Check what cms. View page code. Free online CMS definition services

Good day to everyone, my dear friends and guests of my blog. Every day thousands of new sites appear on the Internet. They are all created for different purposes, but the fact remains. Where does this quantity come from? Why can any beginner who doesn’t know anyone in an hour cook up a brand new website for himself? It's all about the platforms or whatever they are called in colloquial speech- in engines.

Today there is simply great amount programs, designers, platforms for creating web resources, of any kind. Therefore, anyone can become a webmaster and run their own resource. Names such as WordPress, Joomla, DLE, Ucoz, Wix, etc. will probably not be new to you. But sometimes when you come across a blog or information resource, it is interesting to know what platform it is created on.

Personally, I sometimes have such a desire. Therefore, today I want to tell you how to find out what engine the site was made on. Moreover, I will give you a whole bunch of such methods. Choose any!

Of course, life would not be so easy if such things could not be done using special online services. Let's take a closer look.


A domestic company that develops custom websites. He has at his disposal a small service for defining a CMS. Works great. In order to use it, you will need to log in to and enter the site address in a special line, then click “Define CMS”. Believe me, the result will not keep you waiting.

I have determined that my blog is made on WordPress. Although of course I know about it myself)


This is already an English-language service, although there is nothing complicated here. Just go to, enter the site address in the line and click Lookup. After this you will get out various information According to your resource, you can also find out what CMS the site was made on.

Only it is located below. Go down until you reach the line “Content Management System”. That's where everything will be written.


Famous Russian-language service, thanks to which we can do many useful things, for example, find out our IP address or check the Internet speed. But besides all this, we can also find out the engine. To do this, find the item “Cite Management System (CMS)”.

Now just enter the site address there and click “Find”. You will be given a list of available engines, and the one on which your brainchild is made will be indicated by the red inscription “Signs of use found.”

Browser extensions

What's good about using extensions is that you don't need to install cumbersome programs and don't need to surf various sites. All you need to do is install the extension with one click and enjoy life.

Google Sniffer

A very simple extension for the Google Chrome browser. When you install it, in your right top corner A new icon will appear in the form of a magnifying glass. And when you go to some other person’s site (or even your own), this icon will change to the platform icon of your resource. Moreover, if you click on this icon, then more full information about the site, and not just about the engine.


a lifesaver for any webmaster. When you install it, you will have new icon with a torpedo. By clicking on it, you will see in the upper right corner of the window the system icon on which the site is located. Do you see? It shows me WordPress. In the same way, you can find out what CMS any site uses.

But if you are not interested in all the ins and outs about the site (TIC, visitor, Index of pages in search engine, number of incoming and outgoing links, etc.), then it’s better not to install this add-on, as there are a lot of settings and features. A inexperienced user This thing can be very annoying.


This plugin is very similar to google sniffer. The essence is the same: install, click on the icon and look at the platform itself, frameworks, add-ons, etc. Nothing complicated.

Manual search

I didn’t want to describe this method at all, since it is more tedious and less effective. Well, okay.


You can go to any site, then press the key combination CTRL+U. After this we will see the code for this page. Here we will need to find the meta tag. This is where it usually says what kind of engine is installed. But this is usual, which means not always.

The fact is that despite the fact that the site was created on some kind of CMS, all these mentions can be removed from the code. For example, I don’t have a meta-generator tag on my blog at all, since I didn’t take ready-made template, and this theme was made from scratch. And there are a lot of sites where there is no generator. Although, of course, you can press CTRL+F (Search) and type in well-known CMSs one by one until it finds some mention.

Login to the admin panel

You can also find out the site management system by logging into the admin panel:

WordPress -

Joomla -

DLE - site.ry/admin

But again this is not entirely good way, since you will have to pick at random various options, until you come across the right one, and in fact, the path to the administrative panel can be changed. In this case, you will not be able to find out at all.

So, if you want to learn CMS, then it is better to use the first two methods. They are simpler and more reliable.

Well, this is where I’ll probably end today’s article. I hope you liked it and now you won’t have any problems in finding out the platform of any website. I look forward to seeing you again on my blog. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

Sometimes there is a need to find out what engine a particular project is running on. How to find out the CMS of a site?

Whether you're browsing the web, or working on development, design, and production projects, you're constantly faced with hundreds of projects. Some of them are made to last, others are not. In any case, sometimes you want to know which CMS the selected project runs on. Let's look at the basic methods that will help us solve this problem.

We use online services

There are many services on the network - in our opinion, the most convenient of them is Go to it and you will see the interface.

All you have to do is lead required url in the appropriate field. Then click the "Find out" button. As a test, we tried to find out the CMS of our project..

Everything is true - we use the WordPress engine.

The admin panel will help us

All popular systems website management, use in their work administrative panel. It contains all the tools for setting up and managing the site. To get into it, the administrator must enter the appropriate address in, go to the login form and enter the credentials. This can be to our advantage - after all, each CMS has its own unique link to enter the admin panel. Here is a list of the most popular.

  • WordPress -
  • Drupal -
  • DLE -
  • Joomla -
  • Bitrix -

All you need to do is go to the selected project, and in the address bar try to add the login URL to the admin panel. After that, try to open the page. If you see a form for entering credentials, then this is the CMS for which you entered the corresponding URL. If not, try further down the list.

Checking page code

Each site management system adds its own specific elements to the page code. This can be either a URL structure or something else. Technical information. This will help us determine which CMS is used on the selected project.

To do this, we need to analyze the code of the site pages for the presence of specific code that corresponds to a particular CMS.

But what pieces of code should we look for? Here are the most common examples.


There are a lot of design templates for this system, from standard to colorful design solutions. In any case, when installing one of them, the system creates a specially designated folder for it. And in its URL address it adds its name:

Using the same principle, you can search for other systems. Analyze the URL for naming in the address structure.


This CMS can be identified by the presence of the word engine in the page code.


Here it is typical to add the word components in the address for CSS files.

Sometimes you can see an explicitly specified CMS type:


Also determined by the presence of a CMS indication:

Or look for the words wp-content :

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But don’t forget that a lot of sites run on custom engines. You will not be able to identify them, for the simple reason that they are unique. Therefore, do not despair if you are unable to determine the site’s CMS using these methods. Perhaps you have found a unique engine.

Why look for information on other sites if everything is collected here?

Often, webmasters, while searching for some information on the Internet, accidentally find quite interesting resources that contain useful and beautiful scripts, and simply the site itself can be designed quite unusually.

In this case, a natural question may arise regarding what “engine” allows the site to implement such unusual things. In a word, the question arises about the need to find out the CMS of the site.

We determine the site’s CMS ourselves

There are several ways to solve this problem. The first, perhaps the easiest and fastest, is to view the web page's source code in a browser. It’s probably not worth going too deep into the specifics of the code of this or that content management system.

If you do not wish to use the service CMS definitions, then you just need to open the site you are researching and select “View page code” in your browser settings.

Here at the very top there is usually a meta tag. If you're lucky, you'll see the name of the CMS you're interested in in quotation marks instead of an ellipsis in the source code.

If you cannot find this line, it is better to use other methods to determine the CMS. Quite different reliable way– enter the login path to the site admin panel in the address bar of the browser.

The path is different for each CMS, so by writing, for example, the site address with the word administrator separated by a slash and getting not to the error page, but to the authorization page, you can safely say that the site was created using Joomla:

Below we list the addresses for entering the administrative panel of sites for the most popular CMS:

  • Joomla – site address/administrator;
  • WordPress – site address/wp-admin;
  • Drupal – site address /user;
  • Danneo – website address/apanel;
  • MaxSite CMS – site address/admin.
Browser extensions for detecting css

Oddly enough, there is an even simpler way to determine the CMS of a site. It does not always work, but it does not require any action from the user.

For different browsers There are extensions that automatically determine whether a resource belongs to a particular content management system.

Yes, for Firefox browser There is an RDS Bar plugin. It was developed for SEO optimizers and includes many useful functions, which are not included in the topic this review. However, one of the features of the plugin is the “engine detection” function, which is activated in the “add-ons panel”.

In order to find out the CMS, you can also use another small but very convenient and informative plugin in Firefox called Wappalyzer.

After installation it will be in the address bar in graphically remove mass useful information about the resource, including the type of CMS on which this site runs:

A very lightweight and convenient plugin that determines the CMS of a website online, designed for Google browser Chrome. It's called Chrome Sniffer and is installed from official internet Chrome Store.

This plugin recognizes about 100 content management systems and signals this to the user by the appearance of an icon stylized for a specific CMS in the browser address bar.

Online services for determining website css

If none of the above methods, allowing you to determine the CMS of a website online did not give positive results, you can turn to specialized online services for help.

Many users consider ITrack to be one of the best such services:

In order to take advantage of its capabilities, you just need to enter the site address in the appropriate field and enter the captcha. It is worth noting that today the ITrack database contains more than 50 control systems.

Another service works on a similar principle, with which you can find out the CMS of a website online - 2ip. Here it is also required special form enter the name of the site and click on the “Find out” button, after which the service will display the result.

As you can see, there is far from the only CMS definition service on the Internet. If none of the methods described in this article produces results, this means that the resource administrator has made a lot of efforts to hide the site’s affiliation with any engine.

It is also possible that the code for this site was specially written by a developer or group of developers from scratch and the resource was not created using a CMS.

I hope you found the article useful! Good luck!

Probably, many Internet users know that when creating websites, various ready-made tools are used. They are called engines or CMS. How to determine which engine is used on the site, and why this is necessary, will be discussed further in our article.

What is a website engine, and what is it for?

The site engine is an automated tool for management and configuration. In particular, many CMS allow you to change appearance add something using a template new content, menu, whole page or section.

The most famous ones include WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, the domestic Bitrix and many others.

How to find out the site engine

The engine can be identified in several ways:

  • by manually analyzing the page;
  • determined by typical characteristics;
  • using online services.

To analyze the site using available tools, you need to open source pages. A little scrolling through the lines can provide a lot of useful information.

Almost every website has its own code in the body meta tag name with the name generator. It may or may not specify a content management system. It all depends on whether the portal administrator has taken means of concealment.

You can also find out the site engine from the CSS and JavaScript lines. Paths to style and script files may contain parts of standard CMS layouts. For example, typical WordPress ones consist of keywords: wp-content.

You can find out which engine the site is on by looking at the robots.txt file. It is designed to prohibit visits certain pages search engines. Therefore, it may contain standard paths for some CMS. Naturally, you need to know the file and folder structure of the most popular engines.

An external one on the page can also help you find out the site engine. If the CMS does not use third-party solutions for generating links, then, by default, they may look like this:

  • /p=501- current link type for WordPress;
  • /index.php?option=com_content... - this template used in Joomla by default;
  • page/page_name - this is what the address looks like in MaxSite.

The method of substituting admin addresses will help you find out the website engine. famous CMS. It is worth trying to substitute the following paths to the domain:

  • wp-admin- admin panel on WordPress;
  • administrator- this is the address Joomla uses;
  • admin- and this one belongs to MaxSite.

Scanning server responses can also help you find out what engine the site is on. This can be done using special tools. In the response from the server we are interested in It may contain a field with the value X-Powered-CMS.

It makes sense to look at the site’s saved cookies. For this you may also need special means, called sniffers. Among the cookie strings you can find parts of the names of popular CMS, for example, wp or umicms.

Online services

The first of the tools is Itrack. In its database it has the characteristics of more than 50 content management tools in order to find out the website engine online. Just visit the site, enter the name of the desired domain, captcha and click “Check”. After some time, the service will scan the specified site and issue its verdict. And if there is a CMS, it will be displayed.

Another good multifunctional service for finding out the website engine online is 2ip. Here you enter the address of the resource being scanned and click the “Find out” button. The system will go through all known CMS, displaying them one by one. And as soon as it comes across a match, it will notify you about it.

Why might you need to check the website engine?

Such information will always be useful to an attacker-hacker. How can he use it? Very simple. All content management tools are written by people. Accordingly, projects and sites may contain errors. Some are corrected very quickly, others remain. Knowing typical mistakes specific CMS and being sure that it is installed on the attacked site, the hacker can use various approaches using vulnerabilities and exploits.

Also, the type of engine may be needed by a web programmer who wants to create approximately the same website for himself or for a customer. Or maybe the same developer wants to see how easily a hacker can identify the CMS on his website.

Hiding engine information

As you can see, by hiding data about which CMS is used, you can further protect your site from unauthorized access as a result hacker attack. In fact, many articles on the Internet, on forums and in various instructions. There is no universal formula for hiding the engine type for all CMSs at once. Each one will have to act differently.

For example, Joomla generates a Generator tag. This means that you need to correct the index.php file current template. You need to add a line to it somewhere between other meta tags.

Changing the display of web page addresses manually is very difficult. But there is already ready-made solutions, something like JoomSEF. They generate links based on the names of materials, and the appearance address bar becomes more readable and no different from most sites.

You can also recognize a Joomla site by the famous icon in the browser header. It is called favicon.ico and is located in the root of the site or the folder of the current template.

Very often a CMS is defined by standard page 404 indicating an error. It is recommended to change it immediately after setup and configuration.


Before you find out what engine a site uses, you will first have to search the Internet for information about what typical features and parameters a particular CMS has. Well, or turn to online platforms. And in order to hide the use of a content management system on your resource with your own hands, you will also have to master the basics of PHP and HTML. Although here, all well-known CMSs have ready-made solutions in the form of plugins, modules and components. Many of which, by the way, also reduce the site’s resistance to attacks. It is up to the web developer to decide which approach to choose.

Determining the CMS of websites is a task that sometimes even an experienced webmaster cannot cope with. Every year it becomes more and more difficult to solve it. You can try to determine the CMS manually by thoroughly examining the HTML code of the site or using plugins. However best option- use one of specialized services presented on this page.

  • is the best domestic service for determining CMS from the company Itrack;
  • - batch check of CMS sites (more than 250 in the database various types CMS);
  • - domestic service for determining CMS;
  • - a paid domestic tool for determining CMS from;
  • is a bourgeois service that, among other things, can also determine the CMS;
  • - bourgeois service for determining CMS;
  • - identification of more than 600 types of CMS based on features;

When will you need to determine CMS sites? There are several such cases. Firstly, the webmaster wants to know on what engine a well-organized resource operates. Secondly, for parsing databases. Thirdly, determine the technologies used for a particular Internet site.

Determining CMS sites using specialized services allows you to find out the programming language, the analytics systems used, installed plugins, encoding, framework and other characteristics. It is very easy to use such resources. It is enough to enter into the search the address of the site that interests the webmaster and start the search. Most services provide users free services. It is worth noting that if the site is self-written, then it will be almost impossible to determine the CMS.