Ongoing trends in graphic design. Negative space. Positive trend

Ryan McCready, content editor for infographic design service Venngage, talks about what's popular in graphic design right now and what techniques have been ditched this year.

Bold and vibrant colors

Over the past few years, many technology leaders have used muted and easy-to-read colors. So they tried to create a very clear design scheme and show that the elegant and functional future, which is usually shown in science fiction films, has already arrived.

This method helped the company move to a new stage of development and unify all its applications under one color. As with Spotify, this bold use of bright colors made the brand stand out.

The fashion for bold and bright colors in design comes from Google's Material Design principles. The company chose a flat, streamlined and intuitive design with the addition of "unexpected and energetic colors, as well as functional and eye-pleasing fonts and images."

In general, many current trends in 2017 arose under the influence of Google’s Material Design principles.

We also used them to make this e-book promotional image. As a result, the image became incredibly popular.

If you're having trouble choosing the best colors for your design, read on for some great examples of color palettes. And don't be afraid to use colors that contrast with each other.

Bold font

Bold font attracts readers' attention. You involuntarily pay attention to the large and eye-catching inscriptions.

My favorite example is Wired. It uses different fonts to highlight specific headings and maintain a hierarchical order of information on the page.

Just take a look:

Another good example of using catchy fonts is HubSpot. The text is in the foreground and supported by graphics:

HubSpot understands that every year the amount of time it takes to absorb information from a tweet tends to zero. Therefore, to attract the reader’s attention, they use short and succinct inscriptions in bold letters.

In addition, now more and more people surf the Internet from mobile phones. Due to high-definition screens, there is an increasing need to use bold fonts. So, to retain readers, you need to deliver your content in the right way.

Buffer highlights headlines throughout the entire article, not just at the beginning - making articles easier to read on all devices. I recommend using this approach for long articles - this way you will help readers navigate them.

We applied this method when creating this infographic. The combination of bold font and interesting colors attracts attention:

Fonts from Google Fonts

I've been using Google Fonts for a long time because they're so versatile. If I need to come up with a design for an online publication and then add it to a presentation, I am sure that all the fonts will work well together. They all look great on any blogging platform or website.

By the way, all 810 fonts are absolutely free! Oh yes, people like free things. They also like things that are very easy to use. Here is one example of combining several popular fonts from Google:

On our website we use Roboto and Open Sans fonts.

Original photos

Every year the amount of content grows, as does the need for high-quality images. To ensure that photographs can last a long time, the authors try to make them as versatile as possible.

There's just one problem: the best generic images tend to become stale over time. If you follow news in the field of technology and marketing, then you are probably familiar with this photo:

It is used in landing pages, blogs, and even in Instagram posts. To be honest, I took it myself for a site I worked on a few years ago. Due to the popularity of such stock images, the originality of graphic content has dropped sharply.

And the need to use clear and perfect photos only made the situation worse.

When a reader sees the same picture for the hundredth time, he thinks that the author of the article did not try to be at least a little original. So why even read such an article?

This is why you should use original images. Stop taking popular pictures, start making your own.

I'm sure everyone on your team has a camera phone. Why don't you use them? Take photos of your office or logo and use those photos.

Find out if there is an aspiring photographer among your colleagues. Give him a couple of days to rent an office - and you will have enough photos for a whole year!

When we created our new website, we took photographs of our employees, and we were very pleased with the result.

Hand-drawn images and icons

Not only the photographs must be original, but also the icons and drawings. Some brands have already realized this and are trying to stand out from the crowd in this way. This approach adds an element of personal and fun to the design.

Some say the trend looks unprofessional and childish, but it's still definitely eye-catching. Like most trends of 2017, it acts as an alternative to the sterile clean design of recent years.

Dropbox uses hand-drawn illustrations throughout. They became part of the company's brand and made it recognizable.

Such illustrations create a relaxed mood and delight the child who lives in the soul of each of us. They make the product look more affordable. They're especially effective at large tech companies like Dropbox.

Another successful example of this approach is the mattress company Casper. Almost her entire site consists of hand-drawn drawings. Here is one of them:

The trend was also picked up by the MailChimp service. In the 2016 report, he also shows similar drawings.

Moz, a company that develops marketing software, inserts illustrations into the header of articles:

Sometimes our love for drawings manifests itself in other projects:

Return to the roots of minimalism

If you were asked to explain to a stranger what minimalism is, you would probably answer that it is when you have to abandon decorativeness in favor of functionality. You'll most likely immediately think of a neutral color palette consisting of shades of black, gray and white.

It seems that the true spirit of minimalism has been supplanted by the use of boring black and white color schemes. It seems to me that this was done on purpose to compensate for the small screen size and low power of mobile devices.

But in 2017 everything will change. Minimalism will return in its true form. Which means there will be more color. Nowadays, mobile devices are as powerful as computers, and some even have better screens.

My favorite example of minimalist design is the Medium platform logo. Its creators were able to combine several different colors and still maintain a minimalist style.

Google made another logo redesign in favor of minimalism and a combination of bright colors. It is noteworthy that it was this company that served as a catalyst for the emergence of many new trends. The designers trimmed the font slightly and introduced a new G-shaped logo look that I really like.

The spirit of minimalism is felt in all this, but the press did not write about it. People have forgotten what true minimalism is. The logo was not colorless and made in a single form, so no one thought that it was made in a minimalist style.

The new logo was bright and eye-catching - while maintaining a minimalist look. After the redesign, people around them began to imitate Google, as they had done before in other aspects.

We ourselves began to use a more minimalist style for the design of our blogs.

The simple image design easily conveys the necessary information.

Using GIFs

Everyone (well, almost everyone) loves GIFs. They help us in conversation because sometimes they can convey emotions better than text.

In addition, no special programs are needed to play them. GIFs are usually small in size and can be embedded almost anywhere.

They are better than videos and images, especially when you want to reduce page load time and traffic. I believe that their versatility makes GIFs an even more useful design element.

I really like putting gifs in the header of an article. Instead of putting a boring stock image there, take a couple of minutes and make a GIF like this one.

You don’t have to make any special creative efforts to do this, but it will definitely attract attention to your post on social networks. Here is another good example of using GIFs in the header of an article.

Two-color images

This is a combination of two, usually very bright or contrasting colors in one image. To create such images you will have to turn on your design skills, but it is worth it.

Only a very skilled designer can make such beautiful two-color pictures. I'm sure I can't create something like this, but that doesn't mean you should cut this technique out of your design plans.

Is everything new well forgotten old? Designers and creators often follow this principle when looking for inspiration. However, this year, general digitalization, the hyper-influence of IT companies and new technologies in marketing are dictating new rules in the design industry.

The main outgoing trend this year was handwritten lettering. Its peak has passed a long time ago, but even this year, with a long echo, we saw it quite often, although not always appropriately. I hope it will remain in the design in the right proportions, but will not be so widespread. I saw a lot of work with active rulers and grids. Designs in the style of a checkered school notebook and stationery from the early 80s.

Flat suprematism and paper textures. Flat design has generally gone beyond the web and has fully settled into graphic and industrial design.

Deliberately awkward illustrations began to appear more and more often. This trend has not yet been fully developed in Russia, but is thriving in the West.

Trends do not go away exactly with the change of calendar year, and some of these trends will migrate into 2018. Next year we will see more experiments with animation and gradients. We are approaching the point where the number of people involved in type design (especially in Russia) turns into quality.

Fonts and typography will become more experimental and bold, even for large corporate brands. I expect flexible font technology to develop soon. Large colored blocks are now not just a supporting background, but are signs in themselves and a dominant part of the system. Flat design is still the king of the party.


Modern marketing tools allow us to better understand consumer psychology. It became clear that the right brand communication strategy allows you to create a design that can really influence the consumer’s choice.

In 2017, branding has finally ceased to be intuitive and is becoming an increasingly rational tool. Therefore, the design stage is increasingly preceded by a research and strategy stage. The client is increasingly less likely to evaluate a design from a “like/dislike” point of view, so he is increasingly providing research and brand strategy along with the brief. Marketing technologies make it possible to accurately estimate the cost of the brand’s contact time with the consumer, the attractiveness of the brand, etc.

It seems to me that current trends are associated with saving consumer time (they are not too new, but it is always useful to systematize and remember them):

  • Minimalism in graphic design;
  • More meaningful use of fonts. Typography has become important, since consumer contact with a brand sometimes comes down to just one icon on a smartphone;
  • Author's illustrations or photographs that evoke a greater emotional response from the consumer;
  • The popularity of motion design is more emotions/information per unit of time.

Digitalization has manifested itself in all areas of communication, graphic design is no exception. For example, logo animation, a trend this year, certainly appeared with an eye to use in digital. A popular trend for the web, neoplasticism, a block combination of contrasting colors (colourblocking), gained great popularity in graphic design in 2017.

One of the trends this year is the use of variable fonts, and in general the replacement of drawing with typography. This is a very interesting trend, as the role of copywriting is increasing.

Simplification in design and the movement towards minimalism has continued in recent years and is due to the activity of leading IT companies that dictate the fashion for simplicity and functionality.

Variations on the theme of typography will be relevant in 2018. A catchy copyright will also not go unnoticed, as BBDO’s victory at the Red Apple festival with Beat’s work in the print design category confirms. It seems to me that the semantic part will continue to dominate brand communications.

The trend towards geometric shapes and simplification will continue, which will allow designers to focus not on the visual component, but on the quality of the materials used, media, as well as developments for interactive web design.

We can safely say that the attention of designers will once again turn to hand-made graphics. At the same time, generative graphics and 3D forms, which are generated by mathematical calculations, will continue to develop. It is possible that the symbiosis of the technological and the man-made will become the main trend of next year.

2017 was not a turning point or special year for graphic design. The main trend towards simplification is not losing ground. FlatDesign is still popular. This is due to the fact that a huge number of people use smartphones, the market for mobile advertising and applications is growing, which means that identity elements should look organic.

Pure, bright colors have been very popular this year. A lot of attention is paid to fonts - and we are not just talking about lettering, which is undoubtedly in fashion.

In 2018, the trend towards simplification and softening of corners will definitely continue: fillets, bends, and rounded shapes are increasingly being used in design. The influence of Digital will increase and elements of the identity will immediately adapt to mobile devices.

In the age of digital art, graphic design trends disappear as quickly as they appear. What has been fashionable for the past few years may look completely outdated in 2018.

Some trends have stood the test of time, while others have faded in the blink of an eye, making way for new, modern looks. If we talk about graphic design trends in 2018, then it will be absolute madness, experiments and freedom for wild imagination!

This will be a year of crazy projects, experiments and wild imagination. You may feel like you've already seen some of these surprises. And yet - let's not waste a minute. Now is the time to show which graphic design trends will be absolute hits in the next year.

Glitches are everywhere

Glitch effect

Corrupted image i.e. glitch effect is one of the most popular trends in the digital world lately. What once irritated the viewer has now turned into a truly desired effect.

Obviously, horror fans have been familiar with this for a long time. 2018 is the year that damaged images will take over the world of graphic design.

"Destruction" effect

As far as we can tell this year, modern graphic designers have been obsessed with the “art of destruction.” Anything that involves splashes, scratches, rips, cracks, or any other form of disruption to the aesthetics of the composition will remain modern in 2018.

Channel shift effect

Playing with color channels is widely popular among designers. This method allows you to create large illusory effects. Holography, hallucination, distorted reality... all of this has a great impact on the viewer, which will make “Color channels” one of the main trends in graphic design in 2018.

But holography is lagging behind...

...and the holographic design trend, which has been a huge hit for the past few years, is now lagging behind other futuristic trends.

Although it still looks glamorous and mesmerizing, holographic projects will be on the decline in 2018.


We can confidently say that 2018 will be the year of the Double.

Double exposure

Double exposure has been a trend for several years now. Although some designers have put this technique aside for a while, we are definitely seeing an increase in emphasis on double impact design that wows the viewer. Here are some amazing examples:

Double two-color exposure

“I’m seeing double” will no longer be an effect after drinking liquor. This trend is a hybrid of Double Exposure Duotone and color channels. In short, double exposure is achieved by doubling the image, or using two different overlapping images in monochrome colors. Thus, designers achieve the effect of being “ahead of time.”

Double light

Another big “look-alike” among the 2018 graphic design trends is two-tone lighting. This effect transforms simple compositions into edgy and modern ones. Dual light is an effect that is achieved by using two real light sources or splitting the color channel. Here are some examples.

Classic wave douton - goodbye...

Doughton converted to double exposure will be a major trend next year. However, we will be seeing fewer traditional double undertones, despite it being one of the hottest trends of the year.

And that's not necessarily a bad thing. The design is still evolving.

Typography is still king

Creative typography

Creative typography is among the leaders in graphic design trends 2018. In fact, this trend has been at the forefront for the past few years and is not going away anytime soon.

When it comes to this technique, imagination is your strongest asset. This type of typography can be combined with other methods or used as a stand-alone technique. In both cases it's impressive. Check it out with the amazing examples below.

Clipped typography

This method was a hot trend in 2017 and will remain hot in 2018. The art of erasing parts of letters while keeping them legible requires a lot of creativity and professionalism. But the effect is worth it.

Chaotic typography

Chaos was declared one of the main trends in the past year. It looks like 2018 graphic design will move into chaotic typography. In other words, say no to alignment and yes to unconventional letter and word order.

Typography as an element of real life

The current trend in graphic design is typography that closely interacts with other elements of the composition. The achieved effect: letters turn into objects of real life. Check out these amazing examples.

Negative space. Positive trend

Negative Space Design

We called negative space a positive trend not because negative and positive attract each other in physics, but because in graphic aesthetics negative spatial techniques evoke completely positive emotions.

By its nature, negative space in design is “empty” space that forms a specific, distinctive shape. This method is one of the most popular recently and, apparently, will not lose its leading position.

Negative space typography

Clearly, the current trend is a mixture of negative space and typography. The most popular thing about this style is that elements located at the back come to the fore through the form. This is another type of interaction between typography and compositional elements.

Bright colors throughout

Colorful 3D substance

Vibrant colors plus 3D composition is another absolute winning combination to look forward to in 2018. With so many graphic design trends vying for leadership, bright colors are certainly at the top. And how could it be different if all clients want one thing: “Make it pop!”

Yes. Bright colors can create a pop design style. In our opinion, this will be one of the strongest graphic design trends of 2018. But we're willing to bet that it will remain a trend in 2019. Check out a few examples of this aging trend.

Single color 3D design

Lately we are seeing more and more product presentations using the same color as the background as the product being presented. The product “floats” thanks to the volume created by 3D methods. It looks quite attractive.

Metal elements

In addition to bright colors, metallic elements are entering the world of graphic design to create a “wow” effect. Combined with other hot trends like 3D compositions and creative typography, this trend creates a real life effect.

Color transitions. Gradients

When Instagram turned its logo into a colorful gradient back in 2016, no one expected the trend to become so big. This was just the beginning of her rise. Even though the design world wasn't sure about the technique (everyone was crazy about flat shapes back then), we're seeing more and more colorful gradients.

Flat and material design is overlooked...

Both of these trends dominated the digital world for a long time, but have apparently passed their peak. However, we will be seeing them in website and mobile app designs that still focus on functionality and an unobtrusive interface.

Artistic illustrations

Hand drawn illustrations

Hand-made illustrations are always at the peak of popularity. Each design is a work of art created with a lot of talent and imagination. That's why illustrations will never go out of style.

When it comes to graphic design, illustrations always bring a special, unique feel to the game. In 2018, illustrations are presented in combination with other graphic design trends such as negative space, 3D structures, the "dual" trend and more.

Illustrations over photographs

An interesting trend for 2018 will be combining photographs with digital drawing. This method gives the composition a modern look. For brands that find simple photos too boring, this is just the thing!

Paper cut illustrations

One of the latest graphic design trends for 2018 is illustrations in papercut style. Inspired by the actual art of paper cutting, this trend is quickly gaining momentum. Papercut's illustrations recreate compositions from different layers of paper, where depth and specific textures are essential elements.

To describe graphic design trends 2018 briefly: it will be “anything but boredom.” A year of digital graphic madness will bring mesmerizing, eye-catching, out-of-this-world projects for us to admire. Feel free to share your thoughts on this topic in the comments below.

The article is divided into two main areas: graphics in web design and development itself, and each section has its own components.


So, we’ll start with the web design trends of 2017 and what awaits us in 2018. What changes have occurred in graphics, the use of fonts, animation and video, and so on.

Graphic design

The trend that is considered fashionable is Flat Design. Vector graphics are used with the addition of raster graphics for emphasis; examples of such sites are given below. Minimalism and responsive design, simple and understandable for site users.

Vector images

The use of the vector on websites is increasing; it is lightweight, which means loading is faster. Since the vector can be stretched and compressed as desired, your graphics will always look great on any device screen at any resolution. For vector images, use the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format. Most vector editors allow you to save in this format and there is no need for specific software.

Colorless - ghost buttons

The move towards minimalism also influenced the design of the buttons. The use of this type of buttons in website design is increasing. Such buttons do not overload the site and look original. Our website also uses such buttons at the bottom of the articles block.

Click on the image to enlarge it

Stylish 3D graphics

3D graphics are also gaining momentum in the new year. 3D compositions go well with flat design and complement it, giving it more depth and emphasizing modernity.

Click on the image to enlarge it

Animation, video and interactive objects

Websites have started using live photos and backgrounds, this definitely attracts attention and gives the site some dynamics. There has also been an increase in the use of video and all kinds of animations for user interaction.

Complex meshes

Back in late 2016, a trend emerged for websites using dynamic, complex grids with cutting-edge design.

Geometry in different forms

Use of different types of geometric shapes for text, informational highlighted blocks and backgrounds. Rectangles and squares are great for highlighting important things.

Click on the image to enlarge it

Fashionable colors

Here who likes what, and what, by definition, is suitable for each project. The only thing that can be said is that the colors are becoming more vibrant. In combination and good contrast, it is more convenient for the user to navigate the site and perceive information.

Unconditional adaptation

Now there is no need to say that websites should be made friendly to mobile devices. Adaptation is an absolute factor of a modern website. It is very important to think through the design in the mobile version so that all important elements are at hand for the user, and he intuitively understands the site navigation.

Disputes do not subside as to what is the best way to put an icon or inscription. Test results on 240,000 mobile device users.

Mobile Menu Alternatives

If there are not many sections on the site, then it is better to use tabs as a menu, or add a button to them at the end in a drop-down additional menu.

Flexible dynamic menu

The solution lies in a menu that adjusts to the width of the screen, showing as many tabs as possible, and hiding what is not included under “More”.


Thoughtful design

The development of a website design should involve not only a graphic designer, but also promotion specialists and marketers. The location of each element has its own purpose, for a comfortable stay of the user.

Less text is better!

The text part of the site should be concise, as much as possible, and reveal the proposed topic. If possible, supplement it with technical details, such as prices, characteristics, etc.

CMS rating

You can always see the latest rating. Whatever option you choose, keep in mind that according to official statements from search engines, there is no fundamental difference in what your site is made on. Any engine or framework will have to be modified for the best functionality of your project.

Infographic design trends 2018 will definitely follow the rules of graphic design 2018. However, infographics have this specific and essential function that you must keep in mind when designing: information.

When it comes to 2018 infographic design trends, creativity and experimentation will reign supreme, but presenting information in a visually appealing way is still a top priority. Both visual and text elements should be focused on conveying the information on which the infographic was based. Now let's see what trends will impact infographic design in 2018. Let's start!

1. Interactive infographics

It is shown that movement in all its forms: video, GIF, interaction, provides the maximum speed of interaction. It simply grabs attention and holds it longer than any other visual tool.

Naturally, infographics are marketing mediums that can easily grab attention, but when there is movement, their power is even multiplied. One of the leading trends in infographic design in 2018 is movement. Whether it's interactive infographics or infographics, infographics that move will be very attractive in 2018.

Here are some examples of infographics that interact as you scroll. These high-level infographics are basically websites and take much more time than creating an infographic. However, the result is inflated and very attractive.

An alternative to static infographics is infographics. The dynamics they create are very attractive and almost hypnotize the user to keep scrolling. (Okay, in a good way!) Unlike interactive infographics, they don't act like separate websites, but still bring life to content. Plus, they're extremely affordable!

3D is a design technique that has been in the dark for the past few years, but it seems like it's coming back into the limelight. In 2018, many infographics will be 3D, following the example of modern graphic designs. The great thing about adding a third dimension is that it gives a whole new sense of depth. It almost makes the design real. For infographics, this means one thing: a design that further enhances the concept.

Creative typography has been a major trend for several years now, and it will undoubtedly continue to rock in 2018. Typography is the art of depicting text and, like any other art, it comes in many forms. Now the most important rule When it comes to typography in 2018 infographic design trends, it's about getting as creative as you can. as long as you keep it readable.

The following infographic is a nice combination of pictures, gradients, textures and creative typography. The numbering, which is an important part of the infographic flow, appears to interact with other graphic elements - the moon. The numbers are also hidden behind some elements of the composition that give a sense of depth.

In the era of vector illustrations and retinal images, pixelation is somehow well forgotten. However, a look that was shunned and considered unsavory for many years is back and looks more modern than ever. Pixelated typography and pixel graphic elements are considered cutting-edge for 2018.

As long as readability doesn't suffer, you can experiment with how you present your text information.

In this next infographic, the designer has filled in the spaces of the letters, which give it a nice, unique look.

Negative space is one of the big trends for 2018. Whether in the form of negative spatial typography or negative spatial graphic elements (the infographic below has both), this technique makes every design an eye-catching piece of art.

Combined with other fashionable looks for 2018, this infographic design simply doomed to success. A watercolor background with texture and flat illustrations accompany the negative elements of space in the infographic below, and the result is absolutely mesmerizing.

One of the leading trends of the past few years will continue to rule the web in 2018. Bright colors are fun and attractive. They easily attract the user's attention, which is what every infographic designer strives for. They can be combined with flat style illustrations, gradients, 3D graphics and even photography.

Just be careful to make the design easy on the eyes. Avoid bright text, especially neon colors. Bright text on a bright background is too risky. It's best to opt for white or black typography to ensure it's easy to read. As in the following example.

Plane is the king of infographic style. Its simplicity makes it ideal for visualizing complex data and statistics. We can say that this is the safest choice for infographic design. The disadvantage will be high competition among flat infographic projects. It would be a challenge to escape from the ordinary and come up with something that people haven't seen before.

Brightly colored gradients are going to be a huge hit in 2018 in graphic design and therefore infographic design. Because of their ability to steal your design, they should be used very little and carefully combined with other elements.

In the example below, the designer used a beautiful and super trendy colorful gradient timeline, combined with grayish elements and a light, subtle background.

After years of flat-style dominance, the network needed to change a bit. In 2018, the combination of flat elements with gradients and textures will be very fashionable. Whether you prefer a design that's all about one color and its nuances, or you're going for a multi-color experience, you don't have to limit your design elements to just one style. Just the opposite! Without restrictions - exactly what users want to see in 2018.

Here are a few examples that prove that combining styles actually looks amazing:

This infographic is designed in one color with its shades and nuances. We also see three different styles used just for the avocado character - flat for the shoes and pie for the belly, texture for the body and gradient for the face.

Vibrant color transitions are perfect for backgrounds! The designer of this infographic combined sections of flat backgrounds with sections of red and yellow gradients and flat illustrations on top. The overall result is an eye-pleasing celebration of colors and an attractive infographic design.

10. Custom illustrations

These days, you can hardly find an infographic that lacks illustrations. (Good news for us, right?)

Having the entire infographic as one illustration raises the bar for infographic design quite high. Plus, it's a style where designers and illustrators combine the ability to create something truly innovative and unique. Flat infographics is a top trend because of its simplicity, but they are similar to some extent, while the illustrations make each infographic design a one-of-a-kind masterpiece. That's why this trend will inevitably become one of the most preferred in 2018.