The router and link are working. Problems connecting to a wired D-Link router. Pre-configuring the connection in Windows

Any network device connected to computer network, V mandatory has its own network IP address. This need is associated with unambiguous identification of this device among many other devices connected to this network. The router's IP is assigned by the factory, but it can be changed manually. For example – manufacturer d link address The default router is IP stands for internet protocol.

Attention! The IP address should not be confused with the mac address, since the latter is not the network, but the physical address of the device, and this is a completely different story.

Let's take a closer look at what a router's IP address is, how to assign and change it using the example of a common D-Link router dir 300.

Why is an IP address needed?

As you know, a computer network is an association of network devices for data exchange, be it electronic documents, movies, or games. Even connecting a computer with a printer or scanner via twisted pair cable or Wi-Fi is also a computer network.

Computer network

In order for the signal to be delivered and received exactly necessary computer, to which the signal is addressed, and there are network IP addresses.

An IP address is a 32-bit number and consists of four decimal numbers numbers from 0 to 255, separated by a dot. Alternatively, the IP address of the router d link

Setting up an IP address on a D-Link router

Let's move from theory to practice, and consider setting up a network address using the example of the D-Link dir300 router.

Router D-Link dir 300

As already mentioned, the manufacturer assigns the device the address The question arises - what if there are several D-Link routers nearby, and they all have the same IP, will there be a conflict? That's right, everyone network device must have its own unique address, but this rule applies within one local network(or subnets if the network is divided into segments). In a neighboring or any other computer network, IP addresses can coincide with a computer from another network, and there is nothing wrong with that - there will be no conflict.

If the addresses match within the network, you need to leave one router as is, and change the network address on all the others. Let's figure out how to do this further.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to remember the IP address of the router; just turn the router over and find the address on the label located on the bottom of the device.

Label on the bottom of the router with the IP address

The label also displays the login and password for entering the router settings, which we will need in the next chapter.

Setting up a D-Link router

Entering the router settings menu

Before entering the settings menu, you need to connect the router to the computer from which the settings will be made. To do this, connect the device to the computer using a patch cord ( network wire twisted pair), turn on the router and computer. After launch, open any web browser on your computer and address bar enter the IP address of the router –

A window will open in which you must enter a username and password, and after clicking the “OK” button, the user is given the opportunity to make all the settings.

Entering the router settings menu

The default username and password are “admin” and “admin”. The case of letters should be taken into account - only with a small letter.

If the system at any stage gives an error (either an incorrect name/passwords, or the window for entering a name/password does not appear at all), but there is complete confidence that the router is working and connected correctly, then there is a high probability that the router has previously been configured and its IP address, name or password have been changed.

There is a simple way out of this situation - reset all settings to factory values. This is done using a small “Reset” button, recessed into the body of the router, located on the back panel of the router.

Rear panel of the D-Link router

We press it and press it for 15 seconds, after which all the indicator LEDs on the front panel will go out for a second, and the router will automatically reboot, but with the factory settings. The IP address, name and password will return to the values ​​indicated on the label on the bottom of the router.

So, we entered the router settings menu. In the top tab, select the “SETUP” menu, then in the left settings tree, select the “LAN setup” item.

Setting up an IP router

In the central part of the window, in the “Router setting” area, we see the line “Router IP address”. This line contains our router IP d link, which needs to be changed. For example, on
That's it, now two identical routers can work within the same subnet - each of them will have its own network address.

External and internal IP addresses

At the time IP addresses were developed, no one imagined that there would be so much networking equipment in the world. And in the early 2000s, studies confirmed that soon there would not be enough IP addresses for everyone, and some action needed to be taken.

To solve this problem, NAT technology was developed, which is the division of IP addresses into external and internal. External addresses are called “white”, internal addresses are called “gray”.

The transformation occurs according to the following scheme:

    The user sends a request to an external resource, for example, to open the Google search site in the browser. On at this stage the request contains the IP address of the user’s computer (“gray” IP);

    The request, having reached the provider whose services the user uses, changes slightly, namely the provider changes the “gray” IP to a “white” one, which is “visible” to the outside world. In this case, the provider remembers from which computer on the internal network this request was sent;

    The request, having reached the addressee (Google site), is executed and sent to reverse direction webpage. The delivery address still contains the “white” address, that is, the IP provider;

    Having reached the provider, in accordance with the previously saved table, the request address changes to a “gray” IP address, and the web page is delivered to the user.

As a result, we get one IP address for many computers (there can be hundreds and thousands of them), thereby saving network addresses. After all, the address must be unique only for the “outside” world, but within a computer network they can be repeated, the main thing is not within the same subnet. And the provider, using created table routing will easily “figure out” who exactly to send the received piece of information to.

For clarity, let’s check both addresses that you are currently using to read this article.

First, let's check our “gray” internal IP address.

Let's launch command line and enter the command “ipconfig”. Press "Enter" and operating system will display the connection status:

Running the ipconfig command

As you can see, our address is

Finally, a video on setting up the router:

Let's talk about how to configure the DIR-300 or DIR-300NRU router again. This time this instruction will not be tied to a specific provider (however, information will be given on the connection types of the main ones), we will rather talk about general principles settings this router for any provider - in such a way that if you can independently set up an Internet connection on your computer, then you can set up this router.

See also:

Diverse router DIR-300

Wireless routers (or Wi-Fi routers, which is the same thing) D-Link DIR-300 and DIR-300NRU are already available long time and the device purchased two years ago is not the same router that is now sold in the store. At the same time, there may not be any external differences. Routers differ in their hardware revision, which can be found on the sticker on the back, in the line H/W ver. B1 (example for hardware revision B1). The following options exist:

  • DIR-300NRU B1, B2, B3 are no longer on sale, a million instructions have already been written about setting them up, and if you come across such a router, you will find a way to set it up on the Internet.
  • DIR-300NRU B5, B6 - the next modification, relevant for this moment, this guide is suitable for setting it up.
  • DIR-300NRU B7 is the only version of this router that has significant external differences from other revisions. These instructions are suitable for setting it up.
  • DIR-300 A/C1 - latest version wireless router D-Link DIR-300 is currently the most commonly found in stores today. Unfortunately, it is subject to various “glitches”; the configuration methods described here are suitable for this revision. Note: to flash this version of the router, use the instructions

Before setting up your router

Before connecting the router and starting to configure it, I recommend doing several operations. It is worth noting that they are applicable only if you will configure the router from a computer or laptop to which you can connect the router network cable. The router can be configured even if you do not have a computer - using a tablet or smartphone, but in this case the operations described in this section are not applicable.

Downloading new D-Link DIR-300 firmware

The first thing to do is download the file latest version firmware for your router model. Yes, in the process we will install new firmware on the D-Link DIR-300 - don’t be alarmed, this is not at all difficult task. How to download firmware:

  1. Go to the official d-link download site at:, you will see the folder structure.
  2. Depending on your router model, go to the folder: pub - router - DIR-300NRU (DIR-300A_C1 for A/C1) - Firmware. This folder will contain one single file with the extension .bin. It is the latest firmware file for the existing revision of DIR-300/DIR-300NRU.
  3. Download this file to your computer and remember exactly where you downloaded it.

Checking LAN settings on your computer

The second step to take is to look into the local network connection settings on your computer. To do this:

  • In Windows 7 and Windows 8, go to Control Panel - Network Sharing Center and shared access- Change adapter settings (in the menu on the right) - click right key mouse over the “Local Area Connection” icon and click “Properties”, go to the third item.
  • In Windows XP, go to Control Panel - Network Connections, click right click mouse over the “Local Area Connection” icon, click “Properties” in the context menu, go to the next item.
  • In the window that appears, in the list of components used by the connection, select “Internet Protocol Version 4 TCP/IPv4” and click the “Properties” button.
  • Make sure that the connection settings are set to “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS server addresses automatically.” If this is not the case, then install required parameters. It should be noted that if your provider (for example, Interzet) uses a “Static IP” connection type, and all fields in this window are filled with values ​​(IP address, subnet mask, default gateway and DNS), then write down these values ​​somewhere, they will come in handy later.

How to connect a router for setup

Despite the fact that the issue of connecting the D-Link DIR-300 router to a computer seems to be elementary, I think it’s worth mentioning this point separately. There is at least one reason for this - I have witnessed more than once how people who were visited by Rostelecom employees to install a TV set-top box had their connection implemented “via wire” - so that everything supposedly worked (TV + Internet on one computer) and did not require any action from the employee. As a result, when a person tried to connect from any device via Wi-Fi, it turned out to be impossible.

The picture shows how to properly connect the router to a computer. You need to connect the provider's cable to the Internet (WAN) port, and plug a wire into one of the LAN ports (preferably LAN1), the other end of which will connect to the corresponding port network card the computer from which the DIR-300 will be configured.

Plug the router into a power outlet. And: do not connect your Internet connection to the computer itself during the entire process of flashing and setting up the router, and also after that. Those. If you have some kind of Beeline, Rostelecom, TTK, Aist-online program or anything else that you use to access the Internet, forget about them. Otherwise, then you will be surprised and ask the question: “I have set everything up, there is Internet on the computer, but on the laptop it shows without access to the Internet, what should I do?”

Firmware D-Link DIR-300

The router is connected and plugged in. Launch any of your favorite browsers and enter in the address bar: and press Enter. A window will appear asking for your login and password. The standard login and password for the DIR-300 router are admin and admin, respectively. If for some reason they do not work, reset the router to factory settings by pressing and holding the reset button on the back side for about 20 seconds, then go to again.

After entering your login and password correctly, you will be prompted to set New Password. You can do it. Then you will find yourself on home page router settings, which may look like this:

In order to flash the DIR-300 router with new firmware in the first case, perform the following operations:

  1. Click "Manually configure"
  2. Select the “System” tab, in it - “Software Update”
  3. Click “Browse” and specify the path to the file that we downloaded when preparing to configure the router.
  4. Click Update.

Wait for the firmware process to complete. It should be noted here that it may feel like “Everything is frozen,” and the browser may also display an error message. Don’t be alarmed - be sure to wait 5 minutes, unplug the router, turn it on again, wait a minute for it to boot, go to again - most likely, the firmware has been successfully updated and you can proceed to the next setup step.

In the second case, the firmware of the D-Link DIR-300 router occurs as follows:

  1. At the bottom of the settings page, select "Advanced settings"
  2. On the “System” tab, click the right arrow shown there and select “Software Update”.
  3. On new page Click “Browse” and specify the path to the new firmware file, then click “Update” and wait for the process to complete.

Just in case, I remind you: if during the firmware process the progress bar “runs endlessly”, it seems that everything is frozen or the browser shows an error, do not unplug the router from the outlet and do not take any other actions for 5 minutes. After that, just go to again - you will see that the firmware has been updated and everything is in order, you can move on to the next step.

D-Link DIR-300 - setting up an Internet connection

The very idea of ​​configuring a router is for the router to independently establish a connection to the Internet, and then distribute it to all connected devices. Thus, setting up the connection is the main step when setting up the DIR-300 and any other router.

In order to set up a connection, you need to know what type of connection your provider uses. This information can always be found on its official website. Here is information for the most popular providers in Russia:

  • Beeline, Corbina - L2TP, VPN server address - see also: ,
  • Rostelecom - PPPoE - see also
  • Stork - PPTP, VPN server address, the setup has a number of features, see.
  • TTK - PPPoE - see.
  • - PPPoE -
  • Interzet - Static IP (Static IP address), more details -
  • Online - Dynamic IP (Dynamic IP address)

If you have any other provider, then the essence of setting up the D-Link DIR-300 router will not change. Here's what you need to do (general for any provider):

  1. On the settings page Wi-Fi router click "Advanced Settings"
  2. On the “Network” tab, click “WAN”
  3. Click "Add" (ignore that one connection, Dynamic IP, is already present)
  4. On the next page, indicate the connection type of your provider and fill in the remaining fields. For PPPoE - login and password to access the Internet, for L2TP and PPTP - login, password and VPN server address, for the connection type "Static IP" - IP address, default gateway and address DNS servers. In the vast majority of cases, the remaining fields do not need to be touched. Click the "Save" button.
  5. The page with the list of connections will open again, where the connection you just created will be displayed. There will also be an indicator at the top right indicating that you need to save the changes. Do it.
  6. You will see that your connection is disconnected. Refresh the page. Most likely, if all connection parameters were set correctly, after the update it will be in the “connected” state, and the Internet will be accessible from this computer.

The next step is to configure the wireless network settings on the D-Link DIR-300.

How to set up a wireless network and set a password for Wi-Fi

In order to distinguish your wireless network from others in the house, and also protect it from unauthorized access, you should make some settings:

  1. On the page D-Link settings DIR-300 click “Advanced settings” and on the “Wi-Fi” tab select “Basic settings”
  2. On the basic wireless network settings page, you can specify the name of your network SSID, specifying something different from the standard DIR-300. This will help you distinguish your network from your neighbors. In most cases, other settings do not need to be changed. Save the settings and return to the previous page.
  3. Select settings Wi-Fi security. On this page you can set a password for Wi-Fi so that no one else can use the Internet at your expense or gain access to computers on your network. It is recommended to specify “WPA2-PSK” in the “Network Authentication” field; in the “Password” field, enter the desired password for the wireless network, consisting of at least 8 characters. Save your settings.

This completes the wireless network setup. Now, to connect to Wi-Fi from a laptop, tablet or smartphone, you just need to find the network with the name you specified earlier from this device, enter given password and connect. Then use the Internet, classmates, contacts and anything else wirelessly.

In this manual, we will look in detail at the process of setting up the D-Link DIR-300 NRU Wi-Fi router for the Rostelecom Internet provider. This manual is completely suitable for you if you need to configure the DIR-300 router in the following modifications and with the following firmware:

  • DIR-300 A/C1 (firmware update may be required)
  • DIR-300 NRU B7 with firmware 1.3.x and 1.4.x
  • DIR-300 NRU B5/B6 with firmware 1.3.x and 1.4.x

Update: if you have a router with firmware 2.5.11, 2.5.19 or 2.15.12, and the web interface looks like the following screenshot, use the instructions:

  • Preparing for setup
  • Connecting the router for setup
  • How to go into the router settings and find out what firmware it is
  • Setting up Rostelecom connection on DIR-300 B5, B6, B7 firmware 1.3.0, 1.3.1, 1.3.3, 1.3.4
  • Setting up a Rostelecom connection on firmware DIR-300 B5, B6, B7 1.4.0, 1.4.1, 1.4.3, 1.4.5, 1.4.8, 1.4.9 and DIR-300 A/C1 1.0.0 and older
  • Setting up Rostelecom IPTV on DIR-300

Video instructions for setting up a Wi-Fi router D-Link DIR-300 for Rostelecom

If you are too lazy to read a long text manual, you can quickly set up the router using the video below. It shows the setup process with the two latest firmwares including security setup wireless wifi networks.

Preparing for setup

First of all, if you have already attempted to configure your wireless router (the same as a Wi-Fi router), I recommend resetting the device to factory settings. For this purpose, while leaving the D-Link DIR-300 plugged in, press and hold RESET button on its reverse side for 10-15 seconds. Then release her. It will take another 20-30 seconds to reboot the router.

  • In Windows 8 and Windows 7, go to the Network and Sharing Center (you can do this through the Control Panel, or by right-clicking on the connection icon in the taskbar). In the menu on the left, select “Change adapter settings”, then in the list of connections, right-click and select “Properties”. Go to the third point.
  • In Windows XP, go to “Control Panel” - “Network Connections”. Select the local network connection, right-click on it and select “Properties”. See below.
  • The connection properties window will appear. In the list of components used by the connection, select Internet Protocol Version 4 TCP/IPv4 and click the Properties button.
  • Make sure that the connection settings are set to “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS address-server automatically", i.e. as shown in the picture below. If this is not the case, then enter necessary changes, then save your settings.

The last point is to disconnect the Rostelecom connection on your computer. Moreover, neither during setup of the DIR-300 nor after its completion, do not turn on this connection again, because it will have to be installed by the router itself. Otherwise, the Internet will only be available on this computer, but not via Wi-Fi.

Connecting DIR-300 for setting up Rostelecom

On back side your Wi-Fi router has five ports, one of which is signed Internet, the rest are LAN numbered from 1 to 4. The Rostelecom cable must be connected to the Internet port and nowhere else. Even if when you connected Rostelecom television, company employees came to you and connected the Internet cable to LAN port, don’t leave it like that - they didn’t do it because it was right. Connect one of the LAN ports on the router to the connector network card computer or laptop from which you will perform the setup. Plug the router into a power outlet.

How to go into the router settings and find out what firmware it is

IN currently There are two types of current firmware for Wi-Fi routers D-Link DIR-300 B5, B6, B7 and A/C1. We will look at setting up a Rostelecom connection and Wi-Fi networks on both. If you want to change the firmware to a newer one, then instructions on how to do this are at the end of this article.

In order to go into the settings of the DIR-300 router (NRU), launch any Internet browser and enter in the address bar:, then press Enter.

When prompted for a login and password, enter the default values ​​used on D-Link DIR-300 wireless routers - admin and admin in both fields. Immediately after this, if the router has been reset to factory settings or if you just took it out of the box, you will be asked to change the default password to your own. Do this and click "OK". After this, you will find yourself on the main router settings page, which, depending on the version, may have the following appearance:

First, let's look at setting up DIR-300 for Rostelecom on newer firmware - 1.4.x, if we're talking about about the router hardware revision B5, B6 and B7 and 1.0.x, if we have DIR-300 A/C1 (however, there are no other firmwares for the latter). Then there will be a guide to setting up more old version firmware 1.3.0, 1.3.1, 1.3.3, so if you have exactly this version, you can immediately go to the corresponding section of the instructions. Or, if you wish, update the firmware to the latest official version from the D-Link website.

Configuring Rostelecom PPPoE connection on firmware DIR-300 B5, B6, B7 1.4.0, 1.4.1, 1.4.3, 1.4.5, 1.4.8, 1.4.9 and DIR-300 A/C1 1.0.x

At the bottom of the main page of the DIR-300 Wi-Fi router settings, click “Advanced settings”. If you have English interface, then the language can be changed in a special item at the top of the page.

On the router's advanced settings page, on the Network tab, click WAN.

On the page with a list of connections, where at the moment there is only the “Dynamic IP” connection, click on this connection, and on the page that opens at the bottom, select “Delete”. You will be returned to the list of connections, which will now be empty. Click Add.

Now the most important task is to fill in the parameters correctly PPPoE connections Rostelecom. Use the following parameters (values ​​not specified do not need to be changed):

  • Connection type- PPPoE
  • Username- Your login for the Rostelecom Internet
  • Password and password confirmation- Your Rostelecom credentials
  • Click "Save"

At the top of the settings page of the D-Link DIR-300 router, a notification light has been blinking for some time indicating that the settings need to be saved. It's time to do it. Click on the indicator and select "Save".

Refresh the page in your browser. If the settings were made correctly (and the Internet connection on the computer itself is broken), then the created Rostelecom connection should be in the “Connected” status. You can go to the section about setting up a wireless network.

Setting up Rostelecom PPPoE connection on DIR-300 B5, B6, B7 firmware 1.3.0, 1.3.1, 1.3.3, 1.3.4

In order to configure Rostelecom on the DIR-300 with the specified firmware, on the main page of the router settings, click “Configure manually”, then on the “Network” tab, select “WAN” and click on the connection already existing there to open its parameters. Click "Delete".

Remove WAN connection Dynamic IP

This will take you back to the list of connections, but now it will be empty. Click “Add”.

All that is now required is to configure the Rostelecom connection parameters in our DIR-300. You can see them in the picture. Fill in as follows:

  • Connection type- PPPoE
  • Username- Rostelecom login (for Internet)
  • Password and password confirmation- Your password for Rostelecom Internet
  • Check the box Keep Alive, if it is currently disabled

Click "Save". You will be returned to the list of connections, including the newly created one. Also at the top of the list there will be a notification that you need to save the settings. Save them. Now, if you have made no mistakes, and the Rostelecom connection on the computer itself is broken, you can refresh the page and see that the connection status has changed to “Connected”. Now you can proceed to setting up your wireless Wi-Fi network settings.

Configuring wireless network settings, how to set a password for Wi-Fi

Again, we will divide the instructions for setting up Wi-Fi into two parts. First, a guide will be given for the newer firmware, then for the DIR-300 router with firmware 1.3.x.

Setting up Wi-Fi on DIR-300 with firmware 1.4.1 - 1.4.9

In order to configure the wireless network settings on the D-Link DIR-300 router with latest firmware, return to the main page of the router administration panel (click " Quick setup" at the bottom of the page or simply enter into the address bar of your browser).

On the left you will see the “Wi-Fi” item. Click on the “Wireless Network Setup Wizard” link. On the following pages you will be asked to step by step specify all the parameters of the wireless Wi-Fi network being created, as well as set a password for Wi-Fi. The key points when setting up will be (the rest can be left unchanged):

  • SSID- this is the name of the wireless network, by default it is visible to everyone within the range of the wireless router and serves so that you can identify it among other wireless networks.
  • A country- here I recommend changing “Russian Federation” to “United States of America”.
  • Network authentication- install WPA2-PSK as the most secure method.
  • Key PSK encryption - this is your Wi-Fi password. With the type of network authentication specified above, it must consist of at least 8 characters - Latin letters and numbers.
  • After that, click "Save".
  • Also, don’t forget to click “Save” at the top (near the light bulb) - this will avoid resetting your settings after turning off the router’s power.

This completes the wireless network setup. Now you can connect via Wi-Fi from your phone, tablet or laptop and surf the Internet wirelessly. If you also need to set up IPTV television for Rostelecom, then proceed to the next section.

Setting up Wi-Fi on DIR-300 with firmware 1.3.0 - 1.3.3

To set the wireless network parameters on the D-Link DIR-300 router with firmware 1.3.x, go to the page manual settings and select the "Wi-Fi" tab. Then - the “Basic Settings” subtab. On the page that appears, you can set the following parameters:

  • SSID- this is the name of your wireless network, by which you will distinguish your network from others in the house. I recommend using the Latin alphabet.
  • A country- I recommend setting USA instead of “Russia”.
  • Save your settings.

Then go to the “Security Settings” subtab, here we will set a password for the wireless network:

  • In field network authentication please indicate WPA2-PSK- this is the most secure for home use method.
  • In field PSK encryption key Please enter a password of at least 8 characters.
  • Click the "Edit" button.
  • A notification will appear indicating that you need to save all the settings you have made. Do it.

Now wifi setup on your wireless router is complete. You can try connecting wirelessly from any devices that support it. If you need to set up Rostelecom IPTV TV, then read on.

Setting up Rostelecom IPTV television on D-Link DIR-300

For IPTV settings on both firmware versions of the D-Link DIR-300 wireless router (NRU) it is not fundamentally different. On the main page of the router with firmware 1.3.x, click “Configure IPTV”. If you have firmware 1.4.x, then click “IPTV Setup Wizard”.

After this, you will need to select the port that will be used to connect the Rostelecom TV set-top box (the Internet will not work through this port). Select and save. This completes the setup.

I hope this instruction helped you.

Setting up the Internet for a specific provider using firmware

Almost everything Russian Internet providers present on their official websites ready-made firmware for configuring wireless routers. In the list of devices you can easily find the D-Link DIR 300, the characteristics of which allow you to fine tuning for any provider. In most cases, on the Internet service provider’s website you can download both the firmware itself and the program for installing it. In addition to the set of files, it is always offered step-by-step instruction. So with automatic tuning there won't be any problems.

Problems may arise with provider firmware if the settings are hidden by the developer password. The user will not have the opportunity to go into the settings and manually specify the parameters for Wi-Fi. Therefore, before flashing the device, you need to check with company representatives about such blocking. Even if the router was flashed due to negligence, it can always be revived using recovery firmware from the official D-Link website.

Wi-Fi Settings

In the control menu of the D-Link DIR 300 wireless point, settings WiFi connections have a separate section with many items.

  1. MBSSID allows you to create several different Wi-Fi networks. It will be useful somewhere in the office to give Internet access only to the bosses, but at home this function is not used.
  2. It is recommended to enter in the SSID field with Latin letters a proprietary name for a wireless network.
  3. You can set any wireless mode, depending on your capabilities. wireless devices. If the laptop only works in 802.11G mode, then there is no point in installing a more powerful one.
  4. In the security settings, in the “network authentication” field, it is recommended to select WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK mixed. Firstly, this connection does not require a RADIUS server, and secondly, a password with letters and numbers is harder to crack.
  5. You need to select AES for encryption and enter a password for the Wi-Fi network. This completes the setup, you can save the changes and enjoy the Internet via a wireless network.

Hardware connection to WiFi network

Settings WiFi distribution at a wireless point D-Link access DIR 300 can be carried out not only on program level with making settings via special menu. On one of the side panels of the device you can see a huge button labeled WPS. Thanks to it, you can quickly hardware connection with a device that supports this technology. It is enough, for example, on your tablet to select a connection to the wireless Internet network via WPS and in the list of wireless points that appears, select the necessary network. To complete the connection to D-Link device you need to press and hold the hardware button for about 2-3 seconds to connect the device via Wi-Fi. The devices will connect without entering a password, which is very convenient when you don’t want to share the password from personal network to your guests.

However, before you can use this amazing feature, you need to enable it in your router. To do this, you need to find the WPS item in the access point management menu and go to it. After checking the box next to “enable WPS” and saving, the function will be available for use. IT savvy users can try to create an additional Wi-Fi network with disabilities, For example. Purely for guests who urgently need the Internet, but so that their connection does not interfere with the owner’s current downloads.

Setting up network television

Many users will like the IPTV performance characteristics of the D-Link DIR 300 router. Minimum settings and maximum pleasure from watching high-quality digital video. When entering the IPTV setup menu, the wizard prompts you to select the port number in the wireless access point to which the TV set-top box will be connected. The main thing is to remember the selected number and always connect digital television only there. In the Miscellaneous section, it is recommended to enable IGMP, NAT and firewall. It is better not to touch other fields. Naturally, you need to click the “Save” button, and you can safely start watching the video high definition on the computer screen. The provider providing the IPTV service must provide the player for viewing, the server address and the list of channels.

Advantages of the D-Link DIR 300 router

Judging by numerous reviews from owners, the wireless router has countless advantages. This is true, otherwise where would so many positive reviews come from?

  1. As mentioned earlier, the main factor when purchasing is price. The device is affordable for any user.
  2. Availability of a four-port switch to which you can connect personal computers And network printer, For example.
  3. Opportunity IPTV viewing on multiple devices, both via WiFi and local network.
  4. Very convenient WiFi setup in D-Link DIR 300. The menu items have a description, and any user can independently launch their own wireless network in a few minutes.

There are also disadvantages to a wireless device

We hear from users that the D-Link DIR 300 “crashes” during operation - that is, it spontaneously reboots or freezes on indefinite time. After studying the information on specialized forums, you can find that the problem is known to specialists and can be solved by replacing the firmware. Freezing can occur due to the user's fault if files are downloaded over a wireless network by several devices with a total speed equal to the Internet channel width. For all owners of D-Link DIR 300, it is recommended to limit the speed of downloading files, primarily for torrents, by 5-10% of the maximum channel width. The recommendation only applies to devices that access the Internet via a wireless network. Working with the cable has no disadvantages. The negative side includes complaints about the small coverage radius. The router has neither an amplifier nor an antenna output. Although for the price that the access point has, you can demand from it good coverage not worth it.


If you decide to purchase an inexpensive router, you should pay attention to the D-Link DIR 300. WiFi setup, local network, digital television and security will not take much time. Not all providers provide open access to the Internet. Many people use individual settings, with which selected routers can be friends. These include the most popular in Russia wireless point access from famous manufacturer communication equipment D-Link DIR 300.

This line of routers has become widespread among users and there are several reasons for this:

  • Well-known manufacturer, which has been specializing in network equipment, as a result of which the products have high quality, good performance, and also very unpretentious to use.
  • Small price, That is important factor, especially for simple user, who plans to install a router at home, configure it and safely forget about it until he needs something with higher speed.
  • good software , which will allow you to easily connect to almost any Internet provider. New firmwares are also regularly released that fix bugs and optimize operation.

Model differences

New models of this line are released quite often, and therefore their hardware differs. Wherein, external differences routers released several years ago may not have the newest one. They differ only in the revision indicated on the sticker on the back in the line H/W ver. B4 (for the fourth revision).

  • DIR-300NRU B1, B2, B3- old models that have not been produced for some time, but it is easy to find any instructions for them and descriptions of solutions to emerging problems.
  • DIR-300NRU B5, B6- newer routers that are found in stores.
  • DIR-300NRU B7-one of the latest models, can be distinguished from the previous ones, including by appearance.
  • DIR-300 A/C1 - latest model at the time of writing, it is often found in stores, but has some bugs.

Before you start setting up

Further paragraphs of the instructions make sense only if the device is connected to a PC or laptop using a twisted pair cable. The setup can be done without this, so if the user does not consider it necessary to carry out these actions or does not have such an opportunity, then they can be skipped.

Uploading new firmware

The first thing to do is download new firmware to your computer. To do this, you need to go to the official website of the manufacturer, and then follow the path indicated in the picture. You need to select your device and the correct revision.

There will be only one file that you need to download to your PC.

Checking network settings

What needs to be done here the following actions(for Windows 7 and 8, for XP everything happens in “ Network connections") go to " Control Panel» - « Network and Sharing Center» - « Change adapter settings" Then right-click on “Local Area Connection” and select “Properties”. Next, you should go to the properties of Internet Protocol version 4 TCP/IPv4 and make sure that the address and settings are obtained automatically. If this is not the case, the specified values ​​should be recorded.

Connecting a router

Everything is quite simple here. To the Internet port (WAN), you should connect the cable from the provider, and one of the free ones is the one that will go to the computer.

Connect as shown in the figure. On the PC itself, the global network should be completely disabled if you log in through any additional programs, which may be provided by the service provider. Don’t forget to connect the device itself to power.

Firmware D-Link DIR-300

After establishing the connection, you should go to the browser and enter and a couple of login and password admin/admin. If they do not fit, then you can reset the router by holding the reset key on the back of the device.

After this, the user will be transferred to the main menu.

To update the firmware, you need to go to " system", which will be located in the settings section, and then select " Update software" After that all that remains is to indicate the path to the downloaded file and click “ Update" The process may take a long time, but do not restart the device.

Setting up an Internet connection

The router will connect to global network, and other devices will connect to it to gain access. Therefore, you first need to find out how the connection is made. For this you need go to the provider's website and find out there.

Next you should click Advanced settings– Network – WAN. Here you need to click " Add", after which the following menu will be displayed, where you will need to enter the connection data provided on the website of the Internet service provider. Usually this Login: Password, in some cases the address is added vpn servers, for the static IP option this will be the address, gateway and DNS server.

The remaining fields can be left standard. After this you need save changes and go to next page. A menu will open showing the new connection; you should save here too. After which you need to update the connection. If everything was configured correctly, a notification will be issued that the connection has been established. After this stage, the connection will be available via twisted pair.

Setting up wi-fi

Now wireless network will be available, to connect you must select it on the device and enter the password.