How to set a new wifi password. How to set a WiFi password: step-by-step instructions. Setting a password on Asus routers

If it so happens that your WiFi router provides an unsecured access point to the Internet, and you want only you to use your Internet, then it will be useful to know how to set a password on your WiFi router. Manufacturers such as: D-link, TP-Link, Zyxel and others. On the blog, I have already discussed this issue in several of my articles, but this article will be different in that I will talk not about one router model (as I did for the example), but several, and to be even more precise, I will talk about the most popular router manufacturers.

Of course, I won’t be able to cover the large circle of manufacturers that we currently have, but after reading the article, I think you will definitely have an idea of ​​how to change the WiFi password.

In order to protect your access point with a password, you need to configure the router by going to its settings. You will need to find out the router's IP address to gain access to its control panel.

How to find out the IP address of the router, login and password to configure it

The easiest way to find out the IP address of your router is to carefully inspect its case. Most often, the IP address is indicated on it. It may also contain the username and password that you will need to log into the control panel. In addition, the IP address, login and password can be specified in the router manual. You can also view them on the official website of the manufacturer.

Here's an example:

If the described methods did not help you or for some reason turned out to be difficult to implement, then there is the most accurate and accurate method for determining the router address. Go to the Network and Sharing Center. This can be done by clicking the tray icon in the Windows taskbar and clicking on the corresponding inscription.

Once in the Network and Sharing Center, click “Change adapter settings” on the left, thereby opening a list of available connections. Find “Local Area Connection” (if your router is connected via cable) or “Wireless Network Connection” (if you are connected to the router via a wireless connection, that is, WiFi) and right-click on the icon, select “Status” "

Then click Details. The router's IP address is indicated next to the "Default gateway IPv4" line.

Attention! This method will help you when you can connect to your router via WiFi or cable. If you are only going to customize it, then this is not for you!

If DHCP is not configured on the router, then read the articles I gave above. There you will find out what needs to be done.

Now that we have found out the IP address of the wireless router, it's time to start setting it up. To do this, enter the router's IP address in the browser's address bar and press Enter. The login page for the router control panel will open, in which we will need to enter the username and password. More often these values both fields "admin". Manufacturers have options: admin and an empty password, user – user, administrator – administrator, administrator and an empty password.

But again, I want to remind you, so as not to guess, you can read this information in the technical documentation that comes with the router or carefully inspect the router at the bottom of it. Once you have accessed the control panel, you can now move on to the core part of our procedure, which is how to set a WiFi password.


How to set a WiFi password in TP-LINK: on the left in the menu, find the “Wireless” section, the “Wireless Security” subsection. In the main part, select “WPA-PSK/WPA2 PSK”. In the “Wireless password” field, enter the desired password (at least 8 characters). Click the "Save" button and reboot the router.

Now to connect to your router you will need to enter a password.


Having gone into the control panel of the router, we find the “Wi-Fi Network” section on the left and select the “Security” subsection in it. The Wi-Fi Security Settings window appears. Opposite the “Authentication” line, select “WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK” from the drop-down list, and opposite the “Network key (ASCII)” line, enter the password we created. Click “Apply” and reboot the router:


Above, we looked at the horizontal control menus, and now let's look at the vertical ones from the manufacturers D-Link. How to set a WiFi password in D - link: having opened the control panel, click “Wi-FI” and select “Basic settings”:

In the window that opens, set the network name (SSID) and click “Change”. This needs to be done if you have not used the WiFi function in your router. If your router has already distributed WiFi and you just need to set a password, then go to the “Security Settings” tab.

In this tab you just set the WiFi password. Select the encryption type “WPA2-PSK”, in the line “PSK encryption key” enter your invented password for the access point. Click “Change” and reboot the router.

Note: in each case, I told you to reboot the router after changing the password and this moment is sometimes very important for everything to go smoothly. Sometimes, when changing settings in the router, problems occur and in order for all the changes to be applied, just in case, it is better to reboot the router. Although this is not necessary, you should be aware of it.

It happens that you did not buy a new router in a store, but borrowed it from a friend or bought it used. In this case, the default settings of the manufacturer can be changed in the router, that is, for example, the IP address, login and password for logging into the router control panel can be changed. In this case, you need to reset the router to factory settings. How it's done?

Routers have a button on the back panel that is pressed with a thin object, such as a pin. With the router turned on, press and hold it pressed for 6-10 seconds. After this, the IP address will again become or, the login and password will be “admin”.

Important! Please note that all router settings will be reset, namely provider settings, passwords, access points, IP addresses, etc... Therefore, before performing a general reset, write down or remember everything that may be useful to you.

We have just figured out how to set a password for a Wi-Fi router. In principle, all the steps are the same: find the tab with the wireless connection settings, and then enter your password in the appropriate field. The main thing is to take your time and everything will be fine! But before setting a Wi-Fi password in the router, you can look up this password in Windows - this procedure is easier, as you don’t have to deal with IP addresses, logins and passwords. Read about this method using the links given at the beginning of the article.

Video with an example of how you can set a password on WiFi:

It is gaining more and more popularity. And this is not surprising, because this is a very convenient way to connect to the Internet and link various devices, because no need to use wires.

But when using a Wi-Fi network, you should not forget about its security. If you still haven’t set a password for Wi-Fi or it’s too simple, perhaps a neighbor’s child has already hacked into your network and is using the free Internet for his own pleasure.

Of course, maybe you are a very kind person and you don’t feel sorry for anything for your dear neighbors, but then you shouldn’t complain that your favorite sites have started to load poorly.

If you still decide to secure your network, let's figure out how to set a password for Wi-Fi.

Where is the Wi-Fi password set?

A router is the most common device when using Wi-Fi technology, so we will look at how to set a password on this particular device.

Now there are many router manufacturers on the market (D-Link, TP-Link, Zyxel, Asus, etc.) and even more different models of these devices. Therefore, in this article we will not consider setting a password for all these models, but will analyze this procedure using the example of one of the popular D-Link DIR-300 routers.

The settings of most modern wireless routers are opened using an Internet browser. This can be done on a computer, laptop, tablet, or any other device that is connected to the router using wires or wirelessly.

It is advisable to perform this procedure on a device that is connected to the router via cable. The fact is that if you are connected via Wi-Fi, when you change the password, you will be disconnected from the network and you will have to go into the settings again.

In order to open the settings we need, we need to enter the IP address of the device in the address bar of the browser. Most manufacturers use standard IP addresses, but some may have their own specific address.

The most common router IP addresses:


If one of these addresses does not suit you, you can find it in several ways:

  1. Look at the router case. Typically, manufacturers write the IP address of the router interface on a sticker on the bottom of the device.
  2. Study the instructions or CD that were included.
  3. Search the Internet for information on your router model.

It is possible that you have a non-standard IP address. In this case, you need to find out this address from the person who set up the router for you or reset the device to factory settings.

Login to router settings

Once you have determined which IP address is suitable for your device, enter it in the address bar of the browser.

If the connection to the router is successful, a window for entering your username and password should appear.

For most routers, the default username and password is “admin.” The D-Link DIR-300 is no exception. Therefore, you need to enter this word in both fields and click on the “Login” link.

If after these steps you are unable to enter the device settings, then either your router has different login data, or these data have been changed.

If you do not know the name and password to log into the device, then there are 2 options:

  1. As in the case of the IP address, look at the case, read the instructions, search the Internet.
  2. If the first point does not help, then you need to reset the router to standard settings using a special button on the device.

Setting a Wi-Fi password

After you have entered the router interface, find the “Security Settings” item in the “Advanced Settings” section. In the settings of other router models, the menu will look different, but similar items can be easily found using the keywords wi-fi and security.

On the “Security Settings” page you need to set the following items:

  • Network authentication
  • PSK encryption key
  • WPA encryption

In the “Network Authentication” field, you need to select which authentication technology will be used to protect your Wi-Fi network. WPA2 is currently the most secure authentication method for a wireless network. Therefore, it is recommended to choose this item to reliably protect your wifi.

You should not be careless when choosing a password. The password must be quite complex, consisting of letters in different cases and numbers. It is desirable that it be some kind of meaningless set, and not specific words. This combination is harder to crack, and you don't have to remember it. Write it down somewhere and use it when connecting new devices to your wireless network.

The next step is to set up WPA encryption. To do this, you need to select an encryption algorithm in the “WPA encryption” field. It is recommended to choose AES, because it is one of the most reliable.

After entering all the parameters, click the “Change” button to save the settings. After changing the settings, most routers require a reboot. Therefore, most likely, you will be disconnected from the network and you will have to enter the password again.

Checking Wi-Fi operation

After rebooting the router, you will need to reconnect to the network on all devices and enter a new password.

If an error occurs when connecting, then most likely your device still has the old settings for connecting to wifi. To fix this problem, you need to remove your network from the list of connections and search for access points again. After your network appears in the list again, connect to it and enter a new password.

A wireless Wi-Fi network is the most convenient way to connect to the Internet for mobile devices such as laptops, tablets and smartphones. Moreover, recently Wi-Fi technology is increasingly being used to connect regular desktop computers. This method of connecting to the World Wide Web allows you to get rid of ugly wires that can ruin any interior design.

However, when using a wireless connection, you must be aware of security. When setting up a home wireless network, many users simply do not know how to set a Wi-Fi password. As a result, they and the data transmitted over such a network are available to everyone. Now we will try to solve this problem.

Talking about how to set a password for Wi-Fi is not so easy. The fact is that now there are many wireless manufacturers. Each of these manufacturers uses its own shell to configure the router. To help with setting a password for a Wi-Fi network, we will look at the process step by step.

Step No. 1. Open the router's web interface

All modern routers are configured via a web interface. There is no need to be intimidated by the word “Web interface”, because in fact it is a small website that is hosted on the router and is accessible to the user from any browser.

Open your favorite browser and enter the IP address of your wireless router into the address bar. The router's IP address can be or If you don’t know exactly what IP address your router has, you can simply try one first, and then the second.

After you have entered the IP address of the router, a form will appear in front of you in which you need to enter your login and password for access. If you are, you can read our article on this topic.

After entering your login and password, the router’s web interface will appear in front of you. In the picture below you can see the web interface of the ASUS router.

Step #2: Find the Wi-Fi settings section

In the web interface of the ASUS router, to access this section, just click on the “Wireless network” link in the “Advanced settings” section.

Step No. 3. Set a password for Wi-Fi

In the Wi-Fi settings section, you need to select the authentication method, encryption algorithm and enter the (key) to access Wi-Fi.

In the “authentication method” section, select WPA2. This is the newest and safest option. We choose the AES algorithm as the encryption algorithm; this is also the most reliable option. And of course, don’t forget to set a password for Wi-Fi. To do this, enter a set of numbers and symbols in the “Key” field. After all the settings are set, we save the result, in some cases

Hello! Most Internet users use wireless routers at home to access the Internet. This is quite convenient and allows the user to access the Internet regardless of where in the apartment he is located. However, a Wi-Fi connection is less secure than a regular wired one.

Because the network signal can be intercepted in neighboring apartments, which will allow unauthorized persons to use your local network, as well as get to all the information located in it. That is why every user using a wireless router should know how to set a password for WiFi.

Unfortunately, many users initially do not pay attention to this and how securely their information is stored. Therefore, they do not bother to set network access restrictions.

This is only remembered when signs appear indicating the presence of unauthorized persons in the computer system or when someone suggests that they should limit their Internet. The password must be set using the router menu. Below are a number of recommendations based on the example of several router models, how to set a password for WiFi.

Since I touched on the topic of passwords today, I recommend that you read my article, which is called

Password for WiFi router D-Link DIR-300

First, let's look at an example of setting a secret code (password) on such a router, model D-Link DIR-300. This operation is carried out exactly like this:

1. In any browser, log into the router and enter the address or in the browser line and press the enter key.

2. In the next step, a dialog box will appear in which you should specify your login and password (User Name) and password (Password). After entering the data, you will need to remember to click on the “LogIn” button, as shown in the figure below.

If you do not know the password, you can find it out from the specialist who installed and configured the router. In my case, for the user “admin” on the router of this model, the password is “admin”.

3. Now we are already in the control panel of the router. At the top, go to the settings section, indicated by the number 1 in the figure. And on the left side in the additional menu, follow the “Wireless Setup” link. Here we configure our wireless network.

Here I want to emphasize that the password can be set either manually or using the connection settings.

First, let's look at how to set a password for WiFi using the assistant.

a) To set up a password through the assistant, click “Wireless Connection Setup Wizard”. A preliminary page will open on which you will see that the entire necessary password setting procedure is performed in two stages: general wireless connection setup and password setting. We click “Next” accordingly.

If you don't want to come up with a strong password, then select automatic assignment. But then there is a high probability of forgetting it. Or you can specify a password yourself - to do this, set the selection switch to the “Manually” position. Click on the “Next” button.

b) If you select automatic password assignment, the router will display it on the screen along with other network parameters. Remember, or better yet, write it down and click “Save.” A password will be set (to return to the previous action, click on the “Prev” button).

c) If you select a manual password assignment, a page will open in which you will need to write the password you created in the “Network Key” line. The most important thing to remember is that the password you come up with must include English letters, numbers, and besides, the password length must fit into the range from 8 to 63 characters.

Once you have written the password, click “Next”. Next, click “Save” to save. After completing all these operations, the password will be successfully set.

Now let's look at an example of how to set a WiFi password manually.

a) To manually set a password in the router menu, open “Wireless Setup” and click “Manual Wireless Connection Setup”.

b) A settings page will open, which you need to scroll down and find the “Security Mode” field. In this field, set the value as shown in the figure below under number 1. Here, in the line under number 2, enter the password you created.

The password that you set for the wireless network will need to be entered on laptops, computers, tablets and phones when connecting these devices to the WiFi network.

Before I forget, I want to remind you that in one of my previous articles I already wrote about Wi-Fi networks:

Now let’s look at an example of how to set a password for WiFi, using the example of the TR-Link TL-WR720N router.

By analogy with the above example, this router model has the ability to set a password automatically or manually. Automatic installation is carried out using one program. This method is quite simple and clear, in this regard, I would like to consider another method, more accurate and reliable - manual, in which all data is entered manually.

After turning on the TP-Link TL-WR720N router, launch the browser and specify or and press the enter key. Now we will find ourselves in the menu of the router itself.

1. Go to the “Wireless Mode” section;

2. Open the subsection “Wireless protection”;

3. Enter the required password in the line shown as number 3 in the figure.

However, what should we do, for example, if we already have a password with a login? In this case, to automate your connection to the Internet, you can save them in the router settings and not connect to the Internet on your computer in the future.

But in order for us to retain all the necessary connection data, you and I should perform several simple operations:

a) Open the “Basic Settings” section, then go to “Network” ==>> “WAN”;

b) In the lines “Username” and “Password”, enter the login and password required to connect to the Internet, respectively.

Then you should give the name of the new network, which is entered in the “Wireless Mode” - “Wireless Mode Settings” section.

Enter the name in the “SSID” field: for example, Sety;

In the “Channel” line you need to indicate the largest number of channels (devices) that can then be connected to the router, and then click save data.

This completes all the necessary and significant configuration of our wireless router. After that, all that remains is to check everything. To do this, open the list of available wireless connections - there should be a connection named Sety, connect to it and now you can safely work on the network.

Now let's figure it out, how to set a password for WiFi on the ASUS RT-N65U router.

Firstly. As you know, all modern routers are configured through a browser. Open your browser that you usually use and enter the address of your router in the address bar, which is usually or Also, look, if you don’t know the exact address of your purchased router, then try entering one address first, and then another.

Then the router management menu will open, where you will need to specify your login and password. When the password and login are entered, in this case we will be taken to the ASUS router interface itself, which is presented below:

Secondly. First of all, you will need to go to the wireless network section, where you will set a password.

To access this section, you should simply just click on the “Wireless Network” link in “Advanced Settings”.

Third: This stage includes setting a password. Here I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you should specify a suitable authentication method and, of course, the WPA encryption algorithm. Well, don’t forget to also enter the key (password) to access the Internet.

I would also advise you to select WPA2 in the “Authentication Method” line - the newest and most secure option. When choosing an encryption algorithm, it is better to give preference to the AES algorithm - this is also the most reliable option. After this, do not forget to enter the password for the wireless network in the “Key” field. When all the settings are set, save them. In some cases, after saving the settings, you may need to reboot the router.

Performing all these simple operations is enough to set a password. The next time you try to connect to your network, your computer will ask you to enter your password.

On all routers, the best security certificate option to use will be WPA2-PSK. This is currently the most advanced specification and is designed to provide the most secure wireless WiFi connection. WPA-PSK should only be used in cases where the connected devices do not support WPA2-PSK. However, in this case, if possible, it is better to select the WPA/WPA2-mixed mode.

I’ll add a few words about how to set a password for WiFi.

As for the password itself to protect your Internet, you should take a closer look at what a password should not be:

- it is extremely undesirable to use any names - your own, others' names or the names of pets;

- you should also not use dates, especially those that are memorable for you;

- do not use simple words or simple character sets. For example: qwerty, abcd1234, 12345678, 87654321 and the like;

- do not use symbols that are repeated. For example: aabbccdd, 5555555, 11223344, etc.

— you cannot use template passwords like password, master, football, superman, etc.

You can create a password from random characters in one of three ways.

1. Find an online generator on the Internet and specify the key parameters in it, such as: length - 8 characters, the ability to use Arabic numbers, as well as uppercase and lowercase letters. As a result, the online generator will give you key phrases that meet the specified parameters.

2. Open any book and take a line from it that is 8-9 words long. In each word we take the second or third letter and write it out in the transcription of the Latin alphabet. If there are repetitions of any symbols, then replace them with any numbers. Then randomly capitalize some letters. That's it, the password is ready.

3. We come up with a sentence consisting of 3-4 words, in which we remove the spaces. We remove characters in random order so that there are 8 of them left. We randomly replace some numbers with letters, and make two or three of the remaining letters capitalized.

So, dear readers, concluding today’s article - “How to set a password on WiFi”, I am sure that you have found the necessary information for yourself in this article. And I would also like to tell you that after setting a password, you also, for additional security, enable a MAC address filter on the router. In this case, I can suggest you read my article for a more meaningful and deeper understanding.

But it is advisable to do this in cases where there is a really high probability that your Internet will be used by unauthorized persons. In the next part of the lesson I will tell you =>

Gone are the days when the Internet was connected to a PC only through a wired connection. Now all modern gadgets support the Wi-Fi function and can work in a wireless network just as well as with a direct wired connection! In almost every apartment, a special device, a router, is used to meet Wi-Fi needs. These networks are mainly used for home or office services.


A wireless network can extend over tens of meters, depending on the power of the router. And to prevent uninvited guests from using your traffic, you need to know how to password protect your Wi-Fi router.

How to set a password on a wifi router (password)?

In this article we will look at the principle of changing the password, because regardless of the manufacturer, be it Asus, D-link, TP-link, Zyxel, it is identical. All the settings you set can be easily changed, and even easier to reset to factory settings. It is necessary to realize the importance of this action, because all devices are connected to a common local network and data can be accessed. To prevent this from happening, you must protect the network with a password!

Changing the router settings is done through the web interface. On the same label, on the back cover of the router, “site” is written, which consists only of numbers and dots (usually or something similar). It must be entered into the address bar of the browser you use to view web pages. A window will open in front of you, where you need to enter the factory login and password indicated on the same label on the back of the router. By default they are set to “admin and admin”, respectively. Once you have entered this data, press the “Log In” button.

If someone changed the factory login and password of your router, or you simply forgot it, you can click the Reset button to return all the router settings (including the login and password to access its settings) to the original (default) ones. Usually the Reset button is pressed in and to press it you need to arm yourself with a match or a toothpick.

So, a site map has opened in front of you - this is the main menu for managing the router. Your task is to find the Security tab. After this, we will be taken to a page where you will need to find fields called “Password” and “Confirm the password”. Your task is to write the password you created in each field. We’ll tell you a little later which password is best to create to protect your network.

After you have written a new password in the two corresponding fields, press the Save Setting button. Ideally, change the login value by changing the standard “admin” to “hamer17” (for example), this way the router will be more protected from hacking - now you know how to set the wifi password.

Some users, after all the steps taken, are wondering how to change the wifi password. Yes, exactly the same way as putting it on! You need to log into the site map using your password and login. And in the Security tab, write a new password value, saving it, that’s all!

Even after changing the router password, do not forget to look and use it for free!

What password should I choose for WiFi?

This is the most important point regarding the protection of the entire wireless network system. There are often cases of hacking a Wi-Fi password by simply guessing it. Those. You need to use a password that no one will guess and that is difficult to guess. By the way, there are many programs for cracking (bringing) passwords, but even they will not be able to unravel a complex password; finding a complex password will take them several decades. So, consider the basic principles of creating a password:

  • Do not use a primitive password, discard the options qwerty or 12345 and the like!
  • The password must contain both numbers, letters, and special characters (*, %, #, etc.), then it is much more difficult to crack.
  • Use information that is not related to you. Those. year of birth or address of the house where you live is not suitable for a password.
  • When creating a password, consider the case of letters. In other words, the password must contain both lowercase and uppercase letters.

Attention! Your password must not be less than eight characters!

If you use the data, you can protect your wireless network 100%. That's all, the question turned out to be: “How to set a password for wifi?” not so difficult! Good luck in this difficult task!

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