Culver intitle datalife engine control panel. Creating a simple module for CMS Datalife Engine (DLE)

“Dark horses” come across not only among people, but also among CMS. One of these “horses” is DLE.

While there is a lot of information about other PHP engines on the Internet, you can only find a few decent materials about this CMS. Let's make this article worthy by telling readers how to install a template on DLE:

Known about unknown CMS

This engine is not as popular on the world Internet as WordPress or Joomla. It is the creation of Russian programmers. Therefore, you can most often stumble upon a site running on this CMS and template for DLE in RuNet.

CMS DLE is positioned by its creators as the basis for the deployment of information portals and blogs. The internal engine system is adapted for heavy loads and has a high degree of fault tolerance:

Like most engines, DLE (DataLife Engine) runs on php and MySQL. The main disadvantage of this content management system is that it is paid. Despite this, DLE ranks fourth in terms of prevalence among resources located in the ru zone. Although most of them (59 thousand sites) use pirated versions of the engine.

A license for a basic CMS package for a period of 1 year costs RUB 2,190. Its extension for the second year (and subsequent ones) will cost 1,490 rubles. The price of the extended version is 2790 rubles.

In addition to paid versions, there is also a free version. This version of the CMS is presented by the manufacturer as a trial version of the engine and the basis for creating your first website:

The main disadvantage of DLE is its poor security. Back in 2008, experts criticized CMS for the poor security of its internal system when handling requests. Most likely, this problem has not been resolved to this day.

According to Yandex analytical data for 2011, sites that work specifically on the basis of CMS DLE are most often infected. The latest release of the engine at the moment is version 10.3. It was released in September 2014.

Features of the template for DLE

Templates for DLE websites have a number of features that fundamentally distinguish this CMS from other content management systems:

  • The engine template structure is built on the basis of TPL files. This greatly simplifies the process of layout and adaptation of the template design;
  • The main structure file is main.tpl. All additional template elements ( menu, sidebar) are also specified using TPL files;
  • Style solutions are written in two files: styles for the software part are specified in engine.css, and everything else is specified in style.css:

Before installing the DLE template, download its installation package and place it in the templates folder:

Then you need to go to the site’s control panel (file admin.php). After that, in the menu on the left side, select “ Script settings», « System settings»:

At the bottom, in the “General settings” section, go to “ Default site template" Select the desired template from the drop-down list. After making changes, do not forget to click the “Save” button:

After this, the new template will be activated and the site will change its appearance. But before you put the template on DLE, do not forget to unzip it.

IN CMS DLE Unlike other popular content management systems, the template installation does not occur from the archive.

Unfortunately, most of the templates for DLE, like the engine itself, are paid. But if you search hard, you can find a couple of decent resources on the RuNet where you can download templates for free. Here are a few of them:

  • – about 50 different templates are available here for free download. But they are all “lumped” in one general section without sorting by category. Although among them you can find very “strawberry” specimens:

  • – the site presents a large collection of paid and free templates. All of them are conveniently sorted into thematic headings. But even among the paid ones you can find samples costing $5-10 and with a circulation of only 5 copies. And this will provide the resource with a design with a fairly high degree of uniqueness!

  • is a cool resource with a huge collection of templates for DLE websites. Tags will help you find the ones you need by topic or even color. You can see how the template works using the built-in demo version or in the video played in the Youtube video player window:

Don't forget that each template was developed for a specific version of CMS DLE. Their compliance must be checked before downloading the selected sample.

How to edit a DLE template

Unlike other popular content management systems, DLE has a simpler template design. Thanks to this, editing them is much faster and easier. The administrative part of the engine includes an integrated code editor.

To access this tool you need:

  • Go to the site admin panel;
  • In the menu on the left, select “ Template management", "Site templates";
  • In the drop-down list located in the " Selected template for editing"Install the desired instance and click on the "Run" button:

  • After this, the built-in code editor window will appear below. But before you edit the template, you need to select a file to edit. The template file tree is located on the left. After clicking the cursor on the desired source, its contents will be displayed in the editor window:

As you can see from the figure, the tpl file is a regular html, the structure of which is easy to understand. But before editing this code, it is strongly recommended that you familiarize yourself with the design features of the DLE engine.

Technical documentation for CMS DLE is available for review at official website manufacturer.

DLE or DataLife Engine is a paid CMS for managing the content of your website. CMS has a powerful system for managing news, publications, articles, users and is designed for creating information portals and blogs. Thanks to many built-in functions and the use of advanced AJAX technology in the CMS, your site will consume less server resources even with a large number of visitors. In this guide, you will learn how to install DLE on Hostinger.

Before you start this guide, you will need the following:

  • Access to your hosting control panel

How to Install DLE on Hostinger

Before you start installing DLE, you need to perform these steps:

Step 1 - Download DLE installation files

Open the folder upload in your FTP client and upload all the files from the folder to your hosting account to the directory public_html.

THE NOTE! In this tutorial, we'll use FileZilla to upload files, but you can use any FTP client you're comfortable with.

Step 3 - Setting File Permissions

DLE installation is automatic; all you need to do is set the appropriate rights for several separate folders and files that you previously uploaded to your hosting account.

  1. First, set write permissions for the folder templates and all its subfolders. To do this, right-click on the folder templates in the FileZilla interface and select the option File attributes...

  1. Next, in the window that appears, enter Numeric value 777 to change write permissions, check the box next to Redirect to subdirectories and mark Apply to directories only.

  1. Next, you need to change the permissions for all files in the folder templates, but with rights 666. To do this, open the folder attributes again templates and set Numeric value 666, check the box next to it Redirect to subdirectories → Apply to files only.

  1. Carry out identical actions with folders backup, uploads, as well as for all folders located inside them. Next for folders /engine/data/,/engine/cache/, /engine/cache/system/. For all specified directories, set write permissions to 777.
  2. Now you can start installing DLE.

Step 4 - Installing DLE on Hostinger

To begin installation, enter your domain name in your browser. If the installation window does not exit automatically, append install.php to your domain name. Eg,

  1. If everything is done correctly, you will see the DataLife Engine Installation Wizard window. Click the button Start installation.

  1. Next, accept the user agreement by checking the box next to I accept this agreement. To continue installation, click the button Continue.

  1. In the next window, check that your server meets the necessary requirements and click the button Continue.

  1. Next, check that the file permissions you previously set are correct. If everything is correct, press again Continue.

  1. In the new window, you need to fill in your database details and details for your DLE site administrator account.

  • Site URL– your website address

Data for accessing the MySQL server.

  • MySQL Server– MySQL server for your database hosting. If you are a Hostinger user, you can find the information you need in the section Databases → MySQL Databases.
  • Database name– the name of your MySQL database.
  • Username– the name of the user assigned to your database.
  • Password– password for your database user account.
  • Prefix– prefix of MySQL database tables. You can leave it unchanged.
  • Database engine– it is recommended to leave the default value. InnoDB.
  • 4 bytes UTF– when this option is enabled, DLE will save additional information in the database. This option may affect the performance of your site.

Data for accessing the control panel.

Enter your credentials to access your site's control panel. Enter your real email address, it will be used to restore access to the administrator account.

Additional settings.

Enable CNC support– include a human-readable URL. When this option is enabled, the title of the article will be displayed in the URL. This feature is useful for SEO optimization.

  1. To avoid starting the installation or update again, delete the file install.php and folder upgrade from your site directory. Click the button Continue.

Congratulations, the installation of DLE for your website on Hostinger was successful.


After finishing this guide, you learned how to install DLE on your hosting. Installing DLE is a fairly easy process if you have followed our step-by-step guide carefully. Despite the abundance of CMS today, DLE has its own characteristics and good performance.

The following changes were prepared and implemented:

1. Added the ability to log in to the site using social networks. This support is enabled in the script settings in the control panel. And setting up social networks directly is carried out in a special new section of the control panel: “Setting up social networks”. In this section, you can configure which social networks you want to support on your website, as well as specify the necessary parameters and keys for the operation of a specific social network. This section also provides detailed help on how to create applications on social networks for authorization. In total, six social networks are currently supported: Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Yandex,, Google. Thus, your visitors can quickly log in to your site using their login and password on social networks, without having to go through the registration procedure with entering captchas, confirming E-mail, and so on.

text, which display the text enclosed in them if support for authorization using the VKontakte social network is enabled. And also the tag (vk_url)

text, which display the text enclosed in them if support for authorization using the Odnoklassniki social network is enabled. And also the tag (odnoklassniki_url), which displays a URL link to authorization in this social network. networks.

text display the text enclosed in them if support for authorization using the social network Facebook is enabled. And also the tag (facebook_url), which displays a URL link to authorization in this social network. networks.

text, which display the text enclosed in them if support for authorization using the Google social network is enabled. And also the tag (google_url), which displays a URL link to authorization in this social network. networks.

text, which display the text enclosed in them if support for authorization using the social network is enabled. And also the tag (mailru_url), which displays a URL link to authorization in this social network. networks.

text, which display the text enclosed in them if support for authorization using the Yandex network is enabled. And also the tag (yandex_url), which displays a URL link to authorization on a given network.

3. Added the ability to create when uploading images to the server not only thumbnail copies, but also medium-sized copies of the downloaded images. Thus, you can now create a small preview image, a medium thumbnail copy and the original image when uploading images.

4. Added the ability to insert images uploaded to news indicate in what form they should be inserted. Namely, enlarge them when you click on them to the original image, or insert them simply as images, without any links in them. 5. In the script settings in the script control panel, the time offset setting has been removed. Instead, a more convenient selection of the server time zone in which the script will work has been added. Using time zones is more convenient because... The transition to summer and winter time will be automatically made (for example, if the server is located in Europe and you have set the Moscow time zone, then you do not need to make settings twice a year). The correct time zone of your server will also be broadcast in RSS.

6. Added the possibility of personal selection each registered user of the time zone in which he is located. This feature allows site visitors to see for themselves the correct time of publication of articles and comments. For example, the server and administration of the site are located in Moscow, and the registered user is located in Krasnoyarsk, then this user can go to the site’s profile settings and select the Krasnoyarsk time zone, and after that he will see the date and time of news and comments in his Krasnoyarsk time, etc.

7. For the user profile editing template (userinfo.tpl) new tag added (timezones) which displays a list of available time zones in the system, and allows him to select his own time zone for his profile on the site.

8. Added possibility for polls, added to publications, display them not only when viewing full news, but also when viewing short news. To do this, in the short news template (shortstory.tpl) you can use tag (poll). The survey itself is also designed in the poll.tpl template

9. For short news output templates (shortstory.tpl) added the ability to use banner tags added in managing advertising materials in the admin panel. Thus, you can very flexibly display banners on the pages of your site together with tags (banner_x) and independently determine after which news on the page you want to display advertising.

10. For templates for displaying short and full news (shortstory.tpl and fullstory.tpl) new tags added text, which display text in them in the form of a link to add news to bookmarks on the site, and tags are also added text, which display the text in them in the form of a link to delete news from bookmarks on the site. These tags will allow you to more flexibly customize the design of your site, for those who want to abandon the general tag (favorites), which displays only one pre-programmed picture for the given action.

11. Added new global tags for templates: text, which display the text contained in them if the site is viewed using a smartphone, as well as tags text, which display the text enclosed in them if the site is viewed by the visitor not from a smartphone. These tags are global and can be used in all template files. Thus, you can flexibly customize the display of your website content, depending on the device used by the visitor, for example, manage the display of advertising for devices and much more.

12. Added new global tags for templates: text, which display the text contained in them if the site is viewed using a tablet, as well as tags text, which display the text enclosed in them if the site is viewed by the visitor not using a tablet. These tags are global and can be used in all template files. Thus, you can flexibly customize the display of your website content, depending on the device used by the visitor, for example, manage the display of advertising for devices and much more.

13. Added new global tags for templates: text, which display the text enclosed in them if the site is viewed using a desktop browser (desktop computers, laptops), as well as tags text, which display the text enclosed in them if the site is viewed by the visitor not using a desktop browser. These tags are global and can be used in all template files. Thus, you can flexibly customize the display of your website content, depending on the device used by the visitor, for example, manage the display of advertising for devices and much more.

14. Added the ability to specify static pages template files located not only in the root folder of the template, but also files located in subfolders of the template.

15. Added a feature in the cross-reference module assign for each keyword how many replacements of this word should be made on the page.

16. For full-text search on the site, a logical search mode has been added, which can significantly improve site search and the relevance of the information found for the search query. This innovation allows you to show the visitor the most suitable news, comments or static pages that match his request.

17. Improved processing algorithm already existing links on the page when replacing keywords from the cross-referencing module. Now the mandatory absence of HTML tags inside links is no longer required; replacement in them will not be made regardless of this.

18. Improved algorithm for finding and replacing keywords from the cross-references module, thanks to which it was possible to significantly increase the speed of the script with a large volume of links.

19. For cross reference control module In the admin panel of the script, the ability to mass set the keyword replacement area has been added, and the ability to mass set whether to take into account the case of letters or not has been added.

20. Added editing ability values ​​of additional fields for the user’s profile, directly in the script’s admin panel in the user’s own profile settings section.

21. For a template for displaying information about a registered user on a website (login.tpl) added the ability to display the values ​​of his additional fields that he filled in during registration or in his profile settings. To display additional profile fields, exactly the same tags are used as in profile templates (userinfo.tpl) and comment templates (comments.tpl).

22. The stationary ICQ field has been removed from the user profile database. This decision was made because this messenger has lost its relevance and the use of this field is insignificant, despite the fact that it takes up space in the database. In this case, if necessary, you can create this field as an additional field for your profile and use it if necessary on the site.

23. Added indication of the page number being viewed full news, in the meta title tag, if the news was divided into several pages.

24. Added the ability to the script settings purpose of the separator symbol for the "speedbar" module (breadcrumbs). This symbol will be used when displaying the navigation of this module, separating sections of the site. Thus, you can specify any custom delimiter, instead of the previously always used """. 25. Added the ability to the script settings assigning a separator symbol for the list of categories assigned to the news. This symbol will be used when displaying a list of categories when displaying news on the site, separating the assigned categories. Thus, you can specify any custom delimiter, instead of the previously always used """.

26. Added information output about third-party modules installed in the script control panel, in the left sidebar for quick module navigation in the admin panel.

27. Redesigned keyword management for tag clouds, meta tags and additional values. fields of the cross-reference type. Now you can not only delete them in one click, but also edit them without deleting them; to do this, you need to double-click on the word you need. And also added automatic parsing of inserted words using Ctr-V, without the need to press Enter.

28. In the script control panel, added a button for quickly collapsing and expanding the sidebar. This innovation will be useful for users who have monitors with low screen resolutions to increase the working area.

29. Added automatic cache reset compressed CSS and JS files when editing these files in the control panel template editor.

31. Added support for apostrophes, for additional news fields that are of the "Use values ​​as hyperlinks" type and for which secure mode has not been enabled. Thus, you can use, for example, words such as O'Brien, d'Artagnan, etc.

32. Added automatic generation of the CNC name for a category when it is created in the admin panel, if it has not been specified by the user. In this case, when creating this name, transliteration from the specified category name is applied.

33. When adding and editing categories in the script admin panel, added control of reserved CNC link names for categories so that users do not add names that are reserved in DLE for other needs. For example, you won't be able to add a root category named "catalog" because that name is used to organize directories on the site, but you can use that name for a subcategory where that name is no longer reserved, etc.

34. Added more convenient selection of categories when creating or editing additional news fields in the script control panel. 35. Added the ability to specify the number of days in the script settings, during which it is necessary to store script logs for the module “List of all actions performed in the script admin panel”. At the same time, for security purposes, the minimum number of days remains 30 days, so that an attacker cannot delete action logs, and the site administrator, if desired, can increase the required number of days, for example, to three months or a year, etc.

36. The Jquery library has been updated to the latest version v1.11.1

37. TinyMCE visual editor has been updated to the latest version.

38. Updated to the latest version of HTML5 player, which fixed some playback issues.

39. Problem fixed, in which managing script settings in the admin panel did not work when using smartphones and tablets.

40. Problem fixed, in which there was an incorrect check for the completeness of the additional. fields, if before the field with the "list" type, there was a mandatory field with a different type.

41. Problem fixed, in which if the search is repeated, and the user was not on the first page of the search results, he could receive a blank page if fewer news items were found in the new results. Now a new search returns the user to the first page of search results.

42. Problem fixed, in which the “speedbar” module (breadcrumbs) displayed the user’s nested location on a static page, while in fact he was on the main page of the site if the display of a static page by default for the main page of the site was enabled in the script settings.

43. Problem fixed, in which if the user edited a news item that was awaiting moderation on the site, he could not manage the pictures uploaded to this news, and if, while editing the news, he re-uploaded the pictures, they were not assigned to this news.

44. Problem fixed associated with incorrect operation of text tags when used in a custom tag news output (custom ...)

45. Previously discovered and reported minor errors in the script have been corrected.

Information for downloading the script for clients:

Attention! Viewing this information is available only to users who have a license for the script. If you have already purchased the script, then you need to log into the site under your client account.

If you are not our client yet, then you can on our website.

You can discuss the release at

The following changes were prepared and implemented:

1. The distribution includes three completely new templates. These templates are created using HTML5 standards. They are fully adaptive, both for desktop browsers and for tablets and smartphones. Also, vector graphics are actively used in the layout of the templates, which ensures their high-quality display on HiDPI (Retina) displays.

2. Added a new type of additional fields for publications: “Downloadable image”. With this type of field, the user is prompted to upload a picture for this news, which will be displayed later when the news is displayed on the site. For this type of field, you can set parameters such as restrictions on the weight and size of the image, whether you need to create a small copy for it, the size of the small copy, and whether to put a watermark on it. Thus, using this type of field makes the process of writing news easier; for example, you can create various types of pictures (posters, screenshots, etc.) and arrange their output in a template, and when adding news, all you have to do is download them in one click.

3. Added a new type of additional fields for publications: “Downloadable file”. With this field type, the user is prompted to upload a file for this news, which will then be downloaded as an attachment. In the settings of this field, you can set file extensions that are allowed for this field when uploading, as well as the maximum weight of the uploaded file. Thus, using this type of field makes the process of writing news easier, for example, you can create various types of files, including pictures directly for downloading (wallpapers in different resolutions) and arrange their output in a template, and when adding news, only them will remain download in one click.

4. Added a new type of additional fields for publications: “Switch “Yes” or “No””. When writing news, this type of field is displayed as a “Yes” or “No” switch (On or Off). This field displays “Yes” or “No” as a value, depending on what was set when writing the news. However, the main purpose of this field is to manage tags and . If the switch was turned on, then the tags text will display the corresponding text and tags text they will remove it, and vice versa. Thus, using these additional fields, you can easily manage the information displayed on the site in templates, in relation to each specific news. For example, enable or disable the display of any tabs with a description on the page, or organize the display of galleries with screenshots or posters, etc.

5. For additional news fields that have the “List” field type, added the ability to create separate values ​​that are displayed in the list when adding a publication, and those that are displayed on the site after the user selects them as values. To do this, when adding a field, you need to use the separator "|" in a list of values, for example: Yes|Yes. When writing news, the user will be given the option Yes to select, and the field value will be displayed on the site as Yes.

6. For additional user profile fields that have the “List” field type, also added the ability to create individual values ​​that are displayed in the list when editing a profile, and those that are displayed on the site after the user selects them as values. To do this, when adding a field, you must also use the separator "|" in a list of values, for example Yes|Yes. When editing a profile, the user will be given the Yes option to select, and the field value will be displayed on the site as Yes.

7. The “Use as cross hyperlinks” mode has been significantly redesigned and improved. for additional news fields. If the field has this option, then the search for news by the field value is based on the complete match of this value in other news, as well as the match of this particular field. For example, if you previously created the “Year of Issue” field and set the value to 2015, and at the same time you had another field in which, for example, a picture was loaded, in the path of which there was also 2015, then the old system displayed both news, i.e. .To. the search was carried out exclusively based on the occurrence of the search word. Which led to the fact that news that was not quite expected was shown. Now, only those news will be shown for which the “Year of Issue” field will have the value 2015. No other fields and their values ​​will be taken into account anymore, which allows for a more extensive use of additional fields to organize cross-linking with each other. For example, by year of release, actors, directors, etc. The new search type is automatically applied only to newly added news. If you want old existing news to participate in this search, then you will need to start rebuilding news in the admin panel, in the “Rebuilding Publications” section, and this will create an index of field values ​​for old existing news as well.

8. For the main template (main.tpl) the ability has been added displaying additional news fields in it when viewing the full news on the site. To do this, in this template you can use the same tags as for displaying additional fields in the short and full news templates. These are the tags: text, text And

9. For templates that support displaying additional news fields, added support for new tags Text, which display the text enclosed in them if the value of the additional field matches the specified one. And also added the ability to use tags Text, which will output text if the field value does not match the specified one. Where tagname this is the name of the additional field, and tagvalue this is its meaning. For example, Male, this tag will display the text "Male gender", if the field value test will be installed "m" when writing a publication. This opens up great opportunities for creating different template designs depending on the field values ​​set when writing these publications. For example, by creating a field with the “list” type, you can apply different designs depending on the selected item.

10. Improved display of additional fields when quickly editing publications on the site, for this purpose additional auxiliary CSS classes have been added for the editing form, which can be used to design fields during quick editing.

11. When using authorization on the site using social networks, added the ability for users to set their personal login for the site, which will be used in the future. The login request is carried out only at the time of the first authorization on the site using a social network and will be used automatically in the future. This innovation will be useful for visitors to your website who do not want to use data received automatically from a social network, for example, when the user’s first and last name is used as a login.

12. Added support for emoticons for HiDPI (Retina) monitors. To do this, two copies of emoticons are used, in normal resolution and in high quality. If the monitor has a normal pixel density, then a regular smiley is displayed on it; if the monitor has a HiDPI (Retina) density, then a high-quality copy of it is displayed. The detection and use of emoticons occurs automatically. To do this, you need to place two copies of the emoticon in the folder with emoticons, for example, with the name smile.gif for a regular emoticon and [email protected] for HiDPI (Retina) emoticon. If there is no high-resolution copy of the smiley, then the output of a regular smiley will be used in all cases.

13. The distribution includes 60 new emoticons. All of them have support for HiDPI (Retina) displays.

14. Added automatic support for emoticons in .png format. Support is also provided automatically. To do this, you just need to copy the files to the folder with emoticons with the extension .png and specify the name of the emoticon in the script settings.

15. New added global tag:

(customcomments id="1,2,5-8" category="2,3,5-8" author="x" days="x" template="custom" available="global" from="0" limit ="10" order="date" sort="desc" cache="yes") which allows you to display comments anywhere on the site in a custom format. This tag is an auxiliary additional output of comments, and can, for example, be used to display the latest comments on the main page of the site in a block, etc.

This tag can accept the following parameters:

id- the list of comment IDs that you want to display is separated by commas without spaces. You can also indicate a range of comment IDs using a dash. For example, 1,4-8,11 will display comments with ID 1, comments with ID 4 to 8, and also with ID 11.

category- list of news category IDs from which to select comments, separated by commas without spaces. You can also indicate a range of categories using a dash. For example, 1,4-8,11 will display comments from category 1, categories with id 4 to 8, and also from category 11.

categoryexclude- is completely opposite to the category="list of categories" parameter and allows you to display comments whose news does not belong to the categories specified in the parameter. For example, (customcomments categoryexclude="2,7") will display all comments on news items that do not belong to categories and id 2 and 7.

author- indicates the login of the comment author; when this parameter is specified, only comments from the specified author will be displayed. It is allowed to list several authors separated by commas. For example, the tag (customcomments author="admin" limit="5") will display 5 comments by the author with the login "admin".

authorexclude- indicates the logins of authors that need to be excluded from display. Author logins in this parameter can also be listed separated by commas. For example, when using (customcomments authorexclude="admin,test"), comments from all authors will be displayed, except for authors with login "admin" and login "test".

days- indicates the time period, where x is the number of days for which comments should be displayed. For example, the tag (customcomments days="2" limit="5") will display 5 comments for the last 2 days.

template- a template file that will be used when displaying comments; in this case it will be custom.tpl; if you use several templates on the site, then this file must be present in each template. This template uses tags similar to those you use in the comments display template (comments.tpl).

available- indicates the section of the site in which the requested comments will be displayed. You can combine sections using "|", for example, available="userinfo|register|main" will display your comments on the main page, when registering and when viewing a user profile.

from- indicates the comment number from which the output will begin. The numbering of comments starts from zero. For example, if you want to skip the first comment that matches your conditions, then you need to specify from="1"

limit- indicates how many comments will be displayed.

order- indicates the comment sorting criterion, can take the following values:

date- sorting comments by date, for example, the tag (customcomments order="date" limit="5") will display the five most recent comments.
rating- sorting comments by rating, for example, the tag (customcomments order="rating" limit="5") will display the five most rated comments.
rand- sorting comments in random order, for example, the tag (customcomments order="rand" limit="5") will display five comments in random order.

sort- indicates the sorting order of comments. When using the value desc publications are sorted in descending order, and when using asc Ascending.

cache- takes the value yes or no and indicates whether to cache the output or not; we recommend caching blocks of this output to reduce the load on the server.

All parameters of this tag are optional. It is enough to specify any one parameter. You can also combine various parameters of this tag as you wish.

16. For comment output templates (comments.tpl) (comment limit="X"), which displays the comment text without HTML formatting, while the comment text itself is reduced to the specified "x" number of characters. In this case, the text is shortened to the last logical word, and does not break off the text in the middle of the word. This tag will be useful when using custom comment output using the tag (customcomments...), when you need to display not the entire comment, but only its announcement.

17. For comment output templates (comments.tpl) added support for new tag (newslink), which displays the URL of the news story to which this comment belongs. This tag will be useful when using custom comment display and when showing the latest comments.

18. For comment output templates (comments.tpl) added support for new tag (news-title), which outputs the HTML safe title of the news story that this comment belongs to. This tag will be useful when using custom comment display and when showing the latest comments.

19. Added the ability to specify whether, which categories are prohibited for this user group to view. This new setting is in addition to the existing one, where you list the categories allowed for viewing. If earlier, in order to prohibit, for example, just one category from a large list of categories, you had to select all available categories, with the exception of just one prohibited category, now you can simply select one prohibited category from the list, and that’s it. The previous setting in the admin panel has also been saved, so you can choose what is more convenient for you, you can select either a list of available categories or simply specify a list of unavailable ones.

20. Added the ability to promote users from one group to another, after a certain number of days have passed from the moment of registration on the site. To do this, a corresponding setting has been added to the group settings, where you can specify how many days and to which group to transfer the user after his registration. This opens up new opportunities for providing users with any rights or privileges on the site.

21. Added the ability to promote users from one group to another, when they type a certain amount of news on the site. To do this, a corresponding setting has been added to the group settings, where you can specify how many news items you need to have and which group to move the user to when he collects a given number of publications. Publications under moderation are not taken into account. Thus, you can provide users who have earned a certain trust with any additional rights and preferences.

22. Added the ability to promote users from one group to another when they type a certain number of comments on the site. To do this, a corresponding setting has been added to the group settings, where you can specify how many comments you need to have and to which group to move the user for a given number of comments. Comments undergoing moderation are not taken into account. Thus, you can provide users who have earned a certain trust with any additional rights and preferences.

23. Added the ability to promote users from one group to another when they gain a certain rating for their publications on the site. To do this, a corresponding setting has been added to the group settings, where you can specify what total rating they need to score, and which group to move the user to when they receive this rating.

24. For templates for displaying comments and personal messages (comments.tpl and pm.tpl) added support for formatted output of the number of user comments and publications. For example, when displaying the number of comments 252501, 252,501 will be displayed. This makes large numbers easier to understand.

25. For user profile display templates (userinfo.tpl and profile_popup.tpl) added support for formatted output of numerical ratings. For example, when displaying the overall user rating +252501, +252,501 will be displayed. This makes large numbers easier to understand.

26. Added support new global template tag: (*Commented code*). This tag is intended for commenting the code; everything enclosed between "(*" and "*)" will be removed from the template. And it will be absent when displayed on the site. These tags will be useful to template developers for debugging this or that functionality, when you need to temporarily comment out this or that functionality. This tag is global and can be used in all templates.

27. Added automatic reset of the index of similar news when changing the number of similar news displayed in the script settings. Thus, after changing this setting, there is no longer a need to go to rebuild publications and rebuild the cache of similar news there.

28. Added the ability to the script settings instructions on whether his publications awaiting moderation should be displayed in the user’s profile or not. If this setting is enabled, the user can see news in their profile that is awaiting moderation and edit them. If this setting is disabled, then these news will not be displayed in his profile, and the message that he has no publications awaiting moderation will also not be displayed.

29. Changes have been made to the feedback on the site, if an unregistered user writes on the site. If the user is not registered, then no check is made to check whether the login he entered matches those already registered on the site. Instead, the prefix "Unregistered User" is added to the entered name. Thus, the administration or recipient of a letter from the site will easily see that the letter was sent to him by an unregistered visitor to the site. And for the site visitor himself there will be no inconvenient obligation to come up with another name if the name he wrote is occupied by a registered user.

30. Changes have been made to the work of adding comments on the site, if the comment is written by an unregistered site visitor. If the name he entered matches the registered login, then the prefix “Guest” is added to his name. For example, a visitor wrote the name “Tatyana”, and the site already has a registered login “Tatyana”, then a comment will be added on behalf of “Guest Tatyana”. Thereby, there is a visual difference that this user is not registered on the site, and the site visitor also gets rid of the inconvenient obligation to come up with another name. If there is no such name among the registered ones, then the prefix will not be added.

31. Added support for notifications about new comments, for comments that are sent for moderation. Previously, notifications were sent only if a comment was published immediately on the site without being moderated by the site administration. Now notifications will also be sent after the site administration has checked the comment and published it on the site.

32. Added the ability to the tag cloud management section in the admin panel search keywords for a given word. This makes it much easier to find and edit the desired word when there is a large volume of specified words.

33. To the cross-reference management section in the admin panel added the ability to search by keywords and links. This makes it much easier to find and edit the desired word when there is a large volume of specified words.

34. For the "Cross-References" module, the ability has been added setting a new option: "Open link in a new window". Thus, you can set where you open the link you need in the same browser window, or in a new browser window.

35. For mass actions in the "Cross-References" module We also added the ability to assign links how to open these links, in a new browser window or in the current browser window.

36. In the admin panel, in the user management section, a new option "Exact login match" has been added when searching for users by login. If this option is checked, the search will be based on an exact match of the login with the one specified in the search. This makes it easier to find the right user with a short login if a large number of users are registered on the site.

37. Playback of flash video files in .flv format has been reduced to a single player. Now, to play this video, the same player is used as for playing HTML5 video. Thus, all videos on the site have a single visual appearance.

38. For better and higher quality promotion of publications in search engines, when viewing full news, automatic use of keywords from the tag cloud has been added in a specially generated meta tag for search engines. You can read more about this meta tag on the page

39. Improved processing of text published in code tags in the news parser. Any intersection of the published code with DLE tags and filters was excluded, which makes it possible to publish the source code in it, without any intervention in the text on the part of DLE.

40. Added support for copying avatars when authorizing on the site using the Odnoklassniki social network.

41. TinyMCE visual editor has been updated to the latest version. In addition to fixing previously discovered errors, many other changes have been added to this editor. The appearance of the editor has been changed to a more classic one for websites (all functions are presented in the form of buttons, without menus), and the insertion of BB tags for videos and Youtube and others has been improved. The editor has improved the insertion and processing of source code examples (tag), highlighting this code directly in the editor has been added, and a convenient window has been added for inserting code examples. The editor has added HTML syntax highlighting when editing HTML source code.

42. Changes have been made to the mechanisms for generating a site map. If any categories are prohibited for unregistered users to view, then these categories and publications from these categories are also excluded from the map.

43. Changes have been made to the code for displaying keywords for the tag cloud, thanks to which there are more opportunities for different design of these tags on the site.

44.Added support for utf8mb4 encoding for MySQL server version 5.7.x

45. Fixed a problem where it was incorrect Text tags worked when used in conjunction with numbers for which formatted output was applied.

46. ​​Fixed a problem where it was incorrect news was displayed using the (custom ...) tag with the author and catalog parameters, if several tags were used on the page simultaneously with these parameters, with caching enabled.

47. Fixed problem with quoting comments, which contain HTML tags, when using a standard comment editor. Now, when quoting in the editor field, these HTML tags are also inserted, and not their HTML entities.

48. Fixed a problem with receiving letters in UTF-8 encoding for some types of postal services.

49. Fixed a problem where it was incorrect The name of the authors was renamed for files uploaded to news, in case of renaming the user login in the user control panel.

50. Fixed an issue where The news cache was not cleared if it was moderated and edited by the author of this news on the site.

51. Previously discovered and reported minor errors in the script have been corrected.

Hello friends. I spend almost all my time. Since most of my sites are built on CMS DLE, I have to work a lot with this engine. I said before that developers are not friendly with SEO, and in general we have never heard such a word, but it turned out to be even worse than it could have been. I even prepared a whole series of posts dedicated to the “sewing” of the people’s engine (see in the category).

But today I would like to talk about such an important thing as an html sitemap for DLE. No matter how much I searched on the Internet for a normal card module, I never found it. There are, of course, several solutions, but all of them do not give the desired result, and sometimes even cause harm. I had to write the module myself, or rather, entrust professionals with the implementation of my “wants”. I express my deep gratitude to Alexander Fomin for his enthusiasm and incredible speed of work.

The sitemap module for DLE, which I am about to present to you, meets all SEO requirements and is extremely easy to install.

SiteMap – HTML site map generation module for DLE

Original name: SiteMap
CMS Compatibility: DLE 8.2- 10.6
Spreading: Free, As Is, when distributing, a link to the source is required
Current version: 2.2 (from 05/08/2014)
Purpose: Display an unordered list with links to all publications, categories and static pages.
Peculiarities: Visual embed code generator. Detailed configuration of the principle of displaying all elements of the site - news, categories, static pages - the number of elements displayed, the sorting principle and sorting order, displaying elements as a link or in plain text, the ability to include/exclude specific elements.

Description and configuration of the HTML sitemap module for DLE

Friends, June 3, 2012 is a big day, a completely new sitemap version 2.0 has been released. We are raising the bar for the ease of use of our module to a new level. We (I hope you too) really liked the visual code generation system implemented in the system and we decided to implement it in the site map module. Now you don’t need to read manuals and descriptions of all functions and their meanings - just go to the admin panel, specify a few values ​​and that’s it - the module is ready to use!

In addition to what has been said above, I would like to list a few more important features:

  • the module is fully cached;
  • the module uses the DLE API;
  • the map does not display publications that have not passed moderation, as well as those planned for the future;
  • the presence/absence of CNC, as well as the type of CNC, is taken into account;
  • such a subtlety is provided - if anyone has been working with the DLE engine for a long time, they will remember that in the early versions there was no CNC at all, and then it appeared, but only of one type (the same as type 3 is now being formed). So this is also provided in this module - new publications are displayed with a url whose CNC type is selected in the admin panel, and old ones, respectively, with a CNC url of the old type.

Despite the appearance of a visual generator, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the mechanics of the module.

The module is inserted into the main.tpl template using the tag:
(include file="engine/modules/sitemap.php?param1=value1¶m2=value2")

param1= — module parameter, value1 — parameter value. Module settings follow the sign? and are separated by &.

Example of insertion (displays a site map with a list of static pages and news from categories with id=2,3,4):
(include file="engine/modules/sitemap.php?show_static=1&need_cats=2,3,4")

In order for the sitemap to be displayed on a separate page, the (include ...) tag must be enclosed in , and the (content) tag must be enclosed in . After this, the module will be available at

After any changes to parameters and their values, you must clear the cache in the admin panel.

Module parameters passed via tpl during insertion:

  • need_cats — list of category IDs separated by commas for display in the map
  • exc_cats — list of category ids, separated by commas, excluded from the map
  • need_news — list of article ids separated by commas for display in the map
  • exc_news — list of article ids, separated by commas, excluded from the map
    • It makes no sense to specify these parameters at the same time
  • need_static — list of static page ids separated by commas for display in the map
  • exc_static — list of id static pages, separated by commas, excluded from the map
    • It makes no sense to specify these parameters at the same time
  • cats_as_links — show category names as links (1 or 0)
  • show_static — display static pages (1 or 0) in the map
  • cats_sort — sorting field for the list of categories (field from the dle_category table)
  • cats_msort — sorting direction for the list of categories (ASC or DESC)
  • news_sort — sorting field for the list of articles (field from the dle_post table)
  • news_msort — sorting direction for the list of articles (ASC or DESC)
  • static_sort — sorting field for the list of static pages (field from the dle_static table)
  • static_msort — sorting direction for the list of static pages (ASC or DESC)
    • There are 2 options for sorting direction:
      • ASC - ascending (alphabetical)
      • DESC - Descending (in reverse order)
    • if the field and sort order are not specified, the specified category settings or standard DLE parameters are used
  • cats_limit — maximum number of subcategories displayed
  • news_limit — maximum number of articles displayed from a category
  • static_limit — maximum number of static pages displayed

Please note none of the above settings are required, you don’t have to specify anything at all - just insert a tag (include file="engine/modules/sitemap.php") - then the default settings will be used.

Sitemap Appearance and Style Classes

It is optionally possible to change the appearance of the site map; to do this, open the style file (style.css) of your template and write the classes described below.

List of CSS sitemap classes:

Sitemap_categories - element