New Google account. How to log out of Google and then log in. Sign in to other Google services

Nowadays, every self-respecting Internet resource offers to register on its portal. You can create a separate account for systems such as Opera, Yandex or Google. Registration in the latter of them will be discussed below.

You need to start the desired registration from launch home page search engine Google. The browser doesn't matter. On the right top corner there is a “Login” button, as of the beginning of 2015 it is a rectangle blue color. That's what we need. Click on this button and move on. The login page opens. The interface is designed so that you can immediately enter the available login data. But this is our first time here, and we don’t have an account yet. Therefore, we look just below the table for entering identification information and see a line designed as a link called “Create an account”. Click on this link. We are in the section for filling out personal information. We type in the “First Name” and “Last Name” fields the first and last name under which we want to locate in Google. Any alphabet is accepted here, so you can safely type your name in both Cyrillic and Latin. Whether it will be a fictitious name or a real one - decide for yourself. Next, the system again asks you to come up with a username. But we just introduced it? Yes, but here we mean your nickname or, in other words, login. It will become part of a Google mailbox with the domain, and it can only consist of Latin letters. The system will not let you make a mistake, and if a mailbox with the same login already exists, Google will ask you to think again. And just in case, it will show you a hint with free logins that match the first and last name entered above. You can choose from there, or you can train your mind and find yours, unique login for the box. Now enter your password. Make sure it is reliable, at least 8 characters long. Duplicate your password to make sure you entered it correctly the first time. Fill in your date of birth and gender. Without this, registration will not proceed further. In the future, you can configure the visibility of your birthday for other users in the created profile. We have reached the point where you should indicate your phone number. This is not necessary, but is advisable. Why - Google will explain to you itself. You can also specify an alternative Mailbox. Or you don’t have to specify it. The sole purpose of collecting all this information is to protect your personal data from unauthorized access strangers. Three left to do last steps– enter a verification word into the proposed field, proving that you are not a bot, indicate your country of residence and read Terms of use, and then accept or not accept it. If we want an account, we accept it, click the “next” button and wait to see what happens. Google latest times asks us if we still want to create our account. We think, decide and click on the appropriate button. Since our goal is a new account on Google, this button will be “Create a profile”. is an example of an email service. Therefore, I created my personal, main, mailbox on, although by that time I had about five e-mail addresses from other postal services.

I love the ease of use, reliability, and capacity of my inbox. By registering a mailbox on Gmail, you get the opportunity to access other Google services with the same login and password: the most popular YouTube video hosting, calendar, Google Docs and many other useful services.

Registering with

To register for Gmail in Russian, go to the official website

The Google Account login window will appear.

In order to log in, you need to enter a number mobile phone or address Email specified during registration. But since you are not registered yet, click the More options link

From the options provided, select Create an account.

A page will open with a form that you must fill out.

We fill out the form.

  1. What is your name. Here I advise you to indicate real name and Last name. Because other Google services, including those on your smartphone, will be associated with this account. I think this will be your main inbox for a long time! If you need a temporary mailbox, then you can follow my tutorial in a few minutes.
  2. Create a username. This will be the name of your mailbox and login to your account. You will have to work hard to find a clear and memorable name. After all, names like olga, nina, ivan have been taken for a long time. Substitute names, and the system will tell you whether this name is occupied or free. To create a name, you can use letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers and dots.
  3. Create a password. The password must have at least eight characters. For security reasons, it is not recommended to use passwords from other sites.
  4. Confirm the password. To make sure you entered the password correctly, enter the password again. If the system displays that the passwords do not match, check whether the keyboard layout is set correctly. Must be letters, not Russians.
  5. Date of Birth. Select from the drop-down list.
  6. Floor. Selected from the list.
  7. Mobile phone number - required for more reliable protection account. If important documents are stored in the mailbox, you can allow login to your account only after receiving SMS with a password to your mobile phone. Also, if you forget your password, you can request an SMS with a code to change your password.
  8. A spare email address is necessary for more reliable account protection. For example, if suspicious activities are noticed in your account, the gmail administration will be able to send an alert to this address.
  9. Make Google mine home page. If you check the box, then when you open the browser, it will always appear search system Google. But many users make their favorite site their home page. Then, you don’t need to check the box here, otherwise your page will be replaced with a Google page.
  10. A country. Select the country in which you currently live from the list.

After filling out the form, click Next.

The Privacy Policy and Terms of Use page opens. Read (scroll down the page) and click the “I Accept” button.

The "Verify your account" window will open. Enter your mobile phone number and click the "Continue" button.

A window will appear to enter the Confirmation Code, which will be sent to you via SMS. If the code does not arrive within 15 minutes, try again. I managed to complete the registration the third time. After entering the code, click Continue.

You will be congratulated on your successful registration and asked to log into your Gmail account. Click the "Go to" button Gmail service" and start getting to know your new mailbox.

You will see buttons that you can click to select a theme ( appearance) your his mail account, change (add) the main photo of your profile, import addresses and mail from another mail account. By the way, your new mailbox will already contain a letter from Google describing the capabilities of your Google account. And by clicking the “How to use Gmail” button, you will learn all the features of working with this email service.

Video: how to register with Gmail - create a profile on Google

The video clearly shows:

  • How to register with Gmail and gain access to all Google services;
  • how to create folders,
  • how to sort emails into folders,
  • how to prepare a signature for letters,
  • how to add files to letters,
  • how to switch to other Google services?

Login to

If you have already registered, then to log into Gmail, click the link

In the window that opens (Fig. 1), enter the Email or mobile phone number associated with your account and click Next. By the way, you can enter not the entire email address, but only the login - without

A password entry field will appear. Enter your password, click "Next" and your mailbox will open in front of you.

Sign in to other Google services

By registering with your email, you can use this username and password to log into any Google service.

While in your Gmail account, in the upper right corner, click the square (shown by the red arrow). A window with many buttons will open (see Figure 5). Clicking the desired button, you will be taken to the most popular Google services: Calendar, YouTube, Search, Maps.
And by clicking the link More, you will see buttons to other Google services, for example, Docs.

Select one photo on your computer in advance to set it as a user photo later. After this, in search bar any browser you need to type search query « Google registration" Don't pay attention to the capital letters; they are not critical for searching. On the opened Google page start entering data.

Registering an account with Google

The algorithm for registering an account on Google has been simplified as much as possible by the developers and has only two steps, during which you will be asked to enter personal data. All information entry fields must be filled out, with the exception of the backup email address.

Step one, data entry:

1. Enter your first and last name, in Cyrillic or Latin.
2. Choose your Google login.
3. Create and enter a strong password.
4. Confirm the password.
5. Enter date of birth, gender and phone number.
6. Specify a backup email address.

Then follows simple check identity using the reCAPCHA program, which will allow the system to recognize you as a person and not a robot spammer. The check has two scenarios. The first is done using the phone number you specified earlier. To activate this script, you must check the box next to the phrase “Skip this check...”. The second verification option is installed by the system by default, if you did not check the box next to the phrase “Skip this check...”.

Step two, identity verification (by phone):

1. Select the country you are currently in.
2. Check the box next to the phrase “I accept these conditions...”.
3. Click on the “Next” button.
4. Choose how you will receive the verification code: via SMS or voice call.
5. Enter the six-digit code you received into the information entry window.

Step two, identity verification (online):

1. Read all the numbers indicated in the reCAPCHA program window. All without exception, even those shown in the small photograph.
2. Enter all numbers into the verification code entry window. Type them on the keyboard from first to last and without spaces.
3. Check the box next to the phrase “I accept these conditions...”.
4. Click on the “Next” button.

“Google’s mission is to organize all the world’s information, making it accessible and easy to use.” ©Google

After switching to last page Google Account Registrar, you will be asked to upload a profile photo that you have already prepared in advance. You can skip this step, but after uploading the photo, your account will be completely ready for use, all you have to do is understand its settings.

Below are comments for each of the six steps in the first step of creating a Google account.

1. First and last name. If you use a fictitious name or name, the system will accept it. Subsequently, the name can be changed.
2. Login. You need to keep in mind that the login will become the name of your email, so it’s worth being creative at this point. There is an opinion that by the name of personal (not corporate) email box possible in general outline determine a person's character. People with a high sense of self-esteem choose their name, regardless of the difficulties of transliteration. Practical people prefer to use their phone number or a simple set of numbers. Creative people come up with a fun, easy-to-remember login that may not carry any meaning, but rhymes with the name of the mail service.
3. Password. Do not choose anything that relates to you personally as the access code to your secrets. Birthday, car number, phone number, apartment number, etc. Do not use sets of numbers in order, for example: 12345. Do not use several letters in a row, for example: "qwerty". Strong password must consist of a minimum of eight characters using numbers, capital letters, capital letters, keyboard symbols.
4. Password confirmation is necessary to avoid errors when entering the password for the first time. You need to type it manually; the system will not allow you to copy an already written password and paste it into this window.

“To ensure account security and ease of use Google services When registering, you must indicate a certain personal information." ©Google

5. Date of birth is required by Google to activate the age filter for website content; after creating an account, the date of birth cannot be changed. Gender must be specified in order for the robot Google addressed you correctly in the newsletter newsletter, when sending system messages. You will need a phone number if the password is weak and your account is hacked. An SMS will be sent to the number you specified with verification code to change your password.
6. To indicate or not to indicate a backup email address - the choice is yours. Purpose of the backup email

Greetings, dear blog readers! Today we'll look at a few simple ways Google account registration without SMS verification:

  • On a computer or laptop;
  • Using the Android platform;
  • Using a virtual number.
Google accounts are very popular among people who simply need or one of the services of an English-language company, be it a YouTube account or a blog on Blogspot. Google is waging a fierce fight against multiple account registrations - it sets a verification limit for each phone number, so creating an account without SMS may be a problem for some.

Method number 1. Create a Google account on your computer without verifying your number

Get new account Google you can with various devices. More affordable option For many, a computer or laptop remains. Here are several ways to create a Google account without verifying your number on your PC:
  • Regular registration via any browser,
  • Creating a new profile in the browser Google Chrome,
  • Using the Bluestacks emulator.
1. Standard option, which allows you to create multiple accounts without SMS. The only negative is the word “several”. Multiple registrations (without a break) will not take place here. A “gray” IP address, an uncleaned cache, viruses - all this can arouse Google’s suspicion.

2. The Google Chrome browser has recently been updated and a user icon for logging into your account has appeared in the upper right corner:

The procedure for creating a Google account is practically no different from the first one, regular version. If, after entering your first and last name, you are asked to enter a number, then you need to clear cookies, close the browser, change the IP address and repeat the registration after some time (ideally, after a day). Did these methods not help? Then radical measures are needed - reinstallation Google browser Chrome. This is the middle option. It’s still not possible to create many Google accounts this way.

3. We create an imitation of a smartphone or tablet on a computer using the Bluestacks emulator and are guaranteed to get infinite number new Google accounts. You can do this in different ways:

  • Through the native (pre-installed) browser of the emulator,
  • Through applications (YouTube, Play Market etc.),
  • Through “Settings” - “Accounts and synchronization”.
The second and third methods are more effective and give 100% results.

But it is important to understand that accounts created one after another may be blocked after successful registration after a few days. It's better not to partake. Besides, V new version Bluestacks sometimes requires you to enter a number.

Method No. 2. Creating a Google Account on Android without Verifying Your Phone Number

We have already looked at ways to create new Google accounts in Bluestacks emulator. On Android platform the principle is exactly the same. If you have problems with numberless registration on your smartphone, reset your phone settings or delete all data from your smartphone altogether, which, of course, is already a very radical solution.

The main feature of registering Google accounts on a smartphone through the built-in interface (not through a browser) is the absence of entering a number at all. To confirm, you just need to enter the captcha. In new Android versions the number must be entered.

For example, on Sony Xperia 2011 release, it is possible to create from 3 to 5 accounts. Then, if you don’t reset, you won’t be able to log in to the newly created accounts (that is, 5 and beyond). Google will “swear” at suspicious actions and block them. You can only get them out of there via SMS confirmation.

Before creating a new account on Android in your native browser, you need to erase your data. “Settings” - “Applications” - “All” - “Browser” (enter - click “Erase data”). And it is advisable to change the IP address. Ideally, a clean IP (outside the ban list) is required.

Method No. 3. Creating a Google account with confirmation of the “fake” number

Use free virtual numbers to verify your Google account when registering, I’ll give you a couple of services:
  1. (numbers change frequently)
  2. (no exact information on the replacement interval)
  3. ( huge selection virtual number)
If more than 2 hours have passed since the virtual number was updated, then there is a high probability that Google will say: This phone number has already been used several times for verification. You can buy virtual. room for money for 10-20 minutes. or wait for a new issue. Prices for confirming Google account registrations: from 2 to 5 rub.
By the way, a fake number is only needed to confirm registration. The number will not be linked to account Google.

1. You can try to register an account in the usual way via a browser, but you need to meet several requirements:
a) clean IP address, can be checked using services
b) absence malware on PC
c) no accounts have been created on the device for a long time
If you follow these three simple rules, then a couple of accounts can be created without confirming the number. Does not exceed? Try method 2 or 3.
2. Register a new account through the user profile. In the upper right corner there is an icon with a man. There you will be asked to fill out standard fields, as with regular registration.
3. You can try to create an account using your smartphone (through your native browser or through the play market or YouTube). Just make sure that there are no already created Google accounts on your phone.
4. Well, as a last resort, you can use free virtual numbers or book a room for a few minutes for 3-5 rubles.

Question: “How to create a Google account without verifying your number?” can be considered closed. If you know of any other ways to bypass SMS verification, be sure to write about them in the comments. Also, if you have a couple of minutes, please share the results - were you able to create an account without confirming your number?

Registering a Google account not only gives you the opportunity to use one of the most reliable postal services, but also provides access to all interesting applications Google Creating an account on is easy. Everything is very easy and understandable.

Account registration

In order to access mail, you need to create your own account, which gives access to all Google applications. Registering an account gives you access to such well-known services like YouTube, Google maps, Google Play, various cloud services, including documents and spreadsheets from Google, The motto is “One account. All Google world"works!

To register a Google account, you need to go to the website and click on the “login” button located in the upper right corner. After which we will be asked to log in to an account or create a new one. Since we are just registering on Google, we click “create an account.”

A registration form opens in front of us, where we need to carefully fill out all the fields, additional address email and phone number are needed in case we forget the password for our account and it can be restored via SMS to the phone or through an additional mailbox.

Filling out all fields registration form, click “register” and Google congratulates us on registering a new email address. Now we have access to all Google services, including email.

By clicking on the email icon, we get inside our mailbox, where we see that the gmail team has already sent us three letters with information about the ease of use of this mailbox. Thus, it is very easy to get your own mailbox on Gmail. As we already know, creating an account on Google opens up great opportunities for us.

What does registering a Google account give?

  • opportunity to use by gmail, one of the most reliable email services. Although free mail jmail in our country today ranks only third in terms of the number of users, gradually, thanks to the ever-increasing dependence of people on Internet services, the number of Google mail users is also increasing.
  • the opportunity to create your own channel on You Tube and publish your video materials on it. Number of people viewing short videos or full-length films on YouTube is very large, someone here finds necessary information, video tutorials, someone relaxes by watching short videos. And there are those people who upload videos to the You Tube website.
  • opportunity to shop at Google play, one of largest internet stores where you can buy various applications and games for mobile devices Android OS, books, music, movies.
  • Use cloud services Google, such as tables, documents, presentations, also becomes accessible only after creating your account on Google. It's just small part most popular services Google, which you can access after registering your account.