How to disable the power saving feature. How to quickly enable power saving mode on iPhone and iPad. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi

The Android 5.0 operating system has received a large number of innovations. We have already talked about many of them in previous articles in the series. In particular, the opportunity to create new users was mentioned. This function will be used by parents who trust their children with a smartphone or tablet. The ability to pin an application will also be useful for them. For everyone else, the power saving mode is intended. Previously, only branded shells from various manufacturers had it. Now this mode has been introduced into “pure” Android.

Google has been working on power saving mode for a long time. Now its experts claim that turning on this mode will allow you to get 90 additional minutes of battery life. The engineers had to work hard. After all, the operating system is installed in the vast majority of cases on smartphones and tablets with a regular IPS screen. Therefore, adding dark shades will not lead to anything. It was necessary to find other ways to solve the problem.

There are two ways to enable energy saving mode. The first is to use the tray (which contains notifications and the current status of the wireless modules). Swipe down from the tray. Then repeat this action. This will bring up Quick Settings. The charge percentage will be displayed next to the battery icon. Click on this icon. You will be taken to a separate settings section. Click the "Menu" button, shown as an ellipsis. A context menu will pop up. You will immediately notice the desired item.

The second method is similar to the first, only it takes more time. Go to "Settings". Then select the "Battery" section. Next, repeat the above steps, as you will find yourself in the same place discussed above.

After clicking the "Power Saving Mode" button, you are taken to its settings. The switch is at the very top. Below you can select when this mode will turn on automatically. This may never happen, at 5% charge or at 15% charge.

When the power saving mode is turned on, the tray and virtual control keys are colored orange. This reduces performance and disables vibration and background data transfer. The smartphone or tablet automatically exits this mode when the charger is connected.

Monitor energy saving modes.

The monitor has two main components: a vertical scan unit and a horizontal scan unit. Depending on the combination of working and non-working units, there are four energy-saving monitor modes:

Normal- actually, this is not an energy-saving mode, but the main state of a working monitor when both units are working. When operating in normal mode, the monitor consumes an average of 80-90 W

Stand-by- the horizontal scan unit is turned off, and the vertical scan unit continues to work. This mode is good if you leave the computer for a while: the monitor turns on almost instantly, and the savings are about 10 Watts from the total power consumption.

Suspend- the vertical scanning unit is turned off, and the horizontal scanning unit continues to work. Exiting this mode takes longer, but the energy savings are greater: the monitor consumes a total of about 15 watts.

Power-off- both monitor units are turned off. It takes about the same amount of time to exit this mode as it does for the monitor to turn on the power, but in this mode the monitor only consumes 5 watts.

Disconnecting from the hard drive

The main energy saving mode here is Stand-by. The result of the work is stored in the computer's RAM, and then the computer switches to energy-saving mode and turns off the hard drive. This is a quick and easy way to reduce your energy consumption.

A more complex mode is called Hibernate. The current state of the system is saved in a special file on the hard drive, after which the computer can be turned off. The next time you turn on the system, it will return to the saved state.

Windows Vista has a new energy-saving mode - Hybrid Sleep. In this mode, the result of the work is saved both in RAM and on the hard drive. On laptop computers, this mode is disabled by default.

All operating systems are equipped with energy saving settings. For example, in Windows XP this can be done by going to Start -> Control Panel -> Power Options. In Linux, there are special commands for this that are entered in the console: setterm, xset. On MacOS, in System Preferences, select the “Energy Saving” tab.

Energy-saving modes are especially relevant for laptop computers. When purchasing, it is recommended to choose a model with a longer battery life. It is also useful to have an extra battery and charger in stock and, if possible, carry them with you; now many public institutions (cafes, airports, lecture halls) are equipped with sockets for laptop owners. In laptops on which the Windows operating system is installed, energy saving settings are often located in the System tray (the taskbar icon area in the lower right corner of the screen).

Once configured, the energy-saving mode will not require regular attention from you, but will constantly help save energy.

Smartphone users know firsthand about the problem of quickly discharging gadgets. Advanced devices have a huge number of functions and many users replace full-fledged computers. One of the main advantages of such gadgets is portability, but this comes at the cost of having a battery, which, in turn, needs to be charged regularly.

Unfortunately, over time, batteries have not become more efficient, and software increases its appetite. Manufacturers solve problems in different ways: some install batteries of impressive size, while others try to create energy-efficient chips that save them from rapid discharge, but the best method remains the introduction of restrictions on the functionality of devices.

What is Low Power Mode on iPhone?

Not so long ago, in 2015, Apple introduced a new operating system - iOS 9. In addition to including many functional additions to the system, Apple began to work closely on optimization. It got to the point that Cupertino violated its principles and included a specialized energy saving mode in the system in the iPhone 5 and newer devices. What is the essence of this mode? The fact is that background processes constantly occur in the iOS system, such as data updates within applications, geolocation tracking, and much more. All these hidden operations load up the processor and cause it to consume more power.

Low Power Mode on the iPhone 5s and other models is a key that instantly turns off all background processes, reduces processor speed, and reduces brightness levels. The phone will be slower, many operations will take longer to complete, and some features won't be available at all, but Apple promises total battery life will increase to three hours.

How and what phone functions are affected by the power saving mode?

Before you turn on the power saving mode, you need to find out exactly what features of the phone it will affect:

  • Background updating and downloading of email will stop - new emails will not arrive until the power saving mode is turned off.
  • Siri will stop listening to the user - in other words, you will no longer be able to call her with the phrase “Hey Siri.”
  • Background software updates will stop - some services that occasionally download data from the Web to provide relevant information to the user will no longer do so.
  • Automatic downloads of songs, podcasts, and automatic app updates will not occur.

  • Many visual effects and animations will be replaced with simplified versions.
  • The processor frequency will decrease - games will run slower and may slow down. Applications rich in graphics and beautiful animation behave the same way. Even a simple call can start slower on older devices.
  • The screen will automatically lock every 30 seconds (even if this option is disabled in the settings).

How to enable low power mode on iPhone?

The phone goes into power saving mode automatically. As soon as the charge drops to 20%, the system will prompt you to start saving energy. The same notification will come again after the charge drops to 10%.

The phone can be put into this mode manually. To do this you need:

  • open “Settings”;
  • go to the “Battery” submenu:
  • Click on the “Energy saving mode” toggle switch.

After this, the charge indicator will turn yellow and show the amount of remaining charge as a percentage (even if the corresponding option was not enabled). The mode will automatically turn off when the phone is charging.

How to enable power saving mode via Siri?

The voice assistant Siri is capable of performing many tasks. Without touching the phone, users can make calls, play music and change system settings. Naturally, power saving mode can be enabled via Siri. To do this, you need to say: “Hey Siri, turn on power saving mode.” Siri does not understand other variations, but the phrase can be shortened to the name of the option.

How to enable power saving mode using 3D Touch?

On new ones that are equipped with a display that recognizes increased pressure, you can quickly go to the battery settings without getting lost in a confusing menu. To do this, you need to press hard on the “Settings” application and select the “Battery” sub-item among the shortcuts.

How to enable Low Power Mode in iOS 11

Although the 11th version of iOS has not yet been released, testing is already underway among ordinary users. They also discovered a new option for quickly turning on and off the energy saving mode. If previously it was necessary to open the settings to control this mode, now you can use the updated “Control Center” for this.

To add the corresponding shortcut there, you must:

  • go to “Settings”;
  • select the “Control Center” submenu:
  • find the keys there to quickly turn on the energy saving mode and move it to the main “hub”;
  • after that, just call up the “Control Center” (by pulling it from the bottom of the display) and press the button with the image of the battery.

Saving energy in older iPhone models

Power saving mode does not work on the iPhone 4 (this device and earlier models do not support iOS 9 at all). To achieve a similar effect, you will have to turn off all settings manually.

Prevent apps from updating in the background. Use your smartphone with the screen brightness and sound volume reduced. In general, check out the list of restrictions that can be enabled in iOS 9 and enable them manually. Remove all programs that consume too much energy, you can find them in “Settings” - “General” - “Statistics” - “Battery Usage” (Facebook will probably be in the first row). Turn off Bluetooth if you don't use a wireless headset or plan to transfer files via AirDrop. There are applications in the AppStore that supposedly can check the condition of the battery and also increase its operating time, but you shouldn’t count on them. Third-party programs do not have access to system settings, so they will not be able to help.

Almost every operating system provides a power-saving mode. Despite the relevance and usefulness of this function, it is not always useful. The modern user repeatedly experiences moments of processing information directly by the computer, reinstalling the system, software, downloading files from the Internet, and suddenly... the computer goes out. You have to do the work again, and it’s good if the information and data can be restored, and a sudden stop in work will not harm the system process.

Click the Start menu in the lower left corner of the screen, then open Control Panel. In the assortment of categories, choose the “Power supply” section. There will be several options for you to choose from: economy mode, balanced, optimized, high performance. This list may be supplemented by several more options, depending on the OS.

To deactivate the Sudden Shutdown feature, you must switch your computer from Economy mode to Balanced or Optimized mode. You can set up your own mode by activating the parameters functionality or entering data into an intermediate indicator.

In some operating systems, changing parameters occurs slightly differently. In the same Power Options section, you'll see Turn off the display and Turn off drives. Activate the “Never” position and save the changes.

You must save the settings by clicking on the corresponding data button – “Ok”, “Apply”, “Save changes”. Values ​​vary depending on the installed software and operating system.

If you select “My Power Plan,” you can configure not only the time the screen turns off and goes into sleep mode, but also “name” your own programmed process.

If you do not need to disable the energy saving mode, it would be better to leave it. Saving electricity, maintaining the functionality of the monitor, increasing the service life - these are the priorities that are the result of a careful attitude.

Due to the constant increase in iPhone performance, the battery life of the smartphone has noticeably decreased. Using a power saving mode will help solve this problem, as well as some techniques for optimizing the operation of the device, which will increase its operating time.

Power saving mode is a new option that appeared with the release of iOS 9, which allows you to increase the operating time of gadgets.

As a result of this mode, the speed of the smartphone decreases in favor of prolonging its operation. It is worth noting that the main functions of the phone, such as receiving calls and messages, will not be affected by turning on the energy-saving mode, but the speed of Internet surfing and gaming performance will be noticeably slower. As experienced users of Apple technology, who have carefully analyzed the operation of this mode, assure, the power of the gadget is reduced by about 30–40%. When you activate the power-saving mode, the device immediately disables several iOS functions, therefore increasing battery life, and will resume disabled functions only after the device is charged at least 80%

  • . Operating system functions whose operation this mode limits, reducing battery consumption:
  • some visual effects;
  • auto-blocking time - 30 seconds;
  • checking mail;
  • background application updates;
  • automatic downloads;
  • processor performance (by 40%);
  • "Hey Siri."

    Activating low power mode, battery charge will be shown as a percentage

    After the user activates it, the indicator displaying the battery charge level turns yellow. This is a very handy feature as it allows the user to differentiate when their device is running in low power mode and when it is in normal mode. In addition, when the energy saving mode is activated, the battery charge level in percentage appears next to it, which is also very convenient, but this feature cannot be removed.

    How to enable or disable power saving mode on iPhone

  • You can use the low battery consumption mode in several ways:
  • Manually. You can activate it yourself in the settings. Settings > Battery > Power saving mode. This can be done regardless of the battery charge level.
  • Ask Siri (voice assistant) to enable this mode.
  • The smartphone itself prompts the user to turn on low power mode when the battery charge is 20 and 10%, respectively.

    Instructions for activating low power mode

    You can turn off the power saving mode in exactly the same ways, and it is also worth noting that it turns off automatically when the smartphone is charged to 80%.

    How often to use the power saving mode on the iPhone is up to each user to decide for themselves. This mode is especially helpful in cases where the battery charge is almost zero and there is no way to charge it, but you need to use your smartphone. Also, some users of Apple products were initially not satisfied with the autonomy of the iPhone, so they constantly turn on the low-power mode.

    A decrease in the performance of the gadget does not in any way affect the quality of the network when making calls and sending/receiving SMS, as well as using the Internet, but you will have to check incoming messages on social networks and mail yourself, since push notifications will be disabled while the energy-saving mode is running .

    By sacrificing performance, you can extend your smartphone's operation up to three hours.

    It is also worth paying attention to the fact that when you turn on the low power mode at night, the smartphone battery is practically not discharged.

    Other ways to improve battery life

    There are other ways to increase the autonomy of the device.

    Since this function is practically useless, you can use the option to disable it. To do this, go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services. Then you can disable applications in which geolocation is useless. You can only leave Camera, Instagram and Maps turned on.

    By deactivating geolocation services, the autonomy of the smartphone will increase

    Turn off notifications

    To turn off notifications: “Settings” > “Notifications” and uncheck unnecessary notifications presented in a list. In the same settings tab, you can also turn off notification banners and lock screen alerts for each application, but you can leave the phone, mail applications and various kinds of instant messengers (Whatt’s Up, Viber etc.).

    Reduce battery consumption by disabling unnecessary notifications

    Turn off Siri voice assistant

    Not all users use Siri, so in order to increase the autonomy of the smartphone, you can disable this function. To do this, go to Settings > General > Siri and uncheck the box.

    Increasing battery life by deactivating Siri

    If a user has several Apple gadgets that are linked to one account (iCloud), then when downloading any application on one device, it is installed on other Apple devices, and this also negatively affects energy consumption. To disable, go to Settings > iTunes Store, App Store and turn off Updates, Music, Books, Apps.

    Disabling startup items will increase battery life

    Screen brightness

    Reducing the screen brightness is the first thing that comes to mind when you want to increase the battery life of your smartphone. Go to “Settings”, select “Display & Brightness” and move the slider to the left to the optimal value.

    Screen brightness significantly reduces the operating time of gadgets

    Reducing the auto-locking period

    This function can be easily used at the minimum value and this will greatly help extend battery life. After setting the auto-lock period parameter, the smartphone will go into standby mode after the specified time. To set the optimal auto-lock period, go to Settings > General > Auto-lock and set the time.

    Reducing the auto-lock period will increase battery autonomy

    Bluetooth and Wi-Fi

    These modules consume a lot of battery power, so it is better to turn them on only when necessary. To turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, you need to swipe your finger up on the smartphone screen, calling up the control menu, and deactivate these functions.

    It is recommended to keep Wi-Fi and Bluetooth turned on only during use

    Disable background app updates

    It's no secret that there are applications (such as mail, maps and others) that are updated without agreement with the user. Therefore, it is recommended to limit the ability to automatically update applications. Go to Settings > General > Content Update and manually edit the list of applications that can update themselves.

    You can turn off any applications from the list

    Parallax effect

    There are a number of effects present in the iPhone that do nothing other than look aesthetically pleasing and “beautiful.” Some of them include the app's zoom effect, dynamic wallpaper, and parallax effect. To disable it: “Settings” > “General” > “Universal Access”, then you need to find the “Reduce Motion” function and activate it.

    Increasing smartphone autonomy by deactivating Parallax

    Repeat reminders for incoming messages

    If the user receives a message and does not read it, then after a certain time (usually 1 minute) the smartphone duplicates the sound of the incoming SMS, notifying that it has not been read. The battery charge is also used. To disable this feature, go to Settings > Notifications > Messages > Repeat Alerts and turn off incoming message reminders from repeating by selecting Never.

    One way to save battery power

    Disable automatic time adjustment

    If the user does not travel very often, then this function is absolutely useless and can be safely abandoned. To do this, you need to disable the “Automatic” item in the “Settings” > “General” > “Date and Time” tab.

    Disabling automatic date and time adjustment will significantly extend battery life.

    The power saving mode on the iPhone will help every user prolong the life of his smartphone. It actually feels like it extends the battery life of the iPhone. This function will be very useful especially for those people who lead an active lifestyle, as well as in cases where for some reason it is not possible to recharge their gadget. By reducing the constant load on the battery, the service life of the smartphone will significantly increase.