The largest communities on Facebook. How to create a group on Facebook (Facebook)

Good day, dear friends! Not long ago, on my blog, I talked about how to create a group on a social network and. It's time to talk about Facebook, namely, how to create a group on this social network.

Today, Facebook is the largest social network in the world, with more than 1.32 billion users. Here, like VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, people communicate, find new friends, promote their products, websites, services, and many other interesting and useful things. But today we’ll only talk about creating a community on Facebook.

Why are groups created on Facebook? They do this in order to unite people of similar interests from all over the world. This, in turn, allows group members to communicate on topics of interest to them within the community, to share useful tips and ideas.

If you create a group dedicated to your site, then in the future it can have a positive impact on its promotion and development. Therefore, many webmasters, in addition to blogging, create thematic communities on one or more social networks.

Creating a group on Facebook, its design and configuration

Let's get started. If for some reason you are not yet registered on Facebook, then you need to do so. After which, we go to home page your profile and go down until you see the “Groups” section, where we click on the “Create a group” link:

The registration form will open new group on Facebook. This is what it actually looks like:

In the form that opens, indicate the name of your future group and select its privacy level. Here, we select future participants from among your friends. It is enough to enter the name of one of them, after which others will appear. Once everything is filled out and selected, feel free to click “Create”.

If you wish, in the next window that opens you can select an icon for your group. This is not necessary - skip this step:

And so, the group has been created, but is not quite ready for use. It needs to be individualized so that it stands out from others and attracts more attention. Let's start with the header, upload a photo that best matches the spirit of your group:

It's definitely worth adding a description to your community. Try to indicate in it the main goals and why the group was created:

Once your group is 100% registered, the following message will appear:

You can click on the “View tips” button and find out which of them will stimulate activity in your group.

You, as a community administrator, can edit group settings at any time. To do this, you need to select the appropriate section and make the necessary changes:

In the group settings you can change the name, privacy, and description of the community. You can also set the group address and change the settings that will allow or prohibit group users from posting.

In the future, invite people with similar interests to your community, share the link with all your friends. If the group is constantly filled with interesting and useful information, then in this case, its popularity will only grow. It all depends on you and the goals you are pursuing.

I recommend reading the following articles:

Every person is passionate about his own business. And sooner or later he wants to find like-minded people. And now I want to create my own community. There is such a wonderful one social network- Facebook. In this network you can find many friends with similar interests.

Create a group

In order to create a community on Facebook (read about how to create a group on VKontakte), you need to perform a number of actions:

Invitation of participants

But members are not automatically added to the community. This is just an invitation to it. You need to enter the first and last name of the future participant in the field.

As soon as you enter the first name, just below the system itself will give a small list of suggested people. This is what it will look like: “Suggested:...”, and then a list of your friends. This will help you create interest in your new public, which in turn will help it expand even more.

Choosing a community type

There are three types of access to this community:

  • available to everyone (everyone will be able to see your group, its members and publications);
  • closed access (everyone can find it, but only participants can see the publications);
  • secret group (only members will be able to find the community and see its publications).

Advice! If in the future you want to promote your group, it is recommended to create open access to all. Because you must admit, it will be very difficult to find the services or products you offer without knowing how to access them.

To continue, click the Create button.

Icon selection and initial setup

After clicking this button, a window will appear in which you can create an icon for your community. You don’t have to select it by clicking the Skip button on the left.

Advice! You can choose a group icon at any other time by going to Settings, and even upload your own logo.

Additionally: there is another button to create in Facebook groups. On the right top corner there is an arrow. If you click on it, a menu will appear. The very first line in it will be Create a group.

Advice! By clicking the Edit Group Settings button, you can specify your own URL (or Internet address) for this community. It is also possible to change the icon and approve the administrator.

You can watch the video here:

The community creation process is complete. Now you can fill the group interesting articles, photos or share some part of your life. There is also an opportunity to make decent money from this by first promoting a group (about how to promote a group in another popular network— VKontakte, you can read it). I hope this information will help you achieve all your aspirations. Good luck on Facebook!

We have already talked about how to create a new community on Facebook in previously published articles. However, it doesn’t end at the launch, because you still need to competently lead the group, attracting and retaining the attention of interested parties. Marketing Strategies and we won’t go into clever advertising tricks, but we’ll now talk about the technical side of the process of administering communities on a social network.

Changing basic settings

Obviously, the first thing users look at is the name. Accordingly, it is very important to come up with something easy to read, as brief as possible, but conveying the essence of your community. While creating new page It’s not always possible to choose the appropriate option, so you can first use a draft “name”, and only then, when inspiration comes, change it. It's very easy to do this:

1. Click on the icon located in the page header.

2. Click on “Edit Group Settings”.

3. Enter a new name in the appropriate field.

As you have already noticed, in this section you can not only change the name of the community, but also configure other parameters. In particular, you can add tags and a description of the group (which is very useful for new members), select its type (Neighbors, Buy and Sell, Travel, Class, etc.) and privacy level (Open, Closed, Secret).

You can also specify which categories of users are allowed to publish posts. You can limit yourself exclusively to the publications of administrators, or you can allow all participants to share messages on the wall. At the same time, you can note that each publication must be approved by the administrator before posting, or leave the corresponding item in the settings without a checkmark.

To make it pretty

Whether we like it or not, the saying about “one is greeted by one’s clothes” is always and everywhere relevant, even if we're talking about O virtual space. Surely you yourself like to “walk” through beautifully designed pages with interesting content. So why not create your own community? Moreover, Facebook gives you such an opportunity!

No, everything on the site is still templated, so one can only dream of an intricate author’s design. However, some beauty can be arranged on the pages. Firstly, you can put your company logo as an avatar. Secondly, a well-designed hat looks very impressive. Here you can place either contact information, or just something very beautiful.

Actually, this is where the Facebook design of groups ends. Yes, not much, but quite enough to adequately represent your community, right?

And a few more possibilities

There is one such important section in communities called “Group Management”. You can find it by clicking on the icon you already know in the header of the page. Importance this section The fact is that it is here that direct administrative duties are performed - approving or rejecting applications and reviewing complaints from participants.

By the way, if you have a secret or closed community, you need to add users yourself. You can do this directly on the page using the list of your Friends. You can also send an invitation by e-mail, using the appropriate link.

It’s a pity that statistics are available exclusively for Pages, but for Groups they were never launched. Viewing this information could help administrators in their work. You will also not be able to use the import of posts - the cross-posting function is not provided for standard communities on the social network.

Apparently, publics have become a priority on Facebook, because... They are the ones that are created and used to promote brands. Groups, rather, are simply a place to unite users for some reason. common feature, type of city of residence, school number, etc.

Managing a group only at first glance seems like an ordinary task and does not require special talents. However, in reality, admins perform responsible work - they maintain the vitality of the community and keep order. Appreciate admins, respect your interlocutors, and you will be happy!

Getting to know Facebook, like any other social network, should start small. The fact is that at first this social network can seem very difficult to use, especially if the user is not very experienced in such matters. That is why it is best to get to know the world of Facebook gradually, slowly understanding its subtleties and intricacies.

Why should you join the group?

Honestly, after the usual one, where the entire interface is extremely simple and understandable even for a beginner, it was difficult for me to understand Facebook. But finding the “Groups” section is completely problematic, because it is not in plain sight, you need to know where to look. So is it even worth spending your time searching and joining Facebook communities? Definitely worth it! The group is a great opportunity to keep abreast of events that interest you, meet and communicate with like-minded people. In addition, at any time you can repost the publication you like, as a result of which it will appear on your page.

How to join the group

Now directly about how to join a group on Facebook. Just follow my recommendations and I promise you will succeed.

By the way, this is not the only way to join a group on FB. It differs from the first one in that you do not need to enter a specific request, you can simply “walk” through various groups and choose something, so to speak, along the way.

With the help of these simple rules you can find any group on social media Facebook networks and join it at any time.

Facebook is the most famous social network in the world. Besides personal pages users, there are groups on Facebook. They are used for communication and discussion, and in some cases, for sales. How to create own group? This is what we will talk about today.

If we have a community in front of us open type- this means that anyone can join it without any restrictions. You can freely enter such a community, look at topics, read posts, like, etc.

A closed group is visible to absolutely all users in the search; you can see who is in this group. But in order to join it, you need to send a request to the administrators. A user who is not a member of a closed group will not be able to see posts, pictures and photos contained in the group.

Secret groups - they are usually created for hidden, secret correspondence, which only those who are members of this group and know about its existence can know about. These types of groups are not intended for doing business; they cannot be found in a search, or even discovered if you do not know about their existence. Only those to whom the administrators who created the group personally send a link to it, thereby inviting them to join, can join it.

If you have already joined a group or groups, a list of them will be on your page on the left.

In addition to groups, on Facebook there is also different types pages:

  • personal page;
  • page—best suited for doing business or selling;
  • event.

How to create a group on Facebook

1.To create your own group, you need to click the icon - “ create a new group».

  1. Then you need to come up with a name, determine the type of group and invite several people there - or at least one, and then press the button "create". Until you invite at least one user to the group, the system will not allow you to create a community.
  1. Don't forget to check the box “attach among quick links so you can easily find the group

After this, your group will be displayed at the top of the list of groups on the left side of the screen

  1. The system will prompt you to select an icon. Select it and click OK

Your group has been created! Now you can start decorating it.

How to create a group on Facebook

After creating a group, you must

  1. Set a group image by uploading a photo or adding an existing one

  1. Add description and tags, as well as geolocation

  1. For closed group the system will also suggest asking questions that those wishing to join the group must answer.

Facebook group features

In the group you can:

  • invite people (the system itself will suggest people from your contact list). You can also add people you know by name and email address.
  • create posts, attach photos and videos to them.
  • create polls
  • conduct live broadcasts
  • create a new group

Also in your group you can add files and photo albums, create events, and put up products for sale. Click on the three dots in the publish window and you will see the entire list of possibilities.

You can also track discussions and see all group members. There is also a search button there.

Through the option “ Group management” you can see complaints about the group on Facebook, a list of pending publications, requests to join.

How to create and promote a group on Facebook

Any administrator wants to attract as many people as possible to the group.

For fast promotion groups can take advantage of Facebook advertising opportunities. Advertising buttons are located at the bottom right of the screen.

Or in the lower left part of the screen, next to the group creation button.

Facebook has a simple and intuitive clear interface. All you need to understand all the possibilities is a little practice.

How to create a public page on Facebook

Facebook pages are less suitable for communication than groups, but they work better for brand promotion. If you have your own company, if you are a public figure or a creative person, it is better to create a page.

You can create a Facebook page in the same way as a group by selecting "Page" at the bottom left of the screen.

After this you need to select the page type

After that, you need to install the image and start publishing.

or on your friend/other group's timeline.

By clicking on this option you will see a list of all the friends you can invite to check in "Like" your page.

In addition, Facebook will offer you to promote your page for money (that is, use advertising). The same offers will appear with the publication of each post.

Also additional features are shown right in the center of the page, under the publication block.

Page statistics can also be viewed on the right side of the screen, under the “ Tips for pages

Facebook is a huge platform both for communication and for making money, promoting and advertising your goods and services. Register, create groups and pages and attract new clients. If you want to know more about making money on Facebook, go here: 50 the best ways make money online