When you right-click on a folder or file, the computer freezes for an indefinite period of time. What to do if the left mouse button does not work

The mouse is the most basic equipment with which you control your computer. At the moment, they are made into two types: wireless and with a wire. Which one is better is, of course, up to you to decide, since for different purposes, certain mice are better. For example, for office work and simple tasks, most people prefer a wireless headset. For computer games, modeling and other complex tasks, a wired headset is most often chosen, as it has faster operation speed and better accuracy.

As you already understand, without a mouse, computer operation becomes impossible. Therefore, let's look at the most popular failure of this device. Namely, the right mouse button does not work. This is a fairly common problem that occurs in almost every second PC user. And there are quite a few reasons, such as:

  1. Broken mouse wire;
  2. Problems with the mouse plug;
  3. The right button of the device is faulty;
  4. The mouse signal transmitter or receiver is damaged (if the device is wireless);
  5. A system error in the operating system itself.

External faults

For the first three points, finding the problem is quite simple. In order to find out what condition the headset wire is in, it is enough to twist it or bend it in operating mode. If the headset does not show any signs of operability, but all its other functions stop working, we can safely say that the culprit of the problem is definitely the wire. But it is not recommended to conduct such studies, only as a last resort. If there is no quick replacement of the device.

If the problem cannot be identified during the first check, we recommend that you turn to a friend or neighbor for help. That is, ask him to connect your seemingly broken device to his computer. If this failure occurs again, the device should be replaced. But if the mouse is expensive, branded, some service centers can help with repairs. We emphasize that this type of check is suitable not only for wired, but also wireless headsets.

System error in OS

As for the operating system itself, not often, but there are times when the culprit of various errors, not excluding this one, are directly OS errors. If you have determined that the OS is at fault, you should restore Windows. But there is very little chance that this will solve this nuance! Therefore, we recommend doing a complete reinstallation of the operating system. And of course, don’t forget about antiviruses, thanks to which the chances of some unpleasant situation arising are much less.

In the video you will learn in detail how to repair any mouse button.

Suddenly having problems with your mouse in Windows? The left button sometimes does not work and you need to click 3-4 times to launch a program or shortcut on the desktop? Why does this problem occur and what to do to fix it.

One of the most annoying mouse problems is the issue with the left mouse button. A situation arises when suddenly, for no apparent reason, the left mouse button does not work or it begins to respond to user clicks every now and then.

Every fourth or fifth click is not perceived by the system, this behavior is very annoying because it makes it difficult to work on the computer - instead of double-clicking on a program shortcut, sometimes you need to click 3 or 4 times. This also applies to performing any actions - we want to quickly select, for example, a group of shortcuts on the desktop so that we can drag them with the mouse cursor, but it turns out that the left button does not work. Why doesn't the left button always respond to user clicks?

Of course, the problem may be in the mouse itself and the damage is purely technical. The left button is worn out and does not always respond to clicks. In this case, you need to repair it or buy a new mouse.

But before you do this, you need to check whether it works on another computer or, if possible, connect another working mouse to the computer. Thus, you can exclude or confirm its technical malfunction. But if you connect the problematic mouse to your friend’s computer and it works correctly, then this means that there is a problem with your PC. Then there is no point in buying a new mouse - you should look for a solution in the Windows 10 settings.

Step 1: Connect the mouse to a different USB port

See which input your mouse is connected to your computer through. In most cases, the connection is made via a USB port, but occasionally there are devices with a PS2 connector.

The first step is to check the serviceability of the USB port, because it can be damaged and cause problems with operation. Connect the mouse to another port without turning off the computer's power - it should be detected in a few seconds.

Step 2: Check your settings in Windows Device Manager

If the above method does not work, the culprit may be the controller responsible for the operation of the USB ports. The system is equipped with a function that, as part of the energy-saving mode, turns off or reduces the activity of individual computer components. There is a possibility that the mode affects the USB driver and therefore Windows 10 sometimes does not “catch” left button clicks.

In Windows 10, right-click on the Start button and go to Device Manager or open it with the command “devmgmt. msc"

Expand "USB Controllers". Here you will find items such as “Generic USB Hub” and “USB Root Hub”. Double-click to open each one and go to the “Power Management” section.

Uncheck "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power." Repeat these steps for each item in the USB Controllers item.

Step 3: Check your power settings

The next step is to configure the power settings for the active profile. To do this, go to the Windows 10 Control Panel and enter “Power Options” in the search bar in the upper right corner.

A window will appear with a list of main and additional plans. One of them will be marked, that is, the one used by the system. Click next to it on “Change plan settings”, and then in the new window select “Change advanced power settings”.

Find "USB Options - Option to temporarily disable USB port" and select "Disabled". Then check how the device works.

Step 4: Turn off touchpad delay (on laptops)

Windows 8.1 and 10 come with features that benefit laptop users, including a feature that slows down the response to clicks while typing. Have you ever been typing on your laptop and accidentally touched your palm to the touchpad, causing the mouse cursor to jump?

The touchpad delay serves to prevent such situations. When the laptop detects that you are working on the keyboard, a click delay is activated. However, this feature may not be convenient for players who play on laptops with mice, and here's why.

It turns out that in some cases the function blocks the action of the buttons on a mouse connected via USB. If you play on a laptop, then your hands, as a rule, are always on the keyboard - other input devices, according to system considerations, should not be used.

The delay function treats the game the same way as typing and blocks mouse clicks for a short period of time, and, unfortunately, periodically (the button fires every other time). In this case, the delay function on the laptop can be disabled.

If your mouse or mouse buttons do not work at startup in Windows 10? Or did the mouse stop working after updating Windows 10? There are times when the right mouse button and the left button do not work.

Windows 10 mouse not working, where to start?

If you find yourself in this situation, there are a few quick tests you can run to see whether it is the computer, laptop or mouse itself that is causing the problem. Follow the instructions in order and retest after each one.

1. Restart your computer

A simple reboot has become a staple troubleshooting tool in Windows since the days of Windows 3.1. It cures many problems and is a breath of fresh air. There are many reasons why it fixes problems, but the main thing is that it updates all links, services and open tasks in the Windows core. A huge number of programs running on the computer, which can lead to freezing. A reboot may fix it.

2. Changing the mouse

If you are using a USB mouse, unplug it from your computer and plug it into a different USB port. If you need to disable something else to free up space, do so. Just unplug anything that's not vital, and try to avoid unplugging your USB keyboard, although that's not that important.

Move the mouse to a different USB port. If you move the mouse and it works, the problem is with the USB port. If the mouse still doesn't work, the problem is with the mouse. If the problem is with the mouse, try it on another computer. If it still doesn't work, replace the mouse. Then grab another USB mouse and try the same.

Use Windows Update

You can use Windows Update to check for updates in Windows 10. It can automatically detect your mouse driver. If this feature in your Windows 10 was configured to install updates automatically, you can ignore this method.

Windows Update

Check your mouse drivers

The mouse does not work, look at the device manager

  1. Right-click the Windows Start button and select Device Manager.
  2. Select Mice and other pointing devices. If the item has a red circle or yellow triangle, there is a problem.
  3. Double-click other pointing devices and select your mouse.
  4. Right-click and select Update Driver.
  5. Select Find Disk automatically and let Windows find the best one.

If Windows finds a new driver and installs it, everything will be fine. If it says that you are already using the new driver, you have one more step to complete. Go to the mouse manufacturer's website and download the latest Windows 10 driver for your specific mouse model. Install this and try again.

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Fix context menu not opening

When working on a PC, speed, excellent system performance, and the performance of all devices are important. In the event of failures or breakdowns, it is not always necessary to call specialists, sometimes paying for their services at fairly high prices. Many shortcomings and errors can be corrected yourself. These types of failures and errors include when the right mouse button does not open the context menu. What to do in such cases?

First, you should find out why the malfunction occurs, why the Windows 10 context menu does not work. There are several possible reasons for this:

  • registry clutter with outdated files;
  • lack of programs included in the context menu, their unstable operation.

Let's consider what to do in these cases, how to change the situation when the right-click context menu does not open.

Configuration using the utility

If the right-click context menu does not appear due to the registry being cluttered with outdated files, we recommend using a utility such as Glary Utilities to clean it. Glary Utilities is a set of system tweakers and utilities that help protect, fine-tune, and improve PC performance. Using the set, you can remove unnecessary files that clog the system, registry entries that are long outdated, optimize RAM, manage startup, optimize memory and other functions useful for the good functioning of your computer. Glary Utilities can be downloaded for free.

After setting the settings, clear your device of unnecessary files using the same utility, clean the registry, thereby increasing the performance of your computer.

If, when you right-click on a file or folder, the context menu on the desktop does not work, the computer freezes, the key does not respond to commands, you can fix this freeze in two ways, we recommend doing both sequentially. Before you can begin any of these, you must have administrator rights. You will have to work with the registry, you need to be careful here; if you do it incorrectly, the system may fail. Therefore, when starting the process of fixing failures, be sure to create a system restore point before deleting anything.

A “silent” freeze is usually caused by an unstable program, a frozen program, or when a link in the context menu points to a non-existent resource.

Method one

Follow the steps sequentially:

  1. Check the list that appears for the presence of programs you have already deleted.
  2. If there is a program in the list that you removed, remove it from the registry. Before deleting any registry key, we recommend creating an archive copy of it to save in case you need to restore it.

Method two

The algorithm for the second method, when the Windows 10 context menu does not open, will be as follows.

  1. Open the registry editor as described in steps 1–2 of the previous method.
  2. Open the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT subkey,
  3. In it you will see several subsections with names like “name_programm.exe”, “name_programm.dll”. Check each one in turn by clicking LMB until the “command” subsection. All subsections should open. If it does not open, look on the right side of the window for the presence of the “NoOpenWith” parameter. There is no such parameter - create it. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Having found the “command” subsection, click LMB and check for the presence of the “(Default)” parameter on the right side. The parameter must be specified for an application or network resource that exists on the computer.
  • If the parameter refers to a resource that is already missing, the entire section starting with the name of this resource or program should be deleted. Before deleting, do not forget to create an archive copy for restoration if necessary. Delete by clicking on the name of the RMB section, then clicking “Delete” - “Yes”.

After completing two methods, the context menu should open, the PC will no longer freeze when right-clicking on a file.

It’s not difficult to set up the context menu, just remember that any attempts to change the registry can lead to unstable operation of the PC, so don’t forget to create restore points and backup copies of deleted programs. When the right mouse button does not open the context menu, follow the instructions above sequentially, apply all the methods, the error will be corrected.


What to do if the mouse buttons do not work?

A mouse is one of the simplest components of a computer, and it is quite possible to deal with its breakdowns yourself, without resorting to the services of professionals. Of course, we are not talking about “sophisticated” models for gamers.
If one of the buttons on your ordinary inexpensive mouse has failed, do not rush to throw it in the trash. The problem can be easily fixed with the help of tools that can be found in any home.

Why might my mouse buttons not work? What to do if the right mouse button does not work? What to do if the left mouse button does not work? What to do if the mouse button works every once in a while? What to do if mouse buttons don't work in Windows 10?

Why might my mouse buttons not work?

Let's look at the main options.

1. If you are using a wireless mouse, you should first check the battery status. Insert a fresh battery and turn on the mouse again.

2. You may have accidentally deleted or corrupted the mouse driver. Removing or blocking a driver is sometimes a consequence of a virus. Find the driver for your mouse on the Internet on the manufacturer’s website or reinstall it from the installation disk, which is necessarily included with the device by any responsible manufacturer.

3. Find the mouse settings in the control panel and check them. Perhaps unwanted changes were accidentally made there.

4. Perhaps the problem with the mouse not working is a burnt-out USB port on the computer or a poorly functioning contact group. Connect it via another USB port, if that doesn’t help, reboot.

5. Sometimes the mouse fails in one game, but the rest of the time it works as usual. Go to the game settings and set the correct mouse settings.

What to do if the right mouse button does not work?

Although the right button is used less often than the left, its failure still causes significant inconvenience. First of all, you need to check whether it is a consequence of system problems, or whether it is a hardware problem. Go to the control panel settings, select the mouse settings and in the buttons tab, change their places.

Now the right button should perform the functions of the left one, and vice versa. In the case where the failure has moved to the left button, the conclusion is obvious - this is a software error. Update the mouse driver, reboot the system. If it doesn’t help, roll back the system to the last successful save. If, when you press the right button, nothing happens, then the problem is that the button itself is broken.

1. Take a screwdriver and remove the mouse body.

2. Clean the inside of the device from dust and any debris that has got there.

3. Carefully inspect the microphone of the right button to see if it is broken. If you find a breakdown, the microphone will have to be replaced. This is a standard part, so any old, non-working mouse will be suitable for removing the “donor organ”. You will need soldering supplies - a soldering iron and solder with rosin.

4. Assemble the mouse, connect it and check its functionality.
It is possible that the mouse is being affected by a virus. Check your system with a reliable antivirus and remove all suspicious files.

What to do if the left mouse button does not work?

For the average computer user, the left mouse button breaks most often, since it accounts for the bulk of clicks. The most likely cause of failure is mechanical failure of the microphone.

It is detected and fixed in the same way as the breakdown of the right button described above. In addition, be sure to try connecting the mouse via a different USB port and check that the cable is working properly.

What to do if the mouse button works every once in a while?

Unclear operation of any of the mouse buttons is a fairly common phenomenon, which is especially typical for simple manipulators in the least expensive segment. Its cause is usually the curvature of the contact in the microphone, which is why not every press leads to a circuit closure.

Of course, you can buy another mouse or replace the microphone, but if for some reason this is impossible or inconvenient, try to correct the situation through simple repairs.

1. Disconnect the mouse from the computer, remove the case, and find the problematic microphone.

2. Using a thin screwdriver, remove the top cover from the microphone. Be careful that the button does not fly off to the side: this small detail is very difficult to detect later.

3. Remove the elastic contact plate, clean the contact, bend the elastic part a little more so that it springs better when pressed.

4. Return the plate to the microphone, insert the button, and close the upper part of the case.

5. Assemble the mouse, connect it and check how it works after repair.

What to do if mouse buttons don't work in Windows 10?

If you have a Windows 10 operating system, the cause of the mouse failure may be the connection of the power saving mode implemented in this version of the OS. This mode, under some circumstances, may extend to the USB port controller, which disconnects ports that have been inactive for a certain time from power.

1. In Device Manager, find “USB Controllers” and open “USB Root Hub” and “Generic USB Hub” in this tab one by one.

2. In the power management section, find the item “Allow power off to save power” and uncheck the box next to it.

3. Repeat these steps for each of the items listed in the USB Controllers tab.

4. In the Control Panel, open the power settings window, find the list of basic and additional plans. The selected plan is currently in use.

5. Click on the “Change plan parameters” button in the marked plan. In the window that opens, find the “Change advanced power settings” tab.

6. In USB Options, open the temporary disable option and select the Disabled option.
In addition, in Windows 10, the system may block the mouse or touchpad if the user works only with the keyboard for a long time. The developers were guided by good reasons - they wanted to save users from accidental activations when touching the touchpad on a laptop.

In this case, the mouse buttons work every other time. You can fix the problem by going to the touchpad settings and turning off the delay function.


Right mouse button doesn't work

In this article we will talk about mouse malfunctions, namely what to do if the right mouse button does not work. Firstly, here you need to immediately decide whether the right button does not work at all or works only after the 10th try. If it works intermittently, then most likely the problem is with the mouse itself. If it doesn’t work at all, then perhaps the operating system itself is acting up.

How to check this is very simple, you just need to change the assignment of the buttons. Click “Start – Control Panel”.

In the “Mouse Buttons” tab, you need to check the “Change button assignments” checkbox.

Now our right button is left, and our left button is right. We press the left button on the desktop, if the menu pops up without problems, then the problem is not in the operating system, but in the mouse itself. Here I would advise you to change it and that’s all, however, do not rush to buy a new one, just in case, test your old mouse on another computer.

If you don’t want to buy a mouse because the old one is too expensive for you, then try disassembling it and cleaning it from dust. If you know how to solder, you can try re-soldering the right button.

If you find out that the problem is with the operating system, and not with the mouse itself, then you can check your computer for viruses and perform a system restore from a checkpoint.

Right-clicking on the desktop allows you to access a number of useful functions and settings, from changing the appearance of shortcuts to quick access to Windows 10 personalization settings. But it also happens that when you right-click on the desktop, nothing happens, the context menu does not open. The reason for this may be a temporary glitch that can be resolved by simply restarting Explorer or restarting the computer, but if these actions did not help restore the function, it is worth checking the following points.

Reason 1

Firstly, the menu will not open if tablet mode is enabled on your Windows 10. When you install Windows on a tablet device, the system turns it on automatically, but this may also be the case on some laptops. In settings go to the section System - Tablet Mode, from the When I sign in menu, select Use Desktop Mode. Re-login to the system and check that the menu called up by RMB works correctly.

Reason 2

Now check if right click is disabled in the registry. To do this, the team regedit open the registry editor and expand the branch HKEY_CURRENT_USER/SoftwareMicrosoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer. See if there is an option on the right NoViewContextMenu. If there is, make sure that its value is set to 0. If there is no parameter, there is nothing to worry about, the problem with displaying the menu has another reason.

What else could it be?

Calling the context menu on the Windows 10 desktop can be disrupted by third-party extensions and shells included in various programs. A free portable utility will help you check and, if necessary, disable them ShellExView from the developer NirSoft. Download it along with the crack from the official page www.nirsoft.net/utils/shexview.html and run it. In the utility menu, select “Settings” and check the “Hide/show all Microsoft extensions” option.

In this case, the list of elements in the utility window will be significantly reduced. These will be all third-party extensions. Select them all with the mouse and click on the red “Deactivate selected elements” button on the toolbar, and then restart Explorer from the “Settings” menu in the utility itself or in any other way convenient for you.

When using complex technical equipment like a computer, many questions often arise about the operation of additional equipment and tools. There can be a lot of problems when using a mouse and keyboard, the eternal computer companions. Especially from frequent use, the right mouse button may stop working. What to do if this happens can be read below.

Causes of failure

Careless handling and careless use of devices may adversely affect their operation. It is highly recommended not to use strong physical force on the equipment: hitting the mouse or throwing it against the wall will not lead to anything good. But what to do - the right mouse button does not work and some functions are no longer available? First you need to determine the cause of the breakdown.

The fact is that, in addition to physical reasons, the mouse may not function due to problems in the operating system itself. On the Internet, you cannot visit suspicious sites, download anything from unverified sources, and you cannot take someone else’s memory cards and insert them into your computer without first checking the media for viruses.

Recently, wireless USB mice have become increasingly common. They run on batteries, so before you look for a problem in your computer or take the mouse to a service center for repairs, you should try simply changing the battery and checking that it is turned on. Typically, the on-off switch is located on the back side, which is usually moved across the table.

But what to do: it doesn’t work, despite all your efforts? Then experienced electronics and engineering experts can give you a hint, especially if it’s difficult to figure it out on your own.

Problems with the operating system

If replacing the battery with a new one or changing the switch mode does not help, then you need to try using a computer to check the operation of the system. This will allow you to understand what to do with the right mouse button, whether it is not working itself or there is a problem with the software.

For this purpose, an example setup will be given on the Windows 10 operating system, since this is the latest version offered by Microsoft, which means it poses the most problems when identifying hardware.

First you need to click the Start menu button. And go to the system settings by clicking on the “Settings” icon to the left of the list of applications.

In the menu that opens, select "Devices".

And in the list that opens, find “Mouse”. In the submenu you can select the main button: left or right. They need to be swapped and try to use the equipment again. If now the left one does not work, the right mouse button (you should not do anything with this yourself, you should call a computer technician) is functioning, then the problem is a virus on the computer.

After checking, do not forget to return the parameters to the original data.

Contacting the service center

If it is not possible to identify the cause of the breakdown, or it is clearly due to a physical impact, then you need to contact the manufacturer’s service center or a computer and household appliance repair department.

Our technicians will be able to determine the cause of the breakdown and offer repair options. In some cases, repairing a computer mouse may cost more than buying a new one, so it is recommended that the suggested alternatives be carefully weighed and considered.