Simplebooklet is an extremely simple and free booklet creation service. Instructions for creating a booklet in Microsoft Word

Instructions for creating a brochure in MS Word 2007

1. Open a text editor MS Word 2007.

2. Configure page settings

Select a tabPage layout open Page settings,by clicking on the arrow

A dialog box will openPage settings. On the Fields tab (open by default) configure:


Top – 1.5 cm Bottom – 1.5 cm

Left – 1.5 cm Right – 1.5 cm

If you need to add extra space to your booklet to accommodate the binding, select Fields – Binding – 1.5 cm.




several pages – Brochure

And commit the changes, all these changes by clicking on the button OK .

3. Insert the page number.

Select main menu itemInsert – Page numbers…

Select a location on the sheet by clicking on it with the mouse.

If you do not need page numbers on the first sheets, then on the tabInsert - Page Number, select Page number format...

We can change the Format numbers, changePage numbering, for example, start from page 3, if you changed the page number format, then confirm it by clicking on the button OK .

4. Inserting a header and footer.

You can add text to your document, which can include text and pictures, located at the top or bottom of each section page. Typically, headers and footers contain book titles, author names, graphics and other elements.

Open the Insert tab, select Top or footer

A tab opens Constructor on working with headers and footers and input for header and footer text

When you enter text, the formatting toolbar is automatically turned on. Enter text, for example FOOTER, format it as normal text through the formatting panel, selecting Font, Font Size, Color

We can add a picture to the footer. On the tab Designer, select Drawing , a window opens Inserting a picture , where we can find the picture we want to insert. Once you've selected a picture, select it and click Insert

The picture you select will appear in the footer. The drawing appears in its real size.

The picture can be reduced by grabbing the mouse at any corner (round) and holding it, moving it to the desired size. You can place a picture in the footer using the Tab or spacebar key on the keyboard. The picture can be processed using the Format tab, for example, cropped

Design a drawing using a drawing style

We can fill the header and footer with color through the tab Home by selecting Color

6. Brochure printing.

Open the main menu and select Seal

A dialog box opens Seal

If you are using a duplex printer (a printer that automatically prints text on both sides of the paper), click Properties. In the tab that opens Layout, choose Orientation – landscape and click on OK.

In the dialog box Seal , check the box againstduplex printing.

If you are not using a duplex printer, the dialog box Seal Select the duplex printing check box. All pages that should be on one side of the sheet will be printed, and then a message will appear telling you to turn the same sheets over and insert them into the printer again.

You don’t have to set up printing, then print each sheet in order, turning each sheet over.

7. Bend the sheets along the boards and fold them according to page numbers.

Nadezhda Leonidovna Timofeeva, methodologist of the innovation and methodological department of the Education Department of the Nytvensky Municipal District Administration

    Fold a piece of A4 paper (210mm x 297mm) in half, as if you were making a hamburger. To make a simple notepad, take the simplest sheet of paper from an A4 printer and a pair of scissors. Fold the sheet in half like a hamburger. In other words, fold the paper so that it is shorter and wider, rather than longer and narrower.

    Unfold the folded sheet. Unfold the sheet you just folded. Now fold the sheet of paper in reverse, so that it becomes long and narrow.

    Expand the sheet. Your piece of paper is now divided into four equal quarters. If the folds are not very smooth and clear, it's time to correct the situation before moving on to the next step.

    Fold the edges of the sheet towards the center. Place a piece of paper in front of you so that the long side is directly in front of you. Take one edge of the sheet and fold it over the center fold. Fold the other edge in the same way so that they both meet in the middle of the sheet. If you did everything correctly, your sheet should look like double doors.

    Expand the sheet. Lay the sheet out evenly in front of you. The sheet is now divided into eight equal parts. Iron the folds again if they were weak or crooked.

    Fold the sheet hamburger style and cut along the center line. Fold it into a hamburger shape (short and wide sheet) as you did in the beginning. Take your scissors and start cutting the sheet evenly along the central fold that divides it horizontally. Stop exactly in the middle.

    • Strictly speaking, you need to make the cut perfectly to the middle of the fold. Since your paper is folded into quarters, cut between the two quarters on the right side of the folded paper.
  1. Unfold the piece of paper and fold it like a hamburger. Unfold the piece of paper completely and place it flat in front of you. Fold it into a hot dog style (long and thin) like you did in the beginning. Fold along the cut in the middle you just made.

    Connect the ends of the paper. Make sure that the fold with the notch is at the top and the ends of the paper are on the table. Gently press the ends of the paper toward the center. The inner sections of the paper should form something like a diamond. Continue pressing until the diamond turns into a cross. Reinforce folds if necessary.

    Fold the paper across itself to form a notepad. You're almost there! You have to take the left end of the paper and fold it over the right end of the paper. The result will be something like an “accordion” with 8 pages, the side parts of the outer pages should form the cover. Run your nail along the left edge, enhancing the crease.

    Decorate the booklet to your liking. You've just made a new brochure, make it more personal. Take pencils, markers, and other creative tools and make your notebook unique. Here are some ideas and tips for decorating your brochure:

    • Create a twisted floral old-fashioned border around the edges of the cover.
    • Number the pages and/or label the headers and footers at the top of each page.
    • Use stickers or attach decorations with glue.
    • You can minimize embellishment by simply writing your name on the cover of the booklet.

    A book from a paper bag

    1. Take three or more paper packing bags. With this method you will turn ordinary paper bags into a notebook with more than 8 pages. You will need ordinary thin narrow paper bags, which are usually used to pack cakes, bread in bakeries or breakfasts. White paper is easier to write and read, but standard beige paper will also work. Don't forget to bring a hole punch and some string or tape.

      • You don't have to use packing paper bags, you just need tissue paper bags with a "crease" at the bottom that allows the bag to stand on a surface when opened. The main thing is that the bags are the same size and shape, then you will get an excellent booklet.
    2. Place one bag so that the fold is on the left. Take one of the bags and place it on a table or work surface with the fold facing up. Place the bag so that it lies lengthwise in front of you, the fold should be on the left.

      Place the second bag on top of the first. Take the second bag and place it fold side up, this time the fold should be on the right, not the left. Align both bags so that they lie flat on top of each other.

      Place the third package. Place the third bag folded up and to the left, just like you laid the first bag. Align the bags so that they lie flat on top of each other.

      Add more packs if you want to make a booklet with more pages. The more packages, the more pages your booklet will have. When adding packages, place them in this order, alternating the right and left sides of the folds, the fourth package with the fold to the right, the fifth to the left, and so on.

      • If you put in just three bags, you'll have a ten-page booklet.
    3. Fold the bags in half like a book. When you're done adding bags, take the entire pack and fold it in half. The flat side of the first package that touched the table. will be the cover of your new notebook, the rest of the packages will be the pages inside.

      • The folds of the bags in your booklet can act as a "folder." In other words, you will be able to write additional information under the folds of the package. Alternatively, you can glue or tape these folds to create a more traditional booklet.
    4. Rebind the pages. To finish the booklet, you need to bind the pages so that the booklet doesn't fall apart, but so that the pages are easy to turn. The easiest option is to use a hole punch to make two or more holes along the fold (i.e. the "spine" of the book). Stretch a long ribbon or rope through the doors, tie the ends, but not too tightly so that the pages can be turned freely.

      • If you know how to use a sewing machine, you can sew the folded pages together. If you choose this method, be careful not to sew too close to the "spine" or some pages may not catch and will subsequently fall out of the booklet.

      Origami booklet

      Preparing parts

      1. Take origami paper. This method requires more intricate folding than previous methods, but you'll end up with an elegant, professional booklet if you do it right. For this product, it is best to use square sheets of origami paper. Of course, any sheet of paper will do, but origami paper is usually thinner and relatively easy to fold. Plus, on one side, such paper has either a pattern or a colored surface, so the covers are especially attractive.

        • If you don't have origami paper, take regular A4 paper (210x297mm) and cut it 8.7cm from the long side, turning the sheet into a square. Be precise and use a ruler to avoid ruining the paper. You will be making complex folds, so making it as perfect a square as possible will lead to success in the end.
      2. Divide the paper into 4 parts. Place the paper in front of you (if you are using colored origami paper, place it in front of you with the white side facing up). Fold the paper in half vertically, then fold each edge vertically toward the center fold, matching the edges of the paper, then press the folds into place. When you're done, your sheet will be divided into 4 long, narrow, equal pieces with three folds ( fold away from you or fold valley).

        Make the folds towards you. Next, make 4 vertical folds between the folds you just made, your narrow long strips will be divided in half once again. Make folds To to yourself (fold "mountain"), and not from yourself. When finished, you will have a sheet of paper divided into 8 thin, long strips that fold into an accordion shape.

        Turn the sheet over and fold it in half. Next, rotate the sheet 90 degrees so that the vertical folds are horizontal. Unfold the folded sheet and make a vertical fold in the middle. Use the valley fold technique (fold away from you). The sections should form perfect, or nearly perfect, right angles.

      3. Turn the sheet over again, you will get something like narrow “doors”. Fold the edges inward, folding them like an accordion along the vertical folds. Not press the fold. Your leaf should look like long, narrow double doors. The sheet should be ¼ of the normal width.

        • If you are using colored origami paper, the design should be on the "doors". If the doors are white, then you made a mistake when folding them.
      4. Fold 1/6 of the “doors” down. This may not be so easy at first. Take the narrow edge of the folded “doors” and fold them until they are halfway to the center fold. In other words, fold valley fold style 1/6 down the length of the doors.

        • Making such folds is not so easy, a little more difficult than dividing a sheet in half. There are several ways, the simplest is to imagine that the top half of the paper is one whole, fold it into three parts and adjust manually until you achieve the desired proportions.
      5. Make an "X" fold at the top edge of the paper. Take the top edges of the folded sheet and fold them diagonally. Place the newly formed fold vertically against the center fold and press the fold into place. Your sheet should look like an upside down L.

        • Make a similar "X" fold in the opposite direction with the other piece of paper.
      6. Unfold the sheet and fold it along the bottom horizontal fold. Next, completely unfold the sheet and lay it out in front of you. If you are using colored paper, the white side should be facing up. If you used white paper, the part of the sheet that used to be inside the “doors” will be facing you. If necessary, turn the sheet over so that the "X" folds are at the bottom.

        • When you're finished, you should have a sheet divided into vertical stripes that form triangles at the bottom.

If you want to make a booklet, then Microsoft Word is one of the best tools to do it and on this page we will tell you how to do it.

Until recently (and even now), various printed products continue to be popular. Therefore, for some, the methodology for creating something interesting that may be useful in the future will be useful information. For example, users want to know how to make a booklet in Word. Such a need very often arises during the professional activities of advertising agency employees. But ordinary people will also want to create an information sheet for some personal purposes. Everyone has their own needs. So let's not dwell on this. Let's move on to specifics.

There is a need for a small description of such products or the method of presenting information. So, it is possible to use such brochures for the following purposes:

  • Advertising your own (or someone else’s) products;
  • Familiarize people with materials for further work;
  • Provide information on health issues, organizing the repair process, using some equipment, etc.

When it comes to a carrier of such information, very high-quality paper is most often used for its production. Next, it’s worth moving on to a description of the methods for producing this printing, some nuances and main points. For example:

  • All information must fit on A4 sheet of paper;
  • The manufacturer is obliged to consider the design of the external and internal sides;
  • The outer part is the cover;
  • The internal one is intended directly for information;
  • The sheet itself is divided into three parts and folded.

Here are the subtleties you should know in order to answer the question of how to make a booklet in Word. To do this, you can use ready-made templates. Or go through the process of creating such a document from the very beginning to its logical end - printing.

To make your life easier, it is recommended to use a template or sample. In general, it is preferable to have an idea of ​​what you want your document to look like. To do this, look at a sufficient number of relevant pictures on the Internet.

To create a document in a word processor, open a new document and select landscape orientation. Set the margins to 1 cm. In the page layout section, click “columns”, of which there should be three. If desired, stripes are placed between them. Be mindful of how you need to arrange information. When using a background image, place it behind the text.

If you don’t want to do everything yourself or you need professional quality, then we offer you. To work with them, you will need a graphic editor, not a text one, but the quality of the final work will be completely different.

We hope that within a couple of hours after work you will be able to create a design that you will be satisfied with. If not, then show your work in the comments and we will all help you with advice on what can be improved.

A booklet is a sheet of paper folded several times. Often they are advertising something. Many firms and companies hand out their brochures to passers-by on the streets so that people become familiar with their products or services. The main distinguishing feature is that the information is presented in a concise form.

If you want to make yourself a booklet, then you have several options: contact a printing company or do everything yourself. This article will tell you how to make a booklet in Word. Moreover, several methods of execution will be proposed.

First method: manually

The first way to make a booklet in Word will involve performing all the steps manually. That is, you will create your own booklet, which will not be similar to any other. By the way, you don’t need to have sky-high knowledge of the program to complete all the steps, just follow the instructions below and you will succeed.

Step 1: adjust page margins

The first step is to prepare the sheet layout: change the margins and orientation. This can be done as easily as possible:

    Go to the "Layout" tab if you have a 2016 program, to the "Page Layout" tab if 2007 and 2010, and "Format" if 2003.

    Click on the button on the "Fields" toolbar, which is located on the left side.

    From the drop-down list, select "Custom Fields".

    In the window that appears, you need to set the field parameters. Enter values ​​of 1 cm for all bottom, left and right).

    Change the sheet orientation from portrait to landscape.

    Click OK.

Now you have completed the first step of the instructions on how to make a booklet in Word. As you can see, the sheet in the program is now positioned horizontally, and its margins have expanded to cover more space without going beyond the printable area. This way we can fit more text into our future booklet.

Step 2: divide the sheet into columns

The second stage will be dividing the sheet into columns. This action is also quite simple to perform, so anyone can do it. Here's what you need to do:

    Go to the "Layout", "Page Layout" or "Format" tab depending on the version of the program.

    Click on the "Columns" button, which is also located on the left side of the toolbar, by the way, next to the "Fields" button.

    Use the drop-down list to determine how many columns your booklet will have. By default, you can choose three options: "One", "Two", "Three". But if you want more columns, then click “Other columns” and in the window that appears, enter the required number in the “Number of columns” field.

After this, the sheet will be divided into the number of columns that you specified. However, you won't notice this until you type. It is possible, by the way, to delimit each column with a line. This will not only make it easier to lay out the future booklet, but will also visually improve it. This is done like this:

    Open Columns again.

    From the drop-down list, select "Other Columns".

    In the window that appears, check the box next to "Separator".

    Click OK.

After this, the separators will not appear immediately; you will need to enter text to see them. But in any case, now you know how to make a booklet in Word.

Method two: using templates

Those who have been using the program for a long time know Word and how they make life easier. With their help, you can make a beautiful booklet in a few clicks, now we will tell you how.

    Open the program.

    In the "File" menu, click on "Create from Template".

    Perform a search query using the word same as booklet).

    Choose a template for yourself and double-click on it.

After this, the template will download and open in the program. All you have to do is enter the required text. As you can see, Word has a lot, so you can definitely find something interesting.

You can create a brochure not only using complex design and layout programs, but also with only the text editor Microsoft Word at hand. Since version 2003, this program has been equipped with all the necessary tools for comfortable layout.

Microsoft Word is included in the most popular software package that almost every user has on their computers, so it is usually not required. Installing specialized layout programs that allow you to perform similar work will cost several times more than the entire office package from Microsoft.

Using both sides of the sheet reduces paper consumption by half. Therefore, if the task arises of creating material in this format, you should not install new programs and rush to specialists: mastering a couple of useful tools for creating a brochure in Word is available to everyone.

Brochure or booklet: which is easier?

Sometimes a booklet is called a “brochure,” although these are completely different types of publications. Creating a booklet in Word is a very simple operation. A booklet is a sheet of paper folded in several places on which advertising information is placed.

A brochure is several sheets folded in the middle and stapled together. A brochure, unlike a booklet, can contain several dozen sheets. When layout in Word, this format requires the use of imposition tools, which are not required when creating a booklet.

How to make a brochure in Microsoft Word?

The brochure most often uses the A5 format, which is obtained by folding A4 sheets in half. The main problem before printing is placing its pages in the layout so that after binding into a book they are in order. If you have time and desire, you can do this manually:

  1. A4 document (Page Layout - Orientation - Landscape).
  2. Divide the document area into two columns (Page Layout - Columns).
  3. Arrange the material in adjacent columns. For example, for a 12-page brochure, you need to place information on pages 1 and 12, 3 and 10, 4 and 9, 5 and 8, 6 and 7 in adjacent columns.

This “manual” imposition of strips is tedious and error-prone. Therefore, modern versions of Word are equipped with the “Brochure” setting. To use it, you need:

In short, this instruction comes down to two manipulations: select “Brochure” in the document settings and duplex printing in the print settings.

True, older versions of Word do not contain these features. In this case, the installation solves the problem of automatic imposition of stripes.

Create a brochure using a macro

Installing a popular package of free macros for “text layout in a book” complements the existing tools with new capabilities. Macros are used to create half-A4 size books and can work with almost all versions of Word.

Unlike the Brochure tool, running a macro visually changes the layout: you can see the pages on the screen in pairs in the order in which they will be printed. But you need to remember that installing plugins and macros can slow down your work.

Print brochure in PDF format

You can print a layout book directly from the Word program. But often printing houses prefer other formats. In the latest versions of the program, it is possible to make a PDF file from a brochure (File - Save As).

The output will be a document with sequential numbering, without shuffling. This is convenient if reading will be done from a computer screen. The same file can be printed as a book: in the print settings, select the “Layout” tab, and in it enable two-sided printing and check the “Booklet” checkbox.

If the output file for printing is presented in PDF format, then few will guess that regular Word was used to create it. The capabilities of Microsoft Word for making brochures, of course, are not as rich as those of professional publishing systems, but they are quite sufficient to obtain a satisfactory result.