A simple landing page with high conversion. Direct and indirect reference to the lead form. How can I create a beautiful landing page?

What do the best resources on the Internet do with their home pages? What design, marketing and functional elements allow you to effectively convert new visitors into subscribers or loyal customers? Is it necessary beautiful landing page will it work well?

The interesting thing is that, in fact, ugly websites often convert better than resources with more advanced and trendy designs. Of course, this cannot be taken as a rule, but from time to time such precedents happen and can present you with a lot of interesting marketing insights.

A typical example of a popular resource with terrible design is Graigslist. As you can see, these are just a bunch of blue links grouped together, but this approach pays off, because Graigslist has long been considered one of the most successful services online.

Below we will touch on this delicate balance between ugly and beautiful design in more detail. For now, just try to remember that you don't have to create a cool modern landing page to make it effective.

Beautiful landing pages which we will study today

This list contains cute landing pages that can teach us some important marketing lessons.

"3 Steps I Used to Build 4 Multi-Million Dollar Businesses"

Neil Patel, a well-known entrepreneur, venture capitalist and analyst, constantly changes the appearance of his blog and landing page to increase conversions or provide readers with access to diverse offers.

The current version is one of the most effective he has ever used. This design shows incredible high level conversions even though the lead form requires visitors to provide a phone number.

“Get instant free access to the training platform”

Just recently, Chris Ducker—a successful serial entrepreneur, speaker, and blogger—transitioned to another platform and, in doing so, implemented a brilliant new design. His landing page converts very well, and a lot of that was achieved thanks to the photo of Chris looking (literally) at the header of his opt-in form. We will look at this example in more detail later.

“Exclusive: The multi-billion dollar future of online marketing”

This side project of business manager and entrepreneur Glen Allsop is exactly the case when improving the appearance of the landing page leads to a drop in results. Glen claims that his landing page conversion rates range from 45-64% depending on how it is structured.

So, an offer converts much better if only White background with one single lead form and no scrolling option.

“Be your best self. Free fitness plans for any fitness level"

The current version of this popular site's landing page is so well optimized that it serves as an excellent example of how to use social proof.

The company conducts split tests very often and constantly changes offers.

"We're here to make you look your best"

WPMU DEV develops its own WordPress plugins and themes and does it very effectively. The landing page is carefully optimized to promote the offer, and below we'll talk about what the team was able to do to push readers to more detailed study site.

“Everything you need to send the right emails”

AWeber recently redesigned their landing page and, thanks to this, significantly increased their conversion rate. The team managed to create a page with beautiful design, which really brings impressive results.

10 Lessons These Landing Pages Teach Us

1. A clear call to action

One of the most important conclusions Their examples above are that your landing page should have a very clear call to action. If you can make it your only CTA element, even better. The main thing is that the visitor goes to the site and immediately understands what is required of him. Don't confuse people with unnecessary sentences. Take a cue from Marketing Inc and AWeber's landing pages, which expect users to take one action.

2. Photos (eye contact)

Having good photos is very important for a landing page. Almost all of the landing pages in question use very clever images to engage the audience. Chris Ducker outdoes the other examples in this regard, as the image keeps his eyes focused on the area he wants to draw visitors' attention to. In many cases, such a visual reference can significantly increase resource conversion.

3. Mobile responsive differentiation

You probably don't need to be reminded of this, but in 2016, adapting your landing page to mobile devices is of enormous importance. The number of people reading blogs on portable devices is growing rapidly, so you need to make sure they don't leave your site because of illegible text or poorly structured pages.

A mobile responsive landing page often differs from the desktop version, because different devices people tend to perform different actions. Take a look at the sites listed above from both your smartphone and PC and you will see how interesting solutions these companies use.

4. Well-planned branding

One of characteristic features All of these pages are clearly branded. Colors, fonts, styles and images are consistent and appropriate for purpose and audience. Thanks to this approach, websites appear more professional to visitors, which leads to increased conversions. Trust plays a very important role when you ask readers to leave an email, phone number, or credit card number. At the very least, you should test your landing pages and check them for errors.

5. Benefits (not just features)

One of the classic marketing adages is that you should focus on the benefits, not the features of the offer. Don't tell people every detail of your proposal - rather, try to tell them how they will feel and what they will achieve in the end. Notice how the headline on Bodybuilding.com talks about “transforming yourself” instead of showing the selected exercise plan. This is an extremely stimulating call.

6. Quality baits

Almost all good landing pages offer visitors some kind of bait to encourage them to sign up or take a closer look at the offer. Chris Ducker uses this method very effectively, celebrating each achievement that will be available to his subscribers. It's hard to ignore such clear and compelling arguments.

7. Sense of time

Go to Marketing Inc's website and you'll see a clock in the middle of the page counting down until the next webinar. This is a proven marketing technique that creates some sense of anxiety in visitors - they know time is running out, and they act. If you can include a truthful and useful timer in your offer, it will most likely significantly increase your subscriber base.

8. Scarcity

Neil Patel is offering a limited number of places to attend his live webinar. Like time pressure, scarcity motivates people to act because they fear missing out on something valuable. This feature of the psyche is literally built into our consciousness from the time when we fought for survival - sensing the possibility of losing something, the brain sends signals that force us to act quickly.

9. Social proof

The fitness industry quite often uses social proof in the form of before and after photos - it's simple and effective method. Bodybuilding.com has based almost all of its content above the fold on this concept, making you immediately want to click the button and change your body like the people shown on the right.

Remember that all images must be truthful, because in many countries the law prohibits the falsification of such information. Even if only a few people subscribe to your blog, try to get a few real reviews from readers and other bloggers and place them in the most relevant places on your page.

10. Signs of trust

Place a block with brand logos under your lead form to gain the trust of new visitors. They will see that other reputable companies and clients support you and will provide you with their contact information without any worries. Keep in mind, many are still afraid to leave their personal information in the Internet.

If you plan to use any of these methods on your landing page, be sure to test any changes you implement to ensure they have a positive effect. Remember, what works for one landing page may be disastrous for another.

How do I create beautiful landing page?

You have three options for the development of events:

1. Redesign your landing page yourself

If you are good at design, you can create a new landing page yourself, and then hire a competent layout designer and programmer to write out the entire required code(or use ). However, we don't recommend this option if you don't understand what elements you should place on your landing page to get the best results.

2. Hire a professional designer

Today there are thousands of web designers at your service on the Internet who can create a very impressive landing page. A full-fledged individual project will cost you a couple of thousand dollars, but even a simple landing page design development will bring noticeable results - especially if you contact our specialists.

3. Buy a ready-made template

The last option is the simplest and cheapest, and can very likely bring you good results. We offer a variety of high-quality themes that will help you save time and money on creating the most attractive landing page.

19.10.17 300

The essence sales landing page structures is to encourage visitors to take a specific action. For example, make a purchase, register, or subscribe to a newsletter.

We can say that landing almost 100% determines the success of an advertising campaign. Good landing page= good ROI ( return on investment ratio). A bad landing page is a waste of money.

Three unbreakable rules

Rule 1: Never send ad traffic to your home page

Home pages are overloaded with information and action. Confused by all this, the user may ignore the necessary action. Therefore, you need to direct advertising traffic to pages that make it possible to perform only the targeted action of the advertising campaign.

Rule 2: Clarity and relevance come first

It only takes a couple of seconds for visitors to understand how useful and relevant this page is. If visitors don't find necessary information, or the site has problems with functionality or usability, the page will be closed.

To prevent this from happening, answer the questions that each user has:

  • Is there what I need here?
  • Do I have enough information?
  • Can I trust this site?
  • How long will it take?

Before you decide what product to sell on the landing page, you need to understand that it should encourage visitors to stay on the page and take a targeted action: filling out a subscription form or making a purchase.

Rule 3: a quality landing page has a specific structure

  1. Benefit headline

If a visitor lands on the site after clicking on a banner, then the texts of the landing page and the advertisement must match each other. If a banner or PPC advertisement promises “ A unique meditation technique", then this phrase should also be present in the landing page title.

  1. Brevity and relevance

Choose simple and meaningful phrases. Do not post too much text, because the visitor should be able to skim the information and understand its essence. Highlight the main idea bulleted list. Advertisement and the landing page must be written in the same language.

  1. Focus on one action that the visitor needs to complete

The user should be able to perform only one action on the page. The more options on the page, the lower the conversion.

  1. Remove distracting navigation links

  1. Make your subscription or checkout form visible

The target action should be eye-catching. Highlight it. Place a large login form on the right side of the landing page. If the landing page allows scrolling, then duplicate the form or button at the very bottom of the page.

  1. Keep your style consistent

Landing page design should not be out of line general concept site. Stick to a common color scheme and fonts, maintain a unified perception of the site and landing page. This way you can increase brand awareness.

Quality selling landing pages templates load quickly. Monitor page loading speed using Google. Page Speed. There you can also get recommendations for improving site performance.

Four stages of creating a landing page

Before starting work on the landing page, draw a layout on paper. For a correct sketch, you must be guided by four basic principles. And let the designer work with real data. So write a draft first.

1: Decide on your audience

It is important that the landing page appeals to the target group of users. Consider the concerns, wants, and needs of your target audience. Create a draft page for specific, not abstract readers.

If you attract traffic to your landing page from different ads, then create your own landing page for each advertisement. Let these pages be almost identical, but with different headings and slogans that duplicate the texts from the advertisement.

2: Decide on the most desired action (MWA action)

What it will be depends entirely on the product and strategy. If you have an expensive and complex product, then it is better to use user email and start building relationships with customers via email.

Well, if you are selling cheap or simple goods ( for example, wine or a subscription to a publication), then it makes sense to immediately move on to direct sales. When selling software, it is better to offer trial versions.

3: Decide on the Message

You know your audience, their problems and theirs. possible solutions. All that remains is to come up with a meaningful message. Universal template not here, so come up with some slogans and do some split testing.

4: come up with a landing page design

How to create beautiful landing page selling, which can motivate visitors to take a specific action? First, come up with a list of all the elements that should be presented on the page.

What should be on the page:

  • headline addressed to the target audience;
  • Company `s logo;
  • Brief description of the offer " above the fold line» (the fold line is the part of the screen that is visible without scrolling);
  • full description of the offer " below the fold line» (depending on the complexity of the offer and product);
  • image of the offered product;
  • simple registration form. Ideally with 1-3 fields ( usually it's a name and email, but do you really need a name?);
  • button "Buy" or "Login" (depending on the desired response) and a link to " Privacy Policy» ( open it in a pop-up window, not on new page– this way you can keep visitors on the landing page).

What is better to remove from the page:

  • navigation menu. Remember that the emphasis should be on the sentence itself;
  • links to other sections of the site ( for example, “About the company”);
  • any graphics not related to the offer. Otherwise, you will distract visitors from the main thing;
  • difficult readable text. Anything smaller than 10 px is bad;
  • any links from the series " to subscribe, click here" or " click here to read the continuation" If you can't fit all the content at the top of the screen, then have the user use scrolling. Scrolling is better than moving to another page;
  • bulky and intimidating forms with extra fields ( for example, “position”, “fax”, etc..);

Every rule has its exceptions, and you definitely won’t be able to copy all the best ideas into your landing page. But these tips should help in the initial stages.

5: Putting it all together

After the sketch has been created sales landing page template and the content has been invented, you need to combine them into one and upload them to the site. We recommend using simple and easy to remember addresses. It happens that you have to register for a landing page separate domain, since domains with precise keywords receive more traffic from PPC advertising.

If the landing page is dedicated to vacancies on an oil rig, then it is better to choose the address www.OilRigJobOffers.com or www.somesite.com/oilrigjoboffers.

Such addresses attract much more traffic than standard transition via the link from PPC advertising on Google. The user who logs in search engine and looking for " oil rig jobs", is more likely to open an ad with keyword in the address.

Landing page length

Usually for free offers perfect fit short landing page. How more money What you want to get from your visitor, the longer your landing page should be.

According to Bob Kemper , the relationship between landing page efficiency and page length is influenced by:

  • user motivation;
  • initial level of anxiety about the product/company;
  • level of costs/obligations associated with conversion.

To sum it up: a short landing page is better for free, low-cost, or low-concern products. It also works great with impulse purchases or purchases that provide emotional satisfaction ( tickets to concerts, sweets, all sorts of beautiful things).

Long landing pages are more suitable for complex or expensive products. When rational thinking and pragmatic analysis are included before making a purchase, a long landing page looks more solid, as it provides the visitor with additional argumentation, evidence and reviews. It is ideal for products where large quantity information can persuade the visitor to make a purchase.

Many people are afraid to create long sales landing page schemes, because they subconsciously associate them with hype, fraud and from the series “ get rich in a couple of days" Don't be afraid of length, be afraid of poor content.

Conversion Rate Experts increased the SEOMoz landing page conversion significantly by changing only the page length:

Take a look at the product pages on Amazon – Kindle landing page is VERY long. And at Amazon, as we know, they test everything!

If you choose a long landing page, then make sure that your visitors know about scrolling Yes excellent services, such as CrazyEgg and Clicktale, which help people “get a feel” for the length of a page.

Tests, tests, tests

Once everything is ready and configured, proceed to testing the effectiveness of the landing page. Come up with at least two landing page options, test them, choose the best one and polish it.

Errors in landing pages

I've looked through a lot landing pages, which I got to after clicking on the advertisement. Unfortunately, it was not possible to find the ideal landing page.

Below is a short debriefing consisting of the pros of the landing page and what I would change.

University of Phoenix

What they did well when writing sales text for the landing page:

  • live title and pictures;
  • a simple and clear call to action;
  • clear branding.
  • would reduce the orange area and make the shape more visible;
  • increased the title and font size in the form;
  • white text on an orange background is quite difficult to read;
  • too much text important information gets lost against the general background;
  • I would remove the details about the program.


What they did well:

  • the headline is benefit oriented;
  • social proof;
  • all the main advantages are listed;
  • a clear call to action;
  • clear branding.

What I personally would change or test further:

  • I removed the link to the price lists – I think it’s distracting. I would add free plan with the possibility of subsequent acquisition of paid features;
  • added information about personal data in a pop-up window, rather than taking the user to another page;
  • reduced the number of marked elements to three, made the font darker;
  • V sales landing page diagram changed the text on the CTA button. There it is better to indicate what will happen after clicking.


What they did well:

  • advantages are visually highlighted;
  • a prominent call to action;
  • clear branding.

What I personally would change or test further:

  • design. It's like a newbie opening FrontPage for the first time;
  • The title is terrible. There is no specific proposal. You shouldn't have included the brand name in the title;
  • button " Get a free consultation» opens exactly the same form as the one on the right. Why create duplicates?
  • request for a free consultation – why is it needed at all? Instead of selling advice they are trying to distract me free booklets and shares. If I opened this site, it means I already want to publish!
  • forms are too long;
  • I would change the call to action/offer completely. I chose something related to journalism. Consultations are an unnecessary hassle and a waste of time. I would be scared by aggressive sales technology in the structure of the selling landing page.

Allstate auto insurance

What they did well:

  • brand strengthening;
  • they play up the most important thing: how to save on insurance;
  • a clear and completely understandable call to action.

What I personally would change or test further:

  • terrible picture. It would be better to take a more realistic image;
  • It’s worth updating the signature on the picture. The phrase “important to you” in combination with the image of a car seems at least strange to me.

Text Link Ads

What they did well:

  • clear branding;
  • two main advantages are highlighted;
  • a call to action is highlighted;
  • The screenshot shows how to use the service correctly.

What I personally would change or test further:

  • What does this site actually do? Better write selling text for landing page with explanations.
  • removed the menu from the landing page.
  • removed additional calls to action and links;
  • I tried another template with better conversion. This one looks too bulky. There is nothing to catch your eye on;
  • separate landing pages for each target audience(publishers and advertisers);

Tools for creating a landing page

There are many services for creating landing pages. Please note the following:

  • Unbounce is the most powerful.
  • KickoffLabs – viral landing pages.
  • LaunchRock is an excellent option for announcement landing pages (from the “opening soon” series).

This publication is a translation of the article “ How To Build a High Converting Landing Page: Rules, Process and Critique", prepared by the friendly project team

Good bad

I am still collecting a collection of examples of good landing pages. Russian-speaking. All three pages belong to the same studio. This studio’s portfolio included video reviews from site owners, from which it follows that these landing pages have a high conversion rate of 11-16%.

I don’t indicate the studio only because I plan to scold them a little and they might be a little ashamed :)

As usual, if you click on the landing page thumbnail, you can see the entire captured page. Nearby is a link to original page, but it may already be changed.

Claims to visual design no page. Everything was done well. She, perhaps, can even be used as an example. And use it as a template.

But there are serious complaints about the studio’s understanding of the essence of the landing page. The potential buyer is offered a choice All Nokian tires available in stock.

That is, no traffic segmentation is supposed to be done. At least on the page itself. While it is obvious to anyone that owners of Daewoo Matiz and Toyota Land Cruiser Prado are interested in different tires.

Essentially, the buyer is asked to make a choice based on price and serial number: which is better than Nokian Tires Hakkapeliitta 7 for 3,030 rubles or Nokian Tires Hakkapeliitta 8 for 3,250? The landing page does not answer this question, which means the conversion of this page suffers.

Well, completely unacceptable grammatical errors on landing pages:

Errors undermine the credibility of the business, and therefore worsen the conversion rate on the landing page. Speaking of trust. The landing page designer completely forgot that a company without a physical address is less trustworthy.

But the promotion is well designed: the size of the discount is clear and the reason for the deadline is transparent – ​​it’s the season.

Example of a landing page for a consulting company

Example of a landing page for a consulting company

I don’t want to comment anything here. It's simple visual material how No need design the first screen of the landing page and how necessary select facts to fill it with information. I don’t understand how the same studio can allow such variation in quality.

A tracing paper with a free call within Russia indicating the usual, i.e. paid number is incredibly upsetting.

Example of a landing page for selling bean bag chairs

Example of a landing page for selling bean bag chairs

Almost perfect landing page. I’m not afraid of this word – a masterpiece of emotional marketing. When visiting this page, the only emotion that arises is: wrap up two, maybe together with a model girl :) This is despite the fact that I absolutely certainly did not plan to buy a pear chair.

Of course, this page is not without its shortcomings. I won’t repeat myself about mine.

And I won’t even repeat the idea about the inadmissibility of multiple choices on the landing page. I said everything I wanted when reviewing the landing page with tires at the beginning of this note.

I'm talking about something else now. Look at the photo of the bag that is on sale and is called the Camedy XL chair best price. And now to a photo of a bag with the name “Oxford” pear chair:

Bag, what's your name: Pear Oxford chair or Camedy XL chair?

There is no visual difference, but the names are different! Emotional marketing turns off the logical perception of information, so the conversion of the landing page is quite high. But such puzzles still make a picky buyer wonder: is it worth opening your wallet?

And now the most important mistake this landing page. I bet you didn't even notice it during a quick inspection. Take a closer look at one of the options for using the advertised product and at the product itself being sold on promotion. For your convenience, I have placed them side by side:

The advertised product on the landing page does not match the product being sold!

It is not difficult to see that the girl is sitting on a huge cushion chair. But they sell a bean bag chair at a special price. And it is quite obvious that it is physically impossible to sit on a pear the way a girl sits on a cushion chair. Moreover, this pillow is not among the 5 other options for frameless chairs offered to choose from on this page: there are only 3 more options for a pear chair, a round ball and a square ottoman.

This means that some attentive page visitors will notice the difference immediately. And they won't buy a pear. Or they will buy it, realizing that it is not a pillow.

But some buyers will only be able to detect the substitution when they unpack the ordered product. As a result, the store's reputation will suffer.

But the landing page itself is very, very good!



Many entrepreneurs are interested in how to make a landing page with high conversion. There is no secret magic here. Convincing an Internet user is based on the same principles as offline sales.

There is a law of form and content. In our case, it's design and content. Without in any way detracting from the influence of design, it is worth recognizing that, first of all, potential client words convince. Not only pure text, but also videos, infographics, photographs with explanations. How you present your product or service determines your sales.

Offer decides everything

The first thing that catches the eye of a landing page visitor is the title. It must be made beautiful in large print, and its content is decisive. The essence of the headline is an offer or a unique selling proposition.

How are you different from your competitors? What value will your client receive? The answer to these questions is given by the offer. Clear, concise, convincing. Remember the famous 5 second rule? According to numerous studies, this is how long it takes Internet users to decide whether to stay on a page or leave.

Ideally, the visitor’s reaction is similar to the words of a movie character: “I’m the one who came in successfully!” The minimum task is to scroll to the end of the landing page.

On high-converting landing pages, offers are similar in 3 parameters:

  • Specificity
  • Uniqueness
  • Value

Firstly, the visitor will not puzzle over what you offer.

Secondly, there should not be the impression that “everything here is like everyone else’s.” Template formulations do not sell.

Finally, main element offer - value or benefit for the client. It is measured not only in money. By benefit we mean a certain end result, a solution to the buyer’s problem.

Remember the classic story with the drill? A person buys a tool not for the sake of the tool, but to drill holes. The holes are needed to hang the picture. A painting is needed to create coziness in the house. Follow this chain in your product, and sell comfort, not drills.

Bad example:

The offer is specific, with a hint of benefit (we will bring clients), but at the same time it is painfully standard. Today, thousands of agencies and individual craftsmen are setting up contextual advertising. The uniqueness is not visible.

A better option:

The value of this offer (4% conversion) with a money back policy. It is perhaps impossible to come up with a more accurate offer for this niche.

Another piece of advice: don’t try to “show off” at all costs. A unique offer does not mean unlimited creativity. As confirmation, here is the case of Danish marketer Mikael Ogard:

This is a page of the Fitness World network. Original headline: "You'll be more successful with Fitness World." Ogard changed it to: "Group fitness classes at a local gym" As a result, conversion increased by 38%. Simplicity beats creativity!

Give a strong benefit in the form of capture

In the preview, you explain why the user needs to leave their contacts. What will he get by performing the target action? The most common options for targeted actions:

  • Application for a free audit or consultation. Great for the IT sector, online advertising, and any consulting services.
  • free registration. Typically used by software services.
  • Application for a free catalog or price list. Applicable in case large quantity goods.
  • Application for cost calculation. Either a complex set of goods, or a service according to individual parameters (car repair).
  • Application for free measurement. Standard Themes: stretch ceiling, installation of doors, furniture to order.
  • Sign up for your free first lesson. Works in the educational field ( foreign languages, music, dancing, martial arts).
  • Gaining access to information. Applicable for subscription pages as part of email marketing. The user leaves his address, and you give him e-book, For example.

Discounts or gifts are usually offered as an additional motivator. The technique is ambiguous; if used unsuccessfully, it reduces user confidence. Because a strong proposal does not need a “flavor enhancer”; it is valuable in itself. Gift giving is increasingly perceived as manipulation. Therefore, check your niche for compatibility with free bonuses.

In some cases, it is advisable to place bulletins directly in the capture form, under the preview (we described this case in the previous article).

The CTA button is a “squeeze” of the main benefit in its purest form. Effective Summoning to action or is equivalent to getting what you want final result(example 1), or based on curiosity (example 2).

There are numerous debates about what type of lead form to use: hidden (there is only a CTA button on the view page) or open. There is no clear answer. See what suits your target audience best or test both options.

The following example is interesting because it explains what happens after you submit your contact information. This increases user confidence.

The secret trick of online psychology

The meaning of the technique is the subconscious desire of people to replace abstract data with their own.

In any case, the target action should be easy, with a minimum number of fields in the lead form.

Talk as much as possible about the client, not about yourself.

High-converting landing pages focus not on the characteristics of the company or product, but on the benefits of the client. Many pages use the blocks “About us”, “Our advantages”, “Why choose us”, “How we work”. The information in them is given in principle to the point, but for some reason I want to hang a medal on the chest of the author of the text.

Imagine yourself in the client's shoes. What would he like to get from your product?

Something like this:

Often all you need to do is change the headline “Why Choose Us” to “What You Get.” The feeling is completely different. Remember that customers don't care about your achievements. They want to solve their need.

Use hypnotic words

These are words that subconsciously influence a visitor to your landing page to make a positive decision. Short list:

  • Imagine
  • Because
  • For free
  • Present

Of course, everything is good in moderation, and you shouldn’t shove them into every sentence.

Avoid formulaic language

You're probably aware of junk phrases like "growth company." In fact, you can add definitions to them that are used on every second landing page:

  • Fast
  • Qualitatively
  • Professionally
  • Reliable
  • Inexpensive

The fact is that each person has his own ideas about speed, quality and price. Therefore, never draw conclusions about the product for the client! Let the user decide for himself how profitable your offer is based on specific facts.

You can put any phrase that doesn’t make sense on the same “to be fired” list. For example, “Comprehensive solution to your business problems”, “Simple solution complex tasks"or "Achieve success with us." They apply to hundreds of niches and do not say anything about the uniqueness of the offer.

Secret trick

Replace every adverb and adjective in your text with its opposite meaning. If it turns out to be absurd, then feel free to throw out the weed words.

For example: “Professional specialists will repair your car quickly and efficiently.” The opposite option: “Untrained specialists will repair your car slowly and disgustingly.” Agree, it's absurd.

Here’s how you can write: “Each specialist has at least 8 years of experience, and the senior mechanic completed an internship in Formula 1. We provide a 2-year guarantee for any type of auto repair.” Facts and only facts!

Prove what you claim

Also handle facts carefully. Unjustified statements are subconsciously read by Internet users as falsehood and manipulation. Remember David Ogilvy's legendary expression, “The customer is not an idiot, it's your wife”? Therefore, promises taken out of thin air mercilessly kill landing page conversion.

For example:

Igor Mann would be jealous. Yes, whatever - it’s time for Dan Kennedy himself to give up his coaching training and become an apprentice to the guys.

If possible, instead unnecessary words take a photo or video of your product in action. Finally, post reviews from your customers.

Use only real reviews

Some entrepreneurs approach reviews in the spirit of “we’ll write it ourselves or ask a copywriter.” Did you know that fake reviews reduce conversions more than false facts? Sometimes it gets ridiculous: people discover their own face on some landing page under a fictitious name.

Landing page (from the English landing page) - great way Present your business to the audience in a concise and interesting way. Unlike a standard website, it must grab the visitor’s attention, hold it with one offer, in order to lead to the final target action. U good internet project has its own distinctive characteristics. From this article you will learn what it looks like effective landing page page from the point of view of LPgenerator specialists.

Before you start working, you need to decide on the structure. It’s not for nothing that a landing page is called a one-page page. Indeed, in the literal sense, this is one page, divided into several “strips”, which contains diverse information that fully reveals the offer. Some developers place a navigation bar at the top, thus expanding the capabilities and at the same time simplifying the user's interaction with the resource. The main thing is to distinguish between the concepts of “landing page” and “site” of a standard type (where you can make as many sections as you like).

Mandatory components of a quality landing page are:

  • laconic, interesting header;
  • brief advantages of the brand;
  • lead form;
  • service descriptions;
  • price policy;
  • work examples;
  • social proof (reviews, certificates).

Another basic design rule is that the landing page is aimed at one target audience. An example would be a store project wholesale supplies honey You can see exactly which customers the website is designed for. You can create a portal that is suitable for everyone - both retail customers and to corporative clients, but it will be ineffective. Set your priorities.

Remember - a one-page website should convey only one idea to customers and pursue a specific goal. You cannot overload the portal with diverse offers.


Write simple, clear, concise offers. The decisive factor for motivating a potential buyer to take a conversion action is an attractive appeal.

Remember - a web resource visitor expects you to personalize communication, so it is recommended to narrow the audience of the commercial message, implying a specific client. An example is below, where the address “You” is written with a capital letter.

Use the “urgency effect” where appropriate. The proof will be that it has been proven that this factor, or effect, increases conversion.

Experts tested two header options. One offer option said “Get started now” for just$1” (Get started now for just a dollar). The second version used the phrase “Get started for just $1.” Sample headers are presented below.

The first option won, increasing the portal conversion by 12%. As you can see, the only difference was the word “now”, this proves the following hypothesis - words that convey urgency, the urgency of action, are a strong motivation for users.

Poorly readable text is a mistake made by many web resource developers. The ideal landing page is one that doesn’t force you to strain your eyes to read the necessary information. Make the color of the letters more contrasting, choose a suitable background, change the font, but do not mock your visitors. All LPgenerator projects comply with this rule, below is a sample of good, readable content.

Text structure

We recommend creating lists wherever appropriate. Similar design much better received by readers. If you want to describe the benefits, then mark each item with bullets, this way it is easier to convey the necessary information to the consumer. If you understand that the text can be structured and use icons, then do just that. Whenever possible, make printed information easier to understand.

We present an example of good structuring of printed data.

Data volume

When designing a landing page, the task of the copywriter and designer is to maintain a balance of text/ visual elements. The graphic component must correspond to the volume of printed information.


The visual component is extremely important for the effectiveness of an Internet project. With the help of well-chosen illustrations, you can tell a lot more without using words.

Actually, that's what happened. Initial version The next two turned out to be much less popular. At the same time, the image of employees increased the conversion by 45.5%, and the photo of the car by 45.05%.

This doesn't mean you have to use real photos of your company. After all, we are fighting for aesthetic appeal as well. If the solution spoils the appearance of the page, it will only be a disadvantage. It is advisable to find compromises.

A landing page can be considered effective when the design “says” everything about the service. It must be associated with the business that is presented through the web resource. We present the header of the next layout from LPg - it is made according to the same principle.

Make a button that you want to press. The visitor should immediately understand that they need to click on it to immediately receive the service. Make sure that when clicked, the user goes where they need to go.

If we talk about the color of the CTA button, it is best to choose contrasting shades. According to research on neuromarketing, this approach is the best for attracting users and motivating them to target action. We can provide examples of high-converting landing pages that follow the described principle.

Regarding the conversion form, you need to follow several rules to achieve maximum efficiency. First of all, no extra fields. Visitors are intimidated by long forms, so leave only the fields necessary to continue communication with the user.

Take a look at the template contact form below presenting the webinar. Only name and email.

Secondly, the form needs to be bright, stand out, and attract attention. Here is a model of such a solution.

"Flat design"/"white space"

“Flat” certainly doesn’t sound too tempting. , but today it is one of the leading design trends. This principle is based on two-dimensional space - graphic elements are made without volume, using the most simplified visual effects. The advantages of this approach are quite simple:

  • practicality - web resources load faster than animated sites, replete with designer “features”;
  • easy to “customize” the format to fit the screens various devices— today adaptive layout is extremely relevant, since such an approach is a sign of care for the client (who has long become more “mobile”), but also meets the requirements of search engines;
  • aesthetic appeal " flat design"- many developers have already understood the advantages of this approach, one of them were representatives Apple who made a new operating system more "flat".

Of course, high-converting landing pages can combine flat and three-dimensional components. The main thing is user convenience and visual appeal. Below is an example good combination: Flat text/shapes, but 3D background image.

Now about the so-called “white spots”. This term refers to the free space between the elements of the resource (naturally, conventionally “white”; it can be any color). “Spots” are not used as separate design components, they serve as an addition general structure. Their advantages are aesthetic appeal and improved usability. Here's a good example.


The designer’s “golden” rule is two/three fonts for the entire site. It is important to choose options that combine well with each other and are relevant to the theme of your project. LPgenerator does its job professionally; fonts are carefully selected for each landing page that match the theme and overall style.