How to draw a graph in word. PS: Interesting facts. Attractive chart formatting

If your Word document has a lot of tabular data, then you can visualize it using graphs. Material with graphs will be more visual and more interesting to study.

It may seem that plotting is difficult task, which will take a lot of time, but it's not. IN text editor Word has built-in tools that let you quickly turn any tabular data into beautiful, understandable graphs.

In this article we will talk about how to make a graph in the Word text editor. At the same time, let's look at how modern versions editor (Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016) and old (Word 2003).

How to make a graph in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016

In order to make a graph in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016, place the cursor in the place where the graph should be located, go to the “Insert” tab and click on the “ ” button there.

As a result, a window will open in front of you with a list of all available chart templates. Here you can select a template to create a bar chart, pie chart, line chart, scatter chart, stock chart, and other types of charts. To create graphs here is separate group templates called “Graphs”, in which several options are available. Select one of them and click on the “OK” button to start setting up the schedule.

After clicking the “OK” button, a graph will appear in the location you selected in the Word document. Along with this it will open Excel document, in which you need to enter data to build a graph. The Excel document will have a small table highlighted with a blue border. This table is linked to a graph that appears in the document. Therefore, any changes to this table will immediately affect the graph in the Word document.

To customize the graph, you need to edit the table in Excel. To do this, insert your own column and row names, as well as data in the cells. In order to increase the number of columns or rows, use the mouse to drag the lower right corner of the blue frame that frames the table with data.

If you already have a table with data for the graph in your Word document, then you can simply transfer it to Excel. To do this, select the table in Word with the mouse, copy it from using Ctrl-C, then select the table in Excel with the mouse and paste the data using Ctrl-V.

After you have entered the necessary data for the graph, you can simply close the window with the Excel table by clicking on the button with a cross. After which you can continue working with the Word document.

If necessary, you can edit the graph in the future, for example, change existing values ​​or add new ones. To do this, you need to select the chart with the mouse, go to the “Design” tab and click on the “Change data” button.

After this it will appear Excel window in which you can edit the data and thus change the graph.

How to make a graph in Word 2003

If you use Word 2003, then in order to create a graph you need to use the “Insert - Chart” menu.

After that, a diagram will appear in the Word 2003 document and a small window will open for entering data.

In order to make a graph rather than a diagram, click on the diagram right click mouse and select “Chart Type”.

After this, a window will open with a list of available chart types. Here you need to select “Graph” and save the settings by clicking on the “OK” button.

After this, you need to enter the data into the table. To do this, double-click with the left mouse button on the chart and fill out the table that opens.

After filling out the table, you will receive the schedule you need.

The graph of a function is a type of diagram in Microsoft applications Office, which displays the relationship of one indicator from another (for example, the cost of an order from the price of a product) or the dynamic metamorphosis of some value (say, the metamorphosis of air temperature over a week).

You will need


1. Use the Microsoft Office add-on to create a graph in Word. This application is called Graph Builder. It allows you to draw a graph given function in Word as polylines. Download the add-on from the link and install it on your computer. Launch the Word program, build a table with data for the function graph.

2. Enable the ability to run macros to apply add-ons. To do this, go to the “Tools” menu, select the “Macro” option, then “Security”. In the window that opens, set the security level to low or medium. You also need to install support Visual Basic for Applications.

3. Enable the Builder button, to activate it, click on the “View” menu, select “Toolbar” - Graph Builder command. Or right-click on any toolbar and check the box next to Graph Builder. Click on the “Launch graph plotter” button, a dialog box will appear on the screen in which you need to set the settings for building a graph in Word.

4. Check the boxes next to the graph elements that you want to display on the screen. If necessary, enable the display of the grid, axis labels, arrows, and divisions. Near the inscription F(x)=, left-click on the arrow and select the function required for construction.

5. Place the switch close the desired system coordinates (Cartesian or polar). Select the desired construction accuracy (high or medium). Next, set the grid size (enter the required numeric values in the appropriate fields).

6. Set the required unit of measurement for the graph (points or millimeters). Go to the “Table of Values” tab and in the appropriate fields make a link to the values ​​that need to be used to plot the function graph in Word. Set the desired language and click on the “Draw” button.

Hello, friends! Today I will share with you information on how to graph a function in Word. There are many examples on the Internet of constructing diagrams using Word and Excel, but these techniques may not always correspond final result. For example, to build a graph of a function by points, you need to fill the table with data, then build a chart of the Graph type. Next you need to carry out a bunch additional settings to bring this graph to the desired form.

And tell me, why so many difficulties when all you need is a drawing of this graph to illustrate the function. Therefore, it is easier to take and draw this graph using vector editor, built into Word.

So, using a parabola as an example, let’s look at how to build a graph of this function in Word. To be brief, we will first draw a graph, and then save it as a picture and insert it into required document. I use Word version 2010, but all steps are quite applicable in, since the differences in the interface are minimal.

How to graph a function by points in Word

Let's create a new document ( File – New - new document- Create).

To draw a graph by points, it would be nice to use a grid. Let's turn it on.

Turning on the assist grid in Microsoft Word

On the tab View In chapter Show put a tick next to the item Net. Now it will be much easier to draw coordinate axes and the graph itself.

Drawing coordinate axes

On the tab Insert In chapter Line Shapes choose Strelka. The cursor will change to a cross. With the left mouse button pressed, stretch the arrow to the desired length.

When a shape is selected, there are circles at its ends. By dragging any of them while holding down the left mouse button, you can change the length or direction of the arrow.

To draw the second axis, follow the steps described above.

Next, we define a single segment on our grid and denote it using the inscription (Insert – Inscription – Draw inscription). We stretch a small rectangle and enter the number 1 into it. Now we remove the fill and outline from the inscription (figure Inscription must be highlighted). Select from the menu ribbon Drawing Tools - Format and in the section Shape styles choose for Shape fillsNo fill, and for Outline of a figureNo outline. Now the outline and fill will become transparent.

Setting a single segment on the coordinate axis

All that remains is to move the number closer to the desired location.

If you copy this inscription and paste it several times, you can replace the 1, label the coordinate axes, indicate the origin of coordinates, and place several more values ​​on the axes.

Well, here the coordinate plane is given.

Draw a graph of the parabola y=x2

In the figures we select Curve and on our coordinate plane we make with one click the first point (-3,9), the next click at the point (-2,4), the next at the point (-1,1) and so on. Double-click on the last point to complete drawing the curve. It is advisable to try to put everything necessary points graphics in one pass.

Drawing a graph with the Curve tool

But if it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t matter, everything can be fixed. Right-click on your curve and select the item in the context menu Start changing nodes.

Correction of graph nodal points

Your anchor points will be available for movement, and you can adjust the curvature or length of the curve. Using the context menu for a curve, nodes can be added or removed.

You can change the color of the graph and its thickness in the menu ribbon Drawing Tools - Format and in the section Shape styles.

Remember! Grid mode applies to all pages of the document. After turning it off, the grid on the chart will also disappear.

Advice! Make graphs in separate document, insert screenshots into the target text. This way you will have the opportunity to correct inaccuracies and change the drawing.

Now that the chart is ready, you need to take a screenshot of it and paste it into the desired document.

How to take a screenshot in Word

We change the page scale so that the graph drawing takes up the maximum area of ​​the screen. Press the button on the keyboard PrintScreen(PrtSc). Then we go to the desired document, indicate the place for insertion and give the command Insert from tab home on the tool ribbon or from the context menu. The entire contents of the screen with parts we do not need will be inserted.

PS: Interesting Facts

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Charts help present numerical data in graphic format, significantly simplifying the understanding of large volumes of information. Charts can also be used to show relationships between different data series.

Component office suite from Microsoft, Word program, also allows you to create diagrams. We will tell you how to do this below.

Note: Availability of software installed on the computer Microsoft product Excel provides advanced capabilities for creating charts in Word 2003, 2007, 2010 - 2016. If Excel is not installed, Microsoft Graph is used to create charts. In this case, the diagram will be presented with associated data (table). You can not only enter your data into this table, but also import it from text document or even paste from other programs.

There are two ways to add a diagram to Word: embed it in a document or paste it Excel chart, which will be linked to the data in the Excel sheet. The difference between these charts is where the data they contain is stored and how they are updated directly after being inserted into MS Word.

Note: Some charts require a specific arrangement of data on the MS Excel sheet.

How to insert a diagram by embedding it into a document?

An Excel diagram embedded in Word will not change even if you change source file. Objects that were embedded in the document become part of the file, ceasing to be part of the source.

Considering that all data is stored in a Word document, it is especially useful to use embedding in cases where you do not need to change this same data taking into account the source file. Also, embedding is best used when you do not want users who work with the document in the future to have to update all related information.

1. Left-click in the place in the document where you want to add a diagram.

2. Go to the tab "Insert".

3. In a group "Illustrations" select "Diagram".

4. In the dialog box that appears, select the desired diagram and click "OK".

5. Not only a chart will appear on the sheet, but also Excel, which will be located in a split window. It will also display example data.

6. Replace the example data presented in the split Excel window with the values ​​you need. In addition to data, you can replace examples of axis labels ( Column 1) and legend name ( Line 1).

7. Once you have entered the required data into the Excel window, click on the symbol "Changing data in Microsoft Excel " and save the document: "File""Save as".

8. Select a location to save the document and enter the desired name.

This is just one of possible methods, with which you can make a chart from a table in Word.

How to add a linked Excel chart to a document?

This method allows you to create a chart directly in Excel, in an external sheet of the program, and then simply paste it into MS Word linked version. Data contained in linked diagram, will be updated when changes/updates are made to the external sheet in which they are stored. Word itself stores only the location of the source file, displaying the related data presented in it.

This approach to creating diagrams is especially useful when you need to include information in a document for which you are not responsible. This may be data collected by another person who will update it as needed.

1. Cut out the diagram from Excel. This can be done by pressing keys "Ctrl+X" or using the mouse: select a diagram and click "Cut out"(group "Clipboard", tab "Home").

2. In your Word document, click where you want to insert the chart.

3. Insert a chart using the keys "Ctrl+V" or select the appropriate command from the control panel: "Insert".

4. Save the document along with the inserted diagram.

Changes you make to the original Excel document (external worksheet) will immediately appear in the Word document in which you inserted the chart. To update data when you reopen the file after closing it, you will need to confirm the data update (button "Yes").

IN specific example we have considered pie chart in Word, but in this way you can make any type of chart, be it a graph with columns, as in the previous example, a histogram, bubble or any other.

Change the layout or style of a chart

You can always change appearance chart you created in Word. It is not at all necessary to manually add new elements, change them, format them - there is always the possibility of using a ready-made style or layout, of which the Microsoft program contains a lot. Each layout or style can always be manually changed and customized to suit the required or desired requirements, just as you can work with each individual element of the diagram.

How to apply a ready-made layout?

1. Click on the chart you want to change and go to the tab "Constructor" located in the main tab "Working with diagrams".

2. Select the chart layout you want to use (group "Chart Layouts").

3. The layout of your chart will change.

How to apply a ready-made style?

1. Click on the chart you want to apply to ready style and go to the tab "Constructor".

2. Select the style you want to use for your group chart "Chart styles".

3. The changes will be reflected immediately on your chart.

This way you can change your diagrams on the fly, choosing the appropriate layout and style depending on what you need in your application. this moment. For example, you can create several various templates and then modify from, instead of creating new ones (we'll tell you how to save diagrams as a template below). For example, you have a graph with columns or a pie chart; by choosing the appropriate layout, you can turn it into a chart with percentages in Word.

How to manually change chart layouts?

1. Click on the chart or individual element whose layout you want to change. You can do this another way:

  • Click anywhere on the chart to activate the tool "Working with diagrams".
  • In the tab "Format", group "Current fragment" click on the arrow next to "Chart Elements", after which you can select the required element.

2. In the tab "Constructor", in Group "Chart Layouts" click on the first item - "Add chart element".

3. From the drop-down menu, select what you want to add or change.

Note: The layout options you select and/or change will only apply to the selected chart element. If you have selected the entire diagram, for example, the parameter "Data Labels" will be applied to all content. If only a data point is selected, changes will be applied exclusively to it.

How to manually change the format of chart elements?

1. Click on the chart or its individual element whose style you want to change.

2. Go to the tab "Format" section "Working with diagrams" and perform the required action:

How to save a diagram as a template?

It often happens that the diagram you created may be needed in the future, exactly the same or its analogue, this is no longer so important. IN in this case It's best to save the diagram as a template - this will make future work easier and faster.

To do this, simply right-click on the diagram and select "Save as template".

In the window that appears, select a location to save, give the desired file name and click "Save".

That's all, now you know how to make any diagram in Word, embedded or linked, with a different appearance, which, by the way, can always be changed and adjusted to your needs or necessary requirements. We wish you productive work and effective learning.

Diagrams can visually represent complex tabular information. Decorate your text report beautiful graph It’s not difficult; Microsoft Word has good tools for this. We'll tell you how to make a diagram directly in a text editor or transfer it from Excel, and how to customize its appearance.

To make a graph in Word, you will need numerical data on the basis of which the graphic image will be built. How to create a chart: go to the “Insert” tab, in the “Illustrations” section, select “Insert Chart”. In the window that appears, select the type - histogram, line, petal or any other. Click “OK”, the template will appear and Excel spreadsheet below it with numbers for example.

Let's make a pie chart - enter your data into the table, the graph will change automatically. The first column is the labels of the categories, the second is their meanings. After finishing entering, close the sign using the cross button; the information will be saved and available for editing at any time.

How to draw a graph: Select the "Graphs" type when creating. The first column is point marks, the rest correspond to lines. To add another line image, simply write the numbers in the next column; to make lines smaller, delete the last column. Number of rows – number of data for each category.

Import from Excel

If your data is stored in Microsoft Excel, you can create a chart there and then copy it into Word. The documents will be linked, and when the source data in the table changes, the appearance of the graphs will be automatically updated.

How to insert a chart from Excel:

  • Click on the graph in Excel, select “Cut” or press Ctrl+X. Graphic image will disappear, only the data will remain.
  • Go to Word, place the cursor in the desired location, click on “Paste” or Ctrl+V.
  • Save the document. The next time you open it, select Yes to update the information.


We figured out how to build a graph, now let's set up its display. If you need to change the values, right-click on the histogram and go to “Change data” in the menu. A table will appear, available for editing. Through the same context menu, you can change the type of chart, format of labels and series of values.

Tools for quick editing appearance appear on the right when you click on the chart with the left button. They will help you add or remove individual elements, apply a style, and customize the display of points.

For flexible settings Diagrams in Word have 2 tabs: “Design” and “Format”. They appear in the menu when you click on the created chart. In the Design tab, create a unique look using ready-made templates express layout, style and color schemes.

You can change the details of any fragment manually: click on the desired element of the graph and go to the “Format” tab. In the “Current fragment” section, select “Format selection”, the extra menu. Draw your own style by changing the fill, borders, shadow parameters, effects. For text, you can change the outline, fill, and insert WordArt styles.


We told you how to build diagrams in Word and how to change their appearance. Try making your own charts - clever tools make the process fun.