Gs 8306 latest firmware. Tricolor TV receiver firmware for free viewing

On the website of the equipment manufacturer for Tricolor appeared The new software for the GS 8306 receiver is firmware version 1.9.160.

This firmware was intended to replace software version 1.2.001, released several years ago. It must be said that firmware version 1.2.001 for the GS 8306 is exactly the software with which the GS 8306 receiver began to work more or less normally and stably - it did not freeze, the picture practically did not freeze, the channels switched quite quickly. With firmware 1.2.001, the GS 8306 receiver had only one problem left uncured - the external 12v, 2A power supply could fail, but the problem was solved by purchasing another unit at a price of 500-700 rubles. And even the above problem is not very common with the GS 8306 model.

And now, after several years of successful operation of the receiver with proven and proven firmware, for some reason it was necessary to release new software - version 1.9.160.

Well, they released a new firmware and released it. Usually, after updating the software, Tricolor receivers begin to work more stably. There was an expectation that even after updating the firmware to 1.9.160 everything would be fine.

The website of the manufacturer of the GS 8306 model lists the following characteristic features of the new firmware (see screenshot below):

Changes compared to the previous software version:

  1. Modern graphical interface of Stingray software
  2. Improved receiver stability
  3. Added functionality for manual channel search
  4. Improved operation of the Tricolor TV Cinemas application

Description of the characteristics of the new version of software for the GS 8306 receiver - version 1.9.160 Picture - screenshot of the page at -

I would like to pay special attention to point No. 2 of the description of the new firmware - the stability of the receiver has been increased!!!

In practice, we encountered the following problems when flashing and after flashing the GS 8306 receiver to version 1.9.160
  1. The receiver is flashed over the air, and if you confirm the completion of the firmware, it may not be successful - the firmware process freezes and the receiver remains in an unflashed state. At the same time, the old firmware has already been erased. That. the receiver turns into a brick. Further restoration is only possible by unsoldering the flash memory chip, flashing it in the programmer and soldering it back into the receiver. This is a relatively expensive procedure.
  2. Another problem with flashing is the long duration of its execution. People are starting to get confused about whether the firmware has already been completed or whether the procedure is still ongoing. Confused and unable to stand it, many of them, out of impatience, disconnect the receiver from the power supply and if the firmware has not yet been completed, then the receiver again turns into a brick.

Those subscribers who were lucky and whose receiver, after several hours, was successfully updated to 1.9.160 will have to face other problems in the operation of the receiver, which previously worked stably.

  1. The message “no signal” appears periodically when viewing channels. After such a message, you can switch to another channel, watch it for a while, return to the channel on which the “no signal” message appeared and continue watching the selected channel again for a while. But only until the next time the “no signal” message appears.
  2. From the description of the new firmware it is clear that it has received a “modern graphical interface for the Stingray software.” So, the needs of this very Stingray, according to our subjective feelings, exceed the capabilities of the processor and memory of the GS 8306 receiver. This leads to the fact that channels now switch much longer than before - not with the old firmware 1.2.001.
  3. When switching channels, especially when switching channels of different thematic packages, some receivers simply reboot.
  4. Pink tint to the image after turning on the receiver. Some users actually encountered the problem that after the firmware all their channels are shown in pink. Although, maybe it’s good to look at the picture in pink in our 21st century. The problem is eliminated by overloading the receiver's power supply.
  5. The picture may freeze terribly on some channels. On our test receiver, the “Match HD” channel, number 103 in the channel list, especially freezes.
  6. If after the firmware the receiver has not turned into a brick and continues to function at the very least, then flashing it back to stable firmware 1.2.001 via the USB port will not work - it is blocked
  7. Periodically, the receiver reboots on its own even without any action, such as changing the channel
  8. The audio and video tracks are periodically out of sync
  9. From time to time the receiver simply freezes, especially when it experiences some kind of load, for example, when switching channels.

These are, perhaps, the main points that owners of the GS 8306 receiver on the new firmware 1.9.160 will encounter. And in our, again, subjective opinion, most of the listed problems are related to the fact that the hardware power of the GS 8306 receiver is not enough to satisfy all the needs of the new Stingray software.

In light of all the identified operating problems with the new firmware 1.9.160, one can only guess what increase in the stability of the receiver the software developer is talking about.

Now let’s talk about how to continue using the receiver on firmware 1.9.160

This is what we personally did with our own GS 8306 receiver to improve its stability. This is the method that was recommended by colleagues who encountered and dealt with the problems of firmware 1.9.160 before us - to increase the stability of the receiver with the received signal, it is necessary to set the frequency (lower and upper) of the local oscillator to 1 MHz higher than the standard value - 10751 MHz versus the standard 10750 MHz

After the local oscillator frequency was set to 10751 MHz, the receiver stopped displaying the “no signal” message when viewing channels and began to work more stably when viewing and switching channels. It is already difficult to do anything more.

What else do you need to know when operating the GS 8306 on firmware 1.9.160

The new firmware has changed the operating mode of the receiver. Now the receiver automatically determines to which video output the cable connecting to the TV is connected. Depending on which video output the firmware detects the connection cable to that video output, it will send a video signal. In the case when 2 cables (HDMI and 3RCA) are connected to the receiver at once, confusion may arise and the receiver will not understand which video output to send the video signal to. Therefore, we connect only one video cable to the receiver at a time.

Another point is the light indication on the receiver. If previously the top lit indicator meant the activity of the HDMI output of the set-top box, then on firmware 1.9.160 the glow of only the top indicator means that the receiver is in standby mode and to start watching it must first be turned on. And after turning on, the receiver will automatically send a video signal to the detected video output.

Download firmware 1.9.160 for GS 8306

If you really need it, then the “wonderful” firmware for the GS 8306 receiver can be downloaded from the official website of the manufacturer of this receiver at

P.S. — After lengthy problems with mastering the new firmware for the 8306 receiver, a number of questions arose:

  1. Why was it necessary to write new software for the receiver if the old one worked stably and with virtually no complaints?
  2. when will new software appear that will fix all the problems and bugs in version 1.9.160

Deterioration in signal quality or incorrect setting of Tricolor TV channels may indicate that the receiver software version is outdated. To eliminate control errors, get rid of operational problems and even expand the range of capabilities of the Tricolor TV GS-8306 receiver, you need to update the software. You can cope with this task without contacting a specialist; it will take about a third of an hour, a little knowledge of how to flash the equipment you have at home, and its subsequent configuration.

Preparing for a software update

Before flashing the receiver, you need to make sure that the device reliably receives the signal. Due to the fact that the software will be installed directly via satellite, any technical failure could be fatal for the receiver. For the same reason, it is necessary to ensure uninterruptible power supply, otherwise it may not turn on the next time you start it.

If you are outside the city in windy weather, a thunderstorm, or during a given period of time there are periodic power outages, then it is better not to risk it and postpone the procedure for a while.

How to reflash the receiver yourself

The firmware will take you about 20 minutes, but at this time you should not neglect the instructions and turn off the receiver or TV. The sequence of actions is as follows:

If you have doubts about your own abilities, as well as fears that the set-top box may no longer turn on due to an interruption in the data loading process, it is better to contact a service center.

The company’s specialists can not only reflash the receiver, but also produce equipment diagnostics. In this case, it is worth finding out in advance about the cost of the services provided and the timing of their implementation.

What will the new firmware version change?

The processes of information exchange and improvement of communication channels do not stand still. In order to improve picture quality and sound quality, developers are working tirelessly to create a new software environment. Although the devices in users' homes will remain old, timely software updates can expand functionality and make the interface of the satellite set-top box simpler and more convenient.

Do not forget that a new version of the software for the GS-8306 Tricolor TV model is planned for 2017. This means you can’t miss the opportunity to have improved quality satellite television at home or in your dacha.

Opportunities will open up before you:

  • sorting films by alphabet, genre and show time;
  • reading descriptions of films and TV series that interest you;
  • setting a timer for turning on selected viewing sessions.

Summing up

Now you know exactly how to update the software of your Tricolor GS-8006 receiver . Detailed instructions will certainly help to maintain the correct operation of the equipment throughout its entire service life and not waste money on the help of specialists. In addition, it becomes possible, without changing the device, to expand the functionality of the set-top box and change the interface, which with each new version becomes more intuitive, understandable and attractive.

This article should be useful to subscribers of the satellite operator Tricolor TV who purchased Tricolor TV satellite equipment kits with a GS 8306 (8305) receiver, the software version of which is V 1.0.049.

These kits, packaged in branded boxes, can currently be found mostly on the shelves of chain stores, the names of which we will not mention, but buyers turning to this article will remember the names of these stores, including with an unkind word.

In March 2013 The software for this receiver model was updated via satellite, but the kits that were on store shelves at that time, and as you understand, were not connected to satellite dishes, simply did not receive the same update package version V 1.1.001 necessary for viewing channels in HD format.

As stated by the Tricolor TV company itself, GS 8306 receivers that have not received the update package will not be able to provide access to viewing channels in HD format.

There are several ways out of this situation:

1. Wait for the next update via satellite for the GS 8306 receiver model, but no one can say with certainty when it will happen.
2. Contact the service center with a request to change the software version, but this is a costly method.
3. Update the receiver software yourself by downloading the firmware from our website in the section or by rummaging through the “Help” menu on the main website of the Tricolor company.

Below we present the sequence of actions that you will need to repeat in order to change the software on the GS 8306 receiver:

1. To install the firmware, you need a flash card, which you can find at home or buy, or temporarily borrow from your friends or relatives. Please note that not all flash cards are compatible with the GS 8306 receiver, so we recommend that you find a card from Transcend; it was the flash card from this company that our company repeatedly updated the software of the receiver of this model.
2. After you have acquired a flash card, you need to format it in FAT-32 and make sure that there are no damaged blocks on the card. If there are damaged blocks, we replace the flash card.
3. Copy the file ssu_gsc_stb.upg to the root directory of our formatted flash card without changing the file name.

4. Before inserting the flash card into the receiver, you need to make sure that the receiver is turned off, it is advisable to unplug the receiver's power supply from the outlet.
5. With the receiver turned off, insert the flash card into the USB drive connector located on the rear panel of the GS 8306 receiver.

6. Plug the receiver's power supply into a power outlet and press the round receiver power button located on the front panel of the receiver body. Sometimes to turn on the receiver you need to hold down the power button for 2-3 seconds, so we immediately recommend that you hold down this button so as not to make further attempts to turn on the receiver.

7. After a few seconds, you will see the LEDs surrounding the power button begin to blink alternately, and on the TV screen you will see a frame with the inscription “Please wait, the software is being updated.” The scale will gradually fill, which means the software update process is moving forward.

It is strictly forbidden to remove the flash card from the USB connector of the receiver before the message about the completed update appears, otherwise you risk the receiver failing and requiring you to contact a service center.

8. After the entire scale is filled with green, and on the screen you will see the message “Update completed successfully! Please disconnect the USB storage device and reboot the receiver." All you have to do is remove the flash card from the USB drive connector and use the power button on the front panel of the receiver to turn off the receiver.

9. Again, use the power button on the front panel of the receiver to turn on the receiver and enjoy watching channels in HD format that were not available with the old software version V 1.0.049

If you still have any questions, you can ask them by calling our company Kirovsat t. 44-13-50, t.s. 8-912-734-13-50 or in our store at Kirov, st. Svobody, 130 Shopping center "Mayak" (near the Central Market).

Question answer

Question: How much does Tricolor TV cost you?
Answer: A set of equipment for viewing Tricolor TV channels with the new GS 8307 Full HD receiver costs 7,900 rubles. This equipment allows you to receive more than 170 channels. Of course, the price of the first year of viewing is included in the price of the set. If you want to watch even more, buy additional packages from the Tricolor TV operator. The cost of a standard installation is 1000 rubles.

Question: Where can I buy a Tricolor kit in Kirov and order installation?
Answer: Call the Kirovsat company phone numbers 44-13-50, 8-912-734-13-50 and report the model of satellite equipment that you have decided to install and the installation address. Choose the most suitable delivery and installation time for you. After installing and configuring the equipment, pay the installation fee and the cost of the equipment.

Question: What do customers most often choose now?
Answer: Most often you have to put Tricolor and Telecard.

Question: My old antenna was blown away by the wind and the wires were broken, the cost of a new setup and installation will be the same - 1000 rubles?
Answer: No, you will have to pay much less to restore normal channel viewing. We offer significant discounts to customers whose antennas are already installed.

Question: I don’t know if it is possible to install the antenna near the balcony or window. Is there a satellite signal?
Answer: Contact us and give the exact address indicating where the windows face. In most cases this is possible.

We update GS 8306 from USB to the new version 1.9.160, beginning

GS 8306 has waited its turn and we are updating it via USB. For this we have a new software version 1.9.160. Let's see what difficulties there may be during pouring. Because, unfortunately, updates on operator receivers have not been going very smoothly lately.

GS 8306 version p.o. 1.9.160

GS 8306 update process

2. The receiver begins the update process. The entire button is lit, but there is no image on the screen! It is impossible to check the update process on the screen; both receiver outputs do not work!

GS 8306 version p.o. 1.9.160, upper diode.

3. One diode of the receiver lights up constantly, the second blinks occasionally. This is all normal, the main thing is not to turn off the receiver from the network! If you turn off the power now, the receiver will fly far and long!

GS 8306 version p.o. 1.9.160, the update process is complete.

4. After the receiver has loaded everything, both diodes will go off! We wait at least 10 seconds. If you turn it off earlier, the receiver will be damaged! Of course, it’s scary, but that’s how everything is done here….

GS8306 p.o. 1.9.160 switching on.

5. After everything has been updated, turn off the receiver from the network. We remove the flash drive from the USB. We turn on the receiver and configure all programs.

GS8306 version p.o. 1.9.160 status check.

That's all, we have updated our receiver, now we can watch television programs. The main thing to remember is that during the update our receiver may break and this is not a joke. The majority of users will not be able to repair the receiver themselves.

If you still have doubts about how to update, watch the video. In this video, the entire update takes place in real time.

Let's add another video about this firmware.

Software (firmware) GS-8306 (version 1.1.001)
Software (firmware) GS-8306 (version 1.1.001 for Tricolor TV subscribers Siberia)
Instructions for updating the software of GS 8305 and GS 8306 receivers


Main processor : Neotion NP6
FLASH memory : 16 MB
RAM : 128 MB, DDR2
Graphical interface : 256 colors, full color
Frequency range : 950 MHz - 2150 MHz
Input impedance : 75 Ohm
Input level : -65 .. -25 dBm
Converter power supply and polarization : Vertical polarization: +13 ± 0.5 V
Horizontal polarization: +18 ± 0.5 V
Current: 500mA max, overload protection
Range Switching Control : 22 kHz
Modulation type : DVB-S: QPSK and DVB-S2: QPSK, 8PSK
Input flow rate : 2 – 45 Msym/s for DVB-S, at least 30 Msym/s for DVB-S2
FEC decoder : QPSK: 1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6,7/8, 8/9, 8/10
8PSK : 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 8/9, 9/10
Supported channel search types : Network
Teletext : VBI (ETS300472) and DVB
Subtitles : DVB
Timer : Eat
Menu languages : Russian English
Electronic guide : Eat. ISO-8859-5 standard
Decodable formats
MPEG-2, MP@ML (ISO/IEC 13818)
MPEG-4 (H.264), [email protected](IEC 14496-10)
Managing external devices : No
Video resolution : up to 1920x1080i
Audio Decoding : MPEG-1 layer 1, layer 2 (ISO 13818-3)
Audio mode : mono/stereo
Input Connectors : IEC 169-24, one loop output
Output connectors : 3xRCA, HDMI
Interface connectors : USB
Built-in conditional access system : DRE Crypt versions 1, 2 and 3
Smart card slot : Eat
DVB Common Interface : No
Input voltage : 220 (+22/-33) V, 50 Hz
Power consumption : no more than 25 W
Dimensions (mm) : 250x180x44
Net weight) : 1 kg
Working temperature : 5°C to 40°C
Control buttons : Power ON/OFF, Channel, Volume
Indication : 2 white LEDs around the Power ON/OFF button


GS 8306 B is a new product for summer 2012, one of the most compact devices from the line of tricolor TV receivers. This model is suitable for viewing the new package of high-definition channels Maximum HD. The absence of a digital display has a positive effect on the power consumption of the GS 8306 tuner. The use of an external power source prevents the device from overheating and increases its service life, because the power supply is one of the most common types of failures in receivers. Now, if this problem occurs, it will be enough to replace it with a power supply of the same rating.

Receivers 8306 are available in two colors - black and silver. On the front panel there is a button to turn the power on and off, change channels, and adjust the volume. On the rear panel: 1 HDMI connector, tulip connectors and an input for an external power supply. One of the features of the 8306 is that the device does not automatically detect connected video outputs. And if, when connecting the receiver to the TV, you do not see a picture, then you should press the “input signal” button on the remote control and the device will switch from one video output to another.

The DRE Crypt card slot is located on the side of the GS 8306 B receiver.

The GS 8306 receiver accepts all the main packages of the tricolor satellite television operator - optimal, superoptimal, maximum HD, cinema, night... Works with MPEG2 and MPEG4, HDTV formats. But, unfortunately, the software written by the tricolor operator does not allow receiving channels from other satellites and other operators. Although, taking into account the range and number of tricolor channels provided by the operator, this is not necessary now.