Getting sales online: how to promote a group on VK. Percentage of sexes. Types of advertisements

How to promote a VKontakte group? If you decide to create your own group, then you will be faced with the question of filling it with people, materials and promoting the group in social network. And if you don’t have a group yet, I recently wrote an article on the topic. And in order for Internet users to learn about your group and want to join it, there are several in various ways strategies and promotion.

How can you promote a group on a social network in VKontakte?

If you are the owner of groups on the contact network, then you have several ways of promotion and promotion. Depending on the activity of your group, social or commercial, you can use free or paid methods promotion of the VKontakte group. What is the difference free method promotion from a paid one? The difference is that for free promotion you need to invest your time, and for paid promotion you need to invest money.

How to promote your VKontakte group for free?

Free promotion methods include:

1.Send an invitation to users to join the group.

2. Optimize the group for search in contact.

3. Promote the group under search query for Internet search engines.

4. Involve people from other groups.

5. Mutual PR between VKontakte groups.

6. Conducting various competitions and announcements through various profiles.

7.Use of various software and scripts for promoting groups in contact.

1. Sending various invitations to groups in contact.

This is one of the most popular, easiest and low-cost ways to promote a group, which consists of sending various invitations to users unknown to you. According to the written rules of the service, in Contact you can send up to 40 invitations per day to each user. In order to quickly promote your group in this way, you need to create many VKontakte accounts. For this the most the best option for You will invite to your group only those people who are given time who “sit” on VKontakte online and do not “spray” their power on non-existent users. Such groups can also be purchased on the Internet for a fee. You can also create it yourself, but you will need a lot of numbers to register cell phone. Currently, there are services on the Internet that, for a fee, send SMS with different numbers phone, what you need to register.

2. Optimize and promote your group for search in contact

This type is one of the most effective, modern, and safe methods promotion of the group in contact. It makes it possible to provide the user quick search groups when typing certain phrases in a search in contact. In this case, you can use not only a search by group names, but also audio, video, various topics, etc.

In order to optimize your group, you need to set different keywords in the description, the name of your group, also in the description of audio, video recordings and much more.

3. Promote a group in contact for a search query for search engines.

The optimization is the same as for VKontakte search, but you now need to promote the group under search engines like Yandex, Google, Rambler, but also others.

Optimization follows the same principle described above: add the most popular keywords to the description and name of your group for search engines. This is done so that search engines using these keywords will help users find your group on the Internet. The number of posts written, published and the number of participants in your group also play a big role. It is also recommended to insert external links in posts with transition to the group. But keep in mind that group promotion is complicated by the fact that search engines cannot show all groups in the TOP. This means that in order to reach the top, you need to try very hard, analyze the market, select keywords and insert them in the right places in optimal quantity. To select keywords you can use the service Wordstat.

4. Attracting people from other groups to promote the group.

In order to invite people from other groups, you first need to find such thematic groups, join them, see the opportunity to leave advertising posts. After that, write beautiful, various advertising articles and leave them with your active link in these thematic groups and get referrals.

5. Promotion through mutual PR between VKontakte groups.

The same method of promotion is carried out by placing a link to your group in the “friends” column in other groups. To do this, you need to agree with the administrator of that thematic group that you want to place your link from your group in his group. Next, you will also need to place the same partner link in your group. But it may also be that your partner does not want to leave his link with you, and in return may demand payment from you. But keep in mind, the situation here is twofold, it may also happen that your group members will flock to him. Here we need to analyze the situation, and if this happens, then refuse to cooperate.

6. Conducting various competitions and announcements through your profiles.

It's very good and effective method for promoting a group in contact, it has a very high efficiency(coefficient useful action). The idea is that you find a person who has more than 500 users as friends, negotiate with him about posting an announcement or announcement on his account. Many of his friends will see this ad on his profile and some will want to follow your link to the group. His friends will replenish and join your group, because they are moving on the advice of their friend. This is where difficulty may arise when you negotiate with the account administrator about free posting of your post with a link.

7.Use of various software and scripts to promote groups in contact.

You can send out various invitations not only manually, but also using free programs to send out these invitations. You can find various such programs on the Internet, but I offer only proven VKBot, FvCheat and VKInviter. But also, keep in mind that life changes quickly, some programs may be banned in contact. To do this, create several accounts in contact, adjust the program to it, first recruit friends in your profiles, and then invite them to the group. With these programs you can greatly reduce the time spent promoting your group. There is also absolutely free service on VKontakte promotion

Here's a video about this service:

How to promote a group in contact for a fee?

Paid promotion methods include:

3. Through services that provide such services.

There is an exchange on the Internet for contact, it is called On the exchange, payment is usually charged for certain time finding your post at the very top of the public (group). You can post it as a repost or an interesting and enticing post with your link that leads to your group. It is advisable to place full view post in his group, and an excerpt from it, cutting off at the very interesting place with a link to your group like: “read more below” on the exchange.

When posting your posts on the exchange, I would advise you to follow the following tips:

The text of your post should not be very long, but meaningful. (no more than three lines and 140 characters).

2.Promotion of the group through contextual advertising in contact with;

Contextual advertising involves advertising your group on the Internet for a specific target audience. In order to create an ad, you need to click on the “Advertising” button, which is located on the footer of the service, or on the “Advertise Community” tab, which is located in the menu. Next, you need to choose a payment method for “impressions” or “transitions”. For impressions, the price for advertising is cheaper, but the effect is less. Choose for yourself. This type of promotion is by far the most effective, since only unique target users, but its high price deters it.

3. Promotion of a group in contact through services that provide such services.

There are many services on the Internet that provide assistance with on a paid basis on promoting groups on social networks, including VKontakte. But the most popular of them are services such as Sarafanka, SOC-service. In order to promote a group in contact, you need to go to one of the groups, read the terms of cooperation, transfer money and start advertising your group. For a small amount of money, through this service, other Internet users will advertise your community, like, invite friends, leave comments, etc.

Today we looked at the question of how to promote a group in VKontakte, use it and share your impressions in the comments.

I wish you success in promoting your group.

Hello, dear subscribers of my blog, and also greetings to everyone who just happened to come across my blog. Today is December 30th, the end of the current year. On the eve of the new year, I would like to have time to publish one more article this past year.

Plus, on top of everything else, I would like to please you that in the new year of 2016 I am again resuming my competitions with cash prizes. For example, the “Crossword Marathon” and many other competitions, until I start shooting all the competitions. Do you mind?? Okay, in general, I’ll give you a little hint - if you want to increase your chances of winning such competitions, then you just need to become a subscriber to my blog and keep abreast of new articles. Since subscribers are the first to know about the release of new articles, competitions, marathons, etc. At the end of this article you will learn how to properly subscribe and become a blog subscriber.

Well, today’s article will talk about how to promote a group in contact. I think you will agree that in our modern age of widespread use of the Internet and social networks, the question of how to promote a group in contact is quite relevant. After all, the goals of this event can be different: promotion and sale of goods and services, making money by advertising in the group, promoting your website - getting traffic from the group, direct communication with the company’s clients, entertainment and hobbies, and much more.

In general, of course, it is worth noting that promotion methods for each direction are individual. Next, we will look at the main methods of promoting VKontakte public pages.

First, decide what effect you want to achieve from promotion; the chosen method determines whether your group will be relevant and in demand for a long time. And, of course, posts in your group should be informative and not contrary to the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Let's consider the “white” and “gray” methods of promoting a VKontakte group, as well as the results of certain methods.

“White” promotion of groups

1) Click “Tell friends” under the group avatar from personal account: This is my group by the way, I suggest you join

With this action, all your friends and subscribers will see in their news feed a link to the group with your comment on it.

2) Another way to attract subscribers, which is very popular on this moment, is to hold competitions with valuable prizes, the main condition of which is participation in the group and reposting the entry from the group to your page. The result of this method is a large number of reposts on pages active participants. The more expensive the prizes, the more they will attract people and, accordingly, there will be more subscribers. Here's an example:

3) Paid targeted advertising on the social network itself, while you choose the audience, the number of impressions and many other parameters. Payment in in this case goes for an ad click or 1000 impressions. When you click under the group picture “Advertise Community”:

All settings are described very clearly, so you will not have any difficulties when launching advertising in this way. You can also order advertising in " Google AdWords"or "Yandex.Direct", but to achieve maximum effect This method of promotion will take quite a bit of money, since the cost per click, compared to advertising in the VKontakte account, is much higher, and setting up a project requires special knowledge of SEO, query semantics, VChZ, NChZ and other things! Taking this opportunity, I would like to invite you to read an article that many have asked me to talk about:

4) Mutual reposts in groups with similar topics, with this method there is an “exchange” of participants who are interested in the topic of the group.

5) Purchasing posts (advertising) in giant groups with over a million members. Hundreds of thousands of users will see your post, and even if 1% of this entire mass is interested, that’s already thousands of new subscribers! Although this method is the most expensive.

6) If you don’t want to deal with group promotion yourself, you can use SMM services agencies Now there are many similar companies, prices and terms are different for everyone, as well as the results of their work. If you want to choose this method promotion, before choosing an agency, I advise you to carefully study reviews about it on the Internet or try to find their client who would impartially talk about the effect of working with this company.

“Grey” methods of promoting VKontakte groups

Next we will look at several “gray” methods of promotion, but keep in mind that the result of using these methods can be very different - from the availability large quantity“dogs” in the group until the group and, accordingly, its owner are blocked. Use these methods at your own risk! Let's look at how to promote a group in contact using gray methods.

1) Increasing subscribers to the group; as the number of participants increases, the group rises in search results. It should be taken into account that the group title must be composed correctly.

There are many services for cheating, both paid and free (Likest, OLike, Turboliker, etc.). The advantage is that you will get participants for pennies, compared to their “white” counterparts, but you need to be prepared for the fact that there may not be any effect from such promotion at all.

2) Using bots for the services described above, for example Pr-Bot ( Cheating in this case occurs automatically.

However, you need to be aware that your account or group may be blocked at any time. Well, if you get impudent and “twist” to the fullest, then you are practically guaranteed to be blocked!

3) Another “gray” way of promotion is buying members for the group. Such services are provided special services, where people (offers) receive rewards for completing tasks. In this case, the number of blocked group members and the risk of blocking may be less than with cheating using the methods described above.

4) Now consider the use special programs for sending SPAM. Spam can go into comments of groups on the walls of groups where they are open. An example of such a program is PosterPro ( /).

It was created to search and inform the audience you need about your products and services, has wide possibilities for posting and at the same time the cost of subscription Pro versions only 20 (twenty) rubles per month!

The program is looking for thematic groups according to given parameters, automatically places posts with images in them, automatically adds pictures to group albums. It has a flexible system for setting up mailings with several sending modes. There is also a function for undomizing the text of a sent article and automatic bypass of VKontakte captcha.

Main program window:

Media files:

Group parser:

In any case, no matter which of the “gray” methods of promoting a VKontakte group you choose, be prepared for the consequences!

Stages of promotion of a VKontakte group

Now let's look at how to promote a VKontakte group step by step. What to do first and what to put off until later. So, first we need to create a group, if you already have one, then you can skip this point.

For creating new group go to the “My Groups” section on your VKontakte page and click the “Create Community” button.

Enter a name, select the type of community and click “Create a community”:

After the group has been set up, a proper name and description has been added, and there are several unique posts in the group, you can begin promoting the group so that as many people as possible know about it.

To promote a group:

You need to start small, first “Tell your friends” in news feed. Next, you can personal messages ask people you know well to make several reposts from your group. Then it will not be considered SPAM.

Now friends and friends of friends have learned about the existence of your group and you should take care of new interesting and informative articles, preferably accompanied by drawings, and all this should be within the chosen theme of the group.

After this, the first few or even dozens of new members will appear in the group, and if you take care of constant updating content, then the influx of people will be constant, albeit small. I can also recommend you to read the following articles:

So, concluding today’s article - How to promote a group in contact, I would like to add a few words. If your group is dedicated to selling goods or services, this, of course, is not enough, and you should start promoting the group to the masses, preferably using one of the “white” methods of promotion. Well, if the group is entertaining and you constantly publish “Humor” there from various sources, and interesting information, then rest assured, slowly but surely the people themselves will begin to catch up, and promotion will cost no special financial costs. Below I am attaching a video to this article on how to promote a group on Konatkt.

As you can see, promoting a VKontakte group is not so difficult, the main thing is to choose the right strategy depending on the topic. I would like to congratulate you on the upcoming New Year 2016, I wish you success in all your endeavors, health to you and your loved ones. As I promised at the beginning of the article, now I would like to remind you of how to properly subscribe to the blog. I provide you with the link below, which clearly explains everything and shows how to become a blog subscriber.

V. If you have any questions regarding the topic of today’s article, you can ask them in the comments. That's all for today. See you all next year, dear friends.

Dear users, if after reading this article you have any questions or would like to add something regarding the subject of this article or the entire Internet resource as a whole, then you can use the comment form. Also ask your questions, suggestions, wishes..

So, for today, that’s actually all I wanted to tell you about in today’s episode. I can only hope that you found interesting and useful information in this article. Well, I, in turn, am waiting for your questions, wishes or suggestions regarding this article or the entire site as a whole

Then you can move on to the next stage. And the topic of today’s publication is how to promote a group on VK without spending more on it 30 minutes a day. note that this publication, is more suitable for those who are just starting their journey in SMM and want to promote the group independently and for free.

Among other methods that help promote a group on VK, there are the so-called "black" methods - they can give a quick increase in subscribers, but the majority of them will be bots who will not buy anything. In addition, because of this, the community may be blocked, so it is better not to use such methods of promotion.

How to promote a group on VK: yourself and for free

Promotion of a group on VK has certain goals:

  • Sales of goods and services companies (performance indicators are orders and sales);
  • Earnings on the group, advertising (the number of subscribers is important, engagement: likes, reposts and comments);
  • Hobbies, creativity(perhaps it will be enough that you and your mother are in the group).

Depending on the chosen goals, a plan is drawn up to promote the group, but in general outline it consists of the following points:

  1. Determining the target audience;
  2. Attracting subscribers (how and from where new subscribers will be attracted);
  3. Content plan (drawn up detailed plan by type of content that will be published and publication time);
  4. Competitions (holding competitions and sweepstakes to attract new subscribers);
  5. Advertising (targeted and native);
  6. Working with bloggers, opinion leaders, guest posting;
  7. Evaluating the effectiveness and adjusting promotion actions.

For effective promotion you need to think through and implement each stage, while simultaneously monitoring feedback to evaluate all actions. Then we either correct ineffective actions and try again, or immediately discard them. Effective Actions Either we leave it as is, or we carry out experiments to improve it.

Determine who you are going to sell to or who will read you. Understanding the target audience, its interests, needs, fears and desires is almost half the success.

Let's look at defining the target audience in VK, using the commercial community as an example.

  1. Buyer type: individuals or companies. Which segment are you going to work in, B2C or B2B?
  2. Purpose of purchase: resale or use. Why do people buy from you? For yourself or to resell your goods in your city at a higher price?
  3. Socio-demographic characteristics: gender, age, Family status And so on. Even if you work in the B2B segment, you have to deal with people. Find out everything about the decision maker so you know how to persuade them to buy.

Of course, this is only a general idea of ​​the target audience; then you can segment clients by different types and create a description for each type (segment).

Cheat subscribers

In this paragraph, in accordance with the topic of the article, we will consider free ways cheating VKontakte subscribers.

Content and publication plan

Let's look at the main types of content that we can post in our group to attract and retain the target audience.

  • Selling posts— in them you talk about your product, how to use it, why you need to buy it right now and how much it costs.
  • Entertainment content— 1-2 times a week you can publish texts or memes that are somehow related to the topic of your activity. But you shouldn’t overuse such content—the purpose is sales, not entertainment.
  • Polls— do surveys or voting at least once a month, this will help you get to know your subscribers better and involve them in interaction.
  • Situational posting— posts tied to any events that are happening right now (Oscar presentation to Leonardo DiCaprio) or holidays (September 1, Airborne Forces Day, New Year).
  • Video content— you don’t have to hire a professional videographer to produce video content; shoot on your phone: workplaces, the product production process, interesting remarks and comments on your product.
  • Reviews - ask those who bought your product or used your service to write a review and post it in the group.
  • Links to the site— if you have a website, periodically publish links to news, articles and products.

We've sorted that out, let's move on. And then we arrange brainstorm and generate ideas for 20-30 posts. We just write the names so as not to forget what the post will be about in general terms. Then we distribute the resulting posts by day of the week and time of publication. Publish from 1 to 3 posts per day. This will be yours monthly content plan.

So that each post comes out on the right day in right time, let's use the delayed publication function. To do this, right below new publication Click “More”, select “Timer” and set the time when the post should be published.

This process can also be automated, for example using the service SMMplanner. It provides up to 100 free posts per month, plus the same post can be published on several social networks at once. networks (Facebook, Instagram).

How to make a selling post on VKontakte

As an example, let’s look at the structure and design of a selling post.

1. Attractive title.
2. Disclosure benefits and uniqueness of the offer.
3. Appeal to the target audience (or to individual segments) for which the post was written.
4. Shortage(only 5 pieces left in stock, free time for today and so on).
5. Call to action. A clear and as simple as possible action that the user must perform: leave + in the comments, call right now, go to the website to find out more.

Post image.

In the photo that will be attached to the post, you can duplicate the main points and add an image of the product or the process of use. Make sure there is a slight margin between the edges of the image and the text.

Competitions and giveaways

You can attract new visitors, subscribers and clients with the help of competitions and sweepstakes, in which prerequisite is to join the group and repost with the terms of the competition. In order not to waste money on the prize fund, you can offer your product or service as the main prize. and then more people will know about your group. New members will also be added, and some of them will become clients.

The mechanics of the competition may include several options for determining the winner.

  1. The participants will do this. Whoever has the most likes wins.
  2. Selected by the group administrator.
  3. Independent jury.
  4. Random selection (random number generator).

Advertising on VKontakte

When you have your first clients and money, you can think about advertising. On VKontakte you can run 3 types of advertising:

Using simple options, you can determine who your group or publication will be advertised to. But since our manual implies free promotion of the group, we will not focus on this point.

Working with bloggers

Another direction of advertising in VK is working with bloggers. At the same time, it is quite possible to agree on a barter with bloggers - you give them your product/service, they give you advertising. Bloggers who will advertise must meet certain criteria:

  • your target audience must subscribe to them;
  • they must have authority or expertise to be listened to;
  • depending on the type of business and the required coverage, the number of subscribers is from 1000.

Promotion effectiveness assessment

Be sure to collect feedback for each tool you use and track all possible metrics.

  • Do you receive calls after publishing posts?
  • At what time does a post get more likes and comments?
  • Do sweepstakes allow you to attract customers or only collect freeloaders?
  • What methods of attracting subscribers work better/worse?
  • Is there any negativity addressed to you? Constructive?
  • What actions give a surge in traffic?

In the community settings, there is a special statistics section where you can get even more accurate data.

  • Attendance(number of unique visitors and views).
  • Coverage(total number of users who viewed the group or posts in the news feed).
  • Activity(number of likes, reposts and comments).
  • Posts(detailed coverage and activity for each individual post.

For example, in the first week you held a contest, spent 3,000 rubles on gifts and attracted 1,000 new subscribers. It turns out that everyone new subscriber cost 3 rubles. In the second week, you launched targeted advertising, spent 5,000 rubles and thereby attracted 100 new subscribers (50 rubles/subscriber). At first glance, it seems that the second method is ineffective and costly, but upon deeper analysis, it turns out that in the first week there were not a single sale, and in the second week there were 5 sales through the VK group. But even this is not a reason to draw a final conclusion.

Is it possible to promote a VKontakte group from scratch with just 30 minutes a day?

If you are just starting to promote your business on social networks, then at this stage it is quite possible to independently promote a VKontakte group from scratch. At the same time, spend on average 30-40 minutes a day.

To do this, you need to draw up a work plan for the month based on the points listed in this article, break it down into 30 small tasks (1 task per day) and distribute it over the days. Then you can easily cope with the promotion of the group and in the future you will be able to hire someone who will administer the community under your strict guidance. And you will be able to allocate free time to explore other ways to promote on social networks.

Social networks are not just a portal where we can communicate with friends and acquaintances, share interesting statuses, photos and videos, and also periodically visit your page with game applications. No, in fact, social networks can become very powerful tool influence both in business and politics. The main thing is to be able to apply them correctly and use them for certain purposes.

In this article we will talk about communities operating on the basis of “VK”. These are groups that bring together users with similar interests. Each of us belongs to at least 1-2 such communities that regularly send us recipes, funny pictures, smart quotes and aphorisms, etc. - depending on the topic of the group.

Basically, communities are a very powerful mechanism for finding clients. By launching, for example, a group with cosmetics recipes, you can unite self-care lovers in it. In the future, by offering these users to purchase some skin products, you can receive sales, the volume of which directly depends on the promotion of the group and its popularity among other users.

Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to promote the VKontakte group. Readers' attention will first of all be drawn to theoretical basis, which we will try to supplement also practical recommendations(Where would we be without them!).

You created a group...

Let's say you have a hobby - let it be knitting. You would like to find like-minded people, publish some information on this topic, exchange techniques - in general, conduct some additional socially active activities that interest you personally.

You have decided that you will launch for these purposes special group for fans of this activity on social networks. It actually takes a couple of minutes - you need to go to the “My Groups” tab, click the “Create” button, select the type of community - and you're done! Thus, an empty field for your group will appear in front of you, which must be filled out.

Most likely, at first you will begin to fill your group with material at a rapid pace. If we are talking about knitting, then these will be different techniques, advice on where to get materials, etc. After you have a certain amount of content, a logical question arises: “How to promote the VKontakte group?” And really, what needs to be done to get the first users who will be interested in reading your posts?

General criteria

Let's start with the well-known rules. The question of how to promote a VKontakte group, if you believe them, is not entirely correct. After all, the communities themselves were not built to advertise services or make money from publications advertising records, but to establish communication among those who are passionate about something. This used to be very important.

Now the meaning of communities remains the same, but given the competition, promote the VKontakte group for free up to 100,000 subscribers in simple ways will not work. We need to come up with something more original.

A common requirement for all groups is the purity of the content, the level of what is published here, the amount of advertising, etc. Ideally, if the group you lead has positive indicators in these criteria (it has interesting posts, it doesn’t abuse advertising, it doesn’t have the habit of stealing other people’s content), then it will become popular. This, however, will take a lot of time, and you will spend it searching for an answer to the question of how to promote a VKontakte group.

No less important criterion in the eyes of users can be called the popularity of the group. After all, communities that have at least 100 thousand users end up in the search form much more often than those that have a smaller number of participating members. Based on manipulation with it, we will tell you about the first trick on how to effectively promote a VKontakte group.

Appearance of popularity

Many users involved in maintaining the community take it for granted that the group is really popular - they order it to be filled with bots. This service is available everywhere, and although it is prohibited by the VKontakte rules, it can really help you get your first real participants.

The method of working according to this scheme is very simple. You, as we have already decided, have our imaginary knitting group. It contains material on this topic, but there are no people who could read it. You order filling a group with, say, 10 thousand bots within a month. Gradually you will see new members being added to the community. This is the key to solving the problem of how to quickly promote a VKontakte group.

At their core, bots are blank pages, which are created and managed automatically by the program on the server. But no one knows that these are not real people, but “fake” people. As a result, in a month your group will have about 10,000 members, which will make it more attractive in the eyes of other users.

Of course, if you are looking for information on how to promote a VKontakte group for free, this technique will not suit you. You will have to pay for 10 thousand bots to the one who will prepare them for work. However, the further effect will not be long in coming - you will see for yourself how new visitors begin to enter the community, this time those who really want to read it. This means that the main thing for you is not to stop your publications and write to the group regularly.

Content quality

Don't forget what we already talked about above - about high quality records. If you have no experience in how to create and promote a group on VKontakte, it is better to try to make each post as useful and attractive as possible in the eyes of the visitor. Later, when you get your hands on managing various groups, you will know how to distinguish content by quality and, moreover, how quickly and easily extra effort find best records for your group.

It has long been no secret to anyone that with the help of the VKontakte social network, users not only communicate, but also earn money. Especially for these (and not only for these) purposes, groups are created, which are joined by those who are close to their topics. If you have something to say (or show) to the masses, but you don’t know how to create a VKontakte group, read on.

First of all, you need an account on this social network. If there is one, you need to enter it under and then find the “My groups” item in the menu on the left. Follow this link, find the active inscription “Create a community” and click on it. A dialog box with an input line appears. Here we enter the name of our group into it. Make sure your phone number is linked to your account. If it is not linked, then before you create a group on VKontakte, you will most likely have to enter it.

When the name is entered, click on the inscription “Create a community”. All! The group has been created. Now all you have to do is enter a description of your activity. To do this, simply fill out the form provided, and then add photos and write everything you consider necessary. Once you finish editing, don't forget to click on "Save". As you can see, there is nothing complicated about how to create a VKontakte group. All you need now is to promote your “brainchild” and find many subscribers. This is a little more complicated and requires some time and patience. The best place to start is to try to reach the audience that is most interested in your topic.

Here a reasonable question may arise about what kind of group to create “VKontakte”. Only you yourself can give a clear answer if you are very well versed in any topic. At the same time, it is necessary to be willing to actively educate the people. Perhaps you would like to sell some goods or services this way? The most important thing here is to present the information beautifully and regularly update and supplement it. Your page should not be “dead”; there should be constant communication on it.

Also, many may be concerned not only with the question of how to create a VKontakte group, but also how to effectively promote it and attract active subscribers. The least expensive method in terms of finances, but therefore a very long one, is to independently send out invitations to members of other groups with similar interests. The text should be as enticing as possible and contain a link to your group. There are also special paid services, which “bring” new participants. But their significant drawback is that most of those who subscribe to your group forget about it very quickly. And you need activity on the page. If you have free money, and at the same time you are sure that your group is profitable, then you can simply buy a program called “Viking Botovod”. It is specifically designed to promote groups on this social network. If your idea is truly capable of making a profit, then the money spent on the program may well be returned within a month.

Now, knowing how to create a VKontakte group, as well as how to attract active participants to it, you will probably soon be able to earn good money.