What does it mean to clear cookies and cache. What are cookies and how to clear cookies in modern browsers. Opera and Mozilla Firefox browsers

First, you need to decide what cookies and cache are.

Cookies are small pieces of data that a server passes to a web client.

They are stored on the user’s device and are transmitted whenever a request is made to the server that sent them.

Such pieces of data are used to identify the user and store data about the requested page. For example, auto-filling of forms is organized based on cookies.

In the second level of the list there will be a line “Deleting data on viewed pages...”, which will open a settings tab with a data clearing form.

In this form, you must first select the period that you want to delete (from an hour to the entire time of use).

To clear only cookies and cache, you need to leave checkboxes only on the corresponding items.

Otherwise, your browsing history, passwords, and autofill data will also be deleted.

After completing the settings, all you have to do is click on “Clear history”, and after a few seconds, your browser will be cleared.

Clearing cookies and the cache in Opera starts with opening the menu on the left top corner browser window. In it you will need to select the “Settings” item.

In the tab that opens, the necessary actions are performed in the “Security” section. This is where the “Clear browsing history” button is located.

Clicking it will open a form with cleaning settings.

The first step is to select the period of time over which the deleted data has accumulated. For maximum efficiency It’s better to choose “from the very beginning.”

Then you need to take care of the correct placement of checkboxes. To delete only the cache and cookies, only the corresponding items should remain checked.

After this, you can start the process by clicking the “Clear browsing history” button. After a few seconds the process will be completed.

Mozilla FireFox

The principle of clearing cookies and cache in Mozilla FireFox differs little from the previous two browsers. However, there are still nuances.

So, first you have to open the browser menu located in the upper right corner of the window (as in Chrome it is a button with three horizontal stripes).

There will be a visible “Settings” icon that opens the corresponding window.

This window has a “Privacy” section, where the necessary settings are located.

Since the emergence of the Internet and browsers responsible for displaying information on websites, so-called “cookies” files have appeared, around which quite a lot of myths have formed. Naturally, it is advisable to delete cookies, but not every user knows how to do this. Now we will try to consider the issue of how to clear cookies in more detail.

What are cookies?

First, it's worth saying a few words about what cookies actually are and why they should be deleted. Contrary to popular belief that cookies are spyware, it should be noted that they are just text files, which stores information about a user’s visit to a particular Internet resource. They do not contain program code, which can cause harm in terms of computer hacking.

IN general outline This is a regular HTTP request sent by the Internet browser to the server of the site you are logging into. The most simple example can be considered, say, Mailbox. Surely, many have noticed that when re-entering after registration, you can either log in immediately or use the password to an already created account(unless you have set the password to be remembered). It’s the cookies that are responsible for all this. In other words, such files store information about the user, his credentials or the history of visiting pages on the World Wide Web. It is not surprising that when the browser submits such a request, the site instantly responds and logs in.

Data privacy

However, the matter is not limited to memorizing personal data forms. Everyone knows that not long ago a serious scandal erupted in the global computer community related to the use by almost all Internet browsers and search engines of user queries made on the Internet and the transfer of personal data to third parties.

So, for example, if a user has a mailbox registration on the Mail.Ru website, when performing a search in the Yandex system, the user’s login is visible directly on the website. In this case, it is proposed to create a mailbox here too. If you delete cookies, this situation can be eliminated. But every Internet user should know how to clear cookies in a browser, especially since such files can be used not only by browsers or search engines, but also by attackers trying to gain access to logins, passwords and registration data of a specific user.

The simplest example is registration on an online store website, where the user leaves his number bank card to pay for goods, pay directly on the website or with electronic wallet. It is clear that a hacker can obtain such information for personal gain.

Consequences of the use of cookies by search engines

Search engines in terms of use cookies built identically. Although it is stated that data about user preferences for search queries is not transferred to development companies, this is not true. To confirm, simply go to your email first, then close the browser window (the session will not end unless you click the logout button), then use any search engine, asking a request, and then log in to your mail again. You will see that on advertising or recommended sites of the same mail server the last one will appear search query. And this is only a small fraction of what can happen. Further, the user may even be stalked annoying advertising, if you don’t know how to clear cookies or how to disable advertising itself.

General principles for clearing browser cache and cookies

Concerning general principles deleting cookies, then almost all Internet browsers have special functions, which may differ only in the name of the commands or be located in different menus the browser itself.

The simplest example showing how to clear cookies can be built into all operating systems Windows family Internet browser Explorer. Just go to the menu “Tools/Security/Delete browser history...”. In the window that appears, check the boxes for those items whose files need to be deleted.

In addition to cookies, you must also select temporary Internet files, which represent the content downloaded from the Internet for each site that the user visited. This is the so-called cache, and simpler folder, which stores images from the site, text documents etc. It is only used to speed up the loading of the site when accessed again.

Now it’s worth dwelling on the question of how to clear cookies in other most common and popular Internet browsers.

Clearing cookies in Yandex

The Yandex browser is considered to be one of the most popular and fastest among Russian-speaking users.

How to clear cookies in Yandex? Yes, very simple. You must use the “Tools/Delete Browsing Data” menu. In the menu that appears, the option to clear history is now selected indicating the period. It is better to delete data for the entire period by checking the boxes for deleting cache and clearing cookies.

Clearing cookies in Opera

The question of how to clear cookies in Opera is just as easy to solve. Here, such functions are accessed through the “Delete personal data” menu items, after which the system displays a message stating that if the deletion process is confirmed, some forms will be deleted. You just need to tick the required fields and click the “Delete” button.

In case of deletion only certain files and data, you can use the " Manage cookies", and then select from the list only those resources that are to be deleted or cleaned.

Clearing cookies in Chrome

An equally popular browser that is gaining widespread use is Google Chrome. IN in this case the problem of how to clear cookies in Chrome is practically no different from a similar process in Yandex, since the latter is built exactly in the image and likeness of Google Chrome.

True, in the main menu you should use the command “Tools/Delete data on viewed pages”, and then, as in the case of Yandex, set the period from which the cleaning will begin.

Clearing cookies in Mazilla

In the Mazilla browser, things are a little different. The fact is that the problem of how to clear cookies in Mazil is complicated by the fact that getting to the cleaning menu itself is quite problematic, and not everyone knows how to do it.

In this case, you need to use the menu in the following sequence: “Menu/Tools/Settings/Privacy/Clear your recent history/Details". IN last tab select those elements that are to be deleted, and then click the “Delete now” button. The effect is basically the same, only the access path is slightly longer.

Universal programs for deleting cookies

If we talk about universal means, capable of automatically deleting cookies or the history of visiting pages on the Internet, then you should give preference here automatic programs, which are most often called tweakers. Each such application has a special one-click system optimization utility (1-Click Maintenance), which not only optimizes the operating system And background processes, but also simultaneously deletes cookies, browsing history, clears the cache of absolutely all browsers installed on the system, etc.

Among the most popular utilities of this type are CCleaner, Glary Utilities, Ashampoo WinOptimizer, Windows 7 Manager and many others. Typically, when using one-click optimization, cache and cookies are deleted automatically, although you can configure them to be cleared manually based on your needs.

Hello everyone, I just recently became puzzled by this thing: how to clear cookies in browser. I needed this because I couldn't get to one site. Not just one, but several. Well, I couldn’t log into my account; neither ctrl+f5, nor restarting the browser, nor anything else helped. I was about to use another browser until I noticed in small print at the bottom of the site the following inscription (I don’t remember verbatim) - “if you cannot log into your account, clear your cookies.”

Why I couldn’t log into my account on the site, I figured it out. All that remained was to figure out how to clear cookies in browser. To be honest, I somehow never bothered with this before. Having thoroughly studied cleaning methods, I decided to create a small tip on my blog, consisting of a series of articles that will help both me and my readers. Each browser has its own instructions on how to clear cookies. In addition, with each browser update, it may change. Plus, in order not to make a mess by pushing all the instructions into one article, I decided to separate it. Here are all the ways to clear cookies:

Let's start with something simple.

Cookies are certain data that contain some information about account settings on the site, visit statistics and any visitor preferences. That is, when you first visit any site, this same data is saved in the browser. On a subsequent visit, the browser sends the saved data to the server, which, for example, may contain a login and password. And there will be no need to enter them a second time. First of all, it is convenient and we all use it often.

In each browser, you can forcefully enable or disable cookies. This customization, so for any browser you are interested in, read the individual articles above. This need occurs when we log in to a website on someone else’s computer. We don’t want anyone after us to access the site using our account! This opportunity, by the way, does not always work, as now great amount sites require you to enable cookies and without them you will not be able to log in.

If that's how it is a good thing, so then why clear cookies?

  1. A situation arises in which you cannot log in to a certain site. Perhaps there was some kind of update or something else.
  2. When another user was using the computer and you don’t want the browser to remember someone else’s login and password.
  3. When your Personal Computer sent for repair or maintenance. Another person may need to use your computer. Then it's better clear cookies.
  4. If you do not want your site browsing history to be saved, you thereby want to maintain your privacy.
  5. And a lot important point, a large amount of stored data affects the operation of the browser itself. I will say more, it affects the operation of the computer, since cookies are stored on the hard drive. From time to time I advise you to clear your cookies, as over time, visiting large quantity sites simply disappear.

So, it seems like he said everything. There are a few words left about what is browser cache. To put it simply in simple words, this is a saved version of the site. This is done so that when you visit again, the site opens much faster. It happens that I made some changes appearance on the site, but still in the browser old version design. They say you need to “reset the cache” - the key combination is ctrl+f5. The cache will be reset, but the cookies will remain. To delete cookies, you need to follow other steps.

How to clear cookies and delete them V different browsers, read in separate articles, links to which are presented above. Good luck to all

Cookies are small files that are written to the computer disk by the browser. They help specify what exactly will be displayed on the web page and perform client identification. You should periodically clear your cookies to get rid of some browser problems and maintain anonymity when logging in. The cleaning process is approximately the same in different browsers, but there are some peculiarities. Let's look at how to delete cookies in browsers: IE, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera.

IE 7.0 for Windows 7. Execute the menu commands: “Tools – Internet Options”. Go to the “Browsing history” section, click “Delete”. In the new window, check the boxes: “Cookies”, “ Temporary files Internet." Click "Delete". For IE 8.0, the series of actions is slightly different: “Tools – Internet Options – Security – Delete browsing history.” Check the boxes for each category you want to remove. For Windows 8 OS in IE 11.0, the algorithm for deleting cookies is in the screenshot.

Anonymous login the site in IE provides InPrivate mode. It prevents the open site from writing cookies on the client's computer. Call InPrivate with the combination “Ctrl+Shift+P”. The anonymity mode applies only to an open website. After closing the window it works normal mode viewing.

Mozilla Firefox. Click on the browser icon and go to “Settings...”. On the "Privacy" tab there is a link to "delete individual cookies", follow it. In the next window, click “Delete all cookies”, then the “Close” button. In a more recent version of the browser, run the following actions: open the tab after address bar, click the “Settings” icon, then “Delete cookies and stored data.” Confirm the deletion by clicking "Ok".

Anonymous mode in Mozilla Firefox can be active permanently. There is no need to delete cookies, because... All sites will be prohibited from storing them. Follow these steps: “Tools – Settings – Privacy”. Go to the "Tracking" section, select "Don't want to be tracked." In the drop-down list of the “History” section, check “Will not remember history.”

Google Chrome. Click "Manage Settings" (indicated by three horizontal bars in the upper right corner). In the "Settings" section, open "Show advanced settings". Next, select the "Personal data" subsection, which contains the "Content settings..." tab, go to "All cookies and site data", then click "Delete all", and then - "Ready".

Google also has the ability to surf websites anonymously. Enter incognito mode using the key combination “Ctrl+Shift+N”. After visiting websites, cookies will not remain on your computer disk, but System Administrator and the provider will be able to track your actions if desired.

Opera. This is automatically set to “accept all cookies”. To clean, open the menu by clicking on the browser icon. In the “Settings” section, select “Delete personal data...”. The “Delete personal data” window will open. Check the “Delete all cookies” checkbox. Click the “Delete” - “Ok” button.

Private mode in Opera, it deletes information about visited pages immediately after they are closed. Create in the main menu private window. When a private window is closed, all data about it will be deleted without the possibility of recovery. If you want to prevent your activities from being tracked, please make the appropriate settings. From the Settings menu, open Security. Check the box next to “Send a Do Not Track header to sites” in the “Privacy” section.

Information about deleting cookies in other browsers you will get it if you contact their help system. Please note that if you clear your cookies, all information about web pages will be deleted: passwords, logins, all credentials, settings. Websites will no longer “recognize” you.


Clearing cookies | Webmaster's blog

Clearing cookies

The article is intended for beginners who don’t even know what a cookie is. I will show you how to clear cookies using the example of 4 browsers.

You often notice, when you log in to a site using your username and password, a small item called “remember password” or vice versa - “someone else’s computer”. So, in the first option, when you check this box, a small file is created on your computer with the login and password for this site, as well as other settings. It has a limited lifespan and is then deleted. In the second option (if you select it), no cookies are created and you must constantly enter your login and password when accessing the site. Cookies are very tasty cookies for attackers. Therefore, they need to be removed regularly. If you use a public computer, it is better not to create one at all. Those. Do not click on the “remember password” buttons and constantly check the “someone else’s computer” checkbox when authorizing. Cookies, like other temporary files, can be erased using special programs. CCleaner does a great job with this. But today we’ll talk about how to delete temporary files, including cookies, using the browser itself.

Delete cookies in Fifefox.

To delete cookies in the Fifefox browser, go to the Tools tab and select the “Erase recent history” menu item.

IN top point clear menu we can choose for what period of time we need to clear temporary files. Choices: hour, two hours, 4 hours, per day, all.

Below we can leave marked only those items that interest us. Personally, I clean everything regularly. Here you can choose to clear: log of visits and downloads, log of forms and searches, cookies, cache, active sessions, site settings.

After selecting the required items, click on the “Clear Now” button.

Delete cookies in Opera.

To delete cookies in the Opera browser, you need to select Menu - Settings - Delete personal data... After that, the following window will pop up. The process of deleting temporary files in Opera is not very different from the deletion described above in Fifefox. True, there is one peculiarity here. If you click on the “Manage cookies...” button, we will see the following window.

Here we can select which specific cookies we want to delete. At the same time, you can double-check whether there are cookies from a given site by entering its domain in the search field.

Delete cookies in Google Chrome.

To delete temporary files in the browser from Google, you need to click on the key icon to the right of the address bar - Tools - Clear browsing data...

The window somewhat resembles the one in Firefox browser. Only here the time scale is slightly different: delete for the past hour, day, week, 4 weeks, for all time. The items in the list to be deleted are named roughly the same as in other browsers. After making your selection, click on the “Clear browsing data” button.

Delete cookies in Internet Explorer.

To delete temporary files in the IE browser, you need to go to the security tab - delete browser history. Here I would highlight the ability to save data for selected websites.

Keyboard combinations for deleting temporary files.

I am not a supporter of key combinations and it’s easier for me to click the mouse several times, but still there are key combinations for deleting temporary files. They can be seen next to menu items in the browser. To call the window for deleting temporary files, all browsers use the same key combination: CTRL+SHIFT+DEL. That's all I wanted to write about deleting temporary files in different browsers.

Terrible news he died Steve Jobs, SEO Apple.


How to clear cookies in different browsers

Hello everyone, I recently became puzzled by such a thing as clearing cookies in the browser. I needed this because I couldn't get to one site. Not just one, but several. Well, I couldn’t log into my account; neither ctrl+f5, nor restarting the browser, nor anything else helped. I was about to use another browser until I noticed in small print at the bottom of the site the following inscription (I don’t remember verbatim) - “if you cannot log into your account, clear your cookies.”

Why I couldn’t log into my account on the site, I figured it out. All that remained was to figure out how to clear cookies in the browser. To be honest, I somehow never bothered with this before. Having thoroughly studied cleaning methods, I decided to create a small tip on my blog, consisting of a series of articles that will help both me and my readers. Each browser has its own instructions on how to clear cookies. In addition, with each browser update, it may change. Plus, in order not to make a mess by pushing all the instructions into one article, I decided to separate it. Here are all the ways to clear cookies:

Let's start with something simple.

Cookies are certain data that contain some information about account settings on the site, visit statistics and any visitor preferences. That is, when you first visit a site, this same data is saved in the browser. On a subsequent visit, the browser sends the saved data to the server, which, for example, may contain a login and password. And there will be no need to enter them a second time. First of all, it is convenient and we all use it often.

In each browser, you can forcefully enable or disable cookies. This is a custom setting, so for any browser you are interested in, read the individual articles above. This need arises when we log in to a website on someone else’s computer. We don’t want anyone after us to visit the site using our account! This option, by the way, does not always work, since now a huge number of sites require you to enable cookies and without them you will not be able to log in.

If this is such a good thing, then why clear cookies?

  1. A situation arises in which you cannot log in to a certain site. Perhaps there was some kind of update or something else.
  2. When another user was using the computer and you don’t want the browser to remember someone else’s login and password.
  3. When your personal computer is sent for repair or service. Another person may need to use your computer. Then it's better to clear your cookies.
  4. If you do not want your site browsing history to be saved, you thereby want to maintain your privacy.
  5. And an important point: a large amount of stored data affects the operation of the browser itself. I will say more, it affects the operation of the computer, since cookies are stored on the hard drive. From time to time, I advise you to clear your cookies, because over time, visiting a large number of sites simply disappears.

So, it seems like he said everything. There are a few words left about what the browser cache is. In simple terms, this is a saved version of the site. This is done so that when you visit again, the site opens much faster. It happens that you have made some changes to the appearance of the site, but the browser still displays the old version of the design. They say you need to “reset the cache” - the key combination is ctrl+f5. The cache will be reset, but the cookies will remain. To delete cookies, you need to follow other steps.

How to clear cookies and delete them in different browsers, read in separate articles, links to which are presented above. Good luck to all


How to clear cookies.

The Windows operating system occupies a leading position in the desktop systems market. It is a fact. We all know how well it works after installation - applications fly, pages in web browsers load instantly, and overall performance on high. However, after a month the speed of operation drops noticeably. This is a consequence of the accumulation of various garbage in the system - cookies, cache, temporary files, registry clutter, etc. All this garbage, of course, can be easily removed, extending the life of your OS. A fairly important position on the entire list is occupied by cookies, which accumulate in browsers after you have visited any Internet resource. Below I want to tell you how to clear cookies, giving short instructions. We will do this in the three most popular browsers– Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Opera, as well as using a special CCleaner utilities.


Let's start with my favorite browser, Firefox. It is quite balanced in terms of speed, customization capabilities and system resource consumption. Launch the browser if it is not already running. Next we move on to the settings:

Your path to settings may be slightly different, but the principle is the same:

Go to the “Privacy” tab:

Then, at the bottom, select the “Delete your recent history or individual cookies” field. The first point is if we want to delete all cookies at once, the second - if only individual ones:

I want to delete all cookies at once, so I chose the first option:

Here, we leave a checkmark just opposite the “Cookies” field, or we leave everything as it is if we want to clear the cache and password history.

Google Chrome

Launch the browser and also click on the settings icon:

Go to the “History” tab - “Clear history”:

Just as in the previous example, leave only the checkbox next to “Cookies and other site and plugin data” and click “Clear history”.


Opera browser. We will follow the same principle with our third experimental subject.

IN running browser go to the settings:

Leave the checkboxes next to the sections we need and delete the cookies.

By the way, I forgot to add that you can quickly go to clearing your browser history by pressing the combination CTRL keys+ SHIFT + DELETE. In all three browsers, a window will immediately open to clear the history, so if you prefer to press this combination, use it.


Well, now let's try to do the same thing, but with the help special utility Ccleaner. You can download it from the official website without any problems. After installation, launch the application:

Here we see 4 sections - Cleaning, Registry, Tools and Settings. We need the first one - Cleaning. First you need to analyze all the garbage stored in the system, so click on the “Analysis” button on the right:

The program analyzes all browsers and applications that can store caches, cookies and any temporary, unnecessary data. After the analysis, feel free to click the adjacent “Cleaning” button:

A few seconds from unnecessary garbage and there will be no trace of cookies left. Like this one quick way clean the entire system in one fell swoop. You can also clean the registry using the utility. You can also clear only some parameters, and not all at once, which is quite convenient.

Here are a few more useful skills you added to your piggy bank, although whether they were useful is up to you to decide. In any case, by performing these procedures at least once a week, you will extend the life of both your operating system and the computer itself. And you will simply enjoy faster and stable work for your working tool.


Clear cookies on your Windows 10 computer

Hello! We continue to dismantle the operating room Windows system 10 ! Today you will learn how to clear cookies on Windows computer 10. You will also be able to delete temporary files, history, cookies, saved passwords and web form data. Cookies are information about the websites you visit that are stored on your computer. To clear cookies, open the Start menu at the bottom left of the screen. In the window that opens, in the list of all applications, at the bottom of the list, open the “Windows System” tab. Next, in the list that opens, click on the “Control Panel” tab.

Next, the “Internet Properties” window will open. At the bottom of the window, in the “Browser History” section, you can delete temporary files, history, cookies, saved passwords and web form data. To delete files, click on the button - Delete. You can automatically delete files when you shut down your computer.

Temporary Internet files.

You can check for new versions of saved pages

  • Each time you visit a web page.
  • Every time you start Internet Explorer.
  • Automatically
  • Never.

You can specify how many days Internet Explorer should keep a list of websites you've visited.

Cache and databases.

You can allow or disable the website's cache and databases.

Still have questions? Write a comment! Good luck!

Clear cookies on your Windows 10 computer updated: March 4, 2017 by Ilya Zhuravlev