The Lenovo tablet is very slow, what should I do? What to do when your Android tablet starts to slow down, and most importantly, why? Hardware problem

Most likely, you have noticed how fast only the purchased Android tablet works, everything starts up perfectly, powerful games and the applications go with a bang, but over time you notice that the former speed disappears somewhere without a trace: the tablet slows down, programs do not start, or more and more errors appear during the interaction. All this obvious signs that the tablet requires immediate diagnostics followed by service.

Causes of problems

If any computer device, there are only two reasons:

  • Failure of the tablet hardware;
  • Software glitch.

To immediately move on to a more likely scenario, that is, a failure in software, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of hardware failure.

Hardware problem

If you observe noticeable slowdowns on your device, you need to determine whether it gets very hot during prolonged use. So? This means that the problem is that the processor or video chip gets so hot as a result of your work that its heat affects itself and other elements of the tablet. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to disassemble it and clean it from dust like a laptop, so the only way out is to give the device a little rest after hard work, to cool down, so to speak.

If everything is fine, then remember: did the gadget fall on the floor or hit something. Yes? Then it might have been damaged Touchpad or the sensor simply moved, thereby causing strange actions on the tablet screen that vaguely resemble braking. In this case, there is only one option - to take it to a service center for diagnosis and replacement of the damaged element.

External devices

Sometimes, due to poor-quality assembly of the tablet, connected external devices can cause a conflict in the operation of the operating system, these are:

  • USB flash drives;
  • Modems;
  • Keyboards and mice.

So first turn them off and try playing with your tablet computer for a few hours (load it up) also remove the flash card and SIM card if any.

If the tablet works perfectly, then the problem is external devices, then we connect them to the gadget one by one and check which of them causes software braking. After identifying it, we simply replace it with a new one and use it for our health. Before proceeding with the recommendations below, please check if your tablet is still on warranty service, then we immediately return it under warranty and wait for a response from the service center, and only then do we take any action.

Software glitches

This is the most probable cause freezes and slowdowns in the operating room Android system. After all, despite the fact that the fifth version of Android has already been released today, this platform is still at the stage of development and bug fixes. But, in most cases, the owner is to blame for the problems of the device, no matter how sad it may sound.

Operating system update

The first thing you should pay attention to is, of course, checking for updates for your device. Any manufacturer touch devices, immediately after the release of its product and the first launch, begins to collect information on the operation and failures of the operating system.

Pure Android

Therefore, after 2-3 weeks, updates are released that require immediate installation. If for some reason the system does not notify you that new updates have been detected, then you need to open the settings yourself, then scroll the list of parameters to the very bottom and click on the last item.

Android with shell

Depending on the Android versions, the name may vary, but the location does not. In the window that opens, click on the first item - system update or system update, wait until the device contacts the manufacturer’s server. Next, an installation request will appear, agree and wait for completion.

Background applications

If nothing has changed after the updates, then you need to clear the device memory from unnecessary applications, which can cause problems with the operating system. Then go to the settings again, only now to the “Applications” item.

List of programs

Next, select the “Running” tab and consistently disable those applications that you do not use. This way you can free up a little random access memory, which, in fact, ensures the stability of the platform.

Please note, do not under any circumstances disable services from Google, because the consequences of this action can be very varied.

If you notice an improvement in performance, then go to the first tab - third-party and forcefully remove programs that you do not use. Special attention You should pay attention to widgets, which take up RAM in incredible sizes.

Safe mode

If for one reason or another you cannot go into the settings to remove conflicting applications, then you need to reboot the tablet into safe mode when only system services will be running.

Shutdown menu

To do this, hold down the Power key until the menu shown in the image above appears. Hold down the selected item until a request to switch to safe mode appears on the screen, see below.

Request confirmation

Click OK and wait until the tablet reboots into service mode, after which you can start removing conflicting applications. To turn it back on normal mode– just reboot the device.

Service software

If, after removing and stopping some programs, the system freezes and slows down, then you will have to go to the PlayMarket online store and download additional service applications that will scan the device and, with the user’s permission, clear the memory from unnecessary files.

Operating mode

Clean Master is very powerful, and most importantly, absolutely free utility, which will conduct a comprehensive scan of the tablet and display a report at the end. It will provide recommendations for troubleshooting problems. In addition, the program in background will be able to shut down inactive but running programs.

Powerful analogue

For full scan You can additionally use the application – DU Speed ​​Booster, which is also distributed across free license. The functions performed by these two utilities are the same, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, but they cope with their tasks perfectly.


After the completed service measures, the tablet still slows down, then you will have to reset the settings to the factory state - this is the very last measure that should be used only in the most extreme cases. Therefore, open the settings and go to the highlighted option - recovery and reset, as shown in the image below.

System Setup

In the window that opens, go down to the last item - reset settings. It is worth noting that after these steps all personal information, as well as settings and installed applications will be permanently deleted and cannot be restored.


Therefore, if possible, copy photographs and documents to other storage media, and only then proceed.

If after this there are slowdowns, then most likely the problem is in the firmware itself and it needs to be reinstalled; you can find out how to do this on the forums.

After resetting the settings you will get a completely clean Tablet PC, as after purchase, so you will have to create an account again and configure the operating system.

Overclocking a tablet

When a phone or tablet starts to slow down—applications launch more slowly, delays appear when flipping through screens or when switching between items in a menu—it becomes annoying and even annoying. And if this happens at a time when you need everything at once, then you want to smash the phone against the wall.

Degraded performance is a problem that we encounter not only on phones. They begin to brake after prolonged use and personal computers and laptops, this is normal. Good news The fact is that the speed of Android can be restored.

Remember the moment when you just bought your Android smartphone. It was also slow and glitchy when executing simple actions? If not, then we will try to return the former performance to your phone or tablet.

Cleaning Android from unnecessary applications

So, the first step you need to take is to review all your applications. Each installed application takes up space in the system and therefore negatively affects its performance. Feel free to delete application if you don’t remember the last time you used it! After all reinstallation applications, if necessary, will only take a few minutes, and deleting unnecessary applications will speed up your Android device and possibly save your nervous system 🙂

Cleaning your smartphone or tablet from debris

The second step to Android cleaning smartphone or tablet will clean the device of debris.

Photo and video

Go to the gallery and view media files, delete unnecessary photos and video files. In the gallery, before deleting, you can review all files so as not to accidentally delete what is really necessary.


Go to downloads, usually there is a whole bunch of them too unnecessary garbage because of which Android slows down. Review the files in your downloads and remove what is not needed.


Go to settings and select the “memory” section. Here we are interested in the “Cache” or “cached data” item. Cache is information preloaded into the device memory different applications- for example, gallery thumbnails, screensavers, application media files. This data in large quantities can also slow down the device. Therefore, feel free to click on this line and confirm clearing the cache.

In the “Memory” section there is also an item “Other” or “Miscellaneous”, you should be careful when cleaning it, you can go into it, but if you are not sure whether to delete any of its items, then it is better to leave everything as is.

Cleaning the memory card of an Android device

Let's move on - a memory card. On the memory card with active long-term use a lot of unnecessary files are also collected. The system takes longer to scan them, which slows down your Android phone or tablet.

It is better to clean the memory card with backup copy data. To do this, if your computer or laptop has a card reader, then turn off the Android device, then remove the memory card and insert it into the computer. Create a folder on your computer disk and copy all the contents into it microSD cards our Android device. After copying, check whether everything was actually copied; this can be done by comparing the size of the information on the SD card with the folder that contains the copy.

Next, insert the memory card into the Android device and turn it on. The following steps will lead to To complete removal all data from the memory card. Go to settings, memory item, look for the line “Clear memory card” or “Clear SD card” and start cleaning.

What is Hard Reset

None of the above helped? Well, there is still the most radical, but at the same time the most effective remedy. You might have heard its names such as Wipe (wipe) hard reset ( Hard Reset) full reset Android, general reset Android, return to factory settings Android. All these names reflect the essence of this solution - a complete reset and return Android to the state when the phone was turned on for the first time. All data that was on your Android phone or tablet will be irretrievably destroyed!

How to do a Hard Reset (read carefully)

As a result of a hard reset of Android, all photos, videos, applications, Accounts, contacts, therefore Before executing it, make a copy of the necessary data!

So, if Android has gotten so bad that a full reset is the only way out, then do the following actions: Go to settings, go to recovery and reset, select “master reset” or “factory settings”, scroll down the screen, check the box “Empty internal storage” and press the “Reset phone settings” button.

The process has begun, we do nothing until it is completed!!! After the reset, the phone will turn on and start initial setup— choice of language, etc.

Should I change my phone?

If even after a complete reset the Android phone slows down, then perhaps it is simply outdated and no longer meets your requirements, it’s time to change it! 🙂

To evaluate the performance of the phone there is special applications, For example . Install and run this application and test your Android device; if your faithful friend scores less than 6000-7000 points in the test, then you should seriously think about a new device.

When choosing a new device, it is desirable that it scores at least 15,000-20,000 points in Antutu, this minimum required For comfortable work and launching most games. But that's a completely different story.

I hope these tips will help speed up your Android and save your readers’ nervous system :)

P.S. By the way, while writing this post I almost suffered from tomoses Acer laptop Extenza 5235 👿

Surely all owners of Android devices notice that only immediately after purchase and first switching on, the smartphone or tablet worked quite quickly, but over time, Android began to slow down. Applications launch extremely slowly, you have to wait a very long time to open pages on the Internet, and in general, sometimes the gadget even freezes. What is the reason for this phenomenon? What can be done to restore performance or at least partially speed up the system? We will talk about this further.

Why is Android slow?

The main reasons for this behavior of this operating system, like any other, are usually considered to be excessive load on the RAM and processor.

It is usually caused by numerous calls to installed system and custom applications, working in the background, hidden from our eyes. Too large cache sizes, cluttering the drive with unnecessary user or residual files remote applets, as well as the impact of viruses (yes, such also exist in nature).

This is why Android slows down. What to do in such a situation? There are several recommendations on this matter, and not all of them boil down to just cleaning out the above garbage. In some situations, even such measures do not help.

Options for improving performance

Among the techniques that make it possible, if not to restore performance completely, then at least to increase it, the most effective options the following can be mentioned:

  • shutdown unused services and processes;
  • clearing the system cache and application cache;
  • manual removal of unnecessary files and applets;
  • use of optimizers and boosters;
  • virus removal;
  • uninstallation of custom firmware;
  • reset to factory settings.

All these methods must be applied not one at a time, but in combination (if you want the system to really start “flying” again). However, in this situation, you should immediately pay attention to the fact that some applications for Android included in the standard system package are without special means It may be impossible to remove. Therefore, even with full reset they will still work as if nothing had happened. Let's dwell on this separately. In the meantime, let’s talk about what measures you can take yourself without using third-party tools.

Disable unused services and processes

So, we have a situation where Android slows down. What to do in this case? First of all, you need to pay attention to the services and processes that are activated in the system by default (by the way, it is advisable to do this even after purchasing the device and turning it on for the first time).

IN in this case First you need to turn it off NFC module and geolocation when using an Internet connection. NFC consumes quite a lot of system resources, and geolocation with frequent Internet use slows down opening pages and loading files.

Second - very frequent use modules wireless communication Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Some users sometimes do not disable these modules at all, believing that this will not affect system performance in any way. Absolutely delusional! The fact is that they put a strain not only on system resources, but they also drain the battery quite a lot, which, in turn, affects the performance of both the system and third-party applets that are launched.

In general, the battery is weak, by and large, can also be called one of the reasons that Android is slow. How to fix the situation? Yes, just replace the battery with a more powerful one. This option, of course, can be considered one of the solutions, but it is assumed that the factory battery is designed specifically for a certain type of device. So you will have to act at your own peril and risk.

Manual cache clearing

However, Android's problems don't end there. Another stumbling block is the constant increase in cache (both system and application cache). To the great regret (and sometimes to the indignation) of most users, the system developers did not bother to include an automated cleaning tool in the operating system tools.

And if system cache You can also delete it using the settings menu, memory partition and cache line, but with applications the situation is much worse.

You can delete the cache associated with system and user applets from the applications section in the settings menu by selecting each individual application. It is simply impossible to do this for all programs at the same time. A huge minus! But if the system does not provide for the installation of some kind of optimizer, at worst, you can limit yourself to this.

Sometimes Android applications installed by the user can slow down the system. Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that not all devices support their transfer from internal storage on removable card memory. In addition, many of them very often start in the background along with the system. Take the same Facebook, Viber, Messenger, news or weather informers, etc.

I think it’s already clear why Android is slow: there is a constant loading of RAM and processor, sometimes to such an extent that for system processes There are simply no resources left. Again, there is no means to exclude applets from startup in the system.

You can correct this situation in two ways: either remove everything unnecessary or unused yourself, or use special programs for optimization (this will be discussed separately).

Removing unnecessary files

Overfilling the internal storage can also cause situations where Android slows down. What to do with installed programs or excessive number of files? As is already clear, get rid of everything that interferes with work.

The situation can also have two sides to the coin. If the main drive is too busy, install something new from the same storage Play Market will be quite problematic. Even if there is, as they say, a lot of space, the system will think for quite a long time, not to mention the fact that if there is not enough space, it will generate an error.

But it’s best to delete files and folders using at least some simple file manager, because the similar actions with help regular funds will take too much time and require considerable effort on the part of the user to find them.

The second point is related to the fact that many users are engaged, so to speak, in decorating the system, installing various kinds of launchers that replace it standard shell. As is already clear, they not only start with the system, but also consume the lion’s share of RAM, loading their own components into it. This leads to the simplest conclusion: do not install too many programs. It is better to limit yourself to only what is really needed. And changing the interface is possible only if there are sufficiently large RAM volumes(at least at the level of 3-6 GB).

How to clean Android so it doesn’t slow down using optimizers?

Today you can find not even dozens, but hundreds of them in the same Play Market. And not all of them are equivalent to each other. Some are narrowly targeted cleaners, others can provide comprehensive services with garbage removal and system acceleration, others are designed to increase performance or vice versa - to save battery power, others, in addition to all available tools, also contain anti-virus modules, others can perform the most complete uninstallation of applets with the removal of remaining garbage, the sixth are able to manage startup, etc. But if you have root rights, many of them allow you to remove even system components.

Among the most famous and most popular applets, the following can be highlighted:

  • CCleaner;
  • Clean Master;
  • 360 Security;
  • Assistant Pro;
  • Smart Booster;
  • DU Speed ​​Booster;
  • AVG TuneUp;
  • Smart Booster;
  • Easy Uninstaller;
  • SCleaner;
  • All-in-one-Toolbox;
  • Root Booster, etc.

Removing custom firmware and resetting to factory settings

Finally, it is worth mentioning separately about situations when the user independently installs custom firmware. The point is that a mismatch between the firmware configuration also causes the problem that Android is slow. What to do in this case? Delete the firmware, or better yet not install it at all, otherwise the entire system will become unusable. However, removal is not such a simple matter.

The easiest way to return Android to factory settings is through the settings and section Reserve copy and recovery by selecting a general reset item.

In some cases, other methods can be used. For example, the factory settings of Android on Sony smartphones XPERIA in the form of initial firmware can be returned using the Sony PC Companion utility, which is installed on a computer or laptop. For models from other manufacturers there are own programs. In any case, this looks even better than a general reset directly on the device. Then you can definitely get a “clean” state of the gadget, as if you had just bought it.

Finally, if all this does not help, you will have to use the Hard reset function. But it is advisable to use such a technique only in the most extreme cases.

Brief conclusions

These are the main reasons why Android is slow. What to do, I think, has already become clear to many. To be honest, the best option still is the use of optimizers (preferably containing anti-virus modules), since manual setting or cleaning takes too much time and effort, and resetting or restoring factory settings only leads to data loss.

Greetings to all new and regular readers of my blog! Are you here because your favorite Android tablet is running very slowly? Does this make you feel very irritated or even angry? I'm ready to help you! Together we will try to find out what are the reasons for such failures and how to return everything to its original place. So, the Android tablet slows down, what should you do in this case?

Most likely, you noticed how quickly it works new device. The speed is increased, it responds to commands quickly, the screen is responsive, it’s a pleasure to use! Over time, something goes wrong and your favorite tablet begins to malfunction, thereby driving you crazy. At such a moment, you understand that you need to do something urgently!

Anyone computer device, no matter whether it is stationary or portable, there are two main types of problems:

  1. Software failure
  2. Problem areas in the device hardware

Carry out diagnostics according to the instructions below and step by step eliminate all possible reasons breakdowns.

Hardware problems

Remember for yourself or find out from your children if anyone dropped the tablet. Perhaps it was filled with water, juice or coffee? Then everything is clear as day - the internal content of the device is damaged and needs urgent repair.

In this case, there is only one way out - take the tablet to a repair shop. They will diagnose it and tell you how to correct the situation. It is possible that some structural components will be replaced.

Nothing like this happened and the tablet was handled with care all the time? Then we move on to software problems.

Software glitches

Updates Android platforms They come out often and the number of devices running on it is huge, from Samsung to Asus. There were, are and will be “holes” in this operating system. And this reason cannot be excluded from all probable ones. But, unfortunately, very often device holders themselves are to blame for the fact that the tablet begins to slow down. You need to understand how the software works, then it will be much easier to avoid problems.

Reason No. 1. Virus software

Even installing an application from the Google Play store cannot guarantee your security. With a high degree of probability, other users will warn through reviews that after downloading the program, malfunctions were observed in the device. But you still have to work hard to read them! If the tablet starts to slow down and freezes after loading new program- delete it without a doubt. Perhaps the virus code is written directly into the software. Never, under any circumstances, download applications from third party sources! Virus attacks- the very first reason for the malfunction of the device.

After getting rid of suspicious programs, be sure to run anti-virus diagnostics. This is easy to do by connecting the device to a PC via a USB cable.

Reason No. 2. Acute overload

Many unnecessary applications, photos and video files clutter the tablet and prevent it from functioning properly. Full cache, clipboard or just unnecessary information take up a lot of space. Every time you boot, this device is terribly slow. Get rid of old unnecessary files and everything will fall into place. Even in sleep mode background applications consume system resources!

Reason No. 3. Widget, launcher and others like them

Widgets are mini-icons on the home screen of any touch device. They are designed to show the weather, time, information about the internal processes of the device. Sometimes they take up a lot of space on the tablet’s processor and slow down the tablet very much.

Launcher is a program that organizes the desktop of a tablet or smartphone. Factory settings have a standard launcher for the OS, but its design can be modified. A new version desktop icons significantly reduces the performance and speed of the device, as it requires additional processing time. Remove widgets and colorful screensavers if you want to achieve normal screen responsiveness.

Doesn't simple cleaning and deleting a few "small-sized" applications help? What then can be done in such a situation? Apply tough but effective measures- return the device to factory settings.

Attention! Before performing the Hard Reset operation, it is recommended to copy all data (photos, videos) to a memory card or to cloud storage. It would be a good idea to transfer all contacts to the SIM card and remove it from the slot. Do the same with micro SD.

How to radically clean Android so that your favorite tablet doesn’t slow down?

Read and apply:

According to this principle, a reset is carried out on portable devices all manufacturers - Asus, Lenovo, Samsung.

Bottom line

If everything was fine with your tablet before, but a radical reboot did not help, you may want to think about replacing the device. Do not hurry! Still, this is not the easiest purchase. It can significantly empty your pocket. Do not skimp on the services of a qualified craftsman. IN service center they will tell you why your Prestigio began to think for a long time. They will produce there full diagnostics, using a modern portable device performance test. Sometimes the tablet can be helped by rebooting the platform by experienced software engineers.

Were you interested in whether the material was useful and helped you cope with problems with your tablet? Tell your friends about it via social media, Please.

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Thank you for your attention! See you soon, friends! Sincerely, Rostislav Kuzmin.

A tablet computer, simply called a tablet, is a new generation device that can compete in popularity with laptops and phones. The tablet has a lot of advantages. Firstly, most of them also serve as a telephone. Secondly, tablets are compact in size, so you can easily take them with you anywhere. And thirdly, the functions of the tablet are so extensive and numerous that in its relevance the tablet would surpass even netbooks in some tasks. Most tablets offer features such as viewing images, reading books, writing and editing texts, playing games, and much more. The tablet's special feature is touchscreen, the size of the tablet actually depends on the size of the latter. As you can see, given its small size but enormous functionality, in today's life it becomes an almost indispensable assistant.

However, just like the good old laptop computers, tablets run on operating systems. In this regard, progress has not gone far. And no matter what system your tablet is running on, any system is capable of failure. Alas, this happens to any system one day and it is unlikely to be avoided. So, such an unpleasant situation happened that tablet frozen. Naturally, there are no buttons, so pressing a specific key combination is not possible. Asking any actions also does not lead to any reaction. Don't despair. Let's figure out if the tablet freezes, what to do to bring it back to life. Most often, the situation with the tablet freezing is due to the fault of the owners, since tasks were given to the device faster than it could complete them. As a result, the system reached a dead end and crashed. To return the tablet to normal functioning you should reset your operating system. You should know that all personal information located outside the memory card, directly in the tablet’s memory, will be lost.

However, before doing this, you should take into account several nuances; we list them in the order in which they need to be performed:

  • First of all, if your tablet freezes and you don’t know what to do, you need to try simply turning off and turning on the tablet with the corresponding button. May I help.
  • If that doesn't help, try holding the power button down a little longer, this may also help turn it off. Usually, after this action, the tablet turns on in the usual way and without problems.
  • If the previous option did not help, you will have to completely reset the operating system settings. So, take out the memory card. Theoretically, it should not be affected when resetting the settings. But it's better to remove it.
  • We put the tablet on charge. This is necessary to avoid an unpleasant situation when, when resetting the settings, the battery is completely discharged and then the tablet will only be helped by complete flashing at the service center.
  • Now look - there should be a small hole under the power button, usually it is labeled “Reset”. Press with a needle, toothpick or something similar. The tablet turns off.
  • We turn on the tablet, the system boots successfully.

Now operating system cleaned and restored. Theoretically, it will not freeze again soon. But if the tablet freezes You now know for sure what to do.