The best landing pages: expert selection. Cost per month. Equipment for gyms “Goodfit”

What should a landing page look like in terms of efficiency? What blocks should it contain and what should these blocks look like? After reading the article, you will get answers to these questions and see what the best landing pages look like.

1. Headline with USP

The ideal landing page, single screen or long, always has a catchy headline that:

  • immediately lets the visitor know where he is;
  • shows him the uniqueness of your offer.

The headline is placed at the top of the landing page, at user eye level. Big, bright, intriguing.

The bounce rate depends on the title.

Here are examples of headlines for our company’s best landing pages.

2. Descriptor

The descriptor also affects the bounce rate, although less than the headline. Typically consists of a logo, company name, slogan or a few words about services or products. Placed in the top left or middle.

If the landing page has a headline with a USP, the descriptor is made modest - a logo plus a name.

The best landing pages always contain an original descriptor.

3. Block with contact information

Typically located in the upper right corner. A comprehensive contact block contains:

  • real phone number;
  • email;
  • "Call back" button.

An appeal must be used - please call.

4. Attractive image

By image we mean a background - a large picture, on top of which a title, capture form, and other blocks are placed.

In an ideal landing page, the image corresponds to the theme of the site, is original and interesting. The background color scheme is different from the title font color to prevent them from blending together.

In the screenshots you can see beautiful landing pages with attractive images.

5. Capture forms

A single-screen landing page contains one capture form, a long landing page contains 2 or 3 forms. The first form is adjacent to the heading - next to it or below it.

The capture form contains fields for entering your name and phone number. A call to action describes an additional benefit (gift, discount, additional service) that encourages the visitor to immediately submit data.

If there is a promotion running on the landing page, the capture form contains a countdown timer.

These are the capture forms we equip the best landing pages of our clients.

6. Block with benefits for the client

This block ideally bypasses visitors’ objections. 3–8 points are placed in a block.

The block has the following structure: text describing the benefit and a thematic picture for each item. The location of the items is horizontal or vertical. In an ideal block, all paragraphs have the same amount of text, and key sentences are highlighted in color or in bold.

7. Customer reviews

The review block is key in the landing page.

The landing page must contain real reviews from at least three clients. The ideal option is a scrollable window, such as a slider, that can accommodate 5-10 reviews.

Each review:

  • contains the name and real photo of the client;
  • content with key details that will have a positive impact on landing page conversion.

Here are examples of blocks with reviews on the best landing pages of our studio.

8. Tariffs or service packages

Buyers like to choose from several alternatives. Therefore, the ideal landing page offers a choice of 2-3 tariffs or packages. It doesn’t matter whether the landing page sells goods or provides services, the site must have a block with tariffs.

Tariffs should be different from each other and contain detailed information about what is included in them. One of the tariffs is marked as the most popular among customers.

9. Landing Page Examples

This is one of the most important blocks of a landing page. It is after viewing the portfolio or cases that the visitor decides to take the target action.

A competent portfolio contains only the best work, is beautifully designed, and does not take up much space. For design, it is better to use a slider with which visitors will scroll through the images.

After looking at examples of landing pages, the visitor should be convinced of the quality of the product or service.

10. Real contact details in the footer

The final trust trigger is a block with contact information about the company or author in the footer.

In the case of a company, there must be a map with the indicated office location. In the case of the author, all kinds of contacts.

This is also where the final capture form is located.

An ideal landing page contains all of the above elements. However, for a landing page to be truly effective, all its blocks must be correctly combined into one composition. And also add meanings thanks to which visitors perform conversion actions on our landing page.

Hello, readers of the financial magazine “”! Today we’ll talk about landing, what it is, what advantages and disadvantages it has, etc.

Landing(“landing page” or landing page ) is a fairly well-known term that refers to a web page with a specific specification. However, not everyone knows the essence of such pages.

So, what is a landing page? A brief definition of “landing page” can be stated as follows - this is an Internet page on a domain, subdomain in the format html/css(or a friend).

Landing page interested in people who sell various goods on the Internet.

This “landing page” will not contain annoying ads, useless text, flashing banners or pop-up menus.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is a landing page and how to use it;
  • What are the advantages of a landing page compared to a regular website;
  • How to create a landing page yourself for free and promote it online;
  • Which landing page designers are the best and where to download ready-made templates;
  • How to make money on landing pages and what taxes you need to pay.

We wish you a productive study of materials!

What is Landing (landing page), what types it comes in, how to create it yourself and other information, read further in the article

1. What is a landing page (or landing page) - its features and advantages 📌

Landing page is a one-page website on the network that can have several names:

  • landing page or landing page;
  • "lendos";
  • customer capture page.

The main task of the landing page is to encourage site visitors to perform some active action - call, leave a request, purchase a product, subscribe to the newsletter etc.

That is, landing page is an Internet marketing tool designed to increase sales of various goods or services on the Internet.

1.1. Landing page development history

Landing page was invented in the USA about 10 years ago by Internet marketers.

At a certain point, they began to realize that competition in the market was constantly increasing. Websites and online stores are improving and visitors cannot always understand what is the advantage of one company over another.

Serious competition in the industry was the primary reason for the creation of a landing page.

An example of an ideal selling landing page

1.2. Goals and objectives of the landing page

The purpose of the landing page is to obtain contacts of possible buyers who have visited this one-page site.

Note! The sale of a product/service is carried out at the next stage, after the visitor’s targeted action, that is, submitting an application for consultation.

Internet marketing experts say that a high-quality landing page can increase website conversion several times. When used correctly, landing pages can increase sales conversion by 8-35%.

1.3. Sales funnel and conversion

Any website owner is constantly looking for ways to increase its popularity and maximize sales.

The main criteria by which it is determined Internet resource efficiency, are "sales funnel" And "site conversion". By understanding the essence of these concepts, you can find out the level of your sales. Let's take a closer look at these definitions.

Conversion and sales funnel are the main indicators of landing page effectiveness

1) Website conversion

Website conversion is considered the most significant indicator of the effectiveness of an Internet resource.

The conversion value displays the number of page visitors who became buyers of your products/services.

In other words, website conversion is a kind of “marker” that marks the fulfillment of your requirements, namely:

  • purchase of goods;
  • subscription to the newsletter;
  • downloading specific files;
  • registration;
  • other actions.

For example for tourism it is considered quite a normal level 8-13% . But for a website that sells luxury fur coats, the conversion rate is to 10%, and this is considered an excellent indicator. (The fact is that clients here have higher purchasing power).

Important! Typically, conversion rates fluctuate from 2-3% to 20-40%. If the conversion is, for example, 20%, it means that out of one hundred target visitors who visited the site, twenty completed the target action.

Website conversion needs to be constantly improved. To do this, you need to gain the trust of site users. Your website should be user-friendly with easily accessible information.

It is worth noting that the conversion rate of a landing page is always higher than that of a regular website.

2) Sales funnel

A sales funnel can show the number of visitors to your site who did not complete the actions you require. It is a graph in the form of an inverted pyramid. Such a funnel has the following representation:

  • number of unique visitors;
  • the number of unique visitors who performed the actions you require;
  • the number of customers who paid for the product or service.

When used correctly, A sales funnel can become an effective assistant in planning the optimal amount of advertising material and the number of contacts at each sales stage etc.

Based on the sales funnel indicators, we can draw conclusions regarding management quality and the need to adjust work at a certain stage of sales.

This analytical tool provides an understanding of how a potential client makes a decision to purchase the product or service you offer. What pushes him to such an action.

By analyzing these steps, you will be able to exert control over customer behavior through a properly designed landing page.

The value of a sales funnel lies in segmenting a huge mass of buyers by behavior and interests.

Example— there are two people who want to purchase a vehicle.

One has not yet decided what exactly he wants to buy - an airplane or a car. The second one, on the contrary, already clearly knows that he needs a car. These people are completely different- the first, after much thought, will buy a bicycle, but the second is ready to go buy a car tomorrow.

As a rule, the entire path from interest in your product to the anxious moment of purchasing it is divided into four stages:

  • Stage 1. Awareness;
  • Stage 2. Interest;
  • Stage 3. Decision;
  • Stage 4. Action.

By superimposing these stages on the number of people who are at each stage, the result will actually be a funnel that tapers towards the bottom.

1) At the top of it are people who realized that they were interested in a certain product. At this stage, a person tries to find general information about the product he likes, perhaps its analogues, minimum characteristics.

3) In case of making a decision to purchase a product, the client moves to the next stage, in which the key role is given to the clarity and precision of the content. It is he who can motivate a person to make a purchase or become an obstacle to such a decision.

4) At the very bottom of the funnel are people who have moved from the status of site visitors to the status of buyers. If the sales funnel is organized correctly, the client will definitely buy the product on the same site.

The goal of any quality landing page is invisible promotion of the visitor through all stages of the sales funnel from awareness to action. The best tools would be educational articles, step-by-step guides, and infographics.

Important! Information about the product must be specialized. Its goal is to increase the potential client’s motivation to make a purchase.

Online sales are growing regularly. Along with this, the sales funnel will also change. Perhaps over time it will become more complex. Therefore, it is very important to understand it now.

1.4. Capture Page Performance

The greatest efficiency of landing can be achieved only with participation in the development a full-fledged team of professionals.

To create a high-quality landing page (before launching it on the Internet), you will need the help of the following specialists.

  1. Project manager. Indicates the ultimate goal when developing a landing page, monitors all stages of the implementation of the technical plan, calculates the return on investment in advertising, and makes all important decisions.
  2. Marketer. His job is to develop a general strategy, create a prototype of the future website, effective affiliate programs and USP (unique selling proposition). It also determines the prospects of the concepts being created and analyzes the results obtained.
  3. Web Designer. Using the approved site prototype as a basis, he develops a landing page layout and is responsible for special effects for the site.
  4. Front-end developer. Engaged in programming and subsequent layout of the landing page, testing the display of the page on different devices, adjusting the operation of forms intended for sending applications and calling from the website.
  5. Copywriter. Writes “selling” content, creates headlines using the 4U method. Also participates in prototyping the landing page and optimizing its semantic blocks.
  6. SEM Contextual specialist. Conducts an analysis of the semantic core, selects target queries for search engines, sets up contextual advertising, analyzes it and, if necessary, refines it (we wrote about how to collect it in a special article).

Only the coordinated work of all specialists can create a truly high-quality landing page.

1.5. Why create a one-page website - 3 main advantages of landing page

Let's look at the main advantages of a landing page compared to other sites and online stores. (Read also our article - where you will find step-by-step instructions on creating and launching a successful IM).

So, let's start in order:

  1. A one-page website will help increase the number of visitors who subscribe to news notifications and e-mail newsletters by approximately 20-30% , compared to a regular site!
  2. Raises by 50% probability of purchasing the product you offer!
  3. Convinces website visitors to download and install a new program or application!

Rules and tips for creating a landing page

2. 13 basic rules for creating your own Landing Page 📎

There are landing pages with conversion 40-60% . Such indicators mean that every second visitor to the site left their data or filled out an application to purchase a product. Two factors contributed to this success:

  1. The bulk of page visitors are this is the target audience. The site was visited by people who were interested in the product offered.
  2. The landing page was created according to traditional rules, ensuring high efficiency of the site.

Rule #1.

The landing page must contain one product

Couldn't get your visitor to click on the “buy” button?

  • To get more clients, you must adhere to the following principles:
  • the user's attention should be focused on one product;
  • tell the client about the benefits of only this specific program;
  • set a discount price for one product;

interest the visitor with a newsletter on one topic. When several products are placed on one screen, the customer’s attention will be scattered. He glances at the entire page. Perhaps he will show interest in some funny picture or flashing discount. However, in the end the tab will still be closed.

Not even a minute will pass before a visitor will forget about your site.

If a visitor comes to a website and sees one product that he can focus his attention on, his level of interest will increase. And the likelihood that he will take the action you need will also become very high.

Rule #2.

Important! The call to action must be clear When visiting a page, the first thing a user does is ask himself where he ended up and why..

If in the first seconds of his stay on the page he cannot find answers, the potential client is guaranteed to be lost. It is necessary to provide the visitor 80% clear and understandable information about your product Statistics show that about potential buyers leave the site

  • in the first fifteen seconds. The main reasons for this fact are: Lack of motivation to action. That is, the visitor did not find (did not understand) what to do on the site. The person is not offered to order, subscribe, learn more, etc. A high-quality landing page should contain
  • specific calls to someone to take action A person cannot understand what exactly is being offered to him. A lot of scribbled details, a lot of unnecessary animation, etc., only cause irritation for users. Each such element tries to attract a person’s attention. As a result, the main call to purchase or subscribe loses its significance.

These tips will help increase sales of your product.

  1. Red button rectangular in shape with a capacious verb placed in the center to help you. This button should be present at both the beginning and the end of the landing page.
  2. Express yourself clearly and clearly. A clear and concise explanation of what the visitor must do and what he will receive for it is necessary.
  3. Remove anything that might distract from the main idea., namely, unclear headlines, graphics, large advertising banners with other people’s products, neutral pictures, etc.
  4. Convince the client of the exclusivity of the product you offer. When describing the benefits of a product, you should use a lot of comparisons and numbers. Next to this information you need to place red button. Sometimes the decision to purchase a product can be spontaneous. To instantly satisfy the buyer’s desire, this treasured “buy” button is needed.
  5. Outline specific benefits from the visitor's use of your offer.

However, you should not be too zealous in your desire to get a buyer. The presence of many advertising gimmicks and an intrusive offer to buy a product will only cause negativity in the visitor.

Rule #3.

Make selling and catchy headlines

A good landing page has one promotional offer that fits easily into the headline. Examples of selling headlines: If your product is fluorescent lamps? Here's the title - “Save energy 4 times more efficiently” . Need to invite fatties to the fitness center? Write their dream in the title - .

“Who wants a TV star figure?” Typeface headers are a must use tags h1 and h2 . If possible, put key phrases in the headings

- these are words or phrases by which customers will find your site through a search engine.

Rule #4.

Important! Use intelligently written sales text

The text is the first priority.

  1. You should order a landing page design only after a final, high-quality text has been compiled. To write a first-class text you need:
  2. create a portrait of the “ideal buyer”;
  3. , that is, a person who needs your product; In this case it will be a monologue. Try to start a virtual dialogue with the client, identify questions that he may have. Write the answers to them in the text. Product Information must be comprehensive. You shouldn't be limited to a certain number of characters.

Nowadays, Internet marketing gurus can hear critical statements about large landing pages. However, if you carefully understand this situation, it becomes clear that the bulk of criticism falls on boring and uninformative texts. But those who like to criticize somehow forget about good, long landing pages.

There is no need to be afraid of large texts if:

  1. The product is unknown and complex. The client will need to describe each benefit in detail. Give many examples that will prove the benefits of the product.
  2. The product is expensive. To interest a person, you will have to take on board all the superpowers of the landing page - discounts, gifts, warranty and post-warranty service, cases, reviews.

Rule #5.

Formatt your texts correctly

This rule is one of the most significant for the promotion and sale of services or goods.

  1. When formatting the text, you should adhere to the following recommendations: Readable font - 16 point. (.
  2. Open Sans, Garamond, Georgia, PT Serif, Arial)
  3. The line should not contain more than 80 characters.
  4. Every 3-5 lines should be formatted as a paragraph. A subheading is needed for every 2-4 paragraphs. Subheadings must be written in such a way that the user, after reading it, can easily understand.
  5. what will be discussed in the next paragraph

Mandatory presence of tables, quotes, lists (numbered or marked).

Rule #6.

Note! Less aggressive advertising!!! Three exclamation points at the end are one of the signs of aggressive advertising. In addition to this, there is also “CAPS LOCK”..

For most people, words or phrases with all capital letters and exclamation marks are suspicious. They develop a strong belief that

they want to deceive them

If a copywriter, content manager or editor uses such things, then this indicates their low qualifications.

It is necessary to understand how the user's gaze will move.

If all the elements of the page are placed in their place, a person will be able to easily perceive the information. And if the visitor understands the product you offer, the likelihood that he will purchase it will increase significantly.

Also needed visual navigation- these are thematic pictures, icons and arrows. You can attract a person's attention with contrasting colors - highlight headings , make the button red , orange or yellow.

Rule #8.

The landing page must be relevant - this is very important! The concept of relevance means.


A relevant landing page is a web page that meets the visitor’s expectations.

Landing should be developed not only for each marketing company, but for each traffic source. For example, if visitors come to your page from any social network, this information should be displayed on the site.

Rule #9. You need to be prepared for objections Approximately 9 out of 10 clients before making a purchase,

think about their decision

. People are afraid of scammers and fear for their own safety.

  • There are many clients who want to hide their purchase from others. Some people have fears of losing their money or disbelief in such a low cost of the goods. Since you do not have the opportunity to communicate personally and dispel all the user’s fears, you need to take care in advance of reasoned answers to all sorts of objections. They should be inserted into the text.
  • guarantee a return on your investment, for example, within 1-2 weeks;

provide the opportunity to try the product for free

, also within 2 weeks. Emphasize that such a proposal will help a person make up his mind.

These marketing moves have always been and will be relevant when developing landing pages. Rule #10. Use the principle of scarcity and the urgency effect

Important! You have to be with a deficit

very neat , because not everyone falls for such a trick. Today no one pays attention to the countdown timer. Moreover, if it is regularly updated after the page is reloaded. It is necessary to use other methods.

Eg, display information about the quantity of remaining goods and regularly update these figures. The visitor should see that the product is quickly sold out. 50% , this morning it’s already 33, and closer to lunch it’s only 5 things. We need to buy it urgently while the goods are still available!”

Rule #11.

Convince the visitor of your reliability

  • Trust elements are best placed near calls to action. Using Social Media Buttons
  • — creating a group (page), a list of subscribers in a VK group, a tweet feed, likes on Facebook. (and we already wrote about promoting it in our last issue") Publication of reviews along with links to companies or people
  • who left them. Display of certificates, awards.

If necessary, all documents should be opened at full size and easy to read.

Rule #12. No complicated forms to fill out on the site.

As a rule, the form for entering personal data does not cause irritation for most visitors. If necessary, people from the target audience are always ready to write

name, occupation, email address

Difficulties usually arise in the next stages of registration, when the visitor is asked to provide details of his life. It is better to ask such questions after the user has confirmed registration. An equally common problem is a complex captcha!

Captcha 30-40% is a pop-up form for entering a set of specific characters (numbers and letters). By filling out the captcha, the visitor confirms that he is not a robot.

It sometimes takes a lot of time to decipher the characters and write them in the correct sequence. This is the reason why approximately people simply close the tab and forget about your offer.

No need to use captcha

. Let your competitors have it.

Important! Rule #13. Simplicity and accessibility of perception.

This rule summarizes the essence of all previous rules.

  • Should be ordered
  • simple landing page
  • She must be:

without unnecessary graphics and text; with a proposal to perform only one action - buy one product, subscribe to one newsletter, etc.;

spacious and not too busy.

Ideal Landing Page is a page that can be obtained through testing, adjustments and performance measurements. 3. Should I create a landing page myself or is it better to order a landing page from professionals? Developing a landing page yourself is not such a difficult task. With knowledge and patience, anyone can create a landing page. However, in such a case there is how .

positive (+)

moments and

  1. A landing page created by yourself will cost a person completely free.
  2. There is no need to create a technical specification. You get the opportunity to do it yourself according to your ideas.
  3. Creating a landing page with your own hands provides invaluable experience, which will be very useful in the future when working with the Internet.

Minuses (-)

  1. If you do not have the necessary knowledge, it will take time to study it.
  2. Developing a landing page takes a lot of time, during which you could sell a certain amount of product.
  3. You may end up with a low-quality landing page, and as a result, the market potential of the promoted product will not be fully realized.

Order a landing page from a special studio or work on it yourself - it's up to you to decide.

However, it is worth recalling that creating a page with your own hands does not involve any expenses. Therefore, it’s still worth trying your hand even if at the same time you placed an order for a landing page in the studio.

If you create a high-quality landing page, you can further develop your acquired skills and make landing page development your own. The demand for these services increases every year.

Note! If such work seems overwhelming to you, because it requires perseverance and takes a lot of time, then it is better not to spare money and order the creation of a landing page by professionals. And while they are working on your order, you will have time to solve the main tasks of your business.

Developing a landing page yourself is justified only if it is your first and you want to save money. After all, you cannot be sure that a product or service promoted through this site will be in great demand.

However, if sales have already started, the first orders have appeared and you are confident that your product will become in demand, then it’s time to turn to specialists. They will help make your landing page more high quality and efficient, and will also significantly increase the conversion rate.

Paying for services 5-15 thousand rubles, your sales may increase by 2-3 units per day. Over the course of a year, you will accumulate quite a decent amount of money, which will significantly exceed the amount spent on “upgrading” your site.

Important! Increased conversion just for 0,5% can bring millions in profits in a year.

Of course, you can create a better quality landing page yourself than a single freelancer can do. Read about it in the article at the link.

Ordering from a studio will not be cheap, but you will save your time, and the money spent will subsequently be returned many times over in the form of profit.

4. Modern landing page designers 🛠 - TOP 3 of the best

The great popularity of landing pages has led to the emergence of many designers. Let's look at some of the most popular Russian-language designers.

Landing page builder No. 1."LPgenerator" (

Lpgenerator is an excellent website builder with which you can create a landing page from scratch. The service can offer more 300 templates, a large number of tools - lead management, A/B testing and many other goodies.

Simple tariff price— 2156 rubles per month. This tariff assumes a limit on the number of visitors - 9 thousand per month.

Eat tariff without restrictions. Its cost is 4,000 rubles per month.

The prices are a bit expensive, but many say that Lpgenerator is worth it.

Landing page builder No. 2. Flexbe (

The Flexbe website builder is considered one of the most reliable and simple landing page builders. Eat free version, which acts 14 days. This time is quite enough to evaluate the convenience of the designer and its suitability for your business.

The most affordable tariff— 750 rubles per month. The tariff includes: domain - 1, pages - 10, SMS notifications - 250, technical support, own mailbox, free domain.RU, etc.

Most expensive tariff costs 3,000 rubles per month. It includes unlimited number of domains and pages, 1000 SMS notifications, etc.

From cons (-) One can highlight the limitations in creating a landing page. It is not possible to get something cool because the set of tools of this website builder is not large.

TO pluses (+) It is worth considering the speed of creating a landing page. In ten minutes you get a completely decent one-page website that looks good on mobile phone screens.

Landing page builder No. 3."LPTrend" (

"LPTrend" is a clear landing page constructor that suitable for beginners. The service can offer 61 ready-made templates with restrictions on layout.

Keep in mind! Create a landing page from scratch here not provided. There is no integration with other services.

From functionality there is A/B testing, “useful services” tab, which has links to various tools.

The trial period is 15 days. Sufficient time to test the capabilities of the service.

Cheapest rate500 rubles per month. It is possible to generate one landing page.

Behind the most expensive tariff will have to post it 2000 rubles per month.

Subscribe to premium tariff makes it possible to create an unlimited number of landing pages.

Other online landing page builders

There are a couple more website builders that worth paying attention:

"Bazium"- a pretty good website builder. The service offers almost 400 design variations, 53 blocks and 27 different settings that can fully satisfy all needs. Among the positive aspects, one can especially highlight the possibility of paying for services as you use them. You will have to pay for this service 35 rubles per day.

"Tilda"— offers a modular system. The cheapest tariff costs 500 rubles, subject to payment for the entire year. If payment is made monthly, then the cost of the tariff will be 750 rubles.

5. How to create a landing page for free 💸

Let's look at popular services where you can also create a landing page for free:

  • Creation of landing pages (one-page websites) to order for a small amount on freelance sites (from 1000 rub. and higher).

6. Examples of the best selling landing pages 📰

Let's look at a few examples of selling landing pages. Keep in mind that landing pages are constantly changing their relevance. If “today” certain templates had a high conversion, then it is not a fact that these templates will work with the same conversion “tomorrow”.

Therefore we recommend do not copy, and take it as an example and create your own landing pages with your own unique pictures and texts (content that others do not have), or order them from specialists who know the relevance of landing pages.

7. Landing Page templates - where to download + step-by-step installation instructions 📝

The landing page structure consists of several elements:

  • Logo, phone numbers, data capture form, that is, call back.
  • A proposal or offer that is displayed as a relevant headline.
  • List your benefits.
  • Call to action (placed red button).
  • Photos, drawings and other high-quality graphics.
  • Information that helps increase confidence in the product - certificates, reviews, etc.
  • Contact Information.

Every known platform, e.g. "Wordpress", "Jumla" etc., has its own landing page templates. However, you can find high-quality and free landing pages for WordPress impossible . Relatively good landing page starts from 15-25 dollars.

There are also templates that are not tied to any platform. They number in the hundreds of thousands. You can find many sites where you can download ready-made free landing page templates.

However, we can’t talk about a normal free landing page. Most of these proposals are just garbage. There are very few decent options. You can try to find high-quality Landing Page templates on popular landing platforms (for example, lpgenerator, wix, etc.)

The intense growth of competition in the field of e-commerce is creating new standards of consumer behavior. Users tend to spend as little time as possible searching for a product or service provider, without paying attention to the differences between one company and others. In this light, classic online stores and representative sites are losing a significant market share due to the large amount of unnecessary information and, as a result, the difficulty of finding a specific product. One-page websites, called landing pages, are designed to solve this problem, as well as to attract the attention of buyers to specific products.

Technically, a landing page is a web page located online on a separate domain or subdomain of the company’s main website. It can be created based on various formats (html, CSS) and have a custom design. Its main goal is lead generation. The latter represent user registration (placement of an order) in response to a commercial offer. In this case, first of all, contact information is transmitted. Additional data may also be requested to help determine which target audience group the user belongs to.

Landing pages are also called landing pages, since they are created not for general information about the range and list of services of the company, but for specific purposes. The latter may include:

  • sale of a specific product or service;
  • data collection, formation of a database of potential clients (Lead Capture);
  • registration on the resource;
  • registration of a subscription;
  • booking a place;
  • receiving trial samples and demo versions;
  • brand promotion or product popularization (viral landing pages).

Landing page features and structure

It is quite easy to distinguish a landing page from a regular website. It does not have a menu that redirects to other sections, it is distinguished by the brevity of the information, and most importantly, it presents one single product. At the same time, the content on the page is presented in such a way as to provoke the visitor to perform an action, and therefore it often resembles a kind of advertising instruction. According to their structure, landing pages are conventionally divided into the following types:

  • Long page - long landing page. This format requires the user to scroll the page, which allows information to be presented in stages, leading the potential client to the resulting action. Such pages are similar to the use of active sales techniques, since they gradually warm up the buyer's interest.
  • Short page - short landing page. All information is presented at once, which creates a rush effect. A short and precise sentence that hits the target.

Based on the type of interaction with the client, a landing page can be:

  • One-step (One step): all stages from generating interest to user registration are presented on one page.
  • Two step: on the first page interest in the product is formed, and on the additional second page there is a call to action.

Landing page content is usually divided into separate blocks, which are arranged in a certain order that is convenient for the visitor to understand. The basic elements of the structure are:

  • Heading- the main offer that should interest your customers. It should contain not only information about the proposal, but also convey the usefulness of the decision being made. The headline is given maximum attention and it is this that determines whether a site visitor will stay or leave.
  • Contact Information- available communication channels with the company (phone number, E-mail, Skype, Viber). There shouldn't be too much of it. As a rule, contacts are located in the upper right corner.
  • Company `s logo- an optional element used only when promoting branded goods or services.
  • Product Demonstration- if this is a specific product, its photograph or 3D gif can be used; associative images or promotional videos are selected for services. The image is placed in the center so that when the visitor lands on the page, he immediately understands what is being offered to him.
  • Commercial offer- a brief (often abstract) description of the terms of the transaction or the merits of the product. It is presented in the format of a ready-made case, including abstract information about what and for how much the visitor receives after completing the target action.
  • Lead form(feedback, registration or order form, capture form) - an interactive area with fields for entering data and sending it to the company. It must be highlighted.
  • Call-to-action buttons- special buttons for performing the action “try”, “order”, “buy”, “download”.
  • Counter- used during promotions or to stir up customer interest. It can show the amount of time remaining until the end of a promotion or goods in stock.
  • Customer reviews and answers to questions- an optional element, more often used when selling services. It is desirable that opinions be real.
  • Awards and insignia- an optional block that demonstrates the indirect advantages of a company or product.

The main requirement when filling landing pages with text information is the use of selling texts. This means that it must contain a list of the benefits of the product, an example of solving a user problem by using the product, and a mandatory call to action.

Specifics of landing page promotion

Unlike classic sites, where the main promotion strategy is SEO optimization of content, single-page sites, due to limited text content, are very poorly perceived by search engines. But if you approach the problem wisely, you can achieve relatively good results, especially for low-frequency queries.

Initially, search engines used the BM25 ranking algorithm to evaluate sites; today its place is taken by a more modern modification BM25F, which takes into account elements such as headings, as well as Title, Keywords and Description meta tags. Thus, when creating a landing page, you can break the information into blocks, in the headings of which the corresponding keys will be organically included. Meta tags are designed accordingly. You can also optimize customer reviews and question answer blocks. Unique images with correctly specified alt attributes also help to increase the rank of a landing page in search results.

It makes sense to optimize your landing page when your goal is its long-term use. In this case, when the paid advertising campaign is stopped, it will attract visitors, albeit in smaller volumes.

The main tool for promoting a landing page is page advertising. It is implemented in the following ways:

  • Contextual advertising in Google AdWords and Yandex Direct. This is the main way to attract traffic that uses targeting principles.
  • Advertising and publishing links on social networks. This direction is very effective when promoting landing pages dedicated to promotions, as well as viral landing pages.
  • Promotion in popular blogs. An ineffective method, implemented rather as an additional one.
  • Newsletter byEmail. More often it is performed for regular customers of the company in order to draw attention to a specific product or ongoing promotion.
  • Teaser advertising.

What is a landing page and what are its features? How to quickly make a cool landing page with high conversion? Which landing page builders are popular now?

Hello, dear readers! With you is one of the authors of the business magazine “” Alexander Berezhnov.

And I decided so - I’ll tell you about landing pages, about the main techniques that I used to create them. I will give examples of good one-page sites. And each of you will draw conclusions for yourself. Agreed? Then let's begin.

The topic of creating a landing page is not an easy one, but it is very relevant and interesting. Knowing how to do this will help you make money in a variety of ways, such as . Understanding this, you can start your own small business by simply selling goods or services through a landing page.

1. What is a landing page - an overview for beginners

Hundreds of articles have been written on the topic of creating landing pages. It’s difficult to cram all the advice and all the experience into one material. But I will still try to tell you about the most important thing regarding the landing page.

Landing is a one-page website or just a page, the purpose of which is to induce users to take some action: buy, subscribe, call, leave a request.

Landing page is literally translated from English: “target” or “landing page”.

You've probably seen such one-pagers on the Internet.

Why do they make landing pages:

  1. They motivate well visitor to take the desired action.
  2. They are quickly constructed. And they often cost less than a regular website. Another plus: you can create a landing page yourself.
  3. Landing page is easy to redesign– improve, change, add missing information.

Landing pages are created for:

  1. Product sales. For this purpose, calls are used: “buy”, “leave a request”, “call”.
  2. Collection of information. Here visitors are offered: “subscribe”, “find out more”.
  3. Software distribution- software sales.

Landing page and sales funnel

Funnelsales is the process of selling a product/service. At each stage of this process, a portion of people are eliminated - potential clients of a commercial company. We have a separate article on our website about.

The landing page sales process looks something like this:

  • 100 people saw a link to the landing page;
  • 40 users followed the link;
  • 10 people submitted an application;
  • 2 people bought the product.

Out of a hundred - two sales. Return – 2%. This is a good option. Not perfect, but not a failure either.

A sales funnel looks like an inverted kitchen funnel: a wide base and a narrow neck.

The widest part is the transition to the page. At this stage, we test the operation of contextual advertising, messages on social networks, and publications on other sites. Determining CTR.

CTR– the ratio of the number of clicks to the number of impressions. Measured as a percentage.

The middle part is the application. We analyze the effectiveness of the landing page - its design, text part.

The narrow part is processing applications and sales. Here we evaluate the work of living people - operators, managers.

When analyzing a landing page, another indicator is calculated - EPC.

EPC– this is the average earnings from one thousand landing page visits.

The higher the return rate, the higher the effectiveness of your advertising campaign.

In what cases is it necessary to create a landing page?

Below we will consider a number of cases when you may be faced with the need to create your own one-page website.

Case 1. Low conversion (sales) of the company’s main website

When a website shows a low conversion rate, that is, customers leave without purchasing anything. And there is no money to create a new working large website.

Calculation example: 300 people visited the site in 24 hours. Subscribed to the newsletter - 12 users. The conversion will be: 12 / 300 * 100% = 4%.

The average conversion of sites in zone.RU is 0.5%. Landing conversion rate is 5–10%. These numbers hide the whole truth about why entrepreneurs love to sell their goods and services through one-page websites.

Case 2. New product launch

When you are launching a new product and want to show it off at its best. When you need to focus contextual advertising on a new product.

Case 3. Solving a specific problem

When you need to solve a specific marketing problem. And the company’s main website is not suitable for this.

Creating a landing page without in most cases will help increase sales.

Just having a landing page will not attract a ton of customers right away. In fact, landing is just a tool. Even the most sophisticated drill will not drill a hole in the wall until you pick it up. So it is here.

For the page to work, you need to “turn it on”.

To do this, you can take the following steps:

  1. Launch contextual advertising to your one-page website.
  2. Start an email newsletter based on a pre-collected subscriber base. In the letter, briefly describe the properties of the product and add a link to the landing page.
  3. Advertise a product on forums, partner sites, message boards. Add a link to the page everywhere.

It is a mistaken belief that a landing page can be the only place of communication between business and audience. If a company does not blog, does not develop its presence on social networks, or does not use email marketing, the landing page will be ineffective.

Case Study

The young man became interested in the offer of the Kverti company. The guy has never heard of this company before, and therefore is looking for evidence of its existence. Visits the company’s website and blog, joins a group on social networks.

He was convinced that the company was working. The blog content is constantly updated. On social networks, admins quickly respond to user questions. The client returns to the one-page page and makes a pre-order.

Now ask yourself a question: what would the guy do if he didn’t find traces of “Kverti” on the Internet? If the entire existence of a company began and ended on one single landing page. Would he order their product?

The conclusion from this example: use auxiliary tools to enhance the effect of sales through your one-page website.

2. How much does it cost to create a landing page and what does the price of a one-page website depend on?

The cost of creating a landing page depends on whether you order one-pager or do it yourself.

  • The first option is expensive. Freelancers charge from 100-200 USD. for work, design studios – from 1,000 USD Cool agencies – from 5,000 USD
  • The second option is “almost” free. If you involve a programmer or copywriter in the development, if you use a paid template as a basis, the price of this method will be from 20 to 1,000 USD. and even higher. For a better understanding of prices for different types of websites and landing pages, read our article.

If you decide to order a landing page, you will be asked to fill out brief– a special questionnaire: answer questions about what you would like to see on the site.

Your answers will be the basis for the contractor when determining the price for the work.

The more “tricks” and “bells and whistles” you want to see on your one-page website, the more expensive the landing page will cost.

The price will depend on:

  • unusual structure and unique design will cost 7 00 USD;
  • contextual advertising and its setup – from 100 USD per month;
  • text from a good copywriter - 50-100 USD, from an excellent commercial writer - from 1,000 USD;
  • unique pictures and icons (not downloaded from stock) – that’s at least another 100-200 USD.

In addition, the price of a landing page is influenced by analysis of the target audience, selection of key phrases, testing of the page structure, constant monitoring, etc.

I've seen landing pages whose conversion rate was 50–60% . That is, every second visitor left their details or sent an application to purchase a product. The secret to such great returns was two factors:

  1. The page was visited mainly by the target audience - that is, people who were interested in this product.
  2. The developers adhered to the traditional rules of creating an effective landing page.

I will tell you about these rules.

Tip 1. Place one product on your landing page

If they fail to hook you, the reader will not reach the treasured “buy” button.

Follow these rules:

  1. Focus the client's attention on one thing.
  2. Tell him about the benefits of only this version of the program.
  3. Offer him a discount on one product.
  4. Get him interested in sending out newsletters on a specific topic.

If you place ten products within one screen, the visitor’s attention will be scattered. He will scan the entire page. Perhaps he will pay attention to a huge discount or some funny picture. And then closes the tab. In five seconds he will have forgotten about your existence.

The user visits the site. The first thoughts that come to his mind are: where did I end up, why am I here? If he doesn’t find an answer in the next few moments, you will lose the client.

According to statistics, 80% of potential buyers leave the page in the first fifteen seconds. And here are the main reasons:

  1. They didn't find what to do here. The site does not have a specific call to action: “subscribe”, “order”, “find out more”, etc. Remember, if there is no “big red button” on the screen, signed with the simple word “buy,” you have a bad landing page.
  2. Visitors do not understand what is offered to them here. They are irritated by dozens of details splattered on top of each other, flashy GIFs and continuous Caps Lock. Awkward elements compete for the visitor’s attention, distracting him from the main thing – making a purchase or subscribing.

These tips will help you increase sales of your product:

  1. Our everything– a rectangular red button with a capacious verb in the center. Place it not only at the end, but also at the beginning of the page.
  2. Be clear. Speak directly: what the user must do and what he will get for it.
  3. Remove everything that distracts from the main idea. Incomprehensible graphics, neutral pictures, stupid headings, left buttons, huge banners advertising other people's products.
  4. Convince the visitor with an example of the exclusivity of your product. When praising a product, use more numbers and comparisons. Place a red button next to the belief.
  5. Show specific benefits that the client will receive from using your offer.

But don't be overly passionate in your desire to intoxicate the client. Excessive pressure and an overabundance of advertising conditions only makes readers nauseous.

Tip 3. Use selling headlines

Do you sell fluorescent lamps? Here's the headline: "Save energy 4 times more efficiently."

Do you invite fatties to the fitness center? Hit the heart: “Who else wants a TV star figure?”

When laying out headings, be sure to use h1 and h2 tags. If possible, include key phrases in them - those words and phrases by which clients will find you through a search engine.

Tip 4. Write high-quality selling text

The text is the first priority. Until you have a fully formulated proposal, don’t even think about ordering a landing page design.

For the text to be first-class it is necessary:

  • First- know who the person is who needs your product. Create a portrait of your “ideal buyer.”
  • Second- read books about marketing and sales psychology.
  • Third- be able to involve the client in a conversation. Even if this conversation is actually a monologue. Imagine what questions arise in the interlocutor’s head. Write your answers logically into the text. Write until you tell everything about the product. And don't get hung up on the number of characters.

I noticed how internet marketing gurus like to criticize big landing pages. If you take a closer look at the object of criticism, it will become clear that they condemn tedious and uninformative texts. For some reason, critics avoid interesting and worthwhile long landing pages.

Don't be afraid of large texts if:

  1. The product is complex and unfamiliar. The client will have to chew on every advantage of the product. Give many examples to prove its benefits.
  2. The product is expensive. To get a response, you will have to use all the superpowers of the landing page - reviews, guarantees, cases, discounts, post-warranty service, gifts.


70% visitors won’t even read the halfway point of your tortured landing page. Don't blame yourself. Try to grab the attention of others 30% – that’s not bad either.

Tip 5. Avoid aggressive advertising!!!

How about three exclamation points at the end of a sentence? Maybe CAPS LOCK should also be added?

These things are a sign of aggressive advertising. For a normal person, the sight of capital letters and three exclamations causes panic attacks: “They want to sell me some kind of nonsense”, “Again this intrusive advertising!”, “I have always said that the Internet is a garbage dump.”

And for good copywriters, editors, content managers, this is also a sign of parochialism, unprofessionalism and sometimes, excuse me, idiocy.

I also recommend excluding the following cliches from the text: “flexible system of discounts”, “leader in the field”, “high quality and low prices”, “extensive experience”, “individual approach”. Without regret, delete all crude and unsupported phrases.

This stage is very important for the successful promotion and sale of goods and services.

Let's get straight to the rules:

  1. Readable font – 16 point. I recommend: Georgia, Open Sans, PT Sans, Arial, PT Serif, Clear Sans, Garamond.
  2. Up to 80 characters per line.
  3. Every 3-5 lines – a new paragraph.
  4. Every 2-4 paragraphs – a new subheading. Subheadings should be composed in such a way that the reader, after skimming over them, can easily understand what is being said.
  5. Required: lists, quotes, tables.

Consider which path the visitor’s gaze will follow. When all the elements are in place, a person easily perceives information. And if the client understands your product, there is a chance that he will immediately buy it.

Use visual navigation: arrows, icons, pictures. Attract attention with contrasting shades: highlight the headings in color, use a red (yellow, orange, green) button.

A relevant landing page is a page that meets the user’s expectations.

Another example

If a user clicks on the banner “buy a new iPhone with a 10% discount,” then the landing page should contain an offer specifically to buy this phone and with this particular discount.

Create your own landing page not only for each marketing campaign, but also for each traffic source. For example, clients come from the social network VKontakte - this should be reflected on the website.

90% of buyers think before they buy something. People are afraid of fraud and fear for their safety. Many people do not want anyone to know about their purchase. Fears give rise to objections: “I’m afraid of losing money,” “I don’t believe that the price can be so low.”

Since you cannot personally reassure the client, take care of the answers to their objections in advance. Formulate convincing arguments and insert them into the text.

I'll give you some hints:

  1. 1-2 week money back guarantee."If you don't like the product, we'll refund your entire investment."
  2. Offer to try the product for free.“A 2-week trial period will help you decide.”

Such marketing moves have been and remain relevant when creating landing pages.

Be careful with deficits. Few people now believe in countdown timers. Moreover, when the counter is constantly updated when the landing page is reloaded.

Be smarter. Indicate the quantity of remaining products. Constantly and manually update information. The user must see that the goods are being dismantled.

Make the buyer think so

“Yesterday there were 74 microwaves with a 50% discount, this morning there were 23, and by lunchtime there were only 7 left. We need to take it urgently!”

Tip 11. Convince the user that you are reliable and safe

Place trust elements close to the call to action.

  1. Use social media buttons– tweet feed, likes on Facebook, list of subscribers in a group on VK.
  2. Post reviews with links to people or the company that left them.
  3. Display awards and certificates. Documents should open at full size and be easy to read.

Tip 12. No complicated forms to fill out.

The data entry form itself does not cause unpleasant emotions in visitors. The majority of your target audience is ready to interact with you. If necessary, they will write their name, occupation and e-mail.

The difficulties begin when, at the registration stage, users are asked to talk about their lives in more detail. I advise you to postpone the moment of closer acquaintance until later - when the visitor confirms the fact of registration.

Another problem is a complex captcha.

Difficulties usually arise in the next stages of registration, when the visitor is asked to provide details of his life. It is better to ask such questions after the user has confirmed registration.- a pop-up form in which the user enters a set of characters (numbers and letters in blurry pictures), confirming that he is not a robot.

Everyone is working on deciphering symbols, solving puzzles and riddles. Therefore, not everyone passes the test - about 30-40% will close the tab and immediately forget about your offer. Forget about captcha. Leave it to your competitors.

This advice combines the essence of all previous points. Order a simple Landing page.

The page should be:

  1. No unnecessary graphics or text
  2. With a proposal to perform only one action: buy one product, subscribe to one newsletter, and so on.
  3. Looks free, spacious and not overloaded

The ideal landing page is a logo, a clear title and a button. If your product allows you to create a one-page website in a minimalist style, use it.

4. What is better: order a landing page from professionals or make a landing page yourself?

The command needed to create a landing page from scratch:

  1. Marketer. Develops a strategy. Forms a proposal. Tests the results. Creates a website prototype.
  2. Copywriter. Writes texts. Creates headers.
  3. Web Designer. Based on the prototype, he makes a layout. Implements special effects.
  4. Front-end developer. Programs and typesets. Tests the display of the landing page on different devices. Sets up a feedback form, call button, etc.
  5. Directologist, contextual advertising specialist. Analyzes the semantic core. Selects keywords. Sets up contextual advertising.
  6. Manager. Supervises the work. Calculates the payback of the project. Makes key decisions.

The services of six specialists will cost you from 3,000 USD. This is the price for a landing page that will work.

If you plan each stage of work correctly and find good people in advance, the landing page will be ready in 2-3 weeks.

Now let's move on to the second one - "independent" option .

If you are an “ordinary” person, you will most likely fail in programming, design and layout tasks. There is nothing left to do but download a ready-made free template or use a paid landing page designer.

You will have to take on the work of a copywriter, manager, contextual advertising specialist and marketer. Here is an approximate scheme of actions:

  1. Come up with an idea. Formulate a proposal - a message to the audience who needs your product or service.
  2. Break your idea down into logical blocks. If you ask a question in the first block, the second or third block should be the answer.
  3. Develop a teaser*– picture or text. Make it catchy and concise.
  4. Work on the main text. Here you will act as a copywriter.
  5. Come up with headlines. It is desirable that they are not heterogeneous and form a story.
  6. Call to action. On your selling website you should have the phrases and words “order now”, “call”, “subscribe”.
  7. Get into design. Choose a suitable landing page template. Edit it to fit the structure you came up with. Look for photographs and illustrations in stocks. Or take a camera and shoot the material yourself.
  8. Launch the landing page. Set up contextual advertising.

Hard? But it's free! True, you will spend a lot of time on this: probably no less than 4-5 weeks.

Let's look at a table of ways to get a ready-made one-page website.

5. Popular landing page designers - TOP 3 best

The popularity of landing pages gave impetus to the emergence of a number of website builders. I will now tell you about several - Russian-language and the most popular.

Constructor 1. “Flexbe” (

- a very simple and reliable landing page builder. The free version is valid for 14 days - enough time to understand whether the designer is convenient and suitable for your business.

The cheapest tariff is 750 rubles per month. This amount includes: one domain, 10 pages, 250 SMS notifications, technical support, your own mailbox and other “goodies” up to a free domain in the .RU zone.

The most expensive tariff is 3,000 rubles per month. This is an unlimited number of domains, as many pages as you like, 1,000 SMS notifications, and so on.

The downside is that you won’t be able to create something incredibly cool. A no-frills Flexby tool set.

The advantage is incredible speed. In 10 minutes I created an acceptable one-page website. It looked good on mobile device screens.

Constructor 2. LPgenerator (

Let's imagine that you have already downloaded the template you like. That you have hosting and a domain name. What to do next?

Landing page installation instructions

A few simple steps on how to install a one-page website:

  1. Go to your hosting provider's website. Go to your account control panel.
  2. Find the site's root folder (it should be empty). The name of this folder is the domain you purchased in advance.
  3. Click the download button, in the window that appears, select the archive with the template.
  4. When the archive is copied to the domain folder, click the “Unpack” button next to it.
  5. Wait 20 seconds for the operation to complete. Refresh the page.
  6. Landing page installed!

To edit the landing page, go to the root folder of your domain and look for the required file. Change text, pictures, insert videos. You can learn this: read a couple of articles on the topic - and go ahead, make money.

7. Real examples of working landing pages

About 15-20 years ago, landing pages were created for impulse purchases. In the old days, people were still influenced by acidic colors, crazy GIFs and other rubbish. Now we have become more discerning: we pass by empty promises, trust a calm tone and convincing evidence.

“Those” days have passed, but there are still people who believe that a landing page should be “screaming.” I created this section to convince them otherwise. Here are examples of landing pages. Let's look at their pros and cons and understand why they work.

Example 1. Master Climate - a company for the installation and sale of climate control equipment - we made this site with a friend when we were still studying.

The site has a clear structure and a pleasant design in the “ventilation and air conditioning” style. Also, this landing page has an adaptive layout, that is, the site adapts to any screen size, including mobile devices.

Example 2. Alfa-Bank vacancies - we scroll through the site and see how a young man’s career starts at Alfa-Bank. After some time, having looked at the tempting visualization, site visitors finally see the letters. The page contains decent text – its quality is no worse than an animated picture.

A description of new vacancies is posted right on the surface, and an opportunities section is published. For applicants - a small and very simple form.

Action button: at the top there is a small and barely noticeable “send resume” button - this is a minus; at the very bottom of the page there is a bright link “view vacancies” - this is a plus.

Globally, you can make money on landing pages in three ways:

  1. Creating landing pages to order, that is, being a web studio, designer or manager of the entire project, having found the right team.
  2. Using one-page sites as intended, that is, sell goods and services through them.
  3. Doing lead generation. Leads - contacts of potential clients. These are “warm” applications that can be sold to target companies. For example, you can create a landing page “Sliding wardrobes in Samara”, drive traffic to it and sell the generated applications to the companies that manufacture these cabinets.

Which method to choose is up to you to decide. In the first case, you will receive money from clients who need the sites themselves, and in the second, the money that landing pages will bring from sales to end consumers.

9. Conclusion

The truth is, people are tired of landing pages. They are tired of the same techniques - countdown timers, crazy discounts, “unique offers”, static reviews that have not changed for 2-3 years.

To prevent visitors from closing your landing page, make it unconventional. No, you can use templates, but fill them out wisely. Don't lie, don't chase fleeting benefits. Think about the client and his needs.

Let's summarize:

  1. Landing– this is an excellent tool for attracting new subscribers and buyers.
  2. Don't rely only on the landing page. To communicate with your audience, develop other areas - blog, main website, groups on social networks.
  3. You will always have time to order a landing page. So try to do it yourself first. Ready-made templates and designers will help you with this. All you have to do is develop a marketing strategy, write text, and set up contextual advertising.

At the end of the article, there is a video on the topic of making the perfect landing page:

I wish you good luck in business, launch your landing page and increase your sales!

The best service for creating your first landing page. A set of a couple of dozen one-page templates will suggest the best options for designing and submitting a proposal. The editor allows you to assemble an effective page from ready-made adaptive blocks in a matter of minutes. The main thing is to arrange the sections in a logical order and present the offer beautifully. Images, tabs, a timer for promotions, reviews, a visual map, communications, including ordering a call back, and much more are present in full.

The landing menu supports anchor links for quick access to sections. The parallax effect, wide-format blocks with beautiful images, and video backgrounds will help create a rich and useful page. Pop-up windows will allow you to focus visitors’ attention on promotions. A free SSL connection will strengthen the trust of customers sending you personal information through the form. The optimal recipe: choose the template closest to the topic, fill it with your content and publish it without changing anything structurally.


  • Ideal for entrepreneurs who are far from website development;
  • Large set of profile widgets;
  • A solid package of communications: consultant, order a call, social networks, forms, pop-ups, mailings, CRM;
  • Adaptive templates, the structure of which is ideal for presenting landing pages;
  • Easy to learn - from 1 hour to 1 day;
  • Extremely affordable price.


  • There are no built-in tools for conversion analysis. Can be compensated by third-party analytics;
  • The tariff that allows you to accept payments online is significantly more expensive than “Premium”, which is great for assembling landing pages.
  1. Premium ($4/month) - a set of key features.
  2. Premium + ($8/month) - premium templates and advanced statistics.
  3. Shop ($9.6/month) - shopping cart, accepting payments.
  4. Pro ($12/month) - access to code editing.

Landing page builder uLanding → detailed review

Specialized landing page designer. Designed for testing marketing hypotheses, traffic arbitrage and making money on offers for web entrepreneurs. Suitable for both beginners and experienced users. The editor allows you to assemble pages from ready-made sections and widgets, adding them one after another. Their choice is sufficient: price list, reviews, stages, timeline, timer, table, headers, button, gallery, custom HTML code, call back, live chat, social media panels and others.

Effective design structures for confident sales, flavored with transition effects, are displayed correctly on all types of screens. The highlight of the service is the excellent presentation of statistical information. Conversion percentage, sales drop points, traffic by source, etc. - everything is clear for beginners and detailed enough for experienced webmasters. SSL connection is free. Adding pop-ups will allow you to get even more leads. Easy to use and effective designer.


  • Presentation of statistical data that is understandable to everyone;
  • Convenient interface for simultaneous testing of several pages with detailed statistics on the results;
  • Ability to insert your own code into the page layout;
  • There is a built-in store (Ecwid);
  • Archiving of landing pages and quick recovery are available;
  • Create backups in 1 click;
  • SMS notifications are free;
  • Integrated into the amoCRM control panel;
  • Easy to use editor;
  • Good quality adaptive templates, and separate editing of versions for PCs and smartphones is supported;
  • Good technical support.


  • A small number of ready-made templates;
  • Few ready-made sections (not to be confused with widgets).

Cost per month if paid annually:

  1. Initial ($6.15/month) - 1 project, 5 landing pages, unlimited SMS notifications, 24/7 technical support.
  2. Business ($10.25/month) - 3 projects, 30 landing pages, live chat with technical support.
  3. Advanced ($17.10/month) - 10 projects, 1000 landing pages.

Wix Landing Page Builder → Detailed Review

Wix is ​​a landing page builder with a rich, varied design and a full range of marketing tricks. You can draw a memorable, unique template or use one of the many ready-made options - fill it with your content, and the page is ready for publication. A rich set of applications will allow you to add effects, timers, pop-ups, reviews, social network integrations, animated visitor counters, gift cards, beautiful feedback forms, collecting subscriptions, making appointments, and so on according to the purpose of the task.

A rich set of widgets, a built-in graphic editor, animations, sets of icons, raster shapes and scrolling effects will allow you to create a bright landing page that claims to have high conversion rates. To work with the client base, there is a built-in CRM, the ability to set up marketing and trigger mailings, and Google Analytics to analyze the results. Using Wix Code will allow you to set up a data output schedule depending on the time of day, region, and other things. The landing page structure is implemented through anchor links to layout areas.


  • Powerful page layout editor;
  • High quality and variety of ready-made templates;
  • Lots of widgets, stock multimedia elements;
  • Ability to accept online payments;
  • Built-in CRM for contact processing;
  • Lots of marketing applications;
  • Automation of page behavior scenarios using Wix Code;
  • A complete package of applications for communications: chat, order a call, newsletters, pop-ups, comments, synchronization with social network feeds, etc.;
  • Ability to add your own code to the site: HTML/CSS, JavaScript.


  • Beginners will need time to master the bulk of the editor's capabilities - it is convenient, but not the easiest to use due to the number and depth of settings;
  • Some useful functionality is available only in the form of applications - it is not available out of the box in the editor panel, you need to select and activate the application;
  • There are no built-in tools for conversion analysis - sales funnels, A/B tests, monitoring by region/traffic sources. Compensated by connecting analytical systems to the page.

Cost per month if paid annually:

  1. Connect Domain (123 RUR/month) - connecting a domain, key functionality.
  2. Combo (249 rubles/month) - domain as a gift, removal of system copyright.
  3. Unlimited (375 rubles/month) - expanded disk space, paid applications as a bonus.
  4. eCommerce (488 rubles/month) - a lot of disk space, a shopping cart, accepting online payments.
  5. VIP (751 RUR/month) - mailings plus site audit from a Wix expert.

Landing page builder LPGenerator → detailed review

LPGenerator is one of the most powerful specialized landing page builders. In principle, this is an ideal service in its niche. The relative complexity of the editor is compensated by the enormous possibilities for customizing the design and functionality of pages. Over 250 professional templates from 22 categories. A thoughtful and flexible process for drawing a page from scratch; you can edit the layout code manually and upload your own. There is a showcase of products with pagination - a high-quality mini-shop inside the landing page.

A full set of tools for conversion analysis and marketing (comprehensive statistics, A/B tests, sales funnel, traffic sources, conversion goals, CRM, mailings, etc.) allow you to get the maximum effect from your pages. The editor is visual, there are a lot of widgets, there is a convenient section designer, monitoring page versions with conversion analysis, etc. The audience of the system is web studios and experienced developers. For beginners, there is the Lead Generation Academy - a powerful course that will be useful to most users.


  • Large selection of templates and the ability to upload your own;
  • The ultimate set of tools for analyzing and increasing conversion;
  • Support for many third-party applications and synchronization with services;
  • Built-in high-quality CRM;
  • A well-thought-out one-page storefront with tons of settings;
  • Event notifications via SMS;
  • An excellent training program for beginners and more;
  • Optionally, you can order services from developers.


  • Expensive package tariff plans designed for professionals;
  • Comparatively difficult to use - too much stuff inside.

Cost per month if paid annually:

  1. Basic (558 RUR/month) - 1 domain, 3 pages.
  2. Advanced (1662 RUR/month) - 5 domains, 50 pages.
  3. Unlimited (RUB 2,799/month) - everything without restrictions.
  4. Corporate, White Label (RUB 11,011/month) - your own branding for 15 accounts, improved technical support.

Landing page builder uCoz → detailed review

uCoz is a good choice for advanced developers. Allows you to work with code, there is a template designer in which it is easy to build a block structure of a one-page page. For beginners, the best option is to use a premium template, there are a lot of them and everything is there: beautiful design, correct structure, functionality (forms, ordering something, showcase, etc.). In addition, an advanced statistics collection system will help track the effectiveness of the page and promote it, because contextual advertising can be controlled directly from the control panel.

The editor supports connecting third-party PHP scripts and loading your own templates. If you have experience, putting together a landing page will take 1-2 evenings. The service supports synchronization with social networks, online chats, form designers, service calculator and other useful things. Page customization occurs mainly through code editing, although there is also a visual editor. This is an option for those who know how to design landing pages or for beginners who want to publish a page based on a premium gift design.



  • Relatively high difficulty of mastering;
  • There are no one-page templates among stock templates;
  • The need to have knowledge of code at least at a basic level.

Cost per month if paid annually:

  1. Minimum ($2.39/month) - smaller banner, FTP access, 1 GB of space.
  2. Basic ($4.79/month) - banner removal, 2 GB of space, premium support, HTTPS, Yandex.Feeds.
  3. Optimal ($6.39/month) - 10 GB of space, premium template and free domain.
  4. Store ($7.99/month) - 10 GB of space, online store module.
  5. Maximum ($12.79/month) - 20 GB of space, live chat technical support.

Landing page builder PlatformaLP → detailed review

PlatformaLP is a specialized landing page builder. About fifty cool templates, a bunch of standard widgets, as well as specialized ones like counters/tabs/decorations/spoilers, and a visual editor that allows you to flexibly adjust the structure and content of each section of the page for desktop and mobile formats separately. There is a basket - you can sell online. HTML code insertion is supported, as well as integration of third-party services - Bitrix24, amoCRM, GetResponse, RoboKassa, MailChimp, Yandex.Kassa, JustClick, Mailer, Unisender, SendPulse and LeadVertex.

Multi-landing pages are supported: you can create several versions of the landing page for demonstration in different regions. Efficiency can be measured by A/B tests, and analytical data can be obtained from Google or Yandex. You can also add landing page reactions to visitor behavior - pop-up windows of various contents when leaving the page, scrolling to the footer, re-entering, submitting an application, filling out a form, etc. This is based on working with Cookies (there is a message indicating consent to their use). You can enable lazy load for images (speeds up page loading), add animations, use Google Fonts.


  • An excellent set of widgets and ready-made blocks of various functionality;
  • Convenience and flexibility of setting up sections;
  • Multilanding support;
  • Pop-up windows based on specified client behavior scenarios;
  • Built-in store;
  • Separate setup of meta tags for social networks;
  • Notifications about applications by email and SMS.


Cost per month:

  1. Micro (490 rub/month) - 1 domain, 1 page, alerts in Telegram.
  2. Economy (790 rub/month) - 1 domain, 10 pages, SSL, 100 SMS.
  3. Business (1390 rub/month) - 5 domains, 50 pages, multi-landing, A/B test, integrations, shopping cart, multi-user mode.
  4. Business + (1990 rubles/month) - 5 domains, 50 pages, accepting payments.

Expansion packages for business plans:

  1. +390 rub/month (Business) - +5 domains, + 50 pages.
  2. +590 rub/month (Business+) - +5 domains, + 50 pages.

Landing page designer Ucraft → detailed review

A service well suited for assembling landing pages. Two dozen good quality profile templates, a convenient visual editor, plus the ability to publish a landing page on your domain for free. The set of widgets and ready-made blocks is sufficient for publishing pages with a classic structure, and moderately flexible customization will help decorate the design. You can simply replace the stock content in the template sections with your own and publish the page.

Integration of 16 useful services (PayPal, Google, MailChimp, etc.), standard SEO settings and acceptance of online payments are supported. You can significantly change the stock template using the included designer tools. Beginners will find it useful to have a site progress cheat sheet with a list of tasks and links to the areas of the control panel in which they are solved. There are also effects, the possibility of team development, flexible settings of fonts and site languages. All this is packaged in a nice and simple interface.


  • Possibility of free publication of a one-page website with your own domain and SSL;
  • Many ready-made blocks, adaptive design;
  • Support for multilingual websites and team development;
  • Possibility of accepting payments online;
  • Built-in logo maker, designer tools;
  • Progress cheat sheet for beginners.


  • Lack of built-in tools for collecting statistics and analyzing conversion;
  • Lack of some typical landing widgets like a counter.

Cost per month if paid annually:

  1. About the Website (₽670/month) – 1 site, multilingual, blog, SEO, integrations, 24/7 technical support, removal of the “Ucraft” brand; adding HTML/CSS/JS, 50 products for an online store, 70+ payment and delivery methods;
  2. Pro Store (₽1400/month) – unlimited number of products, commission-free sales, multi-currency, real-time tracking, unlimited storage, discount coupons and wholesale discounts, store management via iOS and Android, ability to disable taxes, reverse VAT charging ;
  3. Unlimited (₽2600/month) – complete absence of a limit on everything, sales on eBay, Facebook, Yandex.

Landing page builder LPMotor → detailed review

LPMotor is a specialized service that offers the creation of a landing page from scratch, ready-made blocks, or using adaptive templates (about 100 pieces, excellent quality). The visual editor allows you to edit each element separately, adjust positions, combine blocks, sections and section templates in random order, customize their appearance in detail, create transitions between blocks (bevel, rounding, corner), add effects, and also hide individual blocks from display on PC or mobile devices. Convenient for beginners.

There is a built-in CRM of good quality, the ability to test variations of the same page (A/B test) and an auto sales funnel - an interface for setting up automatic actions if the user completes a given scenario (filled out a form - received a letter, etc.). Pop-up windows and many integrations are supported: Jivosite, VK, Facebook, MailChimp, UniSender, GetResponse, Yandex.Kassa/Money, JustClick, amoCRM, PayPal, RoboKassa, Bitrix24, Yagla and more. The built-in statistics collection system is decent. You can configure to receive notifications about applications via SMS via email or Telegram. There is anti-spam.


  • Cool editor, flexible configuration of individual elements and sections;
  • Supports a large number of integrations;
  • Built-in auto funnel designer, CRM, A/B tests and statistics collection;
  • Good templates, customization, tools for creating a design from scratch;
  • Possibility of separate editing of mobile and desktop versions of the page;
  • HTML code insertion supported;
  • There is a built-in store with a shopping cart and online payment acceptance.


  • Disabling the “LPMotor” signature in the footer costs an additional 600 rubles per year for each published page. This is a separate service and not included in package plans.
  • You cannot change the template while working;
  • The set of elements does not have a countdown timer;
  • The car funnel is connected separately for an additional fee.

Cost per month if paid annually:

  1. Nano (360 rubles/month) - 1 domain, 10 sites, full functionality.
  2. Mini (540 rub/month) - 3 domains, 50 sites;
  3. Standard (720 rub/month) - 10 domain, 100 sites;
  4. Unlimited (RUB 2,400/month) - unlimited number of domains and pages, without service signature.

Cost of connecting a sales funnel (trial period - 7 days):

  • Week - 990 rubles.
  • Month - 2390 rubles.
  • Year - 14990 rubles.

Flexbe landing page builder → detailed review

Flexbe is a service designed to assemble landing pages only from ready-made blocks. Suitable for beginners. There are about 20 templates, the quality is good, the blocks are adaptive. For each section, you can select a set of displayed elements and tweak the design a little. There are enough ready-made sections to assemble a landing page with a classic structure. Several font pairs are available for quick change, there are parallax and zoom effects, gradient and darkening settings, and menu anchors are supported. SSL connects

automatically when adding a domain. You can paste your HTML code into the page.
The service supports the integration of basic applications (amoCRM, Bitrix24, CallbackHunter, Jivosite, GetResponse, UniSender), the creation of multi-landing pages/geo-landing pages and provides access to the API. Accepting online payments is possible through Yandex.Kassa, RoboKassa and Tinkoff card. You can connect email services Google, and Yandex. In addition, there is a built-in mid-level CRM and a statistical data collection system. You can customize the page display format when sharing on social networks. There is an iOS/Android mobile application and settings for pop-up windows.


  • Extreme ease of assembling/customizing pages from ready-made blocks;
  • Availability of built-in CRM, statistics, A/B tests;
  • Automatically connected SSL;
  • Interface for working with pop-up windows;
  • Support for integration of key landing services;
  • Notifications via SMS and email about new orders;
  • Ability to add page administrators.


  • A meager set of ready-made templates;
  • The built-in CRM is so-so;
  • Lack of individual elements/widgets (only ready-made sections);
  • Basic level design customization.

Cost per month if paid annually:

  1. Starter (525 RUR/month) - 1 domain, 10 pages, 250 SMS, SSL.
  2. Business (1050 rub/month) - 5 domains, 50 pages, 500 SMS, multi/geolending, A/B tests;
  3. Ultra (2100 rub/month) - domains and pages are not limited in number, 1000 SMS, 5 additional. users.

Landing page builder Mobirise → detailed review

Mobirise is a free program (Mac, Windows, Android) that allows you to assemble landing pages from ready-made blocks. Templates are represented by extensions - paid sets ($20-40) of blocks tailored for a specific task (business, store, lawyer, portfolio, restaurant, etc.). The box includes 4 free templates. There are also extensions for adding integration of social networks and commenting tools, a translator, Soundcloud, Google Analytics, SEO tools, and for paid ones - a package of icons, a shopping cart with payment via PayPal, a page code editor and an image slider.

The set of blocks (number, structure, purpose) depends on the selected template. Each section can be customized by choosing the elements to display, colors, effects, sizes, and more. In general, even on a free template there are a lot of blocks - they are more than enough to assemble a normal landing page with all the features (reviews, benefits, columns, tabs, timelines, timer, multimedia, price list, map, social networks and everything else). Pages are responsive by default. Basic SEO settings are present. To publish pages you need to buy hosting and a domain. We recommend that you pay attention to the pack with all paid extensions.


  • The application is free for commercial use;
  • A rich set of adaptive blocks in stock delivery;
  • Easy to assemble and edit page designs;
  • Extensions significantly increase the scope of the program;
  • Built-in FTP interface for uploading/updating files on the hosting.


  • You must rent hosting/domain separately;
  • Updating the landing page will require working project files on your PC;
  • There is a complete lack of tools for collecting statistics and analyzing conversion due to the format of the site builder in the form of an application (you can connect the page to external services).


  1. The cost of a page is equal to the amount required to rent hosting and a domain name (approximately $20-30/year).
  2. The full package of extensions costs $197 - all templates and integrations.

Step-by-step action plan

The purpose of the landing page is to interest the visitor and encourage them to take the action you have planned. Based on this thesis, you need to arrange the blocks in the order leading to the maximum effect in your particular case. Any of the landing page builders described above can implement this formula. Sometimes you can simply replace the demo content of a template with your own data and get a good page - the structure of these designs is not pulled out of thin air, they are put together with skill.

However, there are generally accepted guidelines for collecting landing pages. Everything has been verified a long time ago - what works and what doesn’t. Although for each specific case you need to test individually, polishing the nuances to shine (switched buttons/blocks, accent color, main font, offer wording, number of fields in the form, location of the social media block - all this can play a role, you need to look for a good combination). In general, the scheme for creating a landing page in all constructors is approximately the same:

Landing page creation algorithm

  1. Registration in the constructor.
  2. Selecting a template with a suitable theme and/or structure.
  3. Adding missing and removing blocks that are unnecessary for your task.
  4. Editing stock content to suit your needs (texts, numbers, images, links) and filling in newly added sections from scratch.
  5. Customizing the design - colors, effects, fonts, backgrounds, element shapes, etc.
  6. Filling in SEO parameters.
  7. Connecting the necessary integrations (payment systems, social networks, mailings, analytics, statistics, live chat, call back, etc.).
  8. Pay for a tariff plan and connect a domain.
  9. Publishing a page.

What should it be?

The nature and order of the sections is of great importance. The point is that as the visitor scrolls through the page, you should be inspired to follow your offer. And do it. What blocks should be used to achieve the goal? In what order? There is no 100% recipe for the success of any page from any niche, but something can be outlined:

  • Header - a high-quality image or video background on the topic, a title that conveys the essence of the offer, a logo, an anchor menu, and, possibly, a button here (CTA - Call-To-Action, call to action) - subscribe, purchase, download, go somewhere- or.
  • The second block could be a countdown timer until the end of some promotion with a CTA button. You can also put a description of your offer here (and then a CTA) - text plus an image or video. The order depends on how clear the essence of the offer is from the header - is it necessary to additionally show the essence or is it time to call for action.
  • Block of proposal advantages - shootouts. It can be designed in the form of a slider (carousel) or icons with succinct, accurate descriptions of the strengths of the offer. It is better to use icons with text captions - this way information is perceived faster, there is no need to scroll through.
  • Images or videos of the product in a format that suits the style of the page.
  • There may be a timer until the end of the offer (if it was not at the top) or tariffs, if we are talking about a service. Or a short price list in tabs (2-5 positions) for products. In general, price display.
  • Next, you can add a block of customer reviews in tab or carousel format.
  • There may be some numbers here that demonstrate the popularity of your product: the number of downloads, satisfied customers, subscriptions, money saved, benefits received (depending on what we are talking about), kittens saved, and things like that.
  • Form - for making an order, subscription, survey or something else.
  • Map of the geographic coverage of your activity - advertising of the scale of popularity (you can do without it).
  • A call to action is a CTA button next to a summary of the offer, a suitable illustration, or in another appropriate format.
  • Footer with a logo, a summary of the offer, office address, phone number, instant messengers, links to social networks, the main website, blog and anything else like that.

Depending on the nature of your offer, you can use event schedules, food menus, answers to popular questions, team photos, a display basket, and more. It is important to respect the anatomy of the page. For example, the cafe menu is part of the offer and should go slightly above the middle of the page, the team photo should be closer to the footer, just like the FAQ. Everything is logical, but the essence is the same.

Thanks to the designers, anyone can quickly publish a landing page that can generate income. It’s not just about the convenience of the format, but also about other nuances: correct templates, functionality tailored to the solution of the problem, ease of collecting statistics, availability of technical support, FAQ, and so on.

The optimal ones for most beginners will be uKit, uLanding and Wix - they produce good landing pages. Inexpensive, fast and beautiful. The most powerful profile service is LPGenerator. The following PlatformaLP and LPMotor are somewhat inferior to it. uCoz can do everything well, including landing pages. Ucraft is a good option, Flexbe is nice and simple, Mobirise is not for everyone.

You shouldn’t count on publishing a full-fledged landing page for free. Whatever service you choose, pay the appropriate tariff - this will give you a lot of advantages, save you from problems and ultimately increase conversion. There is no universal recipe for the perfect page, but you can focus on the weighted average structure and make a good profit.