How to protect data in the cloud from theft. What do you know about cloud security? Attacks on clouds and solutions to eliminate them

Important data can be stored on external media - hard drives, USB flash drives, even floppy disks. However, the safety of information in this case will be constantly under threat, because the physical object is easy to lose. If the USB card contains confidential information about the organization’s activities, the flash drive can be stolen by competitors, which will cause enormous damage to the company.

For these reasons, USB drives are becoming a thing of the past, just like disks and floppy disks used to be. They are being replaced by cloud data storage, which allows you to access files at any time and from any computer. In this article we will give a rating of cloud storage and talk about the advantages and weaknesses various services.

Cloud storage is an online storage within which user data is distributed across numerous servers. The user does not know the structure and location of the servers; from his point of view, the “cloud” is a large virtual flash card, the information on which is password protected.

Using cloud storage is quite simple: a person needs to register on one of the sites offering data storage services, remember the login / password, then upload valuable information"in Internet". When he needs the information, he goes to the same site from any PC or mobile gadget, logs in and gains access to information.

Cloud services have many advantages over other methods of data storage:

  • The user does not risk losing information irrevocably in case of failure of a computer or gadget.
  • It is convenient to share information from the “cloud” - you can send links to separate files via mail or social networks.
  • The user only has to pay for large amounts of memory. If his needs are small, he has the right to limit himself to a free quota, which is provided by almost all storage facilities.
  • The user can set up file sharing and, as a result, organize collaboration with data online.

When it comes to the disadvantages of cloud storage, the first thing users do is express doubts about whether such services are able to guarantee the confidentiality of the information entrusted to them. As an example, they give a famous incident that happened with Dropbox in 2011 - when, after an update, anyone could log into any account using random password. Undoubtedly, It is impossible to vouch for the reliability of all cloud storages– this is why it is so important to approach the choice of a service for storing information carefully and scrupulously.

Top cloud storage services: which service to choose?

The best cloud storage services include the following services:

Google Drive

  • Free place: 15 GB.
  • : 5 TB.
  • : 30 TB.
  • : Supported on Android above 4.4 and iOS above 8.0.

The service is quite young - it was launched only in 2012. However, despite this Google Drive (aka Google Drive ) has already managed to achieve well-deserved worldwide popularity and the laurels of one of the most convenient cloud storages.

Convenience Google Drive is that this “cloud” is integrated with all other services from Google- of which there are a huge number. A user, for example, can send a letter received to the storage with just one click. Mailbox Gmail, save the photo uploaded to the cloud in the application Google Photos . Besides, Google Drive allows the user to open and edit documents Google Docs.

The application boasts an interesting feature Google Drive for Android - it is capable scan documents. Just click the “Scan” button and take a photo of the document - the PDF file will appear in the “My Drive” section.

In favor Google Drive They say a large number of supported file formats (over 30), the ability to configure offline access to documents, support for the SSL protocol, which guarantees the security of stored information. Active users of ecosystem services Google you don’t even need to think about finding another cloud storage – Google Drive will suit them 100%!

Premium subscription cost:

139 rub. / month

699 rub. / month

6,990 rub. / month

RUB 13,990 / month

RUB 20,990 / month


  • Free place: 3 GB expandable up to 10 GB.
  • Maximum size of one file: 10 GB (when using the program) / 2 GB (when downloading via browser).
  • Maximum amount of space: 1 TB.
  • Mobile OS compatibility: Supported on Android above 4.0.3, iOS above 8.0, Windows Phone 7 / 8 and Symbian 9.3.

In terms of restrictions disk space Russian service Yandex.Disk looks completely uncompetitive in comparison with cloud storage Google Drive. In particular, instead of 15 “free” gigabytes, the user is provided with only 3 gigabytes. Another 7 GB can be obtained for participating in the referral program, but not every user wants to spam their friends. The maximum amount of disk space for one account is also small - only 1 TB (for Google 30 TB). However, it is Yandex.Disk is considered the most popular “cloud” among domestic users. For what reasons?

U Yandex.Disk other advantages than the service from Google, and for a Russian they are important. For example, it is possible to upload photos and videos from social networks to the “cloud” from Yandex “ In contact with" And " Classmates» directly, without application additional software. Cloud storage integrated with all kinds of services from Yandex, can be integrated with the office suite Microsoft Office 2013, as well as connect to TVs equipped with the function SmartTV.

Besides, Yandex.Disk has the right to boast of its cross-platform - there are web clients and mobile applications not only for iOS, Android, Windows, but also under Linux And Symbian.

At the same time, Google specialists are working on Linux-they are only working on a version of their cloud storage, and apparently do not intend to release applications for Windows Phone and Symbian at all. Among domestic users mobile technology a lot of fans of the company Nokia and its smartphones running exactly the two OSes mentioned earlier - these users have a mobile Google Drive not available.

As a result, we can say that popularity Yandex.Disk in Russia is due not only to the desire of users to support the domestic brand, but also to the presence of quite tangible advantages over foreign services.

Premium subscription cost:

100 GB

300 rub. / year

800 rub. / year

2000 rub. / year

One Drive

  • Free place: 5 GB.
  • Maximum size of one file: 10 GB.
  • Maximum amount of space: 5 TB.
  • Mobile OS compatibility: Supported on Android above 4.0, iOS above 9.0, Windows Phone 7 / 8, Symbian Belle and MeeGo 1.2.

Among cloud storages OneDrive from Microsoft– a real “dinosaur”. This service has been operating since 2007, but until 2014, users were familiar with it under the name SkyDrive. Renaming had to be done due to a lawsuit with the television company BSkyB who accused Microsoft in plagiarism.

Unfortunately, recently the "cloud" OneDrive began to lose ground more and more rapidly and give way to similar services from Google and other developers. The fact that in 2016 Microsoft reduced the volume free space in my cloud storage from 15 GB to 5 GB, obviously did not add OneDrive popularity. "Cloud" Microsoft does not have any outstanding advantages over analogues - the main advantages of this service are integration with the package Office 365 and the ability to organize simultaneous work on documents online. Alas, other services also provide access to documents, but in addition to this they offer a lot of other “goodies”.

Continue to store information in OneDrive It is only appropriate for those users who accessed the services of this service before the 2016 reforms. Owners of old accounts still have access to 15 free gigabytes.

Premium subscription cost:


  • Free place: 50 GB.
  • Maximum size of one file: unlimited (when downloading from a browser – 2 GB).
  • Maximum amount of space: 4 TB.
  • Mobile OS compatibility: Supported on Android above 4.0, iOS above 7.0, Windows Phone 7/8, BlackBerry 10.

Just think about it - 50 free gigabytes! While competitors offer only 10-15 GB! About cloud storage Mega the brainchild of the New Zealand company of the same name - I want to tell you so much that it would be enough for several articles.

"Cloud" Mega notable not only for its large volume free space. Its main advantage has always been safety. Actually, to create Mega developer Kim Dotcom was inspired by the scandalous revelations of Edward Snowden, who said that American citizens can only dream about the confidentiality of information. Mega uses end-to-end encryption : the data is encrypted in the browser - as a result, the program Mega itself does not know what information the user downloaded to the disk.

However, Kim Dotcom himself undermined trust in his brainchild by declaring in 2015 that personal information was in danger and users should urgently make backup copies.

According to the creator of the service, the company experienced significant pressure from the US government, and this pressure was expressed mainly in refusal to cooperate with Mega all payment systems, including PayPal. In fact, the start-up was doomed to exist without any cash flow at all. In the end, Kim Dotcom announced a hostile takeover of the company by Chinese investors and left - in his own words, to develop a competing program for Mega.

History with Mega reminiscent of a conspiracy thriller. Each user must decide for himself whether to trust personal data to a company with such a controversial reputation. It is worth noting that in addition to Dotcom itself, the safety of information in Mega so far no one has complained.

Premium subscription cost:

200 GB

500 GB

4.99 euros/month

9.99 euros/month

19.99 euros / month

29.99 euros / month


  • Free place: 25 GB.
  • Maximum size of one file: 2 GB (if you purchase space – 32 GB).
  • Maximum amount of space: 4 TB.
  • Mobile OS compatibility: Supported on Android above 4.0, iOS above 7.0, Windows Phone above version 8.

Service "Cloud", which appeared in 2013, immediately pleased users with the attraction unprecedented generosity– everyone was given 100 free gigabytes. Later, the amount of free space was reduced to 16 GB, then increased to 25 GB - this limit is still relevant.

Among the advantages " Cloud» includes not only large volume free space. The service boasts high download and upload speeds for domestic users, as well as cross-platform functionality - “ Cloud", for example, is available to advanced users whose computers have Linux.

It is worth mentioning the shortcomings of the service. According to user reviews, “ Cloud" is very buggy and often crashes when launched on older versions of Windows.

Users also complain that Group in addition to its cloud storage it produces hidden installation various toolbars and agents - but this is already a familiar story.

Premium subscription cost:

128 GB

256 GB

512 GB

690 rub. / year

RUB 1,490 / year

RUB 2,290 / year

RUB 3,790 / year

6,990 rub. / year

RUB 13,900 / year

RUB 27,900 / year


The choice of users who are not afraid that their data will be stolen by foreign intelligence services is obvious - Google Drive is the most convenient cloud storage, providing an impressive amount of free space for free. Users who want to support a domestic manufacturer should pay attention to Yandex.Disk And Cloud Both services, however, have very significant drawbacks: the cloud is from Yandex provides little disk space, and the product is from Mail and still quite “raw”.

I would like to note that the rating does not include Dropbox– one of the founders of cloud technologies. Flaw Dropbox the fact that it offers only 2 GB of free space - a trifle in these days. In addition, the cloud service does not show flexibility in purchasing additional space; Individuals are offered only 1 tariff. Otherwise, it is difficult to regard this as disrespect for users.

Cloud file storage technologies are today considered a must-have tool for a modern Internet user. Each of them has an account on one of the cloud drives: Google Drive, Yandex.Disk or Most have at least two of these services. In this article we will look at the main network services storing files, ways to increase disk space on them, we will provide tips on their effective and safe use.

What is cloud storage

Local disks and memory cards are physically connected to our computer or tablet by wires. Network drives are physically located in special server centers, where stable power supply and comfortable operation are ensured temperature regime. Contact them local computer supports via the Internet. When you log in via browser or mobile client application to your cloud drive, the system shows a list of files located on the server. When a user transfers a file from local folder My documents are in Cloud storage, the document is physically copied via the Internet and goes to the server.

Therefore, even after the physical destruction of the phone or computer, the files will remain safe and sound. They can be viewed via a web browser on any computer or tablet.

To assess the popularity of disk storage, it is enough to cite one statistical fact. As of 2014, the most popular cloud was Google Drive. The storage works by default on all Android devices, except Chinese ones, where access to Google is limited. Its users were 240 million people.

What can you use Cloud Drive for?

The main tasks solved by users using network storage:

Developers are constantly improving the security system of their services. The standard today is to store user files in encrypted form. Without a special key, this is a useless set of bytes.

The security of services should not be overestimated. In 2011, the reputable company IDC published its report, where it unsatisfactorily assessed the level of their secrecy and resistance to hacking. Experts recommended strengthening the level of authorization and encrypting files in storage and during transfer. Most developers listened to the recommendations and made changes to their applications.

Login to the Cloud Storage can be protected with two-factor authorization: specifying a password and confirming login using your phone. But for most users, one password is enough.

When compiling this rating, the company's experts took into account technological solutions to ensure the security of user data and the presence of failures in the service in the past. Considering that all storage facilities presented in the diagram have been operating for more than 5 years, the history of failure statistics is comparable.

    1. Recognized as the safest OneDrive. Experts listed the benefits of the service as innovative security system , when the keys to encrypted files and the data themselves are stored on separate servers. By gaining access to only one of these arrays, an attacker will not be able to benefit. Let us remind you that OneDrive is aimed at the corporate market and is the default drive when subscribing to Office365. Subscribers are allocated up to 100 GB at once, while free users they get only 6 GB.
    2. Ranked second in safety iCloud Drive . This cloud serves users of the Apple ecosystem: iPhone, MacBook and other proprietary solutions of the corporation. Data encryption is performed here both during storage and during transmission. Overall the storage is reliable and comparable to OneDrive in terms of security, but it earned a negative point for a failure in 2014. Many users were involved in this scandal. Private photographs of stars stored on their iPhones have been leaked online. If you use Apple technology, then you can’t do without a proprietary cloud. It backs up data and system settings of your phone and laptop. With its help they restore deleted photos and documents.
    3. Third place awarded Google Drive. Reason - insufficient level of security when storing files . When transmitting data to the server and to the client device, the traffic is encrypted. Experts added two-factor authentication with password confirmation via SMS to the phone number specified during registration as an advantage of the cloud. Experts note that in business accounts designed for corporations, Google Drive provides an increased level of security comparable to OneDrive. Regular users are recommended to encrypt confidential data themselves. For example, archive them with a password.
    4. Russian takes fourth place Yandex.Disk. Experts noted that the security benefits of this cloud include a wide range of authorization methods, including TouchID, PIN code and QR code. An important advantage for ordinary users- checking files for viruses . The transmission channel of the Yandex storage is encrypted, like its competitors. The only serious failure is considered to be an error in the service’s client program for Windows, made by the company’s programmers in 2013. Users did not lose out. They were allocated 200 GB of disk space for unlimited free use as compensation.
    5. Fifth place for an old-timer of the market - DropBox. Its security disadvantage is no client side encryption . Theoretically, this allows an attacker to intercept data during transmission from local device to the server. In 2011, there was a serious glitch in the DropBox service. It lasted only 4 hours. During this period of time, it was possible to access the entire storage, and not just the data area of ​​​​a specific user. But we note that in 2011 there were simply no other competitors from the rating. DropBox was a pioneer in online storage and had room for mistakes.

How to get more free cloud storage space

All cloud storage services are commercial. Their main task is to earn the money required to cover the costs of supporting the development team and developing the server infrastructure. Therefore, users are provided with a limited amount of free space. To receive additional free storage space for photos and documents, you will need to meet certain service conditions or participate in promotions.

For example. Yandex.Disk offers 32 gigabytes of free space. auto-uploading photos on a mobile device.

Other cloud services also offer space expansion options for free:

  • For inviting friends.
  • For installing a cloud drive mobile application or program on a computer.
  • Students and teachers for providing a photograph of a student card or university pass. Yandex.Disk provides an additional 32 free gigabytes for this promotion.

Also, cloud file storage services provide free space under an affiliate scheme. For example, when purchasing laptops or tablets of a certain brand.

A universal way to multiply your cloud storage space for free is to create multiple accounts.

How to install a cloud drive on your computer

Three network storages are most suitable for a computer:

  1. Google Drive. It is chosen by active users GMail services and a powerful online document and spreadsheet editor - Google Docs.
  2. Yandex.Disk. A good choice when you don't need to use Google services. This is a reliable Russian cloud drive, for which you can easily get up to 42 GB or more free space by enabling auto-upload of photos on your mobile device.
  3. OneDrive. Users of computers and laptops with operating Windows system 10 receive support for this network drive “as a load”. In the presence of Windows account, 5 GB of space is allocated on OneDrive. In the This PC shortcut, a folder of the same name is created, synchronized with the cloud.

Installing the program on your computer will only be required for the first two services. OneDrive support is implemented at the system level. Let's give step by step instructions installing an application using Yandex.Disk as an example.

In every modern smartphone Out of the box, support for at least one cloud storage is included.

  • Apple phones come with iCloud support for backing up settings, system files and photo synchronization. Additionally, you can connect Yandex storage using the download and install from the official store Apple apps programs.
  • Samsung phones include support for two clouds at once: branded Samsung Cloud and Google Drive. Owners of smartphones of this brand have a Google account, like Android users and a Samsung account for the manufacturer’s branded services.
  • Xiaomi phones out of the box support communication with own cloud Xiaomi MiCloud. Everything works similarly to the iPhone: backups are made to storage on the network and photos from the camera are sent.
  • Windows Phone smartphones come with OneDrive access enabled. If you have an Office365 subscription, your available storage will increase by 100 GB.
  • Android smartphones from other manufacturers support one cloud storage - Google Drive.

You can purchase additional space by fulfilling the requirements of service promotions or by purchasing it with money.

Please note that Android smartphones support Google Drive, but to work with Google Docs and Sheets you will need to install separate mobile applications. There is also a client program from Google Drive for easy navigation through network storage. The latter is most often preinstalled on the phone.

If the capabilities of the pre-installed network storage are not enough for you, install a third-party one. The most popular: Yandex.Disk, DropBox,

We'll show you how to install an application for them using Yandex Drive as an example.

Come up with complex password. Your private photos and videos are more likely to be leaked online if you have come up with a simple password. Complex can be generated using special program or come up with your own to the following algorithm: !-!123HELLO-WoRlD123!-!. This combination is easy to remember, but is a very difficult password to crack.

Encrypt sensitive data before uploading it to the network. It is dangerous to store passwords and account keys in clear text. If you don't have a dedicated encryption program, archive sensitive files with a password before sending them online.

Use dual authentication. A number of network storages support dual authentication. You need to enter a password and confirm the entry by sending a code from an SMS sent by the service. This procedure seems less convenient, but provides greater data protection.

History of cloud file storage technologies

The phrase “ cloud technologies” first used in 1997. New world global network a new computing paradigm was required. Professor Ramnath Chellup from the University of Texas has proposed a transition to cloud computing, as an alternative to increasing local computing power.

Real developments in terms of sharing resources on the network date back to 2000. We owe the commercial launch of the service on the new cloud scheme to Amazon. This happened in 2002.

Google has become a pioneer in the implementation and development of cloud applications running through a browser. New technology started on the market in 2009.

The idea of ​​​​creating cloud storage on the Internet is described by its inventor Drew Houston as follows. The guy was sitting on a bus traveling from Boston to New York, with a laptop, but without a flash drive, left at home. To overcome the problem, he began to think about accessing files wirelessly and came up with an application that would implement this idea. The first DropBox code was written, according to this version of events, right on the bus.

According to the founder of DropBox, the project at the startup stage wanted to acquire Steve Jobs, but was refused. Today the company is worth approximately US$4 billion.

All subsequent network storage: iCloud, Google and Yandex appeared much later. Their main promotion paradigm is that the service is conditionally free. The user receives part of the gigabytes immediately, free of charge and unconditionally. The rest must be purchased by subscription.

Modern cloud drives have become not only a place to store information, but offer a number of technological solutions for collaboration over files to people living in different parts of the world. Below are the most popular problems solved with their help.

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    Many cloud storage providers offer very competitive subscription plans, but are they secure? In this article I decided to answer this question.

    At the very beginning of this article, I would like to provide you with a summary of the research I conducted. The table below shows the current security offerings of the 5 cloud storage providers I selected.

    Below is my experience using these cloud storage services, as well as the information I collected from expert sources. This article examines the security features offered by these online data storage companies to determine which provider is the most secure. We'll first look at each individual provider's security features, and at the end we'll summarize our findings.

    Google Drive

    Web giant Google provides many great features in its cloud storage. Google provides 15 GB free cloud space For Gmail users, Docs, Google+ Photos and Drive. So you should use Google Drive more efficiently, since this size is distributed among several services. Google says it's safe to store your data. Even if your computer, tablet, or phone fails, your Google Drive data is safe. The company also claims that files stored in their data center cannot disappear.

    But what security features does Google offer at the consumer level? What can a consumer do to protect their online data? To answer this question we need to get inside the funds Google security Drive.

    To use Drive, you need a Google account. Creating a Google account couldn't be easier. Google will ask you to come up with strong password. The password must contain at least 8 characters. However, there is no requirement for case-sensitive or varied letters and numbers when registering with Google. Although this could improve security.

    Protecting your Google account is a fundamental step in keeping your account secure. Drive storage. Google offers two-step verification(two-factor authentication) in order to increase the security of your account. Once you enable this feature, every time you log into any of the Google services you will need to enter additional code. After entering correct name user and password on your Google account page, you will receive an SMS with a verification code to your mobile phone. You will be able to log into Google only after entering this code. Thus, two-step authentication can make Google Drive more secure from hackers. You can also receive such codes using smartphone apps.

    In accounting Google posts there is a secret question and the ability to enter email address or phone number for account recovery, and this will also allow you to regain control of your account in the event of a hack. You also control the apps you sign into with your account. Browsing history, IP address, and device information are also available so you can track activity on your Google account.

    Encryption is simply vital for any cloud service. Although Google Drive uses HTTPS, it does not provide own service on file encryption. So if you want to encrypt your files, do so before sending them to Google Drive. You can use Boxcryptor for free to secure your cloud files.

    Google Drive offers a range of custom sharing options. Using these settings, you can control who can access files, who can download them, edit them, etc. You can view file versions on Google Drive. So if you need the previous version, you can get it by clicking on right button mouse on the required file and selecting the ‘Manage Versions’ option.

    In conclusion, the security of Google's online storage service depends on the security of your Google account. If you can protect your account Gmail entry ID, then you can safely count on reliable protection of your files on Google Drive.

    Microsoft OneDrive


    Dropbox is one of the most popular online storage providers. It is used for both personal and commercial purposes. Dropbox is purely cloud storage. So all their energy is focused on the cloud. Dropbox is offering new users 2GB of free cloud storage. You can increase this volume with a new customer acquisition program.

    Dropbox says data security is their top priority. When subscribing to Dropbox, I noticed that the process was quite simple and quick. I was required to enter a name, email address and password. The account creation page prompted me to use a strong password. However, there was no commitment to maintain a certain level of security. Next to the password entry field, only its strength was indicated: ‘weak... strong’.

    However, subscribing to Dropbox may not require immediate email verification, but you will need to verify your email in order to seamlessly share files. All these options will be available to you as you use the service.

    Dropbox offers a file versioning feature so you can quickly get back to old version necessary files. If you edited a file and later want to get its previous version, just right-click on new version file, and select the option " Previous versions» in the context menu.

    Your Dropbox account comes with a number of additional security features. You can use two-step verification, which requires entering unique code every time you sign in to Dropbox. You receive this code on your mobile phone. You can also get the code through a smartphone app. Either way, two-factor authentication can significantly increase the security of your account.

    From the Dropbox Security Settings page, you can also monitor and manage connected devices, browsing history, linked apps, and more to prevent unauthorized access.

    Dropbox uses HTTPS connection on your website and during the transfer of your data between you and cloud storage. You can control access to your files using data sharing options.

    Dropbox itself does not provide the option to encrypt files before uploading to their server. Dropbox says it encrypts files during transfer and at all other times. However, you can encrypt your files before sending them to Dropbox. There are a whole lot of tools for this. Boxcryptor is one of them. He uses standard technology AES-256 bit encryption to further increase the security of your files.


    Copy is one of the most popular services cloud storage data, competing with Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, etc. Copy provides each new user with 15 GB of free cloud space. The service also offers a bonus for attracting new customers, with which existing users can increase their free space. The registration process for Copy takes just a few seconds. You will be asked to provide a name, email address and password. During the registration process for Copy, I was not prompted to choose a strong password. All that was indicated regarding the password is that it must consist of at least 6 characters.


    Now let's move on to the Mega service, which is known for its confidentiality. Mega was founded by Kim Dotcom. The service provides each new user with 50 GB of free space. To register with Mega, you need to provide basic information such as name, email address, password, etc. Mega requires you to use a strong password. If your password is not strong enough, you will receive the following message: 'your password is not strong enough to continue.'

    Mega uses an HTTPS connection and client-side encryption technology. This means that your locally encrypted information will be sent to Mega. When downloading information from the service, it is decrypted. According to Mega's security help page, your files cannot be read on the server. The company strongly recommends not to lose your password. The Mega password is not just a password, but a code that opens your main decryption key. Mega claims that it is impossible to recover the password on the service. If you don't have backup copy your main decryption key and you lose your password, then you will also lose all data stored on the service server. So grab your Mega master key from this Mega link and keep it in a safe place. It is very important.

    However, there are reports that Mega's browser-based encryption system has certain weaknesses.

    Mega offers excellent security features, but, unfortunately, the service does not have file version history. You just can restore deleted files using the 'SyncDebris' application from Sync Client, or from the 'Rubbish Bin' folder on Mega. To monitor your activity, Mega provides a browsing log option and an application management option.

    What's interesting is that Mega doesn't have a two-step verification option, which would greatly improve the service's privacy and security efforts.


    In this article I tried to consider in detail available funds security of 5 popular cloud storage providers such as Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, Copy and Mega. When it comes to security, they all have their own and special offers. Now let's see what basic security features these services offer. Below is an easy-to-follow checklist.

    1. Password strength requirements: Google, Microsoft and Mega require you to use a strong password. Dropbox and Copy are more flexible in this regard.
    2. Email address verification requirement: All services sooner or later require you to verify your email address.
    3. Two-step verification: Google Drive, OneDrive and Dropbox provide two-step verification. Copy and Mega on this moment do not provide such an option.
    4. Client side encryption: Only Mega offers client-side encryption. This is done from the device from which the files are downloaded.
    5. Server side encryption: Dropbox, Mega and Copy store your files encrypted on their servers. You can use local encryption to avoid risks.
    6. Using a secure connection (HTTPS): All five providers use secure connection HTTPS. However, Mega gives users the option to disable it (optional).
    7. Usage security questions to verify users: Google Drive has this option available. OneDrive, Dropbox, Copy and Mega do not currently use a security question.

    From the above, it is clear that Google Drive provides almost all security features except encryption. Microsoft OneDrive and Dropbox are following suit. Mega provides sophisticated security such as encryption, but the service does not have two-step verification. Copy needs to work on turning its great cloud storage experience into a more secure environment with two-step verification, password strength requirements, and other innovative security systems.

    I hope you found this article helpful in your search for a secure cloud storage provider. To get more more tips and tricks, stay tuned. Thank you for attention. May safety be with you!

    Users and businesses will continue to move away from bulky and expensive servers and instead choose the cloud to store files. Given the variety of storage options available, you should choose carefully.

    Lifehacker suggests paying attention to services that provide maximum free space with reliable protection data and quality service. Prices shown are for starter plans only.

    • Price: 2GB free, 1TB for $8.25 per month. The standard Dropbox Business subscription costs $12.50 per month per user.
    • Applications:
    • Russian language support: There is.

    Initially, this cloud storage giant only gives you access to 2 GB of free space. But it can be expanded up to 16 GB without much difficulty: just link your accounts to in social networks and offer a referral link to several friends.

    A Dropbox Business subscription allows you to use corporate account for collaboration, and also provides unlimited space for personal account. Moreover, you get a number of advanced features like file recovery and customization of access levels.

    • Price: 15 GB free, 100 GB for 139 rubles per month.
    • Applications: Windows, macOS, iOS, Android.
    • Russian language support: There is.

    One of the most obvious options for owners of devices running Android control, since the application is initially installed on smartphones and tablets based on Google OS. However, due to the considerable amount of free storage, the service may also be attractive to owners of other devices.

    Among the disadvantages is that the interface of the browser version is not the simplest. But Windows and macOS users can download a much more convenient application.

    3. Mega

    • Price: 50 GB free, 200 GB for 4.99 euros per month.
    • Applications:
    • Russian language support: There is.

    Another service with a generous free plan and an interface that supports drag-and-drop files. Mega has a convenient mobile app for downloading files, as well as desktop clients for synchronizing them.

    According to the company, all data is encrypted on your device before it ends up on the servers. The Mega client source code is available on GitHub and can be reviewed by any expert. Therefore, the statement inspires confidence.

    • Price: 10 GB free, another 10 GB for 30 rubles per month.
    • Applications: Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, LG Smart TV.
    • Russian language support: There is.

    The cloud from Yandex works quickly and stably, and is constantly acquiring new functions. The service has high speed synchronization The platform's capabilities are built into some third-party applications.

    Despite the presence of clients for all popular desktop and mobile platforms, the Yandex.Disk browser interface is also very practical. The service also has very good opportunities to expand space through partnerships with companies. For example, if you are a Muscovite and use the OnLime tariff plan from Rostelecom, then the disk capacity increases by 100 GB.

    • Price: 5 GB free, 50 GB for 140 rubles per month, 1 TB for 269 or 339 rubles when you sign up for a personal or family subscription to Office 365, respectively.
    • Applications: Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Xbox.
    • Russian language support: There is.

    The former SkyDrive is built into the standard Windows Explorer 10. There is no need to download the application - everything is already downloaded for you.

    Built in operating system The Photos app can use OneDrive to sync all your pictures between devices.

    When installing a client for macOS, there are some things to consider: positive reviews about him.

    In addition to the regular pricing plans, Microsoft has Office 365 Personal and Office 365 Home. Both subscriptions include 1 TB of cloud storage, full versions Office applications for Windows and macOS and a whole range of other benefits. The second option gives 1 TB to five users at once.

    • Price: 8 GB free, 64 GB for 69 rubles per month.
    • Applications: Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, Windows Phone.
    • Russian language support: There is.

    The closest analogue of Yandex.Disk in terms of available features, web version interface and supported platforms. Loses to its main competitor due to its extensive referral program. Among the advantages is a larger amount of free storage.

    Among other things, the service has a tool for quick creation and saving screenshots to the cloud.

    • Price: 5 GB free, 50 GB for 59 rubles per month.
    • Applications: Windows.
    • Russian language support: There is.

    5GB of free space may not be enough, but iCloud is the most convenient way Back up photos from iPhone.

    The service is integrated into Finder on macOS - the desktop of all MacBooks. Documents created through office suite iWork are also saved in iCloud and can be synchronized between devices. The platform also has an official client for Windows, with which you can keep files on your PC up to date.


    • Price: 10 GB free, 100 GB for 8 euros per month. Business subscription costs 12 euros per month.
    • Applications: Windows, macOS, iOS, Android.
    • Russian language support: There is.

    The platform quickly gained popularity and is supported by a number of popular services for work, such as “ Google Docs” and Office 365. Box desktop clients allow you not only to synchronize, but also to edit files.

    The company is actively promoting business subscriptions. It is the one that appears in the center of the screen when you click on the registration button. Tariff plan Gives you access to advanced collaboration features and unlimited cloud space.

    • Price: free setup and usage, space prices vary by hosting providers. Nextcloud Box costs 70 euros.
    • Applications: Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android.
    • Russian language support: No.

    The company itself is not a cloud storage provider, but offers free software to configure the cloud on your own server. The main advantage of this option is speed. You can also enable encryption and not worry about files leaving your home network.

    If you do not have experience in setting up servers, you can buy a pre-configured option - Nextcloud Box. Inside the device there is a 1 TB hard drive. It easily connects to an inexpensive single board computer. True, in order to get a mini-server in your hands, you will have to use the services third party companies: There is no direct delivery to Russia and CIS countries.

    • Price: 2 GB free, 250 GB for $9 per month.
    • Applications: Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android.
    • Russian language support: No.

    Another English-language platform that has been working using the protocol for a long time zero knowledge. It was implied that the company interacts with user data without disclosing its content in any way. Recently it turned out that there are some caveats here, and SpiderOak abandoned its main feature. But this did not stop us from striving to provide files.

    The repository has clients for all popular desktop and mobile platforms. You can use the web client, but for privacy advocates this is the least preferred option because it gives away your password to SpiderOak employees.

    • Price: 5 GB free, 2 TB for $52.12 per year special offer, then - 69.5 dollars.
    • Applications: Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, Windows Phone.
    • Russian language support: No.

    Product supports constant synchronization all your files - even those stored on network drives. The web interface allows you to share data by mail, Facebook and Twitter.

    The advantage of IDrive is that files deleted from the computer from the cloud do not automatically disappear. The company also has a service called IDrive Express: if you lose all your data, they will deliver a hard drive to you for quick recovery.

    • Price: 10 GB free, 500 GB for $3.99 per month, pCloud Crypto encryption price: $3.99 per month.
    • Applications: Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android.
    • Russian language support: There is.

    The service has restrictions on the speed of downloading files, but there is no limit on their size. The storage can be used from any platform - through an application or website.

    The company is registered in Switzerland, a country known for its strict privacy laws. For an additional amount, you can use the pCloud Crypto service to encrypt individual files.

    When we talk about protecting data in the cloud, what we mean is... There is no simple answer to this question, as it largely stems from the tools and technologies that are used. From an IT perspective, the abundance of potential attack vectors makes defense cloud systems much more complex than protecting traditional systems. But this does not mean at all that you need to plan protection against all these factors - when the threat model is initially formulated, a significant part of them is eliminated.

    The logic is this:

    First, you need to understand what data protection models can be used in the cloud.
    Secondly, decide which information security tasks will be solved in-house and which ones will be outsourced.
    And thirdly, we need at least an approximate list of tools that will be used when transferring data to the cloud.

    And on the basis of these judgments, the tasks that will be solved are determined - within the company and externally.

    Data Protection Processes

    Backup and recovery, business continuity, and disaster recovery are all topics that are likely to come up in discussions regarding data protection. There are other terms - a combination of two or more techniques. It is worth agreeing on definitions with partners and vendors - if you mean different concepts by them, then you may not get exactly what you want.

    Backup is perhaps the easiest process to organize. This is data protection by duplication, creating a copy of data that is in operation. The copy is stored in a separate storage facility, separated from the main one logically and physically (preferably by distance). In the event of a failure, the operation of the service/application is restored by downloading a backup copy and then restoring it.

    Recovery in emergency situations is the process of restoring the functionality of the entire IT infrastructure (which ensured the functioning of the application/service) after the infrastructure became unavailable for an unacceptable period of time. Not only data is restored, but also servers, applications running on servers, diagram network interactions between servers and so on.

    The definition of business continuity includes both operational recovery and disaster recovery. Operational recovery involves restoring the operation of any system in the IT structure. This may be a technical failure - a way out building a tough disk or air conditioning system failure or software problem - failure network protocol or database corruption. The main difference from disaster recovery is that recovery efforts take place in normal mode and, as a rule, do not imply disruptions in the operation of the service - while work is ongoing, the load is transferred to other servers/sites, while in the event of an emergency, services may be interrupted until the emergency is eliminated.

    Disasters can cause significant damage to reputation, data and profits, but fortunately they are relatively rare; most incidents can be attributed to operational recovery situations. Although some of the procedures used in disaster recovery scenarios are also used in operational recovery, they are generally not necessary. In most situations, recovery work is limited to restoring data from a backup copy.

    Defining the cloud and protecting data

    The National Institute of Standards and Technology defines a public cloud service as “infrastructure that is hosted and maintained by a cloud provider and made available for free use by anyone.” A private cloud, as defined by NIST, is a cloud computing infrastructure provided by a cloud provider for the exclusive use of a single organization that includes multiple users (for example, business units of an organization). It (“the cloud”) is owned and operated by the organization that uses its services, a third party, or both to varying degrees, and may be located on or off-site at the customer’s premises.

    Data protection can be carried out either in-house by the organization or transferred to third parties - providers of backup services (backup-as-a-service), data recovery (recovery-as-a-service) or disaster recovery-as-a -service). Although there is no company that provides services under these names, these models do exist, they just tend to be included as part of the more general IaaS, PaaS, and so on. In any case, the participation of a third party in the creation and execution of a security scheme implies a certain (and considerable) trust in the provider, which must be included in the organization’s cloud infrastructure, preferably from the very beginning.

    Many organizations do not trust cloud model enough to switch to it. In this case, it is possible to attract vendors within the framework of the “managed private cloud” model. This is an interaction model in which the service provider provides certain services within its cloud infrastructure, but each client is allocated a separate server, individual set Software and services. For example, data protection services.

    First steps

    When the issue of using the cloud in an organization is just being discussed, the distribution task should begin with an inventory and classification of tasks being performed. Which ones are currently being executed and can be executed only at “internal” capacities? Which ones can be outsourced? Which ones can be transferred to the “cloud”? What are the priorities for each task class? How is the entire data protection process organized now and how will it be organized in the new data structure?

    A simple way to classify problems was proposed by Rudyard Kipling. In the poem, he formulated the basic principles of journalism in the form of “six servants”-questions (who?, what?, when?, where?, why?, how?), the same questions-criteria can be used to work with information in general. Try to categorize your tasks according to these principles. A clear understanding of your needs is what you need when you negotiate with vendors, otherwise you can get lost and get the wrong thing.