Backup iPhone 7 to icloud. How to backup iPhone data via iTunes and iCloud. Separate backups for different applications

If you have recently purchased an iPhone, we recommend that from the very beginning of its use you accustom yourself to regularly copying the information on it. This procedure does not require much time, and when brought to automaticity, it is generally not burdensome. It's like brushing your teeth - it's boring, but you just have to do it and that's it. Fortunately, modern software developments from the manufacturer make it possible to create them even without the direct participation of the owner.

Backup– a guarantee of the safety of your personal data.

After all, no one is immune from theft, loss or unintentional damage to a smartphone. And why, in addition to annoying regrets about the loss of your favorite expensive gadget, grieve about forever lost, dear photographs or contacts. It’s better to play it safe and be sure that if necessary, you will have a backup.

Reserve copy iphone, will also be useful after an unexpected unsuccessful software update. When the only method The salvation will be to reset the smartphone settings, and then you will have to delete everything that was “acquired through back-breaking labor.” And with the help of a backup, it’s easy to restore a recent version. In addition, it is very convenient to transfer all important personal data from a previous device to a new one in this way.

The two most commonly used resources are proprietary storage iCloud data and the iPhone’s computer “companion” – the iTunes program. With their help, it’s very easy to create copies of the settings and resources you need.

iCloud - always up to date

Among the advantages of the first resource is iCloud - ease of use, since you just need to connect your iPhone to wireless Wi-Fi and copying is carried out automatically. And so every day. Therefore, thanks to it, you can create the latest, most relevant databases. Very practical. In addition, it will be easy for you to restore in any convenient place where wireless networks exist, and without any additional gadgets or wires.

It is activated by selecting the iCloud tab in the settings section, then in the “Backup” item, click on the offer to create a backup copy. After a one-time connection, the device will carry out the copy itself. This is usually done in the evening when the iPhone is charging, provided Wi-Fi turned on. At this time, the device is least loaded and the process will probably go faster and better. Information is saved in personal virtual cloud, to which only you will have access.

As the cloud fills, the system can remove unnecessary and outdated databases. This is due to the limited cloud limit provided by Apple. A resource is allocated for free, which will include 5 GB of data.

Anything over 5 GB is subject to payment. The cloud typically stores the three most recent, recently added copies. Are saved iPhone settings

, correspondence and messages. Keep in mind that if you have not made fresh copies for more than 180 days, Apple may delete them at the end of this period so as not to store huge amounts of unclaimed data on its servers. And you will no longer be able to resort to their help.

iTunes iTunes software is the choice of a person who prefers to store private information only on a computer or removable media . Before connecting, be sure to update to latest version

program, otherwise it may create problems with recognition later. Connect your smartphone with a cable, and in the running iTunes app

, in the tab of your device, go to “Overview”. Find the “Backups” item there, follow the suggestion to do it manually and start the copying process.

If you want to free up PC memory and delete outdated copies, then from the settings go to the devices tab, select old files that are no longer needed, and click “Delete”.

In order not to forget that the time has come to make the next copy, put the appropriate “reminder” on any of your gadgets.

Set a password - don't be lazy!

It is highly advisable to password-protect the backup copy of your device so that attackers cannot steal your data or delete it. To do this, when creating it, check the box next to the “Encrypt backup” option in the “Overview” attachment. We recommend writing it down so you don’t forget it, since now the password to unlock your iPhone backup will be requested every time you make a copy.

How to use the existing copy?

So, we figured out how to make a backup. Now let’s find out how to restore an iPhone from a backup with as much content as possible. Be sure to update all iPhone software to current version
The automatic assistant starts and you will be asked to select the source from which the recovery will be carried out. Select “Recover from iCloud copy”, specify required file with copies, enter your identification passwords.

To spend iPhone recovery from a copy created on an authorized PC in iTunes - connect it with a cable to the exact computer where you uploaded the data. Before doing this, do not forget to temporarily deactivate the “Find iPhone” option.

Next, you have several options: in the menu, select “File”, then “Devices”, and click on the offer to restore from a backup copy; or similar steps can be done through the “Backups” section, it has a similar “Restore from a copy” tab.

Finally, we note that the most successful and reliable combination is the use of both resources at once. Background copying to iCloud, which occurs every day, will ensure the safety of small current information (since storage is limited). And for resource-intensive large files it is enough to create a couple of times a month through iTunes copies, and upload them to your computer or external media. This will allow you to more fully restore lost data in the future.

Today I will tell you - how to backup iPhone if you are using iPad tablet or iPod player, then you can also use these instructions for creating a backup.

You need to do backups periodically, especially if your device contains information that is valuable to you and cannot be lost. For example, voice recorder recordings, notes, etc.

I will teach you how to create a backup copy of your iPhone and save it to your computer using the program, if you have not yet installed this program, then keep “”.

Backing up iPhone

First, we launch the iTunes program and using a cable we connect our iPhone to the computer. iTunes can use not only your computer as backup storage, but also cloud service iCloud.

But today we will not climb into the “clouds”, so we will choose as a carrier - This computer(located: iPhone – Overview tab – Backups section). This setting is generally used by default.

Now let's start creating a backup copy of your iPhone, there are several ways to start a backup. Method one: Context menu File – Devices – Create a backup.

Second and third methods: In the left pane of iTunes, in the “Devices” section, click on iPhone right click mouse and select - Create a backup. If you haven’t yet, then you can select iPhone, go to the Review tab and in the Backups section, click the button - “ Create a copy now».

The process of creating a backup of our iPhone can be observed at the top of the iTunes program. The program takes you through the backup process step by step.

What's in an iPhone Backup?

I don’t know if this is good or bad, but created in the program iTunes backup the copy does not contain all the information available on the phone. If you have hundreds of applications installed, then this is even good, because if the iPhone backup stored all the information in itself, then the process of creating a backup would take more time, and besides, the backup copy itself would take up a lot of space on the computer disk space, especially if you often create backups. The backup copy contains:

  • All Notes app content
  • Contacts
  • From the Photo app only Camera Roll
  • Events marked in the Calendar app
  • Previous bookmarks in Safari
  • Messages and call histories
  • Voice recorder recordings
  • All phone settings, profiles and network settings
  • In-App Purchases

A typical iPhone backup does not include:

  • games and applications
  • Music and video files
  • Ringtones

How to Delete an iPhone Backup

In order to find out which backups are already on our computer, you can look into the iTunes program settings: Edit – Preferences (or in Windows: “Ctrl” + “,”). Select the tab – Devices, and see all previously created backups.

All these created backups are stored in the computer's memory, so if your operating system reports insufficient space on the C drive, and you cannot figure out what is clogging up the computer's memory, then it may be the backup copies of your iPhones and iPads. To delete an unnecessary backup copy, you need to select it and use the button – Delete backup.

If more than one is installed on your computer, then periodic cleaning of backup copies must be performed under each operating system account.

By the way, there is one more convenience for owners of several iPhones or iPads. In order not to get confused in backup copies and not make mistakes, before deleting, hover your mouse over the backup copy and you will see the device from which the backup was made.

Where to find an iPhone backup on your computer

It happens that in iTunes program seems to have deleted all iPhone backups and iPod touch, but memory hard drive is not released, then you can find the backup files and delete them manually. Below are the paths for different operating systems where the backup files are located:

  • Windows XP– \Documents and Settings\ Account Name\Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\
  • Windows 7, 8 and Vista– \Accounts\ Account name\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\
  • Mac OS– User folder\Libraries\Application Support\MobileSync\Backup\

Now you know where your iPhone and iPad backup is saved. You can follow the path indicated above and look at it, or copy it.

Surely, every more or less knowledgeable iOS user, understanding how difficult the process of restoring personal data (contacts, accounts, calendars) can sometimes be, first of all takes care of their reliable backup.

What is all this for?

Modern in your hands mobile device with a huge variety of functions. This device, be it an iPhone or an iPad, is designed to make your life easier. Throughout the day, you often access it: make calls, add new contacts, take important notes, use calendar reminders, save bookmarks in the browser, or simply play games. This is not all that your iOS device is capable of.

Over time, your iPhone or iPad becomes a repository of the most important information that you have accumulated over many months or years. Hundreds of contacts, notes, customized calendars, bookmarks and game saves... Isn't it true that this information is very dear to you?

Unfortunately, there are also unpleasant surprises in our lives, due to which we are often forced to part with our devices.

So, the bitterness of losing a gadget will be even stronger if, along with it, you lose all the personal data located in the device, collected bit by bit over many months or years. Buy new device sometimes it is much easier than recovering precious personal data.

To prevent this from happening, and to be as calm as possible about parting with your favorite device, you need to periodically back up your personal data.

As we noted above, there is preservation of personal data by creating backup copies. We talked about that in one of our articles about saving data on a jailbroken device using the utility iLex Backup You can find out . It can also be very useful third party application, which has truly enormous capabilities.

How to Backup to iCloud on iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch

iCloud— standard cloud service, available to everyone Apple devices With iOS firmware 5 and above. By using iCloud You can customize automatic saving data from almost any application installed on an iOS device.

1. Register an Apple ID. Apple account The ID can be registered directly on the device or in iTunes. .
2. Open standard application Settings on your iOS device and go to the section iCloud.

3. Enter your account information (Apple ID) registered in point 1.

4. Select an item Backup copy.

5. Activate the ““ item.

The backup will be automatically created if the iOS device is connected to a power source and connected to a Wi-Fi network. Pressing a button Create a backup will result in an immediate backup.

You can view the created backup copy along the way Settings -> iCloud -> Storage -> Manage.

You can read how to select applications whose data is saved in iCloud backup.

Every owner of an Apple smartphone, regardless of its model, receives Apple registration ID 5 GB of disk space in the iCloud cloud. They are used to synchronize data between devices, store photos and backup. In other words, the “cloud” is important part ecosystem created by Apple. Users who have several devices on their hands get more opportunities, but one smartphone is enough to set up a backup. In this material we will present step by step instructions, which explains how to back up your iPhone to iCloud.

The main condition for creating a “cloud” backup is a stable connection to Wi-Fi, since mobile network not used for this purpose.

  1. Open iPhone settings on the main page. We will need two sections on it, indicated by numbers in the screenshot.

  1. In the first one we access the wireless network settings. First, make sure that the connection request switch is turned off. Next step press the button with the letter “i”. This way we get access to the parameters of active Wi-Fi.

  1. Opening the details wireless connection activate the switch responsible for automatic connection. Now, once within the range of this signal, the phone will automatically switch from cellular to wireless network.

  1. In the second section, we go down to the very bottom of the page. Turn off the switch " Wi-Fi Help" This must be done so that the smartphone does not switch to LTE while within range of the wireless network.

Having completed the preparatory steps, you can be sure that every time you put your iPhone on charge, a backup copy will be created. The smartphone will not randomly disconnect from Wi-Fi, and signal stability when working with iCloud is more important than speed.

Making a copy

You don't need a computer to create a cloud backup. The user performs all actions directly on his smartphone. To simplify the interface in iOS 10.3, parameters related to the operation of proprietary Apple services, collected in one section.

  1. Opening home page settings. At the top there is an area with a photo and the name of the owner. Click on it to reveal your account settings.

  1. At the bottom of the screen there is a list of devices associated with the Apple ID of the smartphone owner. Choosing required device click on its logo.

  1. Open the area marked in the screenshot.

  1. Move the switch shown by the arrow to the “On” position. From now on, the OS will automatically create a backup in iCloud using Wi-Fi network while the device is charging. If desired, a copy can be made manually using the framed virtual button.

Storage optimization

Some time after completing the settings described above, the user may receive a message indicating that the backup failed. In most cases, the system fails to complete the operation due to insufficient volume free space in the "cloud". Both owners of old 4S and 5 models, as well as owners of new CE, 6, 7, 8 or X, encounter this phenomenon. Most simply ignore this message, thereby depriving themselves of the opportunity to use iCloud copy further. In fact, free 5 GB is more than enough to store backups even from multiple devices. The problem is solved by optimizing the data included in the backup copy.

  1. Go to account settings iPhone owner. Click on the area marked in the screenshot.

  1. Marked with the number "1" system programs who have access to iCloud for data storage. We remove permissions from those that are not used.

  1. Going lower in the list, we perform a similar operation for installed applications. Special attention It’s worth paying attention to instant messengers, since thousands of messages contained in dialogues are archived in the “cloud”, taking up useful space, while not representing anything valuable. Having edited the permissions in this way, we return to the beginning of the section. Open the area marked “2” in the previous screenshot to examine the contents of the storage.

  1. Opposite each program we see the size of the saved data. Open the section marked with a frame.

  1. Select your device to examine the contents of the backup.

  1. Similar to the operations performed above, we remove all unnecessary using the switches indicated by the arrows. By clicking on the area marked with the number “2” we open full list programs whose data is contained in the copy.

Once optimization is complete, you can create new copy manually or wait until the system does it on its own. Performing this operation once is enough to then safely use your smartphone for several years.


iCloud backups allow you to quickly restore your data after a hard reset or on a new device. For example, after replacing SE with X, it is enough to activate the account Apple entry ID to access previously saved information without using a PC.

Video instruction

In the video below you can see how the described actions are performed on a real device.

If you are still new to using iPhone, then you definitely need to know what a backup is and how to use it.


If you have just recently started using your iPhone, we recommend that you constantly back up the data stored on it. This operation will not take you much time, and if you automate it, it will not burden you with anything at all. Thanks to manufacturers' technologies, you can create a copy even without personal participation owner of the smartphone.

Backup is an excellent option for saving personal data.

No one in our lives can be insured against theft, loss or intentional damage expensive phone. And in the absence of a copy, in addition to regrets about the loss, there is also grief from the loss of a photo, contacts or other important information. It’s better to play it safe once again and restore everything if necessary.

By the way, a backup copy is also necessary in case of installation failed updates when the only solution is full reset smartphone settings. In this case, everything is deleted, and the backup helps to recover. A backup copy is also useful when transferring data to new phone from the old one.

As a rule, the iPhone uses two services - proprietary iCloud storage and iTunes. They allow you to easily create copies of all necessary and important resources.

iCloud general information

Among the advantages of this resource stands out convenient use, since to copy you just need to turn on Wi-fi, and everything else will be done automatically. And so on every day. Therefore, with its help you will always have an up-to-date database. This is very convenient, since restoration can be carried out from any location where there is a connection to wireless network and without additional devices and wires.

  • The iCloud option is enabled in the device settings.
  • Further in the section "Backups" Click on the offer to create a backup copy.
  • You just need to connect once and the device will always copy the data on its own. As a rule, this happens in the evenings, when the phone is charging and Wi-fi is turned on, since RAM at this moment it is least loaded and the operation goes much faster and with better quality. The data is saved in your personal “cloud”, to which only you have access.
  • As the cloud fills up, the system will erase all unnecessary data, as well as old databases. This is due to the cloud size limitation provided by Apple. Initially, you receive a resource that has 5 GB of memory. If you use more than this limit, you will have to pay an additional fee.
  • Typically, three are saved to the cloud latest copies. They contain personal settings, correspondence and messages. By the way, if you do not make new copies for 180 days, then Apple will erase the old ones due to lack of demand and it will be impossible to restore data from them.

Video: How to backup iPhone or iPad?


This program is suitable for those who are used to storing personal data only on a PC or removable storage device. Before connecting, you must first install the latest version of the program so that there are no problems with recognition in the future.

  • Connect your smartphone to your PC
  • In the app, tap on your device and tap on "Review"
  • Find "Backups"
  • Select the option to perform the operation manually and enable copying

If you need to clean up your computer's memory and get rid of old copies, then through the settings find "Devices", select data and click on "Delete".

In order not to forget about the need to create another copy, create a small reminder on any of your devices.

Setting a password

It is best to set a password on the backup so that no attacker can access your files. To do this, when creating a backup, make a checkmark opposite "Backup Encryption" in the tab "Review".

Write it somewhere so you don't lose it, because now the password will be asked every time you copy.

How to use copies?

  • First of all, everything software must be updated to the latest version.
  • Select "Reset" in the main settings and activate deletion through the item "Erase iPhone".

  • Next, the assistant will launch and you will be asked to select a save location.
  • Do you need an item "Recover from iCloud", specify the backup file and enter authorization data.

If you decide to restore via iTunes, then connect the smartphone to the PC to which the data was downloaded.

By the way, be sure to disable the function first "Find iPhone".

Now you can choose one of the appropriate methods:

  • Select "File""Devices" and click on restore.

  • Or go to the section "Backups", where there is a similar point "Recovery from a copy".

In conclusion, it is worth saying that the best combination is to use all services at once. Daily iCloud backup will save a small current information, and large files you can create at least once a month with using iTunes and store them on a PC or flash drive. In the future, if necessary, this will allow you to obtain complete lost data.

How to set it up correctly new iPhone You can find out .

Video: iPhone, iPad backup - what is it? And is it worth restoring?