Article conversion. steps on how to increase sales conversion. E-commerce efficiency

Your business can perform better and bring in more money. You already know this. But! He can do this right now.

That is, with the initial data that we have now. All you need is to increase your sales conversion. What it is and how to get the most out of it, we’ll look at it in this article without cats or complicated words.

It is the sales conversion and its increase that influences more buyers to turn from potential to real.

This indicator is included in the TOP 5 required for calculation. And how to do this in a store, sales office, showroom or even an online store, read on.

Oh those concepts

Since I don’t really like theory, I propose to call it a day. The only thing I want to talk about is that there are currently many types of conversions.

However, I will highlight three main types, which are the most common, and which any businessman must know as a prayer:

  1. Conversion in advertising. This is the ratio of the number of hits/clicks on an advertisement to the impressions of that advertising message.
  2. Offline conversion. This is the ratio of the number of buyers to the number of people who entered the shopping area.
  3. Conversion on the site. This is the ratio of people who performed the target action on the site to the number of all visitors.

Based on this you can do main conclusion. If your company uses several platforms (store, online store and office), then there will be several sales conversions and the data on them will vary.

Also, how will the conversion differ in the context of: product, target audience, region, etc. But first, start counting the minimum and simple steps, and only then go deeper.

Important addition. In business, when we talk about conversion, we usually talk about it as part of the sales funnel. Therefore, be sure to study our article. Believe me, all this together will change the way you look at your business.

We count and forget

In our materials we constantly repeat that business is, first of all, numbers, not feelings.

There is a small part of luck, but everything else is based on very real facts. And what big amount indicators you own, the easier it is to manage, monitor and develop.

For example, how much target clients come to your company for advertising or how well your salespeople work.

But! I'll be honest with you, conversion rate is not the main indicator in marketing. He is important, but not the main one.

The most important thing is profit. And if every second person buys from you, but at the same time average bill is three kopecks, then calculating the conversion in this case is of no use.

Therefore, as I already said, it is imperative to calculate sales conversion, as you will see a lot useful information. But conversion can be deceiving.

Always check the purity of the analysis with such additional indicators as: transaction length, net profit.


Therefore, there is no ideal conversion rate in the market. Everyone will have their own. And to determine it, you take the first metrics from your business in a month, after which you make it a minimum plan and look for ways to develop.

Introduce innovations and then look at the results. If everything goes up, then you have a new minimum bar. And so on in a cycle.

Enhancement Methods

IN Lately People write to us a lot of thanks, that there is a lot of sense in our articles thanks practical information, which people can take and apply here and now.

By tradition, this article will not be an exception. And I'll give you some universal advice for all types of contacts. They will not cover the topic fully, but will be a nice addition.

  1. Count the number of people. Both those who came in and those who bought. Do this daily. This can be done manually or using special systems and services.

    For complete beginners, you can use online table in Google.Docs, which your soldiers will conduct and you will see and check daily.

  2. Simplify your sales. Make navigation, good, selling price tags and. For some this will sound banal and perhaps even mockery, but most businesses still don’t have this.
  3. Simplify your purchase. Add the option to purchase using a card, credit or installment plan. This will be especially true if it is an installment plan from a store.

    For example, one of our clients introduced a similar installment plan for 4 months. The results exceeded all expectations. Non-refundability barely exceeds 10%, but the sales conversion rate (especially for expensive products) has increased by 20%.

  4. Organize a competition. If you have 2-3 shifts or 2-3 sales managers, then organize a competition between them for the highest conversion.

    The point of the competition is that whoever has the highest conversion rate over a certain period of time will receive a prize.

    The only thing is to make sure that there is no collusion between these comrades, otherwise your whole idea will go to waste. More details in our article “”.

  5. Add more contacts. You must not only have a telephone number for the region in which the office/warehouse is located, but also a toll-free 8-800 number, Email.

    You want to make this journey as easy as possible at every step. For example, on the site remove great amount fields in the application form or make a call to your company without unnecessary actions with an answering machine.

  6. Implement sales scripts. Sales conversion in staff work is easily increased by training in effective communication with customers.

    But you most likely don’t have this. But in vain. When an employee works according to the structure of an ideal salesperson, conversion increases.

Briefly about the main thing

When the conversation is ongoing about a new blog article, we spend quite a long time choosing what exactly to write. In the case of sales conversion, we didn’t think long about it.

It is necessary to count the conversion. Without any conversations, objections, etc. No matter what the staff says, no matter how much you hate this innovation, implement, monitor and constantly work to increase sales conversion.

But remember the text you read above, namely the section “conversion can be deceiving.”

This indicator is amazing and if you haven’t calculated anything before, you will be surprised by the results. And if you already think, then quickly go deeper and see this indicator in the context of people, products, advertising channels, time, place, etc.



(lat.). 1) transformation, transformation, change. 2) the conversion of interest-bearing securities into others, yielding less interest compared to the previous ones.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N., 1910 .


[lat. conversio - transformation, change] - 1) Finnish. exchange of one currency (CURRENCY) for another at the current price rate; 2) transfer of industry from the production of military products to the production of civilian products or vice versa; 3) linguistic the way a word is formed by changing its grammatical characteristics; transition of a word from one part of speech to another.

Dictionary of foreign words. - Komlev N.G., 2006 .


a change in the terms of a debt made to relieve the debtor. Government loans are most often converted. State holders. papers are offered to receive money on them or exchange old sheets for new ones, and it is warned that the interest on the loan will be reduced. This usually happens when money becomes noticeably cheaper, so that the new conditions are still beneficial, and the state. papers willingly change hands.

Complete dictionary foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. - Popov M., 1907 .


changing the terms of the loan in the interests of the debtor - with a decrease in the interest paid.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Pavlenkov F., 1907 .


(lat. conversio transformation, change)

2) k. gene - a change in one of the allelic (paired) genes under the influence of another member of this pair;

3) internal - the emission of an electron from an atom when excess energy of the atomic nucleus is transferred to it; accompanied by X-ray and optical radiation;

4) linguistic a way of forming a word by changing its grammatical characteristics ( English love love - love love).

New dictionary foreign words.- by EdwART,, 2009 .


conversions, g. [ Latin conversio – turnover, transformation] (econ.). Changing the terms of a government loan in the interests of the debtor state (by lowering interest, deferring payment, etc.). Loan conversion.

Big dictionary foreign words.- Publishing house "IDDK", 2007 .


And, and. (German Conversion fr. conversion lat. conversio conversion, transformation; translation).
1. Finnish Exchange, transformation, recalculation. TO. currencies (exchange one currency to another). TO. loan(replacement of a previously issued loan with a new one in order to change its terms and the amount of borrowed interest).
2. eq. Transfer of industrial enterprises from the production of one product to the production of qualitatively new products. TO. defense industry factories.
|| Wed. reconversion
3. physical Departure electron from atom when transferring excess energy of the atomic nucleus to it.
4. linguistic A method of forming a word by changing its grammatical characteristics, without joining affixes (eg, English to work to work - work work).
Conversion- related to conversion 1-4.

Dictionary foreign words by L. P. Krysin. - M: Russian language, 1998 .


See what "CONVERSION" is in other dictionaries:

    - (from Latin conversio CONVERSION transformation) a significant transformation, change in conditions, replacement of some production objects with others or some securities with others. Main types of conversion: Conversion of currencies and securities - exchange of one currency for... ... Economic dictionary

    Renewal of an agreement on payment terms for a previously granted loan. renewal of any obligation. exchange of convertible liabilities for shares. revaluation of securities from one currency to another. possibility of exchanging one currency for... ... Financial Dictionary

    Conversion- (from Latin conversio transformation, change; English conversion) 1) exchange, transformation, revolution; 2) transfer of industry from military production to civilian production or vice versa (see also Conversion of shares; Conversion of currency; Conversion ... ... Encyclopedia of Law

    Conversion- Loan conversion - replacement of previously issued government loans with new ones. Business conversion is the exchange of shares or bonds of one type for securities of another type, but issued by the same company. Currency conversion exchange... ... Librarian's terminological dictionary on socio-economic topics

    conversion- (in psycholinguistics) (from Latin conversio change, transformation) the formation of a new meaning of a word either when it moves into a new paradigm of inflection (for example, “oven” in a hut, “bake” bread), or when it is used in a context that is different... ... Great psychological encyclopedia

    CONVERSION, conversions, female. (lat. conversio turnover, transformation) (econ.). Changing the terms of a government loan in the interests of the debtor state (by lowering interest, deferring payment, etc.). Loan conversion. Dictionary… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    CONVERSION, and, female. 1. see convert. 2. conversion of military production; transfer of enterprises of the military industrial complex to the production of consumer goods. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (from Latin conversio transformation, change) the policy of fundamental changes in the military, militarized structure of society. Conversion covers the widest spheres of public life. These include political, economic,... Political science. Dictionary.

    Transformation, transformation, translation, recalculation; change, processing, securitization, exchange, bioconversion Dictionary of Russian synonyms. conversion noun, number of synonyms: 7 bioconversion (1) ... Synonym dictionary

    conversion- and, f. conversion f., German Conversion, lat. conversio turnover, transformation. obsolete, military Turning, entering, changing front. Squadrons generally lose their conversion angle, which is very bad. 1788. Potemkin to Suvorov. // RS 1875 5 33. 1.… … Historical Dictionary

Gallicisms of the Russian language

  • Conversion. How to turn leads into sales, Smith K.. This is proven by practice step by step plan, the goal of which is to attract potential customers via the Internet and turn them into real buyers. The book is dedicated to purposeful...

Sales efficiency is one of the components of the well-being of an enterprise. Business owners, company directors and sales managers are interested in increasing the company's income and profit.

What are these indicators for?

To ensure profit growth, they direct their resources to control sales. It is important not only to create and debug the sales process, but also to constantly monitor how well certain goods and services are sold.

There are various factors behind successful sales;

  • quality of goods/services;
  • pricing policy;
  • design point of sale/ website;
  • quality of service;
  • professionalism of contact zone personnel;
  • assortment and usefulness of the offer, as well as other indicators.

All these factors must be taken into account and controlled. You should analyze sales in a campaign based on specific numbers. To obtain these numbers apply various methods measuring sales performance and efficiency.

Conversion is one of the fundamental indicators of sales success

Using sales conversion, you can track the relationship between potential and actual customers. Real buyers are those visitors (of a store or online resource) whose visit resulted in a purchase. Potential customers are all those people who visited a company's website or retail outlet but did not make a purchase. They were all interested and could have purchased the product or service that the company offered, but something prevented them from doing so.

Each visitor who does not make a purchase is a lost sales opportunity (income). Conversion allows you to track the number of missed opportunities and gives digital material to analyze the causes.

Conversion calculation is the basis for development and improvements

By focusing on such an indicator as sales conversion, the manager receives a kind of “ feedback» from consumers. If out of a hundred visitors to a retail outlet or online store, only one made a purchase, this may indicate that 99 potential customers were dissatisfied with something. The manager has the opportunity to monitor the indicator, analyze its level and implement changes.

Thanks to conversion, you can evaluate the effectiveness of the company’s marketing policy as a whole and the effectiveness of each sales manager individually (if there are individual sales).

Conversion will allow you to track customer reactions to:

  • marketing promotions;
  • price changes;
  • updating the assortment;
  • increasing the professionalism of employees, etc.

By regularly using such a tool, you can change the sales situation in better side and track these changes even within one working day.

Rules for calculating the indicator

To calculate conversion, you need to keep track of not only completed sales, but also track the number of potential transactions. For Internet resources, the number of site visitors is tracked. The call center takes into account the number of all unique incoming calls (for active telephone sales, the number of unique outgoing calls is also recorded). At a retail outlet, the number of visitors is recorded by special counters installed at the entrance, or using a questionnaire.

Conversion is determined as a percentage and is calculated using the following formula:

(number of actual buyers/number of potential buyers)* 100You can take almost any period for calculation: 1 day, 1 week, 1 month.

Conversion can be identified not only by overall sales in a company, but also by a specific product, service, promotion or special offer.

Activities to increase conversion

Increasing conversion is turning a company's potential income into real income. Calculating and tracking the indicator is the starting point for increasing sales. The result depends on how sensitively the manager reacts to the dynamics of the indicator and what steps he takes.

Since there are many factors that determine sales effectiveness, measures to increase conversion are also varied. It is important that actions are thoughtful, targeted and systematic.

For example, if a manager assumes that the reason for low conversion is the professionalism of the staff, then a comprehensive analysis should be carried out: are the staff sufficiently motivated, do the employees have the proper level of sales technology, do they have enough special knowledge of the product, is the available number of employees capable of processing the existing flow clients, etc. Based on the analysis, a decision is made to conduct training, revise the motivation system, or expand the staff.

Methods for improving indicators at a point of sale

Methods for increasing conversion in online stores

  1. The main page of the site should contain the basic information that the client needs: the entire range with photographs and prices, payment options, delivery terms, contact information;
  2. The site should be made convenient and intuitive;
  3. The product catalog must contain the entire range and be equipped with various filters so that the client can find the product he is interested in in a matter of seconds;
  4. The ability for the client to quickly and easily make a purchase and complete it in one click without a lengthy procedure for registering in the system and specifying detailed information About Me. How simpler scheme ordering a product or service through the website, the higher the likelihood that the client will make a purchase;
  5. The website must contain information about the competitive advantages of the company (store). This will help motivate the client to place an order;
  6. When viewing the catalog and going to a particular product, the client should always be able to access information about payment and delivery without additional clicks to individual pages about delivery conditions and payment methods;
  7. When placing an order, the client should see a list of the goods he has selected, the cost of each item separately and total amount order;
  8. Communication with company employees should not be difficult. The ideal option is to have all means of communication: telephone, toll free number 8-800, various messengers(whatsapp, telegram, skype), online consultant, ability to order back call;
  9. Online store employees must be trained in sales technology. They need to have the skills telephone conversations and knew everything necessary information by range of goods and services.

The meaning of the word “conversion” depends on the scope of its application. In Internet marketing, this is the ratio between all website visitors and those who performed the target action: indicated an e-mail, registered for a webinar, etc. In online advertising, conversion is the ratio of banner impressions to link clicks. And in traditional sales, the conversion rate is the ratio between the number of all customers who showed interest in your product and those of them who made a purchase.

According to experts, all promotion work in the company is aimed specifically at increasing this indicator.

Counting on our fingers: calculating sales conversion

Most often this indicator is measured as a percentage, however, simple fractions can also be used. Let's try to calculate the sales conversion rate, the formula is very simple:

(Actual clients/Potential clients)*100%

Let's consider: for example, this month you closed 2000 transactions, and only 2 of them were won. This means the conversion is 0.1%:

(2/2000) * 100% = 0,1%

If we assume that the company from our example worked on its mistakes and was able to convert not 2, but 200 potential buyers out of 2,000, to sales, then the conversion will increase to 10%:

(200/2000) * 100% = 10%

Please note that when calculating conversion, only closed trades (won and lost) need to be taken into account, since open trades may still sell in the future.

Thus, we calculated overall conversion rate. If your cycle of working with a client includes several stages, forming a sales funnel, then you can calculate the conversion for each stage.

Similarly, you can calculate the conversion separately:

  • for each manager - we identify who sells well and who needs extra education or a motivating kick;
  • for each sales channel - for example, an online store brings in such and such a percentage of customers, and a physical one - so much;
  • for each product or service - some sell better and some sell worse with a similar base of potential customers;
  • for each location - somewhere your services are in greater demand, somewhere less.

Why do we need to know this: applying conversion in practice

As you understand, there is a conversion at every step of the sales funnel, and if you count them all, you will get a huge set of numbers. What to do about it now?

1. “Cure” the weak points of the sales process

By understanding how to calculate sales conversion and knowing its exact indicators, you can find and correct errors in the company's work. Have you discovered that a manager loses most of his clients at the cold calling stage? - and things will go better. Have you found that buyers respond well to cold calls, but fall off during the presentation stage? This means that the presentation needs to be improved.

For example, like this:


We measure the effectiveness of innovations

Knowing the starting point makes it easier to assess the effectiveness of any changes. Have you made adjustments to your sales funnel? Have you changed the layout of the site? Did you give managers new scripts? This will immediately affect the conversion: if the indicators have increased, you are on the right track.

Dave Garr, co-founder of UserTesting, as part of a survey by the analytical platform Kissmetrics:
- We increased the speed of our website - and conversion increased by 73%!

Blake Williams, co-founder of Keepsy, as part of a survey by the analytical platform Kissmetrics:
- So far, nothing has increased our conversion more than the fact that we “slapped” two large green buttons with a call to action.

We forecast costs

Let's say you sell 5 units of product a week, but you want to sell 25. Having tracked the conversion, you realize that to sell 5 units you had to call 50 customers. This means that to sell 25 you need to make 250 cold calls. Now you know exactly what task to set for managers in order to achieve desired result and you can calculate how many resources this will require: in this case- 5 managers with a plan of 50 calls.

It can be even simpler: we use a CRM system

A CRM system will help simplify your work with conversion. Honestly, you may not even know how to calculate sales conversion: smart program It analyzes the data online and produces visual reports. For example, to analyze the sales funnel, a special diagram is used: it indicates how many transactions are at each stage of work and what their amount is.

Screenshot of the report on transactions in the system

Moreover, the CRM system allows you to detail the funnel data. For example, display in it transactions not of the entire sales department, but of an individual manager. Or indicate only those transactions whose clients came from a specific source. This way you can compare the performance of different employees, look for more effective channels advertising and much more.

You do not need to personally collect and analyze information - the CRM system will do it for you. It also contains all the right set tools to take action quickly. Right now you can evaluate the ease of working in CRM, in the program.