Apple cloud storage. How to store an unlimited number of iPhone photos in the cloud for free

This is a cloud storage from Apple in which you can store any files and have access to them from any mobile device and computer. iCloud Drive fits seamlessly into the iOS and OS X operating systems. Starting with iOS 9, iCloud Drive has its own application that is included in the system.

The basic principle of iCloud Drive: the user edits a file on one device, at any time he can switch to his other device and start editing the file there.

iCloud Drive works on iOS 8 or later, a Mac running OS X 10.10, or a Windows PC running the iCloud app for Windows (requirements: Windows 7 or later).

You can also access iCloud Drive on the website.

How to enable iCloud Drive?

In OS X Yosemite and OS X El Capitan. If by some coincidence iCloud Drive is not yet enabled, then you need to go to System Preferences->iCloud. And check the iCloud Drive box.

IN Parameters you can see a list of programs that can store data in iCloud Drive.

On the iPad, you need to go to Settings->iCloud->iCloud Drive and turn on the iCloud Drive checkbox.

If you immediately enable the “On the Home Screen” item, a separate iCloud Drive program appears on one of the desktops in iOS.

How iCloud Drive works in OS X

In OS X, working with the cloud is extremely simplified. In Finder, a special folder appears on the left. It contains folders from applications that store data in iCloud Drive. You can also create your own without any problems and throw any files there.

iCloud Drive on Windows

You need iCloud for Windows installed on your computer (you can download it from a special page on the Apple website). In it you need to check the iCloud Drive box.

The iCloud Drive folder will appear in Explorer. You can use it like a regular folder, but all the data in it will go to the cloud.

How iCloud Drive works on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

In iOS 8, iCloud Drive seems to exist and even work, but the user does not see its visual implementation. Applications such as Pages, Numbers, iA Writer, etc. save files to the cloud and store them there. But Documents can even create folders in the cloud, but still the programs only have access to their own folders.

As I wrote above, iOS 9 finally has a special iCloud Drive application.

In it you can finally manage folders and files in the cloud. Create new folders, move files, delete.

You can also open files, although for some reason they open slowly. The opening speed is unstable.

Sending documents

iCloud Drive is a secure cloud. So secure that the file or folder in it cannot be shared. Perhaps, for now.

But documents from iCloud Drive can be opened in another program or sent by mail, messages, etc.

In iOS 9, the standard email app now has the ability to add attachments from iCloud Drive. You need to tap on the text of the letter and select “Add attachment” from the menu

The iCloud Drive window appears, in which you can select files to attach to the letter.

iCloud Drive and other cloud storage

iCloud Drive is a clear attempt to wean Apple fans away from competitors' cloud storage services.

The main advantage of iCloud Drive is that the cloud is already built into iOS and the iCloud ecosystem. That is, if a user buys space for an iCloud media library, the same free space is available for iCloud Drive.

Prices are generally reasonable:

  • 5 gigabytes free
  • 20 gigabytes - 39 rubles per month
  • 200 gigabytes - 149 rubles per month
  • 500 gigabytes - 379 rubles per month
  • 1 TB - 749 rubles per month


1) unlike competitors' offerings, iCloud Drive cannot share files and folders. Perhaps this jamb is just a matter of time.

2) while some kind of limitation is felt. For example, on the website you cannot update folders in iCloud Drive, and in the program on the iPad you cannot specify files that need to be stored offline.

So far we seem to be seeing the first version of Dropbox, although what is stopping Apple from taking the best practices of its competitors right from the start and implementing them in its application?

What else do you need to know about iCloud Drive?

The maximum file size in iCloud Drive is 15 gigabytes. There are no file type restrictions.

In the settings, you can prevent the use of iCloud Drive on cellular networks. I recommend doing this if you have a limited data plan.

Settings->iCloud->iCloud Drive->Cellular Data.

In the same window, you can block individual applications from accessing iCloud Drive.

For almost any data, it is praised by a large number of users. But in fact, it has a lot of shortcomings. The inconvenience is that all the materials that you post on this service are far from you, or rather, from your location. It will also be extremely difficult to obtain files that were downloaded earlier when using a device other than a branded one, for example, a personal computer. Therefore, many would like to know how to view photos in iCloud from another device. This problem can be solved, but it will take some work, though. Of course, the service stores not only pictures, but also other files. So, today we will talk about how to access your data without using the device that was previously used when downloading.


Let's first decide what we need to solve the question of how to view photos in iCloud. Naturally, first of all, you need to have access to a personal computer, however, it can also be a laptop. Next, you should copy your Apple ID, as well as its password. First, you need to create one or more backup copies in the cloud; in any case, they must be present there, and if they are not, it will be almost impossible to obtain the data. Not many people know about where in iCloud, although they themselves are users of this product and actively use the service. For the most part this applies to beginners. Of course, it will be problematic to receive data if the user does not even know where it is located. If you are such a person, you will need to show maximum care, as today we will tell you all the smallest details.


If you know your Apple ID, then this is already very good, since with this parameter you can get all the detailed information that is stored on the services you use, as well as on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod devices themselves. Surely you know how to add photos to iCloud, but you don’t know how to view photos from another device and get into the cloud, so read the instructions below carefully.


To begin with, we decided to tell you why such instructions are given and when they may be relevant. In fact, iPhone products do not often break down, but you can expect surprises, for example, if your device completely refuses to turn on, and you need to get data right now. In this case, our method will help solve this problem. The iCloud backup is created automatically, so you don’t need to worry about the safety of your data; you can get all the materials without using the device with which they were previously added. In this case, you will only have the main task - to pick up all the files that were previously saved by the system.


Not everyone knows how to view photos in iCloud without using the main device, since they have probably never encountered a similar problem before. In fact, there are currently specialized programs that make it possible to obtain important data from a saved copy. Applications directly download the reserve, after which the user can receive their files without any problems. Today we decided to talk about the specialized program Wondershare Dr.Fone for iOS. In fact, this app may not be affordable for users as it is currently priced at $69.99, but you can take advantage of the trial version, although it is defective. With this program, you can learn not only how to save photos to iCloud, but also how to recover your data if the download device is damaged or malfunctioning. In order to use this application, you will need to install it. Remember that you must use a device that runs on the iOS platform; you should not encounter any difficulties during installation and downloading. The installation process is practically no different from that of any other program.


After the program is installed, you need to launch it, when you specify the device ID, you need to click on the special arrow, it is located next to the password entry form. If you know your Apple ID from which the files were downloaded, then the question of how to view photos in iCloud will be resolved very quickly, since the program will provide you with all the necessary data. In conclusion, let's say a few words about the service. iCloud was introduced in 2011. Each user gets access to five gigabytes of disk space, which can store email, documents (including photos) and backup copies of files that you may need.

Owners of several Apple devices must know how to access iCloud from an iPhone or iPad if necessary, because sometimes it is necessary to obtain data from another device right now.

For those who have never used iCloud: this is a cloud storage that not only makes it possible to store and synchronize your media files, contacts and other data. But it also backs up all devices, which makes it easy to transfer everything you need to a new model.

iCloud features

Let's figure out what iCloud can synchronize? Standard transfer objects include:

  1. Multimedia content (books, films, etc.). Your entire library will not be lost either when you move to a new version of iPhone or when it breaks.
  2. Photo and video. Not a single frame you take will be lost, which means that valuable memories will remain in your memory and phone account forever.
  3. Settings. You won’t have to find the desired sound level or design again - ICloud will handle everything itself.
  4. Messages and ringtones.
  5. Application data (game progress, accounts, etc.)

I would especially like to dwell on the synchronization of application data: some games allow you to use synchronization to pause a level on the iPad and continue from the same place on the iPhone (and vice versa), which is very convenient, for example, in the event of a low battery.

Where to download iCloud?

There is no need to download anything; the cloud service is built into iOS starting from version 5. All functions become fully available after a free update to iOS 8 and higher. It is also worth noting that registration is unnecessary: ​​you use your Apple ID login and password to log in.

Do not under any circumstances share your iCloud data with third parties! They will be able to study all your photos, correspondence and other materials.

How to Login to the iPhone Cloud

You won’t be able to get into the storage through the standard Safari browser: you will be asked to log in to your iPhone and log into it, but in the meantime, you may need to visit the full version, and not the mobile one.

When might you need to log into the iPhone cloud?

Since the world saw a variety of Apple devices, using them has become very comfortable, especially if the smartphone, tablet and other gadgets are connected to iCloud storage.

iCloud is a cloud service owned by Apple, which, when you create a new account, makes it possible to synchronize a variety of information between devices such as iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and computer. For the user, first and foremost, iCloud provides incredible ease of interaction between a variety of Apple devices.

Whatever he is currently working on, he has access to the most current version of all the most important documents, notes, contacts and applications. In addition, by creating an account for your iPhone in a global cloud storage and using it, the user has an easy opportunity to restore any lost data using an iCloud backup.

The user can also create new mail in the i-cloud, and such mail is extremely convenient. A distinctive feature of iСloud for iPhone is its simultaneous simplicity and irreplaceability, but first things first.

Key Features of iCloud

Cloud iTunes

The service has the ability to synchronize and, if necessary, restore all data about the user’s purchases, and automatically downloads purchased applications, books or music to the iPad and iPhone.

All keys in one bundle

Let's say a user works on an iPhone, then he decides to switch to another gadget from Apple or work from a computer. At the same time, the service will not only absolutely automatically restore data and synchronize it, but will also allow you not to remember all logins and passwords for accounts, applications, and other things.

iTunes Match - all your favorite music at your fingertips

If you have a huge amount of music and do not have the opportunity or desire to purchase it on iTunes, then such an application will come in handy. It will quickly scan the songs loaded there from the library, and if there are matches, it will upload music from the iTunes Store. If they are not found, then the music can be copied to the iPhone from the computer. The maximum number of saved songs is up to 25 thousand.

Endless stream of photos

Taking pictures with an iPhone is much more comfortable than carrying around a bulky camera. The smartphone camera allows you to take high-quality photographs, so many people use it to take pictures almost every day. What should you do if you need to transfer photos from iPhone to iPad or computer, or restore photos?

For those who know about this global cloud and use it, this is not a problem. After a photo is taken, it is automatically uploaded to the photo stream and transferred to all gadgets that the user wants to synchronize in iCloud. The volume of saved images is up to 1000 pieces. In this case, no additional actions are needed - you just need to use it, log in to your account and thereby synchronize the data.

All necessary documentation in the cloud service

There are situations when certain work data needs to be urgently restored or downloaded to an iOS device, and iTunes, as luck would have it, is not at hand. But with an iCloud account this is also not an issue. You just need to go to iWork from your computer, upload this file to the required application, then go to this application on iOS and in a matter of seconds the document will be where you need it.

This app is truly invaluable and using it will give you complete peace of mind. In addition, when you edit a document on iOS, its updated version automatically appears in the web version of iCloud, on the iPhone and other connected gadgets. So even if it is possible to lose some data, it is extremely easy to restore it at any time.

Restoring from a backup. How it works?

After registering with the service, the owner of the gadgets receives 5 GB of free space in cloud storage for free. You can always change the volume of your cloud by paying for additional space. Using it, he stores backup copies of all important data on his devices there.

Now you no longer need to launch iTunes over and over again to restore your iPhone from a backup, as everything becomes much easier. The moment your iPhone is charged and Wi-Fi is turned on, a backup copy of all data is created absolutely automatically. The recording stores:

  • general device settings (a copy of them is always stored in the cloud);
  • individual arrangement of icons on the screen;
  • all messages (iMessage, SMS), lost ones can be restored at any time;
  • purchased music, books, TV spots;
  • arrays of photographs, videos shot on the device’s camera (with this service, you can go to the cloud at any time and restore everything that is important to the user from a copy);

Ability to find a lost device

Losing an expensive iPhone is always stressful, especially if some important information was stored on it. But having a global cloud at hand and constantly using it, even the loss of a device does not feel like the end of the world.

No matter where you left it - in the library or in the kitchen at home, you can log into your account from your computer and instantly see where your iPhone is on a map. If the device is truly lost, you can block it remotely (data can be restored from cloud storage) or display a message asking the finder to contact you urgently.

Family access to all data

Icloud allows you to create a family group for access to all information on all devices. This group can include up to 6 people; you don’t need to create a new account in the service for this - you can use it with the one that was created earlier in the service.

iCloud Mail: its undoubted “advantages”

When you create an iCloud account, you not only get the ability to use your calendar, contacts, reminders, bookmarks, and notes, which can be synced with each other. Another important feature appears - creating a new mail. Its some advantages:

  • this mail is completely and completely free of advertising;
  • push notifications about a new message appearing on the server are sent to your email instantly;
  • It is possible to create aliases - change your data and create virtual mailboxes.

You can either synchronize your mailbox with the cloud and with other gadgets, or leave the cloud, making your mail inactive for public access and use it personally.

iCloud account

So we got to the most important and at the same time the simplest. How can you create an account, log in and start using iCloud? In order to get into the web interface from your computer, you just need to enter your Apple ID details on the iCloud website and in a few seconds you will be inside.

Basic settings and changes are made directly on the phone, so, according to the attached images, you can choose point by point what exactly needs to be synchronized, whether to include “Keychain” and “Photos” with “Documents,” or whether to track the phone through “Find iPhone.” Backup to iCloud and “Deleting an account” are also configured here.

Overview of iCloud settings on iPhone

A special word about iCloud mail; here, in the settings, you can create a new mailbox and use it in a couple of minutes. You don’t need to log into it separately; it is enough that you are authorized in iCloud. All additional settings are made here.

Tour of iCloud Mail Settings

Come in, get comfortable and put everything into practice. And for those who still have questions, we recommend watching a video review of iCloud capabilities.

Apple iCloud is free storage for everyone who has an iPad or iPhone. The main task of iCloud is to provide users of Apple products with a single storage for all data - applications, photos, books, documents, Safari bookmarks, etc.

How it works? Suppose you took a photo on your iPad, it will immediately appear in the storage, and through it on your iPhone or laptop (Apple company). This happens without your participation; other devices themselves “take” it for themselves. All you need is to be connected to the Internet.

Basic questions about iCloud

  • Where and how to download and install iCloud? There is no need to download iCloud, the service is already built into your system.
  • Registration in iCloud. There is no need to register separately for iCloud. To log in you need to use your Apple ID - login and password.
  • How much space is available in iCloud? Each user receives 5 GB for free. This size is reserved for storing mail, application data, settings, etc. Please note: iCloud will store a maximum of 1000 photos from the last 30 days.

If 5 GB is not enough for you, then for an additional fee you can purchase more memory. The money will be debited from your Apple account.

How to set up iCloud on iPad

  1. You need to go to the Settings application.
  2. Find iCloud in the list on the left.
  3. Mark the main applications that will synchronize their data.
  4. If you go to the Storage and copies section, you will see how much of the 5 GB available to you you have already used.
  5. Click on Storage and then on your device. You will see all the programs you have installed that send their data to iCloud. By default this is all programs. You can disable sending data for programs that are not particularly necessary so that they do not take up valuable storage space.

How does automatic copying work?

Automatically. Without your participation. You don't need to do anything. It is only important to meet a few conditions:

  • The iPad is connected to power (charging).
  • Locked (that is, you are not working on it, it is in sleep mode).
  • Connected to a Wi-Fi network.

Typically, this happens when you leave your iPad charging at home (where there is a Wi-Fi network familiar to it). Moreover, if all three conditions have not coincided for a long time, your iPad will remind you that a backup copy has not been created for a long time.

Useful iCloud features or restoring from a backup

You may need recovery if:

  • You accidentally deleted some very valuable data - for example, a photo.
  • You set a password for your iPad or a parental control password and forgot it (you can restore the copy made before entering the password).

What data will be recovered

The following materials are saved in iCloud backup:

  • iTunes purchased music, movies, TV shows, apps, and books (with restrictions).
  • photos, videos from the album Camera Roll.
  • settings.
  • Application data (such as games, notes, etc.).
  • view of the main screen and the order of applications.
  • iMessage, text messages (SMS messages) and MMS messages.

Not saved:

  • Music, movies, and TV shows not purchased from the iTunes Store.
  • audiobooks.
  • photos that were downloaded from your computer.

Changes you made after creating a backup will disappear during recovery. Therefore, before restoring a backup, save everything you need on your computer.

How to restore data from a backup

  1. Connect the iPad using a cable to the computer.
  2. Open iTunes.
  3. Open the page of your iPad (you need to click the iPad icon in the upper right corner).
  4. Click on the Restore button.
  5. Confirm the action by clicking Restore again.
  6. Once the recovery is complete, a reboot will occur. Then the screen will ask you whether to set up your device as new or restore from a backup, select Recover from iCloud backup.
  7. Enter your Apple ID and password.
  8. A list of the three most recent backups will appear. Select the one you need and click Restore from backup.
  9. After restarting the device, the data on it will be restored.