My laptop has bluetooth, how do I turn it on? Enabling the Bluetooth adapter on different versions of Windows. Enabling in BIOS

IN modern world you can transfer files and documents between your laptop and phone or tablet different ways. You can use the cable from charger, or any installed cloud storage, For example, Google Drive or Dropbox. But if such options do not suit you, then you can use bluetooth, which is built into almost all modern laptops.

Enabling the module

Turning on Bluetooth on a Windows 7 laptop is quite simple. First you need to make sure that it supports this technology. Go to the Start menu and select section "Control Panel".

In the control panel we look for the item "Device Manager" and click on it.

In the list that opens you need to find "Bluetooth radio modules". Right-click on your radio module model - for me it’s Generic Bluetooth Adapter, yours may have a different name - and select “Properties” from the list.

Next, go to the “Driver” tab. If the drivers are installed, click “OK” or close the window; if not, you can click “Update” or download them from the official website for your laptop model.

Let's return again to "Control Panels" and choose "Network Control Center and shared access» .

Go to the tab "Change adapter settings".

Choose « Network connection Bluetooth", right-click on it and select “Enable”.

Allow discovery

Now let's look at how to connect a laptop to other devices via Bluetooth. To do this, click on the small arrow in the tray with the left mouse button. Then find the Bluetooth icon from the list and right-click on it.

In the next menu, select the item "Open settings".

If you want to connect to your laptop via Bluetooth from a tablet or phone, you need to enable discovery. To do this, on the “Options” tab, check the box next to "Allow Bluetooth devices detect this computer". In the “Connections” section, we also check the boxes next to each item. If you want the Bluetooth icon to be displayed in the notification area, check the appropriate boxes.

Go to the “Hardware” tab and click the “Properties” button.

In the next window, on the “General” tab, you can make sure that everything is working fine.

On the tab "Additionally" You can change the name of the radio module. Then click “OK” and close the parameters window.

Adding a new device

Now you need to add a smartphone or tablet with which you will exchange data. In the tray, click on the triangle, then on the Bluetooth icon and select from the list "Add device".

Next, make sure that Bluetooth is turned on on the device to which you want to connect the laptop. In the next window, the laptop will display all available gadgets that have Bluetooth enabled. Find the one you need and click “Next”.

Now you need to compare the codes on the laptop and the connected smartphone (in in this example). If the numbers match, put a marker next to “Yes” and click “Next”, and on the device select the “Pairing” button.

If everything worked out, the following window will appear. Let's close it.

How to transfer files

To send a file to a connected device, again click on the arrow in the tray and select the Bluetooth icon. Then click on the item from the list "Send file".

The next window contains a list of all connected devices to the laptop; I have two of them. I select the one I need - the one that was just added - and click “Next”.

Next you need to select the files to send. Click “Browse” and search required document, photo, video, etc., and click “Open” in that window. When the file is selected, click “Next”.

Then the file is sent; if necessary, confirm the receipt of the file on another device.

How to connect and enable bluetooth on your computer?

First, insert the adapter into the USB connector.

A message about the device should appear. If nothing else is displayed, then there is a problem. This may be due to computer settings or a faulty USB port. This can be checked by inserting the connector of another device (keyboard, mouse) here and checking their operation.

You can insert the adapter into another connector.

So, if everything is ready and working, let's start installing the software.

  1. Read the instructions that came with the Bluetooth adapter and insert the driver CD into your PC. Most often, Autorun is installed on the disk, so just agree to the terms.

If the driver disk is not included, then enter the device model of the Bluetooth adapter in a search engine, go to the manufacturer’s official website and download the driver.

  1. After installation, it is recommended to restart your computer.

How to turn on bluetooth on a computer? Setting up Bluetooth

Before you turn on bluetooth on your computer, you need to configure it.

After successful installation, a shortcut for the Bluetooth adapter will appear on your desktop. The device will also be displayed in the “Control Panel” or in the “Devices and Printers” section.

If there are no icons, you can conclude that the drivers are incompatible with the operating system of your PC or that their installation was poor.

Here is some useful information about the specifics of installing drivers.

So, how can you turn on Bluetooth on your computer?

  • using the shortcut. (If the icon is already in the tray, then this is not necessary).
  • Right-click on the tray icon and select “Open Settings.”
  • In the “Options” tab, set the following settings:

If you want to connect any gadget to your computer, then check the box in the first screenshot too (it is missing in the example).

And this is how bluetooth is installed for the operating room Windows systems 8:

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That's all guys! Now you know how to turn on bluetooth on your computer. I hope my article helped you understand this issue. If something doesn't work out, write about it in the comments. Health and goodness to everyone!

With UV. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

Remote access to computer resources is the dream of any user. Even the mouse would be more convenient to use if it were not connected to system unit wire. Bluetooth is exactly the technology that allows you to turn on this option among Windows services.

At any modern laptop built-in communication device Bluetooth protocol. Install bluetooth drivers, setting them up correctly in Windows is the task that our article is devoted to. Due to the widespread nature of the technology, information on how to properly configure Bluetooth in Windows 7 on a laptop will be useful to almost every ordinary computer user.

We will consider the question in the following order:

  • Find out if there is a Bluetooth device in the laptop.
  • We check whether the Bluetooth device is turned on in the laptop. If not, then try turning on Bluetooth.
  • Let's figure out how to configure Bluetooth settings on a laptop.

By following all our instructions correctly, you can easily set up bluetooth on your mobile computer with Windows. There is nothing particularly complicated in this procedure; it is quite accessible even to those who are seeing a computer and Windows for the first time in their life.

First steps

Find out if we support this protocol communication with your device can be different ways. Usually there is a sticker on the laptop case indicating the presence bluetooth support. If there is no such sticker, then it is better to find out about this in the accompanying documentation for the computer.

The existing transmitter may be on or off. You can check its status using the protocol support program, usually available in Windows. For Hewlett-Packard laptop models, the corresponding program is called “HP Wireless Assistant”. This is what her window looks like:

There are two indicators right in the main program window: wireless indicator LAN networks and bluetooth indicator. We are mainly interested in the second one. If the green indicator light is not on, it can be activated using the “On\Off” button.

If you cannot turn on the transmitter in this way, then this indicates either its absence in your model, or its malfunction, which is also possible. In other laptop models similar program may be called differently, but it is probably on the list of standard ones Windows programs– it won’t be difficult to find it by name.

Our further actions

Turning on the bluetooth transmitter is only half the battle. For normal operation devices (for example, wireless mouse) and perform its functions, it is necessary to install protocol support drivers. This is done in exactly the same way as in the case of drivers for other devices in Windows. Installing them is not difficult using the “Device Manager”. When launched, Device Manager will try to search for new hardware. If the Bluetooth device is found, then everything is in order, if not, then you need to clarify the following points:

  • Whether power is supplied to the device or whether its battery is charged.
  • Is the device within range wireless network. There are usually restrictions on the distance from the computer (see documentation).

If there is more than one remote device, each of them must be enabled in the same way. Sometimes this happens completely automatically, and sometimes you have to use the drivers on the disks supplied with the device. Selectively configure Bluetooth, enable or disable individual devices– a program like “HP Mobility Center” will help. The program window displays each connected device along with its settings (for example, the volume level for speakers).

There are several pairing methods mobile devices with laptop/PC for file sharing. The simplest and most obvious is. However, it happens that the cable is not at hand or, in rare cases, when wired connection. This is where good old Bluetooth technology may come in handy, which is still supported by most modern laptop PCs. Moreover, there are even special utilities, developed by laptop manufacturers to control the module wireless communication. However, we will not consider them, but rather get acquainted with regular means provided by the operating system. So, how to turn on Bluetooth on a laptop with installed Windows 7/10?

Is there a bluetooth module on the laptop?

You can find out whether there is a Bluetooth adapter specifically on your laptop model by the presence of the corresponding logo on the device case.

If the sticker is present, then the module is guaranteed to be installed. Another way to make sure that laptop equipped Bluetooth technology– look at the characteristics of the laptop on the manufacturer’s website or any online store that sells this model. It is easy to determine the presence of an adapter in the most Windows environment 7/10, for example, through Device Manager. We will tell you how to do this below.

Activating Bluetooth using a button on the keyboard

On some types of laptops, turning Bluetooth on/off is reserved separate button(usually from the range F1-F12) on the keyboard. It is marked with a characteristic logo and is activated when pressed simultaneously with function key Fn.

Even more often, the Bluetooth activation button is combined with the Wi-Fi activation button.

The fact that the Bluetooth module is activated will be indicated by a special light indicator located on the laptop body. True, this is not present on all portable devices.

On a number of models, turning on Bluetooth is not controlled by a button, but by an additional two-position switch. But such a solution is quite rare nowadays.

Enabling Bluetooth in Windows 7

If the necessary drivers for the Bluetooth module are installed and the device works correctly, then after Windows boot you'll likely see an icon in your notification area.

By right-clicking on it, you can call context menu, allowing you to manage wireless connection– send/receive files, set settings.

But sometimes the Bluetooth icon is missing from the tray, which does not mean that the module is faulty or inactive. It’s just that the option responsible for displaying the icon is turned off in the settings. How to change the adapter state?

There are several ways to enable Bluetooth in Windows 7, we will look at the simplest one. Let's go to the Network and Sharing Center. This can be done by right-clicking on the network icon in the lower right corner of the screen and selecting the desired item (an alternative way is through the Control Panel).

In the list of connections that opens, find “Network bluetooth connection"(it may have a different name, but the Bluetooth icon will prevent it from being confused with other types of connections).

If the device is in the “Disconnected” state, simply double-click on it with the left mouse button. That's it, the module is now active.

To set its settings, right-click on the icon and go to “Properties”.

Then open the “Bluetooth” tab and click on “Bluetooth Settings”.

In the window that appears, you can change the work settings wireless connection, for example, to allow your computer to be discovered by other devices or to display an icon in the notification area.

To deactivate Bluetooth, right-click on the icon and select “Disable”.

How to proceed in Windows 10

In the "ten" the above method works fine for Windows 7, but there are also additional features manipulations with Bluetooth. The functionality required for this is included in standard utility Options. Let's launch it through the Start menu, and then go to Devices - Bluetooth.

It’s easy to find a slider here to turn the adapter on/off, plus there’s the ability to control connected devices. The Related Options section allows you to navigate to additional settings or start sending/receiving files.

Managing Bluetooth via Device Manager

Wireless module bluetooth connection, like all other components of the laptop, appears in Device Manager. This applies to both Windows 7 and Windows 10. Let's go into it through the Control Panel and try to find the device we are looking for in the general list. A module can have its own branch or be in the " Network adapters" The main thing is that the word Bluetooth must be present in the designation (often the item is called “Bluetooth radio modules”). Some options for naming the adapter in Device Manager are shown below.

Having found desired device, look at the icon next to it. If there is a circle with a downward arrow on it, then the component is not active. Right-click on it and select “Engage” from the menu.

If you need to turn off Bluetooth, click “Disable”.

Staff Dispatcher Windows devices 7/10 is good because it allows you not only to change the state of the Bluetooth module, but also to diagnose various problems with it. For example, having an icon next to the device in the form exclamation mark will indicate that there are problems with the drivers. They are probably simply not installed or installed incorrectly. Here, by going to Properties, you can update software or roll back to one of previous versions drivers.


We hope that these instructions will help you easily enable Bluetooth on your laptop or any other mobile computer. We will devote a separate article to the most common malfunctions that occur with the module. We will also separately tell you how to connect gadgets and transfer files via Bluetooth from your phone to your computer/laptop and back. If you have any comments about our current article, please use the comment form below.

Many, like the author of this article, can for a long time not thinking about a certain problem until its solution becomes necessary. Today I was faced with an almost vital need to transfer a photo from a phone with built-in memory to my work computer in the absence of a USB connection cable and wireless internet. And only at that very moment I remembered the existence of the bluetooth function. I remembered - and was very happy about it.

But what should someone do who has never had anything to do with bluetooth in their life? And how much work will it take to understand how to enable bluetooth on a laptop? The following description will use an HP laptop as an example, but most of the tips will also work for models from other manufacturers.

Is there bluetooth?

Bluetooth (blue tooth) is the nickname of the Danish Viking king Harald I. He became famous for uniting various peoples living in Denmark into one country - exactly where, on the initiative of Ericsson, the development of this digital technology began.

No matter how crazy it may sound, many people try to enable bluetooth on a laptop that is physically unable to support it without external adapter. To avoid such an awkward situation, you need to make sure that your laptop has a built-in adapter.

How can you tell if your laptop has bluetooth and where it is located? There are several options.

  1. You can search for information about the capabilities of your laptop on the manufacturer’s official website.
  2. You can carefully inspect the bottom of the laptop to see if there is a label with company logo bluetooth, which would confirm the presence of this function. Unfortunately, there was no such icon on my HP laptop.
  3. You can also go to the “Control Panel” through “Start”. There, select the “Hardware and Sound” tab. Next - “Device Manager” (by the way, you can launch it completely intact). In the list that opens, you can easily find bluetooth if your laptop has it.

And finally, the fourth. The most eloquent sign of the presence of bluetooth on a laptop is a button on the keyboard with the corresponding icon. On an HP laptop, again, there is no such button. But this is the secret - in my laptop the same key is responsible for bluetooth as for Wi-Fi!

Finding the inclusion method

Now that you are sure that you have this option, you need to understand how to turn on Bluetooth on your laptop.

We will hope that you have already installed necessary drivers. Otherwise, you will need to download and install them. It is better to do this using the official website of the manufacturer of your laptop, which will not be difficult to find in any search engine.

So, the drivers are available. We find the button on the laptop case that is responsible for turning on bluetooth, and just press it. If it is a lever, drag it. Typically these buttons are located in the upper left corner. For some laptops, the F6 key or the Fn+6 (Fn+F3) key combination helps with this, and for some, as has already been said about my HP, bluetooth key and Wi-Fi matches.

If you can’t find the button (or just for variety), you can turn on bluetooth on your laptop manually. To do this, press any mouse button on bluetooth icon in the taskbar, which is located mainly in the lower right part of the desktop, and select “Enable adapter”.

Now let's see how to set up bluetooth on a laptop.

Connecting to the device

In order to fully enjoy all the delights of bluetooth on your laptop, you now only need to connect the same function on your phone/tablet. Then click on the active bluetooth icon in the taskbar and select “Add device”.

If for some reason bluetooth does not work on a laptop and it does not find a new device, it means that the settings of this device are set to invisibility for unpaired objects. In this case, you just need to turn off invisibility (or, accordingly, turn on visibility). To start pairing, you just need to click on the found device and follow the recommendations that you will see on the laptop monitor. This is roughly what awaits you as a result.