How to change the google chrome start page. Start page in the Google Chrome mobile browser

It is advisable for any Internet user to go to the page they need to work as quickly as possible when starting the browser. For this purpose, browsers have a start page mechanism. In this article we will give a procedure for solving the problem of how to make “Google” the start page in “Google Chrome”.

What is a start page?

The start page is the Internet page that opens when you open the browser. It also bears the name of the home page. If it is installed in accordance with your interests, then this can significantly reduce the time it takes to get to the desired location on the global network when you launch the browser. Often, users set the so-called express panel as their home page (a set of bookmarks specified by the user or compiled by the browser from the most recently opened pages). Some browsers have a special “Home” button, which opens the start page. If desired, you can set the start page yourself. Sometimes it is convenient that when you start the browser, the sites used when you last finished working are opened. However, you often need to start with a new search for information on the Internet. To do this, it is desirable that the start page in Google Chrome, for example, be a search page. Naturally, for fans of the Google Chrome browser, the Google search engine is preferable. Let's look at how to make Google the start page in Google Chrome.

Setting the start page

How to set the home page for your browser is useful to know in many cases, since many applications available for download on the Internet change browser settings, including the start page, when installed. In such cases, you have to restore it. In addition, some viruses and other harmful software have the habit of changing such a page, which thus redirects the user to the pages they need in order to lure out either the user’s confidential information or his money.

Algorithm for making a search engine the home page in Google Chrome

You can install the start page you require in your browser in a few minutes if you clearly know the algorithm of actions. Let's look at the sequence of actions to complete the task of making Google the start page in Google Chrome.

To install, follow these steps:

  1. To get started, you need to open your browser and click on the three horizontal lines (or gear-shaped) icon in the top right corner.
  2. Scroll down and click on Internet Options.
  3. You will see a window with several tabs. Go to the "General" tab and in the home page field you can enter your favorite site, which for this example is

Automatic method

It is possible to make Google the starting page automatically. It consists in the fact that you must first open the search engine page and follow steps 1 and 2 from the previous subsection. Then you should select the “Use current page” option - it will automatically become the starting page. Close your browser and call it again. Make sure you achieve the required result.

If during work there is a need to quickly go to the start page, then you need to use the “Alt+Home” hotkeys.

How to make Google Chrome the default browser?

If Google Chrome is your favorite browser, and you want your computer to automatically open any links in Chrome, then you need to make the latter the default browser. To do this, you should follow these steps.

Open Google Chrome. Click on the three-line icon in the right corner of the screen, which will bring up browser menu options. Click on "Settings". Scroll down to the "Default Browser" option. Select the button that sets your default browser to Google Chrome.

Removing malware

There are times when the browser cannot install the Google start page, which may occur due to the action of some “cunning” programs, for example the Webalta search engine. To remove such software, close all open programs, enter the hotkey combination “Win ​​+ R”, and enter the Regedit command in the pop-up line. This is how the registry editor is called. In the window that opens, click "Search", enter Webalta (or the name of another interfering program) into it and click "Search". After a certain time, a list of registry lines to be deleted will be generated. In some cases, you will have to use the uninstall program tool in the computer's control panel.

Other difficulties in the process of changing the start page can be caused by viruses, which require the use of anti-virus programs to combat. Scan your computer with the antivirus application you have installed. Delete any infected files found. Restart your computer.

Thus, after reading this article, you can easily solve the question “how to make Google the start page in Google Chrome.”

Google Chrome is a convenient and fast browser, but for complete happiness you may not have enough search from Yandex. A huge segment of Russian-speaking users prefer the Yandex search engine due to its focus on the Russian audience. You can download a ready-made . It is similar to Google Chrome, but has built-in search from Yandex.

You can specify Yandex yourself as the main page in Chrome.

How to make Yandex the main page in Chrome

1. Go to the menu at the top right, then to “Settings”.

2. In the “Appearance” field, check the box next to “Show the “Home Page” button if it is not there.

3. Click on the active field “Edit”, it is highlighted in blue.

4. A pop-up window will appear, where you need to select “Next page” and enter the address

Please note that these actions will only add an icon near the omnibox (address bar), but the start page will remain unchanged.

To open Yandex, just click on this button. In the future, you can use the Alt+Home hotkeys to open the home page.

How to make Yandex the start page in Chrome

1. Go to the menu, then to “Settings”

2. Find the “Start group” field. It is responsible for the start page.

Any browser that will be installed on a smartphone will have its own default start page. The home page is the site that the user always lands on when he restarts the browser (including Google Chrome) or opens a new tab when working with an application.

The start page has a number of advantages:

  • Allows you to start work every time with a “clean slate” and without lengthy closing of all tabs;
  • It has a search bar, which makes it easier to find when working, as well as bookmarks and other applications at the bottom (analogous to synchronization with other Google programs that are connected to the same email address);
  • You can download a version of Google Chrome, where the start page will also include frequently visited sites;
  • This is the best option if you use the Internet and browser only to search for the necessary information.

There are not that many disadvantages here and most of them can be eliminated or gotten used to, and in addition to the lack of virtual (visual) bookmarks in the form of rectangles, which many users of the computer version of Chrome liked so much and the impossibility of installing themes for appearance - everything else is stylishly and harmoniously supported the name of the famous company Google.

Possible alternatives when choosing the type of start page

When launching the Google Chrome application, the user either gets to the home page, where the search engine will be in the center, or he can select the following options for starting the browser:

  • Opening previously closed tabs in the last session of using the browser (here this will work provided that you do not have the function of clearing the system and deleting the cache enabled, because all information about closed tabs is added to the cache);
  • Set the desired address in the settings, which will be loaded first when the software is launched;
  • Install the version of Chrome, which will be discussed below, and instead of a simple search engine, a function will be enabled that will add bookmarks in the form of squares for more convenient use.

This is where our freedom of choice is limited. Google does not yet offer any extensions in the mobile version and does not create additional programs that would change or increase the home page options.

Typical startup problems

The most basic problem when starting is the appearance of errors such as an unsecured connection or lack of network on the smartphone.

To solve this situation, it is necessary to check and correct, if a discrepancy is detected, the specified data:

Another problem is the problem of trying to change the start window to a different address. But Google Chrome will never change settings without your knowledge and, even more so, permission.

To solve the problem, just do the following:

  1. Open the application called “Google Chrome” or “Browser”.
  2. Press the “Menu” button on the phone’s control panel or in the upper right corner of the browser.
  3. Select “Settings” and go to the application settings.
  4. We are looking for the “General” tab and from the list we need the “Start Page” item.
  5. Having entered it, we will be asked to change the URL address.
  6. We enter the site address we need, for example: “” (without quotes and with the words www).

Other problems do not occur often, so there is no need to talk about them if you use the browser only for its intended purpose.

Set the type of bookmarks like the computer version of the browser

If you like the way your bookmarks and favorite sites are arranged in the PC version, you can do the same on your smartphone. It will roughly look like the photo below.

This function can only be installed in mobile browsers “Chrome Beta” and “Chrome Dev” and is still in beta testing.

The process itself, after installing one of these versions of Google Chrome, will take you no more than one minute.

After the standard Google has been replaced with one of the necessary ones, we do the following:

There are no differences between browsers in performance and feedback from sites, so you can use any version, but this function does not work in regular Google Chrome.

It looks, perhaps, empty and incomprehensible. Now we will understand what a welcome page is and what it is needed for.

Contents of the article

When you launch your browser, the first thing you see is this start page! She is also called quick access page, or welcome page.

Welcome page - what is it?

In fact, these are slightly different concepts, especially when it comes to the standard welcome page of the Google Chrome browser.

So now we know what it is. Let's figure out why it is needed?

Next... In the context menu that appears, select " Settings". After that, go to the “ Settings" and in the section " Initial group" You can customize the Google Chrome welcome page.

Here we see 3 menu items, namely:

  • Quick access page — This is the page where your most visited sites and your Bookmarks are located.
  • Last opened pages — When you start the browser, the last opened pages will automatically open. That is, those pages that you still had open before you closed your browser last time.
  • Next pages — Here you can configure the list of pages that automatically open when you start the browser.

Custom Welcome Page in Google Chrome

As we can see, we do not have the ability to manage the tabs located on the quick access page and this is not convenient. Most people are accustomed to the fact that these tabs are manageable, and that with the help of them they can create their own list of sites for quick access.

As mentioned earlier, there is such a possibility and it is achieved by installing a special “ Google Chrome Extensions". That is, there are special extensions, or rather, installable add-ons for the Google Chrome browser that allow you to completely change the quick access page. We will now talk about one of these extensions.

FVD Speed ​​Dials extension for Google Chrome

Thanks to the extension " FVD Quick Access Tabs", You can customize the Google Chrome welcome page to your liking. For example, a quick access page using FVD Speed ​​Dials might look like this:

Isn't it beautiful? 🙂

In addition, using the FVD quick access tabs, you can divide your tabs into “Groups” or, in other words, “Categories”. Thanks to this, you can customize the tabs the way you want. You are limited only by your own imagination.

Manage your tabs, delete, create, edit, do whatever you want. All this is possible with the FVD Speed ​​Dials extension.

You can download and automatically install this extension in Google Web Store.

Bottom line

As we can see, setting up the welcome page of the Google Chrome browser is extremely easy and absolutely anyone can handle this task! If you haven't downloaded the Google Chrome browser yet, download it.

Good luck to you in your endeavors!

In the browser, you can customize the start and home pages in Google Chrome, making them different or the same.

Situations are becoming more widespread when various programs that you install on your computer change the search engine and start page in the browser. Very often and others become such start pages. And sometimes an unknown site opens or an advertisement pops up, probably a virus has entered the system. How to deal with it and remove advertising is described.

How to change the start page in Google Chrome

In order to remove the start page in Google Chrome and install your own, you should perform a number of steps:

    Launch the browser and call up the menu; to do this, click on the three bars in the upper right corner.

    In the drop-down list, look for the “Settings” button and click on it.

    Here we are in the Browser Settings section and we will be interested in the “Open at startup” block, where you can change the start page in Google Chrome.

Let's go through the points and figure out what we can change in this block:

New tab – when you open the browser, a tab with visual bookmarks of the most visited sites will open. If you want this particular tab to open, check the box here.

Previously opened tabs – the next time you log into the web browser, all tabs that were open at the moment when the browser was terminated incorrectly will open. This is an extremely useful function if you found interesting material, but suddenly an error occurred, or decided to finish reading the article the next day.

Specified pages – all the sites that you want to see when you launch the browser will open.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about setting up the start page in Google Chrome.

How to change home page in Google Chrome

To set up the home page in Google Chrome, go to the settings menu (as described above) and go to the “Appearance” block.

In this block you can choose a theme for your browser and configure the home page settings:

Show the “Home Page” button - when you check the box, a button in the form of a house appears near the address bar. When you click it, the specified page will open, if you want another site to open, then click the “Edit” button and enter the URL you want.

Always show the bookmarks bar - by checking this box, you will have access to “Services” and in the top menu.

Make Google (Yandex) the start page in Google Chrome

To change the start page in Google Chrome, making it the automatically opening page of any search engine, you should go to “Settings” and go to the “Search” block.

If you have already added several search engines, then you can select the desired one from the drop-down menu. When you click the “select default search engine” button, you will have access to Google, because the Chrome browser is from this company.

If there is only one PS and it does not satisfy you and you, for example, want to use Yandex, then you should add it by filling in the data shown in the picture.