How to change the name of Wi-Fi. How to change the wireless network name (SSID) on a Wi-Fi router

Modern technologies communications allow you to create home networks, uniting entire groups of computers for communication, data exchange, and so on. Their organization does not require special knowledge and large expenses. Just imagine, 10 years ago not everyone had a computer, much less the Internet, but today almost every apartment has an organized private group. Everyone knows what it is, but not everyone knows how to set up a router and how to change WiFi name networks.

This article will talk about how to change the name of a home group organized using a wireless router (the so-called router).

How to enter the router settings

Before moving on to the answer to how to change the name of a WiFi network, you should warn that you should not get into the settings if you doubt your knowledge. In any case, even if you reset all the settings and messed something up, forgot your password, and so on, each router is equipped with a master reset button, which, when pressed, resets all settings to factory settings.

How to connect to a WiFi router: Video

So, in order to go into the router’s settings, you first need to connect to it. You can do this in two ways:

  • Wireless connection;
  • Fixed connection via cable.

In the first case, you will need to turn on the router and wait for it to boot. After that, turn on WiFi on your laptop and select your device from the proposed list of available access points. For example, if you use D-Link device DIR 300, then by default the connection name will be the same.

In addition to the name, you can start from the signal level. It is logical that among all available access points, your device will provide the most strong signal, since the signal source is in close proximity to the laptop.

Once you have connected to the router in your favorite browser in address bar the following must be entered: In the vast majority of cases, the address is like this, however, this can be checked. It must be indicated in the instructions for the router.

A stationary connection means that the computer is connected to the router using a cable. So you don't need WiFi connection. Just turn on your computer and enter the above address in your browser. Then everything is done the same for both connections.

How to find out the IP address of a WiFi router: Video

If the address is written correctly, then you will be asked to enter your username and password as shown in the photo above. By default, the manufacturer sets the password from the factory: admin, login: admin. After this, you will have access to the device settings. It is recommended that no one else be able to enter the settings.

Changing the name of the network

So, we entered the router settings, but how to change WiFi name networks? Everything here is extremely simple. First you need to decide what to call WiFi network. The name can be anything, here you are limited only by your imagination.

It is worth noting that different models routers have different interfaces. Describe how to change the name WiFi groups for each router is impossible, so let’s look at how this is done using the example of a TP-Link wireless router model.

So, in the device settings you should go to the “Wireless Mode” tab. Below you will see additional sub-items. We require "Wireless Settings". Here the first column is “Network name”. In this column you can write any name.

Getting started Wi-fi search on one of your devices you probably noticed that most of the available points are called names different names. At the same time, when setting up your wi-fi points your router gives it a default name, and to change it you'll have to do a little digging settings. In this manual we will explain to you how to quickly and easily change wifi name in my house.

How to change the name of a Wi-Fi router - step-by-step instructions

First, we should go to the settings of our router. If a working Wi-Fi is already installed and connected on your computer, then this is easy to do - for most routers (for example, for Tp-link) you just need to type in the address bar of your browser. If you use a router from D-link, Tenda or Netgear, enter in the address bar. After that, log in by typing the standard login Admin And standard password 1234.

We are in the web interface menu, where we have access to all the settings for our own router. We need to find the settings section wireless network Wi-Fi. Depending on the chosen language, it may be called differently, in English language Most often this section is called Wireless.

Further steps to how to change wifi name They also differ by router model. Most often the name is Wi-fi networks appears in the SSID line - this is an abbreviation for service set identifier, or otherwise just a network identifier. The value you set in this line is the name of your Wi-fi. Here you can also change your password - pay attention to the line WPA.

However, some users will have a question: how to change the name of a wifi routertp-link, because there is no such line. Indeed, on these routers the name is used instead of SSID Wireless Network Name.

Carefully ensure that after changing the name of the Wi-Fi router, your new name does not coincide with one of those that already exists in the Wi-Fi access area. In this case, your device may periodically try to connect to another router, due to why you will have problems with the Internet.

Hello friends! It's time for another useful article :). Today I want to tell you about how to change your name for Wi-Fi networks(SSID) on the router.

I think that this advice will be useful and useful to many. During the router setup process, it is not always possible to change the network name, and it remains installed by the router default.

But, when you already start actively using wireless internet, then you begin to notice that your neighbors’ network is called “musya”, “dusya”, “kukusya”, and yours is called “Tp-link...”.

Disorder :). Let's fix it now!

Changing the name of the wireless Wi-Fi network

Let's look at this process first on the Tp-link router .

We need to go into the router settings. If you don’t know how to do this, then I’ll tell you: connect the router to the computer, preferably via a network cable.

We went into settings and immediately went to the tab WirelessWireless Settings.

Opposite the point Wireless Network Name come up with and write down a new name. And press the button Save to save the results. Reboot your router.

All is ready.

Now let's see how to do it all on an Asus router .

Go to your router settings. The process itself is practically no different from what I described for Tp-link (see above).

In Control Panel, go to the tab Wireless network.

And at the very top, opposite the point SSID write a new name for your network. Click the button Apply(bottom).

Important point. If you already had devices connected to your router via a wireless network, then after changing the network name, delete the old connections and connect again. Otherwise there may be problems. See the article for more details.

If at the time of setting up the router, you forgot change Wi-Fi name networks, then you can change it at any time to one that is convenient for you. This will only bring inconvenience to the neighbors who are connected to your Wi-Fi, but it won’t be difficult for you if you use the instructions below. After all, it’s more pleasant to have a network with its own name, rather than the name of the manufacturer of your router.

First, let's look at the process of changing the name of a Wi-Fi network on a TP-LINK router

You need to go into the router settings. To do this, connect the router to the computer with a cable twisted pair(network cable).

In the address bar of your Internet browser, enter the address (written at the bottom of the router). On the page that opens, enter the password and login to access the settings (the default login and password are admin and admin. Also written at the bottom of the router).

Wireless network settings of the TP-LINK WR841N router

We went into the settings and immediately go to the “Wireless” tab - “Wireless Settings” (“Wireless mode” - “Wireless mode settings”).

In the "Wireless Network Name" field, write down the new name of the Wi-Fi network. And click the "Save" button to save the results. Reboot your router.

Let's look at how to do all this on an ASUS router

You can go into the router settings using the method discussed above for TP-LINK routers, only the settings address for ASUS is not, but

Wireless Settings ASUS router RT-N10P

ASUS G32 router wireless network settings

In the window that opens, click the "Wireles" link.
In the SSID field, enter a new name for your network. Click the "Apply" button.
So we changed the network name on the ASUS router.

Let's look at the stages of changing the name of a wireless network on a Zyxel router

In the address bar of your Internet browser, enter the address (written at the bottom of the router). On the page that opens, enter the password with your login to access the settings (the default login and password are admin and admin. Written at the bottom of the router).

ZYXEL router wireless network settings

In the window that opens, “Wi-Fi Network” - “Connection”. In the Network Name (SSID) field, enter a new name for your network. Click the "Apply" button to save the setting.

If you change the password instead of the network name, connection errors may occur due to the fact that your devices have remembered the wireless network parameters and are trying to connect using the old data. To avoid this, you need to delete the wireless network settings with this name. For different operating networks There is a way to do this. I described this in the article “How to delete Wi-Fi network settings”.

Thank you for your attention. I hope the article helped you. I welcome criticism and comments.

A wireless network is extremely convenient and functional, but not many people know how to set it up. There are more and more such points around, especially in multi-storey buildings, and they often coincide in model and manufacturer. The latter means that your device can see two networks with same names and confuse them every time when connecting. To avoid this situation, let's figure out how to change the name Wi-Fi router A.

It is worth understanding that this does not affect the performance of the network in any way - you are only personalizing the router and making the network name more convenient to read.

How to make changes

Let's say right away that this is the only way to change Wi-Fi name router - directly through its settings.

  • First of all, you need to come up with a name that will stand out among others. After this, on a computer already connected to the network distributed by the router, open the browser. It could be like installed FireFox or Chrome, as well as standard Internet Explorer.
  • Click on the line that displays the site address, and write in it, then click on “Enter”. It is quite possible that nothing will happen after this - in this case, try changing the zero in this address to one.
  • In extremely rare cases, the changed address may not work. Then we pick up the box and look at the stickers on it or the stickers on the device - either there or there will be information on changing the standard values ​​for the input.
  • After entering correct address You will be taken to the next screen, where you can see a small window with lines for login and password. Remember - the standard is also used here, which has the value admin for both fields.

If these data have been changed by the manufacturer, you will definitely find information about this on the same sticker.

  • Well, now that the settings are in front of us, let’s proceed directly to the procedure of how to rename the router. We will look at the settings of a TP-Link device as an example.
  • On the left you will see a menu with sub-items - you must first select “Wireless” ( wireless mode) and a little lower in the submenu - “Wireless settings”.
  • When you get to the desired tab, you will see the same as in the screenshot. The most top margin"Wireless Network Name" is the name field. Enter a new name into it and then click on “Save”. You may need to reboot after this, or the device will do it automatically.
  • After loading, the network will appear under a new name and you will need to reconnect to it from all devices by entering the password.

We warn you: this instruction how to rename a Wi-Fi router may differ in many points after entering its settings. The fact is that each manufacturing company has its own menu design.

Problems when changing your name

If you are not allowed into the router settings, it means that someone changed the password by hacking - this often happens if the network is open. In this case, only resetting the settings to factory settings will help: this is done using separate button on the router case or by pressing the power button for a certain time.