Command to get admin on the cs server. Easily add administrators

To start you need.

We connect via FTP to the game server, go to the folder configs(approximate path to the folder: your_path_to_server/csgo/addons/sourcemod/configs/) find and open the file admins_simple.ini and go to the very end of the file.

Before you start editing, not a big educational program.

Immunity— set according to rank. The main admin should have immunity 99, the rest are lower at your discretion. The bottom line is that whoever has a higher value can ban someone who has a lower value.

Rights— are set according to your wishes, each written letter is responsible for different possibilities.

a - reserve slot.
b - Generic admin; required for admins.
c — Player kick.
d - Player ban.
e — Unban a player.
f - Hit/kill a player.
g - Change cards.
h - Change cvar settings.
i — Connecting configs.
j - Special chat privileges.
k - Start/create polls.
l — Setting a password for the server.
m - Using RCON commands.
z - Enable all flags (root).
o - Custom Group 1.
p—Custom Group 2.
q - Custom Group 3.
r - Custom Group 4.
s - Custom Group 5.
t - Custom Group 6.

1. How to make (register) yourself as an admin Steam id

"Your STEAM_id" "99:abcdefghijklmzopqrstz"

2. How to make (register) yourself as an admin IP

Add an entry from a new line:

"Your IP" "99:abcdefghijklmzopqrstz"

3. How to make (register) yourself as an admin Nikename

Add an entry from a new line:

"Your Nikename" "abcdefghijklmzopqrst" "password"

Save and overwrite the file in the folder configs.

setinfo _pw Your_Password
or setinfo _password Your_Password

And only then connect to the server.

To check the work done in chat type!admin or in the sm_admin console? if everything is done correctly it will appear Admin Menu.

Basic commands:

First of all, the player who installed the server is wondering how to register an admin panel on his server? And no matter what the game, the essence of the admin panel is the same.

How to transfer the admin panel in KSS and CS GO to the server via FTP?

Adding yourself as an administrator in Sourcemod is actually easier than you think.

1. Write down your SteamID, you will need it later. ()
2. You need access to FTP in the server configurations. (You can find it on the hosting)

3. Go to FTP and connect to your CSS or CS:GO server. (Enter your FTP data into the program)

4. After connecting, go to addons -> sourcemod -> configs (addons/sourcemod/configs), then find admins_simple.ini in the drop-down menu, right-click on the file and select View/Edit. (If you have a notepad open, then download it to your computer and open it via Notepad++).

5. Scroll down and then write "STEAM_1:0:149040462" "99:z" "" (replacing SteamID X with your id).
6. Click “Save” and restart the server (or change the card).

Two slashes (//) disable the admin panel

Examples of registered admin panels:

"STEAM_1:0:222564719" "99:bcdj" "" // Trump
"STEAM_1:1:51754003" "99:abcdefgjk" "" // Morty
"STEAM_1:0:93806243" "99:z" "" // Kisa

If you followed the steps above, you should have assigned the maximum number of privileges (99 immunity, Z flag - root) to your steam account.

To make sure that access has been granted, connect to the server, open the console and write the command “sm_admin” command or “!admin” in the chat, without quotes. The admin menu will open.

You can bind the menu so that you don’t have to write a command in the chat every time. To bind, write bind p sm_admin in the console, instead of p you can use any button. You can unbind the button with the following command: unbind p.

If you are reading this article, I would like to immediately congratulate you on launching your own server! And it seems to me that the first thing to do is to register an admin panel. In this article we will look at how to register an admin panel in cs 1.6 on your server.

To begin with, I would like to immediately remind you that the admin panel only works if Amdmodx is available on the server. If you don’t know what it is, you can check this way: if there is an addons folder in the cstrike folder, then amxmodx is installed.

So let's get started:

  1. To register the admin, you need to open the file users.ini. It is located in cstrike/addons/amxmodx/configs. By the way, you can download .
  2. At the very bottom we write the admin panel in the format:

    For example:
    By nickname: "My Name" "my_password" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "a"
    By STEAM_ID: "STEAM_0:0:123456" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "ce"
    By IP: "" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "de"

For advanced users, in principle, this information will be sufficient. But for beginners, I will now analyze everything in more detail.

general information

Before giving the admin panel to another player, be sure to familiarize yourself with it.

What's happened " Access rights"(abcdefghijklmnopqrstu) :

a– makes it impossible to kick, ban, kill, hit a player, etc. (he will have immunity to these commands)
b– a space reservation gives you, you can log into the server even if it is full.
c- gives access to amx_kick (gives the right to kick)
d- gives access to amx_ban and amx_unban (ban and unban a player)
e- gives access to amx_slay and amx_slap (kill and hit a player)
f- gives access to amx_map (map change)
g- gives access to amx_cvar (server console commands, settings. Not all commands are available).
h- gives access to amx_cfg (editing the ‘’cfg’’ server config)
i- gives access to amx_chat (team chat, including voice chat)
j- gives access to amx_vote (voting)
k- sv_password (password change, available via amx_cvar)
l- gives access to amx_rcon and rcon_password commands (accessible through amx_cvar)
m-gives access to level A (for additional plugins)
n- gives access to level B
o-gives access to level C
p- gives access to level D
q- gives access to level E
r- gives access to level F
s- gives access to level G
t- gives access to level H
u- gives the admin rights menu (amxmodmenu)
z- gives can be a player (not an admin)

What's happened " Access Flags"("a", "de", "ce", etc.):

a– kick the player if the password for the admin panel does not match.
b- clan tag
c- if the admin is via Steam ID
d– if the admin is by IP Address
e- the password itself is not verified for authenticity (used for IP address and Steam ID)

Admin by IP address

There are two types of IP address
  • Static- constant.
  • Dynamic- changing.
To determine what type of IP address:
  1. Find out the current IP address - and save it somewhere
  2. We reboot the router, or reconnect to the Internet, or simply restart the computer.
  3. Go to myip again and see if the IP address has changed. If it has changed, you have a dynamic IP, forget about the admin panel by IP and give it by nickname or Steam_ID.
  1. Opening users.ini
  2. We write at the very bottom:"" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "de"
    ( - must be replaced with your IP address, and leave the password blank)
Minus of the admin panel by IP: if you have a dynamic IP, then the admin panel will crash.

Admin by nickname

This method is the simplest and suitable for everyone.


  1. Opening users.ini(it's located in cstrike/addons/amxmodx/configs)
  2. We write at the very bottom:"nickname"" "password" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "a"
    ("nickname" is changed to your nickname, and "password" is changed to your password)
  3. Go to Counter-Strike 1.6, open the console and enter the password:
    setinfo_pw "password" (instead of "password" indicate your password)
Minus of the admin by nickname: You can't change your nickname.

Administrator by STEAM_ID

Almost all third-party sites claim that only those who have a licensed version of the game can register an admin account using a Steam ID. In fact, this is not entirely true, since Non-Steam versions of the game often have a Steam ID. But not always.

How to find out your Steam_ID:

  1. Launch Counter-Strike 1.6 and go to your server.
  2. Open the console and enter the command status
  3. We look for our nickname and copy our Steam ID (example: STEAM_0:0:123456789)


  1. Opening users.ini(it's located in cstrike/addons/amxmodx/configs)
  2. We write at the very bottom:"STEAM_0:0:123456789" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "ce"
    (STEAM_0:0:123456789 - must be replaced with your Steam ID, and leave the password blank)
Minus of the admin by nickname: admin panel crashes when reinstalling CS 1.6

First, you need to make sure that you have the SourceMod mod installed in the control panel of your server.
If everything is correct and the mod is installed, you can proceed directly to adding it.

Fast start

SourceMod provides three authentication methods by default:
Steam ID – unique for each Steam account
IP Address – a unique IP address received by the computer (good to use on a local network where IP addresses are static)
Name – by name (password required)

Open the csgo/addons/sourcemod/configs/admins_simple.ini file on your server.
Add a new line and write the following in it, replacing yoursteamid with your SteamID (you can find out by writing status in the console) like STEAM_n:o:p

"yoursteamid" "99:z"

Save the file. Change the card, reboot the server, or write the command sm_reloadadmins in the server console in the control panel.

Login to your server
Write sm_admin in the game console, and return to the game by closing the console. You should see the admin menu.

Access levels

Now let's quickly go over the access levels and find out what they mean.

a- reserve slot
b- administrator, flag required for admins
c- use of the kick command
d- use of the ban command
e- use the unban command (remove ban)
f- use of the slay command
g- permission to change cards
h- permission to change server settings (cvar"s)
i- change the config used
j- special privileges in chat
k- access to start voting
l- permission to set a password on the server
m- permission to use a remote console to manage the server
n- permission to change the sv_cheats parameter and related parameters
o- special flag C
p- special flag D
q- special flag E
r- special flag F
s- special flag G
t- special flag H
z- root (has all the above flags)


In SourceMod, immunity is a flexible system based on immunity levels.
Each administrator can have an arbitrary value of immunity assigned to him.

But if an administrator must perform an action on another administrator, then the success of the action will depend on the amount of immunity the administrator has. For example, one administrator with immunity 2 will want to kick an administrator with immunity level 3, but he will not be able to do this; a message will be displayed about insufficient access rights and that another game administrator has higher immunity.

By default, administrators with the same immunity can perform actions on each other. This can be changed using the sm_immunity_mode variable in the cfg/sourcemod.cfg file


For passwords to work, the server administrator must change the "PassInfoVar" line in the addons/sourcemod/configs/core.cfg file.
For example:

Setinfo "_sm1337" "hlmod"

To automate this process when connecting to a server, you can create an "autoexec.cfg" file in your cstrike folder of your game. It is located in the folder SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Source\cstrike\cfg

You can also set a password when connecting. SteamID and IP verification of your administrative privileges will be done automatically if the password is correct. If password authentication is based on nickname, you must first log in before changing your name, or you will be kicked from the server.

Easily add administrators

The easiest way to add an administrator is through the admins_simple.ini configuration file
This is a simple file that requires two parameters per line: authentication information as well as flags. The flags string is somewhat flexible and can have the following information:
Optionally immunity level followed by a colon (":");
Flag string;
The name of the group, preceded by the @ symbol.
Below are three examples:

"STEAM_0:1:16" "bce" //admin, kick, unban for this steamID. No immunity "!" "5:z" //all rights for this IP address, immunity level = 5 "Andrey" "abc" "" //name Andrey, password "": reserve slot, admin, kik

Detailed settings for administrators

Additionally, you can add admins through the admins.cfg configuration file, a more advanced file is saved in the KeyValues ​​format.

Each administrator has his own block within the main "Admin" block. You can create and/or modify admins.cfg files using KVManager. The format looks like this:

Admins ( "Admin Name" ( "auth" "" "identity" "" "" "" "" "" /* .... */ ) )

Available options:

  • auth: Authorization: Mandatory. Can only accept the values ​​steam, name or IP (if there is a user authentication method), this is SourceMod's instruction on which parameter to identify the user.
  • identity: Identification: Mandatory. A unique value that allows SourceMod to find an administrator using the provided authentication and value accounting method.
  • password: Password: Optional. Specifies the user's password, which must be entered if authorization occurs by nickname (see the section on passwords above).
  • group: Group: Optional. Specifies the name of the group that the user should inherit, if possible. More than one group can be specified. There should be "@" as a symbol to avoid ambiguity.
  • flags: Flags: Optional. Access flags that the user should receive by default.
  • immunity: Optional. The level of immunity the user receives.


A program for editing admins.cfg and admin_groups.cfg files.
Program page: