The smartphone displays application errors. What to do to prevent the problem from appearing again. How to avoid stopping the process in the future

Occasionally, Android experiences crashes that lead to unpleasant consequences for the user. These include the constant appearance of messages “An error has occurred in the application.” Today we want to tell you why this happens and how to deal with it.

In fact, the appearance of errors can have not only software reasons, but also hardware - for example, failure internal memory device. However, for the most part, the cause of the problem is still the software part.

Before proceeding with the methods below, check the version problematic applications: perhaps they were recently updated, and due to a flaw in the programmer, an error appeared, which causes the message to appear. If, on the contrary, the version of a particular program installed on the device is quite old, then try updating it.

If the failure appears spontaneously, try: perhaps this is an isolated case that will be corrected by cleaning random access memory upon restart. If the program version is the latest, the problem appeared suddenly, and rebooting does not help, then use the methods described below.

Method 1: Clear app data and cache

Sometimes the cause of the error may be a failure in program service files: cache, data, and the correspondence between them. In such cases, you should try to reset the application to the one you just installed by clearing its files.

  1. Go to "Settings".
  2. Scroll through the list of options and find the item "Applications"(otherwise "Application Manager" or "Application Manager").
  3. Once you reach the list of applications, switch to the tab "All".

    Find the program that is causing the crash in the list and tap on it to enter the properties window.

  4. An application running in the background should be stopped by clicking on the appropriate button. After stopping, press again "Clear cache", Then - "Clear data".
  5. If the error appears in several applications, return to the list of installed applications, find the rest, and repeat steps 3-4 for each of them.
  6. After clearing data for all problematic apps, reboot your device. Most likely the error will disappear.

If error messages appear constantly, and among the faulty ones there are system ones, refer to the next method.

Method 2: Factory reset

If the "App error has occurred" messages refer to firmware (dialers, SMS apps, or even "Settings"), most likely you are faced with a problem in the system that cannot be fixed by clearing the data and cache. The hard reset procedure is the ultimate solution to the set software problems, and this one is no exception. Of course, in this case you will lose all your information on internal storage, so we recommend copying everything important files to a memory card or computer.

If none of the options help, most likely you are faced with a hardware problem. You won't be able to fix it yourself, so contact service center.


To summarize, we note that the stability and reliability of Android is growing from version to version: newest options Google's OS is less prone to problems than older ones, even if they are still current.

The error periodically appears on some gadgets running .

By stopping the running process, it causes a lot of inconvenience to users and causes data loss in applications.

Let's take a closer look at how to quickly fix the problem and make sure it never appears again.


Problem Meaning

Before you begin to analyze methods for solving an error, you need to determine its meaning.

A pop-up window with the text “” means that the running process (program, utility or widget) was suddenly stopped by the smartphone system.

The problem indicates that the phone components are not working correctly. The network may not be able to communicate properly mobile operator And installed firmware.

The problem appears naturally - only after or in the process of working with specific phone functions (calls, SMS, browser, and others).


In the operating room Android system All types of errors can be classified into a specific group.

A message starting with “com” means that the failure occurred in system application, which interacts with an open process or user program.

Some users immediately uninstall the application, after which an error window appears, but this does not help correct the situation, because incorrect work system component will also affect other software on the device.

“Com Android” refers to the phone and dialing function, so the causes of the problem are as follows:

  • Single application crashes in the Phone utility. In this case, the error will appear only once and will no longer interfere with the user’s work;
  • There is no space to store the cache of the "Phone" process;
  • Error system functions"Telephone". As a rule, it occurs after or after its rollback;
  • Impact of viral software, which has access to dialing and communication functions;
  • whether installing a plugin, extension;
  • Incompatibility between system software and user installed components. Appeals third party programs phone functions may malfunction. This may depend both on the action of the user and on the developer of the installed application.

This way you will eliminate the periodic appearance of the “com android” window or you will be able to “save” your gadget if the program appears cyclically and you do not even have time to press the phone keys.

Method #1 – Clearing the device cache

This method eliminates all errors in running processes by clearing temporary data that is stored in RAM and is causing the problem.

To delete the cache manually using the built-in ones, follow the instructions:

  • Open the settings window;
  • Go to the applications tab;
  • Open the “All” item and click on “Phone” to go to the built-in utility window. In this window you can manage the main parameters of the component, including deleting the cache;

Rice. 2 – list of all system applications

  • Click on “Clear cache” and wait until the process completes;
  • We also recommend that you press the button "Erase data" to start the initial correct configuration telephone operation;

Rice. 3 – functions “Erase data” and “Clear cache”

After clearing the cache successfully, the option key will become inactive as shown in the image above.

Now you need to restart your smartphone for all the settings to take effect and the phone to work again. normal mode without various errors.

Method #2 – Using another Phone app

In addition to the standard program for making calls, users can use any other application that stores all contacts and call data.

In most cases, the error only applies to standard dialer.

You can install another utility using .

Just use the program tool and choose the one you like. Install it and use it in the future instead of standard software. The error will not appear.

Rice. 4 – search and install dialing programs using Play Market

Method No. 3 – Reset settings

Reset settings or Hard Reset is a function that allows you to solve any problems with or. Its essence is to delete absolutely the entire configuration.

Also, all data and the user file are deleted - the phone returns to the settings that were set at the time of its release. Resetting completely deletes the following information:

  1. Contacts phone book;
  2. Messages;
  3. Application data;
  4. Call history;
  5. Saved files and folders.

To do this, you need to download the firmware installation file to the smartphone’s SD card and perform the installation using the recovery menu.

If you see the message “The Phone app has crashed” on your Android 7.0 or higher, this means that there is an error related to system process It is quite logical that this alert indicates critical failure, as a result of which this process can no longer operate normally. But what can cause such a problem, and how to quickly fix it? Let's figure it out.

Notifications when the Phone app crashes

Reasons for the error in “Phone”

It is worth noting that the “Phone” application is responsible for the operation of most of the main options in Android 7 and is interconnected with many of its services. Therefore, any failure in the OS or third party software entails an error in its operation. Among the extensive list possible problems, the following can be distinguished:

  • random errors are the most common and common;
  • filling the system cache associated specifically with the Phone application or the system as a whole;
  • malicious code;
  • user intervention;
  • incompatibility of any application that interacts with the “Phone”.

One way or another, in most cases the user is the culprit. This refers to an excessive amount of software, which is not always of high quality and official, cluttering the phone with garbage, viruses, and the like. And most often they fail budget models made in China(DOOGEE, BQ, Leagoo).

Fixing an application crash

Let's look at the solution options as they increase in complexity and consequences. Naturally, you need to start with a simple restart - this is the simplest solution that can eliminate a random crash. When you reboot, the system will not only restart everything important processes, but will also partially correct damaged system files. More serious problems cannot be fixed this way.

Removing junk and clearing cache

To perform this action it is better to download special utility for cleaning temporary files. It could be CCleaner, Master Cleaner or analogues. It should be remembered that in latest versions Android has a built-in cleaner. It is recommended to manually clear the cache and data of the Phone application. After cleaning, reboot the gadget.

Naturally, if a failure occurs after startup certain programs- they need to be demolished. However, you can first try simply erasing data and deleting the cache for problematic software.

Disable synchronization

Often a failure is caused by setting the date and time via the Internet. You can disable this feature in the Settings menu by selecting the “Language, time, keyboard” section. Instead of this section there may be simply “Date and time”. It all depends on the shell and launcher. Set the time and date manually, plus set your time zone - this important point.

Malware scanning

The last thing you can do without risking loss of personal data is to find the virus that could be causing the problem. It often happens that installed software is not malicious at all, but custom software can cause malfunctions and critical changes to system files. An antivirus scan will not only eliminate full-fledged viruses, but also partially solve problems with custom software and system changes without restoring it.

Today there are many proven utilities - AVG, Dr.Web, Kaspersky, ESET and others. Plus, uninstall unused software on the phone. What should be done:

  1. Download and install antivirus from the Play Market (and only from there).
  2. Check the system.
  3. If a virus is detected, cure damaged files.
  4. Reboot the gadget.
  5. Even if the “Phone” started working normally, clean out temporary files.

Please note that you can scan with several programs, but this must be done one at a time, and after scanning, remove the security software. You cannot have 2 or more antiviruses installed at the same time.

In addition, you can use a PC or laptop antivirus to check. To scan, simply connect your device to your computer as a drive and scan it. Malicious code and the scripts have few differences, so the likelihood of detection is high.

Solving a problem with the phone application using a reset

There is such a thing as “soft” and “hard” reset. In any case, you need to copy all important information, contact list, passwords to the cloud or on your PC. Go to the applications you use and save progress on them by linking your account, for example, to social network. By default you should have it bound Google account, so set synchronization there too.

A “soft” reset, also known as soft-reset, will return the device to its original state, erasing all changes to the operating system and deleting applications and so on. How to make it:

This solution is a kind of rollback of the operating system to its original state.

If this does not help, then you need a “hard” reset or Hard-Reset. Don't be afraid of this term. This is a deeper (low-level) cleaning of the system. It is impossible to save any information here, but at the same time all sources of the bug are removed. Instructions:

  1. Turn off your device.
  2. During startup, go to the “Recovery” menu. For each model, the login to Recovery may be slightly different - try the login combination for your device.
  3. Clear user data via “wipe data/factory reset”;
  4. Wait for the procedures to complete.

Please note that this solution also eliminates viruses if the corresponding software did not detect them. After this, the message that the “Phone” application has failed will no longer appear on your Android 7 or higher. Here is another visual video instruction for such a reset:

After restarting the phone, you will be completely pure Android. There is an important point: in the last Android versions(6.0, 7.0 and higher) there is protection against theft. So check out our past material.

Reflash the device

If all this does not help, then there is global damage to the system. In this case, only flashing will help. This procedure is not recommended inexperienced users. Errors during flashing can turn the device into a “brick” - then you can forget about the warranty and inexpensive repairs.

The flashing method directly depends on your device, so you need to select a solution specifically for specific model and companies. It is advisable to use standard versions, downloaded from the official website of the manufacturer. In this case, it is better to avoid custom firmware and beta versions.

If even after updating the firmware the problem persists, then there is only one option left - going to a service center. It is likely that there is a hardware failure that is affecting the operation of the device.


We hope the information helped you solve the problem, because, despite a large number of there is nothing complicated in solving the problem. In most cases, the error “The Phone application has crashed” is corrected in the first stages. To avoid its occurrence in the future, we recommend:

  • install software only with Google Play Market or the official website of the developers;
  • Regularly clear your phone of temporary files;
  • periodically scan the system for viruses;
  • update the operating system in a timely manner (“Settings” - “About phone” - “Software update”);
  • do not install a large number of applications - even if they are not open, they can run in the background, consuming device resources.

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