iPhone backup - guide. What data does it include? Backup via iTunes

iTunes, iCloud, alternative software and third parties cloud services.

Test versions of iOS, experiments with jailbreaking, constant transition from device to device, crash tests, as well as tons of software from App Store and bypassing it - these are not all the reasons, why have I ever lost important personal data from iPhone.

But such difficulties are faced not only by hardened geeks who never rest. Despite the incredible reliability Apple technology, for important information that you don't want to lose, you still need to prepare copies in a safe place.

To protect you from possible annoying misunderstandings, I have put together all the backup options that I have personally tested.

1. iTunes and Backup to Mac or PC Hard Drive

Advantages: with backup via iTunes, you can access information without the Internet - even in an open field. Moreover, this is one of the most quick options save almost all data from iPhone.

Flaws: sorry, but do it backup copy or recovering data without a computer will not work, even if you want to. Backing up information from a large iPad Pro to a MacBook 12’’ looks especially funny. Plus - the copy takes up quite a lot of disk space, which is very noticeable on a Mac with small SSDs.

What can you save?: almost everything except content from the App Store and iTunes Store(it will download via the Internet), synchronized via iTunes content(imported audio recordings, etc.), photos saved in clouds (for example, iCloud Photo Stream), Touch settings ID and Apple Pay. Please note that some data requires password protection for your backup.

How to do it: It's simple - just go to iTunes, go to the device tab and press one single button to create a copy or restore it.

My opinion: I myself use backup on HDD his MacBook Pro only before some stressful moment - installing a test version of iOS, jailbreaking, and so on. In other situations I prefer other types of saving personal information.

2. Alternatives to iTunes for backups using iMazing as an example

Advantages: with their help you can not only access data without the Internet, but also feel like a real geek who uses not only standard software. In addition, alternatives may be more convenient in some specific cases - for example, to quickly save photos to your hard drive.

Flaws: all backup processes still require a computer, which is not always accessible.

How to do it: in most cases, backup to iTunes alternatives created or restored by pressing one or two buttons (for example, in the same iMazing). But each specific option may have its own nuances - in some solutions you can separately save messages, contacts or other data.

My opinion: In some cases, using alternatives for iTunes may be even more than appropriate - especially on PCs, for which Apple’s program is simply not tailored. She works extremely clumsily even at sufficient speed. productive computers. But on Mac today I’m still leaning towards the standard solution.

3. iCloud as a cloud storage for iPhone backups

Advantages: V in this case you won't need a computer. And that's great.

Flaws: Potential payment for a large amount of storage for those who find the free 5 GB too little. Plus - without the Internet all this is useless.

How to do it: You need to go to the backup menu from iCloud section in the device system settings (Settings - iCloud - Backup)- all the necessary functions are available here.

My opinion: Even though today I only use Apple devices (MacBook Pro, iPhone and iPad), many interesting services“live” with me since the days of my first Android smartphone (HTC Wildfire, if memory serves). So my main cloud is Google Drive, not iCloud. And in the latter I rarely have enough free space for backups.

4. iCloud and Apple branded services for saving data from iPhone

Advantages: Data is synchronized in real time. And during recovery, you can safely use the device. This is especially convenient when, for example, testing new iPhone from partners. Enter yours Apple data ID and personal information are slowly pulled up via the Internet, without distracting from using the device.

What can you save?: photos, mail, contacts, calendars, reminders, Safari bookmarks, notes, Wallet data, music selection in Apple Music and so on. The vast majority of modern mobile applications knows how to work with iCloud Drive, and this can be very convenient.

How to do it: set of synchronized in iCloud data available from its section in the device system settings (Settings - iCloud). Since many third party applications can store information in iCloud Drive, you need to dig into their settings. Other Apple branded services (for example, Apple Music) provide access to information after entering your Apple ID.

My opinion: despite the fact that iCloud Drive is far from the main storage of my personal information, its free volume is constantly occupied by data from some applications (only text files There’s just a bunch of Byword here). And it's very convenient. And about the coolness of modern branded Apple services I’m generally silent - what is Apple Music worth? And it successfully stores all my data without any outside help.

5. Third-party cloud services for storing information using Google as an example

Advantages: Greatest versatility and access from any device. For example, branded Google services Perfect for users who complement their work with iPhone with an Android smartphone.

Flaws: iOS restrictions(after all, Apple gives preference branded services), the ability to save not all data, as well as the need for Internet access.

What can you save?: mail, contacts, calendars, notes, as well as photos in Google Photos, music in Google Music, files in Google Drive and so on. And the same story with other similar services - for example, files of any type can be safely stored in Dropbox, and they will not go anywhere even in the most emergency cases.

How to do it: Set up synchronization of mail, contacts, calendars and Google Notes available from the corresponding section system settings devices (Settings - Mail, addresses, calendars), and the loading of other data is configured from each individual third-party application.

My opinion: If you use multiple devices from different manufacturers(perhaps you have a PC instead of a Mac or Android instead of an iPhone), you will definitely find it convenient to store basic data in Gmail - mail, calendars and contacts. In other cases, it is better to give all your information to Apple hands- it is more comfortable.

Everything at once to minimize the risk of losing important records

An iPhone backup is a collection of files with all the data stored on the device. Includes photos, documents, settings, contact list from phone book and other information important to the user. You can back up your iPhone different ways, with or without a computer.

Creating a backup via iCloud

All users of Apple devices have access to 5 GB of free cloud space. iCloud storage. It can be used to backup data. To do this, just enable the appropriate option on your smartphone. Procedure:

  1. Start your iPhone and connect it to high-speed Wi-Fi, or activate mobile transmission data.
  2. Open the Settings menu and find the iCloud option here.
  3. If you are using an iPhone with operating iOS system versions 10.3 and older, then the iCloud settings can be accessed through the menu for managing account settings.
  4. The “iCloud Backup” option will appear. Move the slider to the right to enable backup creation via Apple cloud storage. A message will appear on the screen saying that when you connect the device to the PC, the backup copy of iTunes will not be created automatically.
  5. Wait until the iPhone turns on the backup function and transfers all important user information to the cloud. If necessary, charge your iPhone and lock the screen.

If the iPhone has been in use for a long time and a lot of information has accumulated on it, then the free space in iCloud (5 GB) may not be enough. Then the backup will not be created, a notification about this will appear on the screen. In this case, you can purchase a subscription and expand the space available in the cloud or use another method.

Features of backup via iCloud

All Apple devices by default create backups when connected to a charger (if the function is activated in the settings and the iPhone is connected to a wireless network). Other features:

  • Media content that has been officially purchased or downloaded will not be copied. But it will be downloaded again from official stores(App Store, iTunes Store, iBookStore and so on).
  • To recover data from iCloud, just connect your iPhone to high-speed Wi-Fi, log in account Apple ID. You don't need a computer for this. Therefore, the method is convenient in cases where you urgently need to recover data from a lost or stolen iPhone.
  • Notes, phonebook contacts, calendar and other information are saved automatically (even if backup is disabled).

If you wish, you can make a new backup manually. To do this, go to the iCloud settings and select “Create a copy now.” Creation date information last copy will be displayed below.

If you store a large amount of information on your iPhone, then it is better to use iTunes to create backup copies. This is special software, available for free download from the official Apple website. Allows you to backup and restore data from Apple devices, as well as other operations. Procedure:

  1. Install and run the software on your computer (available for operating systems) Windows systems, OS X).
  2. Connect your iPhone to your PC using a USB cable and wait until the drivers are downloaded for the device.
  3. On the main iTunes screen The connected device will be displayed, select it.
  4. Go to the menu on the left. Here, find the “Settings” block and in the list of available ones, click “Browse”.
  5. A new window will appear on the right. Here in the “Backups” block, check the box next to “This computer” to .
  6. If you want to move files to iCloud via iTunes, then check the box next to the appropriate item. This will make copies of only important data.
  7. To install on backup password(you will need to enter it when restoring data), check the “Encrypt” box local copy" If the password is lost, you will not be able to use the copy.
  8. After that, click the “Create a copy now” button. The process of copying information and moving it to memory will begin. local computer or at Apple servers. You cannot turn off your iPhone before the data copying is complete.

When the copy is created, the iPhone can be disconnected. After this, the finished file can be used to restore user information on a new device. If you checked the encryption option, you will need to provide a password.

Since all backups created via iTunes are stored only in the PC’s memory, for greater security, copy them to cloud storage or an external drive.

Features of backup via iTunes

If in the process of creating a backup via iTunes, the user uses data encryption, then the following information will be copied along with the rest of the data:

  • Medical data.
  • Settings from wireless networks(which the user has saved) and passwords in the keychain.
  • Browsing log via Safari browser.

By default, the backup is saved to the main disk (the one on which the operating system), but if desired, you can change it in the program settings before creating a backup.

Touch ID, Apple Pay, and media settings that are already in your iCloud library will not be copied to local disk computer when synchronizing via iTunes.

Difference between methods

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is recommended to back up your data via both iCloud and iTunes. If this is not possible or you don’t think that the iPhone contains important information, then you can do it in one way. Let's look at the features of each in the table below:

Maximum copy size Data storage location Ability to access files from your computer Availability of Internet connection Data copy speed Data encryption PC connection Possibility of rollback to previous version iOS
iTunes Limited by computer capabilities Local computer on Windows or OS X Yes Not required Depends on the amount of information and PC characteristics Turned on manually Required Eat
iCloud 5 GB available for free Apple Servers If you have an Internet connection (via a browser) Necessarily Depends on the amount of information and Internet connection speed Automatically Not required No

Themselves uploaded to iPhone apps (licensed copies) when creating a backup via iCloud and iTunes are not copied, but they will be downloaded automatically through the App Store. The software does not save music, films and other information, but through iTunes information You can back it up and quickly transfer it to your iPhone manually.

Backup data is available to all owners of iOS devices. If you have disabled backup creation in automatic mode, then be sure to synchronize the information via iTunes or iCloud manually. This way you can regain access to all files and documents stored in memory if your iPhone is lost or stolen.

Many iPhone owners faced a situation where they mobile device data was lost. This is possible if a failure or glitch occurs or due to user inattention. The first two options are excluded. For ordinary users, who very rarely install programs and games on their phone, the program does not threaten to crash. In this case, you can do without backups. But if you are active user, then to avoid failed experiments It's worth making a copy of your iPhone data. An iPhone backup will help save all important data except games, applications that have been installed, as well as downloaded music, videos, and ringtones.

Two ways to create a copy:
1. On the device using iCloud;
2. On PC using iTunes.

A copy of the data directly from the phone.
How to make a backup copy of iPhone straight from your device?
After opening the device settings, find “Copy to iCloud” and install this function. Every time you connect your iPhone to the Internet, a copy of your data will be automatically created.
1. On your phone, go to Settings, open iCloud, “Storage and copies”;
2. Launch “Copy to iCloud”;
3. When this function will be connected, you can create a backup copy yourself. All you have to do is click “Create a copy”.
iPhone has up to 5 GB free space, this will be quite enough for backup.

Backup your data on your computer.
The data may also be located on the PC's hard drive. Then you will have access to a copy of your iPhone even when the computer is not connected to the Internet. You will get all the information you need from the backup copy if your iPhone suddenly gets lost or breaks. You can quickly and easily restore your iPhone from a backup.
To create a backup of iPhone to computer:
1. Connect your device to the PC, then launch iTunes;
2. Open “File”, look for “Device”, then click on “Create a backup copy”. The save location is a local drive, even if you specified iCloud as storage.

Carry out the copying process iPhone data it can be done differently.
1. To do this, you need to go to iTunes and find the device synchronization settings.
2. Open the “Backup Section”, click “ Automatic creation copies.”
3. Next you need to select “This computer” and click on the inscription “Create a copy now”.

Where can I find backups?
If your computer is Mac-based, then a copy of your iPhone data has been copied to a folder that can be found like this: open the Library folder, then in Application Support select MobileSync, and view the backup in the Backup folder.

WITH Windows based The XP computer saves a copy of the data in a folder that we look for as follows: open Documents and Settings, then look for the folder with the user name, go to Application Data, Apple Comruter, find MobileSync, open a copy of the iPhone data in Backup.

And if on personal computer Windows 7, 8 or Vista is installed, then you can find the backup copy as follows: the Users folder, namely, open the Username, AppData folder, find Roaming, go to Apple Computer, MobileSync and at the end Backup.

Now you know where iPhone backups are stored, you can find them faster if necessary.

Apple gadgets Apple are unique in what they have the ability to do full backup data with the ability to store it on a computer or in the cloud. In case you had to restore your device or you purchased a new iPhone, iPad or iPod, the saved backup copy will allow you to restore all your data.

Today we will look at two ways to create a backup: on an Apple device and through iTunes.

Creating a Backup via iTunes

1. Run iTunes programs and connect your device to your computer using a USB cable. In the upper area iTunes windows A miniature icon of your device will appear. Open it.

2. Go to the tab in the left area of ​​the window "Review" . In the block "Backups" You have two options to choose from: "iCloud" And "This computer" . The first point means that a backup copy of your device will be stored in cloud storage iCloud, i.e. you can restore from a backup “over the air” using a connection via Wi-Fi networks. The second point implies that your backup will be stored on your computer.

3. Check the box next to the selected item, and click on the button to the right "Create a copy now" .

4. iTunes will offer to encrypt your backups. It is recommended to activate this item, because otherwise the backup will not be stored confidential information, for example, passwords, which scammers can get to.

5. If you have activated encryption, the next step is that the system will ask you to create a password for the backup. Only if the password is correct can the copy be decrypted.

6. The program will begin the backup procedure, the progress of which you can see in the upper area of ​​the program window.

How to create a backup on your device?

If you are unable to use iTunes to create a backup, you can create one directly from your device.

Please note that Internet access is required to create a backup copy. Please note this nuance, if you have a limited amount of Internet traffic.

1. Open settings on your Apple device and go to section "iCloud" .