What affects the speed at which your computer turns on? Simultaneous start of a large number of programs. A radical solution to speed up booting, replacing the hard drive

It happens that when loading the operating system it takes a very long time to start or does not start as quickly as the user would like. Thus, his precious time is lost. In this article we will define various ways increase startup speed operating system on Windows 7.

You can speed up the startup of the OS either with the help of specialized utilities or by using the built-in tools of the system. The first group of methods is simpler and, first of all, not very suitable experienced users. The second one is suitable for those users who are accustomed to understanding what exactly they are changing on the computer.

Method 1: Windows SDK

One of these special utilities, which allow you to speed up the startup of the OS, is developed by Microsoft - Windows SDK. Naturally, it is better to use similar additional tools from the system developer himself, rather than trusting third-party manufacturers.

  1. After you have uploaded installation file Windows SDK, run it. If you do not have a special component installed that is necessary for this utility to work, the installer will offer to install it. Click "OK" to proceed to installation.
  2. Then a welcome window will open Windows installer SDK. The interface of the installer and the utility shell is in English, so we will describe the installation steps in detail. In this window you just need to click on "Next".
  3. A window appears license agreement. To agree with it, set the switch in the form of a radio button to the position. "I agree" and press "Next".
  4. Then you will be asked to specify the path on your hard drive where the utility package will be installed. If you do not have a serious need for this, then it is better not to change these settings, but simply click "Next".
  5. Next, a list of utilities to be installed will open. You can choose those that you consider necessary, since there are significant benefits when correct use there is from each of them. But to achieve our specific goal, we only need to install Windows utilities Performance Toolkit. Therefore, we uncheck all other items and leave only the opposite « Windows Performance Toolkit". After selecting the utilities, click "Next".
  6. After this, a message opens saying that everything required parameters entered and you can now proceed to download the utility from the Microsoft website. Click "Next".
  7. Then the download and installation procedure begins. There is no need for user intervention during this process.
  8. After the process is completed, a special window will open notifying you of its successful completion. This should be indicated by an inscription "Installation Complete". Uncheck the box next to the inscription "View the Windows SDK Release Notes". After this you can click "Finish". The utility we need has been successfully installed.
  9. Now, in order to directly use the Windows Performance Toolkit in order to increase the OS startup speed, activate the tool "Run" by pressing Win+R. Enter:

    xbootmgr -trace boot –prepSystem

    Click "OK".

  10. After this, a message will appear telling you to restart your computer. In general, during the entire period of the process, the PC will be rebooted 6 times. To save time and not have to wait for the timer to expire, after each reboot, in the dialog box that appears, click "Finish". Thus, the reboot will occur immediately, and not after the end of the timer report.
  11. After the last reboot, the PC startup speed should increase.

Method 2: Cleaning startup programs

Adding programs to startup has a negative impact on the speed of computer startup. This often happens during the installation procedure of these programs, after which they are automatically launched when the computer boots, thereby increasing its execution time. Therefore, if you want to speed up your PC boot, you need to remove from startup those applications for which this feature is not important to the user. After all, sometimes even those applications that you haven’t really used for months are registered in startup.

But programs can be added to startup not only through the registry, but also by creating shortcuts in the . Using the system configuration option described above, such software cannot be removed from startup. Then you should use a different algorithm of actions.

You can delete others in the same way. unnecessary shortcuts from folder . Windows 7 should now start up faster.

Method 3: Disable autostart services

No less, and maybe even more, the system’s startup is slowed down by its various services that start when the computer starts operating. Similar to how we did this with regard to software, in order to speed up the startup of the OS, you need to find services that are of little use or useless for the tasks that the user performs on his computer, and disable them.

  1. To go to the Service Control Center, click "Start". Then press "Control Panel".
  2. In the window that appears, click on "System and safety".
  3. Next go to "Administration".
  4. In the list of utilities located in the section "Administration", find the name "Services". Click on it to move to "Service Manager".

    IN "Service Manager" you can get more in a fast way, but for this you need to remember one command and a combination of “hot” keys. Type on the keyboard Win+R, thereby launching the window "Run". Enter the following expression:

    Click Enter or "OK".

  5. Regardless of whether you acted through "Control Panel" or tool "Run", a window will open "Services", which contains a list of running and disabled services on this computer. Opposite the names running services in field "State" set value "Works". Opposite the names of those that are launched along with the system in the field « Startup type» worth the value "Automatically". Study carefully this list and determine which services you don't need that start automatically.
  6. After that, to go to the properties of the specifically selected service to disable it, double-click with the left mouse button on its name.
  7. The service properties window opens. This is where you need to perform manipulations to disable autorun. Click on the field "Startup type" in which in this moment worth the value "Automatically".
  8. Select an option from the drop-down list "Disabled".
  9. Then click on the buttons "Apply" And "OK".
  10. After this, the properties window will be closed. Now in "Service Manager" opposite the name of the service whose properties were changed, in the field "Startup type" there will be a value "Disabled". Now when Windows startup 7 this service will not start, which will speed up loading of the OS.

But it is worth saying that if you do not know what a particular service is responsible for or are not sure what the consequences of disabling it will be, then manipulating it is strictly not recommended. This can cause significant problems in the operation of the PC.

At the same time, you can read the lesson materials, which tell you which services can be turned off.

Method 4: Cleaning the system

Cleaning the system of “garbage” helps speed up the startup of the OS. First of all, it means liberation hard drive from temporary files and deleting erroneous entries in system registry. This can be done either manually, by clearing temporary file folders and deleting entries in the registry editor, or using specialized software tools. One of best programs in this direction is .

Details on how to clean Windows 7 from garbage are described in a separate material.

Method 5: Using all processor cores

On PC with multi-core processor You can speed up the computer startup process by connecting to this process all processor cores. The fact is that by default, when loading the OS, only one core is used, even if you are using a multi-core computer.

Method 6: BIOS Setup

You can speed up OS loading by configuring the BIOS. The fact is that often the BIOS first checks the ability to boot from optical disk or USB drive, thus wasting time on it every time. This is important when reinstalling the system. But, you must admit that reinstalling the system is not such a frequent procedure. Therefore, to speed up Windows downloads 7, it makes sense to cancel the priority check for the ability to launch from an optical disk or USB drive.

  1. Go to BIOS computer A. To do this, when loading it, press the key F10, F2 or Del. There are other options. Specific key depends on the developer motherboard. However, as a rule, the key indication for entering the BIOS is displayed on the screen when the PC boots.
  2. It will not be possible to describe further actions after entering the BIOS, since various manufacturers use a different interface. Nevertheless, general algorithm We will describe the actions. You need to go to the section where the system boot order is determined from various media. This section has many BIOS versions called). IN this section Put booting from your hard drive first. For these purposes, the clause is often used "1ST Boot Priority» , where the value should be set "Hard Drive".

After you save the results BIOS settings, the computer, in search of an operating system to boot, will immediately turn to hard drive and, having found it there, it will no longer poll other media, which will save time on launch.

Method 7: Hardware Upgrade

Increase a speed Windows boot 7 is also possible by upgrading the computer hardware. Most often, the loading delay can be caused by low speed work hard disk. In this case, it makes sense to replace HDD(HDD) to a faster analogue. And it’s best to generally replace the HDD with an SSD, which works much faster and more efficiently, which will significantly reduce OS loading time. True, SSDs also have disadvantages: high price and a limited number of writes. So here the user must weigh the pros and cons.

Any computer, even if it is the newest and very powerful, begins to slow down over time. Programs take longer to launch and work more slowly. Sometimes you have to wait almost minutes for the browser to open, and then wait for it to load this or that Internet page... The computer also begins to load more slowly, and the PC user often begins to get nervous because of this.

Once I already wrote about what needs to be done in order to speed up its performance. This time I would like to talk about how to speed up your computer boot when you turn it on.

I note that you can significantly speed up Windows loading by installing in computer SSD disk. Although this is quite expensive in terms of money...

The first step is to remove all unnecessary and unused programs from startup. Pay attention to the area of ​​the taskbar next to the clock, where program icons are located. Those that are not used must be disabled or even deleted. Firstly, they increase the loading time of Windows, and secondly, they take up RAM (which, as you know, is always in short supply), and if they are not needed, then they still take up space on the hard drive.

Speed ​​up computer boot time using multi-core processor

By default, when loading the operating system, one processor core is used, but it is possible to use all of them at once. To do this you need to run the program Windows configuration, via the msconfg command. To do this, open the start menu, enter msconfig in the search bar and press Enter. Next, go to the “download” tab and click on the “ Extra options».

In the window that appears, you need to click on the “number of processors” checkbox and specify 2 or 4 cores. Then save the settings and reboot. Loading will pass already a little faster.

P.S. For myself, I solved the question posed in the title of this article by installing a second operating system on my laptop Linux system Ubuntu, which I use as my main one. It has been working for me for about a year now and during this time it has not become more sluggish, as is usually the case with Windows operating systems. The laptop turns on and off quite quickly.

This instruction will talk about methods that will be useful for speeding up your computer startup, even loading the desktop specifically for Windows 7 ( although they will fit other versions as well). Many users find it annoying long loading, this happens especially often on old systems with weak characteristics.

I'll start with the simpler methods and end with the more complex ones. Each action will be accompanied by a picture for clarity.

Cleaning your desktop

  1. To do this, remove from it extra shortcuts and folders ( for example, combine several folders into 1).
  2. Turn off the background art. Can be replaced with a simple color, such as black.

To change the background, go to Start >> Control Panel >> Appearance. Next to the "Display" category, click on "Change Desktop Background" as shown below.

In the window that appears, select solid colors and save your changes.

Disabling the loading screen

Every time you start your computer, you probably noticed a screen with Windows logo and loading bar. Instead, you can make the screen black and the computer will not waste time displaying graphics.

To do this, go to the Start menu >> Run or press Win + R. Enter the msconfig command.

Now go to the download tab and check the box “Without GUI” as shown in the image.

Do not close this window. You will need it in the next method.

Startup programs

Now you need to disable programs that start with the system. This will significantly speed up the computer startup.

Go to the startup tab and uncheck all applications if possible.

Using all processor cores

Typically, by default, the computer starts using 1 core. If you enable all cores at startup, performance will increase noticeably.

Attention! Before doing this, it is advisable to make a system restore point. Some users are having trouble turning on their computer.

Again in the system configurations from the boot tab, go to advanced options ( having previously selected the OS used).

Here, check the box next to the number of processors and select greatest number. I have 2, but you may have 4, 8 or even more.

Disk Defragmenter

Changes the location of files on disk ( only physically, virtually all your files will remain in their places) and due to their sequential arrangement, their launch speeds up.

IN in this case its execution will only be required for the system disk where they are installed Windows files 7 (usually drive C) and for system files.

I recommend using free program Defraggler. Download it and install it. Select system disk and perform defragmentation.

Now here you need to do the same thing, but with system files.

It will start the next time you start the computer.

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Booting Windows is a process that we see every morning, and we cannot ignore it. Because the loading time is very important indicator Windows operation. According to legend, it was while waiting for Windows to load on his computer that Bill Gates saw his wife for the first time. Perhaps this is why Microsoft was in no hurry to speed up this process that spoils the nerves of many users every day. This article is for those who don't like to wait!

Why does Windows boot speed slow?

Windows is a complex operating system. Dozens of processes run in it simultaneously (and, of course, start when the computer boots up): services, drivers, etc. As in all cases, when there is only one road and there are many traffic participants, traffic jams form when Windows loads. Here are their main culprits.


The biggest culprit slow loading almost always your hard drive. All program files, services and drivers are located on it. And when the system requires them, then the hard drive requires certain time, which in turn depends on the speed and physical design of the disk. That is why the system starts from an SSD disk almost instantly - the random read speed of this type of disk is prohibitive in comparison hard drives classic magnetic design (HDD).

Simultaneous start of a large number of programs

All services and programs start at approximately the same time at startup. Usually the system resolves collisions that arise quite quickly, but this is only when it comes to system processes. And if the user has installed some of his programs in “Startup”, then they can significantly slow down the work of others at startup, and in general increase the system boot time.

More details about the reasons why Windows is slow and how to fix it are written in our article ““.

How to Measure and Increase Windows Boot Speed

To optimize and speed up something, we need to first measure it. There are several ways to do this.

Using the Autorun Organizer utility

In modern Windows versions easiest to use free utility by Chemtable Software. It is convenient in that it uses all the standard operating system tools for operation, which are scattered throughout the system itself. different places and which are not as convenient to use, which are not as visual as they could be. Essentially it's a recycled appearance for standard Windows tools.

For example, Windows boot time regular means you can find out by getting a list with numbers that show the loading time in milliseconds (see sections below). IN Autorun Organizer these numbers are plotted on a chart and translated into more understandable and familiar seconds and minutes.

In addition, Autorun Organizer has a built-in check of all startup elements with a service that checks files and links to viruses with all known key antivirus systems immediately and issues a general inspection report. So it can be used to identify malicious processes in startup and take action.

Standard Windows 7 - 10 tools

Windows has special magazine Diagnostics-Performance. You can find it here: “Control Panel” - “Administration” - “View event logs” - “Application and service logs”.

The information is presented in sufficient detail.

You can, in particular, find out which programs and processes take longer to load than others. To see this special log in the most useful form for us, filter it by event code 100.

Using this code, system boot events are recorded in the log. Sometimes this method allows you to find a program that is slowing down the start.

Using the bootvis utility

In Windows earlier than 7 - 10, the bootvis utility was used to study the start process and time separation of simultaneously starting programs. After installation, she analyzed the system startup time, then made adjustments to the start order of programs and analyzed the startup again. On Windows XP this often worked for me.

Using Windows 7 - 10 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting Tools

In these versions of the system, the start process is optimized automatically. To be fair, it should be said that the first elements automatic optimization start systems were introduced back in Windows XP.

In Windows 7 - 10, system startup diagnostics are available standard means diagnostics and troubleshooting. Tool based PowerShell scripts allow you to make various reports about the system startup process. Here, for example, is a script from the website of Vadim Sterkin, a Windows specialist.

The advantages of running scripts for PowerShell compared to manually catching the same information in the log are obvious. Here the report is presented in Russian and with detailed comments.

How you can help Windows start faster

1. Remove all unnecessary programs from startup. This will make it easier to start the system. How fewer programs in startup, the faster the system turns on.

3. If possible, use an SSD drive. This will significantly speed up the speed of reading data from the media, which in turn directly affects the speed of the system and boot time as well.

PC is complex electronic equipment. In order for everything to work at the desired level, you need to enter the necessary parameters into the system settings.

Exactly from incorrect settings, most often, the computer may work slowly or freeze. Installing different programs it is important to look carefully to see if you are being offered additional applications, they can also slow down the system.

When working at a computer, you want all transitions between folders and files to be carried out instantly, the same applies to the Internet. But it happens that for this you need to wait a few seconds, and when loading the program, even a few minutes. Let's figure out why this happens and what to do to normalize the computer's operation.

Why speed up your PC?

With a little effort, and once spending about an hour of time, you can significantly speed up your PC.

This will give you the opportunity to:

  • have more time;
  • do work earlier;
  • be less nervous;
  • work more efficiently.

By acceleration we mean:

  • fast opening of folders;
  • quick launch of programs;
  • quick transitions between tabs in the browser, etc.

What accelerates the system?

If used Windows system 7, then the question of the advisability of acceleration is always relevant. Not all users adopt full set capabilities of this system.

Therefore, a rational step would be to speed up the system by disabling unused programs. At the same time, such acceleration allows you to free up system resources and transfer them to performing user tasks. As a result, it is possible to work more complex programs and a significant reduction in command processing time. This shift in priorities allows you to more accurately meet the goals of the computer owner.

Video: How to speed up your computer

Ways to speed up computer performance on Windows 7

Before speeding up your computer, you need to decide on the tasks it will perform. In this regard, you can choose several methods that will help improve productivity. All of them imply exemption from use unnecessary applications, services, gadgets and programs.

The most in effective ways are:

  • disable GUI effects;
  • deletion unnecessary programs from autorun;
  • stopping unused services;
  • deletion extra files from the desktop;
  • disabling gadgets on the desktop;
  • cleaning the registry.

Cleaning programs in autorun

To clear autorun and speed up the system, you need to:

Stop unused services.

For this operation you need to enable those programs that you will constantly use ( text editor, player and others) in order to activate the necessary services.

This will allow you to highlight what is needed for work:

Cleaning the registry

This way to speed up performance Windows 7 is the simplest if used for this purpose special program. For example, suitable for this CCleaner program. It will allow you to part with painlessly unnecessary trash not only in the system registry, but also in other places on the computer. The operation of this application is simple:

HDD defragmentation

This operation, roughly speaking, collects scattered files into one heap. After this, it is easier for the system to find them.

To start the defragmentation procedure you must:

In the window that appears, you first need to select an analysis, and then perform it based on the results necessary actions. Defragmentation must be done before speeding up startup Windows computer 7 other ways. It happens that this procedure can reduce for a long time inclusions.

Deleting files from the desktop

For fast work systems an important condition there will be a clean desktop. The fact is that Windows 7 constantly pays attention to files, folders and shortcuts that are directly located in this location. Basically, they are constantly present in the computer's memory as unnecessary ballast.

If you have movies on your desktop big size, folders with a large internal structure and other files, then they need to be moved to a logical drive. This method speeds up the work of an old computer that is cluttered with files.

Visual effects

Any colorful transitions and animations in the computer’s operation affect its speed. Therefore, it is worth finding a middle ground between beauty and productivity, or completely focusing on work.

To disable effects:

Slow computer boot when turning off/on, what to do

To answer the question: how can speed up loading computer, you need to pay attention to the swap file. Before shutting down, the system always deletes it and this takes a lot of time. Therefore, the drastic way would be to disable this operation.

To disable this feature you need to do the following:

The result was that we set 0 seconds to complete the file deletion operation. In fact, the file simply remains in place untouched.

In order to speed up the system boot, you need to perform the following operations:

Increase RAM

Adding to an existing volume random access memory, is in a simple way increase productivity. The downside is that you have to spend money on the purchase.

This method globally increases the speed of not only the operating system, but also all programs in general. But if in Windows work 7 were critical errors, then this method is unlikely to help. It should be used only when other methods have not given the desired result.

Selection of video card

There will be a noticeable improvement in performance when installing a more powerful video card. It will work faster and will not take up many resources from the system. You need to pay attention to the quantity own memory in a video card, the more of it, the better.

It is also worth noting that powerful video cards require separate power. They consume an impressive amount of energy compared to a computer. Therefore, you need to make sure in advance that the power supply can withstand such a load.

Virus check

The most common problem with reduced computer performance is infection with viruses. They can enter the system mainly through the Internet, or through removable media information.

At always connected Internet access required Full time job antivirus program. If it is not there, then you need to regularly check the system for viruses. On the Internet, which is fast, it is much easier for viruses to enter the system. That's why antivirus program must be on guard. This article should help you configure Windows 7 to maximum performance. Regardless of your computer settings, these tips will help ensure stable work. After taking the steps described above, there will be a guaranteed improvement in work speed.

When working on performance, it is worth keeping in mind the features of each computer build. When making changes to the registry, you need to be extremely careful not to delete data, without which the system will stop working.