Presentation on the topic: Communication technologies. Communication equipment

“Local Area Networks” - Types of LAN topologies. Repeater. Star. network hardware. Net. Speed ​​characteristics. LAN topology. Network interface card. Methods of connecting computers. twisted pair. A group of computers. Physical topology. Distributed star. Switch. Lots of users. Router.

“Wi-Fi” - The main purpose of Wi-Fi is to connect computers into a local network. Wi-Fi. What is Wi-Fi? Wi-Fi technology is one of the formats for transmitting digital data over radio channels. An access point is a kind of center around which a Wi-Fi network is formed. Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) - translated from English - “wireless loyalty”.

“Global and local networks” - Local and global networks. Problems information security in Russia are regulated by the Information Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation. First stage. Purposes of use local networks. Integrated applications. The built-in OperaShow function allows you to use HTML documents for presentations. A little bit of history...

“Corporate network” - Principles of corporate IS design. Access. The structure of the main goals (motives) of deliberate actions of personnel. Basic concepts of information security. Activity law enforcement. Russia's transition to market relations. Complete normalization of processes. Directions for improving information and communication systems.

“Wireless networks” - Speed ​​reaches 20 Mbit/s. The main element of any wireless network is the access point. Based on the IEEE 802.16 standard, also called Wireless. The distance for data transmission does not exceed 10 meters. Theoretically, the coverage area is 60 kilometers; in practice, it is about 10 km. Briefly about wireless network security tools.

"Local networks computer science" - "Bus" topology. Advantages and disadvantages of bus topology networks: Advantages and disadvantages of ring topology networks. All computers are connected using cable segments to a central component - a hub. Star topology. Ring topology. This topology is the simplest and most common network implementation.

There are a total of 17 presentations in the topic

Information transmission Channel capacity (information transmission rate) is the amount of information transmitted per unit of time. Units bandwidth channel Bit / sKbit / sMbit / sGbit / s Byte / sKbyte / sMByte / sGByte / s Sender of information Receiver of information Information transmission channel

Local networks A local network unites computers (within one building) and allows users to share the resources of computers and peripheral devices connected to the network (printers, modems, etc.) Types of local networks: Peer-to-peer network - all connected computers have equal rights. Network using a server that stores the most important information. Access to this information is determined by the network administrator.

Global computer network Internet The Internet unites local, regional and corporate networks throughout the world. The Internet is a network of networks. The user's computer can connect to the Internet using Internet service providers. The provider provides access to the Internet via telephone channel to hundreds and thousands of users simultaneously. The provider is the owner of the servers that have permanent connection to the Internet.

Internet connection Telephone communication channels Radio channels (within line of sight) Satellite channels A modem is used to connect a computer to a telephone line. The modem provides modulation and demodulation of the signal as it is transmitted over telephone lines. Modulation - an analog signal typical of telephone lines is converted into a digital (computer) signal, demodulation - inverse conversion.

Internet Addressing Every computer connected to the Internet has its own unique 32-bit IP address. Using the formula N = 2 I, you can calculate the total number of different IP addresses. N = 2 32 = A 32-bit IP address connects more than 4 billion computers to the Internet.

Addressing on the Internet For ease of readability, the binary 32-bit IP address is divided into four parts of 8 bits and each part is represented in decimal form. A decimal IP address consists of four numbers in the range 0 to 255, separated by dots (for example,) IP address in binary and decimal form Binary Decimal

Domain system names For the convenience of Internet users, a domain name system was introduced, which matches the numerical IP address of a computer with a unique Domain name. The domain name system has a hierarchical structure: domains top level– second-level domains – third-level domains, etc. Top-level domains are of two types: Geographic (two-letter) Administrative (three-letter)

Some top-level domain names Administrative Type of organization Geographical Country com Commercial ru Russia edu Educational ua Ukraine gov Government us USA net Communications ca Canada org Non-profit de Germany Administrative domains are often registered as second-level domains. For example, the domain name of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:

Routing Protocol (data routing) The Routing Protocol (IP) ensures the delivery of information from the sending computer to the receiving computer. Internet packets on the way to the recipient computer pass through numerous intermediate Internet servers on which the routing operation is performed. You can find out the route of information on the Internet using the Tracert.exe program, which is included in Windows.

Transport protocol(data transport) To ensure reliability during transport large files are broken down into separate IP packets The transport protocol (TCP) ensures that files are broken down into IP packets on the sending computer and files are assembled from the received packets on the receiving computer. Package delivery routes may vary

Information resources of the Internet World Wide Web (WWW) E-mail () File archives Communication on the Internet Reception of radio stations and television channels

World Wide Web Wide Web) The World Wide Web uses hypertext technology in which documents are linked together using hyperlinks. Hyperlinks allow you to navigate from one document to another. Documents containing hyperlinks are called Web pages, and the Internet servers that store them are called Web servers.

The World Wide Web ( World Wide Web) The World Wide Web is hundreds of millions Web servers The Internet contains hundreds of billions of Web pages that use hypertext technology. Thematically related Web pages make up a website. A website is an integral system of documents interconnected into a single whole using hyperlinks.

World Wide Web You can find a Web page on the Internet using the universal resource locator (Web page address). The universal resource locator (URL) includes the document access protocol, the domain name or IP address of the server on which the document is located, as well as the path to the file and the file name itself: Protocol:// domain name / file path / file name

World Wide Web A transmission protocol is used to access Web pages. HTTP hypertext. When writing a protocol, its name is followed by a colon and two forward slashes: Example of the address of one of the pages of a computer science website Access protocol Server domain name File path and file name of the Web page

World Wide Web Viewing Web pages is carried out using special programs - browsers. The most common browser is Internet Explorer. Other browsers: Opera, Mozilla. To view a Web page, you must enter its URL in address bar browser.

Electronic mail () Electronic mail is historically the first computer networking service. Advantages over by regular mail: Message forwarding speed. The letter may contain attached files (documents, graphics, sound, etc.). Allows you to send messages to several subscribers at once.

Email address The email address consists of two parts, separated by Name _ server name _ The user name is set by the user himself when registering a mailbox. Server name – domain name mail server, which is registered Mailbox. Email address of the newspaper "The Light Path" File archives Servers file archives: Access to files on file archive servers is possible both via HTTP and a special transfer protocol FTP files. FTP protocol allows you not only to download files to your computer, but also to transfer files from your computer to the server.

Chatting on the Internet Exchange messages typed on the keyboard. Real-time communication servers (chat). Chat is a virtual room where people gather and chat in real time. Communication using the ICQ system. ICQ – a program that allows you to exchange instant messages Internet telephony – voice messages through the Internet. Skype is a program that provides voice communication through the Internet.

Slide_image" src="" alt=" Concept computer network Computer networks are systems of computers connected by data transmission channels, ensuring the effective provision of various information and computing services to users through the implementation of convenient and reliable" title=" Concept of a computer network Computer networks are systems of computers connected by data transmission channels, providing efficient provision of various information and computing services to users through the implementation of convenient and reliable…">!}

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Presentation on the topic: Communication technologies

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The concept of a computer network Computer networks are systems of computers connected by data transmission channels that ensure the effective provision of various information and computing services to users through the implementation of convenient and reliable access to network resources. Information systems that use the capabilities of computer networks ensure the following tasks: · Data storage and processing · Organizing user access to data · Transferring data and processing results to users

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Types of computer networks Computer networks, depending on the territory covered, are divided into: · local · regional · global In a local network, subscribers are located at a short distance (up to 10-15 km). LANs include networks of individual enterprises, firms, banks, offices, etc. RVNS connect subscribers of a city, district, region. Global networks connect subscribers remote from each other at a considerable distance, located in different countries, or different continents.

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Technical support computer networksTechnical support for computer networks includes the following components: servers, workstations; data channels; interface boards and signal conversion devices;* routers and switching equipment. Workstation - a computer through which the user gains access to network resources. Often workstation, just like the network user, is called a network client. A server is a multi-user computer designed to process requests from all network workstations, providing these stations with access to common system resources. The server runs a network operating system

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The Internet is a combination of various computer networks (global, regional, local) interconnected by communication channels. The main functions of the Internet are: information, communication, deliberative, commercial, entertainment.

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The Internet cannot exist without uniform rules that determine the order in which computers transmit data on the network, since computers are built on different hardware platforms and run by different operating systems. A set of agreements on the rules for generating messages and formats is called a protocol. The transmitted data is divided into small pieces called packets. Each packet travels through the network independently of other packets. They move from one node to another and are then forwarded to another node located “closer” to the recipient. If the packet is not transmitted successfully, the transmission is repeated. It is theoretically possible that different messages will take different paths, but will still reach the recipient and be collected into a complete document.

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Networks on the Internet all communicate with each other because all computers involved in data transfer use single protocol TCP/IP communications (read “TCP/IP”). TCP/IP is actually two different protocols that define different aspects of network communication: TCP protocol(Transmission Control Protocol) – a data transmission control protocol that uses automatic retransmission of packets containing errors; this protocol is responsible for partitioning transmitted information on packets and correct recovery of information from recipient packets. Internet Protocol (IP) is an internetworking protocol responsible for addressing and allowing a packet to pass through multiple networks on its way to its final destination.

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There are three types of addresses used on the Internet: IP address - the main one network address, assigned to each computer when entering the network. A digital address or IP address is convenient for processing on a computer. It is 32 bits long, divided into 4 blocks of 8 bits each. IN decimal code An IP address looks like a sequence of four numbers separated by dots, each of which can take values ​​in the range from 0 to 255. For example,

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domain address is a symbolic address that has a strict hierarchical structure. It is easy to decipher a domain name by reading its components from right to left. For example, means that the computer (server) is located in the Microsoft domain, which is part of the top-level

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URL address– a link to any document on the Internet. The so-called universal resource locator (URL, Uniform Resource Locator), which indicates the location of each file stored on a computer connected to the Internet. 1. The first part of the URL corresponds to the access protocol being used, for example http://2. The second part of the URL specifies the domain name 3. The third part of the URL - the file access path - is similar to the file path on the client computer For example: http://www

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Services (services) are types of services that are provided by servers Internet networks. World Wide Web - World Wide Web - a service for searching and viewing hypertext documents, including graphics, sound and video. Email – Email– electronic messaging service. Usenet, News – newsgroups, newsgroups – a type of online newspaper or bulletin board. FTP is a file transfer service. ICQ is a service for real-time communication using a keyboard, etc.

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Information and communication technologies (ICT) - the use of a computer to search, transmit, store, structure and process information. The concept of “information processing” also includes the creation new information based on (using) existing

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The subject teacher - Teacher-tutor - uses ICT as an auxiliary tool in his teaching activities, but his competence in the field of ICT does not allow him (for now) to be a mentor (tutor) for other teachers in this field. owns IR technologies not only to a greater extent than a subject teacher, but also uses them more flexibly and diversified.

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ICT literacy - simple mastery of basic skills in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) ICT competence - the ability to creatively apply skills in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) The professional orientation of education and self-education of a subject teacher stimulates the development of his pedagogical competence and allows for practical activities to form a subject-oriented level of ICT competence, so necessary in the educational process

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Information processes influence all components of the educational system: the content of education and upbringing, the activities of teaching and support personnel, the solution of financial and economic issues, and determine the system of guidelines and growth points for the educational system as a whole. This is due to the fact that the educational process, which is a pedagogically organized interaction of its participants, is also an information process associated with the production, storage, exchange and consumption of various information. Due to this circumstance, it is necessary to organize a unified information space educational institution, that is, the environment in which it will flow.

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Information space of an educational institution, general principles of its construction

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The unified information space of an educational institution is a system in which all participants in the educational process are involved and connected at the information level.

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The goals of creating a single information space: organizing the delivery of information received from external sources, inside educational institution; integration of internal processes (educational, organizational) and information technologies.

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EOIP (single educational and information space) of an educational institution is a system that: includes material, technical, information and human resources; ensures automation of management and pedagogical processes, coordinated processing and use of information, full-fledged information exchange; assumes the presence of a regulatory and organizational framework, technical and methodological support

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Participants in the information space Administration Teachers Students Parents TOP LEVEL MANAGERS ADMINISTRATION STUDENTS TEACHERS PARENTS Scheme information links between participants in the educational process

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Information infrastructure, which combines various information resources of the institution’s structural divisions and ensures their uniform use, includes: general-purpose software (text and graphic editors, spreadsheets and etc.); software for automating the activities of various services (for accounting for students and parents, for personnel records, for scheduling, for analyzing academic performance, for library automation, etc.); software and methodological support for organizing the educational process (educational and developmental computer programs, electronic directories, multimedia encyclopedias, etc.); information resources of an educational institution (unified database, educational and methodological data banks, multimedia educational developments, document repository, website).

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General principles formation of information space Before attempting to form an information space, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: Determine the circle of participants in the information space from among the participants in the educational process, the degree of their interest and forms of interaction inside and outside information field educational institution. Identify the most common flows of basic or basic information, which are the easiest to formalize and, as a result, are already formalized in any (or almost any) educational institution. Clearly describe the structure of the information space and all its information levels and sublevels.

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The school must create its own model of informatization and the information and educational space of the school in the information space of the region, have a team with information culture and owning information technology design

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The model for constructing an information space can consist of several levels: The first level is the presence in an educational institution of one computer (or several that are not interconnected). The common base and applications are installed on this computer. The second level is Intranet (internal network), or the presence of several computers united into one network. The third level is the Internet, which provides for the creation and opening of access to the educational institution’s website for all direct participants in the educational process and external visitors

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The website of an educational institution must provide the following features: interactive communication of participants in the educational process; posting information for public viewing; placement of service information, access to which is provided only after entering the appropriate code or password; placement of individual information fields of participants containing personalized information.

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Model of the information space of an educational institution Teachers Students Educational process Director Educational institution administration Accountant, caretaker Administrative and financial support Public information Librarian, psychologist, etc. Ensuring the Educational Process Head Teacher Planning and Organization of the Educational Process

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The means that make up the unified information space of an educational institution: means of organization and management; means of communication; means of education

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Main groups information flows, features of their formation Analysis of the main directions of work of an educational institution and the tasks it solves allows us to divide the main production processes of the institution into three large groups: Planning, organization and operational management educational process as a basic production process educational institution. Administration the functioning of the educational institution and ensuring the educational process in compliance with all necessary external and internal reporting forms. Organization and provision of content of the educational process.

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Stages of formation of the information space of the educational institution Formation of basic information of the educational institution Processing and specification of basic information in the system of planning and management of the educational process Transfer of information from the planning system to the system for administering the activities of the educational institution and the system for ensuring the content of the educational process. Processing, archiving, storage Transfer and processing of information in modules additional security. Generation of reporting documentation

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Internal information space of a school teacher Organization of a teacher’s information space on an interschool server or personal computer. But in addition to a computer, a subject teacher’s workplace should include a printer and scanner, as well as a multimedia projector.

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Organization of the teacher’s personal information space One of the main competencies of a subject teacher in the field of ICT is the ability to organize his computerized workplace. To do this, you need to have an understanding of the basic elements of a computer, system and peripheral devices (printer, scanner, etc.).

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Proper organization of your workplace means a file system that is convenient for you plus application software used in your professional activities. In order to be able to work with software, you need to learn how to work with a special environment for their work - the operating system.

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All software products are divided into certain classes: Operating systems (coordinate the interaction of programs and devices). Application software products (applications): general-purpose applications (MS Word, MS Excel MS, Power Point, graphic, text and web editors): special-purpose applications, for example “1C: ChronoGraph School”.

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Personal computer – universal technical system. Its configuration (equipment composition) can be flexibly changed as needed. However, there is a concept of a basic configuration that is considered typical. The computer usually comes with this kit. The concept of a basic configuration may vary. Currently, four devices are considered in the basic configuration: system unit, monitor, keyboard, mouse

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The advantages of a PC are: low cost, within the reach of an individual buyer; autonomy of operation without special requirements for environmental conditions; flexibility of architecture, ensuring its adaptability to a variety of applications in the field of management, science, education, and everyday life; "friendliness" of the operating system and other things software, making it possible for the user to work with it without special professional training; high reliability work

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To measure the amount of information, a special unit of measurement has been introduced. It is called a bit (from the English phrase binary digit). So the capacity of storage devices can be measured in bits. However, practice has shown that a bit is too small a value. Therefore, another value is used, which is called a byte. A byte is equal (as it was defined!) to 8 bits. 1 byte=8 bits

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But a byte is not a large quantity. Therefore, just as we enter kilograms (that is, thousands of grams), we need to enter kilobytes (that is, thousands of bytes). 1 kilobyte = 1024 bytes

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System unit The following is installed in the system unit: a hard drive, which is connected with a special cable to motherboard; special power supply for supply electrical energy all devices system unit; devices for working with external media. On the front panel of the system unit there are buttons: turning on the unit (labeled Power), rebooting the computer (Reset), access indicator hard drive(with a cylinder image), power supply indicator.

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Monitor The results of the computer are displayed on the monitor. Externally, the monitor resembles a TV. Monitors differ in many ways, in particular, screen size (like televisions). The most common monitors now have a screen diagonal of 17 inches (approximately 43 cm). At the same time, the visible area of ​​the monitor screen is approximately 40 cm. Currently, monitors with liquid crystal screens are becoming increasingly common.

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Keyboard Keyboard - keyboard control device personal computer. Serves to enter alphanumeric (character) data, as well as control commands. The monitor and keyboard combination provides simplest interface user. The computer system is controlled using the keyboard, and feedback is received using the monitor. Inside the keyboard housing are key sensors, decoding circuits, and the keyboard microcontroller.

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Mouse A mouse is a special kind of manipulator that allows you to optimize work with a large category computer programs. Based on the method of movement, mice are divided into optical-mechanical and optical. Based on the method of transmitting data to the computer, mice are divided into wired and wireless.

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The data that the processor will process must be taken from somewhere. Thus, we should move on to the concept of computer memory (memory), which we will talk about separately. Next, we need to provide communication channels between the processor and memory. These communication channels are called buses. Processor Processor - a device that processes information

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Motherboard You need to somehow place the processor, memory, and buses “in space.” Therefore, a special motherboard is made, which provides places for mounting the processor and memory. At the same time, the board itself is made of PCB, and the buses are metal conductors deposited on this PCB.

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Computer memory But now the problem arises of how to ensure high speed data transfer from memory to the processor and back. The point is that the processor can add and subtract (and multiply and divide) very quickly. I would like to give him information as quickly as he can process it. Consequently, the processes of reading from memory and writing to memory must also proceed very quickly. And here the question arises - how to ensure this technically? Computer creators decided that the problem should be solved in two stages (in accordance with modern technical capabilities) and divided memory into two complexes - operative memory and long-term memory. Let's look at them.

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RAM RAM responds very quickly to all demands of the processor and supplies it with the requested data for processing. RAM communicates with both the processor and long-term memory. This memory is made on special chips that can very quickly exchange data with the processor.

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Long-term memory. HDD. Externally, the hard drive is a closed box. It often happens that the hard drive at the bottom is also closed, and you will not see any chips at all. If we remove the bottom cover, we will see that there is actually a disk inside this box. This disk rotates with high speed(7200 rpm). Information is written (read) onto its surface using electromagnetic pulses. This is done by a read-write head mounted on a rod. In general, the device resembles a gramophone record player, which some still remember, but others know only from movies. Usually when they talk about long-term memory, mean the so-called hard disks(they are often called hard drives)

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Why are two types of memory needed? Why can’t you get by with just one RAM, since it’s so fast and good? There are two reasons for this. RAM requires constant power supply. As they say, RAM volatile. When you turn off your computer, everything will be erased from it. You can, of course, not turn it off. But if there is a power outage, the fate of your information will be tragic.

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Video card As a rule, modern video cards intended for games have their own specialized processor, as well as their own RAM. If the computer does not have a video card, then you cannot connect a monitor to it even just physically: the connector for connecting the monitor is located on the video card. Other cards can be installed in the computer, for example, a sound card (for playing sounds, music), LAN card(to connect to a local computer network) and so on. To connect external devices on motherboard There are special connectors. A monitor is used to “communicate” the computer with us. The monitor should also be connected to the motherboard. To pair them with each other in modern computers a special tire is used. In addition, it is used additional device, which relieves the processor of the need to remember and process information about the brightness and color of points on the monitor. This device is called a video card.

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Cooler and other devices In addition to expansion cards, the computer uses many other devices. For example, a fan for cooling a processor, a cooler.

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Documents and Programs You use your computer to view, edit, and create a variety of materials. All didactic and methodological notes, task cards, descriptions laboratory work etc., as well as reports, photographs, drawings, videos, sound recordings, tables, diagrams - all of them are documents. All the tools with which you perform some actions on these documents are called programs.

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To work with a document, you must use an appropriate program that can process documents of the appropriate type. It is clear that for drawing you need to use different programs than those used for writing text teaching aid. Therefore, there are many programs on your computer that can work with various types of documents.

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Operating system In order for you to work with these programs, you need another special program, which will make sure that all other programs work correctly so that they do not interfere with each other. Roughly speaking, such a program must link together programs, documents, and must also correctly distribute access to various computer resources, such as the processor, memory, space in long-term memory, etc. and so on. We can say that this should be a kind of NAD program that brings everything together into a system and allows you to perform operations on the elements of this system. This program is called the operating system.

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The operating system exists on any computer (it is installed on the computer before you are allowed to work on this computer). Without an operating system, it is impossible to communicate with a computer. It is also impossible to add (install) new programs to a computer if some operating system is not pre-installed on the computer. You will work with an operating system developed by Microsoff. This operating system is called Windows (windows). There are several modifications of this operating system. We will consider the operating system Microsoft Windows XP Professional.

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About other programs that run on a computer, they say that they run in the Windows “environment”. These programs are not simply copied onto the computer, but installed (installed) in a certain simple but special way. Programs are integrated into the operating system. Therefore, programs are often called Windows applications. Since they are included as a kind of autonomous objects (they organize a kind of federal state), then these programs can only be removed using special procedure, which is called uninstallation.

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Programs are a set of specific instructions that describe how a computer should react to certain actions of a person using the computer. (This person is called the user). The instructions are coded in numbers. Therefore, the programs are said to be presented in digital form. Likewise, all documents are presented in digital form. Documents and programs are stored on the computer (digitally) as separate blocks. File - a volume of information that has a name and is recorded on a hard drive, called a file.

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All documents and programs are stored as files. Programs can contain several files (several tens or even hundreds). Documents are typically stored in one file each, but there can be a more complex situation when a document consists of several files. The files are placed on the computer's hard drive in an order that is convenient for you. operating system. In order for files to be found, each file has a specific name, which consists of two parts separated by a dot: the actual file name and the file name extension. For example: Mydrawing.bmp, My_drawing.bmp, Mydrawing.bmp The file name extension indicates the type of document (in fact, the way it is translated into digital view and a method for recovering from this view and displaying it on a computer screen). Some extensions are uniquely linked to the program in which it was created this document. For example: Instructions. doc – Document created using the program Microsoft Word. Instructions. ppt – Document created in the program Microsoft PowerPoint. Such documents are said to be of a certain type. Thus, files created in Word are generally represented as: *. doc And they talk about them as “Word” type files. The fact is that files created in one program can often be read not only in the parent program, but also in another program specially “trained” for this.

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Folders The computer is able to give you a list of all the files that are contained on the hard drive so that you can find required file and start working with him. However, if your computer contains thousands or even tens of thousands of files, it will be difficult to find the file you need. The situation will become even more complicated if you need to work with some group of files related to the topic you are currently working on. You not only need to find each file, but also remember which files you need and what they were called. Practice shows that this is a rather difficult task. To make it easier to work with files, you can collect them into groups called folders. Slide 51 The file system is general structure, which determines the naming, saving and placement of files in the operating system. For Windows XP, the file system is called NTFS. When dealing with a file system, you are actually working with a kind of address table where file location data is entered. Moreover, if the full address of a person includes the region, district, city, street, house, apartment, last name and initials of the person, then the full address of the file includes the “path” to it through a set of folders. For example: Kursk region, Zolotukhinsky district, village of Second Vorobyovka, estate of A.A. Feta, director. The file location is indicated in the same way: C:\Documents and Settings\ivanovps\My Documents\Book\Chapter -1\Working with the Windows program.doc Here the names of the folders are listed through oblique dashes, which are called “slashes”. This instruction is called " full name file." It can be schematically represented file system in this form. Icons are graphic images, which allow you to quickly find and launch the necessary program. The program is launched double click the corresponding icon. Below the icon is its name. If the title is too long, it is interrupted by an ellipsis; as soon as you left-click the icon once, the title will be displayed in full.

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If there is an arrow in the lower left corner of the icon, then it is a shortcut. A shortcut is a link to the program. When you delete a shortcut, the program it points to is not deleted.

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Communication technologies


Communication channels: Telephone lines; Coaxial cable; Fiber optic lines; Radio communications; Satellite connection and etc.

Communication channel capacity (data transfer rate) - the number of bits of information transmitted over the channel per second Bit / s, K bit / s, Mbit / s, byte / s, KB / s, MB / s 100 M bit / s =( 100*1024*1024):8=13107200 bytes/s

Computer network - connecting computers to exchange information and sharing resources (printer, modem, scanner, disk memory, etc.).

I. Local network – connects computers located on short distances from each other (50–1000 meters within one or more nearby buildings) LAN – local computer network, LAN – Local Area Network

Components of a local network To organize a local network, you need to install a network card in each PC and connect all computers using a special cable.

Local network components Sometimes the components necessary for connecting computers are already installed on system board and then separate network card need not. In this case, the socket for network cable located on the rear wall of the system unit.

LAN components Cables Coaxial cable – transmission speed up to 10 Mbps. Twisted pair - transmission speed up to 100 Mbit/s.

LAN Components Cable Connectors for Coaxial Cable for Twisted Pair

Components of a local network Hubs (HUB or Switch) - used to connect computers on a network. A hub can have a varying number of connection ports (usually from 8 to 32).

Local networks (according to the way computers interact) peer-to-peer networks with a dedicated server

Peer-to-peer local network In a peer-to-peer local network, all computers have equal rights. Shared devices can be connected to any computer on the network.

Network with a dedicated server Network structure with a dedicated server

Network with a dedicated server Server (from the English server - service device) is a computer that distributes resources between network users.

Connection type - “ring”

Connection type - "star"

Connection type - “bus”

Tree (hierarchical) configuration

II. Regional (city) network - a combination of computers and local networks to solve common problems on a regional scale. RVS – regional computer network, MAN - Metropolitan Area Network

III. Corporate network - association of computers and local networks within a corporation (corporation - association)

IV. Global network is an association of computers, local, regional and corporate networks For general use world information INTERNET resources– literally “Internetwork” WAN – global computer network, WAN – Wide Area Network

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Creation and use of electronic multimedia presentations, equipment computer equipment help to maintain students' sustained interest in acquiring knowledge....

Presentation "Communication Technologies"

In this presentation you will find material about the transfer of information, classification and main characteristics of communication channels, the structure of local computer networks....


The purpose of the lesson is to develop cognitive interest in the problem of competitiveness; formation of a criterion for studying a situation, making judgments, choosing a solution path, as well as searching for acceptable inter...