How to connect a push-button telephone to a computer. Checking energy saving settings. Using the Bluetooth protocol

You can establish a connection between your phone and your computer in three ways. Which ones exactly depends solely on the model of your mobile phone. The vast majority of handsets can be connected special cable, through which data transfer occurs. It is called a data cable (from the English data - data). In addition to a connector for connecting a data cable, many, although not all, phones provide devices wireless communication with a computer - infrared port or Bluetooth transceiver. Some quite expensive phones support both wireless communication methods.

To transfer files from your computer to your phone and back, synchronize telephone directory, Internet connection, reception and sending SMS Any of the three communication methods is suitable via a computer. Flashing, testing and deep customization phone can only be done by connecting a data cable.

In order for you to be able to access the information on your phone from your computer, several conditions must be met.

First of all, it is necessary to physically create a communication channel (Fig. 1.1).

– The device through which communication is carried out - a cable, infrared or Bluetooth adapter - must be connected to the computer and recognized by it operating system.

– On the other hand, the phone must also be prepared to establish a connection with the computer. The cable just needs to be connected to the connector, and the built-in infrared communication device or Bluetooth should be enabled through the settings menu of the phone itself.

The phone located at the other end of the communication channel must be recognized by the computer's operating system. The operating system learns about the appearance of new equipment (mobile phone) and installs drivers for this device. Now various programs computers can access the telephone.

Rice. 1.1. Communication between computer and phone.


With wireless communication, this procedure is mutual: the phone finds out that there is a computer on the opposite side of the channel and allows it access to its contents.

A program to communicate with the phone must be installed and running on the computer. If the previous conditions are met, she gains access to the information stored in the phone. It is through such programs that you can perform various actions. The simplest operations with files can be performed using standard operating system tools (Fig. 1.2).

Rice. 1.2. Communication between computer and phone “from the point of view” of programs.

First, let's look at how to connect a computer to a mobile phone and prepare the ground for the work of program managers. The next chapter is devoted to the application programs themselves.

Connection using a data cable

The most obvious, universal and simple way to organize the transfer of information from a computer to a phone and back is to connect them with a cable. Let's start with what connectors you can connect the cable to.

COM and USB ports

Ports are devices through which a computer can exchange information with external equipment. Strictly speaking, the ports themselves are microcircuits located inside the computer, and the connectors connected to them are located on the back wall of the system unit (Fig. 1.3).

Rice. 1.3. Port connectors.

First, a serial port appeared in computers. Otherwise it is called a COM port or RS-232. A cable consisting of several wires ending in a 9-pin connector is connected to the COM port. Information through this port is transmitted in the form of a sequence of electrical impulses. Through one wire (Tx) the computer transmits information to an external device, and through the other (Rx) it receives.

The RS-232 standard has remained unchanged for over ten years. There are two serial ports on the computer motherboard – COM1 and COM2. There is at least one connector on the back wall of any system unit serial port(COM1). The second port (COM2) in modern computers is usually simply not located on the rear wall, although the motherboard has a connection block for it.

It is recommended to connect devices to the serial port while the computer is turned off. In practice, this requirement is usually ignored, which sometimes leads to failure of either the connected device or the port itself.

COM port settings can be configured as follows.

1. Launch device Manager. To do this, click the button Start and select Control Panel. Double-click on the icon System. On the tab Equipment click the button Device Manager.

2. Double click on the item COM ports and LPT.

3. Select the port whose settings you want to change and run the command Properties. A window will open (Fig. 1.4).

Rice. 1.4. Port parameters.

On the tab Port Settings window Properties: Serial port (COM2) Several options are available. Of these, we may need the first parameter Speed ​​(bit/s), which determines the speed at which the port is capable of transmitting and receiving data. The default is 9600 bps. It is assumed that any device connected to the port is capable of operating at this speed. However, many modern devices, including modems and data cables for cell phones, can exchange data with a computer at much higher speeds. Therefore, if the connected device is stable at a low transfer rate, you can try increasing the value to 57,600 or 115,200 bps - data will be transferred much faster.

4. Select the desired port speed value from the list and click the button OK.

Other serial port settings usually do not need to be changed. You can return all port settings to their original values ​​by clicking the button Restore defaults.

USB bus ports (universal serial bus) are necessarily present in any modern computer (see Fig. 1.2). This connection standard external devices gradually replaced the serial port. Data here, as well as through the COM port, is transmitted over two wires. The third wire supplies the connected devices with a supply voltage of +5 V.

Maximum data transfer speed via USB port almost 1000 times higher than through the serial port. True, when connecting a phone, which is a big “slow-witted”, this is unimportant. More importantly, the standard guarantees the possibility of “hot” connection of devices to USB ports while the computer is running. In addition, USB ports do not require configuration. IN Device Manager Displays information about the current consumed by each device connected to the USB ports.

There are three types USB connectors, differing only in shape and size (Fig. 1.5).

A “regular” flat type A connector is used to connect the cable to the computer. The same connector is equipped with miniature adapters that are inserted directly into the USB port on the system unit. It is especially convenient to connect such an adapter when additional ports are located on the front panel of the system unit. If there are no USB connectors on the front panel, and it is difficult to get to the back of the computer every time, an extension cable with type A connectors at both ends will help.

Rice. 1.5. USB connectors.

Type B connector is used to connect the cable to peripheral devices: printers and modems.

To connect to portable devices(phones, cameras) use a mini-USB or mini-B connector.

Phone connectors

Unlike standard computer connectors, each manufacturer designs mobile phone connectors themselves. The most common option is one long narrow connector at the bottom of the case with a number of contacts from 5 to 20 (Fig. 1.6). Some of its contacts are used by the charger, others are designed to connect headphones or a headset, and a few more are used to exchange data with a computer.

For charger or a headset, a separate jack may be provided. There are over a hundred connector designs, each requiring a specific cable. Even connectors that are similar in appearance may differ in the location and purpose of the contacts used. Often the connector is hidden under a decorative plug.

A special case is Motorola phones of the widespread P2K series (C-350, C-650, E-398). These models use a standard mini-USB connector, and such phones are connected to the computer with the most common USB cord.

Rice. 1.6. Mobile phone connectors.

Data cables

Although a data cable is called a “cable,” that is, a “bundle of wires,” it is separate device. In the thickening in its middle or in one of the connectors there is a rather complex electronic filling, consisting of a microcircuit and several other elements. The microcircuit receives power from a COM or USB port and is needed to convert signals coming from the computer to the phone and back.

Selecting and purchasing a data cable is the most important operation when connecting your phone and computer.

Most data cables are available with a USB connector (Fig. 1.7), although you can also find cables for a serial port. If an external modem is already connected to the only COM port of your computer, the choice clearly falls on a USB cable. The main advantages of USB data cables over COM cables are the ability to “hot-plug” devices (without turning off the computer) and more high speed data transmission.

Rice. 1.7. USB data cable.

However, USB data cables also have disadvantages. Software for flashing phones is usually designed to work through a COM port. In the settings of these programs, such a device as a USB port is simply not provided. To use the phone as a GPRS modem, the operating system also requires that the device be connected to a serial port.

The solution to this problem is assigned to the program - data cable driver. It is the driver that “shows” other programs and the operating system, among other things, that the computer seems to have another serial port, usually COM3. Although such a port does not physically exist, it appears in Device Manager. The driver directs all program calls to this port, unnoticed by the programs themselves, to the USB port to which the cable is actually connected.

So if you expect to be mainly copying ringtones to your phone and saving photos from your phone to your computer, a USB cable will prove best choice. If you are planning serious experiments in replacing the phone's firmware, a data cable for the serial port may be more suitable.

When flashing, you often need to supply power to the phone via a data cable. When using a mobile phone as a GPRS modem, recharging via cable is also very useful: without it, the battery will drain quite quickly. As a rule, this function of the cable is indicated by the inscription on the packaging. You can practically verify that charging via the data cable actually occurs - after connecting the cable, just pay attention to the battery charge indicator on the phone screen. However, for copying files or synchronizing phone book Power cable support does not play a fundamental role.

The next choice is between cable manufacturers. The market offers both “original” cables produced by phone manufacturers themselves, as well as many products from other companies. The main advantage of the “original” cable is the quality of its manufacture and the manufacturer’s declared full compatibility with this model. The disadvantage of the “original” cable is the price, which can reach up to $40. At the same time, neither appearance, neither the product packaging nor the reputation of the seller guarantees that the cable was manufactured by the exact company whose name is written on the box. Unfortunately, counterfeit cables famous manufacturers turned out to be a very profitable business.

Cables third party manufacturers usually several times cheaper, and the choice of these products is much wider. The quality of these devices can vary greatly, and it is quite difficult to evaluate it when purchasing. It is worth paying attention to how carefully the case and connectors are made. You should always be wary of the pungent smell of phenol emanating from the packaging: if the manufacturer skimps even on the environmental safety of plastic parts, the quality of the remaining components of the cable should be questioned.

Neither the advice of sellers nor any inscriptions on the packaging guarantee that the purchased cable will work well with your phone. When purchasing a data cable, it is advisable to follow this tactic.

1. Take your phone with you and go to retail outlets, paying attention to the range of cables and prices. In accordance with current legislation you have every right to demand inspection of the purchased equipment, which is the data cable. Most likely, it will not be possible to check the cable at a market stall due to the lack of a computer there, and at an electronics supermarket - due to internal rules store. But in communication shops or a computer store, you can safely move on to the next point.

2. Ask the seller to connect the phone to the computer and make sure the cable is working. What exactly is the procedure for connecting a phone to a computer will be discussed further.

It is quite possible that your verification will be denied. You can refer to the “Consumer Rights Law”, but in this case it is easier to contact another store.

3. The computer should recognize the connected hardware, and after installing the drivers from the disk included with the cable, several new devices should appear in Device Manager. Which ones exactly depends on specific model phone, but in any case these devices should not be marked with a question mark or exclamation mark.

4. If the previous step is completed successfully, all that remains is to clarify the terms of the warranty and complete the purchase.

Installing drivers

Now we will look in detail at what needs to be done when checking the cable in the store, and then when connecting the phone to your home computer.

The easiest way to start connecting your phone to a computer is to read the “User Guide” for the data cable or the information provided on its packaging. Typically this guide will suggest installing first software from the disk and only then connect the cable to your computer and phone. Next, the operating system must detect new devices and install drivers for them. This is the typical installation procedure.

Depending on the cable manufacturer, you may encounter two fundamental situations during the software installation process.

The disk included with the cable is intended for one or more similar phone models. The disk contains the distribution kit of the program - the phone manager, a folder with drivers, as well as a shell program called Autorun, Setup or Install, which plays the role of an assistant when installing all other programs. Such disks are usually included with “branded” cables or products from fairly serious manufacturers. Installation of drivers and programs occurs almost automatically and requires a minimum of your participation.

One disk contains programs and drivers for a wide variety of phones. Many data cable manufacturers equip their products with such “universal” disks, designed for the entire line of products. In this case, you first need to find out in which folder the software you need is located and run the installation program from it. As a rule, the names of the folders on the “assembly” disk quite accurately reflect the names of phone manufacturers and models, as well as what cable (COM or USB) the driver is intended for.

If your computer has CD autorun (it's enabled by default), the installer will automatically start shortly after you insert the disc into the drive. If autorun was previously disabled, you will have to use Conductor operating room Windows systems to find and run the installer yourself. Next, you just have to follow her instructions.

Most often, installation occurs in automatic mode. In this case, in the folder Program Files application programs for working with the phone are installed, and in the folders WINDOWS\inf And WINDOWS\system32\drivers copied necessary files drivers. The installer may display several windows asking you to select individual components installed program (Fig. 1.8), enter the user name, and sometimes - serial number indicated on the packaging or the disc itself.

After installing the software from the CD, you can connect the cable to your computer and phone. In what order should I do this? There is no universal answer to this question: it all depends on the phone model and cable. Specific recommendations are almost always contained in the cable documentation, or you will see them in installation program messages.

Rice. 1.8. Selecting the components of the program to be installed.

In any case, within a few tens of seconds after connecting the cable to the computer, the operating system should detect this device and start New Hardware Wizard. After this, you need to perform several steps.

1. Set the switch to position Automatic installation(Fig. 1.9) and press the button Further. The search for drivers for the detected device will begin. In the example given, this device is the cable itself - USB Data Cable.

2. You may soon see a warning that the software you are installing has not been tested for compatibility with Windows XP. This is normal: new drivers are being developed much faster than Microsoft company manages to certify them. To continue installation, click the button Continue anyway.

3. If the driver is installed successfully New Hardware Wizard will inform you that the installation of programs is complete of this device(Fig. 1.10). Click the button Ready.

4. Then New Hardware Wizard may automatically restart and install an additional device, such as a COM port emulator.

5. Now that the cable driver is installed, you can connect your phone to the cable. The computer will again detect that a new device is connected. It may be called GPRS Modem, USB Modem, or something else depending on the phone model.

Rice. 1.9. Begin device installation.

Rice. 1.10. The device is installed.

6. When will it appear again? New Hardware Wizard, you should repeat the steps described above to install the next device - the phone itself connected to the data cable.

At this point, the process of connecting and installing the phone can be considered complete.

Troubleshooting Possible Problems

Let us recall once again that the simplest and reliable way successfully connecting the phone to the computer - strictly following the cable manufacturer's instructions. If the documentation does not clearly describe the sequence of actions or is written in Chinese, you can search correct solution empirically. It is wise to first connect the cable to the computer and wait about a minute so that the operating system can detect this device and start Master of new equipment.

What to do if you can't connect your phone?

Disconnect the cable from your phone and computer, and then reconnect. To eliminate problems associated with the port itself, it is advisable to connect the cable to another USB connector- There are several of them on the computer.

After connecting the cable, turn off and turn on the phone.

It is quite possible that to install all the drivers, you must first launch the phone communication program - the same phone manager that was just installed on the computer. This sequence of actions is, in particular, typical for Motorola products.

Sometimes the operating system detects that a new device is connected, but cannot automatically find the correct driver. It is possible that the required files were not previously copied to system folder Windows. In this case, the operating system needs to specify the path to the driver files. To do this, follow these steps.

1) Close New Hardware Wizard by pressing the button Cancel. Disconnect the data cable from the computer, then reconnect it. Wherein New Hardware Wizard will be restarted.

2) In the first window New Equipment Wizards set the switch to position Installation from a specified location and press the button Further.

3) In the next window, set the switch to Search for the most suitable driver , check the box Include next search location and press the button Review.

4) A window will appear Browse folders, in which you should select the folder with the driver files. On a collection disk, the name of this folder usually contains the words driver, USB, WinXP, and you should look for it in the folder with the name of your phone model.

5) Having selected the desired folder, click the button OK. In the window New Equipment Wizards the specified path will be displayed. Click Next and wait for the driver installation to complete.

If after such manipulations the computer stubbornly does not want to “see” the connected phone, the easiest way is to assume that there are problems with the cable or the included software and take another cable.

Experts joke: connecting your phone to a computer with a data cable is very easy, it’s just not always possible to do this. Therefore, it is advisable to make sure that it is in working order and compatible with your phone before purchasing a cable. One of several cables will definitely work.

Useful notes

To find out what devices are connected to your computer and make sure those devices are working properly, the easiest way is to use Device Manager. The operating system connects some external devices and displays them in Device Manager only after any application program. In particular, this applies to a mobile phone connected via a data cable.

From the operating system's point of view, there are a number of devices hidden inside the phone, connected via a cable. For example, this could be a modem, a removable disk (in fact, this is part of the phone's memory in which user data is stored), as well as several fairly specific devices that are used to configure and reprogram the handset.

Let's give an example of what this looks like in practice. Soon after connecting the phone (Motorola C-650) with a USB cable device Manager shows that a new modem has appeared in the system Motorola USB Modem(Figure 1.11).

Then a program was launched on the computer to configure the phone (in in this case PST Phone Programmer). The device manager showed that the modem had disappeared: the program required the operating system to free the cable for its needs, but a whole group of devices appeared Motorola USB Device(Figure 1.12).

Without going into details, let's say that all these devices: both the modem and the phone configuration interfaces are present in the handset constantly and simultaneously, but the operating system can only access them through the cable separately, and connects them as needed. From the above example, it becomes clear why sometimes installing drivers requires you to first install and run an application program.

Rice. 1.11. Motorola phone connected.

Rice. 1.12. The list of devices has changed.

Organization of wireless communication via infrared port (IrDA)

The IrDA (Infrared Data Association) protocol was created for wireless communication between a computer and various external devices. In this case, impulses invisible to the human eye are used to transmit information infrared radiation with a wavelength of 880 nm. Interestingly, unlike humans, cats are able to see the flashes of an IR transmitter and often show a keen interest in such devices.

The operation of various remote controls is based on the same physical principle. remote control household appliances. For example, in the TV remote control there is an IR signal transmitter, and in the TV itself there is a receiver. Therefore, signals are transmitted in one direction: from the remote control to the TV. IrDA devices, which will be discussed below, structurally combine both a receiver and a transmitter. Thanks to this, they carry out a two-way exchange of information (see Fig. 1.1). The power and, accordingly, the range of such devices is much less than that of household remote controls.

In mobile phones, IrDA allows communication to be established at a distance of no more than 30 cm. Required condition– both infrared communication devices must be in direct line of sight. The shorter the distance between paired devices, the more stable the connection between them will be.


The phone's built-in IR port looks like a small black plate on the body. Laptops are also often equipped with this kind of internal IR ports. For desktop computers They produce external infrared ports that connect to the USB connector. In computer store catalogs, these devices are called “IR Adapter,” InfraRed Adapter, “IR Communication Device,” or “USB Infrared Port.” You can also find miniature adapters in the form of a keychain. IR adapters that connect to the serial port are now almost out of production.

The IrDA standard was developed based on a computer's serial COM port, so traditionally the IR adapter driver must emulate a serial port. In other words, after connecting an external IR adapter and installing its driver, another virtual (not physically existing) COM port appears on the computer. However, many new adapters do not use serial port emulation. This is achieved through the next generation of drivers.

Choosing an IR communication device is much easier than choosing a data cable. Since infrared communication devices meet the same standards for all equipment manufacturers, adapter compatibility problems with different models There are practically no telephones. The range specified in the adapter documentation does not play a special role: the receiving or transmitting radius of the phone’s internal IR port will still be less, and both devices will need to be brought closer to a distance of 10–15 cm. Therefore, when choosing an adapter, it is enough to be guided by such characteristics as price products and ease of placement on the table. For some reason, the latter is often underestimated, but in vain. A small and light adapter with a fairly elastic cable is constantly trying to crawl away somewhere, and it’s difficult to direct its “eye” at the phone lying next to it. It is advisable that the device includes clip-type fastenings or, even better, a stable swivel stand.

Among the leading manufacturers of IR communication devices is Tekram, whose products usually dominate displays computer salons. It is almost certain that all IR communication devices offered will be equipped with a USB interface.

Installing the adapter and connecting the phone

It is advisable to start connecting a new device by reading the “User Manual” included with it upon purchase. Typically, when installing an IR adapter, you will first insert the included CD into the drive and then follow the installation program's instructions.

1. Connect the IR adapter to the USB port. Soon the operating system will detect the new device and appear New Hardware Wizard. Set the switch to position Automatic installation and click Next. The search for drivers for the IR communication device will begin, and after a short time the new device will be installed successfully.

2. Enable IrDA on your phone. Where exactly in the phone menu is required setting, the easiest way to find out is in the instructions. At the same time, it is useful to find the “eye” of the IR transmitter on the phone body in order to correctly position the phone in relation to the adapter.

3. Place your phone close to the IR adapter on your computer so that the IR emitters on both devices are facing each other. When you connect your phone for the first time, the operating system should detect two devices, one of which is needed for exchanging files between the phone and the computer, and the other is the phone's GPRS modem. Typically, these devices use standard drivers, and they are installed automatically.

4. If the operating system cannot install the driver for the detected modem automatically, you will have to specify the path to the driver files. This is done in the same way as when installing data cable drivers. Typically, phones with infrared and Bluetooth support come with a disk with the necessary drivers, and the latest versions of drivers can always be found on the Internet on the websites of phone manufacturers. Usually, modern computers equipped with several USB ports. If the next time the IR adapter is plugged into a different USB connector, the entire procedure for recognizing and installing a new device will be repeated.

After installing the drivers, the computer and phone are ready to exchange information. An icon appears in the system tray next to the clock. Infrared communication

A different infrared communication icon appears on Desktop. If the connection between the two devices is broken (for example, you moved the phone too far from the adapter), the icons will disappear, and will appear again when the connection is resumed.

In addition to these icons, a component appears on the control panel Infrared communication. Use it to configure individual parameters communications.

Click the button Start and select a team Control Panel. Double-click on the icon Infrared communication. A window will appear Infrared communication.

On the tab Infrared devices(Fig. 1.13) there are four checkboxes, the purpose of which is clear from their names. By default, all checkboxes are checked. In a text field By default, accept files in the following folder you can specify the directory where the files transferred will go mobile device to your computer. It is more convenient to specify the desired folder by clicking the button Review below the input field. This parameter only affects file transfers initiated by the phone and does not affect the settings of various phone manager applications.

On the tab Moving Images(Fig. 1.14) the transfer of images from digital camera, equipped with an IrDA port.

These settings have nothing to do with the built-in camera of a mobile phone. Checkbox Use wireless communication to transfer images from the camera to a computer disabled by default.

Rice. 1.13. Infrared devices tab.

Rice. 1.14. Moving images tab.


Selecting the Use wireless connection to transfer images from the camera to the computer checkbox changes standard protocol data transfer and usually disrupts the connection between the computer and the phone!

At the top of the tab Equipment lists the infrared communication devices installed in the system.

Mouse click on a button Properties calls up the corresponding window. Of practical interest to us is the tab Setting up infrared communication(Fig. 1.15).

Rice. 1.15. Setting up infrared communication.

On the list Maximum connection speed you can select the desired speed value. The default is the highest possible value. If communication with your phone is not established or is often lost, try reducing the connection speed.

On the list Serial port Lists the ports to which the IR communication device can be connected. Two ports: COM1 and COM2 - are real, physically existing ports. In the example shown, the Tekram IRMate-210 adapter is actually connected to the COM2 serial port. If there is one more port in the list, COM3, then it is virtual. For an IR communication device connected via USB, you must select this port. If the IR adapter works without creating a virtual COM port, this setting not available.

Transferring files using the operating system

The infrared communication channel can be used by various phone manager programs, which are described in the next chapter. The use of special programs makes the process of exchanging files convenient and intuitive.

You can also exchange files between your computer and phone using the Windows XP operating system's own tools. In this way, you can send photos taken with a mobile phone camera to your computer, or download ringtones from your computer to your phone. To access the built-in file transfer function infrared channel, it is convenient to use the infrared icon on the taskbar.

1. Click right click mouse on icon Infrared communication on the taskbar and run the command Transferring files(Fig. 1.16). A window will open Infrared communication.

2. In the window Infrared communication select the files you want to send and click the button Send. The transfer process is accompanied by the appearance of an animated message (Fig. 1.17).

Rice. 1.16. Infrared communication icon.

Rice. 1.17. Send files using infrared communication.

3. The files sent by the computer will appear in one of the phone folders. Usually this folder is called Inbox or Data Inbox.

If you want to send a file from your phone to your computer, you need to select it and call up the menu for actions with this file. As a rule, when IR communication is turned on, the option appears Hand over or Send.

During file transfer icon Infrared communication on Taskbars will blink and a window will appear on the screen Infrared communication. Pressing the button OK, you will allow the computer to accept the file (Fig. 1.18).

Rice. 1.18. Receive files using infrared communication.

The received file will be placed in the folder that you previously specified on the tab Infrared devices in the infrared communication settings window. If you have not made such a setting, the received file will default to Desktop.

Organization of wireless communication via Bluetooth

Bluetooth is another technology wireless transmission data. The development of this standard was started in 1998 by a group of companies that included Intel, Motorola, Ericsson, IBM, Nokia and Toshiba. The technology got its name in honor of the Viking leader, whose name was Harald Bluetooth. Harald lived in Denmark more than a thousand years ago and became famous for uniting the Danes and bringing Christianity to them. With a hint of the role of the Scandinavians in development mobile communications companies named new technology named after the leader-unifier of clans.

Unlike IrDA infrared communication technology, which connects only two devices at a time within a line of sight, Bluetooth technology inherently provides for integration into local network up to 256 devices. Bluetooth allows you to connect any equipment via radio waves: from a mobile phone and computer to an “intelligent” refrigerator and air conditioner.

The technology uses short-range transceivers built into the device or external ones connected to a computer port. Radio waves can pass through various obstacles, so devices can even be located in different rooms. Adapters available on the market are divided into three classes, depending on the distance at which they are able to provide stable communication with other devices: Class 1 – up to 100 m; Class 2 – up to 20 m; Class 3 – up to 10 m. These figures are to some extent arbitrary, since if two devices are separated by a concrete wall, then the signal passage deteriorates noticeably.

Each Bluetooth device “listens to the air” and when it detects signals from another similar device can establish a connection with him. Whether a device will signal its existence and attempt to connect to other detected devices depends on its settings. Bluetooth devices.

Selecting a Bluetooth adapter

Currently Bluetooth technology most often used in two cases: to connect a mobile phone to a computer and to connect various types of devices to a mobile phone wireless headphones and headset.

If your phone supports this type of communication, you can equip your computer with a Bluetooth transceiver or adapter (Fig. 1.19). This device is usually made in the form of a key fob connected to a USB connector. There are also hybrid devices: for example, they combine a memory card reader, a flash drive and a Bluetooth adapter in one case. The choice of such combines is a matter of taste.

Rice. 1.19. Bluetooth adapter.

The standard is in continuous development, so the problem of compatibility of devices released is quite acute. different companies and at different times. It is noticed that mobile phone refuses to work with a significant part wireless headsets, produced by other companies. Phone manufacturers themselves strongly recommend purchasing only original accessories. The situation is slightly better with Bluetooth adapters connected to a computer, since the manufacturers of these products are less involved in the struggle between the giants of the telephone industry. However, when choosing an adapter, you should follow the same tactics as when buying a data cable. It is advisable to check the compatibility of the purchased adapter and the phone directly in the store.

The range of the adapter is usually indicated on the packaging. At home, 10 m is quite enough. Although hacking of wireless networks in our country has not yet become widespread, the possibility of unauthorized connection to Bluetooth devices has been talked about for a long time. In particular, the website is dedicated to this problem. The short communication range reduces the risk of outside access to your computer.

Installation and configuration

Included in delivery bluetooth adapter, in addition to the necessary drivers, it includes specialized software designed to run and configure on a computer special services. Among such programs, BlueSoleil and Widcomm are the most famous. As a rule, after installing the software, many new devices appear in the system.

The Windows XP operating system with Service Pack 2 includes standard drivers and other software necessary for Bluetooth operation. However, since these drivers were created a long time ago, it is advisable to use newer software from the adapter manufacturer.

Let's look at the typical process of connecting and setting up an adapter. The first stage is installing drivers and setup software.

1. Before physically connecting the adapter, you must run the installation program from the included CD. This will install the device management program itself and all the necessary drivers. After installation is complete, you need to restart your computer.

2. After rebooting, you can connect the adapter to the USB port. In this case, the drivers for the new device will be installed automatically. On Desktop a shortcut will appear My Bluetooth Places, and on the control panel it will be added new component Bluetooth devices.

The next step is to establish a connection with the phone. You can do this using the operating system.

1. Turn on Bluetooth support on your phone and allow it to be discovered by other devices. Typically, this is done in the phone menu using the items Settings > Data transfer > Bluetooth. An icon appears on the phone screen indicating that Bluetooth is enabled. Details are given in the instructions for the phone.

2. On your computer, run the command Start > Settings > Control Panel and double click on the icon Bluetooth devices. A window of the same name will appear (Fig. 1.20).

On the tab Options There are settings for detecting and connecting devices to the computer.

Checkbox Enable discovery Allows the computer to search for and discover devices. By default, detection is disabled for security reasons. In our case, this checkbox must be checked.

Rice. 1.20. Bluetooth Devices Window.

Checkbox Allow Bluetooth devices to connect to this computer must be installed so that the detected device (phone) can connect to the computer.

On the tab Equipment Lists the Bluetooth devices installed on your computer. The same list is contained in the category Bluetooth receivers V Device Manager. If you select a device and press the button Properties, device information similar to what you can get using Device Manager.

3. Go to the tab Devices, which lists the detected devices. At first this list is empty (Fig. 1.21). To make the computer start searching for a mobile phone, click the button Add. will appear. Check the box The device is installed and ready to be discovered and press the button Further.

4. After a while the following window will appear Add Bluetooth Device Wizards. If the computer was able to detect a phone with Bluetooth support, then there will be an icon with the name of your phone (Fig. 1.22). Click on this icon and click the button Further.

Rice. 1.21. Devices tab of the Bluetooth Devices window.

Rice. 1.22. The Add Bluetooth Device Wizard has detected the phone.

Rice. 1.23. Entering the access key.


If the phone was not found immediately, make sure that the ability to detect it is enabled in the settings of the phone itself, click the Repeat search button and wait until the search is completed.

5. In the next window, you must specify the access key (password) that the computer will present to the phone. Typically, your phone's documentation will list the default passkey. Set the switch to position Use the access key from the documentation and enter this key in the text field, for example 0000 (Fig. 1.23). Click the button Further. A message appears indicating that the passkey is being sent to the phone. At this time, a key confirmation request will appear on the phone screen. You need to enter the same password on the phone keyboard that you entered on the computer and press the confirmation key. If the passwords match, the phone and computer will be connected, Add Bluetooth Device Wizard will complete its work, and on the tab Devices An icon representing your phone will appear. A check mark on this icon indicates that the device is in currently connected.

Once you connect your phone to your computer, you actually create a wireless network consisting of two devices. To perform various tasks on this network: transferring files, sending faxes, synchronizing the phone's address book - run on the computer various services. By default, those services are launched that are needed to support typical tasks in Bluetooth networks. Individual services can be turned on or off as needed. For example, if you do not intend to send fax messages from your computer via your mobile phone, the service Fax It's quite possible to turn it off. To do this, follow this procedure.

1. On the tab Devices click on the icon installed phone and then click the button Properties.

2. The properties window for the specified Bluetooth device appears. On the tab Services shows the services supported by the device. If the checkbox next to the service name is checked, the service is enabled; if unchecked, the service is disabled.

If necessary, you can install a connected bluetooth phone as a modem: in Windows XP SP2, any Bluetooth device that supports remote access to the network, can be added as a modem. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Run the command Start > Settings > Control Panel, double-click on the icon

Phone and modem. A window will appear Phone and modem.

2. On the tab Modems click the button Add(Fig. 1.24).

Rice. 1.24. Modems tab of the Phone and modem window.

3. When installing the modem, the operating system, having encountered a Bluetooth device that supports remote access to the network, automatically opens a window Selecting a Bluetooth device instead of Hardware Installation Wizards. Select from the list of this window required device and follow the on-screen instructions. (Installation and use of a mobile phone as a GPRS modem will be discussed later.)

In this way, Bluetooth devices are connected and communication is established using the built-in tools of the Windows XP SP2 operating system. The control and configuration programs that come with the adapters do almost the same thing. Unlike standard means Windows XP, these programs are much more convenient to use. As an example, let's take the BTW1.4.3.4 program from Widcomm. When you launch it for the first time, it appears Master initial setup Bluetooth(Fig. 1.25).

To manage the connection, the program immediately suggests creating additional icons on Desktop And Taskbars. All further process connections and settings comes down to answering questions from Setup Wizards. For example, at one of the stages of work Bluetooth Initial Setup Wizards you can select the services that will be available to the new connection (Fig. 1.26). If you used standard operating system tools, you would have to call a separate window for this.

Rice. 1.25. Widcomm Bluetooth Initial Setup Wizard.

Rice. 1.26. Selecting services in the Bluetooth Getting Started Wizard.

In order to use all the capabilities of the computer-phone connection with maximum pleasure, you should turn to special programs.

The simplest solution to provide connectivity Android phone to a computer via WiFi - ES Explorer. The application is free and has clear interface, however, most phone owners on Android based limited to its use only as a file manager. To open networking opportunities program you need:

If the connection is successful, all directories on the computer available for public use will be displayed.

To open files from your phone to your computer via WiFi, it is recommended to use another menu item: “Network -> FTP”. Authentication or selection additional settings not required. The application will independently create an FTP server on the smartphone, open the required port and provide ready link to connect.

You can view or download files from your phone via WiFi in any browser. It is enough to enter the specified data in its address bar.

If, in addition to viewing files, you need to download from Android devices or uploading folders to it, this can be done via standard applications operating system. To do this, just enter the server address that was provided by the program directly into the “Explorer” line. Directories located in the smartphone’s memory will open in the same form as files and folders on the computer itself.

Important! Most full use When connecting in this way, the file system of the smartphone can be provided using specialized FTP clients, such as FileZilla or SmartFTP. But even when working through standard file manager"Explorer" in Windows allows you to copy files from and to your phone.

Using the AirDroid app

In addition to viewing files on your smartphone, this application ensures full synchronization of your phone with your computer. Connecting to a computer via WiFi is carried out in several stages.

It is important to remember that the Android device and the computer must be connected to the same network. Moreover, if a router is used, for a computer it can be used wired connection, and the smartphone will connect via WiFi. If difficulties arise during the synchronization stage, the smartphone may be connected via Mobile Internet.

After synchronization is confirmed, the connection to the phone is completed. Almost any action that can be performed can be done remotely, via a computer and WiFi connection. The interface is designed as a separate desktop. On the right top corner displays information about the device and the amount of free memory. Just below is the control panel, with which you can send files and folders from your computer to the device.

The icons on this desktop work like menu options on the phone itself. For example, the call log displays full call details. Synchronization is performed in both directions - with the ability not only to view records, but also to delete them. The changes will be applied on the phone.

When you open contacts, all numbers in the smartphone's memory are displayed. People from the address book can be sent SMS or called using a computer.

From interesting features Applications can be noted using the Android device's camera. Practical Applications There is not much of this opportunity, because the phone is already within the range of the WiFi signal.

Connecting to the device screen via WiFi works in the same video streaming mode. There may be a delay when updating information, but it is not so large that it interferes with your experience.

AirDroid also allows full access to the smartphone's file system, just like ES Explorer. Data on the phone is transferred via WiFi in both read and write mode.

To connect your phone to a computer, there are various ways— synchronization can be of both wired and wireless types. You can synchronize both Android devices and iPhones, iPads and the like.

How to connect your phone to your computer? In this article we will look at several methods and figure out which one is best suited for this.

How to connect a smartphone to a computer via USB

The first and easiest way. When you need to move a large number of files from phone to PC or vice versa, this method is the most suitable, as it allows you to transfer a powerful stream of data in relatively short time intervals. The most advanced today - USB 3.1 Gen2 - provides data transfer at speeds of up to 10 Gbit / C. When connecting devices with a 3.0 interface to devices with a 2.0 connector, the connection will work, but the data flow density will be limited by the marker of the smallest generation, in our case to the side of the cord

What to do if the phone is not visible to the computer via USB

First, you need to figure out whether the USB ports of your phone and computer are working, whether the device drivers are installed and check the visibility in the panel of connected devices.

If none of this helps, try pasting USB to another computer port, you can also use a third-party USB cable if you are not sure that the problem is in the hardware. Most often, problems arise from improper use of equipment, or from the lack of drivers necessary for operation.

How to connect your phone to your computer via WiFi

Any touchscreen smartphone is equipped WiFi a module that allows you to synchronize a phone and a laptop, and even a phone with a desktop PC, if the user has an additional adapter in his arsenal. This method is less productive due to the presence design flaws wireless connection, such as signal quality and transmission speed, however, in terms of distribution it turns out to be one of the trending ones, for the reason that it does not require an extra wire for synchronization, and WiFi The module is now present in every smart gadget.

  • The fastest way to connect your phone is through WiFi possible with the installation of a special application;
  • WiFi more optimal in cases where you often use the phone and cannot be limited by a cord, or all USB the ports are completely occupied. Has the widest range and non-critical restrictions on transmission speed;

    For simple data transfer it will suit us standard program from emulating FTP server, for example, you will be surprised, " FTP server " Any of them can be found in Play Market, they are incredibly easy to use.

If you need full control over your phone via WiFi module, you can also download one of the utilities from Play Market, choosing from Phone explorer and AirDroid. By downloading and installing one of the applications, you will receive IP the address that, after pairing the devices, must be entered into the address bar of any browser. Thus, we will open an interface that allows us to manage inaccessible to the usual USB connection capabilities of the phone, be it call control and SMS, or connecting the device as a camera

Sync your computer and phone via Bluetooth

The most outdated and least ergonomic method, which is used only in rare situations. Its disadvantages are its very limited range and annoying slow speed data transmission.

  • To connect devices via bluetooth You will need to install the latest updates available for your Bluetooth module driver on your laptop, or drivers for the adapter when you try to pair your phone and desktop PC. In 95% of cases, you will find the necessary components on the website of the manufacturer of your gadget.
  • When everything is Bluetooth the modules are connected and working, in the connection settings on the computer we look for available devices, you will find your phone - you can connect;
  • In the window that appears on the phone screen, set the authorization key for the incoming connection;
  • On the computer, enter the previously entered key and log in to the file system of the smartphone.

All! You can work. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about connecting your phone to a computer

Connecting iPhone to computer via USB

Connecting an Apple smart phone to a computer is even easier than with Android for a number of reasons. If there is no mobile Internet or Wi-Fi, you can update iOS versions on your device via USB; for this you only need the latest version of iTunes installed, in which synchronization is performed

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01.10.2017 10:27:00

Connect the Internet to your PC using cellular telephone, you can do it in 3 main ways:

  • Use your phone as a point Wi-Fi access
  • Set up your phone as a USB modem
  • Create a connection on a PC via phone

Let's look at each of these methods in detail.

Phone as a Wi-Fi hotspot

The easiest way to connect your computer to the Internet is using mobile gadget– turn your mobile phone into a wireless access point. We will tell you how to do this using a smartphone on Android version 6.

Open settings, click on “More” and select “Modem mode”. Next you need to select “Wi-Fi access point”. After you turn on the access point, the name of this point and the login password will appear. You can also configure for secure access to the Internet WPS connection. The system will ask you to select one of two connection modes: by pressing a button or via a PIN code.

Here you can see the number of connected or blocked users.

The last step is installation wireless network in your PC settings. If everything is done correctly, launch mobile Internet on your device, and the computer will see your phone as an access point. All you have to do is enter the password and you can work.

Please note that connecting a computer through an access point on your phone has two significant disadvantages:

  • The “Hotspot” function puts a lot of stress on the battery, so your Android phone will run out of charge quite quickly.
  • The computer must be equipped with a Wi-Fi module. Therefore, this method is suitable, for the most part, for laptops.

Connect your phone to your computer as a USB modem

The second method by which you can connect your computer to the Internet is more complicated, but it is suitable for both a desktop PC and a laptop, and does not require a Wi-Fi module. Let's look at this method step by step:

Step 1. You need to connect your phone to your computer using a USB cable.

Step 2: The computer will notify you that you have installed necessary drivers, and a window will appear on the phone screen with a choice of USB connection. Click Cancel.

Step 3. In the phone settings, you need to select the “More” item, and then click “Modem mode”. Here you need to click on the button that turns on the USB modem.

Step 4. The computer will begin installing the necessary drivers. You will need to allow connection to the modem that the phone has turned into and specify the connection type. After this, the Internet on the computer will be connected.

As a rule, the modem driver is installed in the memory of the smartphone itself. Sometimes such software may be on a disk included with the device. We also draw the attention of those who use a computer with an operating system older than Windows 7. To connect to the Internet via a cell phone using this method, you will have to download and install all the necessary drivers yourself.

Creating a new PC connection for your phone

You can access the Internet from your computer via your phone by creating a new connection. This method also consists of several steps:

Step 1. Connect your phone to your computer via a USB cable. As described above, the system itself will install all the necessary drivers from the gadget’s memory.

Step 2. Next you need to create a new Internet connection. Open the “Control Panel” on your computer, then select “Internet and Network” and click on the “Network and Sharing Center” shared access" Here you need to select the line “Set up a new network connection”. The “Set up a network connection” dialog box should then appear. Here you need to click on the “Set up phone connection” line, and then on the “Next” button.

Step 3: Now the system will ask you to enter your username and password about the service provider and the number to dial. Typically this is *9**# or *99#.

If everything is done correctly, all you have to do is click the “Connect” button, after which the computer will gain access to the Internet via your mobile phone. If you managed to do everything correctly, the PC will connect to the Internet.

U this method There are also a couple of disadvantages:

  • The quality and speed of the connection depends on the telecom operator
  • If the phone owner uses a non-fixed tariff, connection via new point access can quickly drain your mobile account.

One way or another, all three methods by which you can connect your computer to the Internet using your phone are designed for full-time job online. All you have to do is make sure that the smartphone is charged and there are enough funds in the account.

You can also watch a training video on connecting your computer to the Internet.

We will devote the last lesson of the second step of our training course to how to set up parental control on a smartphone. Do not miss!

If you have an idea of ​​how to connect your phone to a PC, you can learn how to use additional features, including transferring files to and from the device itself, respectively. And all this without an Internet connection, and at high speed.

Connecting your phone to PC It is necessary mainly for transferring photos from a smartphone, as well as other files. Modern phones support several options for connecting to a PC.

What connection options are there?

Main methods:
1. Normal connection between a smartphone and a PC using a cable via a USB port;
2. Wireless connection smartphone and PC via WiFi;
3. Wireless connection between smartphone and PC via Bluetooth.

Of course, you choose the connection method. Every separate method has its own advantages. For example, if you need to transfer a large amount of data, then the first method is suitable: connecting via a USB port.

The connection is wireless fast connection, but the transfer of data and information is a little slower. They are used in cases where the PC has a Bluetooth and Wi-Fi module, and USB cord not available in this moment, or the port is not working.

Using WiFi

Wi-Fi connection is very convenient, high quality and fast. But the data is transferred quite slowly, and to carry out these actions you will need a special Wi-Fi router or adapter.
The most in a fast way Connecting a smartphone to a PC via WiFi is installing the application.

Such programs are available for many operating systems, including Android and OS. The operating principle of these programs is identical. If your smartphone is on Android, then the application from PlayMarket will help you FTP server.

After installing it on your phone, you will need to launch it, and then write the address that the program shows in a special line in Explorer. This makes it possible to end up in the mobile data folder.
The user gets the opportunity to delete, change, add files on the phone and on the phone's removable disk.

Using a USB connection

When used exactly USB connection the user gains great amount possibilities:
1. The speed of information transfer is very high;
2. Use your smartphone as a webcam and communicate using it on Skype, Snapchat, etc. This is a great opportunity to replace the webcam on your PC.

Among the disadvantages: binding the device to a PC. At this time, it is impossible to make a call or go out with the device further than the cord allows.
All you need is a suitable cable and a port on your PC. Most often, additional drivers are not required to connect and detect the phone.

The device can be charged via the USB port.

When we connect a smartphone via USB cable, a notification appears indicating that the device is connected. After automatic installation synchronization will complete automatically.

Using Bluetooth

Modern laptop models have a Bluetooth module, whereas on a PC such a module is extremely rare. Using Bluetooth, the user has the opportunity to synchronize one device with another.

When the smartphone is detected, it connects via Bluetooth. The option “Without using a key” is selected.

Possible problems

It happens that when you try to connect to a PC, driver installation begins. The user can only wait for the installation process to complete. If the program cannot be installed automatically, then install it manually.
Usually compatible driver can be found on the official website of the smartphone.

There are also situations when you need to enable “debugging” in your phone settings.

Connection to the computer failed, what should I do?

There is an additional option for data transfer, which is used only in situations where none of the provided methods is available.

You will need:
- Removable flash card on the smartphone;
- Card-Reader on PC or laptop.

All that is required from the user is to transfer data from the phone to microSD card, remove it from the device and insert it into the Card-Reader of the PC. Or do the opposite, it all depends on your goals.