept photographs in paper albums? Today almost no one does this, because each of us has a smartphone in our pocket, which replaces a whole stack of photo albums. But electronic photos, unlike paper ones, tend to disappear. Very often - due to accidental deletion.

It’s easy to erase a photo from the device’s memory, but getting it back is disproportionately more difficult, even if the deletion occurred recently and the memory was definitely not overwritten. Why does this happen and how do you still recover deleted photos from your phone, if possible?

Why is it better not to store important photos on your device?

You've probably already used a computer. And, I'm sure, in most cases you succeeded. If the disk is healthy and the file has not been overwritten, the probability of successful recovery is close to 95-100%. This circumstance slightly discourages and lulls the vigilance of users - many begin to think that restoring deleted data on a mobile device is as easy as on a PC. But it was not there.

The flash memory of a modern smartphone does not function like a hard drive. When a user deletes files, the drive marks the storage location as unused and begins to consider the data erased. When accessing this block of memory, the drive controller returns zeros, even if the data physically still exists. At this stage, recovery is possible.

However, if a file is marked as deleted, the controller can physically erase it at any time. To do this, the Android operating system, starting with version 4.3, has a built-in FSTRIM function - an analogue of TRIM, which is used to clean SSD drives. The function is activated automatically approximately once a day, and when this time occurs is unknown. After FSTRIM, data recovery is not possible.

What follows from this:

  • The chances of successfully recovering data from the memory of an Android mobile device are lower than from a hard drive.
  • The less time has passed since the file was deleted, the higher the likelihood of recovering it.
  • A day after deletion, it is extremely rare to recover a file. And if it succeeds, then, as a rule, only from a cached copy or miniature, that is, in a lower quality than the source.

And yet, you shouldn’t give up in advance if the necessary photos were deleted a long time ago. Below we will look at several free applications from Google Play for recovering graphic files that have helped a lot of people.

Applications for recovering erased photos on Android

DiskDigger photo recovery

is one of the utilities that can extract data from all types of media used on Android mobile devices without requiring root rights. Of course, without root, she will not have access to the entire memory of the device, but often she manages to find the necessary files in the application cache.

Using the program is easy. After installation, click the search button, to access the system directories, we give DiskDigger elevated privileges (if you have root), mark among the found photos that we want to restore, and indicate the save location. It can be a memory card, a local user folder, or cloud storage Dropbox and Google Drive. In addition, you can send the recovered photos to yourself via email.


Works much the same as DiskDigger. Does not require root, shows good detection results. After launching the application, scanning begins immediately, the found photos are displayed on the screen in groups by location.

To restore one or more photos, you need to select them in the program window and click " Restore" The data is saved in the /RestoredPictures/ folder in the device memory.

Photo Recovery

The utility uses 2 algorithms for searching and restoring graphic data: “ Method 1" - fast, but superficial, and " Method 2- slow and deep. After scanning, displays a list of folders containing photos.

In terms of feature set and detection quality, the application is more advanced than previous ones, but it only restores what was deleted in another utility from the same developer, which must be installed on the device in advance.

You also don't need root rights to use Photo Recovery.

Restore Image

The capabilities are not much different from the considered analogues. The functions are the same as DiskDigger and DigDeep, but the search quality, in my opinion, is not very high. By the way, in addition to the main functionality, it has something else: a button for permanently erasing deleted files. So that they cannot be restored either in this or in other programs.


The utility is no more labor-intensive to use than its competitors. To start scanning, press the button " StartPhotoScan" After the search is complete, mark the required photos on the screen and press the update button. Recovered files are saved in the same folders where they were located before. No root rights are needed.

Which of these applications is better at restoring photos? Unknown. In each specific case, they give different results, and if one does not help you, use others - both included and not included in today's review. Fortunately, there are a lot of such applications on Google Play.

How to reduce the risk of permanent loss of photos

  • Install a cloud storage client and configure it to automatically upload graphic files to the cloud. For example, . By the way, it has a recycle bin where deleted files go and from where it is very easy to restore them.
  • If you don’t have the opportunity or desire to use the cloud, store your photos on a removable memory card. The tentacles of FSTRIM cannot reach her, so the chance of saving the remote one is somewhat higher.
  • Install a separate Shopping Cart application (I don’t provide a link because there are many of them). It will work like a similar Windows tool, and all deleted files will go to it first.

Good luck with your recovery and take care of your photos!

Also on the site:

How to recover deleted photos from an Android phone updated: January 31, 2018 by: Johnny Mnemonic

If you delete your favorite photos, they don't disappear forever from your phone. Let's figure out how to restore photos on Android after deletion, what can be returned and what cannot.

In the memory of electronic devices, information is written to free clusters. When a user erases some files, the system does not move them anywhere, but simply sets permission to overwrite the given array. Therefore, you can restore deleted files if something else was not written in their place. Software developers artificially limit the ability of the standard user to manipulate memory. Therefore, the question of how to recover deleted photos from a phone is solved using non-standard methods. To adjust the array layout, you need to obtain advanced rights, which is implemented by launching special applications with the specified settings. Next, we’ll figure out how to recover photos from your phone using and without using third-party programs.

Access to the operating environment with developer rights provides the ability to change the settings of the memory array. There are many applications that allow you to recover photos on your phone. In general, all software works according to the following principle:

A phone with the Android operating system is connected to a personal computer via a USB cable. You can take a memory card and insert it into the card reader.

A pre-downloaded program for recovering deleted photos is launched on the computer, it scans the phone’s hard drive for files and images.

Once the scanning process is complete, you can manually select the deleted data you want to return. The files are copied to the computer's hard drive.

Using special applications

There are 2 main programs that allow you to recover lost images:

Recuva is distributed free of charge from the official website. The application allows you to both recover a deleted photo on Android and save it to the desired media. After installation, a window opens in which you need to select the type of files and where to store them. Next, the program begins scanning the hard drive and lays out all the photos found in a report in preview mode.

Android Data Recovery is another popular program. The full version is paid and costs $50. But you can download a trial version with a limited period of use to recover deleted photos on Android once. A special feature of the application is the need to configure the phone by unlocking the “For Developers” menu item in the “Settings” section. You can do this by clicking on the “Build number” item in the “Version Information” section 7 times. After this, you need to connect the device to the PC via a USB cable as standard and carry out the procedure for restoring photos from the phone by clicking on the appropriate items in the menu of the running application.

Recovery without using a PC

If it is not possible to connect your phone to a personal computer, you can return the files to Android by obtaining root rights. This method carries considerable danger, since the phone manufacturer can remove the device from warranty if something goes wrong. In addition, if the procedure for recovering deleted photos from a phone was carried out with errors, the device may break down and cannot be restored.

If you still decide to use this method, before restoring files, you need to download the undeleter program to your phone and run it. In the Android menu that appears, select the type of memory on which the images were stored, and then start scanning. Once the process is complete, all deleted photos on the phone will be presented in the “Pictures” tab. By clicking on the button with the floppy disk, they can again be assigned the status of active files.

How to avoid permanent loss of photos

Before you recover a deleted photo on your phone, you must limit the possibility of overwriting. To do this, you must immediately stop using your mobile device after it turns out that the photos have disappeared. It is advisable to turn off Android altogether, having previously enabled USB debugging mode in the “Developer Options” tab. A positive answer to the question: “Is it possible to recover deleted photos?” depends on the state of the original memory array. You need to understand that any overwriting potentially reduces the chance of successful recovery, since the system can use exactly those memory cells in which deleted photos were stored on Android. To prevent similar incidents in the future, you need to periodically create copies of your phone folders on other devices or in Google cloud services.

Deleted files from a smartphone or tablet cannot be returned using the gadget’s built-in functions. There are special programs for these purposes, but they do not guarantee 100% success, although the chances are quite high.

In this article, we will consider the question: how to recover photos on Android after deletion and provide links to programs that will best cope with this task.

Why is the data not permanently deleted?

All information storage devices operate on the same principle. When you delete any information on a device, only the file entry disappears from the file table, and the file itself remains in the device memory. However, the Android OS defines the area in which the “already deleted information” was stored as free.

It turns out that saved files, applications, documents, photos, videos will be written to the freed memory sector. Accordingly, the information contained in this sector will be overwritten.

Therefore, if you want to recover photos on Android or simply delete them, do not record anything else before you restore the data. Saving new data can make the situation worse and significantly reduce the chances of resuscitating the photos.

Recovery programs

All Android applications that recover files require Root rights. If your device is not rooted, use your computer to recover.

Advice! If you want to recover photos on Android without a computer, the material in this article will help.

Android Data Recovery

The program allows you to recover photos, contacts, videos, SMS and other files that were deleted from Android. It is possible to view deleted photos and contacts in the program before recovery. Supports almost all Android operating system devices. Works in all versions of Windows NT (10, 8, 7, Vista, XP) and Mac OS X (version 10.4 and higher).

Tenorshare Data Recovery

Works through a computer running Windows. Allows you to recover photos, contacts, call history. Works with all known gadget models from LG, Samsung, HTC, Meizu, Xaomi. Before complete restoration, it is possible to view the found photos.


The very useful CardRecovery utility does an excellent job of recovering photos and other files on smartphones and tablets. The program has useful features such as selecting the area to reconstruct and selecting the type of files to recover from Android memory. The utility works quite well with video restoration: it not only finds it, but also restores it in original quality.

DiskDigger photo recovery

The utility is installed on Android. The free app allows you to get your lost photos back. If you want to return other data, use the paid Pro version.

The application can work without root rights, but then its capabilities will be limited. All it can do is scan cached data and thumbnails from the .thumbnails folder. When you grant superuser rights, DiskDigger will search and restore photos throughout the memory of your gadget.