Create a beautiful landing page. What do we have to do? Why do you need a Landing Page?

Landing, landing, landing, landing page, one-page site, langing page, one-page, selling site, landing page.

So many names, even completely perverted ones, of the same thing. The point is that almost no matter what you do, you need such a site.

Well, since it’s needed, then let’s solve the issue of creating it. Make a landing page yourself? After this article - no question!

Moreover, it is correct, meaningful, and hits the target. As they say, you can make your cherished selling landing page yourself.

Just in case or stage 0

It is usually said that one-page sites are created to sell or get a person’s contacts online, but in fact there is a much wider range of tasks here:

  1. Receive new requests for goods/services;
  2. Increase brand awareness;
  3. Inform about the provision of goods/services;
  4. Provide advice on services;
  5. Receive resumes from candidates;
  6. Attract partners, dealers, representatives;
  7. Provide access to the service;
  8. And so on.

Before you start creating, you need to remember that you cannot try to sell a product and attract dealers on one site. And all because this different tasks, which means different landing page.

Important. Before creating, you need to clearly define the purpose of your landing page. And remember - there should be one goal.

Let this reduce the reach of potential people, but increase the effectiveness of the page, which will justify everything financially.

STEP 1 - Donate or make it yourself

At this step, you need to determine which of the two solution options you will choose.

What to do... What to do

And they will be selected based on your financial and time resources. Let's look at each of them with their pros and cons.


Once, one client wrote a complaint to us after receiving the site. Its essence was that we did not take a lot of money justifiably.

It all looked very strange, because he had familiarized himself with everything before and signed the agreement. But we are not a poor company, so it is easier for us to let the client go in peace (not always) than to try to prove something. That's what we did.

And all this happened because he found a landing page designer on the Internet and learned that he could do everything himself, spending literally 5-6 hours on it, and paying no more than 1,000 rubles a month.

But you and I understand that you can assemble a “car” yourself, but how far it will go, how individual it will be landing design page, to what extent will the technical equipment be correct...

We described in detail all the stages of creating a landing page with deadlines in the article.

Pros :

  • Cheap. Very much so. 500-1000 rubles per month and you are the happy owner of a one-page website;
  • Just. You don't need to think about layout, adaptation to mobile devices, connecting SMS notifications about new applications to your phone. All this is already there and done for your convenience;
  • Fast. You can do and configure everything really quickly. Moreover, making changes will not be difficult either;
  • Technical support. Do you have a question? They will answer you as quickly and thoroughly as possible. A huge plus;
  • Free test period. Now almost all landing page designers have a 14-day free trial period. Register and...

A little truth of life. “ 14 days of freebies! During this time, I’ll earn money with the help of a landing page on the designer and order a beautiful website from an agency,” they thought.

After 14 days, having barely managed to defeat the designer, having done everything wrong and not receiving a single order through the site, they realized that one-pagers were not working.

Minuses :

  • Knowledge. You need to know which blocks to use, their sequence, etc.

    Decided to take a look at your competitors? Great! Just how do you know what your competitors have? effective landing page and shows good performance?

  • Design. If you are working with a designer for the first time, then you won’t be able to look at the landing page design at the end of the work without tears.

    Even if this is not the first option. Cool design, don’t expect something like “Wow!”

  • Limitation. The number of ready-made blocks is limited, as is their functionality. Design solutions are also not presented in the widest range.

    Therefore, if you want a bird to fly out here when a person leaves an application (as if his application flew to you with carrier pigeons), you can forget about this idea.

Personally, we can recommend this landing page builder. We usually refer clients to them who are just starting out or testing a niche.


Let's get straight to the point and from experience. Finding a freelancer who will single-handedly create a selling landing page from scratch and on a turnkey basis is IMPOSSIBLE. Well, it's true.

It is possible to find individual specialists: a designer who will create the design of a future website, or a programmer who will put it together, but there is no monster who can QUALITY make a website inside and out.

By all the work I also mean such people as: internet marketer, copywriter, project manager. It’s simply impossible to be good at everything, physically, at least.

That's why ideal scheme working with a freelancer is when you analyze, collect, and prepare everything yourself.

And the designer and layout designer found on the freelance exchange simply implement it, and without any initiative.

Pros :

  • Time. Both a plus and a minus. The benefit is that you relieve yourself of most of the hassle of implementing the appearance and technical component.
  • Quality. The main plus. They will do one hundred percent better than you doing it yourself from scratch.

    At a minimum, because they have experience and knowledge that you have in their field, let’s be honest, almost none.

Minuses :

  • Responsibility. If the site does not work, then no one is to blame but you. Since you are the one who controls them and speaks as needed.

    Search. You need special knowledge of where to look for them, how to assign tasks to them and... you also need to fill out a brief, show technical specifications, and so on.

  • Time and nerves. Time to find a freelancer, time to create tasks, time to make a landing page prototype, time to control. You will waste a lot of time and nerves.

    The majority of freelancers are slobs (I apologize, but this is how it is), so delays in deadlines and periodic losses from communication radars will occur.

    And this is the minimum you can expect when you want to make a landing page inexpensively.

  • Money. You will have to fork out money because good specialist without “connections” it costs quite a bit.

    An average quality design will cost around 8-10 thousand, layout will also cost around this amount. Again, it all depends on the complexity of the project and the performers themselves.

  • Scammers. The work is structured as follows: 50/50. Advance payment and then the remaining payment after completion of the project.

    I don’t want to offend anyone, but among freelancers there are a lot of people who... do not take on the project after receiving an advance payment. Simply put, they get lost.

Now a little about payment: if you decide to work with a freelancer, I recommend the following payment scheme: make a 50 percent advance payment as a safe transaction (almost all exchanges have it).

And transfer the rest of the amount directly to the freelancer. In this case, you will overpay 15%, but you will protect yourself.

Lifehack. If a freelancer is going to scam you, then safe transaction he will dissuade you. This will be your signal.

Stage 2 - who and what?

The most boring (but most necessary) block in this article. It doesn't matter which way you go. You will make an effective landing page yourself or send it to a specialized agency. In any case, you need to know 3 things:

  1. Your target audience;
  2. Hunt's ladder;
  3. The insides of your company.

The only difference is that if you create a landing page alone, you will have to write and think through everything yourself.

The agency will give you to fill out a detailed brief, thanks to which they do the scheduling of the target audience and so on themselves. We, however, take a different route and fill out the brief ourselves, communicating with you via Skype.

We sincerely believe that this is the only way to get all the information, since it is possible to ask the following questions during the conversation. And such questions always appear.

The target audience

About the definition target audience, or an even deeper definition of the client, we have already written.

This study will give you an understanding of who your potential client is, what fears, objections, and desires he has related to your product/service.

What should you put pressure on in a future landing page, what words to use, what images are best to insert. A simplified summary diagram looks like this:

The target audience

Hunt's ladder

But what will knowledge of Hunt's ladder give? Just like the client’s avatar, it will provide the very structure of the future landing page.

I’ll tell you briefly, but in application to a one-page website, because very often business owners do not understand at what stage of awareness their potential client is (if you’re too lazy to read, then watch the video).

In short, before making a purchase decision a person goes through 5 steps/levels of awareness:

  1. Stage “Indifference”. There is no problem.
  2. Stage “Awareness”. There is a problem, but there is no solution.
  3. Stage “Comparison”. Options for solving the problem are compared with each other.
  4. Stage “Selection”. The solution option has been selected. Looking for products.
  5. Stage “Purchase”. Choice between product suppliers.

How can this complexity help you when creating a landing page? Let's look at each stage and how to proceed:

  1. Stage “Indifference”. You need to create the problem in the person's head first. Show that if he doesn’t/doesn’t buy it, then everything will be bad.
  2. Stage “Awareness”. You need to show in the first screens that there are different variants solutions to his problem.
  3. Stage “Comparison”. You need to convey that your solution is better than others, and for this you can do comparison table, offering a product review, research results, personal consultation by selection, etc.
  4. Stage “Selection”. You need to show which offer is suitable for him, or rather in what form/package. To do this, we reveal more benefits of our products.
  5. Stage “Purchase”. You need to show, first of all, the benefits of working with your company, and only then talk about the product and that it is the best.

It seems that you don’t need this, but... For example, if a person chooses between buying an apartment and building his own house, then the landing page of the house should have a block explaining why a house is better than an apartment.


You can roughly imagine what your website will look like in your head. And it's good if you have form style or a brand book (ideal, I would even say).

What about the benefits of your product or company as a whole? And several dozen more questions that you need to answer before moving on to creating a prototype and website.

Because the right questions form the correct answers, which you take and package into your website. This stage will help you take all the most valuable things in your company and show it off.

So that you get the essence, here is an example of 10 questions that will help you better/deeper understand your company and your product, and serve it “with a wonderful sauce”:

  1. Formulate 3-5 “reasons why it is objectively more profitable to buy from you rather than from competitors.”
  2. What production features do your company have?
  3. Do you provide internal staff training?
  4. Compare the product with similar products. State the advantages and disadvantages.
  5. Who is the person or persons of the company?
  6. What bonuses are you willing to give to clients when purchasing large amounts?;
  7. Describe in detail the stages of working with the client from the first contact to completion of the work.
  8. Tell us about financial conditions work (prepayment, installments, deferment of first payments, product loans, discounts, products for sale, redemption of illiquid assets, etc.).
  9. What publications exist about the company or from the company? (expert comments, interviews, TV show judges, columns, articles).
  10. Your clients are stars.

STAGE 3 - Prototype

Finally we got to the most interesting part. Now we will create your future website.

Or rather, for now, how to make a prototype yourself, but at least this is more interesting than just describing the target audience.

Step 1. Prototype structure

A prototype is the structure and sequence of blocks of a future landing page, which you can easily build from the selection criteria and objections of your target audience.

The best way to do this is as follows: take a sheet of paper and write down a sequence of blocks/meanings. It looks something like this:

  1. A cap;
  2. Company benefits;
  3. Catalog;
  4. Own production;
  5. Stock;
  6. Team;
  7. etc.

You and I are the ones who prescribe the blocks, but we must also not forget about the two classic structures on which any advertising material is built, and the landing page is no exception:

  1. (products/services);
  2. PmPHSA (infobusiness). Stands for Pain, more Pain, Hope, Solution, Action (pain, increased pain, hope, solution, call to action).

So that you don’t rack your brains on how to convey one of the selected meanings and make your life much easier when self-creation prototype, this article will help you.

Relevance of the topic of creation landing pages for business as powerful tool The increase in sales is confirmed by Yandex.Wordstat statistics, according to which the number of requests for the keywords “landing page” and “landing page” reaches thousands, tens of thousands only in Russia, not taking into account the CIS countries. See for yourself - TOP 10 queries according to Wordstat statistics:

Although you probably have long known the definition of a landing page, in short, it is a page created to promote one product. The main task of a landing page is to collect contacts (lead generation) by encouraging visitors to take a targeted action - filling out a lead form, downloading a file, ordering, purchasing, or whatever something else.

Today we will analyze the features of the functionality, as well as the pros and cons of free landing page designers with and without hosting. Will be consideredtwo solutions that simultaneously offer free and shareware services free service for Mac, Windows and others operating systems, after which we will analyze the functionality of LPgenerator and try to answer the question, is it possible to create a landing page without investment?

1. Bloxy

Previously existing under the name Spagece, Bloxy is a conditional free constructor single-page sites, a relatively recent addition to the market, as evidenced by the number of sites created on the platform - 62832, according to the main window (for comparison, 930-1350 new pages appear daily in the LPgenerator constructor). main feature service, which is used for brand positioning: no templates, but at the same time “cool technology” that allows you to create a landing page yourself in 5 minutes.

The appearance of the resource, all pages of which are made in the classic flat style, is neat and laconic. The menu sections - home, advantages, sites, reviews - allow you to familiarize yourself in sufficient detail with the features of the service, as well as make sure of its reliability.

On the main page, under the central heading and GIF animation demonstrating the product interface, features are listed (300+ ready-made sections, fast and convenient editor, automatic animation, online payment acceptance, etc.) of the designer, and the blue button with the call “Create a Landing page for free” will leave no doubt in the mind of a user who is determined to try his hand at land building that he has come to the right place. Below is a screenshot of the main window (December 2016):

We immediately note that the video is on the first, most important spread home page the service still shows the old name Spagece

Another menu item additionally lists the benefits, divided into 4 categories: convenient, beautiful, technology, guaranteed results. Essentially, it's more detailed description what we have already seen on the main page - at the same time, it is worth saying that a minimum of information is given for each of the advantages: it will be difficult for an inexperienced visitor to see the value of the offer from just a few words.

The situation is partly saved by the illustrations for each item, but there are so many items (it took as many as 4 tabs), and so little text that, coupled with the minimalist design, it is quite problematic to perceive and retain the entire amount of information in memory.

But let’s assume that you have become familiar with the functionality of the platform and are satisfied with it, you have read reviews from satisfied clients on the company’s website, and looked at examples “made in the constructor” ordinary people", and decided to try it.

The first question that comes to your mind is: where are the tariffs?

How many times have we already written on our blog (at least here:) that hiding the cost of services only if you do not work in a difficult market is a stick in the wheel of your conversion. But, nevertheless, there are still companies that diligently hide from potential clients prices as something obscene. Of course, the main thing in sales is to convey value, and only then talk about money, but who needs a pig in a poke? The user should be able to weigh the pros and cons before he decides to contact you. Especially if your business operates through a subscription.

However, it is worth noting that although Bloxy hid its tariffs in the most inconspicuous place - the basement of the site, one way or another they are still present, so we will dwell on them separately.

Actually, the price list title illustrates what was described above

The resource supports integration with popular services, such as Google Analytics, amoCRM, Yandex Metrica, a number of other tools. By the way, LPgenerator given the list is much wider.

The screenshot below shows the widgets available to users of the system. This social media, various CTA buttons, images, lead forms, as well as other blocks standard for selling platforms.

But let's leave the theory - it's time to get down to business. The following screenshot shows internal menu of the instrument in question at the stage creating a landing page. The proposed template sections are divided into 11 categories, the names of which you can read below.

These cannot be called full-fledged one-page templates - rather, we're talking about about the designer. Unfortunately, we didn’t find full-fledged turnkey one-pagers that the user can customize at his own discretion, like LPstore (our template store).

And this is what the functionality of launching a website with a domain from Spagece looks like.

Having “clicked” a couple of functions, as well as template sections, in a few minutes we created this funny, absurd “landing page”. Frankly speaking, the editor’s functionality is quite poor and frankly unintuitive - at least when it comes to a free account.

Now let's look at a truly free one-page website builder - a tool that does not require money for the main functionality, but promotes paid additional services.

The service is frankly weak, inferior to most competitors on all fronts. As an example, we will show the internal interface of the editor from Hello-site.

As you can see, everything is very bad. The trial plan provides only this functionality, without the ability to select a template. You can change the location of the fields, put your own background images, upload videos - but you won’t be able to get too far beyond these narrow boundaries.

These are the blocks the resource offers us.

Now we will show examples of work from the Hello-site portal.

Disadvantages of design - more precisely, complete absence This is easy to notice even for an inexperienced visitor.

The second example is from Ukraine.

Redmond is a major international brand. It’s strange: the distributors of these wonderful multicookers chose such a strange promotion option - through a simple landing page. Here the design is a little better than in the previous case, although it also does not stand up to criticism.

Conclusion: Hello-site is a rather specific choice for a marketer. If things are so bad that you can’t afford a tariff of several thousand rubles/month, then perhaps the landing page of this platform will satisfy you - although only at first.

However, it’s worth thinking about - if you are not ready to invest several tens of euros monthly in a high-quality Internet platform, are you even in business?

It's time to consider our platform against the background of the previous ones, trying to answer - is it possible to create an effective, high-converting one-page website using a website builder without investing money, or is it a utopia?

Below, a simple table shows the main functions of our resource - this will help draw analogies with previous sites.

This is what starting work looks like for us. First you need to choose required template, or start creating a one-page c clean slate. LPgenerator allows you to create:

After selecting a template, a window opens landing editor page. The functionality is extremely wide, tools, various settings quite a lot here. At first glance, the design of the editing page, the extensive tools - all this may seem overloaded, but believe me - you will quickly understand everything, because once you start.

For example, this is what the window for adding a logo looks like:

Here you can upload your own picture, and also choose a ready-made one from the LPgenerator gallery.

After adding several one-pagers, you can manage them from your personal account. For example, set up advertising, link a domain, optimize conversion.

This is what your conversion funnel will look like, with all the necessary information included.

This is what the functionality for adding and purchasing a domain looks like. An existing domain address can be added even using a test account (7 days); if necessary, it is possible to purchase another domain in zones such as: ru, su, org, com, net, biz, info, rf.

In addition to the free-trial, we have three tariffs available: advanced, unlimited, white label. You probably noticed the “advanced” tariff, the most affordable in price.

Instead of a conclusion

Let's draw conclusions from today's conversation. We analyzed two popular solutions and summed up which free landing page designer is better, of which only Hello-site is a truly free landing page designer - frankly speaking, finding an acceptable resource for this niche that does not require money is quite difficult.

But here the question again arises: is it worth saving on your Internet marketing, the “face of the brand,” if specialized platforms, such as LPgenerator, cost less than 2,000 rubles/month at the most economical rates? Is this amount really so huge, and are you willing to sacrifice the quality of promotion for such insignificant savings?

After all, among other things, working on our platform eliminates the need to access multiple third party tools— we provide clients with integration with various resources, management contextual advertising from your personal account, an analytics center, the ability to conduct split tests, and much more - because the list of your capabilities is constantly growing. And yet, the final decision remains entirely yours.

Check out the ready-made landing page templates and register >>>

The market for landing page designers and editors is vast. Don't want to waste time searching for the right one? In this article you will learn about the best, in our opinion, services. You've read dozens of articles and realized that you need a landing page, or maybe several. Open your browser and look for a list of constructors. Search results offers millions of answers. Some results are rewrites of articles about how useful and profitable it is to make websites yourself. Internet reminds central street after the city day or other large-scale holiday in terms of the amount of garbage. Even ad blockers can't cope - advertising is getting smarter every day. Today we act as a municipal service that cleans the streets after mass entertainment. We filtered out all unnecessary information and compiled a rating of designers that really help business. You won’t find the best landing page builder here, but you can navigate the variety of offers and find an option that suits several parameters.

List of landing page constructors

  • LPGenetaror at the first place. For your careful attention to the content. You may have to tinker with the editor to understand how it works, but you can always use their blog as a marketing library. LPGenerator publishes several articles per day. As a rule, translations and extracts of foreign sources.
As for working with the designer, for example, choosing a template for a landing page, there are more than 100 options available, plus dozens with advanced designs. But don’t get carried away with choosing the appearance of the site - no one has yet canceled analysis paralysis (read more about this)
  • LPTREND. A comparison of the four services showed that LPTREND is simple. The editor is understandable to users with any level of knowledge.
  • LPmotor. The block system of templates of this service can eat up an hour of time before you understand it (First-hand information. On our part, this constructor was tested by a user who is far from website building - a student of the Faculty of Humanities).
LPmotor has one unusual advantage - it provides its clients with a library of ready-made pictures and icons. So the need to look for free stock or images from high resolution on the Internet disappears.
  • PlatformaLP offers a block system for creating landing pages, just like LPmotor. It's difficult to say which of the two is better. When working with it, you can simultaneously create a landing page template and watch a training video.
Statistics and test period In each service, you can track traffic, quickly process customer requests, analyze the performance of contextual or display advertising, as well as the effectiveness of keywords and banners. Comparison of landing page services that offer a trial period to their clients:
  • gives its clients up to 15 days free use service.
  • LPGenerator offers a 7 day trial period after you register a new account.
  • To test the designer for creating a landing page LPmotor, you will have to register. Open information There is no trial period.
  • PlatformaLP trusts users for 14 days free work with the constructor.

Constructor or agency?

If your budget allows, you can order a one-page website from a web studio, but this is an expensive option. Minimum price for minimum quality - 15 thousand rubles. In addition, the agency's work may take longer than you expected. As a rule, it takes developers at least a week to complete one order. In a week you can create unlimited amount landing pages using the landing page builder. What is better - to save money by paying several thousand rubles for a premium account and make several one-page pages yourself, or to wait a week to once again explain to the developers what you meant by unobtrusive design and selling text? And with the designer you are not left alone. Companies provide educational information on a blog, the opportunity to watch webinars and communicate with technical support staff who answer any questions about the platform.

Don't know which platform to create a landing page on? I will tell you about the best designers that are suitable for creating landing pages: an overview of the advantages and disadvantages, prices, comparison of characteristics.

Top best landing page designers in 2019

ConstructorLanding page templatesWho is it aimed at?Cost from
90 360 ₽ per month.Try it
300+ Professionals559 ₽. per monthTry it
10 Beginners$6.15 per month.Try it
62 Beginners/Advanced Users300 ₽. per monthTry it
12 Beginners$3.5 per month.Try it
19 Beginners/Advanced UsersFor freeTry it
29 Beginners123 ₽ per month.Try it

LPmotor is the best designer in the opinion of our editors

An excellent choice for beginners and advanced users: simple interface, reasonable prices, everything necessary functions, good selection of templates.

There are 90 different ready-made templates to choose from. They are divided into categories (construction, information business, photographer, beauty and health, etc.). All templates look great and are adapted for mobile traffic.

Eat additional functions: own CRM, sales funnel, analytics, A/B testing, connection online payments, collaboration(employee access), shopping cart.

LPmotor can be integrated with other services. Among them: amoCRM, Bitrix24, Yandex Money, Yandex Metrica, Google Analytics, etc.

There is no free plan. 4 paid tariffs (prices when paid annually):

If you pay annually, you will receive a 40% discount.

Payment Methods: Visa and Mastercard Mir cards, Sberbank Online, Alfa-click, Yandex Money, QIWI, Webmoney, Svyaznoy, Euroset, MTS, Tele 2, Beeline.



LPgenerator - landing page builder for professionals

LPgenerator has absolutely everything you need to do perfect landing page. It sounds a little pretentious, but in fact it is so.

The service is aimed at professionals. If you already have experience and basic knowledge, you will get the hang of it pretty quickly.

A beginner will need time to understand all the nuances of creating and promotion landing page. But the learning process will be as comfortable as possible. LPgenerator provides great system training. The Lead Generation University has collected training materials that will help you understand complex terms, functions and independently build the entire sales chain from collecting visitors to completing the transaction.

There are more than 300 free templates. You can choose any one that suits you best. In addition, you can create your own template from various blocks from scratch. There is also a store landing pages, where you can choose and buy a premium theme.

All templates look modern and are adapted for mobile devices.

LPgenerator has all the tools necessary for an internet marketer: managing traffic sources, detailed analytics and geostatistics, A/B testing, building a sales funnel, and its own CRM.

As a result, you will receive an excellent landing page and all the tools for working with traffic and requests from clients in one account.

There is no free plan here. A new user has a 7-day free trial period. Then you need to choose one of the paid tariffs (prices in brackets when paying annually): Basic - 799 rubles. per month (559 rubles per month), Advanced - 2375 rubles. per month (RUB 1,662 per month), Unlimited - RUB 3,999. per month (RUB 2,799 per month), Corporate - RUB 15,730. per month (RUB 11,011 per month).

Payment Methods: Cashless payments, Web Money, Visa, Maestro and MasterCard cards, Sberbank Online, Mir, Alfa-Bank, Yandex.Money, Qiwi Wallet, Tele2, Beeline, Megafon, MTS, Euroset


  • Big choice templates
  • It is possible to create a landing page from scratch
  • Access to HTML and CSS
  • Split testing
  • Detailed analytics and geostatistics
  • Own CRM
  • Telephony for calling clients from the admin panel


  • Prices are higher than the market average
  • Short free trial period - only 7 days
  • Complex interface that will be difficult for a beginner to understand right away

Ulanding – young and promising

Ulanding new constructor landing pages from the creators of Ucoz and Ukit. Just recently came out of beta testing and is now available for registration.

home distinguishing feature ulanding – simplicity and convenience. This landing page builder is perfect for beginners.

There are not many design templates yet, since the project has just been launched. I hope in the future the library of templates will be replenished.

A separate project is created for each product/service. A project can contain from 5 to 10 landing pages. All project landing pages that you have added to the rotation are shown one by one to your target audience. After which you can look at the statistics and select the one that showed the highest conversion.

Systems are connected to each landing page Google analytics Analytics and Yandex Metrica with which you can track traffic, traffic sources and user behavior in detail.

All applications can be viewed in the “Leads” tab. In addition, you can integrate the designer with your AmoCRM account and immediately transfer all requests to the CRM system.

In addition, you can integrate landing page with other services:

There is no full-fledged free tariff in ulanding. Each user is given a free trial period within 7 days, after which you will need to switch to one of the paid tariffs.

Tariff schedule ulanding. Prices are based on annual payment

There are 3 paid tariffs in total: “Beginner”, “Business”, “Advanced”. They differ only in the number of projects and landing pages.

Payment Methods: Bank card(Visa, Mastercard), PayPal



  • Few templates
  • Few payment methods

LPTrend is a good one-page generator

The LPtrend landing page builder is aimed at both beginners and advanced users.

There are 62 templates in the catalog various topics. All pages are adapted for mobile devices.

Another advantage of the designer: analytics, own CRM, A/B testing.

Can be integrated with various services increasing conversion and accepting payments, for example: CallbackKILLER, Widget, Single cash desk, Glopart, etc.

A new client is given a 7-day free trial period. There is no full free plan. Paid tariffs 3: Starting 500 rub. per month, Basic 1000 rub. per month, Premium 2000 rub. per month When paying on long terms discounts are provided: for 3 months - 10%, 6 months - 20%, year - 40%. Thus starter pack if paid for a year it will cost only 300 rubles. per month, which is pretty good.

Payment Methods: Visa, Mastercard, Svyaznoy, Euroset, Megafon, MTS, Wallet One.



  • No free plan
  • Short trial only 7 days

Ukit - cheap and reliable

Ukit is a universal constructor on which you can make the most Various types sites: landing pages, business cards, online stores, content sites. Designed for beginners.

Ukit is focused primarily on creating business card websites for small and medium-sized businesses. There are very few landing page templates here - only 12.

Features a simple interface. Visual editor allows you to move various blocks and edit them appearance and content. None unnecessary functions, only the essentials. The interface can be mastered in literally 10 minutes.

The result is a stylish, modern landing page page adapted for mobile devices.

In one of the previous articles I already told. In this article I showed the entire process of creating a website namely using Ukit as an example.

When registering, you will be asked to select a 3rd level domain. Once the site is ready, you can attach a 2nd level domain to it. It can be purchased separately from any registrar, or you can purchase it directly from personal account Ukit.

After registration you receive a free trial period of 15 days. Next you need to choose one of the paid tariffs. There are 4 basic tariff(price in brackets when paying for 2 years): “Premium” 5$ ($3.5) per month, “Premium+” 10$ ($7) per month, “Store” 12$ ($8.4) ) per month and “Pro” 15$ ($10.5) per month.

Payment Methods: bank transfer, Visa, Mastercard or PayPal.


  • The templates look modern and are mobile-friendly
  • You can order your own unique design
  • Good functionality: SEO optimization, connection to Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics, SSL certificates, mail, 2nd level domain.
  • Integration with social networks

Greetings! In this post I want to talk about the new generation of landing page templates/designers. Personally, I think that in the future, templates themselves will give way to constructors. Yes, this is already happening. Instead of a simple landing page template, it is more convenient to use a constructor in which you can immediately assemble it for yourself desired page. Click the button for more details and you will understand what I mean.

It's worth trying once
and you will understand how cool and convenient it is.

So, old paradigm templates was that you bought a template, and then yourself, or with the help of a specialist, climbed “under the hood,” that is, into the code, and adjusted it to suit you - texts, headings, pictures, swapped blocks, added something, that They were cleaning something up, adding something. With constructors everything is different. It’s worth trying once and you will understand how cool and convenient it is.

A selection of landing page designer templates

In this collection I have collected the best, in my opinion, solutions with constructors and landing templates page (aka landing pages). It should be noted that I previously wrote a post about . However, the examples given in this article are undoubtedly more relevant and modern. All templates in this article support mobile devices and display responsively and correctly on tablets and smartphones.

Launchkit - Template and builder for startups

Launchkit is the most popular page builder for landing pages in 2015, at the moment. In my opinion almost universal template for the landing page. Perfect for presenting your product or service. If you have a service, or need to talk about your product, service, website - in a fast, stylish and effective manner - definitely use this template. Personally, I purchased it for myself, and made a promo page on it for a promo, which you can download for free. In addition to a well-made template, in included also a designer. And this is the main value of the “Launchkit” set.

In the constructor (in English - page builder), you are given a choice of basic page blocks: headers, a block with benefits, blocks with subscription forms, reviews, sliders, tables with prices, tabs, icons, video blocks, blocks with a call to action, blocks with social links, contact information and many others. Moreover, each block is presented in 2-4 variants, for everything differently. In addition, in addition to the options, you can customize their appearance yourself, delete unnecessary elements, and move elements from one block to another.

Machine - online designer with landing page templates

Machine is a set of more than 70 unique blocks for creating a landing page. Page builder (designer) for landing page, from the same manufacturer as lauchkit. That is, the designer itself and all the possibilities are the same. The only difference is in the design and set of blocks. For example, in the Machine template there are blocks for the landing page of an online store - a block with several product cards, and a block with a large detailed card for an individual product. It also has blocks with galleries - which are suitable for a portfolio, and with articles.

Machine landing page templates are well suited for: an online store, for pages where you need to sell physical goods, for portfolio pages of studios, agencies and freelancers, and for services/startups.

Meetup - landing page template and builder for events

Meetup - the name speaks for itself. You have a conference, forum, event, seminar, training, webinar - the Meetup template was created for these purposes. With it you will create an excellent landing page for your event.

This template contains special blocks that will beautifully and clearly show the speakers of your event, the event program for one or several days, the date from countdown, blocks on how to get there and with a map of the location of the event, a block with prices for participation in the event, and of course blocks with registration forms. An ideal option if you are planning a webinar, conference, form or seminar. And especially this template will help out those who have to constantly hold such events, and there is a need to create pages for each occasion. WITH Meetup designer your landing pages will look modern and stylish.

Pivot - landing page builder for companies, studios and freelancers

Pivot is a more universal designer, but still has design blocks that are tailored to teams, studios and companies. Perfect for online landing companies page, small teams, software developers, design and usability studios, freelancers. The author of the template “medium_rare” is the same as that of the above mentioned solutions. This means that the designer is just as convenient and flexible to use.

The template contains blocks well suited for describing a team, blocks for creating an online resume, for presenting a portfolio there are several different blocks for a gallery of works, blocks with the history of the development of your company, beautifully designed blocks for posts and text materials, price tables, subscription forms, feedback, several options for headers - headings for the page, Contact Information. A nice bonus is the presence of blocks for individual pages— 404, coming soon page, login page. Go to the demo website of the designer and try to create your own page. I am sure you will appreciate this designer.

Foundry - luxury landing page templates and designer - for clothing, fashion and luxury style

If you take Launchkit, add parallax effects, increase the number of header options and hero images, add thin luxury fonts - you will get a Fundry template and landing page builder.

This designer is distinguished, firstly by parallax effects, and secondly by thin fonts.

Suitable for design studios, clothing designers, architects, for anything that is worthy of wearing the luxury prefix in front of its name. Suitable for the sphere of style and fashion, for the spring industry. This is a very laconic, pretentious, sophisticated set of design templates for landing pages. See the demo site, try it in action page constructor builder.