Physical memory: how to disable caching. How to reduce RAM usage? How to clear RAM


When too many programs are launched on a PC, the RAM may no longer be enough and the computer will begin to “slow down”. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to clear the RAM before opening “large” applications (games, video editors, graphics). It would also be a good idea to do a little cleaning and tuning of applications to disable all little-used programs.

By the way, this article will be especially relevant for those who have to work on computers with Not big amount RAM (most often no more than 1-2 GB). On such PCs, the lack of RAM is felt, as they say, “by eye”.

1. How to reduce RAM usage (Windows 7, 8)

In Windows 7, one function appeared that stores in the computer's RAM memory (in addition to information about running programs, libraries, processes, etc.) information about each program that the user could launch (in order to speed up work, of course). This function is called - Superfetch.

If there is not a lot of memory on the computer (no more than 2 GB), then this function, most often, does not speed up work, but rather slows it down. Therefore, in this case it is recommended to disable it.

How to disable Superfetch

1) Go to the panel Windows management and go to the “System and Security” section.

Rice. 1. Administration -> services

3) In the list of services we find the required one (in in this case Superfetch), open it and put it in the column “startup type” - disabled, additionally disable it. Next, save the settings and restart the PC.

After you restart your computer, your RAM usage should decrease. On average, it helps reduce RAM usage by 100-300 MB (not much, but not so little with 1-2 GB of RAM).

2. How to free up RAM

Many users don’t even know what programs “eat up” the computer’s RAM. Before launching “large” applications, in order to reduce the number of brakes, it is recommended to close some programs that are not needed at the moment.

By the way, many programs, even if you closed them, can be located in the PC’s RAM!

To view all processes and programs in RAM, it is recommended to open the task manager (you can also use process utility explorer).

To do this, press the CTRL+SHIFT+ESC buttons.

By the way, the “Explorer” system process often takes up a lot of memory (many novice users do not restart it, since everything from the desktop disappears and they have to restart the PC).

Meanwhile, restarting Explorer is quite simple. First, remove the task from the “conductor” - as a result, you will see “ blank screen"and task manager (see Fig. 4). After this, click “file/new task” in the task manager and write the command “explorer” (see Fig. 5), click Enter key.

Explorer will be restarted!

3. Programs for quick cleaning random access memory

1) Advance System Care

An excellent utility not only for cleaning and Windows optimization, but also to control the computer’s RAM. After installing the program in the right top corner there will be a small window (see Fig. 6) in which you can monitor the load on the processor, RAM, and network. There is also a button to quickly clear RAM - very convenient!

Rice. 6. Advance System Care

2) Mem Reduct

Official website:

An excellent little utility that will highlight a small icon next to the clock in the tray and show what % of memory is occupied. You can clear RAM in one click - to do this, you need to open the main program window and click on the “Clear memory” button (see Fig. 7).

By the way, the program is small in size (~300 KB), supports Russian, is free, available portable version no installation required. In general, it’s hard to think of anything better!


That's all for me. I hope so simple actions you will make your PC work faster :)

We all face a lot of problems when working with a computer, one of such problems is slowdown when performing various tasks or programs. The most common cause of this is an overfilled cache.

Cache is a system storage of temporary data, an intermediate area that has fast access to information that is most likely to be requested. Accessing data from the cache is faster than retrieving from a remote source or main memory; one of the disadvantages is the limited amount of data storage.

Why should you clear the cache on your PC? If you do not clean this memory in a timely manner, the accumulation of temporary files will turn into garbage, slowing down the system. As a result, the performance of the entire computer will decrease.

Method to clear DNS cache

DNS cache is special system, designed to determine the correspondence of IP addresses and text names when using the Internet. This is a domain name system, these names-data are stored on your PC and provide the fastest possible access for further use, while reducing the load on yourself DNS server. How to clean DNS cache? Everything is very simple, despite the complex name and definition. Below are instructions for everyone windows versions, step by step.

  1. Open the command line. (cmd is a command line call.)
    • For windows XP. Click on the Start menu, then Run, then enter the Cmd command in the field.
    • For windows 7 and Vista. Click on Start, then enter cmd in the search bar, it is better if you open the command line as an administrator.
    • For windows 8. Win+R button, or start and write cmd in the search bar.
  1. After that, on the command line we write next command: ipconfig /flushdns (important! Don’t forget to put a space after ipconfig). Cache files will be cleared in automatic mode, after completing the operation, close the command line. DNS cache is clear.
dat file format - how to open it

Thumbnails cache - clearing

This type of cache stores thumbnails of pictures on your computer, and when you reopen folders with pictures, they load much faster. To clear this memory you need:

  • For windows XP. Start, next utilities, select clean up the disk, mark drive C here, check the Sketches box and start cleaning.
  • For windows 7/Vista. Go to Start, Programs, Standard, Utilities. Next, select drive C, also select Sketches and run Disk Cleanup.
  • For windows 8. Keyboard shortcut WIN+R, enter cleanmgr in the dialog box, the system will scan, then disk cleanup will open, check the thumbnails box and click OK.
  • Cleaning is complete.

Clearing the RAM cache

Clearing your computer's memory cache is one of our most important checks. It is cleaned using the system's built-in program. There are two options.

After that, we name the shortcut as it is convenient for us and use it.

Cleaning with CCleaner

To make life easier simple user Special programs have long been invented to clear the cache automatically. One such program is CCleaner. It's fast and multifunctional program, which is designed to quickly remove everything unnecessary files from your computer, clean up folders and optimize your work. The work process is very simple.

In the screen that opens, we can choose which elements to clean and which ones not to touch; all this can be left as default.

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How often should you clear the cache on your computer?

The cache on your computer needs to be cleared depending on its gradual filling, it is not necessary to do this every day, do not let files accumulate. It is better if you carry out preventive cleaning of cache files once a month, this is the optimal period when you can accumulate a sufficient amount outdated files.

All this is not individual, you can clear the cache based on your personal feelings about using your PC, if you see a loss of performance, then you should think about clearing it.

How to clear the cache on a Windows 7 computer: including DNS, RAM, cleaning tools, step-by-step instructions

During windows work 7 uses useful temporary information stored in a high-speed buffer memory area. This speeds up the running time, since the next time a previously selected instruction is accessed, the Windows program will access the information stored in the cache memory without producing it full search on the hard drive and in the computer's RAM.

At long work with information of the same type, the volume of the buffer memory area increases, occupying more and more space, and reducing the speed of operation.

All this requires regular cleaning of the high-speed buffer, since the computer is not able to independently determine the usefulness of the information stored in the cache memory. You can clean it either using built-in tools or using third party programs.

What is the Windows 7 cache, what types are there, when is cleaning necessary?

A cache is a high-speed buffer area of ​​memory that stores copies of data recently used in main memory. This allows you to improve computer performance when the program repeatedly executes the same instructions.

There are two levels of cache memory. The first level is inside the chip central processor. The data in this cache is constantly available immediately, allowing the processor to work with maximum performance.

The second level of cache memory is located on fast static memory chips.

The use of cache memory allows the processor to organize its execution on its own. additional instructions, receiving data from the first and second level cache. At any time, the processor can block an instruction from the first level cache, fetch data from the second level cache, and use it by executing instructions that are independent of the blocked instruction.

Processed by Windows 7 and saved intermediate information can be stored in four various types cache memory that requires periodic cleaning. These include:

  1. DNS cache. Stands for Domain Name System - domain name system. This buffer memory domain name system, which stores queries to various network servers. Helps avoid wasting time on secondary calls to servers, since the processed information is already stored in cache memory. When the data coming from the server is completely updated, the information in the DNS cache is updated. Information from memory must be deleted to free up working space.
  2. Thumbnail cache. This type of cache memory stores various icons, pictures, video file icons and program icons. After deleting pictures or icons, their thumbnails are not deleted from the cache, so they need to be cleared regularly.
  3. RAM cache. Random access memory stores numerous temporary files using cache technology. Not all of them are removed automatically due to existing software errors. There may be parts of temporary files remaining in the cache that require additional cleaning.
  4. Browser cache. Videos can be cached in this buffer memory area for online viewing, various pictures, program interface elements, animation of sites that you have previously visited. To reduce the loading time of web pages, some of them downloaded earlier are completely stored in this type of cache memory. Over time, this information increases, taking up more and more space.

Let's look at ways to clear all types of computer cache memory.

How to clear cache memory on a computer with Windows 7

DNS cache

Memory type DNS cache can be cleared using built-in tools in Windows 7.

Press the key combination “Win ​​+ R” on your keyboard.

2. In the Run pop-up window, enter cmd command.

Enter cmd command

3. Click on the “OK” button.

Another way you can perform the same operation is by clicking on function key“Start”, select the “Accessories” section and run “ Command line».

1. In the DOS window that opens, enter the ipconfig/flushdns command.

Press "Enter"

2. Press the “Enter” key on your keyboard.

3. When the command has finished processing, the line “DNS resolver cache cleared successfully” will appear.

Close a window

The DNS cache was cleared of junk and was successfully completed.

How to clear Thumbnail cache

There are two ways to start cleaning this type of cache:

First way.

1. Press the key combination “Win ​​+ R” on your keyboard.

2. In the Run window that appears, enter the cleanmgr.exe command in the field.

Click "OK" button

3. Click on the “OK” button.

Click "OK" button

The same operation can be performed using the built-in Explorer program.

Second way.

1. Launch Explorer.

2. Right-click on the selected section hard drive.

3. Select the “Properties” line in the pop-up menu.

4. In the panel that opens, go to the “General” tab.

5. Click on the “Disk Cleanup” button.

Estimating the volume of freed up space

6. After the program estimates the volume of space to be cleared, put a “tick” in the “Sketches” item (if not checked).

Click on the “OK” button

7. Click on the “OK” button.

8. Confirm deletion of files.

Click “Delete files”

After the operation, clearing the Thumbnail cache from junk was completed successfully.

RAM cache

The main way to free up the RAM cache using built-in tools is to use the rundll32.exe utility.

If you have a 32-bit system, then the utility is located in the system directory C:\windows\System32 or in another partition of the hard drive where the windows directory is installed.

If the system is 64-bit, then this file is located in the “C:\windows\SysWOW64” folder or in another partition of the disk with windows folder.

1. Launch Explorer.

2. Go to one of the above folders and double-click with the left mouse button on the rundll32.exe file.

Run rundll32.exe

The RAM cache is being cleared.

If the utility does not want to start, then right-click on the rundll32.exe file and select “Run as administrator” in the pop-up window.

For convenience of working with the utility, we will create a shortcut on the desktop to periodically clear the RAM cache.

1. In the same pop-up window, select the “Create shortcut” line.

2. Based on the version installed operating system windows enter the line in the field:

  • 32-bit system: %windir%\system32\rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks;
  • 64-bit system: %windir%\SysWOW64\rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks.

Give the shortcut a name, for example “Cleaning RAM cache” and save it.

Rename the shortcut

When you launch the utility through a shortcut, program processes in the system will be analyzed and unused part of RAM will be deleted.

Browser cache

All Internet browsers use cache technology, automatically storing copies of web pages you visit in a high-speed buffer area of ​​memory. At the same time, the browser cache accumulates a large number of small files, eventually growing to large volumes.

Clearing the browser cache is done using the settings of the browser itself. Let's look at this using a browser as an example. Mozilla Firefox.

1. Launch the Mozilla Firefox browser.

2. Click on the “Open menu” icon in the upper right corner of the window.

Click on the “Open menu” icon

3. Select “Settings” from the drop-down menu.

4. On the left side of the window that opens, select the “Privacy” item.

Select the item “Privacy”

5. Click on the blue line “delete your recent history».

The line “delete your recent history”

6. Select the period for which the history will be deleted.

7. Click on the “Delete Now” button.

Click on the “Delete Now” button

Mozilla Firefox browser cache has been cleared.

Clearing the intermediate buffer using a third-party program

In reality, clearing cache memory using built-in Windows utilities or built-in browser tools is very inconvenient. This takes a lot of time, requires a certain level of user training and causes uncertainty about the reliability of the results obtained. It's no secret that built-in windows utilities are secondary in quality of development by the operating system manufacturer and are more of an applied nature.

A more constructive way to clear the cache is to use third-party programs specifically designed for such purposes. Such programs are created by individual manufacturing companies and are focused on specific goals. They are constantly improved and updated based on analysis of the results obtained and user feedback. Using a specially created algorithm, the program completely cleans the computer of unnecessary trash, including cache memory.

The most popular programs are CCleaner, Wise Care 365, Glary Utilities 5 and other programs of the same type. Most common CCleaner utility, but the degree of cleaning it produces leaves much to be desired. Recommended to use Wise utilities Care 365 and Glary Utilities 5, which have a deeper level of cleaning. On official websites you can download free or paid version programs.

Glary Utilities 5

1. Download and install Glary utility Utilities 5.

2. Launch the utility.

3. On the “1-click” tab, click the “Find problems” button.

4. After completing the search, click on the “Fix problems” button.

5. Go to the “Modules” tab.

Go to the “Modules” tab

6. On the “Modules” tab, go to the “Security” menu section on the left side of the window. In this section, on the right, select the “Erase traces” item.

"Security" - "Erasing traces"

7. The program determines the information to be deleted.

Definition of information to be deleted

8. When you have finished identifying the information, click on the “Erase traces” button.

Click the “Erase traces” button

9. Confirm erasing traces by clicking on the “Yes” button.

Click "Yes" button

10. In the left part of the window, check the boxes necessary for cleaning traces that you want to add and repeat the check.

11. When finished erasing traces, close the program.

Close the program

As a result of these actions, the computer’s cache memory is completely and correctly freed from unnecessary information.

What difficulties may arise and how to fix them

The most common are two types of problems that arise when clearing cache memory.

Cannot delete any file

These are messages that the file is in use running program and cannot be deleted. If you receive such a message, the temporary file from the cache cannot be cleared. In this case, you need to launch the task manager by pressing the key combination “Ctrl-Alt-Del”. Next, you need to select the required application and click on the “End task” button. After this, you can clear the cache memory without any problems.

Click the “Cancel task” button

Can't clear browser buffer

If you use the browser cache, you may receive an error when trying to delete temporary files. Also, the browser may freeze during the cleaning operation. In this case, you need to close all bookmarks and restart the browser. If this does not help, you can try restarting the computer to complete cleaning cache memory.

Clearing the cache memory will remove stored intermediate information - both unnecessary and that which is still useful. This leads to some slowdown of the system. Therefore, cleaning must be done with due care.

You will have to choose between ease of use and safety.

Caching information always speeds up your computer, but at the same time reduces security. For safe and stable operation It is necessary to clear the cache memory regularly. The user makes the choice of programs used for these purposes based on considerations of optimization and security of personal data.

How to clear windows cache

Questions about how to clean windows cache, occur frequently. Cache memory relieves the computer's RAM. It temporarily stores all information entering it. Usually there are files with calculation results and working program files. It is periodically necessary to clear the Windows cache, because the cache saves and accumulates a lot of unnecessary information, documents, multimedia files, and so on.

How to clear the Windows 7 cache step by step

The entire procedure for clearing the cache occurs in three stages. The first involves clearing the DNS cache, the second unloads thumbnails, and the third cleans the computer’s cache memory itself. Cleaning the DNS cache begins by opening Start, then selecting Accessories from the list of All programs and finding Command Prompt. When we enter the command ipconfig /flushdns in the window that opens, cleaning will begin.

Then we begin the second stage. We have to release thumbnails. This cache stores images and media. According to the previous scheme, open Standard, then Utility commands, and Disk Cleanup. A window will appear where you will need to select the drive that stores the operating memory, namely drive C. The second stage is completed.

Cleaning the actual cache memory of Windows 7

The third stage helps to release computer memory cache. The computer has a built-in program that will allow you to clear the Windows 7 cache. The rundll32.exe program that starts the cleaning is located in system folder system32.

In order to clear the Windows 7 cache, you can use another method. You need to create a shortcut with the path “%WINDIR%\system32\rundll32.exe”, name it and then run it (by clicking on the created shortcut). After these steps, we can assume that we have successfully cleared the computer of everything unnecessary.

Nowadays, many utilities have been invented that clear the cache in just a few clicks. The programs get rid of unnecessary data and clear caches in browsers and other applications.

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How to clear the cache on your computer in different ways

We all work on the Internet and use various browsers, but not everyone knows that at this time temporary files called cache are downloaded, which eventually slow down the computer. Therefore, you need to know how to clear the cache on your computer.

Browser cache is automatically saved web pages that you have visited. It was created in order to speed up the loading of sites the next time you visit them. But if you don’t clear the cache, then, for example, you may not notice that the design on the page has been updated, since it will load old page.

The word "cache" was first used in a computer context in 1967 while preparing an article for publication in the IBM Systems Journal. The article concerned memory improvements in the developed model 85 of the IBM System/360 series. The magazine's editor, Lyle Johnson, asked for a more descriptive term than "high-speed buffer", but due to a lack of ideas, he himself suggested the word "cache". The article was published in early 1968, the authors were awarded by IBM, their work was widely distributed and subsequently improved, and the word "cache" soon began to be used in computer literature as a generally accepted term.

Clearing the cache on your computer can be done different ways: using the browser itself or special programs. Let's take a closer look at each of the options.

Most often, problems with the operating system begin due to viruses. You can learn how to get rid of them from this article. How to clean browsers from viruses can be found here.

Clearing Internet Explorer cache

Let's look at how to clear the cache on Windows computer 7 using standard browser Internet Explorer(IE):

  1. Click the “Start” button.
  2. Select “Control Panel”. Here we set the view to “Small icons” and look for the “Internet Options” item.
  3. On the “General” tab there is a “Browsing History” section, click the “Delete” button. Everything, history, cache and cookies have been cleared.
  4. Here you can configure automatic cleaning cache. Click the "Options" button next to the "Delete" button. A window will open.

Here you can set the frequency with which updates to pages stored in the cache will be checked, as well as the volume in megabytes of the content of these same pages. You can also set the time during which the log of visited pages will be stored. After all settings have been made, click OK. And in the next window, click OK. These simple steps can be used to clear your computer's cache memory.

Clearing Google Chrome Cache

In addition to the standard IE, other Internet browsers are also used, for example, Google Chrome. The above method will not clear the cache of this browser. Here we proceed according to the following scheme:

  • Click the icon with three lines located in the upper right corner of the window;
  • in the menu that appears, select “Settings”;
  • In the window that opens, click on the line “Show additional settings»;
  • the settings window will expand, and here we will be interested in the “Personal Data” section;
  • it has two buttons: “Content settings” and “Clear history”;
  • Click on the “Clear history” button.

A cleanup window will open. Here you can use the checkboxes to select what needs to be cleared. By the way, this window can be called up with the keyboard shortcuts Shift+Ctrl+Del. Select the period for which you want to clear the history. Then select the items you want to remove. Don't forget about the cache. After that, click "Clear history".

This method cleaning is suitable for any operating system, so you can safely say that you know how to clear the cache on a Windows XP computer.

Please note that the Shift+Ctrl+Del key combination is universal for browsers such as Opera, Mozilla, IE. By pressing these keys, you will open a window to clear history and cache in each of the listed browsers.

Clearing cache using programs

Sometimes you really don’t want to understand the browser settings and look for ways to clear the cache memory on your computer, especially when you use more than one browser. Special software will come to the rescue. Let's look at CCleaner as an example. This program distributed in two versions: paid and free. We'll have enough free version. Download and install the program. Let's launch. In the window that appears, on the “Cleaning” tab, we will be interested in the “Windows” and “Applications” tabs. On the “windows” tab, look through all the lines, move the slider down and check the lines where the word “cache” is. Next, switch to the “Applications” tab and there we also look for lines with the word “cache”. Once all the lines have been found and marked, click the “Analyze” button. Once the files are found, click Cleanup.

Tip: clearing the cache when CCleaner help, look carefully at where the checkboxes are, as some information may still be useful to you.

As you can see from CCleaner program, clearing your computer's cache is not limited to Internet browsers. Various applications also have their own cache. Let's see where to clear the cache on your computer using standard using windows:

  • click "Start";
  • In the search bar, type “Disk Cleanup”;
  • launch the Disk Cleanup application;
  • select the drive on which you want to clean, for example drive C;
  • the system will analyze and display a list of file categories that can be cleaned;
  • check the boxes for files that need to be deleted, for example temporary files from the Internet;
  • Click OK - cleaning will occur.

You now know how to clear the cache windows computer 7. There are no difficulties in this.

If you don’t know how to clear your Windows 10 computer’s cache, the best way to do this is using programs. They do not require special skills or knowledge. CCleaner was given as an example, but you can use any other program to clean your computer: AuslogicBootSpeed, windows Cleaner and others. Regardless of the version of the operating system, the Internet browser cache can be cleared by pressing the key combination Shift+Ctrl+Del. The most important thing is not to forget to produce regular cleaning cache - this will help to avoid some errors when loading pages of Internet sites. If the computer is still not working fast enough, you need to check whether you configured it yourself correctly.


Log into the Windows Control Panel. To do this, open the main menu graphical shell by clicking on the “Start” button located in the taskbar on the desktop. In this menu, highlight the “Settings” item. Wait for the submenu to appear. Click on the “Control Panel” item.

Open the Administration folder window. If current regime To display information in the Control Panel, click on the “Performance and Maintenance” link and then on the “Administration” link.
If Control Panel displays content in the classic style, find Administrative Tools and open it. To do this, either double-click on it with the left mouse button, or right-click and select “Open” in the context menu.

Launch the Microsoft Management Console (MMC). To do this, double-click on the “Computer Management” shortcut in the “Administration” folder window or right-click on it and select “Open” from the context menu.

Activate the MMC Storage Device Management snap-in. Expand the Storage Devices section of the Computer Management (Local) group, if necessary. Select "Disk Management" using the mouse or cursor buttons. The interface of the selected snap-in will be displayed in the right pane of the console.

Open the properties dialog of the drive for which you need files. In the lower list in the right pane of the management console, look for the item that matches the target device. Right-click on the block with disk information. Select "Properties" from the context menu.

Proceed to manage file caching settings when writing to the selected drive. Click on the “Policies” tab of the properties dialog.

Disable files. Activate the "Optimize for" option quick removal", by clicking on the radio button with the corresponding text located in the group of control elements "Record caching and secure deletion". Commit the changes made by clicking the OK button.


  • how to disable caching

Caching documents is not always useful for fast browser operation. To disable it, you need to know some features that are inherent in every Internet browser. How to disable caching in the most popular internet browsers?


Do the following if you are using the Mozilla Firefox browser. Enter opera:config in the address bar of your browser. A window will pop up warning you to be extremely careful. Click OK. In the Filter field, type browser.cache. After this, no more than ten lines should remain in the list of settings.

To do this, find browser.cache.disk.enable and browser.cache.memory.enable. Notice the value field. For both of these lines it is true. Change it to false. After this, restart your browser for all changes to take effect.

Do the following if you are using Internet browser Explorer. In the menu, open the “Tools” section, then click on “Internet Options”. The browser properties window will appear in front of you. In the “General” tab, click the “Options” button.

Then, in the “Check for updates to saved pages” selector, select “Never”. To disable caching, put a zero next to the “Used disk space” item. After that, click OK for the accepted changes to take effect.

Do the following if you are using the Opera browser. Press Ctrl+F12, then select " General settings" Click on the “Advanced” tab, then “History”. The “Memory cache” and “ Disk cache» Set to Disabled to disable caching. In the “Check documents” and “Check images” items, select “Never”. Then click OK for the changes to take effect.

Do the following if you are using the Google Chrome browser. Right-click on the browser launch shortcut. A context menu will appear. Select Properties. Then, in the window that appears, go to the “Shortcut” tab. Find the window where the file address is indicated. Add “-disk-cache-size=0-media-cache-size=0” to it. Place this command behind the file address quotes. Apply the changes.

Mechanisms for speeding up browsers through caching web documents are not always useful. To disable them, manufacturers different browsers offer options of varying degrees of ease of use.


In Mozilla FireFox, type in address bar opera:config and press Enter. A window will appear warning you to be careful - agree. Enter browser.cache in the “Filter” field and it will remain in the list of settings less than ten. You need two of them - browser.cache.disk.enable and browser.cache.memory.enable. Both have true in the “value” field, but you need double click replace it with false. Once done, restart your browser for the changes to take effect.

In Internet Explorer, open the “Tools” section in the menu and click the “Internet Options” line. On the "General" tab of the properties window, click the "Options" button in the "Browsing History" section - this is the topmost section on this tab. In the “Check for saved pages” selector, select “never”, and in the “Used disk space” field put a zero. Click the "OK" button to save the changes.

In Opera, press the shortcut CTRL keys+ F12 or click the “General Settings” line in the “Settings” section of the browser menu. Go to the “Advanced” tab and click on the “History” line in the list on the left. Select "Disabled" in the "Cache in" and "Disk cache" drop-down lists. Select “Never” in the similar “Scan documents” and “Scan images” lists. Click "OK" to commit the changes.

In settings Google browser Chrome does not provide an option to disable page caching. The only way to do this is to pass the appropriate setting in the browser launch line. You can add it to the program shortcut - right-click and select the “Properties” line in the context menu. If you launch the browser from the main menu on the “Start” button, then do the same - hover over this link, right-click it and see the same menu with the “Properties” line. In the properties window, go to the "Shortcut" tab and add to executable file in the “Object” field these :--disk-cache-size=0 --media-cache-size=0They should be placed behind the , closing the existing link. You should get something like this: "C:Documents and SettingsAdminLocal SettingsApplication DataGoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe" --disk-cache-size=0 --media-cache-size=0Then click "OK" to commit the changes.

Video on the topic

Laptops and netbooks are the most convenient type of computer. Thanks to its compactness, such a computer can always be carried with you. It is especially convenient that you can control it without using a mouse.


Users of any computer can switch machine control from mouse to keyboard and vice versa. There is no need to specify special teams to change settings. To perform any action, just press the desired combination of buttons on the keyboard. Also, any manipulations with the computer can be performed by controlling the mouse.

Setting up mouse controls makes sense when using laptops or devices that have Touch Pad- a special sensitive panel that replaces in its use computer mouse. You can customize Touch functions Pad in special program installed on your computer. For example, Elan Smart-Pad. To prevent accidental clicks on the Touch Pad, set your computer to turn off the touch pad when connected external mouse. To access the Settings menu, open Start and select Control Panel. Open the Mouse folder and select the Smart-Pad tab. Check the box next to the "Disconnect when connected" option. external USB mice. Click "Apply" and "OK". View the contents of the remaining tabs to customize the mouse according to your preferences.

When working in Internet browsers, many users differentiate between mouse or . Disable mouse control in Opera browser possible in the following way. Enter the “Menu” of the browser and select the “Settings” column, in it - “General settings”. In the window that appears, find the “Advanced” tab. On the left are browser settings that you can configure. Find the "Management" column. At the top of the context menu, uncheck the “Enable mouse control” line. Confirm your actions by clicking "Apply" and "OK".

Disable mouse control in Mozilla browser Firefox, in the browser’s “Toolbar”, find the “Tools” tab, click on it and select “Settings” in the context menu that opens. Open the “Advanced” tab, “General” section. Uncheck the box next to Always use the arrow keys to navigate pages. Click "Apply" and "OK" to save your browser settings changes.

If you want to disable mouse control in any game, then open “Settings” and the “Controls” tab. Find the mouse and key control options, give the system the commands you need, and click OK.


  • how to switch mouse

The operation of disabling disk caching is slightly different in different versions operating room Microsoft systems Windows while remaining standard procedure.


Call the main menu of the operating system Microsoft Windows 2000 by clicking the “Start” button to perform the operation of disabling disk write caching and open the context menu of the “My Computer” item by clicking right button mice.

Select the “Properties” item and go to the “Hardware” tab of the dialog box that opens.

Select "Hardware Manager" and expand the " Hard disks» by pressing the button with the “+” symbol.

Go to the "Disk Properties" tab of the dialog box that opens and uncheck the "Enable write caching" box.

Confirm that the selected changes are applied by clicking OK (for Windows 2000).

Call the context menu of the desktop item “My Computer” of the Microsoft Windows 7 operating system by right-clicking and select “Properties” to carry out the procedure for disabling the OS write cache.

Expand the "Device Manager" node and go to the " Disk devices».

Call the context menu of the disk caching to be disabled by right-clicking and selecting “Properties”.

Go to the "Policy" tab of the properties dialog box that opens and uncheck the "Allow caching of entries for this device" box.

Confirm that the selected changes are applied by clicking OK (for Windows 7).

Call the main menu of the Microsoft Windows XP operating system by clicking the "Start" button and expand service menu item “My Computer” by right-clicking to perform the operation of disabling disk caching.

Point to "Properties" and select "Device Manager".

Go to the “Disk devices” node and call the context menu of the volume to be blocked from caching by right-clicking.

Select the “Properties” item and go to the “Policies” tab of the dialog box that opens.

Uncheck the "Allow disk write caching" checkbox and confirm the application of the selected changes by clicking OK (for Windows XP).


  • Security in Windows XP

The automatic display of the sharing toolbar on the screen may be annoying for some users. Disabling this Office feature Microsoft package Office can be done standard means Microsoft Windows operating system.

The architecture of modern 32-bit processors includes a number of memory caching facilities: two levels of instruction and data cache (L1 Cache and L2 Cache), translation-associative buffers (TLB) paging block, and write buffers. These tools come in different variations (on a chip, on a processor cartridge, or on system board) are presented in systems with 486, Pentium and P6 processors. The 80386 (Intel) processor only had a TLB, and the motherboard cache was not supported by the processor.
All caching mechanisms are largely transparent to application programs and after caching is enabled, streams of instructions and data pass through themselves without requiring an explicit program control. However, knowledge of the features of caching mechanisms helps in optimizing code. So, for example, you can define optimal sizes simultaneously processed data structures, in which the cache does not “slip” (cache thrashing). Processors different models have different characteristics of individual cache elements. The characteristics of the cache elements of P6 processors can be determined by calling the CPUID(2) instruction. Note that not all processor models are capable of caching the entire amount of physically addressable memory.
The cache memory of processors is built taking into account the possibility of memory access from external subscribers - other processors or other bus controllers. Processors have mechanisms for external monitoring of the state of their own cache with corresponding hardware interfaces. To maintain consistency between cache data and main memory, the processor runs snoop cycles (Snoop Cycle or Inquire Cycle) initiated by an external (to it) system. In these cycles, which occur when memory is accessed by an external subscriber, the processor determines the presence of the requested region in its own cache. If a region is cache-mapped, the processor's actions depend on the state of the corresponding cache line and the type of external access. A write call will invalidate the given row. A read access to the area corresponding to the modified (“dirty”) line will cause its contents to be unloaded into main memory before the external subscriber executes real reading. In P6 processors, access to a dirty line by another processor can cause its contents to be unloaded directly into the accessing processor, which saves time. This line will be unloaded into main memory later, according to the write-back algorithm.
The cache of processors, starting from Pentium, supports the MESI protocol, named for the states it defines M (Modified), E (Exclusive), 5 (Shared), I (Invalid). The primary instruction cache only implements the SI portion of the protocol because it is not writeable. The row states for each processor are defined as follows:

  • M-state– the line is present in the cache of only this processor and is modified, that is, it differs from the contents of main memory; writing to this line will not generate an external (with respect to local bus) circulation cycle;
  • E-state– the line is present in the cache of only this processor, but is not modified (its copy in main memory is valid); writing will transfer it to the M-state without causing an external access loop;
  • S-state– the line is present in the cache of this processor and could potentially be present in the caches of other processors, the copy in memory is valid; writing to it must be accompanied by an end-to-end write to the main memory, which will entail the cancellation of the corresponding lines in other caches;
  • I-state– the line is not in the cache, reading it can lead to the generation of a line filling cycle; writing to it will be end-to-end and will go to the external bus.
The processor monitors memory writes for hits in the area provided in the instruction cache. Control is performed at the level of physical addresses; if it is hit, the line is canceled.
There are areas of the computer's memory space for which caching is fundamentally unacceptable (for example, shared memory of adapters) or for which the writeback policy is unsuitable. In addition, it is sometimes useful to disable caching when executing once-executed program sections (for example, initialization) so that more useful fragments are not evicted from the cache.
In sixth-generation processors, due to their “messy” and “speculative” nature, memory accesses can be made using various methods to increase efficiency. Based on caching capabilities, memory can be classified as follows.
  • Non-cacheable memory (Uncacheable). All processor reads and writes are performed strictly in the order prescribed program code, and go out to the system bus. No speculative reads or prefetches are used. This type is required for memory-mapped I/O. Running the processor in this mode with regular RAM will result in significant performance degradation.
  • Write-combinable memory W.C.(Write Combining). Uncacheable memory, memory coherence is not supported by the bus protocol. Speculative reads are allowed, writes can be combined and deferred until any event triggers serialization (CPUID instruction accessing non-cacheable memory, interrupt...). This type is applicable, for example, to video memory graphics adapter(the order of the entries is not important).
  • Write-through memory W.T.(Write-through). Cacheable memory, all write operations are reflected in the cache and output to the system bus. Reads are done from the cache whenever possible; cache misses cause cache lines to fill. Speculative reading and combining of records is permitted. This type is applicable, for example, to frame buffers, as well as to memory that can be accessed by devices connected to the bus that do not support coherence protocols.
  • Write-back memory W.B.(Write-back). Cacheable memory, all read and write operations are performed, if possible, only with cache memory. Writes to the system bus occur only when rows need to be freed or upon request from other bus subscribers, which reduces unnecessary bus traffic. Speculative reads and write combinations are allowed. This type is the most productive, but requires support for the coherence protocol from all bus subscribers accessing this memory area.
  • Write-protected memory W.P.(Write protected). Cacheable memory, reads are done from the cache whenever possible, misses cause rows to fill. Writes go to the system bus and cause the cache lines of all other bus subscribers (processors) to be invalidated.
Available caching methods depend on processor capabilities. Basic Methods(write-through and write-back or cache cancellation) are controlled by attributes of the paging control system, more advanced methods are programmed only through the MTRR or PAT registers available on the processor.
Memory Type Range Registers - registers that describe the properties of memory areas.
Page Attribute Table - memory page attribute table.

Main memory, implemented on dynamic memory chips that are relatively slow by nature, usually requires the inclusion of processor wait states in memory access cycles. Static memory, built, like a processor, on trigger cells, by its nature is capable of catching up with modern processors in performance and avoiding (or at least reducing the number of) wait cycles. The implementation of main memory on SRAM chips is technically and economically not justified, since their information packaging density is significantly lower, and the specific storage cost and power consumption (or, more importantly, heat dissipation) are significantly higher than that of DRAM. A reasonable compromise for building economical and productive systems was the hierarchical method of constructing RAM, which came to PC architecture with the advent of the 386 processor, whose clock speed was already significantly ahead of the capabilities of DRAM chips of that time. The idea of ​​this method is to combine a large amount of main memory on DRAM with a relatively small cache memory on high-speed microcircuits SRAM. The idea, of course, is far from new - super-RAM has been used for a long time, even in “large” computers.

Translated, the word “cache” means warehouse or hiding place (“stash”). The secret of this storage lies in its “transparency” - for the program it does not represent an additional addressable memory area. It is an additional and high-speed storage of copies of blocks of main memory information that are likely to be accessed in the near future. The cache cannot store a copy of the entire main memory because its size is many times smaller than the size of the main memory. It stores only a limited number of data blocks and catalog(cache directory) - a list of their current mapping to main memory areas. In addition, not all memory available to the processor may be cached: usually only the main dynamic memory of the system board is cached (memory installed on adapters is not cached), and only a part of this memory is cached (common versions of Pentium chipsets often allow caching only the first 64 MB of RAM).

Each time cached memory is accessed, the directory cache controller checks to see if there is a valid copy of the requested data in the cache. If she is there, then this is the case cache hits(cache hit), and access for data occurs only in the cache memory. If there is no valid copy there, then this is the case cache miss(cache miss), and the data is taken from main memory. According to the caching algorithm, a block of data read from main memory under certain conditions will replace one of the cache blocks. The percentage of hits and, consequently, the efficiency of caching depends on the “dexterity” and “foresight” of the algorithm. The search for a block in the list must be done quickly enough so that “thoughtfulness” in making a decision does not negate the gain from the use of high-speed memory. Access to main memory can begin simultaneously with a directory search, and in case of a hit, it can be interrupted (Look Aside architecture). This saves time, but unnecessary accesses to main memory lead to unnecessary power consumption. Another option is to contact external memory starts only after a miss has been detected (Look Through architecture), but at least one processor cycle is lost, but energy is saved.

In modern computers, the cache is usually built according to a two-level scheme. Primary cache (Li Cache) is built into all processors of the 486 class and older, it is also present in some 386 models. Its volume is small (8-32 KB), and to improve performance for data and instructions, a separate cache is often used (the so-called Harvard architecture - the opposite of Princeton, using shared memory for commands and data). Its speed is such that it works on internal processor clock frequency (CPU Clock), which has already reached 333 MHz. Secondary cache(L2 Cache) is usually installed on the motherboard. The typical volume for computers with an i486 processor is 64-256 KB, for Pentium - 256-512 KB, new chipsets support up to 2 MB L2 Cache. Its performance ensures operation at the external clock frequency of the processor - frequency system bus(Host Bus Clock), the typical value of which is already moving from the range of 50-66 MHz to 75, 83 and even 100-125 MHz. In the Pentium Pro, the synchronous L2 Cache is located in the same package as the processor and operates at its internal frequency.

The cache controller must provide coherence(coherency) - consistency of cache memory data of both levels with data in the main memory, and this data can be accessed not only from the processor (and there can be several processors, and each can have its own internal cache), but also from sides of other active (bus-master) adapters connected to buses (PCI, VLB, ISA...).

The cache controller operates lines(cache line) of fixed length. A string can store a copy of a block of main memory, the size of which naturally matches the length of the string. Each cache line is associated with information about the address of the main memory block copied to it and signs of its state. The line could be valid(valid) - this means that at the current moment in time it reliably reflects the corresponding block of main memory, or invalid(empty). Information about which block occupies a given line (that is, the high part of the address or page number), and its state is called tag(tag) and is stored in a special cell associated with this row tag memory(tag RAM). In exchange operations with the main memory, the entire line is usually involved (unsectored cache); for processors i486 and older, the length of the line coincides with the amount of data transferred in one packet cycle (for 486 it is 4x4 = 16 bytes, for Pentium - 4x8 = 32 bytes). Another option is possible sectored(sectored) cache, in which one line contains several adjacent cells - sectors, the size of which corresponds to the minimum portion of cache data exchange with main memory. In this case, the directory entry corresponding to each row must store the validity bits for each sector of this row. Sectoring allows you to save the memory required to store a directory as the cache size increases, since more directory bits are allocated to the tag and it is more profitable to use additional validity bits than to increase the index depth (number of elements) of the directory.

Cache lines for memory block mapping are usually allocated only during read operations. A block that does not have a copy in the cache is written only to the main memory (to increase performance, it can be done through a deferred write buffer, but this is a separate mechanism that is not directly related to the caching in question). The behavior of a cache controller during a memory write operation when a copy of the requested area is in some cache line is determined by its write policy(Write Policy). There are two main algorithms for writing data from the cache to main memory: write-throughW.T.(Write Through) and write backW.B.(Write Back).

WT algorithm provides for each write operation (even a single-byte one) that enters a cached block to be executed simultaneously in both the cache line and main memory. In this case, the processor will have to wait for the completion of a relatively long write to main memory for each write operation. The algorithm is quite simple to implement and easily ensures data integrity due to the constant coincidence of data copies in the cache and main memory. For it, there is no need to store signs of presence and modified™ - only tag information is quite sufficient (it is assumed that any line always reflects some block, and which one is indicated by the tag). But this simplicity comes at the cost of low recording efficiency. There are variants of this algorithm using lazy buffered writing, in which data is written to main memory through a FIFO buffer during free bus clock cycles.

WB algorithm allows you to reduce the number of writes on the main memory bus. If the memory block to be written to is also cache mapped, then the physical write will be made to that valid cache line first and it will be marked as dirty(dirty), or modified, that is, requiring unloading into main memory. Only after this unloading (writing to main memory) will the line become clean(clean), and it can be used to cache other blocks without losing data integrity. Data is rewritten into main memory only as a whole line (after all its sectors are filled in the case of a sectored cache) or immediately before it is replaced in the cache with new data. This algorithm is more difficult to implement, but significantly more efficient than WT. Motherboard support for write-back caching requires additional interface signal processing to ensure that modified rows are swapped out to main memory when this area is accessed by bus controllers such as graphics adapters, disk controllers, network adapters, etc.

Depending on the method of determining the mutual correspondence between a cache line and a region of main memory, three cache memory architectures are distinguished: direct map cache(direct-mapped cache), fully associative cache(fully associative cache) and their combination - partial or set-associative cache(set-associative cache).