Check your proxy and firewall settings - Solution. Proper use of a proxy server

Using a proxy server allows you to ensure anonymity on the network and, in some cases, speed up downloading files. To work comfortably, you need to be able to find a high-quality proxy and configure your computer correctly.


  • When working through a proxy server, you leave exactly its IP address on all the resources you visit - provided that it has the ability to hide IP. When choosing a proxy, you should look at its characteristics and check whether it hides your real address.
  • To find a suitable proxy, go to this resource: On its pages you can not only select the appropriate option, but also check the server’s performance - to do this, copy its data and paste it into the field in the “Check proxy” tab server". If you have several options at once, use the “Check proxy lists” tab.
  • When choosing a proxy, pay attention to its response speed - the faster it is, the better. Also look at the Anm column, it shows whether the server is anonymous. Highly anonymous proxies are marked in the list as HIA. To use the browser you will need an HTTP proxy.
  • Now configure your browser. If you have Internet Explorer, open the following sequence: “Tools” - “Internet Options” - “Connections” and click the “Settings” button. Check the “Use a proxy server” checkbox, then enter the required data – address and port number. For example, if the proxy information is, then enter in the address field and 8080 in the port field.
  • If you are working with the Mozilla Firefox browser, open: “Tools” - “Settings” - “Advanced” - “Network”. Click "Customize" in the "Configure Firefox Internet connection settings" section. In the window that opens, select “Manual proxy server configuration”, specify the address and port number, and save the changes.
  • If you have Opera, open in sequence: “Tools” – “Settings” – “Advanced” – “Network”. Click the “Proxy Servers” button, check the connection types you need, usually HTTP, HTTPS, FTP. Enter the address of the proxy server and its port in the lines of these protocols. Click OK.
  • To check whether a proxy server provides anonymity, go to any online IP checking service. For example, here: Check the displayed IP address with and without a proxy - the addresses should be different.
  • Tip added on September 15, 2011 Tip 2: How to set up a server on your computer In some situations, to create a home network in which several computers will access the Internet at once, you can do without the use of complex expensive equipment. You just need to configure your computer as a server.

    You will need

    • - network cables.


  • First, determine which computer will act as a server on your network. It must be powerful enough so that it is not greatly affected by the load resulting from the distribution and transmission of Internet traffic. If this computer has only one network card installed, then purchase an additional similar device.
  • Connect the purchased network adapter to the selected computer. Now, using a network cable, connect this adapter to the network card of another computer. Now configure this network adapter so that other computers can access the Internet through it. Open the properties of this network card. Select the Internet protocol TCP/IPv4 and click the “Properties” button.
  • Enter the numbers in the “IP address” field. Leave the remaining fields of this menu unchanged. Save the adapter settings.
  • Create and configure an Internet connection on this computer. Naturally, use a different network card for this purpose. Open the properties of the new connection and go to the "Access" menu. Check the box next to “Allow other computers on the local network to use this Internet connection.” In the next paragraph, specify the network that the second network adapter belongs to.
  • Setting up the server on your computer is now complete. Now change the settings of the network card of the computer connected to this PC. Open the network connection properties and go to the TCP/IPv4 protocol settings.
  • Taking into account the value of the IP address of the server computer, enter the following numbers into the required items in the menu that opens: -;

  • Save the settings for this menu. Make sure your computer has access to the Internet.
  • How to set up a server on a computer - printable version

    Setting up a Windows 7 proxy server is a prerequisite for playing games or performing daily work related to the Internet. Today we will reveal the secret of how to properly configure a proxy server on Windows 7. If you follow simple instructions, you will definitely succeed!

    In our age of information technology, when the level of security on the Internet decreases every day, and the use of a proxy becomes the “cornerstone” in keeping personal data intact, the issue of protecting the corporate network of an enterprise remains relevant if it is directly tied to IT. Proxies are indispensable for performing analysis and data collection tasks (so-called parsing) on ​​some social networks (for example, VKontakte) and for bypassing regional bans on certain resources.

    Almost every proxy server for Windows 7 can be configured both by special utilities and by the Windows OS itself. Let's look at one of the popular ways to configure a proxy server using Windows OS.

    Step-by-step instruction

    So, first, go to the “Control Panel”, which can be found in the “Start” menu. Next, you need to select the “Internet Options” sub-item (or “Internet Options” in Windows 8.1).

    In the open window, go to “Connections”, find “Network settings” and boldly click.

    Below you need to enter the address and working port of the specified proxy, and then next to the proxy working port input field, click “advanced”. In the window that opens, select the “one proxy for protocols” option. After completing the procedures and manipulating the settings, when loading any browser, a “login-password” entry window will appear for the proxy you specified in the settings. If you set authorization by IP, then no additional data entry is required.

    If, as a result of the steps taken, something went wrong, repeat all the steps according to these instructions. Perhaps something was missed somewhere. If you need, then take into account the fact that although the actions are similar, there are still differences.

    I talked about what proxy servers and web proxies are for, how to choose them and how to quickly set up a proxy. In this post I will show the settings for a computer and a mobile device.

    So, you have chosen a free or paid proxy from the catalog or found a list of proxies on the Internet. Now let's go over the computer settings on Windows. Although the essence is the same - address, port, supported protocol. In directories you can see an entry of this type - Here the Proxy Address is and the Port is 53052.

    Pictures are clickable!

    Click " Start". Select " Toolbar", Further " Internet Options", tab " Connection" and press " Network settings«.

      Check the box " Use a proxy server for local connections".

      In the Address field, enter the proxy server address.

      In the Port field, enter the port number.

      If you will use different services - http, https, ftp - click the "Advanced" button and enter separate addresses for each proxy server.

    Here's what you need to set up:

    • proxy server ip. For example, (can be very different depending on location)
    • port. For example, 1080 (May be 80, 8080 and others depending on the protocol type)
    • protocol type. For example, socks4(May be socks5, http, https, ftp). Read below what protocol you need.

    For Windows 10, the settings are almost identical, so I’ll just tell you about the path to them.

    Click " Start". Select " Options". On the page " Options» tab « Network and Internet", and on it there is a tab " Proxy«.

    Setting up a proxy in the Chrome browser. Essentially the same Windows window is called up. Enter in the browser search bar chrome://settings/ and you will find yourself on the settings page. At the bottom, click “Advanced”, find “System” and then as in the figure.

    What is the difference in the http, https, ftp, socks4, socks5 protocols for a proxy

    As you guessed, the difference is in the protocols themselves. Briefly:

    • http - used to access web pages without security or authorization. Ports 80, 8080, 3128 or others depending on how exotic the server is configured.
    • https (SSL) - a more secure protocol with encryption used to access sites with authorization, such as mail.
    • ftp - file transfer protocol. For example, when you transfer files to a remote server.
    • socks4 is an anonymous transport layer protocol that “internally” supports connections to services via HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, mail protocols and others. The proxy in this case is not determined by the site on the opposite end. On the other hand, the IP address of the proxy will be visible, and not your real IP address. Ports 1080, 1081 or others.
    • socks5 is an extended version of socks4 that supports, for example, authorization when establishing a socks connection and IPv6 addressing.

    Setting up a proxy server for a smartphone or tablet

    Proxy settings for mobile devices follow the same principle as the settings for a computer.

    For an Android smartphone, the proxy settings will look like this:

    Pictures are clickable!

    The settings are exactly the same. You need to select the connected Wi-Fi network and in “Network Properties” select manual proxy configuration by entering the port, ip address, or automatic configuration using a script located at the address provided to you by the owner of the proxy server.

    Comparison of proxy servers and virtual private networks (VPN). I wrote about VPN networks in a post.

    Good luck to everyone and happy surfing.

    (3 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)
    Anton Tretyak Anton Tretyak [email protected] Administrator website - reviews, instructions, life hacks

    A proxy is an intermediate server that acts as an intermediary between the user’s computer and resources on the network. Using a proxy, you can change your IP address and, in some cases, protect your PC from network attacks. In this article we will talk about how to install and configure a proxy on your computer.

    The procedure for enabling a proxy cannot be fully called an installation, since its use does not require additional software. However, there are browser extensions that manage address lists, as well as desktop software with similar functions.

    In order to get started, you need to obtain data to access the server. This is done on specialized resources that provide such services.

    The structure of the received data differs from service provider to service provider, but the composition remains the same. This is the IP address, connection port, username and password. The last two positions may be missing if authorization on the server is not required.

    In the first part (before the “dog”) we see the server address, and after the colon – the port. In the second, also separated by a colon, is the username and password.

    This structure is used to load lists into various programs that are capable of using a large number of proxies in their work. In personal accounts of services, this information is usually presented in a more convenient form.

    Option 1: Special programs

    Such software is divided into two groups. The first only allows you to switch between addresses, and the second allows you to enable proxies for individual applications and the system as a whole. For example, let’s look at two programs – Proxy Switcher and Proxifier.

    Proxy Switcher

    This program allows you to switch between addresses provided by developers, uploaded as a list, or created manually. Has a built-in checker to check the viability of servers.

    • After launching the program, we will see a list of addresses to which we can already connect to change the IP. This is done simply: select the server, right-click and click on the context menu item "Switch to this Server".

    • If you need to add your data, click the red plus button on the top toolbar.

    • Here we enter the IP and port, as well as the username and password. If there is no authorization data, then leave the last two fields empty. Click OK.

    • The connection is made in exactly the same way as with the built-in sheet. The same menu also contains the function "Test this Server". It is needed for preliminary testing of functionality.

    • If you have a sheet (text file) with addresses, ports and authorization data (see above), then you can load it into the program in the menu "File – Import from text file".


    This software makes it possible not only to use a proxy for the entire system, but also to launch applications, for example, game clients, with a change of address.

    To enter your data into the program, perform the following steps:

    In order to force only a specific program to work through a proxy, you must perform the following procedure:

    1. We refuse to install a proxy by default (see point 4 above).
    2. In the next dialog box, open the rules settings block with the button "Yes".

    3. Next, click "Add".

    4. Give the new rule a name, and then click “ Browse".

    5. Find the executable file of the program or game on the disk and click "Open".

    6. In the dropdown list "Action" select our previously created proxy.

    7. Click OK.

    Now the selected application will work through the selected server. The main advantage of this approach is that it can be used to enable address change even for programs that do not support this function.

    Option 2: System Settings

    Configuring system network settings allows you to route all traffic, both incoming and outgoing, through the proxy server. If connections have been created, you can set your own addresses for each of them.

    1. Launching the menu "Run" (Win+R) and write a command to access "Control Panels".

    2. Let's go to the applet "Browser Options"(in Win XP "Internet Options").

    3. Let's go to the tab "Connections". Here we see two buttons with the name "Tune". The first opens the settings window for the selected connection.

      The second does the same, but for all connections.

    4. To enable a proxy on one connection, click on the corresponding button and in the window that opens, check the checkbox "Use a proxy server...".

      Here we register the address and port received from the service. The field selection depends on the proxy type. Most often, it is enough to check the box that allows you to use the same address for all protocols. Click OK.

      Check the box next to the item that prohibits the use of proxies for local addresses. This is done so that internal traffic on the local network does not go through this server.

      Click OK, and then "Apply".

    5. If you need to allow all traffic through a proxy, then go to the network settings by clicking on the button indicated above (step 3). Here we check the boxes in the block shown in the screenshot, specify the IP and connection port, and then apply these parameters.

      Option 4: Setting up a proxy in programs

      Many programs that actively use the Internet in their work have their own settings for redirecting traffic through a proxy server. Let's take applications as an example. This function is enabled in the settings, on the corresponding tab. All required fields for address and port, as well as username and password are provided here.


      Using proxy servers to connect to the Internet gives us the opportunity to visit blocked sites, as well as change our address for other purposes. Here we can give one piece of advice: try not to use free worksheets, since the speed of such servers, due to the high load, leaves much to be desired. In addition, it is unknown for what purposes other people could “use” it.

      Decide for yourself whether to install special programs to manage connections or be content with system settings, application (browser) settings or extensions. All options give the same result, only the time spent entering data and additional functionality changes.

    Traveling across the Internet using your computer, laptop or even mobile device, every user sooner or later faces the problem of accessing certain resources. Of course, the question immediately arises: what is the reason for this and how to get rid of such troubles. Or, for example, in a company office there are many computers and one access to the global network. How, in this case, can all workplaces be connected to the Internet while still being able to control the traffic usage of each employee? And the security issues of the office network from external influences (hackers) in this case immediately come to the fore. Using a certain type of connection in such situations seems to be the most reasonable solution, so let’s take a closer look at all aspects of setting up a proxy server on Windows 7.

    Let’s immediately make a reservation that for faster and anonymous work on the Internet, it is better not to save money by using all kinds of free proxies. They are very slow, because there are already a lot of people sitting on them. Therefore, we decided to take several private proxies to set up a proxy server on Windows 7 as part of this article.

    What is it and what functions does it perform?

    Everyone has some idea of ​​mediation in one way or another. This concept is usually associated with trade. A proxy server is also a kind of intermediary. But this has nothing to do with trading. Through a proxy server, which is a set of network computer programs, a client (software or hardware system component) requests data from various network services.

    For example, an Internet browser through which a user views global network resources (websites) first connects to a proxy server that makes external requests. The web server on which the desired site is located sends an information packet in response. The proxy server generates this packet in accordance with its settings and sends it to the client (Internet browser). As a result, the user sees the website he needs on the screen. In this case, the visit to the resource is associated with a completely different address than the IP address of the computer from which the request was made.

    In an office network, the proxy server is connected through a router, which in this case represents an access point. A single computer is connected directly through its network card.

    Connecting and setting up a proxy server on Windows 7

    Let's say a user wants to anonymously visit a site or cannot get to it because the IP addresses of the network to which his computer is part of are blocked. It is necessary to create the connection correctly, that is, configure the proxy server. Depending on the Internet browser used, this process can be multidirectional, but only before opening the proxy server settings through any browser. If previously it was possible to use different IP addresses for different browsers, now this will not work, with the exception of Mozilla Firefox. Connecting and setting up a proxy server affects the settings of all Internet browsers used in Windows 7.

    How to configure the Internet Explorer system browser

    Specialized resources where you can view the necessary data for free can be easily found through an Internet search. It is enough to enter a request, for example, like “Proxy list”. Some resources that post such data:

    • and others.

    Setting up Opera on your computer

    In the latest versions of the browser, the proxy server settings are tied to the system ones. It follows from this that the process of setting up a proxy server is the same whether through a browser or using the Windows 7 control panel. The same local network settings window will open as in the case of Internet Explorer. To verify this, in Opera, select “Menu//Settings//Browser//Change proxy server settings”.

    How to register in Google Chrome

    We carry out work with Yandex

    Setting up Mozilla Firefox

    How to set up Safari

    Select the settings tab from the drop-down list of the main browser menu, then in the window that opens, go to the “Add-ons” menu item, where click the button to change proxy settings.

    Video: correctly setting up a proxy server on Windows 7

    How to disable proxy

    To disable the proxy server in browsers, simply uncheck the box in the network settings that allows its use. In Mozilla Firefox, you can apply individual settings.

    Installing browser add-ons

    To connect to Internet resources through a proxy server, browser plugins are often used to bypass site blocking by redirecting traffic. These are add-ons such as ZenMate, friGate, Web Proxy and many others. For each browser on the Internet you can find more than one option.

    Let's take the friGate application for Mozilla Firefox as an example. After installation, a plugin icon appears in the panel opposite the address bar, by clicking on which you can select the necessary settings, for example, enabling a proxy server for all sites or selecting resources from the list.

    How to connect via VPN

    When using a virtual private network (VPN), all traffic on a personal computer is passed through a proxy server. At the same time, a high level of anonymity is guaranteed, and the connection speed does not drop. To use a VPN connection in Windows 7, you can install the CyberGhost 5 program, the free version of which is enough to provide the user with anonymous surfing on the Internet.

    When you enable protection, the program will advise you to upgrade and switch to the paid version. If you want additional functionality, you can take advantage of the offer. Otherwise, the request should be ignored.

    When installing CyberGhost 5, program settings are configured automatically. This creates a virtual adapter TAP-Windows Adapter V9 and a new network connection going through it. In the properties of the Internet protocol component (TCP/IPv4) of the network card used, the DNS server of the VPN connection is automatically registered.

    Why proxy doesn't work and how to fix it

    Sites may not open if the proxy is unavailable. This means that the server has stopped working. This often happens when using free servers, which can be created temporarily. Failures are also possible during peak server loads. In this case, you should use other addresses from free or paid proxy server lists. What else? If the proxy server is configured incorrectly, the Internet will also not respond, so you should pay special attention to these questions. Follow the setup method suggested in the article, and the problem “Cannot connect to the proxy server” will be avoided in most cases.