Famous cms. Examples of WordPress WooCommerce templates. Speed ​​of operation of various CMSs

Hello friends and colleagues! Today we have another review article. We will consider very interesting topic: which CMS to choose for your website. Review 11 awaits you (as always) popular systems. I hope that this article will be useful for beginners in website building, so I will try to tell as clearly and in detail as possible about what a CMS is, why they are needed and how to choose one for yourself best option. So, first things first.

The difference between a constructor and a CMS is that you do not need to buy hosting, download a CMS, or install it on your hosting - the constructors work online. All plugins and templates are also usually provided out of the box. The user is completely relieved of the need to deal with technical points administering your website - the designer does all this for him.

One of the most popular constructors on the Runet is Nethouse. His specialization is primarily online stores, business cards and landing pages. There are two options for using the service: free and paid. At free version the user is provided with a third-level domain and rather limited functionality:

As we see, on free plan A third-level domain is provided without the ability to connect your own domain, the number of products is only 10, and the number of photographs is 20.

If you don’t know what a domain is, read my .


  • Ease of learning. After registration, the user enters the control panel, which is convenient and understandable. Choosing a template is a matter of a couple of minutes.
  • Editing the site structure is also easy and simple; blocks are added or removed in the visual editor.
  • With a paid plan you get a free domain.
  • You can buy a domain for only 49 rubles. in year.
  • Great functionality - everything you need to develop a store is included.
  • All actions are carried out practically with just a mouse click.
  • Detailed documentation.


  • The possibilities for customizing the design are very poor - the templates cannot be reconfigured to suit you.
  • The HTML code is closed - therefore it will not be possible to insert advertising banners.
  • A small number of tariffs - only paid and free, i.e. insufficiently flexible pricing policy.
  • Focused on the store - business cards and landing pages look a little pale.


Choosing a CMS for your store is not easy. If you have a very modest business. Or you are just starting it - perhaps it would be a good option for you to work on paid plans of constructors such as Nethouse. Free - you can, of course, try, but restrictions and a third-level domain will not benefit you.


Probably the most popular of the designers is the uCoz service. With its help, you can develop projects of any complexity and any direction. The modules of this service can be used individually - to create online stores, blogs, business cards, or in combination, as part of a large portal.

The main functionality is provided free of charge, including a third-level domain. You can expand the list of services for a fee. Exist tariff plans, which include additional services:


  • Rich functionality - you can create any website: a large number of templates, including paid ones, plug-ins.
  • Convenient control panel.
  • The ability to change the design of templates, order your own unique template.
  • Convenient HTML editor.


  • Advertising banner – can be disabled for an additional fee.
  • Since there are many possibilities, it is not so easy to figure them out, especially for a beginner.


In terms of functionality and knowledge required to create a high-quality website, uCoz is quite comparable to any CMS. If you want to choose a CMS for a blog or other type of site, but have not yet decided and are thinking about trying your hand at it for free, this builder may well become your faithful assistant.

What engine is your site on? Let's have fun, it's very interesting.

  • Translation

IN last years The Internet has so rapidly amazed the public that it has not only become a significant part of human life, but also key factor in business development. The Internet plays a significant role and provides great assistance to companies in doing business and developing it, provides bread for programmers, and is also an excellent means of communication for all people. But what would the Internet be without the so-called virtual information space? This space consists of millions of websites.

It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner who knows nothing about website building, or an experienced professional, you can become part of virtual space by creating a website. There is only one big question - how? Naturally, you can hire a team professional designers, programmers and SEO managers who will bring your idea to life, or you can use CMS (content management system).

Of all the huge mass of websites populating the Internet, about 31% use a CMS. Below is a graph showing the historical dynamics of the share of websites on a CMS, starting from September 1, 2011 to September 19, 2012. The graph shows a clear positive trend towards increasing the share of sites with a CMS, and all because these tools make your life easier. There are many CMSs available, and you can choose the one that best suits you, depending on the goals and specifics of your website.

Figure 1 Dynamics of CMS use on websites for the period from September 1, 2011 to September 19, 2012.

There are many reasons to create your own website. It can represent your business (corporate website), serve as an online store, be social network, information portal, gallery, blog, forum and so on. At the same time, as we have already said, there are many different CMSs, each of which can be useful to one degree or another for each type of site. It is worth mentioning that today the so-called open source CMS, that is, free. As a rule, these systems have quite powerful communities that ensure the constant development of the CMS and filling them with various “features”.

In this article we intend to tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of the five most popular CMS. It is possible that this information will help you accept correct solution when you want to create your own website. So...

Figure 2 Percentage using various CMS

The diagram shows the market shares of various CMS at the present stage. As we can see, more than half of CMS sites use WordPress. And now you will understand why.

WordPress: Rules the Internet!

It's hard to say something new about WordPress. This CMS initially established itself as an innovative blogging platform with high usability. But the development of the system’s functionality has ensured its high popularity among other website formats. Today, the web design industry is in high demand for WordPress development services. WordPress is used everywhere, from personal blogs to e-commerce sites.


  • This is the most popular CMS: more than half of users prefer WordPress. Maybe, this statistic is already strong evidence in favor of the advantages of this system;
  • The widest range of plugins, themes, widgets for galleries, forums, multilingual, various catalogs, stores, and so on;
  • WYSIWYG editor will make life easier for those who have problems with HTML markup and other languages;
  • Technical experience is not required. The admin panel is much simpler than in other CMS: PHP and CSS files can be edited directly in the admin panel. For example, you can easily paste text from any text editor, unlike Drupal or Joomla;
  • WordPress is also a pretty powerful tool for developers and designers who create websites for clients.
  • The system provides a huge field of choice, so the main problem– how to use all its capabilities correctly? This CMS will work much better if you customize the settings correctly;
  • If you are a beginner, you may encounter some problems during installation, despite the popular belief that the installation process is easy.
The best decision:
This CMS can be the best option, if you need an easy to administer website. The use of this system provides wide, but at the same time simple functionality. WordPress is ideal for news sites or blogs, but, as we have already written, it is also used for other types of sites.

Joomla: cute but small, like your brother's girlfriend

Joomla the next most popular CMS, used by 9% of users. It's somewhere between the richness of developer-focused Drupal and the simplicity of WordPress, but with more wide possibilities for development. Despite this, Joomla has a user-friendly interface.


  • Despite its simplicity compared to Drupal, Joomla is a complete development tool;
  • Support for access control protocols (OpenID, LDAP, Gmail.com);
  • Availability of a convenient admin panel with a wide range of functions: templates, styles, menu management, and so on;
  • Simple installation process for non- experienced users;
  • And it’s also impossible to miss the fact that this CMS is quite beautiful.
  • The system is rather superficial and weak, despite all its versatility;
  • More paid plugins and themes compared to WordPress. Be prepared to pay;
  • For inexperienced users, it may seem that Joomla has a lot of unnecessary functions, and for experienced users it is too simple.
The best choice:
Joomla- This The best decision, if you are looking for a CMS with advanced functions and features. It provides a richer and more flexible website structure than WordPress.

You can use Joomla to create a corporate website, community or website with e-commerce functions.

Drupal: Strength and power!

About 7% of users prefer Drupal. Developers love its comprehensive power and developer-friendly interface that allows it to create complex websites. And like other “cool” tools, Drupal requires some technical skills that you could do without using Joomla or WordPress.


  • The presence of so-called hooks, which allow you to avoid almost any problems in the system;
  • The CCK and VIEWS modules allow you to design custom types data and its display;
  • With each new release, Drupal becomes easier to use;
  • This system is known for its Taxonomy module, which allows you to organize content by levels, features and categories;
  • Drupal has an active and large community;
  • A huge number of modules that will allow you to add many features to the site, such as user blogs, OpenID, forums, profiles, and so on, increasing functionality.
  • Due to its complexity, Drupal is definitely not suitable for the inexperienced user. In order to customize modules in Drupal, additional programming skills are required. But you can hire a specialist for these purposes.
  • Drupal requires progressive technical equipment, otherwise some performance problems may occur. Therefore, you need to be sure that your servers can handle the load imposed by such a complex system.
The best decision:
  • This is a good, but technically complex tool for constructing highly functional, versatile and advanced sites.
  • Typically, Drupal is used for sites that require complex data organization: forums, online stores, web blogs, corporate websites and community sites.

vBulletin: Bull power for your forum!

This CMS is preferred by about 4% of users. But speaking of popularity, it is worth noting that this system has been losing its market position in recent years. vBulletin provides the user with tools for creating and administering forums and blogs.


  • vBulletin – advanced and innovative solution to create forums;
  • Wide range of blog plugins;
  • - Lots of skins and clean code;
  • Simple and nice admin panel;
  • High level of security, thanks to which a large number of forums have been created on this platform;
  • Lots of SEO components.
  • This CMS is not free;
  • The system has a lot of options, which can be a problem for an inexperienced user;
  • If you need to import data from others electronic boards advertisements, you will need to install a separate modification patch.
The best choice:
vBulletin is an advanced tool for creating forums and publishing content. This is definitely good decision, if you decide to make a forum on your blog. vBulletin makes it easy to monitor your website.

TYPO3: last but not a loser

TYPO3 used by 2% of websites using a CMS. Demand for this system has increased significantly since the release of version 4. It's professional and powerful tool, rich in various features and options.


  • The system provides a wide range of features that can be customized or expanded;
  • Easy to install;
  • Effective management of content and graphic elements;
  • Improved login for users and administrators;
  • You can easily add content, pages, documentation, images, even if you inexperienced user, who knows nothing about HTML and web markup.
  • Requires good hosting, since the system is large;
  • TYPO3 is quite difficult to learn;
  • There are many holes in the code that developers propose to fix with hashing, but in fact this does not solve the problem.
The best decision:
TYPO3 can be used to create blogs, home pages, online newspapers, educational portals, online stores and so on.

So we shared some important facts, which you need to know to choose the right CMS for a successful website that can be easily managed. But advice is advice, nevertheless, do not forget about your own preferences, conclusions and experience!

Choosing the right engine for a web resource ensures the success of its operation and the effectiveness of achieving the goals set for the site. Today there are hundreds of different engines: popular and not so popular, commercial and so-called open-source.

Usually, as part of articles about engines, we present overall rating from the top 10 website management systems. Here we will expand the information a little; below you will see several ratings of different CMS types.

So, the first top represents commercial systems. They were created specifically for the purpose of making a profit from sales of licenses and add-ons. Nevertheless, such engine options lead in quality and popularity. No wonder they say that you have to pay for everything :)

Open-source - so-called free systems that manifest themselves in free access to copy the program and distribute it. Attention! They are not necessarily free.



This software is in first place in the ranking of boxed engines and in the overall top. What did she do to deserve such recognition? Many developers choose such an engine if they need to create a large portal, online store, information resource or a site of any other nature. It is advisable to use this system specifically for major projects, since Bitrix requires the same large investments.

It is often chosen for creating online stores due to its integration with a wide 1C base. The advantage in this case is also that you can set up various promotional programs for buyers, as well as divide them into different rates for several legal entities.

In general, web resources made on this engine are distinguished by the quality of their work, the ability to add many modules, excellent protection against third-party attacks, separation of rights of several administrators, and site integration with Yandex. Market and other services.


  • extensive toolkit, which can be expanded even further by installing various extensions (additional modules, plugins);
  • high security, including multi-level authorization of administrators, as well as division of rights for moderators;
  • ability to choose from an extensive catalog of templates - you can change appearance website, in addition, there is special option creating an individual layout; in general, many people like Joomla precisely because many aspects can be customized;
  • Updates are constantly coming out.

Websites on Joomla are obtained with enough flexible structure thanks to everyone listed benefits. Initially, this engine was created for corporate websites, blogs, business card sites, but in general it works great with portals ecommerce and social platforms.


When it comes to the question of which cms is better, you can definitely pay attention to Drupal. This is a powerful engine, aimed primarily at complex web portals and professional administrators. Working with this program requires some training and previous experience.

Let us list the advantages of this system:

  • synchronization with partner sites;
  • short convenient addresses;
  • the ability to change the “themes” of the site, choose from the proposed options;
  • translation option into different languages ​​is available;
  • the function of creating web portals with similar elements (a single user base, for example);
  • mechanical protection of the load on the web portal (for example, when the load is too high).

Drupal is suitable for advanced sites: online stores, large communities. In other cases, it is unlikely that the time, physical and material costs will be justified.


If you are wondering which cms to choose on a financially affordable basis, then we recommend paying attention to MODX - software professional level, which is suitable for providing a variety of sites.

Distributed under license, it belongs to the second group of our open-source rating, but in terms of popularity it occupies an honorable fourth place in the top ten.
It is logical to assume that such demand is associated precisely with the ability of everyone to use this system for e-commerce and other purposes.

A definite plus is that MODX can run on almost all web servers and interacts effectively with different browsers.


UMI.CMS is the final position in the top five engines. Almost all developers note the functionality of this content management system:

  • ability to work in several languages;
  • a large selection of different templates;
  • adaptive design;
  • for online stores, you can track various statistical data such as information on the amount of the average check.

At the same time, UMI.CMS is also cost-effective.


WordPress is the answer to the question of those who are looking for how to choose cms simple, understandable, but at the same time functional. Indeed, technical knowledge in working with this engine is not at all necessary; the developers tried to make the interface as simple as possible. Moreover, such simplicity is an advantage even for professionals.

By creating a web portal based on this engine, the webmaster does not have to worry about how it will be filled without his participation, because the administrator has a large number of instructions and ease of management at his disposal.

WITH using WordPress easy to create blogs, news resources, any portals where you need to quickly add content. The best part is that the functionality can be increased by installing various plugins according to affordable price.


NetCat is one of the options for those who are looking for which cms is better to use to make a website electronic means mass media, store, create corporate resource and other complex projects.

NetCat allows you to develop portals in mobile version, and also supports responsive design. For quality system management is required good functionality For search engine promotion, integration with payment programs, 1C database and others useful services. NetCat meets these requirements.

Many people consider NetCat to be an intuitive engine. It is useful that the interface can be divided into two: for the user and the developer, and for use there is no need to use complex technological solutions.


What can you say about HostCMS? If it is in our top, it definitely deserves attention. And here are the reasons.

  • There are no special requirements for hosting and servers.
  • Effective SEO optimization of sites based on this engine (you can specify meta tags, create simple addresses pages, etc.)
  • Works great with high traffic sites.
  • Ability to exchange data with the 1C system.
  • The cost of the small business version is about 6,000 rubles, but the user receives a fairly functional engine with the ability to expand the toolbar.


Many people choose CS-Cart to work with online stores, since website developers based on this system are provided with an extensive toolkit:

  • convenient organization of Internet marketing;
  • good form of working with orders;
  • opportunity simple addition content;
  • good SEO optimization of resources based on this engine;
  • Creation adaptive design website;
  • integration with various services type 1C or Yandex. Market.


In total, the set of this content management system consists of about 60 modules, which are enough to launch a high-quality web resource on almost any subject.

So, we’ve finished our review of dozens of leading content management programs; now it’s time to turn to the capabilities of the online generator engine.

System from LPgenerator

Of course, when we talk about how to choose cms for a website, we cannot forget about the advantages and capabilities of online one-page generators. This is an excellent solution for both beginners and professionals.

Based on LPgenerator, you can create landing pages of various types. This could be a business card website, for example.

Or a mini online store.

Or a portal through which a simple presentation of a service/product takes place.

Users have at their disposal a convenient editor, as well as hundreds of templates in , which can be redesigned for a niche business, then easily assign their own domain, synchronize it with the necessary services and optimize.

Choose what you think is the best option for you, but don't neglect the really good deals.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to talk about such a thing as a website engine or, scientifically speaking, a CMS (content management system).

Essentially, these are programs for a web server that greatly simplify the creation and maintenance of a website. Well, the website itself will allow you (if you create it yourself and don’t spend money on its promotion).

If you want to add your resource to this rating, then do not use the corresponding button on the right above the table.

By the way, if you think that it will be a little difficult for you, you can look web studio rating, located on the same resource. There you can see the projects created by this studio by clicking on the link in the “Works” column.

This is roughly what the statistics look like on the engines used by RuNet users (here not only Joomla, but all popular CMSs in general) in the context of which version of the CMS is used - new or outdated:

On Joomla, in addition to regular sites, quite a lot are created, thanks to the existing store extension called .

Probably the easiest to learn free engine- This WordPress. Of course, it is mainly used for quite narrow niche(creating and introducing blogs), but if desired, you can implement websites, forums, and galleries on it. But first of all, WordPress is a very functional blogging CMS.

the site runs exactly under the control of WordPress (but this is a secret, because the engine used and its version must be hidden, judging by the Yandex advice voiced above). I wrote and continue to write about the subtleties and nuances of working with this engine in the section, and about extensions for it in the section.

Judging by the speed graph above CMS work, WordPress is the underdog in this race, but I personally didn’t feel that way. In general, WordPress can be made to run fast without creating an outrageous . True, this will take a little time, but your blog can become very fast and very easy. I wrote about the increase in the column of the same name.

Now my blog is hosted on and with a load of 20-25 thousand visitors per day, I am still pleased with the speed of WordPress, especially after finalizing the template and optimizing everything that can be optimized. Although when using large quantity plugins, without additional optimization, WordPress becomes quite a heavy monster.

It is clear that there are still a lot of free CMSs that are used for various purposes. It's still the same Drupal or DLE ( DataLife Engine), and for many cases their use will be justified, because an ideal CMS does not exist, but WordPress and Joomla mentioned just above are the most popular. The reason may be their fairly simple design and clarity for novice users.

Which paid engines are the most interesting?

Another example that can be given as a not very expensive and fairly fast paid CMS is S.Builder. To understand how to create websites on this engine, most likely, it will not take you very much time, because... it has a fairly low barrier to entry (as they say, it is intuitive). This system is written for end user- absolutely unprepared and with no experience in webmastering (he can work in Word and that’s fine).

S.Builder is quite flexible and you can do almost everything with it, but, say, unlike Drupal (which can also do almost everything), with S.Builder you can do all this without getting into the code at all (there is a powerful module designer according to your needs).

Well, as I already mentioned, this CMS is one of the fastest engines and holds the load quite well, although it is also written in PHP. This is most likely due to the good cleanliness of the code (it was written from scratch) and good caching performance.

You can try S.Builder for free both online and offline. In the first case, you will need to go to the “Demo version on-line” page and they will create a temporary site on this CMS, where all the modules will be available for “testing the pen”. If online testing you are not satisfied, then you can download from the “Download CMS” page a fully functional and absolutely free offline version of this engine (as if you were) - “ trial version CMS for installation on a local computer."

Finally, I want to give you the opinion of a professional optimizer from the very well-known SEO company Ashmanov and Partners, who gave a fairly detailed answer to the question - Which CMS is better?:

P.S. Sometimes you want to know what engine does this or that site run on?. It turns out that this can be done quite simply and elegantly. In the article I just mentioned such a plugin - Wappalyzer. A very interesting thing.

Did you know that 40% of users leave websites with poor design? Why lose profit? Choose and install one of them right now 44 thousand premium website templates. The ideal choice for your business!

Top 10 rating CMS Internet stores 2016 – a review that many of our readers have been waiting for. We have prepared it specifically for those who are interested in the top CMS for an online store and in choosing the best platform.

E-commerce is gaining momentum every year not only around the world, but also in Russia. And although the growth rate electronic sales We are not as fast as, for example, in the USA, this growth is still not slowing down. There is currently a serious boom in the e-commerce sector, so many serious businessmen are trying to invest money in creating online trading platforms. Simply put, they create online stores.

To create a store you need an engine, that is, a platform. Choosing the right platform depends on many factors, including individual requirements and needs. To make it easier for you to understand, we decided to prepare a rating of CMS online stores in the USA and Russia for comparison, to give you a general idea of ​​the popularity of use various solutions. We will also talk briefly about each of these platforms. You will find out what the advantages and disadvantages of each of them are, and you can make the final decision yourself.

Before moving on to a direct comparison of the popularity of CMS platforms, we would like to provide some statistics for the e-commerce market in the USA and Russia.

The USA is the second leader in e-commerce after China. The market volume here in 2016 amounted to $349 billion. Russia ranks 9th in this ranking with a market volume 17 times less - $20 billion. At the end of 2015, the share of online sales was Russian market was 3.5%, while in the USA this figure was almost three times higher (9%). Despite this, in Russia every year there is an increased interest in Internet products. Thus, from 2008 to 2014, online commerce in Russia grew by more than 40% annually, even during the crisis. The Russian e-commerce market has quite serious prospects for further development.

CMS rating of online stores USA and Russia 2016 – Comparative charts

We specifically decided to compare the popularity of CMS for an online store between Russia and the USA to show what solutions are used overseas. Thanks to Builtwith's analytics resource, we can provide you with most interesting diagrams, which clearly shows the general trend.

As you can see, the ranking of the most popular CMS in the two countries is significantly different. WooCommerce tops the TOP 10 in the US, far ahead of other platforms like Squarespace Commerce, Shopify, OpenCart, Magento and Prestashop. The share of stores created on the basis of WooCommerce is 36%; the total share of other platforms does not even come close to this indicator.

As for statistics in Russia, WooCommerce is ahead of OpenCart by a small margin - 37% versus 22%.

Top 10 rating of CMS online stores USA vs Russia 2016

To somehow clarify the situation and help you answer the question: “What CMS is better for an online store", let's look at the most popular CMS systems for online stores.

  1. WooCommerce (36% – USA, 22% – Russia)

WooCommerce is a powerful plugin that is attached to the world's most popular CMS platform. It is available absolutely free. An open one is used for work. source, so anyone can change it to suit their requirements. Additional flexibility is provided by the ability full customization through convenient panel WordPress management.

For WordPress sites, in particular for WooCommerce online stores, there is simply an incredibly large number, so you can choose the most suitable one for yourself and adapt it to your needs. For any type of online store there is a WordPress template/theme/template. Each template has responsive design and works confidently with mobile devices. . There are many for WordPress WooCommerce additional extensions and, including free ones, so your store will have unlimited functionality.

The WordPress platform provides a high degree of operational reliability, but you can additionally use third-party solutions. Security is never too much, especially for an online store.

  1. OpenCart (5% – USA, 38% – Russia)

The OpenCart platform, specially created for online stores, appeared not as long ago as WordPress (in 2012), but during this time it has already won the recognition of many Internet entrepreneurs. In Russia, as you have already seen in the chart above, it is ahead of WooCommerce, although WooCommerce is significantly ahead of all other CMS platforms for online stores in the .com domain zone, including OpenCart.

Just like WordPress WooCommerce, OpenCart is completely open and free CMS store. New updates are constantly coming out to it, which means it is also reliable. On OpenCart you can find many useful modules at an affordable price. One of the most important advantages of OpenCart is its support for a large number of payment systems, including Webmoney.

You will find paid OpenCart templates.

We have already compared these two platforms with each other before. You can read an article on this topic by following the link.

  1. VirtueMart (<1% – США, 12% – Россия)

VirtueMart is an e-commerce solution based on the Joomla CMS (similar to WooCommerce for WordPress). Although Joomla is not a specialized platform for e-commerce, by installing one of the components for an online store you can get a full-fledged online trading platform. One such component is VirtueMart. There are many modules available for it that will help expand the functionality of your store. Built-in analytics and marketing capabilities are supported. The disadvantage is that the platform is quite complex to work with, so it will not be as easy for beginners to work with it as, for example, with WooCommerce.

Which online store CMS to choose?

Choosing a CMS is a purely individual matter. It all depends on the specific tasks, requirements and scale of your project. We believe that WooCommerce has - along with other solutions - and will soon rise in popularity in Russia from second to first place due to its rapid development and wide popularity among WordPress fans.

This is the optimal solution for those who want a powerful and reliable online store with good functionality and expandability at an affordable price. Plus, there are tons of cool templates for WooCommerce. To make our rating of online store CMS even more interesting, we will present some of these templates as an example.

WordPress WooCommerce Template Examples

Fashion Plus – template for WordPress CMS clothing store

The Fashion Plus template was created specifically for a clothing store. Includes three ready-made demo themes, several styles for store pages and headers. Supports the Slider Revolution plugin for slideshows and Visual Composer for quick page creation.

XStore - Responsive Universal Template

XStore is an excellent example of a template that has ready-made solutions for almost any type of store, be it an eyewear, cosmetics, engineering equipment, furniture or bicycle store. There are several unique mouseover effects available. The template has high page load rates. There are several options for mega menus and blog layouts.

Electro – Responsive WooCommerce Electronics Store Template

Based on Electro, you can create a simple CMS store for electronics and household appliances. The set includes a special Electro Extensions plugin with extensions for a mega drop-down menu, product carousel, special offers and improved Live Search. The template also supports working with plugins from the site

In addition to the regular menu, the template also has a special menu for mobile devices. To organize products in the catalog, you can use category tabs. Products can be displayed in a list or in a grid. The product quick view function and the “Offer of the day” function are supported. Drop-down cart. There are cool icons for design.

Mega Store – WooCommerce template for various stores

Mega Store comes with six pre-made home page layouts. You can choose one of several header options to organize a convenient product catalog and footer. For each store page, you can customize the structure, sidebar position, and add various effects. The product grid supports one to six columns.

We really hope that our comparison of CMS for an online store was useful for you. We have prepared the top 10 rating of CMS for online stores not only to show dry statistics, but also to help you answer the question: “Which CMS to choose for an online store?” Whatever your decision, the main thing is that it suits you.

If you don't know what it takes to create a successful commerce website, read a separate one dedicated to this topic. To create an online store, you will also need quality hosting. This is especially important for an online store. If you decide to choose a WordPress WooCommerce solution, read the article about. We wish you good luck in choosing a platform and creating an online store. Wishing you high conversions and successful sales!

Alexander is the founder of the “Web Laboratory of Success” website project, created to support beginning and continuing Internet entrepreneurs. He is a convinced workaholic with professional experience in managing the editorial office of an online magazine, creating and managing his own online store. Main occupation: promoting businesses (including online stores) through Facebook and Google Adwords. Main hobby: monetizing websites through affiliate marketing tools and Google Adsense. Personal confirmed records: 3 million blog visitors per month.