How to open an accidentally closed tab in the Mozilla Firefox browser? The easiest way to open lost addresses in the browser

How to recover closed tab in the browser? For example, if this happened by accident or, conversely, intentionally in order to protect against lovers who suddenly burst into the room to see what we are doing on the computer in their absence. Sites from favorite, bookmarks or visual tiles on the browsers express panel restore easily— you can simply re-open them. But what if the work was carried out with a web resource that was not one of those, and with a page opened through many confusing transitions?

Restoring last closed tabs and hotkeys for this function

To quickly open the last closed tab in almost any browser, a corresponding team. It is usually available in the context menu called up on any of the remaining active tabs. The same command can be activated using hotkeys Ctrl+Shift+T. When you press these keys, browsers Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge And Opera restore tabs closed in the current window. And in Chrome, Yandex.Browser and other representatives of the Chromium platform, these keys also work for windows. IN Mozilla Firefox and its clones - browsers based on the Gecko engine - the combination is also used to open tabs Ctrl+Shift+T, and closed individual windows are restored using the keys Ctrl+Shift+N.

Recovery in browsers

But special team and its hotkeys return only one tab to its place - the one that was last. If, for example, there is a question of restoring several pages, including those visited relatively long ago, you need to use the ability to access recent tabs And browser history. How are all these possibilities implemented in different browsers, let's look at the example of the six most popular of them.

Google Chrome

To Chrome window The last website has opened call context menu on any of its active tabs and select the option indicated in the screenshot below.

We’ll get more options in the browser menu by selecting “ Story" The sequence of recent sites will be displayed in chronological order in the column “ Recently closed" Access to the full list of pages visited over a long period of time will open in the history section by clicking the option “ Story».

Yandex browser

Yandex.Browser is a typical representative of the Chromium platform, inheriting most of its functionality. Therefore, here we will see a mechanism similar to Chrome recovery the latest closed resources.

As well as access path to the history section.


Another successor to the Chromium platform - the Opera browser - offers to open tabs that were closed by accident or for the good of the cause, same mechanism, like other Chrome clones.

Only Opera No access to a selection of several sites that have been closed recently, right in the main menu, as offered by other Chromium followers. Important web resources will have to be restored to history section.

Mozilla Firefox

Of all the browsers discussed in this article, Mozilla Firefox is most concerned about ensuring that its users do not lose their once-mined important information in the Internet. Restore last tab feature implemented traditionally, as in other browsers.

We will get details on previously visited web resources in the browser history section - “ Magazine" Here, in one click, you can restore several recently visited sites, and even an entire one. session, if it disappeared when you quit Firefox, since it is configured by default to start with home page. A complete list of web pages visited over a long period of time will open when you click the option “ Show entire log».

Microsoft Edge

Staff Windows browser 10 Microsoft Edge access access to the latest sites using the command " Reopen a closed tab».

A full list of previously visited web pages opens in the sliding panel on the right when you click history buttons on the browser toolbar.

Internet Explorer

Far from the concepts of interface usability and functionality Internet Explorer just in terms of implementing access to closed sites, it can give odds to any other web browser. In the context menu on active tabs Internet Explorer next to it contains both the option to open the last closed web page and the option to access several web pages - those that were closed in the near future. And at the bottom of the list there is an opportunity recovery them all in one click.

You can find an important web resource visited a relatively long time ago in the history section - “ magazine" The sites here are presented in chronological order by default, but for ease of searching they can be sorted in every possible way using the proposed filters.

Today, many people actively use the Internet. At the same time there is a large number of browsers. It often happens that while reading important information, you suddenly close it by accident or mistake. the desired tab. What if you don’t remember the site address? For such cases, you need to know how to restore a closed tab. This is what our article is about.

Of course, you can manually enter the site address again and then search it desired page. But it's better to use ours useful ways. Let's look at options for restoring a closed tab for the most popular browsers. Surely, the one you prefer will be on this list.

Restoring a closed tab in Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Press a key combination on your keyboard Ctrl+Shift+T.
  2. Open the main menu of the browser, hover your mouse over the item “ Magazine", then - to the item " Recently closed tabs" After that, select from the list of tabs the one that you recently closed. You can also restore all tabs by clicking on " Restore all tabs».
  3. You can also open your site visit log. To open it, use the key combination Ctrl+H or Ctrl+Shift+H.

Restoring a closed tab in Opera

Restoring a closed tab in Yandex browser

  1. Use keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+Shift+T.
  2. Open the browser menu, select " Story” and find the tab you want, loading it again.

Restoring a closed tab on the Internet Explorer

  1. Press a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+T.
  2. Click the button Create a tab» or click Ctrl+T. On the new tab page in the " Reopening closed tabs» select the address of the site you want to open.
  3. Open your browser. Click the button Service" and select " Reopening your last browsing session" All sites open when shutting down Internet browser Explorer last time will be opened in new tabs.

Thus, in any browser you can open previously closed tabs and continue working with them. It is recommended to use the simplest method for this, namely, a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+T. This method is suitable for almost all popular browsers.

By accidentally closing the Google Chrome browser or a separate tab, you can spend a lot of time trying to get the sites you need back if you don’t know simple ways to solve this problem, which is quite common among novice users. Modern browsers offer various, and very simple ways open as soon as closed windows, as well as those that were viewed several days, even weeks ago.

Select the desired tab from the list

To be able to restore a specific window in Chrome that was minimized during the current session, do the following:

  1. Click on the browser settings and controls button located in the right corner at the very top of the browser window;
  2. A list will appear available tools Google Chrome, in which you need to find the “History” line of recently opened tabs and simply hover over it;
  3. You will immediately see a list of Internet sites visited during this session, from which you can open any and restore it by clicking on the name with the mouse.

If the processes of closing not individual windows, but the entire browser, were completed, then the scheme of actions will be quite slightly different. In this way, you can completely restore the state of the browser at the time the session ended, i.e., open all sites at once. For this:

  1. Completely repeat the above steps until you hover your cursor over the line of recently opened sites in the main browser menu;
  2. In the new window, after completing the described steps, unlike the previous case, you will not see a list of lost sites - it will not be saved when the browser shuts down;
  3. Click on the top line of the list of the “Tabs: N” view, where N is the number of windows at the time the browser is closed.

After this, all sites that were stopped working in Chrome when the browser shut down will be restored.

The easiest way to open lost addresses in the browser

Google Chrome, like all other Chromium-based browsers, allows you to return a window that was accidentally lost in the browser using hotkeys. At the same time you need to press keyboard Shift, Ctrl and T. The layout will not affect the process in any way, just remember that the letter T here is Latin.

This way you can open not just one, but all the windows minimized in the current session at once. To do this, you just need to press the hotkey combination several times - the sites will open one after the other. This method is incredibly simple, but it has a drawback - the user cannot select the individual site he needs - they will all open in the reverse order of the completion of these processes.

Discovering lost sites through history

You can get to the History section of Chrome through the same main settings and controls menu. The line with the corresponding name is located in the list just below. After clicking on it, a window opens in which previously opened sites are sorted not only by completion time, but also by date, which makes it possible to open a resource visited a few days earlier.

Depending on how long ago the history was cleared in Chrome, a huge number of visits may be displayed in this window. Although they are sorted by date, it can be difficult to find the right site. To make your work easier, the history window has a search function.

Changing web browser settings

To avoid future troubles associated with accidentally losing open tabs when closing the browser, it can be useful to slightly change its settings. For this:

  1. Click the main settings button and Chrome controls, opening the main menu;
  2. Find the “Settings” line and go to the section of the same name;
  3. In the window that opens, find the initial group section, where in the selection menu, check the box next to the line instructing the browser to continue working from the point of disconnection.

Developers of desktop browsers have transferred to Android the function of restoring accidentally closed tabs. This function also works in mobile versions of Internet navigators. The article describes methods on how to restore Chrome, Opera and Firefox tabs and open closed browser pages using simple keyboard shortcuts.

Recovering closed tabs in Google Chrome

There are three ways to restore a closed tab in Chrome; below we will talk about each of them.

The first way to restore a tab in Chrome

The first method to restore Chrome tabs is quite simple. It lies in the fact that you need to restore browser tabs immediately after closing them, “without delay”.

Try closing any tab in mobile version Chrome (i.e. Chrome for Android). To do this, tap on the button with the number of active tabs at the top and select the unnecessary browser Chrome tab. When it closes at the bottom active form A notification about closing the tab will be displayed for a while. Right there in the browser window, you will see an immediate recovery button labeled “Cancel.” By clicking on this button, you will successfully return all the recent tabs closed recently in the Google Chrome browser.

A clear example of how to restore tabs in Google Chrome. List of recently closed browser tabs

Minus this method is that this way you can only return recently closed Google Chrome tabs, and even then in a limited number.

Advice. If you have closed tabs for a long time, use: there you will find an archive of visited pages. The probability of finding a closed tab depends only on the time that has passed since the history was cleared.

The second method to restore Google Chrome tabs

The big plus of the second option is that you can use it to return any closed tab Chrome browser or, say, Opera Mini. Go to the form with recent tabs by clicking on the clock button at the bottom home page. Alternatively, to return a browser tab in Chrome, you can use the button with three vertical dots and select “Recent Tabs” from the application drop-down menu. If your Android device synchronized with account Google, in this window you can even restore a closed tab that you were working on on a PC or mobile device.

The third way to open a closed page in a browser: browser history

The third way to return browser tabs is similar to the second. As in the desktop version of Chrome, you can return a tab using your browsing history on the Internet. The difference between history and recent tabs is that using history you can find and return any tab, even closed ones. for a long time back tab. You can open your browser history from the same menu.

As you can see, there are several ways to open a closed Chrome tab (however, the result is the same). ABOUT latest version Chrome for Android, so we advise you to learn about the new features of the mobile browser and update to the latest version. Please note that the ability to close tabs (in other words, open closed pages in an application window) is not available in all versions of Chrome, so be sure to update your browser to the latest version using the link:

Opening closed tabs in Opera

IN Opera browser The mechanism for restoring closed tabs is implemented in almost the same way as in Google Chrome.

Method No. 1

This method will help to return only the browser tab that was the last one closed in Opera. To restore an application tab (or several tabs at once), tap on the button with the number of open tabs at the bottom, then tap on the button with three dots at the bottom and select the “Open last closed tab” option in the Opera menu that appears.

Tab recovery menu in the Opera browser

Method No. 2

How to restore tabs in Opera as quickly as possible? Similar Chrome app, resuming browsing of closed pages is easy using the same browser history. The method for restoring tabs works flawlessly, even if you decide not to synchronize. On the Opera start page, next to the express panel opened in the default web navigator, there is a “History” section. Go to it and select any closed page - recently or for several weeks or months (this depends on how long the browsing history is stored in your browser). After this, the desired Opera tab will be successfully restored.

How to open a closed tab in Firefox for Android

In the latest version of mobile Firefox browser There are three ways to return closed tabs. In fact, they are absolutely identical to the same page recovery functions built into Chrome. However, so that you have a clear picture of the features available in Firefox, let’s look at them in more detail.

1st method

Let's say you have several active tabs open in Firefox on your smartphone, and just a few seconds ago you accidentally closed one of them. How can I get the tab back in this browser? You can do this in one tap by clicking the “Cancel” button that appears immediately after closing one of the tabs. This method is inconvenient because you need to respond to restoring the desired tab in Mozilla quite quickly, and it only allows you to return the last closed page.

How to restore a tab through Mozilla Firefox browser history

2nd method

While on home screen Firefox (the developers themselves call it “smart”), scroll through the list of available categories to the right until you come across the “Recent Tabs” option. It is here, in the list, that you can see everything recently user opened tabs, and return them if necessary.

3rd method

Another category present on the Smart Screen is browser history. By opening it in Mozilla, you can see a complete list of websites open on your mobile device, and in the case of preliminary synchronization of Firefox with cloud service, – and on PC.

Summary. As you can see, there are quite a few options for restoring a closed tab (we have described 9 solutions - 3 for each browser, Chrome, Opera and Mozilla). All you have to do is choose for yourself best way return tabs, and know that in the described mobile browsers Any, even the oldest tabs are recoverable, you can get them back quite quickly with a minimum of effort.

Answers to readers' questions

I'm accidentally in the phone settings fly android 2.3.5 cleared the browser data (regular) and therefore my bookmarks were deleted. Help restore them.

Answer. Alas, if you used the standard Android browser, it won't work. Use Google Chrome and synchronize all data with Google account, and such problems will no longer arise.

I have this problem: I had a lot of saved bookmarks in Google Chrome on Android, and they were all closed: I can’t restore them through history, since the tabs in Chrome have been open for a long time, and I haven’t visited them. But I needed them. How to restore tabs in Chrome? I do not know what to do.

Answer. To get a closed tab back, you can refer to , it is quite possible that your search queries still kept in records search engine. Of course, you won't be able to recover a closed tab this way, but the analysis Google history will help you find sites that were in closed Chrome tabs.

When surfing websites on the Internet, users often open links in new tabs to return to browsing. current page or the newly opened tab later. As a result, situations sometimes arise when there are a lot of tabs open in the browser. Sometimes you can make a mistake and accidentally close a tab, then the problem arises: how to restore a closed tab, using what key combination?

What keys do you use to restore a closed tab in Yandex, Chrome, Mozilla and Opera browsers?

In all these browsers, you can use a single key combination - “Ctrl+Shift+T”. It will allow you to restore the tab that the user last closed. Pressing this key combination again will open another, already penultimate closed tab. This way, you can move deeper into the history and restore all recently closed tabs during the current session.

Also, in each browser you can solve the problem without remembering hotkeys by selecting the appropriate items in the browser menu. Let's look at each of them.

How to restore closed tabs in Yandex browser?

A tab you accidentally closed can be restored by opening the “History” item in the browser menu. About eight of the most recent tabs will be displayed directly in the drop-down submenu. By clicking on them, the corresponding page will open in the browser.

If this number is not enough, then you can go to history by selecting the first item in the drop-down submenu (or the Ctrl+H key combination), and there try to find the tab of interest. There will either be a “Recently Closed” tab, or you will have to search not by closed tabs, but by visited pages.

How to restore closed tabs in Google Chrome?

You can restore a closed tab in Google Chrome without using keyboard shortcuts by selecting “History” in the main browser menu (located in the upper right corner of the window and indicated by a hamburger icon). When you select this item, a submenu will open, which will contain the “Recently Closed” section. It is this list that interests us. It should be noted that not all tabs are displayed here, but only the last few closed tabs, so if the tab is not in the proposed list, then you should turn to the history tool.

As an alternative there is more quick way To reopen a newly closed tab, right-click on any tab. A menu will appear in which there is the item we need - “Open closed tab”.

How to recover closed Firefox tabs?

The hotkeys for restoring a tab are the same as in all other browsers “Ctrl+Shift+T”.

If the user accidentally closes a tab in Firefox, then you should use the button to view history, bookmarks, etc. on the toolbar. In the drop-down menu you need to select “Journal”.

As a result, the log list will open, recent history visited web pages. In this case, two items “Recently closed tabs” and “Recently closed windows” will be available at the top.

By going to the appropriate item, a list of the ten most recently closed tabs that interests us will appear in Mazil. All you have to do is select the desired tab, and it will be restored. Also here at the bottom of the list, the “Restore all tabs” function is available.

How to recover a closed tab in Explorer and Microsoft Edge?

To restore the last closed tab in Explorer, you can still use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+Shift+T”. However, other equally simple methods are available to users. For example, by right-clicking on any open tab, a submenu will open, which will contain, among others, the following two items - “Reopen a closed tab” and “Recently closed tabs”. Just like in other browsers, you can immediately open all closed tabs in one action.

Interface Microsoft Edge slightly different from Explorer, but this does not change the essence. By clicking the right mouse button, exactly the same menu appears.

How to restore closed tabs in Safari?

There are several ways to restore accidentally closed tabs on a Mac in Safari.

The first and main method is to go to the “History” menu and select “Recently Closed” from the drop-down menu that appears. A list of closed tabs will open; all you have to do is select the one you need. This method is no different from that in other browsers.

The second method is to right-click on the plus sign located to the right of all tabs. This is analogous to clicking on a tab in Chrome. A contextual drop-down menu will appear with a list of closed tabs.

And the third is to go to the “History” item in the main menu of the browser, in which there will be a sub-item “Open all tabs from the last session again.” When choosing of this action Safari will open all sites that have been opened since the start of the current session. This method will help even if the browser window was completely closed, for example, by mistakenly pressing “Cmd+Q”.

In addition to the cross-browser combination “Ctrl+Shift+T”, the keyboard shortcut “Cmd+Z” works in Safari.

How to restore a closed tab in Opera?

In the Opera browser, reopening a tab that was accidentally closed is also easy. In the main browser menu on the left top menu We are looking for the “Recently Closed” item. It will contain a list of the last few tabs.

You can also use alternative option through history. Select the appropriate item in the menu or press Ctrl+H.

In the history window that opens, you should find by time the page that you were viewing and you wanted to restore. Next, clicking on the link with the left mouse button will lead to a transition to the selected page. Right-clicking will open the page in a new tab.

How to restore a closed tab in Vivaldi?

The methods are similar to other browsers. For example, clicking on the right mouse button, just like in Internet Explorer, leads to the appearance of a context menu in which the last item is the “Restore Closed” action.

Also, by going to the “View” section in the main browser menu, you can find the “History” section. In it you can find any tab that was opened earlier, not necessarily just recently, maybe even yesterday or a few days ago.

Clicking with the left mouse button leads to the link, and right-clicking opens a context menu that allows you to open the page in a new tab. This can be convenient when searching for the desired closed page when identical names pages.