How to make a sweat player the main one. Watching IPTV in PotPlayer media player

Set up PotPlayer it can be done in different ways. It has an incredible number of settings and it’s up to everyone how to configure it. In the screenshots I will only show what needs to be done first after installation, so that the screen immediately unfolds when starting the movie, the proportions are preserved, etc. In the "Window size" item, you can try setting "Fit to video size", then stripes are possible. In general, it's up to you.

If the sound driver in Windows is the primary one, then it is better to configure the equalizer. Thanks to it, the sound in both movies and music will be much better. In terms of the number of settings it can be compared with The KMPlayer. Many people are intimidated by the huge number of settings and because of this they are not able to appreciate all the advantages of advanced players.

In fact, there is nothing complicated about the settings. It is enough to spend ten minutes on quick or fine adjustments of the player, so that later you won’t touch it for years and enjoy the work of the player “for yourself.”

You can customize subtitles as you like, there are hotkeys with the ability to reassign, convenient work with a playlist. There is such a cool function as remembering the place of the movie at which the player was closed. Well, for example, they didn’t finish watching the film, turned it on the next day, and continued from where they left off yesterday.

Important! On the menu " Common parameters" >>> "On top of all windows" is better set to "Always". In order for the film to run the way it was shot (with or without stripes and in the original aspect ratio 16:9 or 4:3), you need to call the context menu right click mouse in open player and in the "Aspect Ratio" column go to the next window, where check the box next to "Maintain aspect ratio (recommended)", "Output ratio (recommended)", and in the "Player window" column check "Full screen (proportional)", while in the "Playback" settings, the parameters need to be set to "Window size" - "Fit to video size", and "Aspect ratio" - "Do not change (recommended)".

In "Size" it is better to set "Maintain proportions (recommended)"

The player consumes few system resources. At the bottom right of the player interface there are numbers that show how much the player loads the processor. As a rule, 1-2%, no more on ordinary computers.

Copes quite well with music. Almost the same as Aimp. I didn’t compare it with Winamp because of its sluggishness. The player looks good and stylish in a musical role. Convenient, beautiful.

Lifehacker, Chip magazine and some other reputable publications consider PotPlayer the best multimedia player for Windows, no more, no less.

And here is a review of what is also a very good multimedia center.

Update: Essentially, PotPlayer only requires a few basic settings to get started. This is: In Preferences > General > OSD Messages, uncheck the box next to Display general info to avoid annoying messages on the player screen. In Preferences > Playback, set the Default window size to Fullscreen, and set the Default window aspect ratio to Custom; this is necessary so that films are cut in the required proportion 16:9, 4:3, etc. Also, you need to check the Remember playback position box just below so that the films start playing from the moment at which the viewing was completed. In the Aspect ratio context menu, it is better to leave the Fit to Video (Recommended) and Default (Display) (Recommended) values ​​as they are. Well, turn on the F6 playlist for ease of selection; All the movies you open and watch will be visible. It is better to stretch the player window itself to the entire screen by pulling the corner from the bottom or top, so that when you start the player it opens immediately on the entire screen and you can conveniently select movies in the playlist, as well as set associations with files in Preferences.

I'll tell you how to set it up KMPlayer players, Daum PotPlayer, Media Player Classic. Sound settings, audio tracks, subtitles, filters, playback.

1. Daum potplayer settings
- Right-click on open video file in the player and select SETTINGS. Check the box on TOP OF ALL WINDOWS - WHEN PLAYING. Check the box to KEEP PREVIOUS SIZE.

In the MOUSE tab we can set the actions of the player when buttons are pressed

In the PLAYBACK tab, check the PLAY FROM STOPPED box.

If your video is slow, set HIGH PRIORITY in the PRIORITY line

In the REWIND tab, you can set the seconds for which the file will be rewinded when you press left to right and with a combination of crl and shift


In the SAVE tab you can set folders for screenshots in the IMAGE line

In the ASSOCIATIONS tab, you can select cat file types. will open the player when double click file

By right-clicking on the open video file, select SUBTITLES - SELECT SUBTITLES you can select the subtitles of the video file

Right-click on the open video file and select VIDEO - SHADERS - SHADERS to select cat shaders. will be applied to video (for example, SHARPEN COMPLEX adds clarity to the video, but also makes the video grainy, 3D anagliph artificially makes the video 3-dimensional, if you have 3D anaglyph glasses then enjoy, edge shapren makes the edges of pixels sharper). There are shaders before and after scaling and they can be combined.

By right-clicking on the open video file, select VIDEO - VIDEO PROCESSING FILTERS. Here you can select more filters for the video file

By right-clicking on an open video file, select you can switch the audio track

2. kmplayer settings
- Right-click on the open video file in the player and select SETTINGS - CONFIGURATION. In the GENERAL tab, check the box for REMEMBER VIDEO POSITION, REMEMBER FOR AUDIO FILES. If you want to open several files at once in this program, uncheck the box next to ONE COPY OF THE PROGRAM.

In the AT STARTUP tab, uncheck AUTO CHECK FOR UPDATES if you do not want to receive program version updates.

In the PLAYBACK tab in PROCESS PRIORITY you can increase the priority of the player if the video is slow


In the COLOR BALANCE tab, you can adjust brightness, saturation and other parameters for video files. For example, by increasing saturation you can achieve a brighter picture in color

In the ASSOCIATIONS CAPTURE tab, you can mark which files the player will open when you double-click on the file

Right-click on an open video file and select SUBTITLES - SUBTITLE LANGUAGES to select the subtitles available for this video

By right-clicking on an open video file, select AUDIO - SELECT TRACKS, you can switch the audio track

By right-clicking on the open video file, select AUDIO - NORMALIZATION (this is necessary to equalize the sound volume, weak sounds are amplified and the loudest ones are weakened)

By right-clicking on the open video file, select FILTERS - KMP MATROSKA READER (THERE MAY BE ANOTHER FILTER NAME) here you can select everything that is in this open file. For example, change the audio track, subtitles, video track (if any)

By right-clicking on the open video file, select SETTINGS and TTS: READ SUBTITLES, all subtitles that will be displayed will be read in a female voice(only works with English subtitles)

Right-click on the open video file and select ON-SCREEN CONTROLS - ON TOP OF OTHER WINDOWS - DURING PLAYBACK

By right-clicking on the open video file, select RECORDING INFORMATION, you will see all the data about the playing file

Right-click on the open video file, select PLAY and check the box to CONTINUE FROM PLAYBACK

By right-clicking on the open video file, select VIDEO (ADVANCED) here you can set sharpening, blur and other video enhancements

3. Media settings player classic
- Open the player, click VIEW - SETTINGS. We check the box to remember the position of the DVD, remember the position in the file (so that when closing the file, the player remembers that moment of the film or video where we stopped, and the next time we launch this file, we continue to watch it from the place where we stopped). We also check the box to remember the window position (so that the video window that is not maximized to full screen will retain its position), remember the last playlist.
- If your video is slow, try checking the box for increased process priority

If you need each file to open in different copies programs set this parameter

In the FORMATS tab, select those files. you want to open with this player when you double click on the file

In the keys tab you can see and set “hot keys”

In the PLAYBACK tab you can set the volume change step, i.e. when you press the volume down or up, the sound will change by this percentage

To ensure that the player is always on top of the windows during video playback, right-click on the open video file in the player and select VIEW - ON TOP OF ALL WINDOWS - WHEN PLAYING VIDEO

If you see frames falling out in the video, try turning on vertical sync. To do this, right-click on the open video file in the player and select RENDERING SETTINGS - VSYNC - VSYNC

Right-click on the playing video window and select AUDIO - OPTIONS. Check the NORMALIZE box (this is necessary to equalize the sound volume, weaker sounds are amplified and the loudest ones are attenuated).

Here is a video lesson on the review of media player classic, daum pot player.

1. Daum potplayer settings (0:13)
2. kmplayer settings (3:26)
3. Media player classic settings (7:36)

Watching movies on a computer has long ceased to be something special and has turned into routine surgery, which does not require special skills and knowledge. And the only problem (if we leave aside the legality of downloading the corresponding content from the network) remains the presence in the system of the codecs necessary for correct playback. After all, there are a great variety of video file formats, ranging from the ancient AVI to multi-track MKV containers. Therefore it is often regular users encounter when organizing home theater with certain problems even for quite a long time powerful computers. This may be the absence of sound, or black and white image, and disappearing subtitles, and the player’s “misunderstanding” of a rare encoding format. As they say, choose what you like best. But, fortunately, most playback problems (at least those that are not related to hardware components) are solved by installing instead of a scanty and low-power Windows Media Playermodern and “omnivorous” player. And Daum PotPlayer is one of them.


The program can be found on the Internet in two versions. One of them is the official installer. Possibilities for fine pre-setting it has minimal ones, so if you don’t have a strong desire to engage in labor-intensive “tuning” of the program, you should choose one of the many assemblies, links to which are given at the end of the article. In this case, even with the default installation (by the way, it is entirely in Russian), you can get a fully working player with a set of useful add-ons.

Some distinctive features

As we already said, PotPlayer practically does not need additional settings(at least when using one of the assemblies), but for greater comfort, some changes are still worth making:

If you installed the program using the official installer, you will have to tinker a little with its configuration, for which you should either visit the forum on the offsite, or scroll through several pages of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ, Frequently Asked Questions) on ru-board.

Some Important Notes

Possible problems and ways to solve them

  1. The player slows down a lot. Choose a different decoding method (see above), disable resource-intensive programs running in parallel, or clean the system of “garbage”.
  2. No sound (picture). Most likely, the remnants of previously installed “codec packs” or conflicts at the hardware level are to blame. To deal with the problem, check Windows for errors, disable unused sound cards or simply reboot your computer.
  3. Playback ends with an error message. This is often heard when the file was downloaded from a dubious source on the Internet. If the situation does not improve after a reboot, you will, unfortunately, have to download the movie again.
  4. PotPlayer refuses to use video adapter resources. Make sure that your video card supports this functionality (the link is given at the end of the article).

Not the main task, this powerful media combiner for Windows can play Internet TV, among its many other capabilities.

Narrow-profile players, specially designed to work with IPTV using out-of-the-box software, will, of course, be able to beat PotPlayer or any other universal product with specific functions such as built-in IPTV playlists, surfing channels, TV programs or recording TV programs in the background .

However, the latter (take even the most popular of them IP -TV Player) can usually offer a little on the part fine tuning the player itself. What options for watching IPTV does the universal Daum PotPlayer provide?

PotPlayer for IPTV playback

Since PotPlayer is universal media player, it can be a very good option for those who like to work with media content in the window of one application.

For those who prefer one software interface and listen to music, and watch videos, and sometimes I would also like to skim through TV channels to see if they are showing anything worthwhile there for once.

PotPlayer is one of the most functional software for Windows on the market, surpassing in capabilities even its brother, a player from the same developer.

PotPlayer has a huge list of codec support. It can even play damaged or incomplete video files.

Supports all kinds of video sources -the local network, FTP, WebDAV, live broadcasts on the Internet, video hosting, etc.

Can play 3D and spherical 360° videos. PotPlayer comes with a pre-installed stylish skin adapted to touch control. Skins can be changed to others if desired.

As for the functionality involved in IPTV playback, PotPlayer has a lot to offer:

  • Convenient control, in particular, setting your own hot keys, mouse clicks, touch gestures and even Xbox joystick buttons in the program settings;
  • Video image adjustment – ​​brightness, contrast, saturation, hue, sharpness, etc.;
  • Sound settings - frequencies, channels, filters, selection of sound output device, etc.;
  • Adjusting the aspect ratio, in particular, automatically enabling the option of proportional stretching to fit the window size for TV channels that start with black stripes on the sides of the image;

  • Access to several IPTV playlists (the same IP-TV Player can play only one playlist, which can be changed in the settings);
  • Setting the type of IPTV playlists;
  • Ability to change playlists directly in the program window.

Any settings made inside PotPlayer, in particular those related to IPTV, can be exported to special file, and then import into a reinstalled Windows environment or on a different device.

Opening IPTV playlists

Playlists inside PotPlayer are opened using options in its menu or via hotkeys. To open IPTV playlists existing in the format network addresses, you must select “Open” in the menu, then “Open address” (or press the F3 key). And, in fact, enter the address.

And to open a playlist file in the “.m3u” file format, you need to call Explorer with the “Open” and “Open file” options (or combination Ctrl+O). Then specify the path to this file.

If there are a lot of playlists, you can associate them with PotPlayer in the file properties and launch them from Explorer.

List of TV channels

The list of TV channels is displayed on the hidden-drop-down panel on the right. Using the options in the context menu, you can select the appearance of the TV channel icons.

Individual channels can be added to the playback queue.

This is a separate tab on the right panel for the Favorites environment type.

Editing playlists

But PotPlayer can offer much more - the ability to send your favorite TV channels to a separate playlist. Using this player, you can edit IPTV playlists - remove unnecessary TV channels from them, add the ones you need from other playlists. And thus create fully customized TV content lists.

To clear the list of unnecessary or non-working channels, hold down the Ctrl key, mark them, in the context menu on the panel on the right, click “Remove from playlist”, then “Delete selected elements”.

Or you can just use the Del key. If only a small part of the entire contents of the playlist is left, you can do it differently: select only the necessary channels and use the “Delete unselected elements” option (or the keys or Ctrl + Del).

If in the main play IPTV list you need to add a TV channel that is present in another playlist, open the last one in PotPlayer window and select on the desired channel"Changing the playlist." Next – “Edit entry”.

Copy the path.

We paste the same path from the buffer.

A new TV channel has been added to the playlist. Now all that remains is to give it a human-intelligible name. We do this in the same form with which we copied the address. Select “Change playlist”, then “Change entry”. Change the channel name.

If necessary, the edited playlist can be saved to a file, in particular in popular formats".pls" and ".m3u".

Most PotPlayer users choose official version player, although there are plenty of revised versions from different authors. The initial settings of the program from the developer are not bad, however, in our opinion, they are not without some inconvenience. This will be especially noticeable for those who have only recently switched to PotPlayer after using similar applications.

Especially for this situation, we have prepared a list of useful settings changes that, we hope, will help make working in the player a little more comfortable.

1. Window in the center of the screen + fixed size

When launched, PotPlayer will always be centered on the screen and the same size. Isn't it a paradise for a perfectionist? To activate this option, use hotkey F5 to enter the settings panel → “General settings” → “Startup”. In the “Window position” item we set “In the center of the screen”, “Window size” → “Other size” and, for example, 600x300. Here you can choose your option to suit your own screen resolution. It should look something like this.

2. Video in full screen by double clicking the mouse

By default, double-clicking the PotPlayer mouse will stop/start the video, although many are already accustomed to such a function expanding the video to full screen or, conversely, minimizing it. It’s easy to restore justice - press F5 → “General settings” → “Mouse and pointers” → “ Left button (double click)" and select "Full screen | Restore”, we confirm the changes.

3. Enabling browsing history

Undoubtedly, a convenient option, which for some reason was initially disabled. To activate, go to settings (F5) → “General parameters”, at the bottom in the left column, check the box “List” latest files in favorites”, bottom right “OK”. History will now be available running files in “Favorites”, and it will be visible at what minute the viewing was completed.

4. Prioritize the desired language for audio tracks and subtitles

Initially, PotPlayer is correctly configured in this regard, Russian language for subtitles and audio tracks will be a priority. If you want to change, for example, to English, then instead of the original phrase “ru rus russian” you just need to write “en eng english” for tracks and subtitles.

5. Play a file from the moment it was stopped

Another one useful option, to enable it in the settings panel (F5), go to “Playback”, check the “Video from the moment it was stopped” item, save.

6. Display chapters, bookmarks and frame thumbnails

F5 → “Playback”, check “Show thumbnails” at the bottom left.

7. Disabling copies of the player

By default, PotPlayer will open another copy of itself when you launch it. new video file without closing the old one. If you don't like this behavior of the program, it can be easily fixed.

8. Update settings

We recommend not only setting the “Auto-update” option to “Once a week,” but also unchecking the “Auto-download updates” checkbox. If you wish, you can add a full network block for the PotPlayer process if you do not like the unauthorized appearance of the broadcast window.