Relationships with a man search php add keywords. Common mistakes in using keywords. Are title, description and keywords meta tags important for SEO?

Yandesk.Help says the following:

That is, Yandex may not take Keywords into account, and if it does, it will only be under certain conditions.

How does Google's Keywords meta tag count?

In the official Google blog For webmasters, there is a message on this matter from Matt Cutts (who works in a group that develops the quality of Google search):

Google doesn't use the "keywords" meta tag in our web search ranking. - Google doesn't use the "keywords" meta tag in our search ranking.

Does Google ever use the "keywords" meta tag in its web search ranking? Will Google ever use the "keywords" meta tag in its search rankings?

In a word, no. Our web search disregards keyword meta tags completely. - In a word, no. Our web search ignores the "keywords" meta tag completely.

Does this mean that Google will always ignore the keywords meta tag? – Does this mean that Google will always ignore the “keywords” meta tag?

Google has ignored the keywords meta tag for years and currently we see no need to change that policy. - Google has ignored the "keywords" meta tag for many years and we currently see no need to change this policy.

That is, Google does not take into account the “keywords” meta tag and, apparently, will no longer take it into account.

How is the Keywords meta tag taken into account by Rambler?

The Rambler documentation on this matter says the following: Rambler robots ignore fields when scanning and all other fields , except .

That is, Rambrer does not take into account the “keywords” meta tag.

How is the Keywords meta tag taken into account?

The information for webmasters says the following: - can be taken into account when determining whether a page matches search queries.

That is, as in the case of Yandex, Keywords in may not be taken into account, and if it is taken into account, it will only be under certain conditions.

Use Meta Keywords Tag?

There is no need to use the Keywords meta tag for sites that are entirely focused on the English-speaking audience using Google.

If the site is aimed at a Russian-speaking audience that uses Yandex, - whether to use Keywords or not, you can make a decision by looking at the competitors who are in the top of these search engines.

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Often a person comes across articles from almost the last century, and after reading them, he certainly begins to draw conclusions. One of the most common objections from clients (of any studio) is the question of an empty field. The client is interested in how it happened that a tool with a great name “ keywords» remained blank and why do you need keywords in the site admin panel? In this article we will “sing” a requiem for keywords.

What are keywords for?

About 15 years ago, keywords were one of the determining factors for your website to reach the TOP. It was enough to write adequate text, add keywords to it and fill in all the meta tags. We have already discussed title and description in other articles, which means we won’t touch them here.

So, all the phrases that could determine the relevance of the page to a specific request were entered into the keywords field. For example, you have a website about sales plastic windows, and you wrote the text to the main page, inserted a couple of keys there and filled in the meta tags:

And we admired how the site was increasing its position. But it was a long time ago.

Why keywords don't work

It's very simple: along with honest webmasters, there were also cunning ones. They found a way to manipulate the results of search engines, whose naivety at that time was really like that of puppies. After manipulators began to saturate keywords with an endless number of keywords, which sometimes had nothing to do with the topic of the document, there was a really huge influx of visitors to the site.

But, as was to be expected, users did not stay on the site and remained dissatisfied with the results of the search engine as a whole, undermining its reputation. Then keywords became a real headache, after which it was decided to reduce its relevance, and subsequently completely reduce it to “well, maybe we’ll see, or maybe we won’t,” according to Matt Cutts, head of combating Google spam, year 2009.

Yandex says the same thing in its help “to help the webmaster”:

And in Denis Nagorny’s video (watch from 22 minutes):

As a result, all SEO specialists came to the conclusion that keywords will not help you promote your site.

Sanctions for keywords

In general, if you fill out the keywords correctly, it won’t be worse, but it won’t be better either. There are webmasters who fill out this meta tag to this day and are happy with themselves. The only caveat is correct filling, if you overdo it, expect trouble. Search engines will definitely notice this and demote your page, or even the entire site. search results.

How to fill in keywords correctly

If you decide to fill it out, there are a few things you need to know. In order not to be punished for using keywords, you need to be careful with them, as in the case of the title and description. Follow the standard rules and search pessimism will bypass you:

  1. Avoid overspam. Using dozens of keywords can negatively affect the promotion of your site. 2-3 keywords will be enough.
  2. Uniqueness. Keywords must be unique for each page, similar to other meta tags.
  3. Punctuation marks. Share key queries commas. Don't write them in continuous text.
  4. Keys must be relevant to the page and be used in the text.
  5. Do not use keywords on pages with official information. Like contacts or feedback.

How to use keywords today

All entered keywords in the keywords field are considered a regular text key.

In general, if your text already has given key, for example, “order pizza in Moscow,” then there is little point in duplicating it in the keyword field. Some time ago, you could use this meta tag by entering the names of your competitors’ companies into it and, possibly, appearing in search results for their branded queries. But now this is impossible, or at least extremely unlikely, because search engines have a lot of other, more important tools that are much more difficult to fake and influence the search results.

The only sane excuse filling in keywords– These are constantly changing search engine algorithms. What was unimportant can become relevant again. And if this happens, webmasters filling out keywords will have some advantage, because they will not have to urgently fill out this meta tag for thousands of their pages, everything will already be written down. And if you decide to follow their example, but don't know how to how to use keywords, be be careful and do not harm your resource.

Meta keywords tag: output

Meta tags are enough important factor when ranking a site. The only exception today is keywords, a meta tag created in 1995 to list keywords, which is not responded to by popular search engines like Google and Yandex. In a situation where you are limited in time, it is better to give preference to title and description. If you do decide to add keywords, you need to know how to fill in keywords correctly and follow the rules. Otherwise, you will do more harm to your site than help.

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One of the most popular and necessary functions on any site is a search implemented using special form. This functionality allows visitors to quickly find content that interests them on the site.

Today we want to tell you how to search the site using a special form that will query database tables and display information about current managers on the site. You will learn how to create database tables that will contain information about current personnel.

Develop search forms for PHP help, and also get acquainted with SQL ( Structured Query Language) – special language to collect, record and modify information contained in databases. Before you start, we recommend that you download project files.

What you will need

  • Tool for working with MySQL databases.
  • Local or remote server with PHP support.
  • Text editor.

Creating a database

If you are not entirely sure that you can understand the database on your hosting, then contact the host for instructions or assistance. Once the database is created, you will need to connect it, create a table and write the necessary data into it.

The most popular tool for MySQL management is PHP My Admin. This tool will be sufficient for our tutorial today.

Creating a table

Our table should be created in the following format:

Column Name Data Type Length Null or Not Null Primary key? Auto Increment
ID INT 1 Not Null Yes Yes
FirstName Varchar 50 Not Null No No
LastName Varchar 50 Not Null No No
Email Varchar 50 Not Null No No
PhoneNumber Varchar 15 Not Null No No

A database table consists of columns and rows, just like Excel. The first column allows you to identify the data by name. Next comes the Data types column, which tells us the type of data contained in the column. The Length field specifies the maximum amount of memory (storage) for a table column. We use variables that give more flexibility. In other words, if the length of the full name is less than 50 characters, then only part of the allotted space will be occupied.

And among the personnel data there cannot be empty values ​​( null, empty). First line highlighted yellow, because the ID column is our primary key. The master key in the database ensures that each record is unique. Auto-increment is also applied to this column, which means that each record in our database will be assigned a unique number automatically.

Adding staff representatives to the table

Once you understand the table, start filling it with data. 6 notes are enough to fix the procedure in your mind. Below I offer you my own example:

Column ID FirstName LastName Email PhoneNumber
2 Ryan Butler [email protected] 417-854-8547
3 Brent Callahan [email protected] 417-854-6587

Form development

To create a site search form via Google, open any suitable text editor. I recommend using the free PSPad. You can use any text editor that provides syntax highlighting. This is in to a large extent will facilitate the process of writing and debugging PHP code. When creating a page for your search form, be sure to save it in .php format, otherwise the PHP code will not be parsed properly. Once you save the document, copy the following markup into it:

Search contacts:

Detailed contact search

You can search by first name or last name

If you are familiar with HTML language, then everything should be clear to you at least up to the opening form tag. Inside this tag is the most important element of the entire code - action attribute. For our form action, we specified the name of our file and then applied the query string “ go”.

Checking for compliance with the criterion

When a user enters a first or last name and then clicks the submit button, the form passes the data to itself and adds the query string “ go" On at this stage we check for the presence of the go query string. If the result is positive, we display the search results.

Before displaying the requested results, we need to double-check: (1) whether the form was submitted, (2) whether the query string contains the value go, (3) whether search query entered in lower or upper case? If none of the checks gives a positive result ( true), then we are not required to perform any action.

First, let's add a small block of PHP code for site search after the closing tag:

First, we open a block of PHP code with the “” tag.

Any PHP code inside this tag pair will be executed by the server. Then we check if the form has been submitted:

Enter your search term

"; } ?>

We'll use the built-in isset function, which returns a bool, and put the $_POST array into it. A Boolean expression in programming allows us to get either true or false.

Therefore, if the function returns true, then the form has been submitted and we need to continue executing the code further. If the function returns false , then we will print an error message. Save all the typed code in the search_submit.php file.

Enter your search term

"; } } } ?>

We put another conditional logical expression inside the main one, but only this time we use the $_GET array along with the value “ go" Save the changes to the search_go.php file.

Now we need to make sure that visitors can only enter the first letter of the query string in uppercase or only in lowercase. We also need to provide a way to take into account the search criteria entered by the visitor. The best way to validate visitor input is to use a regular expression:

We put another conditional logical expression inside our two. This time we use regular expression to validate your input. We use the built-in preg_match function with two parameters: a regular expression, and the form field to which the validation should be applied.

In our case, this will be the “Name” field ( name). To retrieve the search parameters specified by the visitor, we create a variable $name, and bind to it a POST value with the name of the field from the form that will be used in the SQL query. We have now implemented: (1) form submission, (2) the query string includes the value go, and (3) the visitor has entered either an uppercase or lowercase first letter. And all these checks happen before any changes are made to the database. Save all changes.

Connect, Select, Query and Return results from a database table

To get data from a table, you first need to connect to the server in the site search script. To do this we use the following code:

", "") or die (" I can't connect to the database because: " . mysql_error()); else( echo "

Please enter your search term

"; } } }?>

We create a $db variable and bind it to the built-in MySQL function mysql_connect, which takes three parameters: the server with the database ( localhost, if you work locally), login and password.

After that, we run the built-in PHP function die, which stops further code execution if there is no connection to the database. And we display information about the error by running the built-in MySQL function mysql_error , which will return the cause of the error. Save the search_connectdb.php file.

Please enter your search term

"; } } } ?>

Create a variable called mydb and bind it to the built-in MySQL functions mysql_select_db, and then indicate the name of the database that you created earlier. Next, we query the database table using an SQL query with a name variable that contains the search parameters entered by the visitor:

Please enter your search term

"; } } } ?>

When querying a database table, we create a $sql variable and bind it to a string containing the SQL query. We use SELECT statement to retrieve values ​​from the id columns and the first and last name from the contacts table. We then use the WHERE clause along with the first and last name values ​​to narrow the search.

Together with the LIKE operator, we use the percent sign (%) - a special character that returns 0 or more characters, as well as the name variable from the search string. As a result LIKE ( in combination with a special character) finds any matching name in the database table. The whole process can be described as follows: “ We select the first and last name from the contacts table that match what the visitor entered" Save the search_query.php file.

Please enter your search term

"; } } } ?>

We create a $result variable and assign it the value of the mysql_query() function by adding it to $query. Now our query is stored in the result variable. To output the result in PHP, we create a loop and then output the data in an unordered list:

n"; echo "

  • " . "
  • n"; echo ""; ) ) else( echo "

    Please enter your search term

    "; } } } ?>

    First we create a while loop, inside it we create a variable called row, and initialize it with the return value of the mysql_fetch_array function, which takes the result variable, which contains our SQL query. Inside while loop we assign each column value to the value of a variable with the same name. We then output the values ​​inside the unordered list.

    It is important to pay attention to two points here: (1) inside the while loop you do not need to assign values ​​to the row array variables, since the values ​​can be taken directly from the row array; (2) the anchor tag, which we use in the name of our file along with the id and primary key. The reason for this is that in many search elements initially nothing is displayed.

    Since we're only showing the first and last name, with an ID at the end of our anchor tag, we can use the ID for an additional query that will allow us to display Additional information about the staff. Save the file and test PHP form site search ( search_display.php).

    Removing tabs

    The results are displayed as an unordered list, but the point is that we don't need tabs. To get rid of it, add the following CSS rule to the very beginning of your file in head:

    Search by letter

    To implement a search by letter, you only need a few additional lines code. Let's add this convenient functionality for visitors. This way, they will be able to find staff representatives by the letters contained in the first or last name.

    Add next line code after the closing form tag:

    A | B | K

    We bind the tag to the query string with by using an anchor, and set it equal to a specific letter. To implement the letter search functionality, we need to add the following code right after the closing curly brace in the source script as shown below:

    )//End the search form script if(isset($_GET["by"]))( $letter=$_GET["by"]; //Connect to the database $db=mysql_connect ("servername", "username" , "password") or die ("I can't connect to the database because: " . mysql_error()); //-Select a database $mydb=mysql_select_db("yourDatabase"); //-Query to the database table. $sql="SELECT ID, FirstName, LastName FROM Contacts WHERE FirstName LIKE "%" . $letter . "%" OR LastName LIKE "%" . $letter . "%""; //-Run a query to the MySQL Query function $ result=mysql_query($sql); //-Calculation results $numrows=mysql_num_rows($result); echo "

    " .$numrows . " results found for " . $letter . "

    "; //-Start the loop and sort the results while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result))( $FirstName =$row["FirstName"]; $LastName=$row["LastName"]; $ID=$row[ "ID"]; //-Output the result in an array echo "
      n"; echo "
    • " . "" .$FirstName . " " . $LastName . "
    • n"; echo "
    "; } }

    Here we changed four code fragments of the site search script:

    • We use the isset() function and insert the $_GET array into it and then check the value of by ;
    • We create a $letter variable and initialize its value with the $_GET array;
    • Add the letter variable to the SQL query;
    • We specify the letter variable inside the expression in which we get the counted number of lines.

    Save the search_byletter.php file and check the result.

    Search for a specific employee

    To display the rest of the staff information that is passed through the unique id inside our link, we need to add the following code right after the closing curly brace in the letter script, as shown below:

    )//End the script if(isset($_GET["id"]))( $contactid=$_GET["id"]; //Connect to the database $db=mysql_connect ("servername", "username", " password") or die ("I can't connect to the database because: " . mysql_error()); //-select the database to use $mydb=mysql_select_db("yourDatabase"); //- Query the database table data $sql="SELECT * FROM Contacts WHERE ID=" . $contactid; //- Run a query to the mysql_query() function $result=mysql_query($sql); //- Start the loop and sort the results while($row=mysql_fetch_array ($result))( $FirstName =$row["FirstName"]; $LastName=$row["LastName"]; $PhoneNumber=$row["PhoneNumber"]; $Email=$row["Email"]; //- Output the result in an array echo "

    "; } }

    Here we have changed four pieces of code:

    • We use the isset() function and use it to check the ID value in the $_GET array;
    • Create a $contactid variable and initialize it with the $_GET array;
    • In the table, highlight everything marked with an asterisk *. An asterisk is an SQL shorthand that means " give me all the columns and rows from the table". To determine what information to output, we mention the contactid variable at the end of the SQL statement;
    • We display additional information about each staff representative.

    Save the search_byid.php file and check the result.

    Please note that our functionality works as expected. When you enter a first or last name in a field, or select a letter as a hyperlink, only the names of staff members are displayed. If you hover over the link, you can see a unique ID in the status bar. If you click on a specific person, the address bar will change and additional information about that employee will be displayed.

    SQL injection

    The reason we added a regular expression to our search field is to prevent anyone from tampering with our SQL query. In the past, this problem was common, and hackers managed to run their own SQL queries while manipulating your application. For example, if we allowed the ability to use an apostrophe in our field, then a hacker could simply delete the database using the query:


    As noted, a regular expression ensures that the visitor can only enter lowercase or uppercase letters as the first character.

    In conclusion

    In today's article we looked at how to do a site search, as well as:

    • Create databases and related tables;
    • Use database management tools to create columns and enter data;
    • Develop search forms based on PHP, which can check the entered data, the presence of variables in the request, as well as connect to the database and display results from the table;
    • How to protect your application and database from SQL injections.

    Using the knowledge gained from this article, you can easily modify someone else’s code, and also, if necessary, expand the functionality of the search form.

    This publication is a translation of the article “ How to Create a Search Feature with PHP and MySQL", prepared by the friendly project team

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    and and or have higher lower precedence than && and ||. To be more exact && and || have higher precedence than assignment operator (=) while and and or have lower.

    Usually it doesn’t make a difference, but there are cases when not knowing about this difference can cause some unexpected behavior. See examples here:

    Yes, they are the logically the same. (I believe “&&” and “||” are the preferred choice in the Zend coding standards, but can’t find any specific information on this, so it might all have been a dream. Or something.)

    Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I would like to go into a little more detail than I did in the article about website promotion, to dwell on the title, description and keywords meta tags, which have been factors influencing the success of web project promotion for more than fifteen years.

    But are they really that useful for your website? Or maybe they are the reasons for the vegetation or very sluggish progress of your Internet project? I will try to answer this question in this article.

    When writing this material, I took into account not only my experience, but also the experience of specialists considered authoritative in this field (for the most part, they were included in my list). Reintroduce you to .

    Also, for many questions and terms that I encounter, I will refer you to more detailed materials, so as not to waste your and my time. Well, now let's quickly begin to resolve the intrigue - why a title can be dangerous?

    Are title, description and keywords meta tags important for SEO?

    So, in order to understand the train of my thoughts and not get lost, you need to start from the beginning, namely from the distant 90s, when the “great and terrible” meta tags (read about) appeared for the search engines available at that time. At that time, the idea of ​​using Larry Page (one of them) to determine the most relevant web pages to the query entered by the user into the search bar had not yet been implemented.

    This means that the main factor by which the search engine solved the problem of relevance (compliance of the document with the question that the user asked the search engine) was the analysis of the text for the content of words from the user’s request. Not only the density (frequency of use) of the keys in the article was taken into account, but the contents of the keywords, description and meta tags were also considered with all passion. especially the title.

    It is from those very distant times that the belief comes that these same meta tags are the key to success in promoting your article. But this is far from the case, and even more than that, everything has turned upside down. They may be the cause, or they will simply put a spoke in the wheels when trying to promote it. Why is this happening? Let's try to figure it out.

    All this mess in code might look something like this:

    ... They hinder progress ...

    Actually, you will need to know the syntax for creating a description, title and keywords mainly only for the formal purpose (well, or if you are creating a static site on Html files).

    If you create a project on the (site engine), then you will be given the opportunity to simply fill out the form fields, after which this content will be inserted into the title, description or keywords in the web page code. But this is not the point, because we are not talking about details (more on them below in the text), but about global things - why these innocent things can be a killer factor for website promotion.

    So, initially these meta tags were supposed to serve a good purpose - make life easier for search engines to identify the pages that are most relevant to the search query. As they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. If an idyll existed for some time, it was only until competition for the Top search results appeared (traffic comes mainly only from the first page of search engine results for any), and the very presence of a resource in the Top did not directly affect the benefits received its owner.

    Widespread spamming of description and keywords meta tags began, and the title also suffered. When ranking, search engines were no longer able to rely on factors that could easily be cheated, and gradually the meaning of the words included in the description and keywords was completely leveled(perhaps not to zero, but very close to it).

    For some reason, search engines did not dare to act so harshly with the title. The words contained within this miracle tag are still of paramount importance in ranking, but relatively recently even this tenet of promotion (which lasted about fifteen years) has become less unshakable.

    Description and keywords - meta tags that do not affect rankings

    So, let's make an interim summary. Can Keywords be thrown in the trash? Well... Probably not. Personally, I try (if I remember) to write down the keys in it, but only those that are most often found in the article. The fact is that they have almost completely ceased to have a positive influence on promotion. But Keywords is still capable of shitting all the raspberries. Search engines have not yet abolished the punishment for spam in meta tags.

    What's the description? Everything is not clear here. Why? Again, spamming keys in it can negatively affect your promotion. Why is it needed then, if the keywords are contained in it? are not taken into account when ranking, but can cause harm at the same time?

    The fact is that the contents of the description by the Google search engine can quite often be used as a resource, especially at first. So, for example, my recent article about in Google search results for the query “translit” looks like this:

    This is not the entire text from the description, because Google and Yandex only take into account a certain number of characters (you can count it yourself, but they usually focus on 150 characters including spaces):

    I said that the snippet is most often generated by Google in this way, but Yandex sometimes also does not neglect this opportunity. All for the same request “translit”, the snippet in its output again so far consists of the words contained in the description of this web page:

    As you can see, in the resulting snippet from both search engines, the query keywords (which I also used when writing the description) were highlighted in bold, which somewhat increases the chances of a transition to my site, because attracts additional attention to the ad.

    This is the main purpose of description for website promotion - the snippet created by a search engine based on it should attract the attention of users and encourage them to choose your resource to go to.

    Whether or not the description you wrote will ultimately be used as a snippet is a different question. Your job is to write it down with the obligatory mention of keywords, as well as intriguing and exploiting curiosity content users (within 150 letters).

    However, this meta tag is only one of many ways to tell search engines what text they should use as a snippet. Moreover, this method is not the most reliable and does not give any guarantees, but it is simple and straightforward - you just need to get used to always filling out the description fields before publishing an article.

    It is clear that if you are in the Top for the request “plastic windows”, you will use the entire arsenal of ways to influence the snippet (for example, this one), because this can result in simply fantastic amounts of profit due to the increased CTR of your ad (coupled with title). But I personally am content with only the mandatory filling out of description, and also keywords (a bunch of them, but now I’ve already given up the latter, because that’s okay).

    Title decides who will be in the Top and who...

    What is the main difference between Title and Description? If you overspam keywords in all three meta tags, you can seriously pay by losing positions in search engines. This unites them and makes them a rather dangerous tool in the wrong hands.

    But the Title (page title) has one difference. If you don’t write the other two meta tags, then nothing terrible will happen, but if you forget to write a title for a web page, then most likely it will will not participate in the search, i.e. will not be added to index().

    Another thing is that almost all CMS automatically generate a title from the title of your article, and the ability to manually change it is usually provided optionally (for example, using appropriate extensions). Therefore, only owners should take care of its mandatory registration.

    But the mere presence of a completed header on absolutely all pages of your site does not make a difference. There are a number of nuances that must be observed automatically when composing texts for titles and which can greatly affect both positively and negatively.

    Moreover, it should be noted that this tag performs two very important roles:

    It is precisely from taking into account these two concepts that one should proceed when composing the optimal text of the title. This could be the end of the conversation about him, but not everything is so simple. Let's try to chew all this in detail and pay special attention to those mistakes that can lead to fatal consequences.

    Let's start with the impact of the title tag on ranking (from the webmaster's point of view, on promotion):

    1. As I already mentioned, the main condition for successful promotion should be the presence of headings for all web pages of your site. No title - no search traffic.
    2. The second important condition is that this tag is used in the web page code only once and only inside the Head container (and not Body). In general, the CMS (content management system) you use should be responsible for this, but it doesn’t hurt to check that it’s working correctly. To do this, just look at the source code of any page on your site and make sure that the title tag is present and correctly inserted into this very code.

      You can view the source code of a site page by right-clicking in your browser and selecting the context menu item “Source Code” (in Opera), or “Page Source Code” (in Firefox), or “View Page Code” (in Google Chrome) , or View HTML Code (IE).

    3. Headings for all pages of your site should be different from each other (be unique). It is quite difficult to achieve this in practice (for example, my main page has pagination and these same numbered subpages cannot boast of unique titles), however, for those pages that you promote, this rule must be followed. A large number of pages with the same title tell search engines that this site is similar to GS.
    4. The order of keywords inside the title tag is also taken into account by search engines (mainly Google), so it is important to place the most frequent keywords at the beginning (he will tell you about this), and then in descending order of frequency. Implementing this task in practice is not so easy, because the page title must remain readable and, if possible, attractive.
    5. Some CMS (for example, Joomla 1.5) by default form the page title from the site name that comes first, and only then add the title of the article. Following the logic of the previous paragraph, you cannot do this, because you will worsen the ranking (promotion) of your resource (you can find links to materials in the article about). Although a well-known SEO expert refutes this principle with his example:

      An exception to this rule may be made for well-known brands, the mere mention of which may be an incentive to click on an ad (for example,).

    6. Recently, Yandex and Google have become sometimes don't use title as a site title in search results. Most likely this is a response to the fact that this tag does not reflect or does not fully reflect the content of the article. From here we conclude that the words you display in it must be completely relevant to the text of the web page, otherwise the search engine will distort everything to its own taste and color.
    7. Most experts advise limiting title length a certain number of characters (about 70), but personally I don’t always adhere to this rule, because I can’t create short headings. In principle, Yandex can select fragments with keywords from this tag of any length, which allows you to optimize the article for a larger number of queries. It won’t look like ice, but it’s quite acceptable, in my opinion:

      True, Google, unfortunately, does not know how to do this and the user may not see the keywords from his request in the title of the ad for my blog:

    8. There is one more point that I personally do not implement when compiling titles for my blog. By default, in many CMSs it is formed from the text of the article title, which will most often be enclosed in . Because the presence of keys in H1 is a ranking factor in itself (although not as powerful as the title), then it makes sense to write the title of the entire page slightly different from the title of the article. I personally don’t do this (it breaks), and in my H2 tags they live, not in H1.

      In WordPress, they usually use . to write unique titles, but in Joomla, as described in the article about .

    9. In general, it is very important not to overdo it. On the one hand, brevity is the sister of talent, but simply listing keys in a title can lead to dire consequences (lower rankings or even the page being completely removed from the index). On the other hand, in order to reduce its size, it is advisable to use less empty (stop) words (conjunctions, particles, pronouns), which cannot in any way affect the ranking. All in all, we need to look for a middle ground.

    How to write a title that exploits curiosity

    A little higher, we looked at the technical aspects that primarily affect the successful ranking of your documents (their promotion). But so far we have only talked very superficially about the second task that Title performs. I'm talking about creating a catchy headline that can very significantly increase the frequency of clicks on your ad in Yandex or Google search results (ctr).

    It won’t be very easy to implement all the tips described below in practice (I can’t do it), but if it works out, then this may eventually happen. The idea is to make the page title (title) not only meet all the requirements described above, but also be able to arouse curiosity in the majority of users who read it.

    So, let's look at the basic principles of creating headlines that can awaken one of the most powerful driving forces of cognition - curiosity. In order to satisfy his interest, the user will be able to read your article from cover to cover, the main thing will be to maintain the interest throughout the entire article and not disappoint the user at the end (do not cross the line and do not stoop to).

      Most of all, users are most curious about titles (title, among others), the statements in which challenge established concepts. This will be especially effective for the reader who is familiar with this topic, but your title breaks the stereotypes he has formed and it begins to seem to him that he probably doesn’t know something (missed something, didn’t take into account, or there is some secret , which he does not know).

      The desire to figure it all out flares up, and that’s what you needed. An example, probably, can to some extent be the title of this article (a test of the pen, so to speak).

      So, in the way described above, you create some confusion (discord) in the reader’s head, thereby trying to stimulate him to read your article. But it's not that simple. Many readers will be on their own (people tend to evaluate their knowledge, as a rule, higher than it actually is).

      They will assume that they already know what your article is about. You need to write the title so that they understand that you know what they know, but in the article you will talk about something still unknown to them.

      Well, it would be nice if the text of the article corresponded to the title that was compiled with such difficulty. Each paragraph should maintain intrigue and curiosity, quietly answering the reader's questions.

      In general, it is clear that the matter is dark. If you have talent, then using these tips you will be able to create a catchy title, but if you don’t, then you won’t succeed (like me, for example).

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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